What if the Dominion had won?

Started by Martol, February 14, 2014, 01:03:23 PM

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So i've been thinking what if the Dominion had won the war, what would have happened and how could it have happened. So lets start by assuming that the Federation Alliance in defeated at the battle of Cardasia,when the Cardasian fleet does NOT turn on the dominion, the remnants of the fleet are forced to retreat to DS9, the dominion having taking heavy losses also is unable to persue, causeing the war to lengthen by at least 2 years (im taking out the Pa'wraiths, didnt care for that story arc anyway) The Romulans are the frist to sue for peace as they start to see the writing on the wall and hope they can get some favorible conditions and avoid a full occupation, next is Vulcan who sees continuing the war as illogical,by this time the dominion's alpha quardrant fleet is at full strength and has med up with a  fleet from the gama quardrant. the Combined fleet launches a full assault on earth. After a brutal battle both in space and on earth it's self, the United Federation falls,after that its just a matter of moping up some of the indivdual systems. the Klingons refuse to surrender and the domminion decides the only course of action in the complete annihilation of the Klingon race.

Juren th'Shan

^I can't imagine the Dominion would have allowed the Federation, Klingons or Romulans to maintain their empires as they had prior to the start of the war.  Short of an armistice, an outright surrender by the Federation Alliance would seem the only plausible outcome.  I don't think Starfleet officers would be willing to accept prison sentences or executions, so it's possible we'd have seen small resistance cells forming among the remaining military presences in the Alpha Quadrant (which actually makes for an interesting story idea, but I digress...).

Jon Tulley

If the Dominion had won the war, then Star Trek Nemesis would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining. The Enterprise leading the remnants of Starfleet in a desperate attempt to overthrow the Dominion.


Juren th'Shan

Quote from: Jon Tulley on February 14, 2014, 05:42:19 PM

If the Dominion had won the war, then Star Trek Nemesis would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining. The Enterprise leading the remnants of Starfleet in a desperate attempt to overthrow the Dominion.

You've given me an idea.  Suppose Shinzon was a key member of the resistance movement against the Dominion and that he also happened to be fighting to free the Remans from their Romulan oppressors.  Nemesis would have been a much more interesting film if Shinzon had tried using his thalaron weapon against the Dominion.  Would Picard and Enterprise have supported his efforts, or would they have tried to stop him knowing he intended to commit genocide?   

Jon Tulley

Quote from: Juren th'Shan on February 14, 2014, 05:49:36 PM

You've given me an idea.  Suppose Shinzon was a key member of the resistance movement against the Dominion and that he also happened to be fighting to free the Remans from their Romulan oppressors.  Nemesis would have been a much more interesting film if Shinzon had tried using his thalaron weapon against the Dominion.  Would Picard and Enterprise have supported his efforts, or would they have tried to stop him knowing he intended to commit genocide?

I think witnessing the Scimitar and Sovereign fighting together against the Dominion would have been a total nerd-gasm that bested the opening scenes of First Contact. Which I think is already the best part from any Star Trek movie. Not sure if Picard would allow the use of the Thalaron weapon. His morals might be loosened somewhat if the Federation had already been bested.

Gabriel Arthur

Quote from: Jon Tulley on February 14, 2014, 05:42:19 PM

If the Dominion had won the war, then Star Trek Nemesis would have been a hell of a lot more entertaining.

Sigh.  You tease, you.   8)

Juren th'Shan


This assumes that the infection that crippled the Founders didn't occur, which was the primary reason for the surrender; their strategic losses only removed incentive to remain the in Alpha Quadrant, if I remember correctly.

Juren th'Shan

Quote from: Jiseth on February 15, 2014, 09:40:51 AM

This assumes that the infection that crippled the Founders didn't occur, which was the primary reason for the surrender; their strategic losses only removed incentive to remain the in Alpha Quadrant, if I remember correctly.

That's a good point.  Perhaps in this continuity, the Founders discovered the cure before Bashir had a chance to uncover it.


Quote from: Jiseth on February 15, 2014, 09:40:51 AM

This assumes that the infection that crippled the Founders didn't occur, which was the primary reason for the surrender; their strategic losses only removed incentive to remain the in Alpha Quadrant, if I remember correctly.

i've thought about that too, its possible that they capture Odo, accidentally find the cure through a forced link? and was I the only one that didn't like the Pa'wraith sub-plot? I mean even if the Dominion had won, that would have meant more than likely Sisko would have died in battle, so Dukat would have been able to set the Pa'wraiths free and they would have destroyed the galaxy. Sooooo no one would have won. 


Well, the bigger issue is that the Borg made their incursion towards Earth during this time (First Contact) so if the Dominion interfered with Starfleet's response, then the Borg actually win.

Juren th'Shan

Quote from: Jiseth on February 16, 2014, 09:13:23 AM

Well, the bigger issue is that the Borg made their incursion towards Earth during this time (First Contact) so if the Dominion interfered with Starfleet's response, then the Borg actually win.

The Borg incursion happened before the start of the war with the Dominion, so that would not have been affected by a different outcome to the conflict.


Quote from: Juren th'Shan on February 16, 2014, 11:51:05 AM

The Borg incursion happened before the start of the war with the Dominion, so that would not have been affected by a different outcome to the conflict.

Not quite? The USS Odyssey was destroyed in 2370, which in and of itself should be considered a blatant act of war. Considering Doctor Bashir and many other key figures, Martok and Ambassador Krajensky for example, were replaced by Changelings before the attack on DS9 I don't think that particular battle should be considered the start of the war. Just my thoughts.


Quote from: Jiseth on February 16, 2014, 09:13:23 AM

Well, the bigger issue is that the Borg made their incursion towards Earth during this time (First Contact) so if the Dominion interfered with Starfleet's response, then the Borg actually win.

I was wondering how the dominion would have delt with the borg?Could the founders even be assimilated?

Juren th'Shan

Quote from: Jiseth on February 16, 2014, 07:59:02 PM

Not quite? The USS Odyssey was destroyed in 2370, which in and of itself should be considered a blatant act of war. Considering Doctor Bashir and many other key figures, Martok and Ambassador Krajensky for example, were replaced by Changelings before the attack on DS9 I don't think that particular battle should be considered the start of the war. Just my thoughts.

An act of war, perhaps.  But there was no formal declaration of war until late-2373, which was several weeks after the Borg attack on Earth.  Gamma Quadrant skirmishes and Changeling infiltrations are of a different scope than an armed conflict involving ships and ground troops.  I could be wrong, though.

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