Personal Log and Messages-Neva Cordon

Started by Neva Cordon, August 30, 2023, 10:41:25 AM

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Neva Cordon

[USS Challenger-A-Ensign's Quarters]

Dear Mother, I'm truly safe and sound on the Challenger. I've actually done a couple of repair away missions already, can you believe it? I'm enjoying learning who is who. The Chief of Engineering is a Tellarite, so you know I'm making sure I don't take anything personally. She's already seeing I'm not a pushover either."
Neva giggled and rolled her eyes. "Guess what? I lead the two teams I did the away missions with! Can you believe it? It was and still feels weird, but I'm trying to remember what I learned in the Academy. I hope they like me or at least tolerate me.
Neva took another bite of her peanut butter and banana sandwich then continued. "I miss you, Mother. It's amazing being on a ship, but I'm scared at the same time. I haven't seen any of the Dominion species myself yet, but the aftermath I've seen when I'm fixing the ships puts rocks into my stomach." Neva paused the message and put her head in her hands, shoulders suddenly shaking. She sat like that for a few long moments before wiping her eyes with a corner of her bedsheet. She continued the message.
Sorry about that, Mother. Yes, I did cry. I know, you and Dad always told me Starfleet is no cakewalk. It's just...seeing it with my own eyes is different."
Neva suddenly bubbled some laughter. "Oh by the way, this captain is very interesting. Apparently, one of the things he likes to do is play a battle song when we engage hostiles. I was told by a crewman named Lahr that it's 'Scotland the Brave'. Yeah, you know the one Dad liked to play on St. Patrick's day? Did you know that song has words? Yeah, look it up. It was wild! Of course, I had to share Dad's favorite, 'The Scotsman' with Lahr, right? It just wouldn't be right if I didn't, of course!"
Neva slid up on the pillow and repositioned herself, her green knitted blanket tucked around her legs. "Oh! There's 2 other Betazoids on the ship! One is the First Officer, Commander Nira Said! Apparently, at the beginning of The Occupation, her true parents gave her to some Humans they knew to raise so she'd be safe. So she was raised on Earth. And get this-her family is of the FIRST House! Yeah! Can you believe it? She's really nice though. She had an informal interview with me and the other Betazoid-his name is Aarwendil Chiezek one day. It was sooo refreshing to talk to someone like you and I do! I wasn't sure I could do it, but we all had a wonderful talk! Oh, and Aarwendil is from Lawaxana Troi's House! Talk about connections! And he's met her too. He even played with Deanna! Wish we had someone so famous!" Neva laughed, remembering what Aarwendil had said and showed.
"Well, Mother, I need to get some sleep. I'm still on Gamma shift, so I'm going to end this message here. Neva swallowed hard. "Love you and miss you, Mother. She pressed two fingers to her lips then waved them at the screen before ending and sending the message.
Neva set the now empty plate and glass on the desk and slid back into bed. She took a shaky and long breath and closed her eyes to sleep.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Neva Cordon

Hello Mother!

It's good to know you're well and that the House Winter Gala went so well. Despite the chaos that happened on Earth, I'm happy that you were able to make that tradition happen even so.

Yes, Mother, I was able to find and speak to some of Dad's family. I managed to spend some time with them before I got called back to the Challenger.

Yes, Mother, you heard it right. I did get a promotion, and an amazing one at that. Since Starfleet stole any and all senior officers where they could find them, junior staff had to fill the vacuum. Thus my promotion was to-and yes, I'm feeling every emotion on this-Acting Chief Engineering Officer! Can you believe it?? I was at Cousin Ellen's house with most of her children and some of the Aunts and uncles when I got called up. I barely had time to say goodbye before they actually beamed me up from right there!

Luckily, I'd already had my supplies that I'd needed and wanted sent to the ship, so that was a blessing! I was soo thankful I'd brought my backpack to Ellen's that day! I don't know how I'd've managed if I hadn't!

So yeah, I've been trying to catch up on what Chief Tharn left me, as well as get a handle on who I actually have under my command. You wouldn't believe all the people that got purloined, swapped, and thrown at me! They kept showing up like Dad's rabbits almost until we launched! Oh the stories I could tell you!

By all the Gods, Mother, I had one misbegotten soul actually hit on me! Yes, you heard that right! If it wasn't for the calming techniques you kept making me learn, I think violence would've happened! As it was, there was a wonderful way to "redirect" the moron's proclivities. I found out there's a Lt. Blackfeather that makes all misbehaving souls scrub the outer hull with toothbrushes! Yes, Mother, you heard me right.  He makes them get in spacesuits and really clean the various parts with a non-electric brush! I'm telling you the Gods' honest truth, Mother. And yes, the little bugger came back quite contrite and mighty sore afterwards. I admit to wanting him to suffer his aches and pains by hard work in some obscure part of the ship-inside, yes. You'll be happy to know I shoved his misbegotten behind to Sickbay as soon as he showed up in my Department.

Aside from that, we're managing here. As scattered and personell-poor that we are, I'm confident things will turn around soon.

Well, Mother, I think I need to end this. I've got a minion knocking at my door.

I send all my love across the stars to you. Your Chief Engineer Daughter, Nevanthi


Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

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