Livvy Hanes - Checking in - 8 February 2024

Started by Ian Galloway, February 08, 2024, 03:17:33 PM

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Ian Galloway

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How did you find Shadow Fleet?

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 08, 2024, 03:17:33 PM

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How did you find Shadow Fleet?

Face Claim
Olivia Dunne

Name: Livvy Hanes
Date of Birth:12/21/2376
Weight: 196
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Brown
Additional features:

Mother:Janet Hanes(Decesed)-2377
Father: Johnathan Hanes(Decesed)-2378
Free-Time Activity's:
Other Family:Grandpa Hanes(Decesed)-2397, Grandma Hanes(Decesed)-2397

Early life

After her mother gave birth to Livvy, She past away leaving her father a single parent, He started drinking, and drank himself to death a year later. After the death of her only parent, Her Grand Parents stepped in, Adopted her, and rasied her. As she grew up, Livvy, Showed signs of intrest in, Weapons, Design, And For some odd reason staying fit, Only said cause the last Hanes famliy member that was so much about Fitness was Livvys Great Great Grandma. As she progressed through Her early years, She did track, Volleyball. She didn't really stand out, As she entered High School She began a relation-ship with a Boy, Who would be considered her first love, About 8 months in, He shot himself, Due to bullying. This scared Livvy enough she quit dating, and even quit sports. By her Junior year, she feeling a little better, Enough she started sports again. Allowing her her GPA to get back to normal and even got her a Scholar Ship to any college.

College life

Livvy went to the New York Diplomat Academy, This was where either Furture Ambassadors, Or Aides went to train. Livvy didn't want to become a Ambassdor, But a Aide. She did well through her 4 years there, She made 5th in the class. During her Junior year her her grand parents past away. Causing her to have some withdraws, But she knew that her Grandparents wouldn't want this, She pretty much sucked it up and continued her work. By the year of 2398, She had a Bacholers in Diplomatic Relations. She now Could apply for the Federation Ambassador Aide Program, But she was now having second thoughts, She knew people her age, out in the far reaches of space, With starfleet enjoying it now she was waiting to figure it out, soon she knew she needed to join starfleet. So 3 weeks after Gradurating from College she joined.

Starfleet  Life

As Livvy started her years at the acadmey, she did well, She didn't really need her Diplomatic Relations Degree, But, she knew she would one day. She had opted for the Secuirty, Tactical courses, than any other. As she progress through the courses, she did excedingly well

Starfleet career
Thompson School District""12 years
New York Diplomat Acadmey-Masters Degree In Diplomatic Relations""4 Years-2394-2398
Starfleet Acadmey-Sec/Tac Cadet""4 Years""2398-2402
-Sniper Marksman Test PASSED

Service history



  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Rayek trLhoell

As per DM'd discussions in the past, in March the Admin will review your activity levels and contributions to the site to determine if we are willing to waive the usual eligibility requirements. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

J.B Dersch


I am so sorry, Posted as Wrong person, Plus wrong Bio!! But The Image is correct! Heres the new one

Face Calim:Olivia Dunne

Name: Livvy Hanes
Date of Birth:12/21/2376
Weight: 196
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Brown
Additional features: Has Southern Accent

Mother:Janet Hanes(Decesed)-2377
Father: Johnathan Hanes(Decesed)-2378
Free-Time Activity's:
Other Family:Grandpa Hanes(Decesed)-2397, Grandma Hanes(Decesed)-2397

Early life Age:2-18
After her mother gave birth to Livvy, She past away leaving her father a single parent, He started drinking, and drank himself to death a year later. After the death of her only parent, Her Grand Parents stepped in, Adopted her, and rasied her. As she grew up, Livvy, Showed signs of intrest in, Weapons, Design, And For some odd reason staying fit, Only said cause the last Hanes famliy member that was so much about Fitness was Livvys Great Great Grandma. As she progressed through Her early years, She did track, Volleyball. She didn't really stand out, As she entered High School She began a relation-ship with a Boy, Who would be considered her first love, About 8 months in, He shot himself, Due to bullying. This scared Livvy enough she quit dating, and even quit sports. By her Junior year, she feeling a little better, Enough she started sports again. Allowing her her GPA to get back to normal and even got her a Scholar Ship to any college.

College life Age:18-22
Livvy went to the Georgia Diplomat Academy, This was where either Furture Ambassadors, Or Aides went to train. Livvy didn't want to become a Ambassdor, But a Aide. She did well through her 4 years there, She made 5th in the class. During her Junior year her her grand parents past away. Causing her to have some withdraws, But she knew that her Grandparents wouldn't want this, She pretty much sucked it up and continued her work. By the year of 2398, She had a Bacholers in Diplomatic Relations. She now Could apply for the Federation Ambassador Aide Program, But she was now having second thoughts, She knew people her age, out in the far reaches of space, With starfleet enjoying it now she was waiting to figure it out, soon she knew she needed to join starfleet. So 3 weeks after Gradurating from College she joined. SHe also Did Gymnastics while at College

Starfleet Life Age:22-26
As Livvy started her years at the acadmey, she did well, She didn't really need her Diplomatic Relations Degree, But, she knew she would one day. She had opted for the Secuirty, Tactical courses, than any other. As she progress through the courses, she did excedingly well. Months before Frontiers day, She took two tests, The Sniper Marksman Test, and the Peaceful Interagater Test, The Marksman is well known, But the Peaceful Interagater Test, Is given to those, Who would a COs best line of defense when it came to anything diplomatic aboard a starship. She passed both with high scores. During the Frontier Day attack she had been on her Grandparents ranchs, Which she had now owned. After the attacks were over, she quickly headed for the academy, Then took a shuttle to help with the Ships/Space dock. After that she went back to the academy and graduated about a month later. But was put on Manditory leave due to the Frontier day attack.

Career Before and During Starfleet
Thompson School District(Grades-Pre-K to 12th)--12 years--2378-2390
Georgia Diplomat Acadmey--Earned A Bacholers Degree In Diplomatic Relations--4 Years-2394-2398
Starfleet Acadmey--Sec/Tac Cadet--4 Years""2398-2402
-Sniper Marksman Test PASSED-Test Taken, 01/22/2401
-Peaceful Interagater Test PASSED-Test Taken, 03/02/2401

Service history


  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Rayek trLhoell

Our response is still the same.

As per DM'd discussions in the past, in March the Admin will review your activity levels and contributions to the site to determine if we are willing to waive the usual eligibility requirements.

Usual eligibility requirements are:

In order to be allowed to create a third character, you must:

  • Have been an active member of the fleet for at least one year with both your primary and secondary characters.
  • Have reached a total of 400 posts on your second character.
  • Have had no disciplinary action taken against you in the past year.
  • Have received permission from the Fleet Personnel Officer (via a request submitted to your commanding officer).

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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