Campbell, Rowena "Rena" Lt. (NPC for Lorut Vila)

Started by Lorut Vila, October 12, 2023, 01:18:10 PM

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Lorut Vila

Character Details

Character Name: Lt. Rowena "Rena" Amy Campbell
Character Age: 33
Character DOB: 17 March 2368, USS Intrepid
Character Image:
Character Species: Betazoid/Human hybrid
Gender: Female
Character Family: Ron and Jori (Soid) Campbell-Parents.
Ron Jr. (35), Talon (31) Cambell-Brothers
Rebecca Campbell (SIL, married to Ron) & Rianih Voirax-Campbell, (SIL, married Kelon).                          Unnamed niece and nephews

Character Bio:
Rena is quiet, and studious. She isn't flashy, and HATES being "noticed" in public places, but she's not exactly a wallflower-just interested in lying low and doing her work with her head down.
As a counselor, she prefers traditional talk therapy, and keeps her office warm and inviting for this reason. She's been called "caring" and "understanding" by former patients, and, in leadership roles, she was called "inspiring", "jovial",  and "smart." She takes pains to get to know her colleagues, remembering small things about them to forge trust, which she needs to do her job. She has a low tolerance for nonsense, as well.
Strengths and Weaknesses
-Prone to self-doubt
-Can be stubborn
-Can be very blunt

-To have a family
-Achieve rank of LCdr before she retires

-listening to music
-Watching movies/tv

Full History
Rena's parents were both in the Starfleet. Her father, Ron (human0 was an enlisted member- a combat engineer and her mother, Judy, was a nurse and is Betazoid. She grew up on various ships and bases, starting with her birth on the USS Poseidon. She lived there for four years, before her father was transferred to Starbase 2. She lived there for three years, before her mother was transferred to the USS Mercy. They were there for a few years before the Dominion War broke out, and her father left to fight. The children remained on the Mercy with their mother. Her father was KIA, but Rena does not know the details.

She was only thirteen when they returned to Earth with her father's family, where she attended school. Her mother got a job teaching as a civilian at the Starfleet Academy, and they lived thusly for five years, until Rena graduated high school. She immediately went into the Starfleet Academy, because she believed her father would've wanted her to. There, she studied psychology. Her mother remarried, a retired Starfleet JAG officer by the name of Enzo Childers. Her two brothers are also Starfleet-her older brother, Ron, is the Chief Engineer on the USS Columbia, and her younger brother, Talon, is an enlisted Security officer on the USS Alliance.

At the Academy, she was an excellent student, fast moving up the ranks, and participating in sports and clubs. She was well-liked, and dated a few men, but no one special. She graduated with honors, and was quickly absorbed by some of the best ships in the Fleet.

Due to her mixed blood, her telepathic powers are strong, and she can tap into them at any time. She inherited her father's looks but her brothers are lighter skinned, like their mother, and taller, and slimmer. She had a bonded partner, but he was killed in a flight training exercise in his first year in the Fleet and she hasn't met anyone since. Her irises are totally black but she doesn't share many other Betazed traits, having favored her Human side more, outwardly. She retains the Betazoid sensitiveness, however.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: ~15 years
Department Preference: Counseling
Secondary Department Preference:Diplomatic
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:Commissioned

Sample post:Chief Counselor's Log
Triton Seabase

Rena sat in her office, the hologram machine on. It was HER turn to be a patient-the Betazoid woman had learned years ago that keeping her own mental health steady was the only way she'd be able to help other people.

She sipped at the green tea with honey in her hands, and then smiled when the face appeared. It was her old mentor from the Academy, Dr. Arthur Zahvoral. He'd taught her Jungian theory class, and they bonded over being Betazoid.

"Dr. Zhavoral. How are you today?" She asked, setting her drink aside.

A cheerful smile greeted her.

Rowena! I am well, thank you,," he said. You said you had something important to discuss? I am all ears.

Rena stopped herself from making a face-there were only two people that she'd ever allow call her by her full name-Dr. Z and her mother. Everyone else called her Rena...or else. She smiled, and nodded.

"I've started seeing someone. It's...casual for now. I think. So far. But um...she's a woman." Rena wasn't ashamed by this-simply surprised. She'd only dated men, though she'd never been against or judgmental of others' choices-they were just the only people who'd asked her.

A brief silence followed, and Rena tried to read the man's emotions. She couldn't-he knew she would so he'd made his mind blank. BLAST IT!! She picked back up her tea, and sipped it. Suddenly, he spoke, and she startled a little. A chuckled followed.

"Rowena...calm down, dear girl," he said. "If it is otherwise a healthy, fulfilling relationship, you need to ignore what you think other people might think. Gender is a social construct-labels we put on things to make it easier for the humanoid brain to understand. Even we Betazoids-and half Betazoids-aren't as advanced as some. We still need these things to help us make sense of our reality."

She sighed, and nodded. She KNEW this. Still.

Arthur beat her to the punch as she opened her mouth to reply.

"I know, I've been told your whole life that XY is the correct, right thing. BUT...let's explore what would happen if, for once, you didn't listen to the right thing." He paused. "Close your eyes. I'll walk you through a few exercises." He gave her a minute to adjust herself, and settle in, closing her black eyes. " Start your box breathing techniques...ok. Now, imagine the worst thing you could do that goes against your training and conditioning. What would that be? Breaking a rule, right?! Let's pick an easy one today. Say you showed up for work in a dress and not your uniform. Describe what you'd expect to happen."

Her face crumpled. Easy?! That wasn't "easy!" Still, she breathed in and out for a four-count, and then spoke.

"I would wear a light sundress, most likely. You know me, I am not formal at all." She said. "I would expect that I would be in trouble. Called into the XO's office-ours is Romulan-and told that I was out of uniform, that it was going in my permanent file, and that if I didn't change, I would be in MORE trouble." She sighed deeply. The soothing voice came through her machine.

"Yes, good. And why do you think that? Romulans are logical people. I am certain that if your XO heard a good reason, he'd understand. From what you've said of your CO, he seems to overlook a LOT."

Rena sighed, but nodded. That was true. How Col. S'kev did it without killing Max was anyone's guess. "I suppose you're right. If he can handle the Captain's fecklessness, I suppose that me turning up in civilian clothes because it's more welcoming than a uniform would be...more easy to accept." She was measured in her words-more or less trying to convince HERSELF. "I think he'd understand," she said, nodding.

Arthur smiled, and then spoke, the approval in his voice. "Very good. Open your eyes now. She did so. "Now, let's apply that same logic to your new lady friend. What would happen if you told someone-say, your mother-that you were seeing a woman?" Her mother couldn't possibly be as scary as a Romulan!

Rena sighed. "I would imagine she'd actually be happy for me; I know that's all she wants for her children. To be happy and well."

Arthur nodded again. "I have three children of my own, and I can assure you that that is what most parents want. We don't much care about the details, as long as you're a decent person, living your life safely, happily, and doing your best."

Rena smiled lightly. "I feel good when I am with her. S'Tera is her name; Caitian. It's healthy, I am safe, and appreciated. It's still early, like I said..." She trailed off. She knew these were just words, excuses really, to justify not telling anyone. After a moment, and a few more sips of the tea, she sighed again, but nodded. "I suppose you're right. What is the harm?"

Arthur smiled big. "No harm in trying, right? The worst that will happen is that you'll get a LOOK. The best that will happen is that your mother will share in your happiness. From what you've told me, she isn't a judgmental person, though I know that family ties operate differently from strangers," he said. "Would you like me to stay with you when you make the call?"

Rena shook her head. "No, it's something I need to do by myself, but thank you. Thank you for carving out some time to see me off schedule, as well. I appreciate it."

The holo-man smiled and nodded once. "Anything for you, Rowena," he said. "I'll speak to you again on Wednesday for our full session." At that, he disappeared. She smiled, but turned off the holo-player. She sat in silence for a minute before picking up her PADD to send her mother a subspace relay.

Dear Mother,
When we speak again, I want to tell you about my girlfriend. I hope you will be able to speak to me about it soon. I'd like to see you if we get shore leave shortly-which I am hoping for but not expecting. I've spoken to Ronny; he's well. He knows. You can speak to him, as well.

I love you.

She hit send, and then stood up. She had some work to do, the least of which was paperwork. ALWAYS paperwork.

Additional information: None

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