Personal Log - Don Addams

Started by Don Damien Addams, April 02, 2019, 01:39:42 AM

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Don Damien Addams

Hm. It had been a long time. Computer sorry if I had neglected you. Since I had joined. My life changed. Or it could just be me. Not used to make friends which stick. Friends with Ian Galloway and friends with Torra.

No. It is more then friendship. Man. I feel like a ship going un marked area on the map. I really like her. I think about her all lot. Then I feel I hit a wall when I try do be with her. I am not sure what it is. I feel small when I am near here. Then I feel nervous. I not sure what to do.

I am struck dumb. A guy like me think he is not good enough for Torra. Then she seem to like me back as well. How long will this happen? Is it real or....sigh... I had try to talk to Judy but that did not really help.

Man my life is more different now, people who I like and care really changed my way to look at the universe.

Don Damien Addams


It has been awhile since I placed a entry here. Guilty as charge. Computer.

I got a Kirk story I want to save for future.

I had heard a story of these loyal officers who had went under cover what Kirk  do. The story explains how the crew was disguise but one crew member real name was mention which the rebels knew. The loyal officer was afraid that some day their name will be known which will be traced back to Kirk. So the legend stories says.

I even can't share it here. Got to keep cover. Less is more. But what if my name was found and it trace back to the Captain which he would be in trouble. Or could my name be used as gain something like black God I am turning into a Nira!

Don Damien Addams

Don had sat at the desk as he had the note pad he had since Paradise, AZ as a reporter. The man was truly was hung up on that memory. It was week a week. Yes. He loved his wife but he felt she was far away even when she was there.

The man sat their looking at the blank page.

He wrote :The Nose sat on the bench with Luby on his arm as Nose waved the reins to make the horses run faster. With Don and his son, and Nira in the carriage are finding the ride toward California very rough. The dust was building up behind them as seven horses and their riders gaining on them. They had been shooting the carriage.

Then a robber had kicked his spurs into the side of the horse to gain speed. As the horse sped up. The robber shot the horse closet to him. Yeah. It was a loss. This carriage seemed to have very rich folk on it. It was worth the price.

Then the horse that got shot end up panicking as its eyes gone white. This had made the horse on its side freaking out more. And after a second the shot horse went down and forcing the other horse to move forward which was not happening. That had made the horse stop in its track.

"Okay! This is a hold up!" the head robber waved his gun out. The others all seemed to finally got caught up. One jumped off his horse and sped to the coach. He grabbed the door and pulled it open.


Of course the folks inside came out scared for their wits and the Nose and his lady friend got off the front of the carriage. "Give us everything you have!" they declared.

"Can we take the females, Jud?!" one robber ask.

"NO! They gonna get in our way! And we are not that kind of robbers!"

"But they are pretty! She looks she can be fun!"

"Stay away," Nose threaten them. "Just take it!"

"You," a robber pointed at the boy name Alex, Don's son. "Unhitch the dead horse and hitch my horse. If you don't I shoot your girl!" Well that Robber thought Alex girlfriend was Niwa the dancer.

Don Damien Addams


Next day of Don:

Waking up in middle of night he was lost. How did he get here? This was not his home! He felt he was doing it again. He turned to see his other wife which was in his bed. He placed his hands on his chest. He felt he was himself. He slipped out of bed and moved far from their bed. Then turned to look at Torra in bed.

Why was he feeling he was being unfaithful to a wife he could not remember? He felt he was sick to his stomach. He went to the small bathroom they had and closed the door.

He felt he had two lives. His dreams had him dream of Boston with his son who was Alex. He was still the same age when they made it to Paradise. He knew he had a kid, but he then was confuse that he had no child with Torra.

It was tormenting his inner self. There was a struggle of the true self and the self which was not real but memories that was not real. This was totaling messing him up. These memories seem to resurface when he dreams and it was like starting all over again. He was shaking and wanted to have it stop.

Don Damien Addams

After the robbers hitch their own horse to the wagon. They rode off leaving a dead horse, the Nose, Luby, Nira, Alex and Don with nothing.

"Well we got our sidearms," Nose shared. "We ought to move this direction. Perhaps we find someone to help us."

They mosey forward in the dry, hot desert as the sun was beating down on them. A little later they were blessed by a small town. They had approached it.


Don stirred in his dream as he felt something was missing. He was wishing that his wife was to see the town. Why would he wish wife from Massachusetts to see the town? It was not she had not seen a small town. Why he had wanted to share the experience with his wife. Torra.

Why could he not recall his wife's name from Massachusetts. This disrupted his dream. Once again on another night he woke up from the dream.

He wrote his dream how the robbers had left them high and dry.

Then he rolled his head to see the time on the clock. He had to get up to do his duty work. His department needed him to see things are well. He was proud that his son, Alex was in his department. The problem was people told him over and over that he was not his son. He was a flight officer in his department.

The memories played at Discovery crashed and that when Captain Tekin had Alex, Don, the Captain himself, Luby and Nit to go investigate.

Was the crash where his memory gone wrong? He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. This was making him mental tired. This was how it was going to be. They had to live with it.

He rolled his head back looking up at the ceiling and then to his right. Torra was sleeping. There his real wife. He had called how he adored her. She had been so understanding which cause pain that he was messed up. He knew he had to make it up for her.

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