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Jack Lex - Reporting In - 10/30/18

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, October 30, 2018, 12:50:17 PM

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Malcolm Adeyemi

Hey Jack,

Please post your application here.


Fells Halgerdur


Character Details

Character Name:Fells Halgerdur
Character Age: 32
Character DOB:2362
Character Image:
Character Species:human
Character Family: father (Bergvin), mother (Harmony), brother (Ellis)
Character Bio: Fells is an adventurer, that's why he joined the Fleet. He can talk his way into and out of a lot of situations, likes women (and possibly men or other species), a drink or two. The guy is rough around the edges and will not hesitate to do what it necessary. He's the kind of guy you want at your side during a fight but not necessrily as your best friend due to his lack of empathy. To be honest, he's not Starfleet material because he hates following orders. Unfortunately a 'normal' life appeals even less, so he does what he has to in hopes to bend the rules as far as they will be bent. Technically skilled, good with weapons, knows 3 human and one extraterrestial language. Very bad with numbers and impulsive.
Fells started out as weapons officer but didn't last. He had a temper that was hard to control at times and landed him in trouble more than once. So he was degraded and had to help with maintenance. It took him three years to be allowed to become a liason officer. The only reason he was accepted  was an off the record relationship with the commander in charge. Nobody could proof it but Fells had actually slept his way into the position he wanted.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: 12 years on various sites (Hunger Games, Fast and the Furious, Sons of Anarchy (site owner for 5 years), Storium)
Department Preference:Security/Tactical
Secondary Department Preference:Science
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:Civilian...later to be enlisted

Sample post:
The sounds of the jungle filled his ears before he even opened his eyes. It was about half an hour before the rise of the first sun. Birds seemed to have some sort of internal clock, which told them when to get up. They also served as a great alarm clock, which was a gadget nobody had left with him. Not that he would have had any use for it. Who needs an alarm clock on a hell hole like this with no other human around? It wasn't like he would be getting up to go to work like he had done for so many years.

Back on the Reunion he took pride in always being on time. His position had demanded it. As head of liason officer he was responsible for greeting guests but also talks and negotiations with other races. For years he had made good decisions, sometimes earned some bonuses on the side but always acted in the interest of his ship. Until that one day. One fateful day that had lead to a catastrophy, which costs two of his crew mates their lifes.

The man opened his pale blue eyes to slip out of that memory. They were the only thing that still looked human about him. His face was covered in reddish brown dirt and a thick beard to protect him from the harsh rays of the suns. His blonde hair hung in thick strands around his face, as strong contrast to the dried mud.

It took him a moment to fully wake up but he soon crawled out of the hollow bottom of a magnificent old tree, which had become his home over a year ago.
In his hand he held the only weapon they had thrown at his feet when they expelled him: A bread knife. Ordinary but still functional. Around the lanky body he carried a bow he had made from a large bush near his tree and some climbing vine.
It was all he had. That and 20 minutes until sunrise. In those twenty minutes he would make his way through the thick, green leaves to the edge of a canyon where he had seen a herd of strange creatures the night before. They had settled in down below and were now easier to pick off. The man needed the first rays of light to be able to see them. As soon as it was higher in the sky the herd would travel on.

With bated breath he was waiting, flat on his belly, until he saw the shimmering on the horizon. His eyes squinted at the darkness below. Another second, a deep breath, string drawn back. Release. The creature didn't even see it coming but it would secure his survival for the next two weeks. The crew thought he was long dead, left him there on this forsaken place as punishment. That or five years of detention. But you don't detain a guy like him. Fells would rather die in freedom than rot in a cell.

Additional information: My idea (hopefully you will accept it and try to make it work) is that my man had a choice of punishment for a very bad decision that led to the death of two other crew members. They believed that he maniplated the interaction with a hostile foreign species in order to gain profit. So he could either be brought back and serve five years in prison or be left on the planet of that species to possibly die.
He chose the latter and managed to survive.

About 18 months later the crew of another ship picks up the signature of life on that planet and lands.
To their surprise they stumble upon a human who is stranded there and offer to take him 'home'.
They don't know who he is or whether he is even fully human.
Fells accepts their offer but he cannot go home. Instead he wants to become part of their crew if they'll have this unknown human.

How did you find Shadow Fleet?Google



A colorful application.

I think as long as you are ok with saying your history happened in the past, it could possibly work.  Meaning, the ship you are asssigned to might not have been the exact ship to pick you up, but a star fleet ship.

This will allow the characters you play with to experience the news the first time you tell them - instead of acting like it is part of their history too.


If so, we can put you in the Sec/Tac department on the Challenger.

Do you accept the assignement?

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Fells Halgerdur



Please report into (PM) Dylan Torngate and Solluk for duty.

And welcome aboard,


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

🡱 🡳

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