Lindsey- Reporting in 12/23/23

Started by Kinley Garrison, December 23, 2023, 12:22:48 PM

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Kinley Garrison

Hello and welcome! We're glad you're here!
Please post your character here!

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Character Bio:

Your Details

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Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:

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How did you find Shadow Fleet?

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


Character Details

Character Name: Lindsey Aubrey
Character Age: 39 Earth years (37 physical age)
Character DOB: 10/01/2362 Stardate 39024.66
Character Image:

Character Species: Sub Human  Grandmother on Fathers side was Bajoran
Gender: Female
Character Family: Farther [Jack] Married to [Sicilia] both live on Mahon 3 with the other siblings.  Twin Girls [Jackie & Spencer] Youngest is George

Character Bio: According to public opinion, smugglers are bad people, until they are needed.  At this point they suddenly become valued members of society - until the job is done and they get cast back into whatever hole they were found.
People, goods, medical supplies, ships and once only - weapons.  Everything has a price, everything has a story.

This is Lindsey Aubrey.
Born to a simple life on a simple world, nothing really happened.  The frontier had been peaceful for several hundred years and the planet was stable.  Foods were imported, Chromo-BiaChloride and other raw materials were exported.  The system was about 4 hours beyond Federation space - but only 3 from Cardiassian (we all know how that story went).  When the gunships arrived - resistance was minimal and after a few years of adapting, peace of a kind returned.
Lindsey Aubrey learnt to fly, she learnt to hide, she learnt to adapt.  She stole a shuttle (liberated in her own words) and left, the Cardiassian language wasn't easy to phrase and the void called out to her.
Her first proper interaction with the Federation was when she crossed the border and (quite rightly) got challenged.  She told her story, an envoy was sent, Diplomacy was opened, and stalled.  Too few humans, no Federation citizens - there wasn't much to discuss.
Her ongoing goal - is to seek out new hope, new wealth, such that she might buy the planet back for her people.  She knows its a lofty ideal, but it's consistent.  Her familiarity of the language gives her an edge when crossing the border - often helping other captured settlements or peoples in need.
Most recently she found herself being rescued by a Federation starship and was persuaded to give Starfleet some of her time as.. (as the Captain put it) "That was a remarkable situation, one that the academy would find useful to use in training simulations.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: 30 years of Running and playing in face2face, forums ,conventions, and in some cases by phone.
Department Preference:  No preference
Secondary Department Preference: Something interesting
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:  Currently Civilian

Sample post:
Starfleet news at 10
The hologram straightened the papers on the desk before it spoke
In todays news, Famine is declared on Cintark, Warp 0.9 - fact or fiction and should dogs be permitted on away missions?
But first we have the remarkable arrival of a small freighter that was declared lost over 2 years ago!

The camera cuts to a beat up freighter with massive impact damage to one side and missing a nacelle
The Commander of this plucky little ship just spent 3 years traveling at sublight speed with no communications or on board computer to help!  We sent one of our reporters out there to talk to the Commander and hear all about it!
Cut to a stereotypical well turned out reporter standing in a corridor half filled with junk and only emergency lights for illumination - talking to a malnourished, filthy example of a human(?)
This is the Pioneer, and this is her Commander - Lindsey, How are you today Lindsey?
Lets just say that I've had a lot worse.  2 years is a long time to be alone in deep space
Now just one moment, I heard you were missing for 3 years, could you explain to some of our less knowledgeable viewers why you said only two?
Because Ken, I've been traveling at sublight the whole way.  Without warp drive, it is effectively impossible to travel faster than the speed of light, but time dilation happens at relative speeds.  I've spent three of your years traveling at close to 0.5 of light speed, and this means that only two years have passed for me.  I'm simplifying of course.
Of course, Now our viewers will ask - just why you didn't travel at warp, this vessel was built to do that was it not?
Yes Ken, but if I may draw your attention to the massive hole in the side, and the complete lack of the starboard engine - it might provide a slight clue.
Indeed, Can you tell us what happened?
I was traveling through sector zz9 (plural z alpha) and got approached by a ship of unknown design, after a small disagreement, they opened fire and knocked out my sensors and I withdrew at speed - right into the course of an asteroid.  everything on the ship failed and I drifted for a few weeks on emergancy life support untill I was able to get basic power back.  Warp power was impossible, communications were smashed, sensors were hopeless and so on.  i've ended up teaching myself how to juryrig and repair subsystems I never knew about, how to navigate by the stars, how to recycle everything (and I mean everything) - and eventually I was spotted by a passing starship (who assumed I was a pre-warp civilisation) - and this is where you find me
That sounds equal parts horrifying and impressive.  What do you think you will do now?
The first thing I'm going to do?  Is take a shower.  Water was a luxury I couldn't waste
I wasn't going to mention anything!  Back to you in the studio
Now jus..
The studio reappears - cutting away from the Pioneer just as Ken was about to receive a black eye
Well that certainly sounds like there's more to be found out!  We'll bring you further news on that story once the Commander has had a chance to settle back into society and find out what she's missed in the last 3 years.
Now to our correspondent on Cintark

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?  Can't remember, joined years ago - real life went sideways, dropped out, years past, came back

Rayek trLhoell

Thank you for your application.  It looks good.

We feel your character would fit best in the upcoming station simm (to be starting the first week of January).  In the meantime, you are welcome to join in the Holiday Holodeck post or start some holodeck threads of your own to begin introducing your character.

The station CLO's will be in contact (if not already... as I'm slow in replying to your application).

Welcome back to Shadow Fleet!

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

🡱 🡳

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