Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 11, 2023, 12:47:21 AM

[Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine]

Kina smiled and followed Jael to a table. It was nice to meet someone so welcoming. She was always keen to meet new people and get to know about them. She sat down and gave a polite hello to the human seated. This was one of the few times outside of the Academy that she felt comfortable. Granted, she loved being on Challenger, and wouldn't give anything up to be somewhere else, but it was still hard to meet new people because she was Cardassian.

Her mind came back when Jael that her father was Sherem. She looked down a bit before offering a soft smile. "œI'm just happy that the injuries the ships sustained were not too bad. I still have a few patients in recovery, but they will pull through." She listened more about how Jael's after had hiding places, and that her mother defected from Cardassia during Dukat's reign.

When she was asked about her mother, Kina was a bit shocked. She hadn't thought about her mother in some time. She barely remembered her face, and all she really had were holo-images of her. "œN"¦ I was born about two years before the war ended. Both my parents stayed on Cardassia. My father served when Dukat was in power and then with Damar. He joined Damar when he attacked Rodnac III while he was in the Third Order. My mother"¦"¦"

Kina looked down. She didn't really remember anything of her mother. Only what her father told her about her. But the pain was there, she couldn't explain it. "œMy mother was in Lakarian City"¦..when the Dominion retaliated." She shook her head. She tried to keep the tears at bay. "œMy father fought with Damar till the end of the war. He's a Legate within Central Command right now. He told me he was coming here with someone important."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Oh," said Jael. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother. And I do recall Lakarian City; I was born shortly here when the station used to be called Terok Nor, and shortly before the station was abandoned at the end of the Occupation. I often recalled when my mother brought me to the amusement center there. Still, the massacre of an execution, at least it provided incentive for all of Cardassia to turn against the Dominion...and it almost resulted in their extermination.

"And...your father will be coming here?" she said. She looked around and lowered her voice a little. "So is my mother. I think something important is going it possible Central Command needs help with the Federation? I won't be surprised if they need help extraditing the old man."

Nearby, a Bajoran who just entered the bar noticed the two Cardassians and recognized Jael. Galen Mal narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but then felt a tap on his wrist.

"Don't even think about it, Galen," came a whispered growl.

"You're one to talk, furball," muttered Galen Mal.

"Compared to me, you're practically a Klingon," came the reply. "Besides, getting Cardassians is one thing, but when they're Starfleet officers, you're asking for trouble. And trouble is not good for business."

Galen scowled but admittedly shrugged. He knew the little furball can make himself hidden in the crowd when he wanted. Instead, he followed, currently playing escort, while Deej Cloten seemed to appear out of nowhere as he took a seat. Quark only scowled down at him.

"You again?"
he sneered.

"Relax, comrade," Cloten said with an equally toothy sneer that contorted to a reassuring grin. "It's not about the leather; if it was, I'd be going to different Ferengi, like Sneed."

"Even so, I wasn't expecting you for at least a week, the freighters haven't arrived yet,"
said Quark.

"Let's just say I had a close call back at Ferenginar. I had to get here as fast as I could."

"You could never resist keeping some of your best toys for yourself," retorted Quark with a quiet snort. "Especially a Borg transwarp coil. But why here, and so soon?"

"That was another reason for coming here," said Cloten. "Kira called for me."

"Well, she must have a good reason, especially with him backing you up." Quark nodded at Galen, standing behind Cloten, but continually making glances back at the two Cardassians.

"You'll see," said Cloten, but then he just noticed somebody familiar...

"Well, well, we meet again, baby-face!" he called at Kyan.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 14, 2023, 12:02:43 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Nevir had been about to speak in regards to Nira when things continued, and suddenly he was practically face-to-face with one of his people's heroes.  Someone he had met in passing as one of the first group of Bajorans post Occupation to graduate from Starfleet Academy.  There was a spectrum for his people... on one hand there was Ro Laren, the Starfleet Officer whose path lead her to help the ill-fated Maquis.  And on the other... Major, then Colonel, then Commander, and now Admiral Kira Nerys; the Bajoran who never lost her roots and used them to prop up the Federation and specifically the Emissary.  To say that Nevir was a bit awestruck at being in her presence again was an understatement.

Still.. he was a damned Starfleet Captain.  And he needed to act as such.

Instead, he turned to his First Officer.  "It's standard practice when there is a threat of Changeling infiltration, but it hasn't been widely used since the Dominion War.  Prophets, it wasn't until the New Dominion that we even realized there were Changlings still in our half of the galaxy. Until now, there had been no reason to assume the Changelings were going to start going against the Federation."

"Hiding in Breen space is a genius move, and it leaves a problem; unless they are ready to act now we can't do anything without violating both Cardassian and Breen Space.  We may be able to get the Cardassian Government to support us, especially to take down one of their own, but the Breen?  That is going to be a serious issue."

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian had to admit he was having trouble keeping up at the level of the problem being presented during the briefing. A resurgent Dominion faction, Changelings in the Alpha Quadrant again, the Breen supporting a possible resumption of hostilities, and a rogue Cardassian with a transwarp capable Nor-Class space station.

"Where is the bloody Enterprise? This is their level of 'save the Federation' sort of thing."

He thought as he used every trick he'd ever learned to keep his expression neutral in the face of the biggest threat he'd ever heard and waited for the good news. If there was any.

Lorut Vila

Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming Hall, etc

Vila was late, because she had taken a little nap before she began her R&R, then, of course, she had to dress and prepare. Vila was looking for a bit of (safe) trouble and fun. She was wearing a short, tight black skirt and a sparkly tank-top thing that left little to the imagination. The Bajoran wore high heels, her traditional earring, and enough makeup to hide the fine lines that were creeping in around her eyes and mouth-she was forty-five and while she felt good, she was starting to show the visible signs of aging-and the trauma she carried from her childhood on war-torn Bajor.
She sailed into the bar, though, gathering attention as she did so. She ignored people, making a beeline to the bar, and ordered herself up a Springwine and a charcuterie plate. She turned to the others who were seated nearby. "Can I join you all? Ens. Lorut Vila, Discovery." She said, by way of introduction, before popping a piece of salami in her mouth.



[Ensign Dersch | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Nice to meet you Myne and thank you", He sat and order another round of what he was drinking before and then asked her "Are you new to the Challenger?"

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Yes Sir, I barely sat my bag down in my quarters and reported to my new CO when I was sent to the bridge. My experience with Borg tech helped but I fear I might have upset the Captain when I sought to distract the Cardassian Captain from my actions.


[CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Lahr had heard Zhuk's earlier apology, and noted now that the Caitian had gravitated like many others- at least two Bajorans (a man and woman) and a Human male - towards the pair of children.  While Lahr was also kinda interested in the why and how the one little girl was dressed in an officer's uniform, the Andorian didn't want to waste his precious shore leave time with having to 'watch his language' and pretend to be a good role-model for a pair of children that disturbingly reminded him way too much of his Ruth.   He'd come here to let loose a little before the hell of Engineering loomed again.  Since good music was off the table, that just left alcohol.

"Take your time, Zhuk,  I'm gonna go find us an adults table."

The Andorian then slipped off through the crowd looking for their third musketeer - Litt, as well as the elusive 'open' table.

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne sadened hearing 'adult table', a look of dour hurt crossed her face but this was chased away by the wonderful treat that Big Brother had gotten her. So she renewed her assault on the drink, sugar hangover be damned!


[Kyan Mackenzie | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Kyan listened to Myne's story, which served only to confirm his previous notion that the Nausiccan had been among the living for far too long. Not just him, but the others too. As others showed up, Kyan's imagination began churning out how he was going to put his ideas in motion. There were many different ways to go, and a lot of people who he knew would help. He decided that eventually he'd get names from her, and then people would start paying for what they did. But that was for another time.

In the here and now it looked like Myne was having a good time. She was doing a number on her root beer float and chatting up the grups that came over, which was a good sign. It was then that he remembered that the Bajoran doctor from Discovery had come and said hello. Kyan swiveled in his chair to address him.

"œAye Mister Broadshire, merry met again." He smiled. "œTae be answerin yer askin after that business with the Orions, me an that Seles got sucked out of the hole so we did. I grabbed her so she couldn't be getting away. They beamed us off tae their ship, which was hiding somewhere close. I escaped a few times but they caught me on account of I didn't have no ship." Kyan got a drink of his own root beer before continuing. "œBut then, they sold me off tae some Human grup, the creatures! An he DID have a ship. So when his fat arse weren't lookin, I hit him on the head with a spanner and threw him out the airlock! Sure and he's still floatin somewhere between whatever asteroid they was usin for their base, and Rigel Six. Course when I got meself back tae Earth, they was after makin me see the head shrinkers for a while and then the Admiral wanted tae send me tae some ship which is nae where I was after going so. The admiral didnae like what I said and said he was after takin me over his knee! Can ye believe it?! An me bein an officer in Starfleet the now! So I told "˜im that I was after punchin his teeth down his throat! An I might have pulled me knife too. I dinnae remember. I was mad so I was. But so I got put back down tae Lieutenant and put on the Challenger.

The ancient boy took another swig of root beer. "œSure but it wasn't all bad though, since I did find another Onlie on the ship when I got there, and it seems like she won't be a boring ship tae be on so. But what about you? What have you been doing since then?"

[Dem Broadshire | Quarks | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"œYikes, ok. You've had quite a ride. Its good to see your well now. Admiralty, what can I say, eh?" Dem said with audible surprise from the astounding story.

As Kyan posed his question, Dem considered his response.

"œWell after we went on Romulan exchange, which was generally crap by the way, I was promoted to second officer. I was the bloody captain for the gamma hull in that space station business earlier. I don't know how you don't cower in fear in a battle. I was scared as hell."

Just as Dem pulled his pale blue drink back to his pursed lips, he considered in the manner he just spoke. He usually never speaks with such candour. Especially to his old commander. Dem lowered his gaze to the drink and realised that it must have quite a kick. He took a swig before shouting; "œWaiter! Nother one of this blue, swirly thing drink!".

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne touched Kyan's arm with a look of worry and concern at what she heard. Not out of concern for her own well being because she would be interacting with him often but instead to make sure he was well do to the lasting hurt those caused. She had grown accustom to enslavement. However she had seen the fire in the eyes of others over the years who were not as comfortable. She did not wish a return to the chains... but she did miss the formality and assigned routine. But there was Starfleet and she could get the two there... with much less beatings! So she smiled and said. "I hope Big Brother can come to peace with his time in chains as I have. To constantly have hate just eats away at your soul. One day I will dance for you big brother, and try to make you smile as you have done to me today!"

She then gave him a peck on the cheek before sitting back and continueing working on the drink.

Female Only


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 14, 2023, 08:18:38 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Lahr shook his head sympathetically at the news of the sick children.  "Sorry to hear that, Doc.  But as you say, they are likely to be better soon."

At the question regarding himself, Lahr had to laugh.  "You have to ask that?  This is me we are talking about.   The thrills never stop.  I mean you did hear about how the welding team got sent out to release the cables while we were in the midst of facing down that Nor-station, right?  I was leading that.  Excitement should be my middle name... if Andorians had middle names. But most human can't pronounce the names we do have; so I guess it's better we don't."

Lahr smiled at the waitress who brought their drinks. He paid, then tipped her generously.

"Have you seen Ricky?... I mean, Lieutenant Litt.   He was supposed to meet me and Zhukdra'shar here but he's notably absent."

[DS9 - Quark's]

"œEh, they're kids," Evan replied, nodding with thanks as the waiter set down his new drink. "œIt'll do their immune systems good to be exposed to mild illnesses when they're young; helps their bodies fight off the scarier stuff when they're grown."

The Andorian's laugh was contagious, eliciting a chuckle from Evan as he mulled over his answer. "œIf "˜excitement' is your middle name," he said with a grin, "œmine would have to be "˜chaos'. I probably spend half my time just wondering where I left my brain." At the remark about Ricky, he furrowed a brow. He was bad at matching names with faces to begin with, but the name didn't even ring a bell, so he just shrugged his shoulders and took another sip.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: J.B Dersch on May 15, 2023, 08:33:34 AM

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine| Ensign J.B Dersch]

Dersch looked to Dem and Asked "Mr. Boardshire, how long have you been in Star Fleet?" Dersch liked to know who he was crew members with and just want to get to know some people and not live under a rock the entire time he was stationed on the Discovery.

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

As Dem continued to talk with his old commander, he regarded Dersch walking toward the table and starting some light conversation with Myne. Eventually, the trusty security officer turned towards him. Dem put his drink down as Dersch posed his question. "œAh, mate only a year. In my first mission I basically blew up Disco, so the execs decided to promote me." Dem shrugged with a childish expression on his face "I'm a newbie like you." Dem smiled when the Ferengi waiter set down the drink, and Dem smiled as he got to work polishing it off.

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 16, 2023, 03:14:12 AM

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

As Dem continued to talk with his old commander, he regarded Dersch walking toward the table and starting some light conversation with Myne. Eventually, the trusty security officer turned towards him. Dem put his drink down as Dersch posed his question. "œAh, mate only a year. In my first mission I basically blew up Disco, so the execs decided to promote me." Dem shrugged with a childish expression on his face "I'm a newbie like you." Dem smiled when the Ferengi waiter set down the drink, and Dem smiled as he got to work polishing it off.

[Ensign Dersch | TAC/SEC OFFICER-DISCOVERY | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

He nodded at the Answer
"Well, Just wanting to One, Congratulate you on your Promotion and Two, You were scared shitless when commanding but you made it through without any Issues, And You look like your someone who is  mean't for the Captains Chair, So Get me wrong when I say this, You Will make a Excellence Captain for Star Fleet, Even through your a Newbie, We Newbies still can rise fast through the ranks with Hard work, And Yea I know this might seem Kinda off coming from me but hey what you gotta do you gotta Do" Dersch then finished off his first drink he had carryied with him over.

[quote author=Myne
[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Yes Sir, I barely sat my bag down in my quarters and reported to my new CO when I was sent to the bridge. My experience with Borg tech helped but I fear I might have upset the Captain when I sought to distract the Cardassian Captain from my actions. [/quote]

[Ensign Dersch | TAC/SEC OFFICER-DISCOVERY | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Dersch Nodded as Myne said this and decided on what he wanted to say.
"Well Myne, We all Have our rough times when we are first Assigned, But he can't be too mad, So don't beat yourself up over this" Dersch then ordered another Drink and some food and then sat listened to all the others around him.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Buehler on May 15, 2023, 08:14:39 PM

[DS9 - Quark's]

"œEh, they're kids," Evan replied, nodding with thanks as the waiter set down his new drink. "œIt'll do their immune systems good to be exposed to mild illnesses when they're young; helps their bodies fight off the scarier stuff when they're grown."

The Andorian's laugh was contagious, eliciting a chuckle from Evan as he mulled over his answer. "œIf "˜excitement' is your middle name," he said with a grin, "œmine would have to be "˜chaos'. I probably spend half my time just wondering where I left my brain." At the remark about Ricky, he furrowed a brow. He was bad at matching names with faces to begin with, but the name didn't even ring a bell, so he just shrugged his shoulders and took another sip.

Lahr nodded in agreement with the doc's statement about the immune system of children.

He seriously doubted the doc was as 'chaotic' as the man made out but he appreciated the human making him feel not so 'alone' by his remark.

The shrug at his question about Litt, had Lahr looking over the room once more for his missing friennd.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 15, 2023, 08:52:39 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nearby, a Bajoran who just entered the bar noticed the two Cardassians and recognized Jael. Galen Mal narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but then felt a tap on his wrist.

"Don't even think about it, Galen," came a whispered growl.

"You're one to talk, furball," muttered Galen Mal.

"Compared to me, you're practically a Klingon," came the reply. "Besides, getting Cardassians is one thing, but when they're Starfleet officers, you're asking for trouble. And trouble is not good for business."

Galen scowled but admittedly shrugged. He knew the little furball can make himself hidden in the crowd when he wanted. Instead, he followed, currently playing escort, while Deej Cloten seemed to appear out of nowhere as he took a seat. Quark only scowled down at him.

"You again?"
he sneered.

"Relax, comrade," Cloten said with an equally toothy sneer that contorted to a reassuring grin. "It's not about the leather; if it was, I'd be going to different Ferengi, like Sneed."

"Even so, I wasn't expecting you for at least a week, the freighters haven't arrived yet,"
said Quark.

"Let's just say I had a close call back at Ferenginar. I had to get here as fast as I could."

"You could never resist keeping some of your best toys for yourself," retorted Quark with a quiet snort. "Especially a Borg transwarp coil. But why here, and so soon?"

"That was another reason for coming here," said Cloten. "Kira called for me."

"Well, she must have a good reason, especially with him backing you up." Quark nodded at Galen, standing behind Cloten, but continually making glances back at the two Cardassians.

"You'll see," said Cloten, but then he just noticed somebody familiar...

"Well, well, we meet again, baby-face!" he called at Kyan.

Though he didn't see Litt, Lahr did spot Cloten.  "Roozh!"  The Andorian dropped his head and turned his back to the Vulpian.  "What is he doing here?"

Thankfully the Vulpian and his Bajoran sidekick seemed more interested in speaking to Quark than checking out the patrons of his bar.

"Sorry Doc, seems I gotta go." Lahr downed his drink in one long draw before rising from his seat.  He looked over towards Zhuk thinking to warn the Caitian but it seemed Lahr was a moment too late.   Roozh! Cloten seemed to noticed the group that Zhuk was hanging with - in particular... one of the kids!?   The Andorian's antennae leaned towards group in curiosity.   How did Cloten know the boy?

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: J.B Dersch on May 16, 2023, 08:11:07 AM

[Ensign Dersch | TAC/SEC OFFICER-DISCOVERY | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

He nodded at the Answer
"Well, Just wanting to One, Congratulate you on your Promotion and Two, You were scared shitless when commanding but you made it through without any Issues, And You look like your someone who is  mean't for the Captains Chair, So Get me wrong when I say this, You Will make a Excellence Captain for Star Fleet, Even through your a Newbie, We Newbies still can rise fast through the ranks with Hard work, And Yea I know this might seem Kinda off coming from me but hey what you gotta do you gotta Do" Dersch then finished off his first drink he had carryied with him over.

[Ensign Dersch | TAC/SEC OFFICER-DISCOVERY | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Dersch Nodded as Myne said this and decided on what he wanted to say.
"Well Myne, We all Have our rough times when we are first Assigned, But he can't be too mad, So don't beat yourself up over this" Dersch then ordered another Drink and some food and then sat listened to all the others around him.

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

"œYou noticed" Dem stated sarcastically. Retrospectively he found that he was obvious that he was worried while they engaged the Cardassians. "œSo, what is on the cards for you while we're on DS9?" Dem pondered.
As Myne started to talk about now she'd pissed of the Captain, Dem decided to chime in. "œAh, don't worry about it. Me and a science team got sent to the brig under his command for accidentally assimilating a part of the ship, and he seems fine with me now"¦"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 12, 2023, 06:15:19 PM

[Ward Room - Starbase Deep Space Nine]

It took everything Ian had to not look like a fool in front of Admiral Kira. He could not describe how he felt other than awestruck. He held his tongue, not trusting himself to speak coherently as he thought.

"I am in the presence of a legend, nae, a legend among legend. This mere wisp of a lass was fightin' Cardassians when I was no more than a wee lad. She stood along side Captain Sisko, she stormed Central Command Headquarters and captured the female changeling. Her exploits are beyond words. I've nae felt so gobsmacked in my life."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 14, 2023, 12:02:43 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Nevir had been about to speak in regards to Nira when things continued, and suddenly he was practically face-to-face with one of his people's heroes.  Someone he had met in passing as one of the first group of Bajorans post Occupation to graduate from Starfleet Academy.  There was a spectrum for his people... on one hand there was Ro Laren, the Starfleet Officer whose path lead her to help the ill-fated Maquis.  And on the other... Major, then Colonel, then Commander, and now Admiral Kira Nerys; the Bajoran who never lost her roots and used them to prop up the Federation and specifically the Emissary.  To say that Nevir was a bit awestruck at being in her presence again was an understatement.

Still.. he was a damned Starfleet Captain.  And he needed to act as such.

Instead, he turned to his First Officer.  "It's standard practice when there is a threat of Changeling infiltration, but it hasn't been widely used since the Dominion War.  Prophets, it wasn't until the New Dominion that we even realized there were Changlings still in our half of the galaxy. Until now, there had been no reason to assume the Changelings were going to start going against the Federation."

"Hiding in Breen space is a genius move, and it leaves a problem; unless they are ready to act now we can't do anything without violating both Cardassian and Breen Space.  We may be able to get the Cardassian Government to support us, especially to take down one of their own, but the Breen?  That is going to be a serious issue."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 15, 2023, 10:48:25 AM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian had to admit he was having trouble keeping up at the level of the problem being presented during the briefing. A resurgent Dominion faction, Changelings in the Alpha Quadrant again, the Breen supporting a possible resumption of hostilities, and a rogue Cardassian with a transwarp capable Nor-Class space station.

"Where is the bloody Enterprise? This is their level of 'save the Federation' sort of thing."

He thought as he used every trick he'd ever learned to keep his expression neutral in the face of the biggest threat he'd ever heard and waited for the good news. If there was any.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 14, 2023, 10:56:03 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

The scowl Rayek received from the Scottish Admiral at Rayek's remark to Commander Said, spoke volumes of the Admiral's bias.  Rayek had stated a fact - that investigators shouldn't be guessing.  But since his words had made the Commander look bad, HE was the bad guy.  Oh well.  Being disliked by others was nothing new to the Romulan, being a former Tal'Shiar.

Rayek glanced to his left to regard his Captain.  Tekin asked some valid questions and Rayek gave a nod to support this.

While Captain Vaughn made arrangements, Rayek opened his PADD and did a quick read through of the events of the Dominion War as a refresher.  Rayek was a teen at the time of the war, and though Empire did join in the offensive until late, news of the war was everywhere he went.  Though information about it was highly skewed by Romulan dogma.  He remembered his parents being concerned that he and millions of other young Romulan military hopefuls might be conscripted into the Star Navy early when it was announced that the Empire was joining the War.

That the Empire joined on the side of the Federation Alliance had been a surprise to many.  But then Humans had a saying for that - 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.  Not quite true for Romulans but 'temporary ally' could replace friend in that statement.

The DS9 Commander at the time, Benjamin Siska - now the Emissary, and many of the station staff were key personnel in the War - including Admiral Kira.

Despite his time on Katra Station, Rayek had never met Admiral Kira.  The Admiral in charge of the station during his time was Admiral Julia Rellek and Admiral Kirok after her.  Rayek was certain he would have preferred a Bajoran Admiral over that of a Vulcan one.

That the Admiral had access to and was willing to risk such a long-range transport through subspace spoke volumes to Rayek over the perceived urgency.  Given the encounter of Melek Nor, the Romulan could understand why though.  It seemed this was but the 'tip of iceberg'.

Recently returned to Federation space after a year on assignment with the Romulan Free State, Rayek couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for the Captains and Commander to become suspicious of him given this new information.

Though the Admiral's focus was on the Breen involvement aspect, Rayek took note that she mentioned that Captain Worf was investigating Starfleet infiltration.   The paranoid Romulan couldn't help but wonder what results the Klingon had found.

As Admiral Kira summed up her briefing with a very valid concern, Rayek nodded.  For the first time since Admiral Gillespie's glower did Rayek speak up.  "Then our efforts should be done as discreetly as possible to avoid that situation," he pointed out.

Rayek continued on.  "In regards to the possible infiltration of Starfleet, is there not already standard practices in place from the previous generation to detect Changelings?  A simple extraction of blood was it not?  While obviously we can't state that we are requiring a blood test to look for Changelings, having some other medical reason would do the trick.  If nothing else, the process could highlight to us those who avoid the medical test.  As much as I am loath to resort to trickery and lying, there are limited options in this matter.  Perhaps 'recent hacks' into the Starfleet medical system has prompted the Headquarters to question the veracity of the information in the system and thus they have issued a directive for all personnel to submit to a mandatory medical - including bloodtest to confirm details in the database?"

If agreed to that could potentially deal with at least the infiltration part, though his paranoid mind quietly pointed out that medicals were a standard practice in Starfleet and that prior to now no rumor of Changelings being had been circulating.   It had been 20 years since this form of screening had been effective.  Had those Changelings that remained found some technology to trick the standard blood test?  It was possible but with no other means to test with presently, this was their best option.

Rayek then looked to Admiral Kira.

"Starfleet Command has obviously gathered us here for more than just an in-person briefing.  What are our orders?"

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira watched as the Discovery's command officers each gave their, as was said on Earth, "œtwo cents' worth." It did also occur to Nira"¦

"œWell, blood screenings and phaser sweeps aren't the only means of detecting Changelings aren't there?" she asked.

"œWell, those were the most popular means back in the day, Commander," Kira answered. "œUnfortunately, blood screenings can be especially fooled. I do remember meeting a Changeling that impersonated then-General Martok, and we each confirmed our identities by drawing blood with his knife. He actually managed to simulate blood, which probably took a great deal of concentration for a Changeling"¦it still baffles me to this day."

"œOf course, telepaths can't read Changelings, can they?" asked Nira.

"œNo, they can't," said Kira, shaking her head.

"œWell, there should be more than one way to detect Changelings," said Gillespie. "œBut there are more pressing matters. There's the matter of the Breen and that Cardassian pirate with Dominion sympathies."

"œYou're talking about Sherem, aren't you?" asked Kira.

"œHow do you"¦?" Nira started to ask, but she shook her head. "œActually, you probably know him from the Occupation, don't you?"

"œNot just from the Occupation," said Kira with a wave. "œGul Sherem and his pirates have been attacking around the border for the past year, mostly around the Cardassian, Breen and Tzenkethi borders, but he's been all over."

"œLike when Cardassian pirates attacked Klingon space," said Nira. "œI remember from my Officer Exchange among Klingons"¦would it be possible that the old man would've brought ships with him?"

"œIt would be possible if those ships were docked at some pylons," said Kira with another shrug. "œAnyway, his first raids were near Tzenkethi space; however much he tried to make them look like Tzenkethi raids, they weren't. An officer who used to be in the Bajoran Resistance recognized Sherem's calling card instantly. How he had been getting around, that was answered by members of Damar's own resistance while they were rummaging through his files. From them, we discovered his studies on the Borg and his salvage operations of Borg technology. So, with help from friends in Starfleet Intelligence, we've deployed or modified arrays around the borders to detect Borg signatures. Not to mention Intelligence subcontractors have been keeping an eye on smuggling operations specializing in Borg technology, one of which leading us to one Deej Cloten."

"œThat backstabbing fleabag?" snapped Nira, but Gillespie held up a hand in a calming gesture.

"œCloten's useful," Gillespie said. "œHe knows all the crooks."

"œHe is one," retorted Nira.

"œWell, true, but he's handy for the right price," said Gillespie. "œWe are careful with him, of course, he does have a tendency to stab you in the back if he thinks he can go beyond his original price."

"œYou don't say," said Nira with grit teeth, recalling trying to get Cloten's help, only for him to turn on him.

"œLuckily, if one remembers to remind him of his debts and the wrath he'll have to face from his debtors," said Gillespie, a gleam in his eye similar to when a jackal has come across a dead horse. "œAnyway, we've watched the furball's operations for a while, and we noticed Cloten's biggest profits come from smuggling operations; he can smuggle just about anything, from weapons to drugs, but his best draw is from salvage. Specifically Borg salvage."

"œThere've been plenty of eyes on him since Quark pointed him out," added Kira. "œNot as good as Odo, mind, but it's been especially easy to keep an eye on him since he attempted a Quark's duplication on Katra Station, one of the reasons he tried to set up shop in the Gamma Quadrant. An investigation of his sales history has indicated that his biggest customers have been snapping up Borg materials as fast as they could, and they're mostly in or near Cardassian and Breen space."

"œGul Sherem," said Nira.

"œCorrect. He purchases Borg salvage whenever he can, though he tries to salvage the technology himself, but he only purchases Borg salvage if he cannot find derelicts to salvage."

"œSo you've been using Cloten to track Gul Sherem?" asked Gillespie.

"œAs best as we could," said Kira. "œOur arrays have been configured specifically to detect Borg signatures, but we've always found it disappeared when we get there. Which was why I had been figuring that Sherem had been using Melek Nor to jump around. There were at least a couple of instances when I get to one of his attack sites, but only in time to see him disappearing in a transwarp conduit. But that was how I could tell he was using Melek Nor, rather than Cardassian ships with transwarp coils."

"œWere you able to pinpoint where he goes to ground?" asked Gillespie.

"œOh, very much so," said Kira. "œFrom the results of the arrays, we were able to determine that the most instances of Borg signatures have been discovered around the Badlands, around the old DMZ"¦one of these planets the Maquis fought the Cardassians over, roughly between Veloz Prime and the Portas system, a Breen planet near the old DMZ, and since we couldn't find any Borg ships..."

She left the sentence hanging, but it was enough to indicate Sherem was there. As she did so, Kira pulled up a star chart and pointed to the Badlands, in the former DMZ.

"œThat's where you got off to when Captain Worf showed up," guessed Gillespie.

"œThat's right," answered Kira. "œAnd the most Borg signatures have been detected around here, not to mention the most raids Gul Sherem had engaged in. You see, the Cardassians in the last year had been negotiating the return of some Maquis worlds the Federation gave them back to the Federation, and Veloz Prime is one of them, even if the Maquis had long been expelled by the Dominion. There had already been colonists coming, and there had been so many deaths thanks to Sherem's raids."

"œThat's why the fleet is here?" asked Gillespie.

"œPartly. But the Breen have been making noises lately and the raids are growing more dangerous. And now that Odo has mentioned Changelings are still in the Alpha Quadrant, it's a matter of time before they strike," said Kira.

"œAnd to think, there have still been Changelings after all this time, since the end of the war," said Nira. "œWhy are they now making their move, with the Breen and their sycophantic Cardassian zealots like Sherem as their muscle?"

"œWell, you have to bear in mind, Commander," said Kira, "œwe won chiefly because the Federation and the Klingons had an alliance with the Romulans. Chances are, since the Star Empire dissolved into factions, thanks to the Hobus star, those Changelings are hoping to take advantage of the weakening alliance. Even if we had help from the Romulan Free State, even with a small portion than what they had at the height of the war, the Dominion could still deal quite a blow to the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira looked at Commander tr'Lhoell, given that he said the exact words she was about to say. She nodded in agreement with him and looked at Kira expectantly.

"Well, we're going to confront Sherem," said Kira, finished with her explaining. "We capture him and bring him back to Deep Space Nine. Some Cardassian officials are already on the way over here and will join us for the ride. Given Sherem's level of firepower, not to mention all the Breen and Dominion forces backing him up, that's why we have the fleet with us. But it won't be the only reason.

"Worf had infiltrated Melek Nor," continued Kira, "given the similarities to Deep Space Nine, typical of Nor-class stations, chiefly to get into the Changelings' database for information. He managed to get away with a good amount, but that's not enough. We learned that the Changelings keep their data activities in computer banks each in separate computers around computer cores on critical bases and flagships, and Worf could only get his hands on the data on one such computer.

"As such," Kira stated, reaching the crux of the matter, "the fleet's engagement will act as a diversion of sorts while we send one infiltration team back onto Melek Nor to get the rest of the Changelings' database, even if it means having to pry them from their connections. And that team is required to, while they're at it, to disable Melek Nor's transwarp coil and capture Sherem while he's occupied with the battle.

"Another team will infiltrate the Breen base down below to find the Changeling database there as well, just in case that team on Melek Nor can't get to the station's computer core. Both teams may likely have to star there, just in case Melek Nor is out raiding. We'll have plenty of Breen suits to disguise your appearances, but those who can't fit in Breen suits will have to come as prisoners."

"So how will we get onto either of those stations?" asked Nira.

"Simple," said Kira. "Cloten. A couple of ships, say, your own, Captains," she added, gesturing at Galloway and Tekin, "could chase Cloten's ship to that base, where he'll be transporting Breen customers that will be delivering Borg salvage to Melek Nor. Even if Sherem isn't there, chances are, since Cloten is known among Sherem and the Breen, they'll let him in handily enough. Then the two ships high-tail back to DS9 and return in force, though you'll have to see if Melek Nor will be there. If not, we'll wait at Veloz Prime until we get word of Sherem's return."

Nira pursed her lips. There could be so many things that could go wrong with that plan, and Cloten could be the worst problem of the plan. She looked at the Captains and Commander tr'Lhoell at what they thought.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 17, 2023, 03:16:33 AM

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

"œYou noticed" Dem stated sarcastically. Retrospectively he found that he was obvious that he was worried while they engaged the Cardassians. "œSo, what is on the cards for you while we're on DS9?" Dem pondered.
As Myne started to talk about now she'd pissed of the Captain, Dem decided to chime in. "œAh, don't worry about it. Me and a science team got sent to the brig under his command for accidentally assimilating a part of the ship, and he seems fine with me now"¦"

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine |Ensign J.B Dersch]

Dersch thought this through then said "I really don't know, Might just walked around till Something happens really." He had only said that since he was still new and yea he could talk to others but when it came to just being himself? Well that is not what he dose at all. "Thats my plans what are yours Mr.Boardshire? Study, Drink make new friends?" Dersch knew some of those weren't the best questions but hey he was talking out side of his comfort zone.


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 17, 2023, 02:18:16 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Lahr nodded in agreement with the doc's statement about the immune system of children.

He seriously doubted the doc was as 'chaotic' as the man made out but he appreciated the human making him feel not so 'alone' by his remark.

The shrug at his question about Litt, had Lahr looking over the room once more for his missing friend.

Though he didn't see Litt, Lahr did spot Cloten.  "Roozh!"  The Andorian dropped his head and turned his back to the Vulpian.  "What is he doing here?"

Thankfully the Vulpian and his Bajoran sidekick seemed more interested in speaking to Quark than checking out the patrons of his bar.

"Sorry Doc, seems I gotta go." Lahr downed his drink in one long draw before rising from his seat.  He looked over towards Zhuk thinking to warn the Caitian but it seemed Lahr was a moment too late.   Roozh! Cloten seemed to noticed the group that Zhuk was hanging with - in particular... one of the kids!?   The Andorian's antennae leaned towards group in curiosity.   How did Cloten know the boy?

[DS9 - Quark's]

Evan could almost imagine the wheels spinning in the Andorian's head, trying to puzzle out how the label "chaos" could apply to such a quiet man. He had so many trains of thought running through his head that it took considerable effort to pin any one of them down long enough to speak. So Evan just shrugged and smiled as Lahr rose. "No worries. And thanks for the drink."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Kina Nural

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 15, 2023, 08:52:39 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Oh," said Jael. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother. And I do recall Lakarian City; I was born shortly here when the station used to be called Terok Nor, and shortly before the station was abandoned at the end of the Occupation. I often recalled when my mother brought me to the amusement center there. Still, the massacre of an execution, at least it provided incentive for all of Cardassia to turn against the Dominion...and it almost resulted in their extermination.

"And...your father will be coming here?" she said. She looked around and lowered her voice a little. "So is my mother. I think something important is going it possible Central Command needs help with the Federation? I won't be surprised if they need help extraditing the old man."

Kina offered a soft smile and nod. "œI do miss her, but my father did everything he could to raise me, and make sure I was well taken care of. My grandparents helped raise me, but he has always been there for me." A few flashes of memory came to her. It only lasted a moment, but she focused back into the now.

Something suddenly struck her as she thought about it. "œI'm not really sure. It's possible, it it must be extremely important to Central Command. My father rarely ever leaves Cardassia. The few times he did, it was because Central Command wanted direct control of the situation. Do you think all this with your father would be connected?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 17, 2023, 08:45:35 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira watched as the Discovery's command officers each gave their, as was said on Earth, "œtwo cents' worth." It did also occur to Nira"¦

"œWell, blood screenings and phaser sweeps aren't the only means of detecting Changelings aren't there?" she asked.

"œWell, those were the most popular means back in the day, Commander," Kira answered. "œUnfortunately, blood screenings can be especially fooled. I do remember meeting a Changeling that impersonated then-General Martok, and we each confirmed our identities by drawing blood with his knife. He actually managed to simulate blood, which probably took a great deal of concentration for a Changeling"¦it still baffles me to this day."

"œOf course, telepaths can't read Changelings, can they?" asked Nira.

"œNo, they can't," said Kira, shaking her head.

"œWell, there should be more than one way to detect Changelings," said Gillespie. "œBut there are more pressing matters. There's the matter of the Breen and that Cardassian pirate with Dominion sympathies."

"œYou're talking about Sherem, aren't you?" asked Kira.

"œHow do you"¦?" Nira started to ask, but she shook her head. "œActually, you probably know him from the Occupation, don't you?"

"œNot just from the Occupation," said Kira with a wave. "œGul Sherem and his pirates have been attacking around the border for the past year, mostly around the Cardassian, Breen and Tzenkethi borders, but he's been all over."

"œLike when Cardassian pirates attacked Klingon space," said Nira. "œI remember from my Officer Exchange among Klingons"¦would it be possible that the old man would've brought ships with him?"

"œIt would be possible if those ships were docked at some pylons," said Kira with another shrug. "œAnyway, his first raids were near Tzenkethi space; however much he tried to make them look like Tzenkethi raids, they weren't. An officer who used to be in the Bajoran Resistance recognized Sherem's calling card instantly. How he had been getting around, that was answered by members of Damar's own resistance while they were rummaging through his files. From them, we discovered his studies on the Borg and his salvage operations of Borg technology. So, with help from friends in Starfleet Intelligence, we've deployed or modified arrays around the borders to detect Borg signatures. Not to mention Intelligence subcontractors have been keeping an eye on smuggling operations specializing in Borg technology, one of which leading us to one Deej Cloten."

"œThat backstabbing fleabag?" snapped Nira, but Gillespie held up a hand in a calming gesture.

"œCloten's useful," Gillespie said. "œHe knows all the crooks."

"œHe is one," retorted Nira.

"œWell, true, but he's handy for the right price," said Gillespie. "œWe are careful with him, of course, he does have a tendency to stab you in the back if he thinks he can go beyond his original price."

"œYou don't say," said Nira with grit teeth, recalling trying to get Cloten's help, only for him to turn on him.

"œLuckily, if one remembers to remind him of his debts and the wrath he'll have to face from his debtors," said Gillespie, a gleam in his eye similar to when a jackal has come across a dead horse. "œAnyway, we've watched the furball's operations for a while, and we noticed Cloten's biggest profits come from smuggling operations; he can smuggle just about anything, from weapons to drugs, but his best draw is from salvage. Specifically Borg salvage."

"œThere've been plenty of eyes on him since Quark pointed him out," added Kira. "œNot as good as Odo, mind, but it's been especially easy to keep an eye on him since he attempted a Quark's duplication on Katra Station, one of the reasons he tried to set up shop in the Gamma Quadrant. An investigation of his sales history has indicated that his biggest customers have been snapping up Borg materials as fast as they could, and they're mostly in or near Cardassian and Breen space."

"œGul Sherem," said Nira.

"œCorrect. He purchases Borg salvage whenever he can, though he tries to salvage the technology himself, but he only purchases Borg salvage if he cannot find derelicts to salvage."

"œSo you've been using Cloten to track Gul Sherem?" asked Gillespie.

"œAs best as we could," said Kira. "œOur arrays have been configured specifically to detect Borg signatures, but we've always found it disappeared when we get there. Which was why I had been figuring that Sherem had been using Melek Nor to jump around. There were at least a couple of instances when I get to one of his attack sites, but only in time to see him disappearing in a transwarp conduit. But that was how I could tell he was using Melek Nor, rather than Cardassian ships with transwarp coils."

"œWere you able to pinpoint where he goes to ground?" asked Gillespie.

"œOh, very much so," said Kira. "œFrom the results of the arrays, we were able to determine that the most instances of Borg signatures have been discovered around the Badlands, around the old DMZ"¦one of these planets the Maquis fought the Cardassians over, roughly between Veloz Prime and the Portas system, a Breen planet near the old DMZ, and since we couldn't find any Borg ships..."

She left the sentence hanging, but it was enough to indicate Sherem was there. As she did so, Kira pulled up a star chart and pointed to the Badlands, in the former DMZ.

"œThat's where you got off to when Captain Worf showed up," guessed Gillespie.

"œThat's right," answered Kira. "œAnd the most Borg signatures have been detected around here, not to mention the most raids Gul Sherem had engaged in. You see, the Cardassians in the last year had been negotiating the return of some Maquis worlds the Federation gave them back to the Federation, and Veloz Prime is one of them, even if the Maquis had long been expelled by the Dominion. There had already been colonists coming, and there had been so many deaths thanks to Sherem's raids."

"œThat's why the fleet is here?" asked Gillespie.

"œPartly. But the Breen have been making noises lately and the raids are growing more dangerous. And now that Odo has mentioned Changelings are still in the Alpha Quadrant, it's a matter of time before they strike," said Kira.

"œAnd to think, there have still been Changelings after all this time, since the end of the war," said Nira. "œWhy are they now making their move, with the Breen and their sycophantic Cardassian zealots like Sherem as their muscle?"

"œWell, you have to bear in mind, Commander," said Kira, "œwe won chiefly because the Federation and the Klingons had an alliance with the Romulans. Chances are, since the Star Empire dissolved into factions, thanks to the Hobus star, those Changelings are hoping to take advantage of the weakening alliance. Even if we had help from the Romulan Free State, even with a small portion than what they had at the height of the war, the Dominion could still deal quite a blow to the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira looked at Commander tr'Lhoell, given that he said the exact words she was about to say. She nodded in agreement with him and looked at Kira expectantly.

"Well, we're going to confront Sherem," said Kira, finished with her explaining. "We capture him and bring him back to Deep Space Nine. Some Cardassian officials are already on the way over here and will join us for the ride. Given Sherem's level of firepower, not to mention all the Breen and Dominion forces backing him up, that's why we have the fleet with us. But it won't be the only reason.

"Worf had infiltrated Melek Nor," continued Kira, "given the similarities to Deep Space Nine, typical of Nor-class stations, chiefly to get into the Changelings' database for information. He managed to get away with a good amount, but that's not enough. We learned that the Changelings keep their data activities in computer banks each in separate computers around computer cores on critical bases and flagships, and Worf could only get his hands on the data on one such computer.

"As such," Kira stated, reaching the crux of the matter, "the fleet's engagement will act as a diversion of sorts while we send one infiltration team back onto Melek Nor to get the rest of the Changelings' database, even if it means having to pry them from their connections. And that team is required to, while they're at it, to disable Melek Nor's transwarp coil and capture Sherem while he's occupied with the battle.

"Another team will infiltrate the Breen base down below to find the Changeling database there as well, just in case that team on Melek Nor can't get to the station's computer core. Both teams may likely have to star there, just in case Melek Nor is out raiding. We'll have plenty of Breen suits to disguise your appearances, but those who can't fit in Breen suits will have to come as prisoners."

"So how will we get onto either of those stations?" asked Nira.

"Simple," said Kira. "Cloten. A couple of ships, say, your own, Captains," she added, gesturing at Galloway and Tekin, "could chase Cloten's ship to that base, where he'll be transporting Breen customers that will be delivering Borg salvage to Melek Nor. Even if Sherem isn't there, chances are, since Cloten is known among Sherem and the Breen, they'll let him in handily enough. Then the two ships high-tail back to DS9 and return in force, though you'll have to see if Melek Nor will be there. If not, we'll wait at Veloz Prime until we get word of Sherem's return."

Nira pursed her lips. There could be so many things that could go wrong with that plan, and Cloten could be the worst problem of the plan. She looked at the Captains and Commander tr'Lhoell at what they thought.

[Wardroom - Space Space Nine]

Ian listened to the discussion and finally found his footing to be able to contribute to the conversation in a coherent fashion.

"If the plan is ta be the hunters ta this Cloten's fox, then the only real question left is when are we ta depart? The battle with Melek Nor was very short and neither Challenger nor Discovery were damaged in the skirmish, so I know my ship is ready ta go on your orders. All I need ta ken is when ta call back the crew from shore leave."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine "" Wardroom]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 17, 2023, 08:45:35 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira watched as the Discovery's command officers each gave their, as was said on Earth, "œtwo cents' worth." It did also occur to Nira"¦

"œWell, blood screenings and phaser sweeps aren't the only means of detecting Changelings aren't there?" she asked.

"œWell, those were the most popular means back in the day, Commander," Kira answered. "œUnfortunately, blood screenings can be especially fooled. I do remember meeting a Changeling that impersonated then-General Martok, and we each confirmed our identities by drawing blood with his knife. He actually managed to simulate blood, which probably took a great deal of concentration for a Changeling"¦it still baffles me to this day."

"œOf course, telepaths can't read Changelings, can they?" asked Nira.

"œNo, they can't," said Kira, shaking her head.

"œWell, there should be more than one way to detect Changelings," said Gillespie. "œBut there are more pressing matters. There's the matter of the Breen and that Cardassian pirate with Dominion sympathies."

Nira's question about other means of detection had the Romulan hoping for an affirmative response.  Unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case.  When Admiral Kira stated there was potential for the blood screenings to be tricked, Rayek pull a frown.  However all was not completely hopeless.

With his telepathy, Rayek at least had the potential to check those around him.   The dilemma being:  was that morally sound?   Before he could ask the Admiral for her thoughts on the issue the topic changed back to the immediate issue.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 17, 2023, 08:45:35 AM

"œYou're talking about Sherem, aren't you?" asked Kira.

"œHow do you"¦?" Nira started to ask, but she shook her head. "œActually, you probably know him from the Occupation, don't you?"

"œNot just from the Occupation," said Kira with a wave. "œGul Sherem and his pirates have been attacking around the border for the past year, mostly around the Cardassian, Breen and Tzenkethi borders, but he's been all over."

"œLike when Cardassian pirates attacked Klingon space," said Nira. "œI remember from my Officer Exchange among Klingons"¦would it be possible that the old man would've brought ships with him?"

"œIt would be possible if those ships were docked at some pylons," said Kira with another shrug. "œAnyway, his first raids were near Tzenkethi space; however much he tried to make them look like Tzenkethi raids, they weren't. An officer who used to be in the Bajoran Resistance recognized Sherem's calling card instantly. How he had been getting around, that was answered by members of Damar's own resistance while they were rummaging through his files. From them, we discovered his studies on the Borg and his salvage operations of Borg technology. So, with help from friends in Starfleet Intelligence, we've deployed or modified arrays around the borders to detect Borg signatures. Not to mention Intelligence subcontractors have been keeping an eye on smuggling operations specializing in Borg technology, one of which leading us to one Deej Cloten."

Rayek listened attentively to the information provided by Admiral Kira.  That these raids had been happening for over a year was eye-opening for the Romulan.   It said much about how weakened Romulan Intelligence still remained with the splintering of the Tal'Shiar, that none of this had been picked up and passed on to the Free State Fleet Commanders and Subcommanders.

Hearing that there were already measures deployed along the Cardassian border to detect for Borg signature, Rayek nodded.   However, with transwarp technology, Gul Sherem and his station would still have the advantage of near surprise on almost any target he chose.   The 5, 10 or 15-minute warning that the station had crossed the border would mean little in mounting a successful defense.

No, the best way to deal with Sherem would be a discreet offensive.

The mention of an unfamiliar name drew the Romulan's attention once more.

"Who is Deej Cloten?" Rayek inquired but his query must have been lost in the vehemence in which Nira reacted to the name.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 17, 2023, 08:45:35 AM

"œThat backstabbing fleabag?" snapped Nira, but Gillespie held up a hand in a calming gesture.

"œCloten's useful," Gillespie said. "œHe knows all the crooks."

"œHe is one," retorted Nira.

"œWell, true, but he's handy for the right price," said Gillespie. "œWe are careful with him, of course, he does have a tendency to stab you in the back if he thinks he can go beyond his original price."

"œYou don't say," said Nira with grit teeth, recalling trying to get Cloten's help, only for him to turn on him.

"œLuckily, if one remembers to remind him of his debts and the wrath he'll have to face from his debtors," said Gillespie, a gleam in his eye similar to when a jackal has come across a dead horse. "œAnyway, we've watched the furball's operations for a while, and we noticed Cloten's biggest profits come from smuggling operations; he can smuggle just about anything, from weapons to drugs, but his best draw is from salvage. Specifically Borg salvage."

"œThere've been plenty of eyes on him since Quark pointed him out," added Kira. "œNot as good as Odo, mind, but it's been especially easy to keep an eye on him since he attempted a Quark's duplication on Katra Station, one of the reasons he tried to set up shop in the Gamma Quadrant. An investigation of his sales history has indicated that his biggest customers have been snapping up Borg materials as fast as they could, and they're mostly in or near Cardassian and Breen space."

Rayek listened with interest to how the other characterized the smuggler.  His attention peaked however at the mention of Cloten's time spent on Katra Station  -obviously during the year and half that Rayek was either assigned to the Amalthea or the Valdore.

The mention of the station brought a slight smile to the Romulan's face.   Katra was where he and Tess had met, so the station was very dear to him, as was the planet it orbited.  He and Tess still had a home they had built on Meridian which they held in trust for their son.   Through the kind manoeuvrings of Keshara (Meridian's former leader "" a member of the council of three), Fvienn was born on Meridian "˜soil' and thus automatically granted Meridian citizenship.  This Meridian citizenship, Rayek at the time had hoped, would help hide Fvienn, and lessen any Romulan claim to his son.   Now with Rayek's service to the Free State paid off "" thanks to Starfleet loaning him out for a year "" Rayek did not need to worry "" as much "" about being hunted down for defecting.

Focusing back on Admiral Kira, Rayek listened as the explanation continued.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 17, 2023, 08:45:35 AM

"œGul Sherem," said Nira.

"œCorrect. He purchases Borg salvage whenever he can, though he tries to salvage the technology himself, but he only purchases Borg salvage if he cannot find derelicts to salvage."

"œSo you've been using Cloten to track Gul Sherem?" asked Gillespie.

"œAs best as we could," said Kira. "œOur arrays have been configured specifically to detect Borg signatures, but we've always found it disappeared when we get there. Which was why I had been figuring that Sherem had been using Melek Nor to jump around. There were at least a couple of instances when I get to one of his attack sites, but only in time to see him disappearing in a transwarp conduit. But that was how I could tell he was using Melek Nor, rather than Cardassian ships with transwarp coils."

"œWere you able to pinpoint where he goes to ground?" asked Gillespie.

"œOh, very much so," said Kira. "œFrom the results of the arrays, we were able to determine that the most instances of Borg signatures have been discovered around the Badlands, around the old DMZ"¦one of these planets the Maquis fought the Cardassians over, roughly between Veloz Prime and the Portas system, a Breen planet near the old DMZ, and since we couldn't find any Borg ships..."

She left the sentence hanging, but it was enough to indicate Sherem was there. As she did so, Kira pulled up a star chart and pointed to the Badlands, in the former DMZ.

"œThat's where you got off to when Captain Worf showed up," guessed Gillespie.

"œThat's right," answered Kira. "œAnd the most Borg signatures have been detected around here, not to mention the most raids Gul Sherem had engaged in. You see, the Cardassians in the last year had been negotiating the return of some Maquis worlds the Federation gave them back to the Federation, and Veloz Prime is one of them, even if the Maquis had long been expelled by the Dominion. There had already been colonists coming, and there had been so many deaths thanks to Sherem's raids."

"œThat's why the fleet is here?" asked Gillespie.

"œPartly. But the Breen have been making noises lately and the raids are growing more dangerous. And now that Odo has mentioned Changelings are still in the Alpha Quadrant, it's a matter of time before they strike," said Kira.

The Romulan could see how the truth behind Sherem's activities had been revealed.   But none of this answered his initial question.   What did the Admiral have planned to deal with the transwarp capable Nor station?
Quote from: Nira Said on May 17, 2023, 08:45:35 AM

"œAnd to think, there have still been Changelings after all this time, since the end of the war," said Nira. "œWhy are they now making their move, with the Breen and their sycophantic Cardassian zealots like Sherem as their muscle?"

"œWell, you have to bear in mind, Commander," said Kira, "œwe won chiefly because the Federation and the Klingons had an alliance with the Romulans. Chances are, since the Star Empire dissolved into factions, thanks to the Hobus star, those Changelings are hoping to take advantage of the weakening alliance. Even if we had help from the Romulan Free State, even with a small portion than what they had at the height of the war, the Dominion could still deal quite a blow to the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira looked at Commander tr'Lhoell, given that he said the exact words she was about to say. She nodded in agreement with him and looked at Kira expectantly.

"Well, we're going to confront Sherem," said Kira, finished with her explaining. "We capture him and bring him back to Deep Space Nine. Some Cardassian officials are already on the way over here and will join us for the ride. Given Sherem's level of firepower, not to mention all the Breen and Dominion forces backing him up, that's why we have the fleet with us. But it won't be the only reason.

"Worf had infiltrated Melek Nor," continued Kira, "given the similarities to Deep Space Nine, typical of Nor-class stations, chiefly to get into the Changelings' database for information. He managed to get away with a good amount, but that's not enough. We learned that the Changelings keep their data activities in computer banks each in separate computers around computer cores on critical bases and flagships, and Worf could only get his hands on the data on one such computer.

"As such," Kira stated, reaching the crux of the matter, "the fleet's engagement will act as a diversion of sorts while we send one infiltration team back onto Melek Nor to get the rest of the Changelings' database, even if it means having to pry them from their connections. And that team is required to, while they're at it, to disable Melek Nor's transwarp coil and capture Sherem while he's occupied with the battle.

"Another team will infiltrate the Breen base down below to find the Changeling database there as well, just in case that team on Melek Nor can't get to the station's computer core. Both teams may likely have to star there, just in case Melek Nor is out raiding. We'll have plenty of Breen suits to disguise your appearances, but those who can't fit in Breen suits will have to come as prisoners."

"So how will we get onto either of those stations?" asked Nira.

"Simple," said Kira. "Cloten. A couple of ships, say, your own, Captains," she added, gesturing at Galloway and Tekin, "could chase Cloten's ship to that base, where he'll be transporting Breen customers that will be delivering Borg salvage to Melek Nor. Even if Sherem isn't there, chances are, since Cloten is known among Sherem and the Breen, they'll let him in handily enough. Then the two ships high-tail back to DS9 and return in force, though you'll have to see if Melek Nor will be there. If not, we'll wait at Veloz Prime until we get word of Sherem's return."

Nira pursed her lips. There could be so many things that could go wrong with that plan, and Cloten could be the worst problem of the plan. She looked at the Captains and Commander tr'Lhoell at what they thought.

Nira's question about 'why now?' was also on Rayek's mind but he supposed the why didn't really matter.  What mattered now was what were they going to do about it?  When he asked directly for orders, Admiral Kira pointed out they were going to confront Sherem - capture him.  This seemed highly unrealistic until she pointed out that Worf had already infiltrated Melek Nor.  The Admiral detailed to the group about the role of the fleet, and the two infiltration teams.

Admiral Kira's plan was risky but that was rather to be expected given the situation.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 18, 2023, 12:25:27 PM

[Wardroom - Space Space Nine]

Ian listened to the discussion and finally found his footing to be able to contribute to the conversation in a coherent fashion.

"If the plan is ta be the hunters ta this Cloten's fox, then the only real question left is when are we ta depart? The battle with Melek Nor was very short and neither Challenger nor Discovery were damaged in the skirmish, so I know my ship is ready ta go on your orders. All I need ta ken is when ta call back the crew from shore leave."

Rayek nodded his acknowledgement of the plan.  "I will coordinate with Commander Said to prepare the needed away teams." The Romulan considered a moment.  He too was curious about the ships' timeline.  The ship's crew had JUST been given 48 hour leave. He'd hate to have to recall them so soon.

"Discovery has just returned to service today after extensive repairs, and while I respect the workmanship of the engineers at Starbase 153, I'm certain our Chief Engineer would appreciate 24 hrs to go over the work done."  Knowing Lek's habits, Rayek wasn't above using the Ferengi engineer to secure at least 24 hrs for the crew.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

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