Seta Suzuki - Reporting In - 10/2/18

Started by Malcolm Adeyemi, October 02, 2018, 08:58:30 PM

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Malcolm Adeyemi

Seta, please put your application here.


Seta Suzuki

I'm sure this needs a little work. I haven't roleplayed in a scifi setting prior to this.

Character Details

Character Name: Seta Suzuki
Character Age: 20
Character DOB: 4 July
Character Image:
Character Species: Human
Gender: Female
Character Family:
Birth Parents: Unknown
Adopted Parents: Kaori and Natsumi Suzuki, both who worked in the entertainment industry as musicians and actresses

Character Bio:
Seta's mother Kaori adopted her shortly after what was celebrated as her first birthday. Shortly after her adoption, her mother and Natsumi, who had been friends  and worked together in the industry for many years grew closer, eventually leading to marriage.

At an early age, Seta had an eagerness for learning. Her primary interests focused on music and science. After her high school graduation, she was unsure which of the two paths she wanted as a lifelong career. She decided to spend a year in space, and another year studying music. However, after her year in space, she was convinced that her destiny was Starfleet. So she applied, determined to become an explorer.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Primarily Tumblr, I roleplayed as a Japanese entertainer/idol character, starting in 2011.
Department Preference: Science rules!
Secondary Department Preference: Unsure, will have to think on this.
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:

It was her first day on the station. She arrived on Deep Space Nine a few days after Commander Benjamin Sisko took command of the station. She sighed as she looked at her surroundings. She wanted to serve on a ship, to explore. Instead, here she was, on a space station that went nowhere.

How was she to explore while stuck on a station? That wasn't the worst part. The station was in need of so much repair. Not only did the previous owners of the station, Cardassians, trash and disable vital systems prior to departure, the station apparently had seen battle with Cardassians.

She entered her quarters and plopped onto her bed. She was startled by a voice from her combadge. "Ensign Suzuki, please report to Lieutenant Dax in Ops."

She stood, shaking her negativity aside. She was here, and there was nothing she could change about it. She decided to make the best of the situation. She left her quarters and headed for Ops, stopping briefly once to ask for directions.

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Searching online for a Star Trek role-play.

Seta Suzuki

(I used the DS9 setting just for the sample, since DS9 is my favorite series.)


Ms. Suzuki,

A nice application.

We can put you in the Science Department of the Challenger.

Please let us know if that will work for you.



Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Seta Suzuki

This is acceptable. I'm looking forward to serving on the Challenger.:)



Please report into Dylan Torngate & Solluk for duty by sending them an email (PM).

And welcome aboard,


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

🡱 🡳

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