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Personal Log - Kyan Mackenzie

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, June 05, 2022, 07:33:40 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

[ Reconstituted Logs from Previous Assignments ]

:: Stardate 67977.0 | USS Gibson ::
I'm at the starbase waiting on the Gibson to show up. The bald commander told me that they ought to be here in a few days. So while I wait, I'm gonna go and use the holodeck. I used to have a good program on the Trinculo about some old Earth battles but I've made a new one the now about the Latinum Lady and Kirk the Grup's old ship. Him and his pointy eared first mate will be a challenging opponent sure, and I'm looking forward to it!

Also, there's a Klingon here! His name is G'orat. He's a security officer too and I think he's going to be on the Gibson. I hope he is. He seems like a pretty good guy but he liked those worms like the other Klingons eat.

:: Stardate 68785.2 | USS Gibson ::
So... From the Gibson, to a freighter, and now through the Grace of the Dagda and his big club the Starfleeters have seen fit to put me on this ship, named after a fat ole grup from Earth... That security guy from the Gibson's here too, but of course he got promoted to the officer ranks so I never see him. BUT... the Churchill is a much bigger ship and to hear the little grups with whom I share a bunk tell it, it's exciting. We'll see.

I hope so. Because sure and my trigger finger is itchy.

:: Stardate 71735.9| USS Discovery ::

[Begin Log]


Ahh.. I see the little light the now... so I shall begin.

So the great grup creatures of Starfleet's command have seen fit to make me an officer and allow me FINALLY to fly one of their ships, even though I was already a pilot, AND a gunner on the Latinum lady for nearly ten years, the which was great fun and very profitable. But since that boat got taken in by Starfleet Security, and isn't allowed to ship freight any more, I'm here now. Well, I've actually been in Starfleet for several years the now, all the way back to my time on the little Science Boat called Gibson. Why does Starfleet name their space ships after old people or things? I'm told that the Discovery is named after several old boats... even some actual water boats from Earth. I think that's silliness. They should name them after better people anyways. I think they ought to name on after the Latinum Lady. That ship saw many many glorious adventures and battles... mostly with Nausiccans and Federation ships... but still.

Also, I'm to be in quarters with another person. He's a young grup, and he has a funny accent...

Oh yeah... also, there aren't any great blue aliens on this ship, the sadness of it.

I will record another log later. Right now I'm going to the holodeck to practice flying the ship.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 71919.5| USS Discovery ::
[Begin Log]

Well, we've had a few adventures. Nothing really super crazy yet though. And a Vulcan is in command now so probably not going to be doing anything really exciting for some time, the black sadness of it. But this crew is a bit of all right. Some rough edges sure, but nothing too gruppish to endure.

And there's still no great blue aliens. Meh.

I don't have much else to report the now. See you later log!

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72029.1| USS Discovery ::
[Begin Log]

Things are beginning to get interesting around here computer! We have some fighters on the ship now, the joy of it, AND.. the old grup Admiral has seen fit to make me acting Chief of Security and Tactical Officer. So that means that I will be in charge of keeping the ship safe, AND all the weapons! It's certainly happy I am about that. Also, I'll be getting myself a new roommate soon. A Ferengi! I hope he's got good lobes on'im, though I've never met one who was in Starfleet before. So that we shall have to see.

That's it for now.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72119.5 | USS Discovery ::
[Begin Log]

Well they've gone and promoted me to Lieutenant they have, which is odd considering I skipped over the junior part and just went on to Lieutenant. It's good though because that ole grup doctor cannae boss me around the now. Of course the grups have certain rules where he can, but I try never to get sick so they can't use those rules.

I'm also the Chief of security and tactical, for real, not just acting anymore. We are on a mission to stop an asteroid from running into a planet now, only the asteroid is a Dyson sphere thing... AND there is an old Starfleet ship buried in there. The XO and some of the egg heads have gone over to look, leaving me and the Captain alone on the bridge. I think they should have taken me on that mission, or Ainsley. You never know when some random bad guys are going to pop in to make your acquaintance. It would be the blackest sadness if it happened and there was no one there to help those scientists.

OH! I also got to fly one of the fighters last mission. That was the best! Hopefully I will do so again soon.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72179.7 | USS Discovery ::
[Begin Personal Log]

Hello again Computer. So the last mission with the Dyson sphere thing ended up bonkers, as usual. Some aliens kidnapped myself, Solluk, and Atwood and put us on some holodeck. And apparently they sent clones here to duplicate us. I guess we stopped the Dyson thing. Dunno. Also, they are making me go an talk to the ship's counselor the now on account of the kidnapping thing.

Oh.. And we are mapping out some s'posedly benign area of space for some research. Hopefully it isn't too boring. I will tell you if it is.

OH... and some people have come to the ship. Riley Munro, the old captain of the Gibson, which was a fine little boat, and that long haired mega grup Soreka, with whom I had words previously. I hope he is less gruppish this go around, because I kinda still want to beat him. But as I am the Chief of Security it's not right that I ought to do that. So I'll not be giving him his due....yet.

Another thing is that since I am a Lieutenant the now, and head of a department, I have my own quarters and no room mate. I don't think I care for it. There's no one to talk to now.

Well, I have to go see the head shrinker now. So that's all I have to report.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72829.1 | Starbase Columbus ::
Personal Log Stardate: Whatever... This place is WEIRD!

Ok computer, make sure you don screw the pooch on this thing the now on account of I need this for possible future court cases and the loik. So when I get here to this place, my new duty station, the roit farst thing they do, the grups in their infinite wisdom is tell me, Kyan Mackenzie ta go on and go down tae th' Landin Strip.

Well that's a naked dancing place if you dinae know it, which of course you did... but they had me dress up in some sorta outfit what was tight on me arse and left notta thing to the imagining. The eternal, disgusting, wretched, black sadness of it. An then the XO, who is quite gruppish even fer a grup, presents to me, in me tighty tight shorts and cowboy hat with the mortal remains of some stripper who got goosed up on drugs and flittered away to the Summerlands. Ancients Ones strike me dead if I'm lyin to ye.

But lemme get some proper clothes on before you kill me. Can't go out lookin like... whatever this is that I look like the now. So depressin.

I'll let you know how it shakes out. Canne end well though, hence why I made this log. Proof of my innocence in whatever crazy thing these grups got cookin now.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Stardate 76807.1 | Katra Station ::
Stardate: today. It's October. Samhaim is coming up. point two.

Hey Computer! Merry Met again so it is! And it's where I've been you're prolly wondering. Well, that bald headed Doctor Phil seen fit tae send me into the Immersement Roleplay Therapy. On account of I got me head knocked about by a Hunter. But I did break his leg and his right forearm. I'd have that noted so no one thinks I went out like a red shirted grup the black shame that would've been! Side note tae meself... I need tae be getting me karambit back from who ever pulled it out of the Hunter's arm.

So IRT was much better than I thought it was gonna be. Xasik and Sirol are both good folks. Even though Sirol was after making sure I dinnae say no curse words, and Xasik could nae play a holo sim if his pointy ears depended on it! But I like em both. And such as it is, they make pretty good parents too. An also Little Emmy was fun tae be havin for a sister. I'm thinking on getting her something for Yule but first I'll hafta do some research on what Tholian kids like. Maybe a new hampster ball tae ride in. If that fat elf shows his face this year, I might be after asking him. But I'll also be after asking him about the three hundred years in back presents he owes all us Onlies! He prolly thinks we forgot. Jokes on him so. If I ever make Captain, I might take me ship and hunt him down. They said he lives on the North Pole on Earth. But I took a tricorder there when I was at the Academy and searched for him. Never seen nothing of him nor his village, or his elves. He might have a cloaking device or something though... I never did think of that.

Oh. Them kids at the school was ok too. And some of them were even in the Scouts. I never did Scouts on Cestus III, but it's fun. They said that I could stay on after the IRT is over with too. The Scout Leader said I can get me Tenderfoot rank in a few months. And they got a camping trip planned for next month on New Bajor. I need tae find out more on this Lord Baden Powell guy. He's the one what invented the Scouts, back on Earth. He got all sorts of medals from the Boring War, and conquered a whole island so that the Scouts could have a place to camp. Very interesting guy.

So that brings us to today, which is me first day back on the job. So this morning, some Admiral what was supposed to be dead comes back in a beat up old shuttle. James Carter he says he is, but that we can all call him James. I hate it when old people pretend to be hipsters. Of course that was all bull... umm.. it was all fake like a Klingon at a Peace conference! He's got a tree, branches an all shoves up his arse so he does. And he got mad when I did nae believe his story about coming back form the dead with his mysterious alien bomb thing. I heard him whining to Doctor Xiiv about it. "Oh I wish they all would treat me like a regular person an not some curiosity or a hostile threat."

Well Computer, dinnae snitch on me to the fat Admirals' Club, but I might have popped off at him after that. Yeah yeah, I know I'm supposed tae be nice but he started it! He was hateful to me and ye know I'm not after letting that type nonsense go by. Anyways, he's got a meeting set up with all of us on how to sort out this alien bomb trigger thing pretty soon. So I'll be off to doing that. I'll tell ye how it turns out.

:: Stardate 76894.8 | Katra Sation ::

Stardate: Between Samhaim and Yule. Almost Turkey Day!

Hey Computer. If'n ye've been payin attention the now, the which I know you have, you'd know that they seen fit tae promote me. FINALLY right? After all these many years of trudgin around here with the two pips, it's a Lieutenant Commander they made me!

Yup. take it in computer. Bask in the glow of me third pip ya great bag of neuro gell and chips!

Just kiddin computer. You know I love ya!

Anyways, we also got a new Commander, who I met one before on the Discovery. He's a good enough sort. AND he has a motorcycle that I'm after wining off him at cards when we have a chance to play. of course he'll prolly have tae get boozed up for it... cause who would wager a fine thing like a speeder bike right? But I'm workin on it.

Oh yeah.. AND he asked mt if I was after being the XO. Can ye believe that? Well of course I said yes. So now instead of the yellow shirt, I'm in the red one... and in charge of everyone. It's a pretty big deal computer, if yous dinae mind me sayin so. Hopefully it'll be fun. Security was, but alot of the time there was too many sour puss grups gettin in the way. They're stil about, but now there's alot less of em tae be telling me what tae do sure, and I'm glad for it! I'll write again later and tell you how things is going. For now I have tae go move into me new quarters.

Briggs better not have left any of his nasty grup laundry in there...

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Stardate 77428.8 | En route to USS Discovery ::

Well compu... wait.. did you actually put the stardate on there? Well, Lugh and all his talents! Good work computer!

Anyways the stupid, bald-headed, pot bellied admirals seen fit tae do a crew rotation on Katra. So they sent meself, Hrafn, Pev, and a few other ones over to the USS Discovery. Oh sure they promoted me again. So now in just five months I went from bein a Lieutenant, to a Commander. And I think they only did it so that they dinnae get stabbed for takin me off Katra. Jokes on them though sure and it is. I dinnae ever care nothin about ranks and such. I been demoted and promoted more times than Kirk did nasty things with random space ladies so it makes me no difference if I got one pip or two, or ten. If someone needs a foot up their backside, then I'm after puttin it there, and no mistake! The creatures!

But it makes me sad though to be sure. I already miss the place. Sirol dinnae come, nor Xasik. I'll be missing them the most so I will. Don't tell Dr. Phil about that though. I don't want him crowin about it when he calls me up for a psych checkup. I'll even miss that fleabag Cloten, and Larry Stone... who probably is out stealing something right now! They're probably doin it together, and I'm not there tae toss em in a holding cell, the sadness of it!

But it's not all shite on a shingle. Hrafn and her clan are coming the now, which is good. In fact as soon as I get done with this log, I'm going tae go down and see if they want to go explore the the station when we get there. I'll bet there's some good shops. Also, I been on the Discovery before. Well, the old one. This one though... she's a proper arse kicker! Whoever thought up the Prometheus Class was inspired by Morrigu herself herself! Multi Vector Assault mode, type XII phasers, and seven torpedo launchers! Now that's a warship!

Also, Captain Tekin is still there, and he's alright, even if he's been influenced too much by the Vulcans I think. Ole Kirok the Crusty probably got him with a mind meld or something once. You never can tell.

as to the Discovery's crew... There's a new Cardassian doctor... which is suspect to me. I bet she's after poisoning Tekin.. you know..... his bein a Bajoran after all, and her a doctor AND a Cardassian. I'll keep an eye on here the now. And then we got a Ferengi Chief engineer. So I already know that he's out here selling off parts to the ship and replacin em cheap! But Ferengi are good folk though, once ye get tae know em. I'm sure he'll be ok.

OH... and me old boss, Briggs will be there, but as Chief of Security. I'm after knowin what he did tae piss off the Admirals and get put there and not as the First Officer so..

But anyways computer that's it for now. I'll let you know what I find out.

🡱 🡳

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