Mila Dietrich - Reporting in 24 May 2022

Started by Ian Galloway, May 24, 2022, 01:14:19 PM

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Ian Galloway

Welcome to Shadow Fleet, Mila Dietrich !

Please fill out your application below using the format below.

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

[u]Previous Role-Playing Experience[/u]:
[u]Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Secondary Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian[/u]:

[u]Sample post[/u]:

[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]

Mila Dietrich


Character Details

Character Name: Frau von Mila Dietrich
Character Age: 20
Character DOB: 57755.737198947376
Character Image

Character Species: Human
Gender: Female
Character Family: Bastien Father, Natalie Mother
Character Bio:

Hailing as the progeny of a family steeped in rich naval tradition, no one was surprised to learn early on Mila's intent to see the stars. Her family comes from stock filled to the brim with wanderlust. Finding herself in Starfleet was always a question of how, as opposed to when. Knowing the deep level of commitment that comes with the uniform, Mila spent her formative years soul searching for her passions and talents. Her aspirations were completely supported by her family, as they only sought after the best for their only child.

Her education lent her the advantages of being well traveled, as it pertained to her home world of Earth. Lessons in in the Klingon dialect in Madrid, advanced isometric theory in Istanbul, and even a Starfleet sponsored academy cram class in San Francisco proper, personal transporters would take her around the corners of the world and back again. She never attended a formal academic institution outside of a few transitionary classes aimed for young incoming cadets. The fast paced, rock star lifestyle of a scholar was tumultuous at first. However, as she grew older - Mila's yearning for knowledge grew ever more insatiable. Her mind was already taking her places, why not the stars themselves?

The Dietrich name has a deeply rooted history within the peerage of the Neo-Germanic Dominion of Earth. Tracing as far back as a promising U-boat officer during the World War One era, her family has seen their fruit serve in some capacity aboard a vessel. Through the generations, her family has served a number of state polities with pride and valor. Transitioning into the modern era, the Dietrich's have regressed tremendously within the field of Admiralty and service. It culminated with Mila's father Bastien broke family tradition by dedicated his mind and sweat to serving among a civilian peace corp. However, the line through Mila's mother houses a few Starfleet officers spread among the expanse of space.

Seeking to correct this perceived deviation, Mila doubled her efforts and fully devoted herself into finding a place for herself within the ranks of Starfleet. As her adolescence drew to a close, Mila began to hone her studies within the field and practice of medicine. While she did have a fondness for catching the air at its freshest, she knew her best work came with helping people directly. Steady hands, and a good head for anatomy, the decision was very easy for her to make. She applied herself to her maximum, graduating from Boston University after finding their program to be game changing for her career aspects.

While in B.U. she drew an initial look from Starfleet officer recruiters trailblazing as a member of a student-led field study project with an ambitious goal. With their small research grants and more than nominal support from the Risan Hedony, Mila managed to assist in the development of a natural botanical cure to a stubborn, inconvenient, and volatile venereal disease plaguing the paradise pleasure planet at the particular time. With more than enough backing, Mila ran a Rhodes Scholars course into quickly obtaining the needed degrees to start her medical residency with Starfleet.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Here Previously
Department Preference: Medical
Secondary Department Preference: Science
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post


"Never did finish that Astrophysics course." Her voice honed in over the still quiet. T'eala was behind the helm of a Constitution-Class vessel. It was an older model, and it was the telltale sign that she was running an older scenario on the holodeck. "No?"

The voice in response was attentive and open, and it belonged to a fellow cadet. Across from her station sat a very stern Andorian. His skin was a soft blue, a blue that reminded her of the clear sky, on a cloudless spring noon. However, nothing else about Cadet Shrar could be considered "soft" in the slightest. "No, hopped it straight to the academy as quickly as I could get certified."

It was the best career move in T'eala's mind. With her Stellar Cartography degree along with her piloting certifications, she didn't risk wasting anytime continuing her studies. Afterall, Starfleet carried a myriad of educational programs - she'd eventually get the second degree. However, in serving her desires of the "here and now" she found herself riding shotgun on her final examination for the academy.

There were no combative measures, no surprise malfunctioning of ship equipment. No, this training was designed to test her knowledge of ship controls and commands - as well as her ability to maintain course with some quick readjustments of varying stellar conditions. It all felt too easy for T'eala. She expected that at some point the holodeck would load in the nastiest fabricated plasma storm that it could muster.

It'd only serve to make things more interesting. She could feel it deep within the confines of her gut. Her identity. She was born to fly fast, free, and to the fullest. This simulation would deter her flight trajectory. She could feel it in her heart. She'd ace and impress with this test - and she'd be soon behind the sticks of something that could push well past Warp Five.

Additional information: N/A
How did you find Shadow Fleet? Here Previously

Ian Galloway

Excellent application. Since you are a returning member, there is no need for an Academy Training Course. Thus, there is only one real question, which SIMM would you like to join Challenger, Discovery, or Katra?

Mila Dietrich

Wherever I'm most needed, but if I picked I'd say Katra

Ian Galloway

Katra it is then. Please contact Kyan McKenzie for integration into their current mission.

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