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July 2021 Discovery Crew Awards Ceremony

Started by T'Lara, July 18, 2021, 09:34:39 PM

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Hello Discovery crew!!!

Here are the results of our bi-annual awards. Congratulations!!!

1 Year Service Ribbon

Cadet Lucy Belle ('Luby') Wentock

2 Year Service Ribbon

Lieutenant Nira Said, Crewman Zavrol Gohun (in six days!)

3 Year Service Ribbon

Lieutenant Don Damien Addams

4 Years of Service

Lieutenant Lek

5 Year Service Ribbon
Captain Tekin Nevir and Lieutenant Commander T'Lara
Honourable mentions to our newest crewmembers Kimiko Sugiyama (2 months), and Everett Wynters (2 months)
Posting Ability

Posting Excellence Award
This award goes to a player who has demonstrated consistent high quality posting skills.
Lieutenant Nira Said

Descriptive Combat Award

Lieutenant Nira Said

Technical Precision Award
Lieutenant Lek

Most Engaging Member Award
Awarded in January and July to the player who writes the most emotionally engaging, scene setting posts.
Cadet Lucy Belle ('Luby') Wentock

Best Duo Award

Awarded in January and July to the two players who have shown the highest levels of cooperation.

Lieutenant Don Damien Addams and PO2 Alexander Graham

Rib Tickler Award
Awarded in January and July to the player with the most humorous posts.

Lieutenant Don Damien Addams and Cadet Lucy Belle ('Luby') Wentock

Extra Contribution

Captain's Personal Merit Award
Crewman Everett Wynters

Executive Officer's Personal Merit Award
Lieutenant Nira Said

Crew Choice Award
Lieutenant Nira Said

Outstanding Commitment Award

These are awarded in January and July to players who are always online and posting regularly in missions.

Lieutenant Don Damien Addams

Contribution Award

This is awarded in January and July to players who make contributions outside of missions. These could include submitting mission ideas and helping new members settle in.

Ensign Danjar-Torra Addams

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

Nira Said

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Don Damien Addams

Congratulations everyone. Well done. Let see were we will be in 5 years from now. Keep up the good work!

Luby Wentock

Wow, thanks!!

Also I'm flailing like Kermit that after YEARS of playing on SF I finally get a Rib Tickler award.  Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Congrats everyone.  Now I just need to 'pass my exams' and be allowed to progress to Ensign Wentock!! :P

Ozal Kesah

Congrats, everyone! Can't wait to see what we come up with in this next mission.

Cheers Disco!

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