A_Worthy_Foe - Reporting in 6/14/24

Started by Kinley Garrison, June 14, 2024, 08:16:22 PM

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Kinley Garrison

Hello there! and welcome! Here is where you'll post your Character introduction and one of us will look at it as soon as possible! Thank you!

b]Character Details[/b]

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Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

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How did you find Shadow Fleet?

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Cerna Nox

Character Details

Character Name: Cerna Nox

Character Age: 26

Character DOB: 2376

Character Image: Mia Goth

Character Species: Joined Trill

Gender: Female

Character Family: Marzol (Father) and Mauren (Mother), divorced. Alee (Twin Sister).

Character Bio: Cerna had a difficult time putting down roots as a child. Her father's assignment as a diplomat for the Trill Assembly brought her family to many different worlds, where they'd stay and experience different cultures for a handful of years before moving on.

Marzol wanted nothing more than for his daughters to follow in his footsteps and join the world of Trill politics as he had. While Cerna's twin sister, Alee, took to politics, and public speaking very well, Cerna did not. She found she greatly preferred the concreteness of math and science, at least the outcomes in those kinds of problems were predictable, unlike those with people.

During childhood, Alee and Cerna were inseparable as many twins are, but as the years went by they grew further and further apart. As Alee appeared evermore the favorite and Cerna feeling like she'd become more and more sidelined as she got older. Her father's introductions of her at his parties grew shorter as Alee's grew longer, and she'd stop attending altogether at some point.

While she wasn't the best at assimilating to alien cultures, Cerna did enjoy traveling to new worlds. Much to her father's chagrin, a career as a Starfleet Officer seemed like the ideal path for her.

At the academy she majored in Engineering, and studied subjects like Astrophysics, Temporal Mechanics, and even took a small interest in Linguistics.

Post-graduation, Cerna applied to the Trill Symbiosis Commission. She had always wanted to be joined. It was one of few things she actually listened to her father about when he would talk about his children's futures.

She was made to regret her choice somewhat when she learned that Alee had been accepted as an initiate as well. Cerna didn't necessarily feel like her sister didn't deserve a Symbiont, but she could never shake the feeling in the back of her mind that Alee had only done it to please father. She had always resented that feeling, but the idea that she was living the life he planned out for her just to make happy had never fully exited her mind.

She decided she was going to earn the joining for her, and for no one else...

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: About 10 years of on/off Vampire: the Masquerade and other White Wolf games, some D&D 5e, some freeform text RP.

Department Preference: Engineering

Secondary Department Preference: Operations

Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Enlisted

Sample post: Cerna blinked the sleep out of her deep dark eyes and stared into the mirror. She pushed her fingers into her cheekbones and smooshed the soft flesh of her face, trying to wake up. Cerna traced her spots down her forehead to her neck. They were irregular in size, some big and crooked, some small like freckles, not like her sister, who despite being her twin, had spots that were full, round, and consistent. She splashed water on her face, and donned her golden uniform.

Her eyes darted across the PADD, reading the ship's system layouts, sipping a hot beverage of Klingon origin as she hiked down the corridors to begin her shift in Engineering. She thought she might lose it if she read the words "power grid realignment" again, but thankfully nothing so tedious.

When she made it to her post, she greeted her fellow engineers. She was eloquent and soft-spoken in a way other Engineers weren't, but she was also quiet. Her voice was like an elevated whisper, she felt if she spoke at a normal volume she'd be accused of being shrill, or annoying. Something her father had taught her.

Cerna thought of Nox's second host, Saadro, an accomplished military general, from a time when Trill still felt the need for its own armed defense forces. He had been known for his rousing speeches and inspiring loyalty in his men. It was a ritual of hers to repeat those mantras. It was almost as good as Raktajino for getting through tough mornings.

The light of the engineering diagnostics panel filled her eyes, and Cerna proceeded to gauge what troubles might fill her day.

Additional information: I'm not 100% sure if it's kosher or not to describe time after the academy, since I know that's played out in the tutorial. I just know I'd like her to apply to the Symbiosis Commission post-graduation, rather than beforehand, but if you think beforehand would make more sense, then I can switch it.

How did you find Shadow Fleet?: On the r/pbp subreddit.

Female | Trill (Joined) | 1.77 m | 72 kg

Ian Galloway

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