Giato Sperah - Checking in - 22 January 2022

Started by ShranLahr ch'Verret, January 22, 2022, 10:04:42 PM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

Welcome to Shadow Fleet!

Please fill out your application below using the format below.

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

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[u]Department Preference[/u]:
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[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Giato Sperah

Character Details

Character Name: Giato Sperah
Character Age: 31
Character DOB: 1 April, 2368 (administrative, see below)
Character Image:
Character Species: Bajoran
Gender: Female
Character Family: Giato Fanram
Character Bio:

As an act of mercy, a group of Cardassian solders decided to give a Bajoran child to the orphanage after the child's claimed Bajoran Resistance Fighters were killed in a raid (the Cardassians wanted to hobble the Bajorans with one more unproductive mouth). The orphanage staff entered a "date of birth" being the date placed into their care, adjusted by estimate based on the child's growth. As for the name, the orphanage director tried to read the child's pagh. Deciding the child appeared to be a fiery nature, decided to name the child Sperah, which was a subconscious recall of the Bajoran food Hasperat. Without known family, the child only had a single name.

A short while (2369) after the Cardassian Occupation ended, the orphanage was visited by Giato Fanram, who had been widowered when a variant of Orkett's disease With a hole in his heart and pagh, deciding to adopt little Sperah, who subsequently took on his family name. Looking at the firebrand of a child, he decided to teach her a little different. As a farmer, he waged a constant battle to tame the elements, so too would he teach his child control. Although migrating to New Bajor was an option, the Jem Hadar destroyed the colony, leaving no survivors. After the Dominion War ended, the family finally migrated to the second New Bajor colony. Although Bajor had finally prospered, a challenging lifestyle was just what was required.

Although broadly intelligent with innate skills, the somewhat fragmented education meant Starfleet Academy wasn't an option upon turning 17. Those tireless defenders and explorers had always been much admired for their selfless courage, nobility and dignity. Joining instead the New Bajor Constabulary (the civilian forces) and typically studying at nights, finally gained entrance to Starfleet Academy in 2395 at age 27.

At Starfleet Academy, Sperah gained a reputation for self control, with the recurring joke that time could be marked with her pulse, graduating in 2399 in Security and Tactical. Although coming in the bottom third of her class due to her low Academic preparation, the extra ten years or so of life experiences had helped create a balanced mindset.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Yes
Department Preference: Security/Tactical
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:

[Starfleet Academy | Earth]

"We have not graduated yet."

Sperah tried unsuccessfully to call after her fellow cadets. They had just finished their final exams and had presumably run off to take part in imbibing inebriating beverages. With some disdain, she shook her head as she wandered back to her assigned quarters. Her roommate... Knowing the fundaments of chaos theory and Brownian motion had not allowed Sperah to make any sense of the random locations of objects. There was an invisible line in the middle of the room, with her side having freshly vacuumed carpet and everything neat. Knowing graduation would occur once theif finals were marked and graded, she had packed up most of her belongings. The objects that weren't packed were tidy and in its place.

The slender Bajoran rubbed her nose, which was complicated mildly by the ridges across them. The tactical part of her final exam was a simulated classic orbital high ground scenario. A single (rogue) Klingon Bird of Prey, K'Vort class, which outgunned her little Sabre by a good margin. The scenario had called for her to dislodge the Klingons to relieve and retrieve the small Federation force on the planet. Certain most of the other candidates would have tried conventional methods, Sperah had thought briefly. Deciding there was no point in deception, she had her ship drop out of warp on the far side of the planet, knowing full well the Klingons would detect the burst of warp energy, she had used the Klingon doctrine against them, employing what at first appeared to be a polar approach which masked her from their sensors briefly.

The Klingons, of course has scoffed, the Klingon Captain bearing his teeth and snapping out commands, demanding her surrender. Sperah had coolly looked at him, giving him thirty seconds to surrender, reminding him that while there is honor in combat, dying needlessly was not. Tense seconds ticked by before the Klingon Captain shouted in alarm. She had jettisoned a group of eight photon torpedoes through the shuttlebay. Having used the onboard engines for a short burn period on the far side (and hence undetected), the torpedoes then followed an orbital path that had been unnoticed. With ten seconds left, Sperah's additional programming had them arm themselves for last moment course adjustments. Thoroughly outflanked, the Klingon had conceded and warped off before his ship could be destroyed. With some additional commands, she even retrieved the torpedoes, returning them to inventory before finishing the scenario.

The security part of the final exam...    That was causing her worry. The scenario hadn't even specified anything. The holodeck had just resolved itself into a station with red alert sirens blaring. Comms system was down (or overloaded), even the computer networks weren't giving much. Seeing a flow of terrified civilians, she learned someone had taken over the Promenade and methodically worked her way over. As a security officer, she had a Type 1 phaser as a standard sidearm. Pausing to stop by a weapons locker, she entered her personal code and picked up a Type 2 as well. A blur of faces had gone past. Finally, one lone person, a phaser and a room full of hostages. The book gave many definitions and guidance on how it should be handled. Sperah had shook her head emphatically at each one. There were simply too many variables and no one to check with. Even if there was, when seconds mattered, it was up to the person at the scene. Deciding quickly, based on this scenario, a phaser on wide beam. Yes, it had stunned the hostages, but they were safe and the person in custody.

Dropping into the bed, she was exhausted, despite it only being midday. All she could do now was hope she would graduate and join Starfleet.

Additional information: Katra looks nice

How did you find Shadow Fleet? RPG-D

Kyan Mackenzie

Welcome to Shadow Fleet... AND we would be thrilled to have you on Katra! Before you begin posting on Katra, you will need to complete the Officer Training Course (Unless you have done so previously.), which will begin as soon as an instructor gets you set up. In the meantime, Feel free to post in the Holodeck forum and in the Mess Hall area.

And again, Welcome aboard!  ;D

Giato Sperah

Thank you, Commander. Having not played Security/Tactical before, Academy, please

Danjar-Torra Addams

Good day Giato Sperah,

Your Academy course can be found here

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Nira Said


Hello there. I'm the Sec/Tac Instructor. Now that you have finished your first level, you will find your second level here:

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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