Vasu Irn reporting in - 10/29/23

Started by Kinley Garrison, October 28, 2023, 02:10:32 PM

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Kinley Garrison

Hi there! Welcome to the Fleet! Please post your application here! We're so excited to meet you and your character!

Character Details

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character DOB:
Character Image:
Character Species:
Character Family:
Character Bio:

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference:
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.



Character Details

Character Name: Irn Vasu
Character Age: 22
Character DOB: September 23, 2379
Character Image
Character Species:  Bajoran
Gender: Male
Character Family:  Father: Irn Lezi, Mother: Irn Nirya, only Child.
Character Bio:  Parents met and married in space.  Vasu grew up living on freighter ship.  Learn to fly from his mother how to fix engines from his father.  Love a bit of gambling, or maybe a lot.  Wanted to join Starfleet after visit to DS9 and seeing another Bajoran in uniform when he was 6.  For days he followed the woman around the station, wondering "œWhy?  Why was this lady dress so different?" He began reading up on Starfleet and fall in love.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:   DnD, other stuff.
Department Preference: Flight Control
Secondary Department Preference: Engineering
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned.

Sample post:
Vasu yawned as he completed the last turn of his maneuver.
"œCadet Irn, pay attention!"  Lt. Conley near yelled in Vasu's ear through the comms.  "œGet back information."  He could feel the other cadet's laughter even without their comms on.  It had been eight hours of drills, drills, and more drills a thousand kilometers off the dark side of earth's moon.  Vasu wondered how he lasted this long without losing attention.
"œAye sir, eye on the prize. Sir."  Vasu replied, then cringing inwardly.  He was going to headbutt Jason the next time he saw him. His stupid roommate said it so much like a damn catch phrase, now Vasu was starting to do it.
"œGood!  And it's Lieutenant or Conley.  Now, pattern Beta three."  Conley ordered.
"œAye Lt." Vasu put the one-man flyer through it passes again.  Vasu had just turned to the starting Coordinates, when is proximity alert, went off.  On instinct Vasu dived.   A runabout warped into their position.  Vasu had moved just in time to be missed but Erica wasn't so lucky.  The run about clips in the cell on the starboard side of her flyer, sending her into a spin towards the moon surface.  Again, without thinking Vasu dove for Erica's flyer.
"œErica, I need you to activate your remaining thruster for a three second burst."
"œJust grab me with the tracker beam."  Erica yelled back.
"œI will!  Just hit the thrusters!  MARK!"  Vasu ordered.  The thruster fired for three seconds and slowed the spin of the flyer.  Vasu grinned as he approached the flyer.  He lined his flyer with Erica's and activated the tracker beam.   Vasu was pulled into Erica's spin, as the moon surface was growing faster in Vasu view-screen.  He stopped the spin adding a vertical force to the flyers.  The motion sent the flyers zooming two kilometers over the surface of the moon.   Vasu brought the flyers to rest after a moment, setting Erica down among the rocky soil.

"œComputer end program."  Lt. Conley said.  All five cadets were standing in the black and yellow checked walls. Vasu wanted to smack his stupid face off right now.  He knew it had to be red as his uniform.

"œI see we forgot we're in a simulation.  Didn't we Mr. Irn?"  Something of a smirk crossed on his stupid face.

"œNo Lieutenant, I just reacted as if we were in a dangerous situation.  Assuming it was a part of the training."  Vasu said with a straight face.  Lt. Conley just look at Vasu for a full minute.
"œWell, you assumed correctly.  This is a nonstandard test that I came up with. I wanted to see how everyone reacted to an unexpected happening.  There is no pass or fail.  Just me getting an idea of what kind of people you are and the add bonus of you getting some much-needed practice."  Said Conley.

"œCan you tell us what you thought?" Hovla asked.

"œNope.  Now as for tomorrow, I've block out another 9 hours for Training.   So, a reward for your hard work today.  I grant you all a free training day.  Let me be clear.  You chose what you do for training.  I don't care what you do.  If you want to train in Paris, be my guest.  Just be back for curfew.  Dismissed."  Conley said.  Vasu couldn't believe his luck.  He thought he'd gotten a hard ass for an instructor. But Conley seem to be ok.  Vasu already had two different places wanted to visit.

"œCadet Irn a moment."  Vasu drew up short as the Conley called to him.  Vasu turned back and walked over.

"œGood work today, not a lot of people could have acted as quickly as you did, when under pressure like that." Conley said.
"œThank you si"¦ Lieutenant." Vasu replied.  Conley smirked again.  Vasu thought the man still had a punchable face.

"œYou have a lot of talent Irn.  Just remember, talent needs to be honed, and tested. Dismissed."

Vasu left the holodeck thinking about Conley's words.  He's said Vasu needed to hone his skills.  Maybe this was another "˜test' or a silent challenge to cadets.  Who would actually train and who would slack off.  Well, that tomorrow, all Vasu wanted right now was a good night sleep.

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Google

Rayek trLhoell


Very good application.  My only concern is with your character's age as a commissioned officer.  The earliest standard enrollment age I believe is 18 and 4 yrs at the academy should put him at about 22 upon graduating and being assigned a ship to serve on.

I'm not saying he can't be 20 but you'd need to explain why the special early entrance.  Please modify your application suitably.

In the meantime, I will look for an Academy instructor for you.  Someone will be in contact within the next 24 hrs to get you started on your ATC.

PS. Also on a sidenote most Bajorans have their names as Family name first and Personal name second.   Ie. Kira Nerys... she was addressed as Major Kira (her family name) and only close friends ever called her Nerys (her personal name).

So to follow custom, in your sample post... the officer should address your character as Cadet Vasu,  not Cadet Irn.   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs


I will make the necessary changes too the birthday and the name.  Family names is Irn  and personal name is Vasu. I'll make sure that reflects in the app. 

Ian Galloway

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