Personal Log - Nira Said

Started by Nira Said, August 17, 2023, 08:44:07 AM

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Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | First Officer's Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was becoming enthusiastic about what the Ops people come up with, and the perfect implementation with the holo-emitters.

"Computer, activate holo-file Ahkbar-One."

And with that, a dachshund exactly from her childhood emerged into being and leapt into Nira's arms.

"Aww, look at you!" she said. She requested it of the holo experts as she had meant for a long time to get a pet. Well, a holo-pet, for more conveniences, she felt she didn't have the time for a real pet. Plus, he was always on hand when she needed it.

She had described every detail as best as she could. Ahkbar was one of her closest friends as a child and budding teenager, as dogs usually were. He died of old age before her own foster mother, Aunt Parisa Said, had died. He had lived a good long life for a dog. The holo-Ahkbar was exactly like him in many ways, though Nira can easily summon him with a command from the computer. Nira pulled up a photographic memory from a frame slide, and there she was, her teenaged self with the real Ahkbar.

Then she deactivated the holo-Ahkbar and sent a transmission to Lek.

"Hello, Lek," she said in her letter. "I hope you've gotten my present that I've arranged to send over to you. I have heard of the therapy holo-raptor, but I found it highly illogical. So while I had arranged a holo-pet of sorts for myself, I thought to send a copy of it over. He's based on a dog I used to have as a teenager. His name was Ahkbar. He's quite a delightful fellow. You'll find the file under 'Holo: Ahkbar-Two.' I hope it will suit you good, Lek. Better than a raptor any day. Love from Nira."

And she sent it to Lek on the Discovery. She had the file sent to him in advance, but in her excitement she forgot the note to explain. But she had a feeling her old friend and comrade from the Discovery would appreciate it.

Now to send a holo-note and file of Ahkbar-Three to Torra...if she wanted it...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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