Aubrie Fox reporting in - 5 December 2023

Started by Ian Galloway, December 05, 2023, 10:37:36 AM

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Ian Galloway

Hey! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Please copy the application below and fill it out in a reply to this post to get things started.

Character Details

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character DOB:
Character Image:
Character Species:
Character Family:
Character Bio:

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference:
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

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How did you find Shadow Fleet?

Aubrie Fox


Character Name:Aubrie Fox
Character Age:21
Character DOB: December 21st, 2380
Character Image:
Character Species:Trill/human
Character Family:
Father:Bryan Fox-Human
Mother:Jen Fox-Trill
Brothers:Jake Fox(1), Alan Fox(6)
Sisters:Alexis Fox(7), Elizabeth Fox(16)
Other:Grandma/Grandpa Fox, Uncle Ian,

Character Bio:
Personal History:
Aubrie was born on Trill and had not known much about the Trill race or its culture. Not too long after Aubrie was born Her Father got a Job Teaching at a Top Notch College so The Family moved to Earth. Jen, Aubrie's mother knew at some point She would have to teach her Daughter about Her Trill Culture, But after some deep thoughts between both sides of the family, Jen and Bryan decided to let Aubrie choose which side she would learn from.From a early age Jen had noticed Aubrie didn't have the traditional Trill spots, which cause Jen to take her to the Doctor. But she had some Trill features, But none of them Visible, And what made Jen happy was her daughter could even host a Trill symbiote, Out of all of her Kids, Only 2 could host one. Besides Aubrie, Aubries 2nd Sister Elizabeth had the Trill spots and could Host a  symbiote just like her older sister, The Two sisters were closer than they were to the other siblings, While Aubrie was away at the Academy she always called Elizabeth to check in, and how school was. When Aubrie was 1, her Uncle Ian told her, "œIf you put your mind to something, it will be done". At age 2, when she could walk she was non-stop moving, Her parents even called her speed demon.By the time she hit middle school, she was learning about the Trill Culture and its people, and she loved both sides of her Heritage. For her Early education she did extremely well, by 5th Grade she was already one of the prettiest girls of them all. During her Middle school years she did Track. For those 3 years every meet she had her team won first, Due to her efforts, Plus the school won 8 Titles, and 4 National Titles with the help of Aubrie. During her time at the Middle school her grades were already A+, leaving middle school with a GPA of 3.0. When she entered High School, She did softball and track, once again, Her team won every game but one due to her falling in the middle of the field trying to catch the winning catch. Her Softball team had competed in State Finals, Never done by that school. When track season came, she switched gears from Catching Balls to Running Fast. During her First High School track season, Her team once again won every meet due to Aubries hard work. By the Time she hit 10th Grade, She was one of the Top and Prettiest girls in the School. Everybody wanted to date her, But she kept herself away from the boys, Even though her beauty jaw dropped every boy in the school. She did go to some of the Dances but always went with one of her friends. Once again her 10th Grade year ended with 5 State Titles, and 2 National Titles, Which continued all the way up to her Graduation year, By the Time she graduated her GPA was a 3.2. When she left High School at 17, she joined StarFleet. At First she didn't know which branch to choose: Marine, SEC/TAC, Medical, Engineering, Science, Or go down a Command pathway. But soon she chose SEC/TAC, She knew her Brains and her Athletic Body would be useful. Once more she was at the top of her class in everything she did, She even won two of the hardest StarFleet Academy Marathons. All of the Instructors knew she had a very bright future ahead of her, He GPA there was again 3.2, She graduated from the Academy with Honors, She had also Trained and Got the best score yet, on Marine Sniper Training, Marine Marksman Training, Marine Basic Training, Heavy Weapon Training, Hand to Hand Combat Training. One of her instructors even said she should get the Most Beautiful Woman on campus, and that came from a Female Marine Instructor. Now She has Graduated from the Academy ready to Serve StarFleet, she might look small, But looks can be deceiving.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:Shadow Fleet(Lt. JG Dersch) USS Halo, CO/ Marine and Tons of others
Department Preference: Sec/Tac
Secondary Department Preference: None
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:
Aubrie couldn't believe, It, after doing 4 years at the Academy she had finally made it! Well, I did have my fair share of Bad times she thought as she walked down the street to the Bar. Before she could even walk in. Someone grabbed her from behind.  Bad Choice She grabbed the one arm that had grabbed her, Threw her right foot behind the right leg, and threw her left arm at the Offenders neck, knocking him to the ground. The Offender looked on it shock. "Well, You look shocked" The Guy then got up and took off. Aubrie wanted to go after him, But she wanted to have a good time. so she said screw it and walked into the bar.

As She walked in she was bombarded by other cadets. "Whoa Everyone hold your horses people" they then all said they had seen what had happened. "If you saw what happened then why didn't you come and help? A small male Sec/Tac officer spoke. "I..Um, I don't know" Aubrie sighed and went to the bar by herself.

Additional information:
Will be transferred to the USS Discovery Once new sim opens and JB heads to Star base
How did you find Shadow Fleet?

Rayek trLhoell

Your character comes across as a Mary Sue, being perfect at everything.  Before I accept the character, I want you to list 3 significant weaknesses that the character has.   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Aubrie Fox

1. Impatience
2.  self-criticism ( is the worse
3. Perfectionism

Rayek trLhoell


Those are faults not weaknesses.
What is she not good at?

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Aubrie Fox


Keeping Her Month Shut(Like Vila-Tells you how it is
likes to take risks

Rayek trLhoell

The character is accepted on a trial basis.  If the Mary Sue-ness becomes an issue causing problems OOC, the character may have to be edited.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Aubrie Fox

I will just delete this account and create a Medical Officer, I don't like to cause problems

Rayek trLhoell

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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