T’Phal - Reporting In - 10 July 2023

Started by Rayek trLhoell, July 10, 2023, 10:15:04 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Welcome T'Phal!

Please post your application form by selecting, copying and pasting the following code into your newly created application topic.

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

[u]Previous Role-Playing Experience[/u]:
[u]Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Secondary Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian[/u]:

[u]Sample post[/u]:

[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Character Details

Character Name:T'Phal

Character Age: 150

Character DOB:2251
Character Image:
Character Species:Human/Vulcan


Character Family:
A single child with human father and Vulcan mother

Parents: Deceased

Character Bio:
Born on Vulcan with a human father and Vulcan mother, T'Phal showed at an early age an ability both in the disciplines of Science and Engineering.
She has a particular interest in developing different forms of propulsion to impulse and warp technology, her pet project involves the creation of a stable form of transwarp flight.
She showed an aptidude for training others, and went on to undergo training in education.

Your Details T'Phal, human/vulcan scientist/engineer

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Simmed on various PBeM and other Star Trek Based RPG's since 1997

Department Preference: Engineering

Secondary Department Preference: Science

Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:

T'Phal gazed out of the shuttle window.  New postings were always a mixed bag, her human side and Vulcan heritage, normally so in tune with each other, always seemed to diverge at this point.  Her human side always felt so anxious, but Vulcan relaxation techniques, learnt at an early age, always saved the day.

The ship came into view, no matter what class the starship she served on was, it always projected a sense of vastness.  She waited, stilling herself and using the relaxation discipline she learnt at such an early age

Having boarded, she made her way to her new quarters, and stowed her belongings in her locker.  She made her way to the turbolift, and asked for the bridge

As the door opened, she walked forward, "Ensign T'Phal reporting for duty".

Additional information:

I wondered if I could be in Science but working in warp theory, it lets me use both my science and engineering background

How did you find Shadow Fleet?

I was introduced to it by a friend.

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