Dem Broadshire - Reporting in 28 June 2022

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, June 28, 2022, 03:15:57 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Hey Dem! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Below you will find the application template for creating your character. Please create your application in this thread and we will get you started!

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

[u]Previous Role-Playing Experience[/u]:
[u]Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Secondary Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian[/u]:

[u]Sample post[/u]:

[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]

Dem Broadshire

Character Details

Character Name:Dem Broadshire
Character Age: 18
Character DOB:2378
Character Image:">" type="image">
Character Species:Bajoran
Character Family: Mother: A Bajoran who loves space, but due to her beliefs, she does not want to leave the planet. She wants me to be her eyes when I travel space. Father: A well decorated veteran from the infamous ship, USS Voyager. While he treasures his memorys on board the ship, he detests my decision to join Starfleet, just in case I follow the same fate. No siblings, but Dem considers D'mihlak Ngid a brother..
Character Bio:
Because he was an only child, he liked to pretend he was a captain of a starship, the USS. Novelty (he did not know what the name meant, but he thought it sounded cool) after almost 18 years of studying and pretending to be in Starfleet, Dem was eligible to join.
He loves to read, and do holophotoghraphy, so when he travels, he takes many pictures, and loves to share them with his mother.
For most of his childhood, Dem also made a continuing holo novel, The voyages, where he pretends to be on the star ship voyager, with his father. This was kept secret from his father, knowing he would resent it. When he was 16, his father found it and he was not allowed to work on it anymore.
He was also an introvert, not strong or fit, all he wanted to do was medical sciences. After realising the rigorous application process to Starfleet, he tried to get stronger, but he is tentative if he will pass the physical components. He was also very shielded, as the place he lived, Risa, had little problems, and was for the most part, very peaceful. This changed when he had to go to Kronos, and he was shocked at the Hypocrisy, disease and famine present.
For most of his life he had no friends, but when he was twelve, he found a Klingon, D'mihlak Ngid, they were inseparable, and thy treated each other like brothers.
Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: I have played many games of D&D as well as similar, being the DM for one of them. I have participated in numerous RPG's on the Jedi Council Forums. I have also created my own one player game mechanics, and I like to write down what happens in the solo games. I have come here to learn more!
Department Preference: Medical
Secondary Department Preference:Science
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:
I launched up with a start. The world around me was a blur, with bulkheads strewn all around, and the smell of burning EPS conduits clouding my judgment as a tried to orient myself. I stay in this place eight hours a day, but from the destruction of the last few hours, I can't tell where anything is. Suddenly, as more awareness came to my body, I felt a sharp pins of pain on my cheek. I turned my head just in time to see the sparks raining down on the tattered floor. Slowly but surely, I stood up, every bone in my body resisting. A shrill cry of help from what was the medical commander's office ran through my ears, as quickly as I awoke, I started to walk, no, hobble to the office. Every step drained my energy, and I suspect I had a compound fracture on my arm, as yet another jolt of pain shot through me as I pivoted to the door. This area was nice when not in crisis, the crisp teal and white sickbay was a welcome home from the sick and injured on this vessel. The office in front of me usually had a brown oak table, which didn't fit in to the rest of the ship. That was just the way that Chief Medical officer Feron Liked it. She loved the natural and displayed it well when she gave our patients herbal medicines to ease the pain of their engineering accident. I think that's a load of ghilab, as my Klingon friend would put it. Nothing beats a good hypospray. That beautiful, yet annoying table, now shards on the floor, as I saw her pinned against the wall, the t :Pable blocking her legs. Suddenly there was a massive crack, like thunder, and the red lights that had been guiding me flicked out.

I heard a familiar, but unwanted sound: "œwe are the Borg. You will be assimilated."

Additional information:I am a proficient 3d artist, and would love to do graphics for anything related to the forums! (for free of course)

How did you find Shadow Fleet?I searched up Star Trek RPG forums, and this was the second forum listed.

Ian Galloway

Excellent application. Do you have a preference for which SIMM you'd like to join as both Discovery and Challenger have open Medical departments?

You will have to complete the Academy Training Course before you can join the current missions. Your instructor will contact you soon.

Dem Broadshire

I would prefer the USS Discovery, thank you!

Ian Galloway

Danjar-Torra Addams

Welcome to Shadowfleet, Dem.

I will start off your Medical Academy Training Course (ATC).  Because I will be taking a Leave of Absence as of Friday until next Monday... Ian Galloway has agreed to continue the ATC in my absence if necessary.

You can find the ATC here.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

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