James Kirchner- reporting in 12/14/23

Started by Kinley Garrison, December 14, 2023, 09:03:38 AM

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Kinley Garrison

Hello there, and welcome!
Please post your information here and we shall have someone take a look into it!

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How did you find Shadow Fleet?

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

James Kirchner

Character Details

Character Name:James Kirchner
Character Age:24
Character DOB:03/04/2377
Character Image:

Character Species:Human
Character Family: Kate Kirchner(Wife-22)
Character Bio:
Quick Overview

James Early life didn't start out good like most kids do. He was born into a Decent Middle Class family, Started out good in School, He was an only child, And He was also really close to his great grandpa since day 1 of his life. During his 4th grade year his Grandpa passed away,  And that's when it all started, He started failing most of his school work, He got into tons of fights. After getting into his 23rd fight, He was sent to a West Point Military Academy who tried to Work him into shape. After Completing The School's 7 Year Behavior Course, He Grew to be the top student in the Military Class. After Leaving the West Point Military Academy he went back home, Worked on the family farm in California till he turned 18. During that time he met Kate, Who then later became his wife. She had told him to do what he wanted to do. And that was StarFleet. Once he joined Star Fleet he went to Start Sec/Tac, And He did get into a fight, Only because he had taken his Kate  who was at the time his girlfriend to a Class Party, and someone tried to flirt and then tried to put hands on her..And that didn't fly well with James, Who put him in the Hospital. He did get a warning, But the Officer sided with James on that Case. During his Main Class's he did well in the Physical Activities but did bad at Academic Part, But after Studying hard, He was able to pass.

West Point Military Academy Life:

When he first started at West Point Military Academy, it was a harsh environment. He was treated badly. He even got a few broken bones, But this Abuse or Environment didn't stop him from Getting back at some of the cadets. His First teacher told him "œYou're Here to Learn to Be a Better Self, Not the Piece Of Trash You were before you arrived" And that had stuck with him throughout the school. Once he got the hang of the Things they were todo at the School, He being to Do better. He Rose to the rank of Guard Lt. which was the Honor Guards for the School. As he rose through the rank, He knew what it mean't to obey a order and will would happen if not obeyed. By the time he left, He had rose to become Guard Captain, And had 2 Years worth leadership under his belt. He had also trained in Sec/Tac Training, And Other Important Future Star Fleet Trainings.

Star Fleet Academy Years

When he first signed up and meet with the First Star Fleet Officer they were surprised with the amount of training received from West Point Military Academy. Plus the amount of Discipline Record were huge. But the Officer knew which would be the best Department for him, Sec/Tac. James joined Star Fleet as A Sec/Tac Officer, He Did really well during the 4 years there, He passed all Physical Activities but did't do well in the Academic Section. But after studying really hard, He passed with a C+. He did see a Counselor to Talk about his Troubling Past, But it didn't work so he quickly stopped. He had also met his Wife Kate while at the Academy, Who he defended in a Fight. It was on the last night of his Academy Days, So the Officers involved gave them a break, But they did side with James and Kate.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:Some Nova, and others, None for Forum
Department Preference:Sec/Tac
Secondary Department Preference:Unknown
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:Comissioned

Sample post:
James stalked down the hall in anger. I can't believe they want to kick me from the School! After all I have done this Damn..Deep Breath He took a long needed deep breath. Then The Guards Overall Commander walked out. James Stood ramrod straight.

"At Ease, Now, Explain whats going on"

Well Here we go, "Well, Someone smarted off, So I ah, Well gave them a lesson?"

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?
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Rayek trLhoell

Thank you for your application, however as this is a 2nd alt application without meeting the site requirements for a 3rd character, it will have to be put on hold until the Admin can determine if you can maintain your posting activeness on both characters.   Your 2nd alt was just approved earlier this month, so please allow us 3 months in order to see if you can maintain your current activity levels. We will review again in early March.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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