Maximus Henshaw - Reporting in 5 July 2022

Started by Ian Galloway, July 05, 2022, 07:41:05 PM

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Ian Galloway

Welcome Henshaw,

Here is the application template:

Character Details

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character DOB:
Character Image:
Character Species:
Character Family:
Character Bio:

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference:
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?
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Character Details

Character Name: Maximus Henshaw
Character Age: 26
Character DOB: March 4th, 2374
Character Image:
Character Species: Human
Gender: Male
Character Family: Alexis and Braxton Henshaw, Parents
Character Bio:
Max was born in 2374 to Alexis and Braxton Henshaw, owners of the Aunt Ida's country kitchen. The Henshaws come from a long line of chefs, back to 1899 (or so legend says). Ida Henshaw, Max's apparent ancestor, was a widow who had become a popular cook during those years. At least someone from every generation had continued the long standing tradition. At present, Max's parents were fitting the bill.
During adolescence, Max didn't perform well in school. It was not due to a lack of interest, but he found it difficult to concentrate. His mind wandered to many different ideas, most of which were foreign to him. He was, after all, a very curious individual. He'd shown interest in martial arts at an early age, so his parents enrolled him in a karate school, partially to expand on his interest, but mostly in the hopes that it would help him learn self-discipline. He enjoyed his time learning karate and eventually also trained in the art of jiu jitsu, a much different form. The skills he learned helped him regain his focus in school and he started to achieve more on a positive note.

As a teen, Max began to show interest in horseback riding. It later was determined that it had been to impress a girl, the charmer that he was, but he found that he enjoyed riding. He spent quite a bit of time riding, though never treated it as anything other than a hobby. On one ride, however, he was thrown from an unruly (and young) horse and was thrust into an old, rotting tree. The tree itself was really more of a stump, however some branches still found themselves attached. He was impaled and cut by a few of the branches, leaving him with a blood gushing gash and a punctured lung. While it was fortunate that he'd had someone with him, he did not make it to medical facilities in enough time to save the lung, and he was given an artificial implant. Before they performed the final surgery, Max decided he wanted to keep the scar. To him it added character and reminded him of the value of life.

As he reached the end of his teenage years and reached the final phase before adulthood, Max was presented with a dilemma. He really had no interesting in continuing the family business, especially since his his cousins were interested in doing it. The dilemma was, what to do next. One night while walking along the riverside during a holiday in San Francisco, Max came across an old Vulcan in a Starfleet uniform. After a short conversation, the Vulcan asked him where he felt his destiny was taking him. Of course, Max replied with an "œaway from here" statement. The odd Vulcan said no more and walked away. Max shook the odd encounter off as nothing, but the following morning, he received a communique encouraging him to enlist in Starfleet. He'd never considered it as an option, but, with the support of his family, he enlisted and later entered and graduated Starfleet Academy.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Roughly ten years of experience in the prose style. I've played every department, up to and including command. My longest running tenure was eight years. Started as an ensign and worked my way up to Command.
Department Preference: Security/Tactical
Secondary Department Preference: Flight Control
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:
Sleep had not come tonight for Max. It had been a long week, to say the least, but even as fatigued as he was, Max found himself restless. His new assignment had given him a little more pep in his step and that was likely a lot of the reason as to why he couldn't shut his eyes. He decided he'd try out the gym and see if he could make himself physically tired, but as soon as he rotated to the edge of the bed and sat up, he heard the familiar buzz of the red alert klaxon. Whatever the emergency, as the Assistant Chief of Security, his primary tasks, when off duty, were to secure the security office on Section A1, then the office on the Promenade. He'd then make his way to ops to report to the Chief for orders. Fortunately, it wasn't too hard on the mind and it was a welcome diversion, since sleep was not bothering to come anyway.

A professional in the art of quick dressing, Max left his quarters and made his way to section A1. It was quite a hike from his quarters, but he had studied the layout to the station as best he could, finding the best ways to get to hot spots quickly. Fortunately, when he arrived at the turbolifts, they were functioning and there was one already available. Max walked on and announced his destination. The lift ascended. Only minutes later, Max arrived at the main security office. The staff had already begun lockdown and readiness procedures, as expected. He took the reports, assisted with the final preparations, then left for the promenade, which was another much shorter hike. Upon his arrival, he accepted the report of the officer on duty, who had already completed readiness procedures. With the reports, he then made his way to ops for the final report.

Upon his arrival, Max approached the chief and hand the report in. The Commander smiled and nodded in another direction. After looking up, he appeared to be nodding at the CO of the station. The admiral smiled and said, "œWell done. The security staff is on point. Carry on." Max wasn't much for praise, but that was that. Of course it was a drill. Can't have too much fun "¦..

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? I found you guys through an RPG email list.
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Ian Galloway

Excellent application. The Sec/Tac Academy Instructor will contact you shortly for your Academy Training Course.


Nira Said

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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