Katra Station Crew Manifest

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, January 17, 2022, 05:57:30 PM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Federation Space Station Katra

(Click on a player character's name to view their profile. For NPC characters, see the NPC bio thread in the Mess Hall forum.)

This is the crew roster of the Space Station Katra. Please refer to it frequently to check any changes in position or rank of your fellow crew member's as this may affect the chain of command. Remember, if you have a problem see your Head of Department and if they cannot solve it they will go to the First Officer, and if they cannot solve it the last stop will be the Commanding Officer.

APC Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Kyan Mackenzie   (Miran male)
APC First Officer: Lieutenant Commander Hrafn Falleg-Tekin (Trill Female)
APC Second Officer: TBD
NPC Command Master Chief: Master Chief Petty Officer Donovan Dufresne (55 y/o Human Male)
NPC Strategic Operations Officer: Lieutenant J'Ness (17 y/o Pawhka-Thanh Female)
APC Commanding Officer's Yeoman: Ensign Mila Dietrich (Human Female)
NPC Executive Officer's Yeoman:

Fighter Squadron
NPC Commander of the Air Group (CAG): Lieutenant Kuzra Lanon (Unjoined Trill, Female)
NPC Strix Squadron Leader: Lieutenant Junior Grade Ecor Jyn (37 y/o Bajoran Male)
NPC Cobra Squadron Leader: Lieutenant Junior Grade Emory Takara (25 y/o Human Male)
NPCChief Security/Tactical Officer: Lieutenant C'Nirr (30 y/o Caitian Male)
NPC Chief Operations Officer: TBD
NPC Chief of Operations: Senior Chief Petty Officer Dana Wible (61 y/o Human Female)
APC  Operations Officer: Ensign T'Prith
APC Operations Officer: Ensign Pev
NPC Chief Engineer : Lieutenant R'Norish (29 y/o Caitian Female)
NPC Asst. Chief Engineer : Lieutenant Junior Grade Osha Lianda (40 y/o Elaysian Female)
NPC Flight Control Chief : Lieutenant Doreatha Till (31 y/o Human Female)
NPC Flight Deck Chief : Senior Chief Petty Officer Zenia Norlin (39 y/o Human Female)
NPC Docking Ring Manager : Senior Chief Petty Officer Zenia Norlin (39 y/o Human Female)
NPC Cargo Bay Manager : Petty Officer 1st Class Braq'si Zofar (31 y/o Bolian Male)
NPC Damage Control Chief : Chief Petty Officer Class Builder of Vensre (15 y/o Eeiauoan Male)
APC Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Sirol (Romulan female)
PNPC Science Officer: Nysa Reisen (Romulan male; played by Edyis)
LOA Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Dr. Amarande Xiiv  (Trill female)

NPC Diplomatic Corps Chief: Lieutenant Kroko Roti (Grazerite Female)
APC Diplomatic Corps Officer: Ensign Pev

APC Eydis (Tholian) - Diplomatic Envoy
PNPC Peylix (Tholian) - Healer (Played by Sirol)
PNPC Kovnin (Romulan) - Ambassador (Played by Sirol)

APC Science Specialist: Xasik Freeman (Reman male)
PNPC Emerald  (Xasik's adopted child - Tholian)  (played by Xasik)
NPC Aeryn  (Uropygi)  (Created by Eydis, adopted by Sirol)

NPC - Non-Player Character
PNPC "" Protected Non-Player Character
APC - Active Player Character (posts daily or near daily)
IPC - Inactive Player Character (6 days or more without an in-mission post).
LOA - Leave of Absence
TBD - To Be Decided

If any of the information contained within this roster is incorrect, please contact the executive officer.

Any time the U.S.S. Lirpa has to deploy, this will be the main crew aboard.

Commanding Officer:
Flight Control Officer:

Security/Tactical Officer:

Operations Officer:

Engineering Officer:

Science Officer: Ensign Eleanor Kleiner (NPC played by Sirol)

Medical Officer:

Diplomatic Corps Officer:

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