Novi Reporting in 11/13/2023

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, November 13, 2023, 01:10:32 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Hey! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Please copy the application below and fill it out in a reply to this post to get things started.

Character Details

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character DOB:
Character Image:
Character Species:
Character Family:
Character Bio:

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference:
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?



Character Name: Novi
Character Age: 22
Character DOB: Earth May 17th
Character Image: (But with longer black hair)

Character Species:Trill(unjoined)
Gender: female
Character Family:
Taxi(Older Brother)
Madela(Younger Sister)

Character Bio:
Born in the Veldamen Valley on Trill her family lived in a rural region and Novi grew up very traditionally. Having learned only the language of Trill and only learning the basics of Outer Space, other species, and the Federation as a whole Novi had a very simple upbringing which, as she grew older, made her inquisitive yet very unaware of the greater world around her as she could never understand the many different languages spoken by different species. As she grew older, her interest in the world became greater as she grew a big interest in the symbiotes of Trill. Holding them in great reverence she dreamed of someday becoming joined with one and helping her people and went to school in the Trill city of Gheryzan in order to study and train for the tests. Yet when her time came she found that despite her good marks she was ineligible to be joined to a Trill Symbiote.

This revelation devastated Novi as a goal she had dedicated her childhood and teenage years too was suddenly out of her reach. It was in this failure though that she felt the inspiration to join Starfleet. Leaving her planet. Exploring new cultures, races, learning complicated tasks on the field. If she could do that then surely she could prove to herself, and the Trill Commission that she could be eligible to join. With that in mind she self-taught herself English and Vulcan then applied to Starfleet Academy. Getting in with good marks.

Her time on Earth and Starfleet Academy was very interesting. A whole new biome and planet to discover along with not seeing her own people everyday was a change for her. In her first year she almost flunked out as she didn't go out much, not knowing the culture or its people yet. But as she continued and got more used to her surroundings she gained new friends, learned many good skills and applied herself to her studies in Medicine and Astrocartography. Eventually graduating with the rank of Ensign and preparing to leave for her first assignment she hopes that out in Stars she can prove herself.

To her friends Novi is known as a relatively closed off person. Caring more about listening and reacting to her surroundings. But once she grows comfortable with people she tends to open up more and take more risks. In her work she is known as a bit of a perfectionist. During her medical training her classmates would always joke that Novi acts more like a Drill Sergeant then a Doctor although those closer to her know it's more because of her nervousness and need to impress and do well than any sense of arrogance.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: 10+ years
Department Preference: Medical
Secondary Department Preference: Sciences
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:
Novi stood at attention as a Starfleet officer gave a final speech congratulating this year's graduating class and giving out assignments. A class she found herself a part of
this year. Trills weren't the most uncommon race which chose to join StarFleet but Novi was the only Trill in her class to graduate, an honor which her family were very proud of her for. The officer then gave everyone their assignments and as she checked hers she saw the USS Serendipity on it. She liked the name and while a Cheyenne class is no Galaxy or Sovereign she liked it. And as she hugged her old classmates and friends goodbye she went on the shuttle which would take them to space along with 4 others. Apparently another shuttle was taking another group up and would arrive a few minutes ahead of them.

""Cue the ship panorama""

When they landed in the hangar bay she got off the ship with the rest of the crew and took a look at her surroundings. She managed to graduate with not perfect grades but good enough a ship was all but guaranteed but still, the reality that she was on a federation starship, and would be serving on it as an officer still made her weak. Looking around some more she saw only one other science division ensign among the new transfers and so gravitated over. Eventually introducing herself but sighed as she told the other ensign she was a medical officer but he told her he was working in stellar cartography. They parted with Novi making an awkward joke about seeing him for a checkup and then wanting to shoot herself out of an airlock right afterward.

Her embarrassment was saved with the arrival of Captain Lopez and her welcome speech to the new crew. After which Novi stayed an extra minute to take in the reality of her situation and with a smile prepared to enter her new life!

Additional information:
I am busy with school and work but always try to make time for RP. If a response is needed discord is the quickest way to get to me :)

How did you find Shadow Fleet?

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Rayek trLhoell

Thank you for your application.  Your instructor will be in contact with you shortly.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

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