Lily Hansen - reporting in 12/11/23

Started by Kinley Garrison, December 11, 2023, 09:55:27 AM

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Kinley Garrison

Hello there and welcome to the Fleet!

Please put the details of your character here and we'll get someone to look at it!

Character Details

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character DOB:
Character Image:
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Character Family:
Character Bio:

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference:
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet?

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

J.B Dersch

Character Name:Lillian Lynn Hansen
Character Age:22
Character DOB:June/21/2379

Character Image:
Character Species:Human
Father:Jake Hansen(Deceased)
Mother: Dr.Taylor Hansen MD
Brother: Jim Hansen(Deceased)
Sister: Katie Hansen
Other Family:Doctor Kate Townsend(Friend)

General Overview: Likes To Get Things Down By a Certain Date, Outgoing,Openly Honest, Kind, Can be very loving at times, If you tell her to do something, It will get done.
Strengths/Weakness: Intelligence,+Outgoing,-Openly Honest,-Takes everything to heart,
-Easily Bored, -Impatient,
Ambitions: Be a lead Doctor On a Medical Research Outpost in the far reaches of space
Hobbies And Interests: Loves to Read, Use the Holodeck to visit long lost Histories..Meaning Places from Earth, Running

Character Bio:
Born On June 21st, 2379, Lilian Hansen began her journey. By the time she hit one, She was wanting to explore everything. Her mother had worked at the Hospital as Head Doctor in Downtown L.A. so, She took her daughter to work. Soon by the age of 5 She knew CPR, And the basic first aid, and by 6 She knew how to use a hydro spray, Clean it, and Add new units to it. As she entered 3rd grade, she started to show signs of interest in space. Jake, her father, was not happy with that, But Mother Taylor talked him out of ruining Lilly's dream. As she entered 5th, She joined the Track,and History Club. She did well on track, And had even advanced her History Club to finals. When she hit 7th grade she had become a Popular girl, But she had a life changing event. During her 8th grade year, Her Father and brother were on their way home when they slid off the road"¦Killing them both. The death of her father and her brother, Lilly's grades dropped, She even quit attending school for a week. Her mother Kate had no idea what to do, But then a Young Girl two years younger who had been friends with Lilly, Came and talked to her. She had asked her, "œIs this want your Father would have wanted?" And after a few days, Lilly went back to the Best grades.  And she used the death of her Father and Brother as a guiding point as she went into 9th grade, By the time she hit 11th, She had taken 2 Years of Biomedical Science, And going into a 3rd and will be a 4th her senior year. She graduated at the top her her class in Biomedical. She entered the StarFleet Medical Academy, Once more in Biomedical Science, but more advanced, and Over other Species Not just human. By the end of her Years she had majored in Biomedical Science, and Also had for some odd reason Majored In Self-Defense and Security Training as well. The Little Girl that had helped Lilly when her father and brother died turned out to be Doctor Kate Townsend who had joined star fleet for a little bit, Got married , Had a Little girl and then left to join the Delta Freedom Alliance With her Husband Chris, They still stay in touch and are still very close friends. During her years at the academy She had also opted to get tested for a Tactical Sniper Specialist. In the end she also passed that"¦Surprising herself and her mother, After She left home, Her mother was old enough to retire so she stayed at home with the now would be 16 year Katie. As Lilly progressed through the academy she never had any troubles, She did almost get into a fight with a fellow medical student who was a 1st year when she was a 4th year, It had started how the Klingon Body was highly subjective to almost any pain, But in reality every body has its breaking point, But this young cadet said the Klingon Body had none, So they got into a heated argument, And soon hands were about to get thrown but a Security/Tactical Instructor Intervened. In the end, The 1st year cadet was the one who got into trouble, Leaving Lilly unscathed. She had also started taking some courses into the Flight Department but never finished them, She hopes she can one day so that if she needs to fly a shuttle, She can do with ease.
Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:Shadow Fleet(Lt.JG Dersch)
Department Preference:Medical
Secondary Department Preference:Sec/Tac
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:Commissioned

Sample post:
OCC:This will be horrible

Lilly ran as fast as she could. It hadn't even been 5 Minutes since the Captain ordered the ship into Red Alert Status when there were multiple Casualties on The Outer Hull Decks. Who knew I was going to be sent as Chief Triage with this being my only First day! As she entered the area she was to set up the Triage, It was a Disaster. People were every, Medical officers were trying their best to get control of the Area, But more kept coming in. "Alright People! If you have only cuts and bruises I need you to please Make room for the More Injured!
She then moved to talk to the two ensigns helping the Ones who couldn't walk. "Ensigns, Get those People over to Triage 1, We will make that for the Heavily Injured She then turned to the Lt. Helping an Officer with moderate Injuries. "Move him to Triage 2, Triage 3 Will be for the Bruises and Cuts, Triage 1 and 2 For Bad and Medium Injuries The Lt. Nodded and said. Yes Mam And Lilly then moved to help others. She wrapped her arm around a Severely Burned Officer who then started to stir and move. "Hey, Its okay, I am taking you to a Section to get you help He then started to lose Strength. Dang it, He's going into shock. She turned to the Other Medical officer. "Help me get him to cot quickly, Hes going into shock The Medical officer ran over and started help carry the officer over to Triage 1.

Additional information:
Never Played Medical Before

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Ian Galloway

This is a great application. I get you want to do something different and that is awesome, but we've had a run on medical lately. Challenger has three in medical and Discovery has two. Since your primary character is on Discovery, you can't have your alt on the same ship.

This leaves us with a couple options.

First, you can use your secondary department choice of security for Challenger, which will give us three in that department.

You can wait for the third simm to open and have Hansen be medical there.

Or, you can choose a different department. There is a huge need for flight, engineering, and Ops.

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 11, 2023, 10:24:37 AM

This is a great application. I get you want to do something different and that is awesome, but we've had a run on medical lately. Challenger has three in medical and Discovery has two. Since your primary character is on Discovery, you can't have your alt on the same ship.

This leaves us with a couple options.

First, you can use your secondary department choice of security for Challenger, which will give us three in that department.

You can wait for the third simm to open and have Hansen be medical there.

Or, you can choose a different department. There is a huge need for flight, engineering, and Ops.

I Will go Sec/Tac on the Challenger till 3rd sim opens, Then Move to Medical on the Discovery since Dersch will be moving to the Star Base

Oh Lilly, Get those Yellow Uniforms Ready

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Ian Galloway

J.B Dersch

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Rayek trLhoell

Lily will start as ensign.  I'll get Tess to work on an ID for your eventual assignment to Discovery, not the interim Challenger.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on December 11, 2023, 11:52:39 AM

Lily will start as ensign.  I'll get Tess to work on an ID for your eventual assignment to Discovery, not the interim Challenger.

Sounds Good

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

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