Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Quote from: Nira Said on May 06, 2023, 12:23:27 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One >- Ops | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A >- Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira waited at the transporter room with her three gleaming pips for Captain Galloway. She figured they were to head over to Ops instantly; she heard plenty about how DS9's Ops had a transporter pad. Odds were, Nira and Ian were going to meet with DS9's command which case, it's most likely Admiral Kira Nerys, commanding officer of Starfleet operations in the Bajor Sector.
Materializing, Nira took in the Operations Center with awe. She never had been in a station's Ops before, and she could see how it differed drastically from the bridge of a starship. There was such a circular setup that naturally showed how much it was an Operations Center, with a unique Cardassian "pool table" in the center.

She could see that Admiral Gillespie was already there, and Captain Tekin had just joined them. Nira gave him a nostalgic smile and a nod in greeting as he arrived; it felt like a lifetime since her promotion to First Officer and the last time they parted.

"Aboot bloody time," grumbled Gillespie. "Where's yehr First Officer, Tekin?"

But the Command officers were interrupted by an approaching officer with an exceptionally wide smile and a plucky attitude and an incredibly bubbly body language.

"What ho, what ho!"

A second officer from behind him, in just as much a red uniform as the newcomer's, approached from behind. She looked very much stern and looked very familiar...

"Is this really the right time for that, Malak?" she muttered.

"Well, I wouldn't know, would I, Becca?" asked the bubbly man. "Always the friendly welcome wagon."

Rolling her eyes, Becca pressed her comm badge and said, "Captain to Ops, please."

She looked over at the office and Nira followed her gaze to see a captain emerge from the office. He looked gruff and certainly smelled clean-shaven. Naturally, he oozed professionalism. Of course, since Nira was expecting a particular Bajoran, naturally, in her astonishment, she said, "You're not Admiral Kira."

"Not by a longshot, Commander," he said formally. Turning to the three commanding officers, he said, "Welcome to Deep Space Nine. I'm Captain Ulysses Vaughn, station commanding officer. This is my First Officer, Lieutenant Commander Malachi Belvedere, and my recently promoted Strategic Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Jae Sisko."

Nira whirled around to look at the steely woman who had greeted them while Captain Vaughn made his introductions to his bubbly First Officer and steely... Sisko...? Was she related...?

Rebecca had seen Nira's reaction and made a "here we go again" shrug. "I believe everybody knows my father. The Emissary."

That was what the Bajorans called him...and Nira recognized her at once. She could definitely see the same steely eyes and demeanor as she saw of holo-footage of Benjamin Sisko. But it was more than just that...

"I think I've heard of you," said Nira. "You were at the Academy a year behind me."

"Of course you would've heard of me. How hard is it to escape a famous father's shadow? And it's even harder because he's gone so much, but at least Big Brother Jake doesn't go away as much..."

"Lay off Academy nostalgia, will yeh, yeh wee lassies?" asked Admiral Gillespie. Turning to Captain Vaughn, he asked, "Where's Admiral Kira?"

"Out with the Valiant," Vaughn answered. "She contacted us just before your fleet arrived, Admiral She's due to return in an hour or two."

"Funny, I had assumed the Defiant was the attached starship," said Nira, having heard plenty of the famous attachment starship.

"It was," Vaughn answered. "The Defiant's now retired and leaving peaceably in the Fleet Museum. And, technically, the Valiant doesn't belong to the station, it's just assigned to this sector..."

"Well, then, we should be able to get up to speed before we hear from Kira's own words." Gillespie's tone certainly indicated he wanted to hear what was what.

"Of course," said Vaughn. "Captains? Commander? Please join me and Admiral Gillespie in the boardroom," he said with a gesture. "Can I offer some refreshment while we wait for your other First Officer? Save time from explaining twice."

As they proceeded, Gillespie approached Nira and said quietly, "I saw yeh finally got the third gold pip. Congratulations on yehr promotion, lass."

"Thank you, Admiral," said Nira with a smile. "And thank you, as well, for recommending the promotion."

Gillespie returned the smile and then resumed his taciturn demeanor as they made their way to the boardroom.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Rayek trLhoell

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 06, 2023, 04:05:37 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Transporter Room >>> Deep Space Nine - Transporter room >>> DS9 Board room]

Fully aware that the other Command officers were waiting on him, Rayek double timed it from his office to the transporter room, where he was beamed off the Discovery and brought onto DS9. From the station's transporter room, Rayek once more double timed it to arrive at the stations main boardroom.  He hoped he hadn't kept the Captain too late.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Deep Space 9 | Quarks ::

When not traveling with humans who could pass as parents, or Human children, or other Onlies, the diminutive denizens of Miri's Planet were the proverbial "œsore thumb" of the galaxy. As in, they stood out. This was especially true if they were Starfleet Officers or held other uniformed occupation. Even a hundred and thirty eight years after the Enterprise happened upon their planet, the ageless children weren't often seen on their own. When one of them did venture out into Federation society, they were noticed. "œHey kid, are you lost?" "œWhere are our parents?" "œDo you need help?" When an Onlie went to a place they didn't frequent enough to be known, they could expect one or a combination of those questions. No, Dead, and No also tended to be insufficient answers.

Kyan had also found over the years that "œBugger off" never did the trick either. Some Onlies just identified themselves as such at the outset, often saving time. Some always traveled with adults. Others dealt with the raised eyebrows and questions in other ways. Kyan had taken to ignoring looks and questions unless he couldn't. After all, the grups had places to be too, and often let the matter slide.

Unless they didn't.

"œYou can't be in here." Stol whined again as Kyan hopped up on a barstool. The Ferengi had followed him from the door all the way to the bar. The little Onlie had ignored his repeated entreaties to leave, hoping he'd give up. He didn't. "œThis is a bar!" the exasperated Ferengi continued. "œChildren are not allowed!"

Kyan swiveled the seat to face him. "œAye, Sure and I ken what it is. S'why I'm here. I come tae get pissed and play dabo!

Stol was aghast. "H-Hoo-man children aren't allowed in here!" he stammered. "You come with me!"

With that, the Ferengi reached for Kyan's ear, intent on dragging him out and putting an end to the whole affair. The boy deftly leaned back on the stool, evading him.

"Oy! Are ye after giving me Ooh-Maks in front of all these people ye pervert!?" he laughed.

If it were possible for a Ferengi to go red in the face, Stol was doing his best to do it. He tried again and was rebuffed again.

Luckily he was saved by his boss.

"Go see to the tables Stol, I'll handle this." Quark spoke up from the end of the bar.

Stol looked at his boss, then back at Kyan before he scurried off. The bar's owner ambled over, a severe expression etched on his aging face. "You've got alot of nerve coming back in here." he noted, picking up a glass and cleaning it.

"I dinnae ken what yer on about." Kyan replied innocently. "I'm just here tae see you."

"Don't play innocent. You broke my holosuite last time you were here... and a table when you brawled with that Tellarite! I put it all on your tab."

"That Tellarite started it!" Kyan laughed. "An yer holosuite was dodgy before I came!"

"Dodgy maybe, but not broken!" Quark quipped. "You broke it."

"Rule number one sixty four. "Never spend your own money when you can spend someone elses." right?" Kyan grinned.

Quark nodded, his sharp teeth making his smile seem more predatory than intended. "You remember. Good."

"So I do. I also remember Rule fifty one. "Never admit a mistake if there's someone else to blame." So I choose yer mechanic."

Quark shook his head. "Dahg never should have taught you the rules. Let's call it... ten strips."

"Five." Kyan replied. "Seven if yer after giving me some actual whiskey."

"Seven, five for the repairs, and two for impugning my business ethics!" Quark offered, feigning indignance. "I'd never sell you whiskey."

Kyan narrowed his eyes. "Six, and a strip fer yer ethics, which is generous so it is!"

"Done." Quark answered, producing a Ferengi padd. "Thumb here." Then after Kyan had thumbed the device, "Now, what are you doing here? Still in Starfleet?"

The boy nodded with a sigh. "Aye, the shame of it. Y'know they left me tae be sold off tae the Orions the creatures!"

"Slavery didn't agree with you I take it."

"Nope. You'll find the creepy bawbag what paid fer me floatin somewhere near the Onias system."

Quark laughed. "I'd bet 10 bars he was hoo-man."

Kyan nodded. "So he was. And he paid good too so, probably doesn't have enough for the Blessed Exchequer now. Sad for him."

Quark laughed, and put a root beer in front of the Onlie. "Well I'm glad you escaped so you could pay me for the holosuite. Don't break anything else."

Shrugging, Kyan took up the glass. "Cannae promise nothin. But it's me friends I'm here tae see, from me new ship. And ye needn't worry, they're not the breakin stuff types."

Quark nodded and turned to walk away. "Oh." he called back over his shoulder. "Tongo tonight after closing. Thirty strip buy in. Want a seat?"

"Sure!" Kyan beamed, then grinned. "Is yer man Stol gonna be there?"

"Come and find out." Quark offered as he left.

Kyan took another drink, relishing the prospect of having fun at the nervous Ferengi's expense later. Then he put the glass back onto the bar and swiveled his seat so that he could watch for Myne and the Tacti-Cat.


:: Deep Space 9 | Quarks ::

Myne was quickly out the door as she stepped onboard Deep Space Nine. The stories she had heard were endless, but she would need to worry as with more and more crew coming for shore leave the less spaces there would be. So she remembered what she was told, "Quarks Bar." She was warey of bars do to her slave past but she would be safe as Kyan has told her she would be. She wore her blue uniform as she was not yet fully unpacked but she would need to replicate some clothes that would be appropriate clothes for outings. Plus she prefered to hide her legs and side.

Slowly entering the bar she was spotted by Stol who almost came to stop her but didn't when a old Nausicaan walked up to Myne. "Human girl. You look familiar. Did I enslave your grandmother a hundred years ago?", he said looking at her.

Myne looked obediently to the ground, "That was me, I was freed after you sold me to the Orions. ..and the Kzinti.. and the Hydrans.. and the Talarians.. and the Borg.. and the Bluegills... and the Choraii.." The man squinted. "Walk with care that someone doesn't snatch you girl. I bet you would be worth more latinum now then back then."

Myne whimpered and tried to get around the man who kept stepping to match her but she spotted Kyan and improvised. "Master Kyan!", she said with a smile and darted between the Nausicaan's legs and hurried to hold to Kyan's hand. "I am sorry I am late Master Kyan! I got lost.", she said loud enough for the Nausicaan to hear but her face looked to Kyan with a look of 'play along please'.

Female Only

Jael Sherem

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael and Gid were busy walking around the Promenade. She was taking in the absolute marvelous sight of the station, her mother's old home. They actually paused briefly at the Bajoran Shrine and briefly wondered whether or not to pay their respects. But the biggest draw of all they had anticipated the most.

The two adopted siblings stepped into Quark's only to see the eponymous bartender arguing with...Holy Prophets, how old was that boy? They approached just as the argument was softening and Jael stared in befuddlement. How was that boy allowed to drink, unless he was older than he looked? Then another younger-looking child arrived...Jael looked around in befuddlement before deciding to order a drink. Gid, naturally, took off for the Dabo table.

"Excuse me, but might I trouble you for a glass of Kanar, straight from Quark's?" Jael asked.

Quark certainly didn't look like he aged a day. Maybe he added a few new wrinkles, but aside from that, he looked exactly the same. Nonetheless, he stared long and hard at Jael.

"What's going on here? Is somebody reversing age or something? Rahab, you're looking younger by the day."

"Actually, I'm not Rahab," said Jael. "She's my mother."

Quark recoiled in surprise. "Blessed Exchequer, the resemblance is uncanny!" He said.

"Huh. I guess I never hear that from other people...or is that only from people who knew my mother?" asked Jael.

The old bartender shrugged. "I don't know, maybe if you were in the right uniform..." He shrugged again and brought out a bottle of kanar.

"Out of curiosity, how did you know my mother, Mister Quark?" asked Jael.

"Mister? Quark does just fine," Quark muttered. "I was here when Deep Space Nine was run differently and was run by Cardassian officers."

"Ah. So back when it was Terok Nor."

"Yes, well, Rahab was a rare instance of a nice Cardassian officer, especially one who was nice to Bajorans," Quark explained. " and my soft heart, hiring out Bajorans so they'd have better conditions than in the mines. Maybe that's why I liked it better when the station became Deep Space Nine."

"Whatever the reason," Jael said.

"Now that'll be five slips of latinum, plus two for the story," Quark said, extending his palm.

Jael shrugged and handed him the latinum. Then, as an afterthought, she added, "I'll throw in two more if you can tell me how well you know my mother, and not just because you were old friends during the Occupation."

"I'm just somebody with an ear to the ground who knows the right people, and an ear whom people turn to," Quark explained. "But we do keep in touch with any leery people messing with Cardassian affairs. Just not so much that we're comm friends."

Jael was about to ask more when she heard some excited calls of "Dabo!" and looked around to see Gid at the wheel. Of course he was focused on the Dabo Wheel; the Orion Dabo Girl in front of him certainly looked unattractive enough for Gid to avert his eyes.

"Trier also has good ears, but in terms of looks, she's definitely losing her touch," Quark said with a sigh and then got back to work. Jael shrugged and then wondered with who to mingle with...

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun sat in a chair on Deep Space Nine picking over the remains of his dinner. Looking at Morn Gohun said "and that's how you saved the station and the alpha quadrant." Morn clapped his hands with enthusiasm and walked away leaving Gohun alone. All around the bar Gohun saw fellow crewmembers and hope this night didn't end like some of his nights in Vegas ended.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Everybody's favorite Andorian waltzed in, dressed in his casual best.  He looked over the establishment with its bar, gaming tables and holosuites above on the second floor.   He noted the one glaring absence - decent dancing music.

Gesturing towards one of the passing drink servers, he asked the Bajoran  woman if she would point out to him the owner of the bar.  He took note of the Ferengi individual she indicated working behind the bar, and then after she moved on, Lahr took a seat at the bar as it was vacated by an old Nausicaan.  The stool was a seat or two down from red-headed lad.

Lahr, of course, took notice.  Ruth loved to taunt him that red-heads were his Achilles heel.  Who this Achilles was to have a phrase name for him, Lahr had no clue -  but he did understand the phrase meant - a specific weakness.   And yeah red-heads were his.  Ruth loved to tease him about that when she flaunted her ginger locks. Though she found it less funny when his attention was drawn by some other red-head.

It was odd however to see a kid at a bar.  And a moment later there was a second one!  A little girl this time.  A girl with the cutest face Lahr had ever seen!!  She was downright adorable. The Andorian couldn't help but think that this must be what Ruth had looked like as a child.  Except with axes in hand.

With his attention on the children, - was that Starfleet uniform the girl was wearing? - it was hard not to overhear her conversation. cute!  She even used the British formal title when addressing her older brother (they had to be siblings, of course).

So focused on the girl and boy, Lahr didn't notice the Nausicaan returning to his seat until the man grabbed his shoulder to turn him about to face him.   Lahr was not a big individual standing only 5'7", so the Nausicaan old though he may be. clearly stood a full head or more above him.   "You're in my seat."

Not wanting to cause a scene in his first 5 minutes off of the ship, Lahr nodded acquiescingly.  "My apologies, I'll be just a minute. I'm waiting to speak to the proprietor about a business opportunity."

Ferengi hearing must be as good as they say because a moment later Quark was standing before him. "What sort of business opportunity?"  The Nausicaan continued to glower at Lahr.

Lahr grinned, ignoring the Nausicaan for the moment and focused his attention on the Ferengi. "A profitable one, of course.  Before you sits the Fleet-renowned 'DJ Lahr'."

Quark did not look impressed. "Never heard of you." The Ferengi began to turn away.

Lahr tried to re-engage the man's interest. "Obviously, you're not Fleet. It was my music that bolstered fleet moral and led the charge against Leyton himself during the final battle in the Leyton War.  Challenger vs. Leyton's flag ship."  This seemed to give the Ferengi pause, so Lahr continued on attempting to hook the deal.    "I do remixes of all types and for all occasions.  And now, I'm offering you my services - for a nominal fee and a percentage of the bar sale profits - for the next two days while I'm on shore leave, to give you the opportunity to see how 'good music' can increase your profits.  What do you say?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: myne on May 06, 2023, 07:30:09 PM

Myne whimpered and tried to get around the man who kept stepping to match her but she spotted Kyan and improvised. "Master Kyan!", she said with a smile and darted between the Nausicaan's legs and hurried to hold to Kyan's hand. "I am sorry I am late Master Kyan! I got lost.", she said loud enough for the Nausicaan to hear but her face looked to Kyan with a look of 'play along please'.

Kyan turned toward the sound of his name just in time to see Myne employ the age old "œbetween the legs" tactic most likely perfected by the first cave children. The Nausiccan reached for her as she "œlimboed" out of his grasp, which was provocation enough to have Kyan's karambit halfway out of its sheath when the girl made it to him and grabbed his other hand. Her words were confusing for an instant until they made eye contact. A myriad of thoughts occurred at that moment.

First, Nausiccans weren't known for accosting Humans on a Starfleet station without pretext. So he knew her. And there were very few good ways for someone like her to know a Nausiccan. Secondly, she'd called him "œmaster", which wasn't true and she knew it. She'd said it loudly enough for the Nausiccan to hear, which meant it was for HIS ears. So she wanted him to know that she was owned by someone else. At this point Kyan decided that the Nausiccan had lived long enough.

What stopped him from acting was Myne's clutching his hand and that look she had. She was scared. Him going over and killing the big alien, an outcome of which he was confident but by no means certain, wouldn't fix that. And if he was the one killed, who would protect her then? Grups? Pfft. Fat chance of that. A lot of talking would commence, at which the Nausiccan would laugh and leave to go find someone else to hurt. No, he'd see to him. But not now. And not in public. The knife that had stopped half drawn went back in it's sheath and Kyan glanced over at the Nausiccan, who'd already chosen an Andorian to bother.

His attention returned to Myne. "œAye an it's a big station so, with lots of places tae be getting lost little sister." He forced a smile, which was hard given that the Nausiccan was just about fifteen feet away. But patience was the order of the day. Besides, a one on one encounter would be more fun"¦ and more productive. And he didn't want to pay for another one of quark's tables just now. He motioned for one of the Ferengi waiters who'd gone behind the bar. "œAye, we'll have another root beer. An make it a float for me sister here."

"œQuark's got good root beer. Not the replicated kind, but real, from Earth!" he told her.

Kina Nural

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 06, 2023, 08:15:09 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael and Gid were busy walking around the Promenade. She was taking in the absolute marvelous sight of the station, her mother's old home. They actually paused briefly at the Bajoran Shrine and briefly wondered whether or not to pay their respects. But the biggest draw of all they had anticipated the most.

The two adopted siblings stepped into Quark's only to see the eponymous bartender arguing with...Holy Prophets, how old was that boy? They approached just as the argument was softening and Jael stared in befuddlement. How was that boy allowed to drink, unless he was older than he looked? Then another younger-looking child arrived...Jael looked around in befuddlement before deciding to order a drink. Gid, naturally, took off for the Dabo table.

"Excuse me, but might I trouble you for a glass of Kanar, straight from Quark's?" Jael asked.

Quark certainly didn't look like he aged a day. Maybe he added a few new wrinkles, but aside from that, he looked exactly the same. Nonetheless, he stared long and hard at Jael.

"What's going on here? Is somebody reversing age or something? Rahab, you're looking younger by the day."

"Actually, I'm not Rahab," said Jael. "She's my mother."

Quark recoiled in surprise. "Blessed Exchequer, the resemblance is uncanny!" He said.

"Huh. I guess I never hear that from other people...or is that only from people who knew my mother?" asked Jael.

The old bartender shrugged. "I don't know, maybe if you were in the right uniform..." He shrugged again and brought out a bottle of kanar.

"Out of curiosity, how did you know my mother, Mister Quark?" asked Jael.

"Mister? Quark does just fine," Quark muttered. "I was here when Deep Space Nine was run differently and was run by Cardassian officers."

"Ah. So back when it was Terok Nor."

"Yes, well, Rahab was a rare instance of a nice Cardassian officer, especially one who was nice to Bajorans," Quark explained. " and my soft heart, hiring out Bajorans so they'd have better conditions than in the mines. Maybe that's why I liked it better when the station became Deep Space Nine."

"Whatever the reason," Jael said.

"Now that'll be five slips of latinum, plus two for the story," Quark said, extending his palm.

Jael shrugged and handed him the latinum. Then, as an afterthought, she added, "I'll throw in two more if you can tell me how well you know my mother, and not just because you were old friends during the Occupation."

"I'm just somebody with an ear to the ground who knows the right people, and an ear whom people turn to," Quark explained. "But we do keep in touch with any leery people messing with Cardassian affairs. Just not so much that we're comm friends."

Jael was about to ask more when she heard some excited calls of "Dabo!" and looked around to see Gid at the wheel. Of course he was focused on the Dabo Wheel; the Orion Dabo Girl in front of him certainly looked unattractive enough for Gid to avert his eyes.

"Trier also has good ears, but in terms of looks, she's definitely losing her touch," Quark said with a sigh and then got back to work. Jael shrugged and then wondered with who to mingle with...

Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine

It had been many years since Kina last set foot on this space station. In fact, she was only a small child when her father brought her here after the war to educate her on the occupation. Her father always preferred a more practical approach when teaching her of some of Cardassia's history. Rather than just bombard her with military propaganda and denial, he told her everything that happened. When the Cardassians began the occupation, to the building of Terok Nor, to the Bajoran people finally making them leave their home. After that, it was up to Kina on what she thought.

As she walked the station, she looked around at the many civilians and travelers that walked these decks. Everything still seemed so big to her, but she knew her father would be here soon, and that alone made Kina very happy. However, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, that eyes were glaring at her. Sure, she saw a few other Cardassians walking the station, but somehow, she felt singled out.

She overheard that some of the crew were going to Quark's for some relaxation and she figured that maybe this would be a good time for her to get to know many of the other officers from the ship. As she stepped into the bar, she was hit with a feeling of nostalgia of being here with her father. She walked over and found an open seat. She took a moment to look around at everyone there.

She suddenly found something she was very surprised to see, it was another Cardassian. But what really surprised her, was that this Cardassian was in a Starfleet uniform like her. Mustering up what courage she had, she walked over to the young woman and offered her a smile. "œExcuse me, would it be alright if I join you? My name is Kina."

Jael Sherem

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael was still looking around when her eyes fell on the main entrance just as a lumpy Lurian entered, but she jumped when the crowd called out at him.


It dawned on Jael that everybody knew him enough that they didn't even need to see him enter.

Quark noticed her reaction and grinned. "You've never heard of Morn before, have you?"

"Should I?" asked Jael.

Quark only grinned and only said vaguely, "Don't be intimidated by his size, it's his mouth you should look out for."

"Please, the only thing with a more dangerous mouth than a Lurian's is a Terran hippopotamus," said Jael, waving it aside. Quark only sneered in amusement more and retorted, "Just watch and see. Seems like he's not in the mood for his favorite chair."

He gestured at a stool that was carved in multiple languages, but Jael got a good enough look at one word in Terran English: "Morn's."

She looked up to see a crewmember from Discovery she had seen in passing...Gohun, she realized. He joined a table where Morn was sitting and instantly, they began to talk. Well, apparently, Morn was talking, and it seemed like he didn't want to stop.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on May 07, 2023, 01:01:30 AM

Gohun sat in a chair on Deep Space Nine picking over the remains of his dinner. Looking at Morn Gohun said "and that's how you saved the station and the alpha quadrant." Morn clapped his hands with enthusiasm and walked away leaving Gohun alone. All around the bar Gohun saw fellow crewmembers and hope this night didn't end like some of his nights in Vegas ended.

And just like that, Morn assumed his stool, got what was apparently his usual drink...and sat silently. Jael stared at him in astonishment, wondering why he was so silent all of a sudden. Was he ponderous at that counter, or did he prefer to focus on his imbibing, or did he prefer to watch the universe go by...?

Jael shrugged; for a brief moment, she was a counselor again, but trying to psychoanalyze this Lurian is giving her a headache.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 07, 2023, 03:55:10 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Everybody's favorite Andorian waltzed in, dressed in his casual best.  He looked over the establishment with its bar, gaming tables and holosuites above on the second floor.   He noted the one glaring absence - decent dancing music.

Gesturing towards one of the passing drink servers, he asked the Bajoran  woman if she would point out to him the owner of the bar.  He took note of the Ferengi individual she indicated working behind the bar, and then after she moved on, Lahr took a seat at the bar as it was vacated by an old Nausicaan.  The stool was a seat or two down from red-headed lad.

Lahr, of course, took notice.  Ruth loved to taunt him that red-heads were his Achilles heel.  Who this Achilles was to have a phrase name for him, Lahr had no clue -  but he did understand the phrase meant - a specific weakness.   And yeah red-heads were his.  Ruth loved to tease him about that when she flaunted her ginger locks. Though she found it less funny when his attention was drawn by some other red-head.

It was odd however to see a kid at a bar.  And a moment later there was a second one!  A little girl this time.  A girl with the cutest face Lahr had ever seen!!  She was downright adorable. The Andorian couldn't help but think that this must be what Ruth had looked like as a child.  Except with axes in hand.

With his attention on the children, - was that Starfleet uniform the girl was wearing? - it was hard not to overhear her conversation. cute!  She even used the British formal title when addressing her older brother (they had to be siblings, of course).

So focused on the girl and boy, Lahr didn't notice the Nausicaan returning to his seat until the man grabbed his shoulder to turn him about to face him.   Lahr was not a big individual standing only 5'7", so the Nausicaan old though he may be. clearly stood a full head or more above him.   "You're in my seat."

Not wanting to cause a scene in his first 5 minutes off of the ship, Lahr nodded acquiescingly.  "My apologies, I'll be just a minute. I'm waiting to speak to the proprietor about a business opportunity."

Ferengi hearing must be as good as they say because a moment later Quark was standing before him. "What sort of business opportunity?"  The Nausicaan continued to glower at Lahr.

Lahr grinned, ignoring the Nausicaan for the moment and focused his attention on the Ferengi. "A profitable one, of course.  Before you sits the Fleet-renowned 'DJ Lahr'."

Quark did not look impressed. "Never heard of you." The Ferengi began to turn away.

Lahr tried to re-engage the man's interest. "Obviously, you're not Fleet. It was my music that bolstered fleet moral and led the charge against Leyton himself during the final battle in the Leyton War.  Challenger vs. Leyton's flag ship."  This seemed to give the Ferengi pause, so Lahr continued on attempting to hook the deal.    "I do remixes of all types and for all occasions.  And now, I'm offering you my services - for a nominal fee and a percentage of the bar sale profits - for the next two days while I'm on shore leave, to give you the opportunity to see how 'good music' can increase your profits.  What do you say?"

Jael watched Lahr with interest as he made his proposal. She was sure she remembered him on the Challenger. But that had been so long ago...

"You've got a merchant's tongue, Lahr," she said. "Jael Sherem, formerly from the Challenger," she added with a smile.

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 07, 2023, 08:59:57 AM

Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine

It had been many years since Kina last set foot on this space station. In fact, she was only a small child when her father brought her here after the war to educate her on the occupation. Her father always preferred a more practical approach when teaching her of some of Cardassia's history. Rather than just bombard her with military propaganda and denial, he told her everything that happened. When the Cardassians began the occupation, to the building of Terok Nor, to the Bajoran people finally making them leave their home. After that, it was up to Kina on what she thought.

As she walked the station, she looked around at the many civilians and travelers that walked these decks. Everything still seemed so big to her, but she knew her father would be here soon, and that alone made Kina very happy. However, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, that eyes were glaring at her. Sure, she saw a few other Cardassians walking the station, but somehow, she felt singled out.

She overheard that some of the crew were going to Quark's for some relaxation and she figured that maybe this would be a good time for her to get to know many of the other officers from the ship. As she stepped into the bar, she was hit with a feeling of nostalgia of being here with her father. She walked over and found an open seat. She took a moment to look around at everyone there.

She suddenly found something she was very surprised to see, it was another Cardassian. But what really surprised her, was that this Cardassian was in a Starfleet uniform like her. Mustering up what courage she had, she walked over to the young woman and offered her a smile. "œExcuse me, would it be alright if I join you? My name is Kina."

Jael looked around and noticed another Cardassian in uniform, and she was also wearing blue...ironically enough, her old colors.

"I'd be delighted," Jael said with a smile. "I'm Jael. Good to meet you, Kina."

Quark heard the surname Sherem and grinned a little; the girl was definitely her mother's daughter, Rahab always maintained the Sherem surname but behaved in a way to make fun of her husband. And, yes, he remembered Nehor Sherem as well, always passing by in old Terok Nor, always keeping his eyes around for trouble, and he often criticized how Odo worked. At least he always came and gone, busy in Obsidian Order affairs. Though he always got a good laugh whenever he and Rahab were together; Rahab was always smiling, cracking jokes and doting on Bajorans like small animals followed her in her wake like a fairy tale princess, and old Nehor scowling in embarrassment. An inward laugh, of course. However, Quark didn't want to pry about old Nehor to his daughter, and his eyes moved off the two Starfleet Cardassians.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]


Kyan turned toward the sound of his name just in time to see Myne employ the age old "œbetween the legs" tactic most likely perfected by the first cave children. The Nausiccan reached for her as she "œlimboed" out of his grasp, which was provocation enough to have Kyan's karambit halfway out of its sheath when the girl made it to him and grabbed his other hand. Her words were confusing for an instant until they made eye contact. A myriad of thoughts occurred at that moment.

First, Nausiccans weren't known for accosting Humans on a Starfleet station without pretext. So he knew her. And there were very few good ways for someone like her to know a Nausiccan. Secondly, she'd called him "œmaster", which wasn't true and she knew it. She'd said it loudly enough for the Nausiccan to hear, which meant it was for HIS ears. So she wanted him to know that she was owned by someone else. At this point Kyan decided that the Nausiccan had lived long enough.

What stopped him from acting was Myne's clutching his hand and that look she had. She was scared. Him going over and killing the big alien, an outcome of which he was confident but by no means certain, wouldn't fix that. And if he was the one killed, who would protect her then? Grups? Pfft. Fat chance of that. A lot of talking would commence, at which the Nausiccan would laugh and leave to go find someone else to hurt. No, he'd see to him. But not now. And not in public. The knife that had stopped half drawn went back in it's sheath and Kyan glanced over at the Nausiccan, who'd already chosen an Andorian to bother.

His attention returned to Myne. "œAye an it's a big station so, with lots of places tae be getting lost little sister." He forced a smile, which was hard given that the Nausiccan was just about fifteen feet away. But patience was the order of the day. Besides, a one on one encounter would be more fun"¦ and more productive. And he didn't want to pay for another one of quark's tables just now. He motioned for one of the Ferengi waiters who'd gone behind the bar. "œAye, we'll have another root beer. An make it a float for me sister here."

"œQuark's got good root beer. Not the replicated kind, but real, from Earth!" he told her.

Myne clung to Kyan hugging him. "Thank You Big Brother, thank You. Be a slave to enough people and you got to run into one now and then.. but thats why I avoid bars." She hugged him again and smiled happily up at him, "My Hero..." Her heart was aflutter and she so so so hoped the Lieutenant did not turn out to be another salt succubus. "A bit of a Fooly always works with those grups. It kept the Old Cardassian from knowing what I was doing with locating his transwarp. But thank You Big Brother." She gave him several more affectionate hugs.

Slowly she peeled herself from the hug and sat beside him. "I have not had root beer before? I do hope it's non alcoholic Big Brother? I've only been givin Alcohol once by an owner and it made me... overly huggy, plus the headache after was so so bad." She looked over seeing the Nausicaan occupied and visibly scooched a half a inch toward Kyan but turned to him with a smile. "I.. doubt the others would ever stroll in, most are non Federation agressors.. save the Orion he sold me to. But my other former 'Caretakers' won't."

She had changed from Owner to Caretaker as that word kept keeping a side eye from the Ferengi present.

"I look forward to this.. root beer float Big Brother. But let us speak of you. Another Only! I never would have dreamed it and on the same ship! For once good luck, I always said if you just stay positive good will come!. Always look on the bright side of life!", She smiled so big that her pigtails bounced on there own.

Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Once he had joined up with McNair, Zhukdra'shar got to searching for his Andorian buddy. Surprisingly, finding the savvy tech blue guy was more difficult than he expected, having to separate himself from McNair to cover more ground. The laughing, and jeering, and talking from all sides didn't help, at first his sensitive ears feeling more than overwhelmed by all of the noise. Eventually, though, he was able to clear the sounds out, though the beginning stages of a headache were all but set in. At least, he had managed to find some amusement at some peculiar game tables, which were surrounded by crowds of people, nice looking women, and a player, which all shouted 'Tongo' for some reason.

He was attracted by the scene, however, he soon shook his head, going back to searching for Lahr. And, soon enough, he found him by the bar, apparently discussing something with a fancy-looking Ferengi bartender, an angry Nausicaan just behind him. Once he had assessed it was indeed Lahr, he made sure to wave over at McNair, jumping up slightly in a display that he quickly got ashamed of so that he would be seen. His height was giving him no advantages at this moment. Still, he shouted: "McNair, McNair, here!"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 07, 2023, 03:55:10 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Everybody's favorite Andorian waltzed in, dressed in his casual best.  He looked over the establishment with its bar, gaming tables and holosuites above on the second floor.   He noted the one glaring absence - decent dancing music.

Gesturing towards one of the passing drink servers, he asked the Bajoran  woman if she would point out to him the owner of the bar.  He took note of the Ferengi individual she indicated working behind the bar, and then after she moved on, Lahr took a seat at the bar as it was vacated by an old Nausicaan.  The stool was a seat or two down from red-headed lad.

Lahr, of course, took notice.  Ruth loved to taunt him that red-heads were his Achilles heel.  Who this Achilles was to have a phrase name for him, Lahr had no clue -  but he did understand the phrase meant - a specific weakness.   And yeah red-heads were his.  Ruth loved to tease him about that when she flaunted her ginger locks. Though she found it less funny when his attention was drawn by some other red-head.

It was odd however to see a kid at a bar.  And a moment later there was a second one!  A little girl this time.  A girl with the cutest face Lahr had ever seen!!  She was downright adorable. The Andorian couldn't help but think that this must be what Ruth had looked like as a child.  Except with axes in hand.

With his attention on the children, - was that Starfleet uniform the girl was wearing? - it was hard not to overhear her conversation. cute!  She even used the British formal title when addressing her older brother (they had to be siblings, of course).

So focused on the girl and boy, Lahr didn't notice the Nausicaan returning to his seat until the man grabbed his shoulder to turn him about to face him.   Lahr was not a big individual standing only 5'7", so the Nausicaan old though he may be. clearly stood a full head or more above him.   "You're in my seat."

Not wanting to cause a scene in his first 5 minutes off of the ship, Lahr nodded acquiescingly.  "My apologies, I'll be just a minute. I'm waiting to speak to the proprietor about a business opportunity."

Ferengi hearing must be as good as they say because a moment later Quark was standing before him. "What sort of business opportunity?"  The Nausicaan continued to glower at Lahr.

Lahr grinned, ignoring the Nausicaan for the moment and focused his attention on the Ferengi. "A profitable one, of course.  Before you sits the Fleet-renowned 'DJ Lahr'."

Quark did not look impressed. "Never heard of you." The Ferengi began to turn away.

Lahr tried to re-engage the man's interest. "Obviously, you're not Fleet. It was my music that bolstered fleet moral and led the charge against Leyton himself during the final battle in the Leyton War.  Challenger vs. Leyton's flag ship."  This seemed to give the Ferengi pause, so Lahr continued on attempting to hook the deal.    "I do remixes of all types and for all occasions.  And now, I'm offering you my services - for a nominal fee and a percentage of the bar sale profits - for the next two days while I'm on shore leave, to give you the opportunity to see how 'good music' can increase your profits.  What do you say?"

Taking a deep breath, and closing his eyes, he finally approached the bar. What he was not expecting, however, were that more of the crew were already there. The two 'children' from before, and much to his delight, Medical Officer Kira Nural, and another Cardassian woman that seemed slightly familiar to him.


Still, he came barging in with his prim and proper attitude that characterized him, lightly tapping Lahr on the shoulder "Greetings, ShranLahr ch'Verret, I have arrived. I presume everything is fine, yes? By the by, McNair shalt be joining us shortly."

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 07, 2023, 08:59:57 AM

Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine

It had been many years since Kina last set foot on this space station. In fact, she was only a small child when her father brought her here after the war to educate her on the occupation. Her father always preferred a more practical approach when teaching her of some of Cardassia's history. Rather than just bombard her with military propaganda and denial, he told her everything that happened. When the Cardassians began the occupation, to the building of Terok Nor, to the Bajoran people finally making them leave their home. After that, it was up to Kina on what she thought.

As she walked the station, she looked around at the many civilians and travelers that walked these decks. Everything still seemed so big to her, but she knew her father would be here soon, and that alone made Kina very happy. However, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, that eyes were glaring at her. Sure, she saw a few other Cardassians walking the station, but somehow, she felt singled out.

She overheard that some of the crew were going to Quark's for some relaxation and she figured that maybe this would be a good time for her to get to know many of the other officers from the ship. As she stepped into the bar, she was hit with a feeling of nostalgia of being here with her father. She walked over and found an open seat. She took a moment to look around at everyone there.

She suddenly found something she was very surprised to see, it was another Cardassian. But what really surprised her, was that this Cardassian was in a Starfleet uniform like her. Mustering up what courage she had, she walked over to the young woman and offered her a smile. "œExcuse me, would it be alright if I join you? My name is Kina."

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 07, 2023, 09:17:53 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael was still looking around when her eyes fell on the main entrance just as a lumpy Lurian entered, but she jumped when the crowd called out at him.


It dawned on Jael that everybody knew him enough that they didn't even need to see him enter.

Quark noticed her reaction and grinned. "You've never heard of Morn before, have you?"

"Should I?" asked Jael.

Quark only grinned and only said vaguely, "Don't be intimidated by his size, it's his mouth you should look out for."

"Please, the only thing with a more dangerous mouth than a Lurian's is a Terran hippopotamus," said Jael, waving it aside. Quark only sneered in amusement more and retorted, "Just watch and see. Seems like he's not in the mood for his favorite chair."

He gestured at a stool that was carved in multiple languages, but Jael got a good enough look at one word in Terran English: "Morn's."

She looked up to see a crewmember from Discovery she had seen in passing...Gohun, she realized. He joined a table where Morn was sitting and instantly, they began to talk. Well, apparently, Morn was talking, and it seemed like he didn't want to stop.And just like that, Morn assumed his stool, got what was apparently his usual drink...and sat silently. Jael stared at him in astonishment, wondering why he was so silent all of a sudden. Was he ponderous at that counter, or did he prefer to focus on his imbibing, or did he prefer to watch the universe go by...?

Jael shrugged; for a brief moment, she was a counselor again, but trying to psychoanalyze this Lurian is giving her a headache.Jael watched Lahr with interest as he made his proposal. She was sure she remembered him on the Challenger. But that had been so long ago...

"You've got a merchant's tongue, Lahr," she said. "Jael Sherem, formerly from the Challenger," she added with a smile.Jael looked around and noticed another Cardassian in uniform, and she was also wearing blue...ironically enough, her old colors.

"I'd be delighted," Jael said with a smile. "I'm Jael. Good to meet you, Kina."

Quark heard the surname Sherem and grinned a little; the girl was definitely her mother's daughter, Rahab always maintained the Sherem surname but behaved in a way to make fun of her husband. And, yes, he remembered Nehor Sherem as well, always passing by in old Terok Nor, always keeping his eyes around for trouble, and he often criticized how Odo worked. At least he always came and gone, busy in Obsidian Order affairs. Though he always got a good laugh whenever he and Rahab were together; Rahab was always smiling, cracking jokes and doting on Bajorans like small animals followed her in her wake like a fairy tale princess, and old Nehor scowling in embarrassment. An inward laugh, of course. However, Quark didn't want to pry about old Nehor to his daughter, and his eyes moved off the two Starfleet Cardassians.

Quote from: myne on May 07, 2023, 11:29:07 AM

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne clung to Kyan hugging him. "Thank You Big Brother, thank You. Be a slave to enough people and you got to run into one now and then.. but thats why I avoid bars." She hugged him again and smiled happily up at him, "My Hero..." Her heart was aflutter and she so so so hoped the Lieutenant did not turn out to be another salt succubus. "A bit of a Fooly always works with those grups. It kept the Old Cardassian from knowing what I was doing with locating his transwarp. But thank You Big Brother." She gave him several more affectionate hugs.

Slowly she peeled herself from the hug and sat beside him. "I have not had root beer before? I do hope it's non alcoholic Big Brother? I've only been givin Alcohol once by an owner and it made me... overly huggy, plus the headache after was so so bad." She looked over seeing the Nausicaan occupied and visibly scooched a half a inch toward Kyan but turned to him with a smile. "I.. doubt the others would ever stroll in, most are non Federation agressors.. save the Orion he sold me to. But my other former 'Caretakers' won't."

She had changed from Owner to Caretaker as that word kept keeping a side eye from the Ferengi present.

"I look forward to this.. root beer float Big Brother. But let us speak of you. Another Only! I never would have dreamed it and on the same ship! For once good luck, I always said if you just stay positive good will come!. Always look on the bright side of life!", She smiled so big that her pigtails bounced on there own.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 07, 2023, 05:47:23 AM

Kyan turned toward the sound of his name just in time to see Myne employ the age old "œbetween the legs" tactic most likely perfected by the first cave children. The Nausiccan reached for her as she "œlimboed" out of his grasp, which was provocation enough to have Kyan's karambit halfway out of its sheath when the girl made it to him and grabbed his other hand. Her words were confusing for an instant until they made eye contact. A myriad of thoughts occurred at that moment.

First, Nausiccans weren't known for accosting Humans on a Starfleet station without pretext. So he knew her. And there were very few good ways for someone like her to know a Nausiccan. Secondly, she'd called him "œmaster", which wasn't true and she knew it. She'd said it loudly enough for the Nausiccan to hear, which meant it was for HIS ears. So she wanted him to know that she was owned by someone else. At this point Kyan decided that the Nausiccan had lived long enough.

What stopped him from acting was Myne's clutching his hand and that look she had. She was scared. Him going over and killing the big alien, an outcome of which he was confident but by no means certain, wouldn't fix that. And if he was the one killed, who would protect her then? Grups? Pfft. Fat chance of that. A lot of talking would commence, at which the Nausiccan would laugh and leave to go find someone else to hurt. No, he'd see to him. But not now. And not in public. The knife that had stopped half drawn went back in it's sheath and Kyan glanced over at the Nausiccan, who'd already chosen an Andorian to bother.

His attention returned to Myne. "œAye an it's a big station so, with lots of places tae be getting lost little sister." He forced a smile, which was hard given that the Nausiccan was just about fifteen feet away. But patience was the order of the day. Besides, a one on one encounter would be more fun"¦ and more productive. And he didn't want to pay for another one of quark's tables just now. He motioned for one of the Ferengi waiters who'd gone behind the bar. "œAye, we'll have another root beer. An make it a float for me sister here."

"œQuark's got good root beer. Not the replicated kind, but real, from Earth!" he told her.

He then turned towards the Myne and Kyan, nodding towards them, "I am quite surprised to see you within this establishment, but then again, I assume that you are not children, as I would have once presumed, is that correct?" He asked, openly and with clear curiosity, though once more turned towards the two Cardassians, offering them a small bow of the head,

"Greetings, ladies. I hope you too are well." He tried to offer his best smile towards them, before returning to the rest of the group. He did not that one of them seemed to be a Lieutenant Junior Grade, like him. And, a Security officer. That, certainly was quite interesting. Maybe some tactics could also be discussed, he thought.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
Challenger NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Buck McNair on May 07, 2023, 04:46:30 AM

[Airlock >>> DS9 >>> Quark's]

The noise was loud and the atmosphere was vibrant in Quark's. No doubt that there would be some Ferengi hustlers looking to take whatever they could get off the new weary travelers. Something that he had been told not to trust a Ferengi - or something along those lines as he peered through the crowd trying to spot the Andorian and or other friendly faces that he would recognise.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 07, 2023, 01:39:27 PM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

While it took him a while, he eventually came towards McNair as he entered within the bar, holding up a hand as he seemingly looked around for his fellow Federation officers. With him, things would be easier to assess now.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 07, 2023, 09:17:53 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael watched Lahr with interest as he made his proposal. She was sure she remembered him on the Challenger. But that had been so long ago...

"You've got a merchant's tongue, Lahr," she said. "Jael Sherem, formerly from the Challenger," she added with a smile.

Jael looked around and noticed another Cardassian in uniform, and she was also wearing blue...ironically enough, her old colors.

"I'd be delighted," Jael said with a smile. "I'm Jael. Good to meet you, Kina."

Hearing the praise the Andorian turned towards the familiar voice.  "Oh heya, Jael! It's been a while.  Gimme a sec to hammer out a deal with Quark here, then we should catch up."

Lahr turned back towards the Ferengi, but bar owner had moved on leaving the Andorian feeling very unappreciated.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 07, 2023, 03:36:12 PM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Once he had joined up with McNair, Zhukdra'shar got to searching for his Andorian buddy. Surprisingly, finding the savvy tech blue guy was more difficult than he expected, having to separate himself from McNair to cover more ground. The laughing, and jeering, and talking from all sides didn't help, at first his sensitive ears feeling more than overwhelmed by all of the noise. Eventually, though, he was able to clear the sounds out, though the beginning stages of a headache were all but set in. At least, he had managed to find some amusement at some peculiar game tables, which were surrounded by crowds of people, nice looking women, and a player, which all shouted 'Tongo' for some reason.

He was attracted by the scene, however, he soon shook his head, going back to searching for Lahr. And, soon enough, he found him by the bar, apparently discussing something with a fancy-looking Ferengi bartender, an angry Nausicaan just behind him. Once he had assessed it was indeed Lahr, he made sure to wave over at McNair, jumping up slightly in a display that he quickly got ashamed of so that he would be seen. His height was giving him no advantages at this moment. Still, he shouted: "McNair, McNair, here!"

Taking a deep breath, and closing his eyes, he finally approached the bar. What he was not expecting, however, were that more of the crew were already there. The two 'children' from before, and much to his delight, Medical Officer Kira Nural, and another Cardassian woman that seemed slightly familiar to him.


Still, he came barging in with his prim and proper attitude that characterized him, lightly tapping Lahr on the shoulder "Greetings, ShranLahr ch'Verret, I have arrived. I presume everything is fine, yes? By the by, McNair shalt be joining us shortly."

At the tap on his shoulder Lahr looked over and up-nodded towards the Caitian.   "It's about time. "  He might have conversed more but the Caitian's attention was turned towards the two red-head children.
Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 07, 2023, 03:36:12 PM

He then turned towards the Myne and Kyan, nodding towards them, "I am quite surprised to see you within this establishment, but then again, I assume that you are not children, as I would have once presumed, is that correct?" He asked, openly and with clear curiosity, though once more turned towards the two Cardassians, offering them a small bow of the head,

"Greetings, ladies. I hope you too are well." He tried to offer his best smile towards them, before returning to the rest of the group. He did note that one of them seemed to be a Lieutenant Junior Grade, like him. And, a Security officer. That, certainly was quite interesting. Maybe some tactics could also be discussed, he thought.

Another hand was placed on his shoulder and Lahr turned again expecting to see Litt or McNair, but it was the Nausicaan again.    "Quark is not interested in your deal and you are still in my seat.  Move!!"  The threatening tone was hard to miss.

"Yeah, yeah.  Keep your pants on."  It was unclear to those listening in if the blotched human phrase was a mistranslation by the Andorian or an intentional slight to Nausicaan social habits.   Lahr pulled out a 'calling card' - and placed it on the bar.   "I'll be around for the 48 hours if you change your mind."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)



Another hand was placed on his shoulder and Lahr turned again expecting to see Litt or McNair, but it was the Nausicaan again.    "Quark is not interested in your deal and you are still in my seat.  Move!!"  The threatening tone was hard to miss.

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

The sound of him saying 'move' in the way he did brought back some unpleasent memories as she reached down to touch the side of her left thigh. Myne looked to Kyan and wondered how he was so brave and she was not. Her eyes lowered and she whimpered, "Please say something... I am becoming scared he may come get me... please tell me of you. Ask questions. Please something Big Brother." Her legs clung to the bar stool as she tried to put away the thoughts. If he grabbed her... there would be a hundred Starfleet members beating the man to the ground. She was safe.. but she felt safer around Kyan. Even saying the words 'big brother' brought safety to her soul.

Female Only


[DS9 -Quark's]

Evan sat in a quiet corner of the bar, slowly sipping at a drink he had forgotten the name of almost as soon as he had ordered it. But it was blue and tasted good, and when he tapped the glass it shimmered before returning to its silky texture.

He was glad to have a moment to himself, and people watching was one of his favorite hobbies. The various sights and sounds trickled passively through his sense, feeling cleansed by it like water passing through a sieve. It'd been awhile since he'd been on a station, not since his wife retired from the admiralty to focus on raising the children.

It was possible to people watch on a ship, he supposed, but not nearly as fun. There you already knew most of the people and the noise they would make. He had to chuckle when his ears picked up the sound of a certain Andorian bemoaning the lack of good music.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative outliers-add

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.