Luke Stafford, Reporting In: February 7th 2013

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, February 07, 2013, 02:28:36 PM

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Malcolm Adeyemi


Character Name:Luke Stafford
Character Age:28
Character DOB: 39593.44815449003
Character Image:

Character Species:Human
Character Family: Janet Stafford, Thomas Stafford, Tommy Stafford. Engaged to a woman back on earth, with whom he has one child and another on the way.
Character Bio: Luke Stafford was born into a large, conservative and traditional family on Earth's North American continent. His father and uncles were technicians, tradesmen, and engineers, and all the women were homemakers. Growing up he was more at home with books than tools, a fact that was accepted and encouraged by his family. He excelled in science as a student but schoolwork was always too effortless for him to follow through with university or a true career. He worked a series of odd jobs unrelated to his true passion and his calling, medicine. As he became older he realized a man has to make things happen, not wait for them to happen. His relationship with his spouse is also energizing his ambitions. He is joining Starfleet at the unlikely age of 28 to demonstrate to his son and unborn child that a man who follows his dreams is truly fulfilled.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: I've been role-playing in some form or another for 15 years. I began in AOL chat rooms in various RPs, including Vampire: The Masquerade, Star Wars, Star Trek, and an X-Files knockoff. I did forum based RP that had a historical fiction theme in high school, the name of which I forget. Also did a bit of RPing for Canon/Monarchy in their forums while I played the browser based game. I played various pencil and paper games, mostly with again Vampire: The Masquerade. Star Trek has always been my primary love and I can't believe I'm just getting around to a serious, forum based RPG for it. These days I don't have much time to sit down and devote to serious gaming but a forum accessible from my Smartphone and work computer is perfect.
Department Preference:Nursing Technician
Secondary Department Preference: Sensor Systems Specialist

Sample post:Newly christened Crewmate Recruit Luke Stafford strode down the passageways of the USS Lincoln at a distance-eating power stride. He nodded at other enlisted passersby, said "Sir" or "ma'am" to each polished officer when required, but he was moving too fast to make chitchat. The fact that most of the others were younger than he further galvanized him. He had taken more than a few ribs in Starfleet so far for being a little older than most of the enlisted recruits. He had remembered that derision when he'd bested them at some physical or academic feat.

He was early to report to duty but had taken care to not be too early. He had learned at the beginning of his career that officers hated a brownnoser almost as much as they hated a carouser or a slob. His axiom in the Academy and Medical had been to stand out from the crowd as long as it furthered his goals. Any extra attention was usually a bad thing.

He entered the Lincoln's sickbay and was glad it was crowded enough for his arrival to go unnoticed at first. Stafford had to let out an involuntary whistle of amazement. The Lincoln's Chief Medical Officer clearly took pride in their job. Not even the Academy or Medical had this kind of equipment and in such proliferation. His father had often said that there was no such thing as too many tools, provided a man kept them straight. The memory made him smile.

"Something funny, son?"

At that precise moment Stafford leapt to military attention; as ramrod straight as possible but still ready to move. The speaker was a prim looking officer wearing the turquoise of services.

"Negative sir, just admiring the facilities here. Crewman Recruit Stafford, reporting for duty." Stafford felt himself being studied as he stared straight ahead unblinkingly. Stafford was a shorter human with bluish green eyes and a freshly shaved head that gleamed in the overhead ship lighting. Despite this the strawberry goatee was heavy and full, within Starfleet regulations depending on who was looking but still bushy enough for a prickly officer to crack down upon. Despite the hours he logged on desk duty every day he was squat and strong, the muscles lovingly maintained and not quite hidden by his Starfleet enlisted uniform. Stafford had a voice that was a bit nasal and carried the vestiges of a Midatlantic Earth accent. His tone was military crisp and polite but not fawningly so.

The officer's close set of eyes seemed critical and harsh for a moment before sliding to recognition and finally deep into disinterest. "Fresh out of Medical, are you? Another. Report to the head Nurse Technician for your duty roster. Welcome to the USS Lincoln."

Additional information:I love Star Trek and everyone here has already been great! I'd be delighted to join.


Welcome to Shadow Fleet, Luke!

I enjoyed reading over your application and would be delighted to accept you into the fleet as a Medical Crewman on the USS Gettysburg.

As explained in the guidance notes, all new applicants to Shadow Fleet join as enlisted crewmen to gain the necessary skills, experience and knowledge of how we operate. You will begin at the rate of Crewman Recruit and, after one week of active posting, will be promoted to Crewman Apprentice and awarded your own signature ID card like mine below. You will also have the opportunity to select an enlisted trade in which to specialize.

Once you attain the enlisted rate of Petty Officer Third Class, you may then apply for the Officer Training Course at Shadow Fleet Academy (during one of our Commissioned Officer Recruiting Periods (CORPs)) or simply continue down the enlisted route with the chance to earn highly prized Senior Enlisted Command positions. We have implemented this structure to maintain a good ratio of officers to enlisted crewmen but also to allow all Academy courses to run concurrently, as opposed to sporadically.

You may find out more information on the promotion structure or indeed any other aspect of our fleet by reading through the Help Files.

Unless you have any questions or queries about joining our community, please report in to Captain Lance Krol (via private message) and they will happily introduce you to the rest of the crew.

Once again, welcome to Shadow Fleet! I am sure you'll enjoy your time with us.

🡱 🡳

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