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Personal Log - Jael Sherem

Started by Jael Sherem, November 01, 2021, 11:48:05 AM

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Jael Sherem

Personal Log. Supplemental.

This was certainly one for the books. Therapy and psychiatric consolation for an artificial intelligence with abandonment issues. I just wonder how my departmental head is going to take that.

For all my training and fine-tuning of the abilities I inherited genetically from my father, the study and interpretation of body language, and using those abilities for good, nothing prepared me for noncoporeal sentience. Of sorts. If AI counted as noncoporeal sentience.

My idea of transferring the Hyperion's AI into the databanks worked. In a way. Thank the Prophets (yes, despite my being a Cardassian, my mother had a strong following of the Bajoran religion, enough to convert; I think she mostly converted to spite my father) it didn't hack into the Challenger's systems. I'm still giggling at the fact that Lieutenant Grippen tried to arrest it, or have it arrested, or ensure a means of arrest. I mean, he's a flyboy, not security. Besides, he sounds like somebody an ultra-paranoid prefect would do. Not even Dukat was as crazy as that. What made him think that? Although, I think I heard a transmission from his girlfriend in passing. Yeah, a girlfriend. Long distance relationship. Rumor had it the woman's a security chief. Maybe that's where Grippen got it?

Anyway, Gid is doing a lot better. He'll be up on his feet and working with Lahr within a week.

Pity we'll be losing Commander Jyur to a promotion. He's so...gorgeous. I've seen handsome men, but this was a man who scores top in the category of "handsome officers." Wherever his next post will be, I wish him the best of luck.

Ah well. There's plenty of other fish out there. As they say on Earth. Depends on handsomeness and nonjudgementalness.

(Shut up, Gid! Stop that spelling song! Nothing to do with a tree!)

End log (GID! STO...!)

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

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