Tommy Harper- Reporting in (Feb 4th 2013)

Started by Tommy Harper, February 05, 2013, 03:35:13 AM

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Tommy Harper

 Character Details

Character Name:
Tommy Harper

Character Age:

Character DOB:
1st Jan 2364

Character Image:">

Character Species:

Character Family:
David Harper (Father), Liane Harper(Mother)

Character Bio:
Growing up in England to a military family, Tommy Harper decided that instead of following in his father's footsteps, he would join Star Fleet instead of the Army.  Often not accepting the advice of his father was something that he was just now regretting, as he had been encouraged to learn 'manly' responsibilities such as vehicle and electrical repairs but was never interested.  Deciding to turn his attitude around, he joined Star Fleet Academy and thrived, aiming to prove to himself that he could succeed if he just put his mind to it.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Discworld MUD,, World of Warcraft

Department Preference:
(Security), Operations

Secondary Department Preference:

Sample post:
Harper made his way to the turbo lift, nodding in greeting to those that he passed, saluting to his superiors and greeting them with respectful 'Sir's or 'Ma'am's.
He'd finally made it to the USS Lincoln, his first posting after being accepted into Star Fleet.
After telling the lift his destination and smarting himself up on the journey, he stepped out into the corridor and half paced half marched towards his department door. Pausing on the threshold, not quite close enough for the door to register him, he paused and thought about where this day would take him: on an adventure into the depths of space, a career in his chosen field, settling into a routine that for some might get dull.  He was sure that it wouldn't be dull for him. He enjoyed routine but with the twist of the unexpected. Taking a deep breath, he took the extra step forward to open the door and entered the room.
Finding the department quiet, he glanced around, spotting the Chief working at a console with his back to the door.  He was so engrossed in his work he didn't appear to have noticed the doors sliding open and closed. Harper decided that he couldn't just stand there all day, he'd have to speak up.
"Chief? Crewman Harper reporting for duty," he waited until the Chief turned around and then saluted smartly before extending his hand in greeting, "glad to be aboard the Lincoln.  I see that you are busy working on something here, is there any way I can assist you?"
He hoped that he'd made a good first impression and was keen to start working as soon as possible. He thrived in hard-working environments and actually enjoyed the challenges and rigours of a hard days work.
Additional information:
Shadow Fleet recommended by Jon Tulley.

Writing is the most fun you can have by yourself. -Terry Pratchett


Welcome to Shadow Fleet, Tommy!

I enjoyed reading over your application and would be delighted to accept you into the fleet as a Operations Crewman on the USS Churchill.

As explained in the guidance notes, all new applicants to Shadow Fleet join as enlisted crewmen to gain the necessary skills, experience and knowledge of how we operate. You will begin at the rate of Crewman Recruit and, after one week of active posting, will be promoted to Crewman Apprentice and awarded your own signature ID card like mine below. You will also have the opportunity to select an enlisted trade in which to specialize.

Once you attain the enlisted rate of Petty Officer Third Class, you may then apply for the Officer Training Course at Shadow Fleet Academy (during one of our Commissioned Officer Recruiting Periods (CORPs)) or simply continue down the enlisted route with the chance to earn highly prized Senior Enlisted Command positions. We have implemented this structure to maintain a good ratio of officers to enlisted crewmen but also to allow all Academy courses to run concurrently, as opposed to sporadically.

You may find out more information on the promotion structure or indeed any other aspect of our fleet by reading through the Help Files.

Unless you have any questions or queries about joining our community, please report in to Commander Reece Thompson (via private message) and they will happily introduce you to the rest of the crew.

Once again, welcome to Shadow Fleet! I am sure you'll enjoy your time with us.

🡱 🡳

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