Jason Teron - Reporting in 7 May 2022

Started by Ian Galloway, May 07, 2022, 10:25:37 AM

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Ian Galloway

If you are having any problems with your application, please do not hesitate to contact the Admins.

The current year is 2400

Welcome to Shadow Fleet!
We are always on the lookout for new members, so if you want to join, this is the place to start! Please follow the guidelines below to get assigned to a ship or station and remember that the Shadow Fleet Rules always apply.

Post your application form by selecting, copying and pasting the following code into your newly created application topic.

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

[u]Previous Role-Playing Experience[/u]:
[u]Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Secondary Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian[/u]:

[u]Sample post[/u]:

[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]
Complete your application form:

Complete your application form using the following notes as a guide.

Character Name:
Name of your character. This must not be the name of a well-known character within the canon Star Trek universe. If you already created an account with a well-known character name, don't worry as an admin can change it once your application has been filed.

Character Age:
How old is s/he on joining? (min age: 18)

Character DOB:
Your character's date of birth.

Character Image:
Post a link to an image so we can create your forum ID card. No well-known character images from the Star Trek Universe or any cartoons/drawings that are not from or do not appropriately represent a species from the Star Trek Universe, please.  For images of celebrities in Starfleet uniforms, or to request your own picture, head along to STAvatars.com. Modifications of this rule are at the discretion of the Administration team.

Character Species:
Only canon Star Trek species allowed

Character Family:
Mother, father, brother(s), sister(s), spouse, children, etc.

Character Bio:
Include interests, hobbies, family history, reasons for joining Starfleet etc. Do not include your Starfleet career as this will be fleshed out in-game.

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Star Trek or otherwise. Detail any senior positions and forum responsibilities held (e.g. moderator/admin), as well as any other character(s) you have on Shadow Fleet (if any).

Department Preference:
Security/Tactical, Medical, Science, Flight Control, Engineering, Operations [Starfleet]


Entertainment, Trader, Security, Miner or Prospector, Haulage [Civilian]

Secondary Department Preference:
In the event we cannot accommodate your preferred position

Commissioned or Enlisted:
This determines how you want your character to start. As an Enlisted Officer, with accelerated promotions and less responsibility, or a Commissioned Officer, with slow promotion, but more upper echelon power.

As a Civilian, you likely be assigned exclusively to Starbase Columbus. There you can serve in a range of gainful employment, employment includes. Entertainment, Trader, Security, Miner or Prospector, Haulage - Unless you are the Owner of the establishment, you will be offered a job by the Owner

  • Entertainment - Bars/Casino's etc
  • Trader - Cafe's, Restaurants, Shops etc - The Owner of the business will decide what is for sale, legal or otherwise.
  • Security - Civilian Security will find themselves on Promenade duty, along with Starfleet Security. Or maybe assigned to the surface installation.
  • Miner/Prospector - Columbus is in orbit of Anditia, a planet of great mineral wealth. You could either work for a Mining company or be a Prospector and search for ideal slips of land to mine, for the right price of course.
  • Haulage - The Civilian ships of the station. Freighters or even passenger ferries.

Sample Post:
We require a sample post to check your current posting skills. It doesn't have to be long, but we will look at creativity, spelling, and grammar, use of NPCs and general Star Trek knowledge. The content of the post itself is not the main focus of our assessment of you, but try to keep it reasonable and within established canon.

Additional information:
For any additional snippets of information you would like to include that don't fit in any of the above. Including your other Shadow Fleet accounts, if any.

Additionally, if you have a particular SIMM you would like to be assigned to (Not Required) you may indicate it here, and if possible we will attempt to make such a placement.

How did you find Shadow Fleet?
For example: through Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger or recommendation from a friend.

Good luck and we hope you enjoy yourself in the fleet!


Character Name: Jason Rodrick Teron
Character Age: 22
Character DOB: April 12, 2378
Character Image: Luke Mitchel
Character Species: Full Betazoid
Gender: Male
Character Family: Father: Killian Teron, Imzadi: Jeremy Banaster, 22 Half Human/Half Betazoid Biological Mother: Unknown
Character Bio:Jason was born to Killian Teron on April 12 2378. Killian, his father, is a Betazoid Diplomate. He is loved by the Betazoid people. However, Killian had one flaw, he was an avid gambler and card player. You can find Killian at the local tavern playing cards on most nights. One night, Killian was playing a game with an unknown traveler. Kilian was always one step ahead of the traveler, because the traveler was cheating. Killian knew this, but refused to quit the game. The traveler had a beautiful Betazoid female with him that Killian was telepathically flirting with. As the night went one, and the traveler was getting deeper in debt, he made one last bet, this time he bet a night with his beautiful companion. Well Killian wanted that one night and well won the final hand. When the debt was paid, the beautiful woman accompanied Killian home and they spent the night together. In the morning, Killian kissed his bed partner goodbye and he thought that he would not see her again. Boy, was he wrong.

10 months later, the same woman that Killian had bedded held a sleeping Jason in her arms as she approached Killian's home. She knocked on the door and Killian was home, so he answered the door, but was unprepared for what was to come. Kilian welcomed the woman in, for he was delighted to see her again, but she refused. She passed the sleeping Jason to Killian stating that he was Killian's son and that she could no longer care for him as see was one the run from some very bad people and it was not safe for a mother and child to be on the run together. Killian was in shock and offered protection, but again the woman refused. She did not want to bring the Great House of Teron into a business deal gone bad.

As quickly as she came, she left a sleeping Jason with his biological father and ran off into the right never to be seen again. So Killian took his son in and raised him like a proper biological father should, teaching the Betazoid ways of living.

As a child, Jason was always getting into things. Always a curious boy. He had a thirst for learning and Kilian was not surprised when at the first sign of telepathy. Jason was very skilled at both telepathy and empathy. As Jason grew and developed, he looked forward to going to school.

Jason's favorite subjects in school were Betazoid history and music. Jason actually can sing. He has a beautiful voice and has won many contests.

When Jason was a Senior in school Star Fleet came and told him about all the things that he could do. He could travel the stars and build a career. Hoping that Jason would not enlist, Killian tried to rid the thoughts of joining Star Fleet from Jason, but Jason would not listen and rebelled and enlisted behind his fathers back. Killian had no choice, but to support his only son, even though that meant he was going to lose his son that he loved so much. Jason reassured his father that he would always stay in contact and sent subspace messages whenever he could. At the academy is where Jason met his Imzadi, Jeremy Banaster another cadet. Jeremy was from Earth, in the Sol System. Four 4 years the relationship between Jason and his Imzadi grew and blossomed. Both Jason and Jeremy were in love.

When Jason sent word to his father that he had found his Imzadi, Killian was overjoyed, but when Jason told him that it was another male, Killian was overcome with sadness. Betazoids mate for life and that meant no grandchildren for Killian, but Killian supported his son the best that he could.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: CO of the USS Polaris http://sigmaprime.myrpg.space/index.php/main/index
Department Preference: Operations
Secondary Department Preference: Medical
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post: A 12 year old Jason was playing in the park with his friends when out of nowhere an older boy pushed Jason to the ground. Jason sat up and brushed the dirt off his face and picked himself up and looked at the older boy square in his eyes. Jason knew that fighting was wrong, so tried to talk to the boy to find out why he pushed him.

"œWhy did you push me?" Jason asked
"œBecause I don't like you." The older boy answered
"œWell you could have just not done it and left me alone." Jason responded
"œI wanted to let you know that you shouldn't be here. This is my park and what I say goes." The older boy said

Jason felt nothing but rage coming from the older boy. "œWhy are you so angry? Is it because I have nicer clothes than you, or that all your friends are playing with me instead of you?" Jason asked

"œAll of that. I want you to leave my park and never come back." The older boy barked what seemed to be an order.

"œListen, if you wanted to play with us, you could have just asked, you are more than welcome to come join the game, actually we could use one more player, if you would like to play." Jason said calmly.

"œMaybe I shouldn't have pushed you. I am sorry. Until you came along, I was the one that everyone wanted to play with. I saw my friends playing with you and I felt left out." The older boy said and hung his head ashamed of what he had done.

Jason lifted the older boy's head and looked him in the eyes once more. "œThere is no need to be sorry, you were jealous and you felt that I was taking your friends away from you, but that is not the case. So I am going to ask again, "Do you want to join our game?"

"œYea, I would like to play." The older boy said

From then one the older boy, who's name was Kelep and Jason became fast friends.

Previous Role-Playing experience: Current CO of the USS Polaris Link: http://sigmaprime.myrpg.space/index.php/main/index Game Master and Website Administer

Additional information: I would like to be placed on the USS Challenger or the USS Discovery

How did you find Shadow Fleet? YouTube and Star Trek online player

Jason Rodrick Teron/Betazoid Male

Ian Galloway

Excellent application! We have an opening for Ops on Challenger, so you are very welcome to join us. Your academy instructor will contact you shortly to run you through the Academy Training Course. You are welcome to post in the Mess Hall and Holodeck of Challenger right now as well as the other non-ship topics threads available.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 08, 2022, 10:42:52 AM

Excellent application! We have an opening for Ops on Challenger, so you are very welcome to join us. Your academy instructor will contact you shortly to run you through the Academy Training Course. You are welcome to post in the Mess Hall and Holodeck of Challenger right now as well as the other non-ship topics threads available.

Welcome to Shadowfleet Mr. Teron,

I am Lieutenant JG Danjar-Torra Addams.  I will be your ATC Operations Instructor.  You can find your ATC in the Shadow Fleet Academy / Operations Class  forum or specifically located  here

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

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