Embassies and Diplomatic Offices on Katra

Started by Kirok, June 02, 2021, 06:02:27 PM

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Embassies (Deck 11)
Bajoran Diplomatic Office - Kai
Dord Embassy
Karemma Diplomatic Office - Chief Overseer Hanthar
Klingon Embassy
Numati Embassy
Meridian Embassy (NPC Keshara - former Meridian leader NPC Tarin - elected Meridian President)
Romulan Embassy
Tholian Embassy
Wadi Embassy

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


The Klingon Embassy
Quote from: Lagar on June 21, 2021, 10:01:27 PM


1) Toron class Klingon Shuttle.

Length: 16.4
Width: 9.78
Height: 4.25
Crew: One Flight Crew, Five Passengers
Hull: Standard Duranium/Tritanium Hull
Number of Decks: 1
Standard Warp: Warp Six
Maximum Cruising Speed: Warp Seven for 12 Hours
Warp Core: CLWD/Heavy Small Form Factor Drive
Evacuation Limit: 8
Phaser Arrays: Two wing-mounted small-scale Klingon disruptor cannons
Torpedo Launchers:  Two micro-torpedo launchers
Tractor Beams: One Type-XII Array
Note: The Toron class shuttle is not equipped with a cloak.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



The Tholian Embassy

Quote from: Eydis on March 24, 2021, 12:40:30 AM

Current Tholian ship is the Etain

Tholian Springweaver Class


[Frigate ship - Designed to be multi role ship with ability  for prolong deployments.

45 max crew - Up to 5 non-Tholian passenger accommodation

16 tholian warrior caste marines 2 squads of 8  1 is diplomatic guard and the other squad acts the ships security

5 the diplomat and aids

4 command crew including Eydis, skaldyr, Heilung and Ikoma

20 crew

5 weapons officers
5 engineering
3 science officers
2 healers
2  pilots
3 navi officers

Length 162.75 meters  533 feet 11.48 inch

3 Fwd wing-mounted Tetryon beam arrays
(Power Equivalent to Type IX phasers)
1 Fwd Phase-Locking Heavy Tractor Beam
(Can be used in hostile manner to maneuver enemy ships into Spinneret material)
1 Aft Torpedo launcher and 25 Thermionic Torpedoes
(Power Equivalent to Photon Torpedoes, produces radiation effects during detonation which are not harmful to Tholians but will cause radiation damage to exposed biological life-forms.)
1 Aft Subspace-Quantum Filament Spinneret
(When woven together with Quantum Filaments, Subspace Filaments can disrupt warp fields and create gravitic effects that can anchor vessels that come into contact with them, subject to the limitations of the plot.)

Warp speed 9.9 for 12 hours, Warp 8 Cruising Speed.

Shield system rated to endure approximately 5 photon-torpedo impacts before breach.
(Although all damage will always be plot-appropriate.)

Planetary Landing Capability: Yes

Embarked Craft: Shuttle Space sufficient for one optional 10 meter long shuttle

Two xindi assault shuttles 1-2 crew 1 passenger

7 meters long

2 particle cannons


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Dord Embassy

Director Boz

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Numati Embassy

The Numati Embassy only has two.  The embassy consisted of a reception, a single office, and their living space.

Ambassadorial Aide - Farinne

Ambassador Benvinnot

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Romulan Embassy

NPC Kovnin, the Administrator of the Romulan Embassy (played by Sirol)
NPC Arrhae, his granddaughter (played by Sirol)
NPC Peylix  (Healer, Assistant caretaker for Xasik's child - Tholian)  (played by Sirol)

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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