Mikayla Brooks - Reporting in - 22 November 2023

Started by Ian Galloway, November 22, 2023, 04:06:53 PM

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Ian Galloway

Hey! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Please copy the application below and fill it out in a reply to this post to get things started.

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Mikayla Brooks

Character Details

Character Name: Mikayla Jane "œMJ" Brooks
Character Age:  24
Character DOB: October 30, 2377

Character Image:

Character Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark Chestnut Brown (red undertones)
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'9"
Skin: Caucasian (medium skin tone)

Character Family:
Father - Jack Brooks; Starfleet Engineer/Lieutenant Commander (MIA-presumed KIA)
Mother - Dr. Margret Brooks; Civilian Scientist/Terraformer (Alive, though estranged relationship with her daughter)

Character Bio:

Early Life
Mikayla is the only child of Jack and Margret Brooks. She was born and raised on Ishtar Station. It is a civilian, Starfleet-supported Federation space station in orbit of Sol II where her mother was one of the civilian scientists leading the ongoing terraforming efforts on the Venusian surface. Her father was an officer in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers (SCE). He was assigned to the Ishtar Project until the couple divorced. Jack was then reassigned to a science vessel on the other side of space.

Mikayla was a "˜daddy's girl' at heart thus the divorce was hard on her as well as his perceived death while on an away mission sometime later. Motherhood did not come easy for Margret as her work was always her top priority so the mother-daughter relationship left much to be desired. This had the young girl looking to others on the space station to fill in as caring adult mentors. There was one in particular that influenced Mikayla the most.

The Chief Medical Officer took great interest in the young girl especially after she helped in a medical emergency with little to no formal training where seconds not minutes counted without being panicked or squeamish about it. After that incident, seeing potential in her and knowing the youth's sad personal situation, the doctor took "œMJ" under his wing becoming a grandfather-type influence in her life. The CMO invited Mikayla into the sickbay to learn and perform the duties of a medical assistant after she finished her daily classwork from the station's school.

This opportunity did indeed open her eyes to the field of medicine as a possible career pursuit"¦. But then again, tinkering on ships and piloting them seemed intriguing too as she also liked to hang around the station's shuttle bay and bug the Chief Petty Officer much to their chagrin. What can be said, MJ as a child had a mischievous streak mostly because she was bored. Holodeck sports became a favored downtime activity for her as well as reading crime fiction thrillers to fill the void in her life as she grew older.

Starfleet Academy Graduate
Current status - awaiting assignment

Your Details:
Previous Role-Playing Experience: Decade+ of play-by-post RPG mostly Medieval/Historical Fantasy, Star Wars, and Star Trek
Department Preference: Medical (nurse position, if possible)
Secondary Department Preference: Flight control
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:


Mikayla took a deep breath in, then blew it out as her anxious eyes scanned the damaged deck after stepping out of the turbo lift behind the Chief Medical Officer with her med kit in hand.

The explosion had left nothing but carnage in the corridor and surrounding area. The hull breach had been sealed before first responders were allowed in. Who knew how many fellow crewmates had been sucked out into the dark void of space. It was perhaps what Mikayla feared most about being on a ship and/or space station; thinking about what the individuals would go through when their bodies met the prescribed horrible end in the airless vacuum. Fire would be a close second or was it drowning? All were bad choices of demise in her book. Course, assimilation by the Borg was something no one ever wanted to consider.

A familiar commanding yet gentle voice brought the young woman back to the stark reality that lay before her as the CMO started to give orders.

"œMiss Brooks"¦ Begin triaging. Traumatic injuries and burns beam directly to me in the main sickbay for immediate interventions. Do what you can to stabilize the other survivors. Have the non-life threatening injured transported as soon as possible. The walking wounded can go to the secondary sickbay to be treated and cleared for duty."

"œYes, doctor," the young brunette nodded, then Mikayla squared her shoulders for the dire task at hand and moved forward carefully through the wreckage with the hope of helping many. However, the first three victims she came across were Code Black, then"¦ there was a strangled moan and cry for help a few feet away behind a pile of charred ceiling debris.

Someone was alive! Hope was rekindled.

"œRest easy, Lieutenant. I've got you," MJ offered the yellow-uniformed Andorian with a small comforting smile as she knelt down beside the injured SEC/TAC officer after reaching him. She then took out her medical tricorder to do a primary assessment of the patient just as her mentor had taught.

=^= "œOne to beam to main sickbay." =^=  Mikayla's youthful yet steady voice requested of the transporter officer after tapping her comm badge, and then she directed the computer to send her preliminary medical findings directly to Dr. Jamesson.

The blue-skinned humanoid's 2nd and 3rd-degree thermal burns to his exposed face and hands were quite severe. He also had a possible concussion either from the blast and/or his head hitting the deck with force.

The "˜Golden Hour' of early treatment for those gravely injured was now beginning to count down. This whole experience was daunting yet exciting and gave Mikayla definitely a feeling of purpose... One she hadn't really felt for herself until today.

Additional information:  Coffee is the elixir of life. That is all.

How did you find Shadow Fleet? RPG-D

Personnel File
Human Female | 24 | Nurse

Rayek trLhoell

An excellent application!  An instructor will be in contact with you shortly to begin your ATC.   My apologies at the delay in processing your application.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

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