DarkForestFey - Reporting in 10/8/2023

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, October 08, 2023, 06:51:31 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Hey DarkForestFey! Welcome to the site. Please copy and fill out the following application in your reply to get the ball rolling.

Character Details

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character DOB:
Character Image:
Character Species:
Character Family:
Character Bio:

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference:
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?



Character Details

Character Name: Erowakun Vi
Character Age: 25
Character DOB: 2376 (I can't get my head around how to reckon a stardate)
Character Image: (I'm having trouble attaching it. I see the button for [img] code, but I can't see how to past the image in. Can you help?)
Character Species: Betazoid
Gender: male
Character Family: Twentieth House of Betazed (House of the Traveler)
Character Bio: Erowakun Vi is the second of two children to Veiel Meizner-Polgonz, an Advocate's clerk, and Galaqenes Vi, a priestess of the Chalice. His sister followed their mother into the priesthood, with a view toward entering politics. His father always hoped Erowakun would emulate her and go into law. But for him, it was always the stars that spoke to him.
In school, his aptitude was clear, even at a young age. But he simply wasn't career-minded. He spent far too many late nights quaffing Risian white wine in the student salons, and debating the nature of consciousness to be bothered with career development. He regarded that as an exercise in box-ticking.
However, by chance, in his final year at school, a visiting professor from Star Fleet impressed upon him both the beauty of quantum mechanics and the adventure and discovery made possible by a life in Star Fleet. He cleaned himself up - maybe not to the level of the usual cadet, but enough to get through the academy.
There are times when he feels drawn to his old habits, but he has to remind himself that to really peer into the infinite, he has to keep himself on the rails.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Extensive d20 experience ~15 years, as both GM and player. Other systems include Numenera, Star Wars (Fantasy Flight), Call of Cthulhu, X-Men, Ironsworn, BrindleWood Bay, etc. Though I have done some play-by-post, I haven't played a game quite like this before, which seems to be entirely narrative-driven.
Department Preference: Science
Secondary Department Preference: Medical
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post: "œEnsign Vi, reporting for duty," he said, presenting himself to the lieutenant on duty, a human woman, in the lab.
He sensed her surprise and curiosity even before she cocked her head and said, "œWe don't get many betazoids down here. I would have thought you'd be more at home in counseling or xenopsychology."
Vi resented that humans always assumed he'd be interested in the soft sciences, given his empathic abilities. He hated being pigeon-holed, and anyway, it was the vastness of the quantum flux that spoke to him. The inner lives of mortals, though sacred in their own way, were less than a blip on the screen when compared to the majesty of the deeper physics. Still, he knew she didn't mean any harm.
"œI don't mind being the odd man out," he smiled.
"œOf course," she replied, noticing her faux pas. "œLet me give you the tour."
She turned and gestured for him to fall in beside her as she made her way past the terminals.
She scrutinized his facial hair. It was always just about out of regulation - more than a five o'clock shadow, but not quite a beard either. He never really thought of it until others noticed it and brought it to mind. How a commanding officer reacted to it said a lot about their style. The lieutenant noted it but chose not to say anything.
Observant, then. Cautious. She had respect for the spirit of the regs without being dogmatic about their letter. Vi thought they might get on well.

Additional information: NA

How did you find Shadow Fleet? There was an advertisement on Reddit

Rayek trLhoell


Your application looks good.  As I know canon doesn't really go into all the various Houses of Betazed, could you please indicate your source of information, for continuity sake?

As for the image... you need to link to a website image (not a download from your computer). IE.  [img]http://site address here dot jpg or png[/img ].. you can usually copy past the address by right clicking on an website image and selecting 'Copy Image Link'  and pasting that in between the html code.

An instructor will begin you on your Academy training shortly.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Kyan Mackenzie

It's already up. Sorry, I forgot to post that here.

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