Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: myne on May 07, 2023, 11:29:07 AM

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne clung to Kyan hugging him. "Thank You Big Brother, thank You. Be a slave to enough people and you got to run into one now and then.. but thats why I avoid bars." She hugged him again and smiled happily up at him, "My Hero..." Her heart was aflutter and she so so so hoped the Lieutenant did not turn out to be another salt succubus. "A bit of a Fooly always works with those grups. It kept the Old Cardassian from knowing what I was doing with locating his transwarp. But thank You Big Brother." She gave him several more affectionate hugs.

Typically, Kyan wasn't what you might call a "œhugger" Nor did he come off as such, especially to grups. This was intentional. Of course it never stopped them. It was always the girl grups, olders ones especially, that went in for the unsolicited hugs. It wasn't that he didn't like affection. But extended hugs from people his own "œage" and older was"¦ weird? Especially from the older ones because they were tall and sometimes went for the "œscoop you up" style hugs, and that was just awkward on all fronts. And, since he generally carried a phaser in a shoulder holster, if they got you arms and all, it kinda hurt.

Then there were the cooties to consider. He'd had assurances from several doctors and transporter chiefs that the bio-filters took care of those but he remained skeptical. After all, there was a steady stream of reports about folks beaming back up to the ship, only to infect everyone aboard with some virus that the filters missed. So who could trust that with a hundred percent certainty?

Quote from: myne on May 07, 2023, 11:29:07 AM

Slowly she peeled herself from the hug and sat beside him. "I have not had root beer before? I do hope it's non alcoholic Big Brother? I've only been given  Alcohol once by an owner and it made me... overly huggy, plus the headache after was so so bad." She looked over seeing the Nausicaan occupied and visibly scooched half a inch toward Kyan but turned to him with a smile. "I.. doubt the others would ever stroll in, most are non Federation agressors.. save the Orion he sold me to. But my other former 'Caretakers' won't."

She had changed from Owner to Caretaker as that word kept keeping a side eye from the Ferengi present.
"I look forward to this.. root beer float Big Brother. But let us speak of you. Another Only! I never would have dreamed it and on the same ship! For once good luck, I always said if you just stay positive good will come!. Always look on the bright side of life!", She smiled so big that her pigtails bounced on there own.

Kyan was about to launch into his own backstory when she mentioned the "caretakers." That was wrong though. They were slavers. The lowest form of scum in the galaxy, in Kyan's own estimation. The boy stared daggers at the Nausiccan as his imagination began coming up with ways to give the ugly old slaver what he had coming to him. A few moments later, he was shook from the bloody reverie by Myne's voice.
Quote from: myne on May 08, 2023, 06:50:45 PM

"Please say something... I am becoming scared he may come get me... please tell me of you. Ask questions. Please something Big Brother." Her legs clung to the bar stool as she tried to put away the thoughts. If he grabbed her... there would be a hundred Starfleet members beating the man to the ground. She was safe.. but she felt safer around Kyan. Even saying the words 'big brother' brought safety to her soul.[/b]

"He'll nae touch you again." Kyan said finally. Then, loudly enough to be overheard. "Nausiccans is cowards so. They like tae bully folks weaker or smaller." Then he shifted his eyes to hers and continued with a bit less volume. "But we're not weak little sister. An if ye stand up to a bully, and they know yer not weak, then they scurry off an hide. Or they don't, so then ye gotta send em packing tae the Summerlands to make their excuses to the Powers so." He left out the next part, which was that he'd gained that knowledge firsthand.

"As fer meself, I got adopted by a witch and her husband a few years after Kirk showed up and lived with them til they shuffled off. It's their name I took, since I cannae remember me original last name. Then I went and worked on a Freighter with a Ferengi and some Klingons. That was the most fun! Korvath and his sons taught me how tae fight and we had loads of adventures. But then they got old and retired, so I joined Starfleet. An been doing that for the past fifty years. The Federation grups is boring mostly, but they're nice enough." Kyan stopped when Stol brought over Myne's root beer float.

"Ah! Here it is the now!" he grinned. "You'll love it so ye will. If yer after drinkin it, you can use the straw, or the spoon if ye prefer tae be eating the ice cream first."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

As Rayek stepped into the Wardroom, his eyes swept over the dark colored interior noting each individual present and other possible exits from the room.  Even after more than 30 years since the end of the Occupation, the   color palette of the room hadn't changed much - though additional lighting had been added for the benefit of those species who now ran the station and who generally required more of the white light spectrum to see clearly.

He was surprised to discover that not every ship Captain and Executive Officer were present for this briefing - the room was far too small for the more than dozen others that would entail  - instead it appeared to be just those of Challenger and Discovery.  Along with the Admiral, Rayek recognized the features of Captain Vaughn - not from personal encounter but from intelligence reports he'd looked up while assigned to the Romulan Free State vessel the Valdore.   The other two were unfamiliar to him by sight so he watched them more, as he stepped further into the room and offered a slight bow of apology towards the Admiral for the wait.  "My apologies at my delay, Admiral... Captains."

He then hurried to take a seat at Tekin's right side.   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Tekin Nevir

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Nevir was silent on the journey from Ops to the Wardroom.  To him it was like walking through history.  But then again, after what they experienced, there was certainly cause for concern.  He waited for everyone to tak their own seats, and looked at the Admiral.

"I assume you saw the report on what exactly was attacking the convoy?"

Ian Galloway

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Ian looked around the wardroom and aside from Captain Tekin, he really didn't know anyone. He had a passing familiarity Admiral Gillespie, but certainly didn't know the man, so he didn't bother with small talk. Therefore, he sat in silence and waited for the briefing to start. Thus, when Tekin asked his question, Ian was very curious to hear the admiral's reply.

Dem Broadshire

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

After taking in the station, Dem finally went to the destination most of the officers went. Quarks. The legendary first Quarks, before it became a large enterprise. He stepped in and looked around for a few moments. Nothing looks different to the holo images. The sweeping stain glass window still shimmered in the middle of the establishment, providing a backdrop to the Dabo wheel where weary travelers lose all their money. Ferengi still swept through all the tables tending to the customer's needs while maliciously short-changing them behind their backs. And then the ever unchanging, slightly lumpy figure entered.
"œMorn!" Dem shouted in chorus with a few other patrons. A grin formed on Dem's face. He will talk to him later. As he started to walk through the masses, he couldn't believe who he saw. Someone who from a distance looks like a kid, but up close you find he's wiser than most.

"œMr Mackensie! It's been a while. How'd you escape from that Orion pirate business?" Dem stated with a mix of surprise and confusion. The moment Dem saw him, a wave of relief washed over him. He had thought that he would have been killed, or worse at the hands of the Orion's, and he felt partially responsible for what went down.
He glanced over to find another being of short stature, clinging to Kyan. Deciding to introduce himself, he started with a casual, "Hey, I'm Dem" and outstretched his hand for a handshake.



[ Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Typically, Kyan wasn't what you might call a "œhugger" Nor did he come off as such, especially to grups. This was intentional. Of course it never stopped them. It was always the girl grups, olders ones especially, that went in for the unsolicited hugs. It wasn't that he didn't like affection. But extended hugs from people his own "œage" and older was"¦ weird? Especially from the older ones because they were tall and sometimes went for the "œscoop you up" style hugs, and that was just awkward on all fronts. And, since he generally carried a phaser in a shoulder holster, if they got you arms and all, it kinda hurt.

Then there were the cooties to consider. He'd had assurances from several doctors and transporter chiefs that the bio-filters took care of those but he remained skeptical. After all, there was a steady stream of reports about folks beaming back up to the ship, only to infect everyone aboard with some virus that the filters missed. So who could trust that with a hundred percent certainty?


Kyan was about to launch into his own backstory when she mentioned the "caretakers." That was wrong though. They were slavers. The lowest form of scum in the galaxy, in Kyan's own estimation. The boy stared daggers at the Nausiccan as his imagination began coming up with ways to give the ugly old slaver what he had coming to him. A few moments later, he was shook from the bloody reverie by Myne's voice.


"He'll nae touch you again." Kyan said finally. Then, loudly enough to be overheard. "Nausiccans is cowards so. They like tae bully folks weaker or smaller." Then he shifted his eyes to hers and continued with a bit less volume. "But we're not weak little sister. An if ye stand up to a bully, and they know yer not weak, then they scurry off an hide. Or they don't, so then ye gotta send em packing tae the Summerlands to make their excuses to the Powers so." He left out the next part, which was that he'd gained that knowledge firsthand.

"As fer meself, I got adopted by a witch and her husband a few years after Kirk showed up and lived with them til they shuffled off. It's their name I took, since I cannae remember me original last name. Then I went and worked on a Freighter with a Ferengi and some Klingons. That was the most fun! Korvath and his sons taught me how tae fight and we had loads of adventures. But then they got old and retired, so I joined Starfleet. An been doing that for the past fifty years. The Federation grups is boring mostly, but they're nice enough." Kyan stopped when Stol brought over Myne's root beer float.

"Ah! Here it is the now!" he grinned. "You'll love it so ye will. If yer after drinkin it, you can use the straw, or the spoon if ye prefer tae be eating the ice cream first."

"Thank You Big Brother... my kind always fear one of the slavers of the past will come swoop us up. Take us back.. but you won't let that happen so thank you.", she smiled brightly up to him her pigtails bouncing as she did.

A sip of the straw instantly brightened Myne's face. She turned with a smile and then tried a spoonful with a equal glee. "Such heaven Big Brother. Luxuries more befitting the finest of Ladys then the lowlies such as myself. But as you have ordered it.. it would be rude to let it go to waste. She smiled. One of those Only smiles that another Only would know instantly.


[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

He then turned towards the Myne and Kyan, nodding towards them, "I am quite surprised to see you within this establishment, but then again, I assume that you are not children, as I would have once presumed, is that correct?" He asked, openly and with clear curiosity, though once more turned towards the two Cardassians, offering them a small bow of the head.

Myne stopped talking and turned to see the nice cat from the bridge. "No Sir, we are both very old. I was about to regail Big Brother with my history. I would not mind you joining us.". She was about to begin the history when....

[ Dem | Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

After taking in the station, Dem finally went to the destination most of the officers went. Quarks. The legendary first Quarks, before it became a large enterprise. He stepped in and looked around for a few moments. Nothing looks different to the holo images. The sweeping stain glass window still shimmered in the middle of the establishment, providing a backdrop to the Dabo wheel where weary travelers lose all their money. Ferengi still swept through all the tables tending to the customer's needs while maliciously short-changing them behind their backs. And then the ever unchanging, slightly lumpy figure entered.

"œMorn!" Dem shouted in chorus with a few other patrons. A grin formed on Dem's face. He will talk to him later. As he started to walk through the masses, he couldn't believe who he saw. Someone who from a distance looks like a kid, but up close you find he's wiser than most.

"œMr Mackensie! It's been a while. How'd you escape from that Orion pirate business?" Dem stated with a mix of surprise and confusion. The moment Dem saw him, a wave of relief washed over him. He had thought that he would have been killed, or worse at the hands of the Orion's, and he felt partially responsible for what went down.

He glanced over to find another being of short stature, clinging to Kyan. Deciding to introduce himself, he started with a casual, "Hey, I'm Dem" and outstretched his hand for a handshake.

Myne timidly shook the man's hand before deciding to finish her story.. hell start her story. If she didn't a fourth would come...

"I'm two hundred and seventy. I was.. little when Kirk showed up. The virus hadn't synced to me yet, I was the children of two Only who grew old enough to get those grup feelings before the virus killed them. I was then raised by the girls in our cluster. They were all nice and everything but those teachers they left on the planet to help us were bad people.. after Jann and Miri died the Federation put Flint in charge. He understood us better but I got sent to a colony on Tarian IV. The Branchers or 'Crystaline Entities' came and wiped most out. They were so pretty but it was so scarey. Those of us left tried to find things to eat but there was nothing. Luckily the Choraii swooped in. Big jelly-like starship sized aliens. They kept us like pets inside them, we breathed the air like water inside and they sung to us. I was a slave but I learned to play music and to sing! I was in there for ten years. They traded us as there custom to the Federation for minerals they couldn't get that they needed to survive."

She sipped the drink, "So I was sent on a orphan train to Valakis where that man over there caught me and a couple others in a slaver raid. He put the first brand on my hip to show I was a slave to anyone seeing me. He then sold me to the Orions.. brand two.. but I learned to dance and smile as I did, it made me feel free. I miss dancing in silk, bells, and gold.. Twenty years. The Federation rescued us and another orphan train, this time to Mimit. Kzinti doing there Ravager ceremony this time. But I was used as a sheperdhess and learned all about animals. It made me want to be a Zoologist. I also learned during the twenty years there how to groom and work out muscle cramps on feline humanoids. That was my third slave brand. She counted down with her fingers on her right hip. Rescued by the Federation again.

Another sip, "Orphan Trained to Hydra. Go figure no one checked it was the homeworld of the Hydran's. Learned in the twenty years how to hold my breathe great and more feline skills. She counted with her fingers down the fourth brand tapping her thigh. Federation got me again. Starting a trend almost. So sent to Galen IV and the Talarians got me. Fifth and final brand.. I learned to cook, make a good Raktajino, and to be a maid. The Federation got me back after another twenty... So that year I met my first and only true love in a tavern. I adored him and he seemed to love me. Turns out he was only into me for my salt.. he was a salt succubus. Orphan Train to Auren and got assimilated.. only a year. "

She raised the right side of her uniform to show a bit of borg tech around her liver area. "But I learned some killer organizational skills and how to do Borg engineering. It helped during that fight with the meanie Cardassian. Federation got me out. I flittered around and somehow got a Bluegil down my throat, it isn't there no more but I don't remember where or what for. Decided I needed somewhere safe and the Aldean's where still wanting kids. I stayed there twenty eight years but the guy wouldn't let me leave. At all. But I learned to play more musical instruments before the Federation saved me. Again."

Another sip to help her parched throat, "So I enrolled in Starfleet Academy so I wouldn't get enslaved again. Thats why I said I don't want another brand, a Cardassian one.. But while this may have broke some people.. I like to look on the bright side of things!" She then took another sip of her float and began eating the ice cream with gusto.

"My real name is Melly.. but I go by Myne. I refuse to answer to Melly. Myne is my name because all my owners would say 'mine' when talking about me so I made it my own. I'm Myne.", she smiled proudly.

Female Only

Nira Said

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 09, 2023, 04:05:57 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

As Rayek stepped into the Wardroom, his eyes swept over the dark colored interior noting each individual present and other possible exits from the room.  Even after more than 30 years since the end of the Occupation, the   color palette of the room hadn't changed much - though additional lighting had been added for the benefit of those species who now ran the station and who generally required more of the white light spectrum to see clearly.

He was surprised to discover that not every ship Captain and Executive Officer were present for this briefing - the room was far too small for the more than dozen others that would entail  - instead it appeared to be just those of Challenger and Discovery.  Along with the Admiral, Rayek recognized the features of Captain Vaughn - not from personal encounter but from intelligence reports he'd looked up while assigned to the Romulan Free State vessel the Valdore.   The other two were unfamiliar to him by sight so he watched them more, as he stepped further into the room and offered a slight bow of apology towards the Admiral for the wait.  "My apologies at my delay, Admiral... Captains."

He then hurried to take a seat at Tekin's right side.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 09, 2023, 07:43:29 AM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Nevir was silent on the journey from Ops to the Wardroom.  To him it was like walking through history.  But then again, after what they experienced, there was certainly cause for concern.  He waited for everyone to take their own seats, and looked at the Admiral.

"I assume you saw the report on what exactly was attacking the convoy?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 09, 2023, 11:28:34 AM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Ian looked around the wardroom and aside from Captain Tekin, he really didn't know anyone. He had a passing familiarity Admiral Gillespie, but certainly didn't know the man, so he didn't bother with small talk. Therefore, he sat in silence and waited for the briefing to start. Thus, when Tekin asked his question, Ian was very curious to hear the admiral's reply.

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

"S'all right, Commander," said Gillespie gruffly. "It's a walk to the wardroom anyway." At Tekin's question, Gillespie answered, "I got it, but leave it a mo'. Vaughn? Where's Kira? And for that matter, where's Worf?"

"What does Captain Worf have to do with it?" asked Nira in surprise at mention of the most prominent Klingon in the quadrant; she couldn't help it around the other Captains, but she was surprised.

"He's been one of our best operatives as of late, a subcontracter of sorts," Gillespie explained. "Anyway, the reason for his involvement is that more than a week ago, Worf had been summoned by Kira, by way of an ambassador from the New Dominion," continued Gillespie. "Sent from Odo. Kira and Worf are among two individuals that Odo has trusted most. What I want to know, Captain Vaughn," Gillespie added, looking over giving one of his pronounced Paddington-style stares, "is where they had gone off to."

"Oh, they've departed to Odo," Vaughn explained. "Kira took them aboard the Valiant and left when they got here. But then, two days later, they returned from the Gamma Quadrant, but they didn't stop at the station. The Valiant just took off."

"Where?" asked Nira gently, forestalling Gillespie from making an impatient question, considering how much impatience she felt.

"They didn't say," Vaughn said. "Kira's reply to hails was only one word: Classified. The warp trail and coordinates indicated that they were heading toward the Badlands, though the course projection indicated that they were heading toward Breen space."

"I'm guessing this has to do with the ties to the Old Dominion the Breen are constantly denying?" inquired Nira, her investigative mind whirring. "With Kira heading toward Breen space after Odo tips her and Worf off?"

"That's exactly what we thought," Vaughn answered. "But the fact that the leader of the reformation movements leading to the New Dominion, then there's a chance there will be a discovery of proof of those ties. Everybody knows how well-ingrained the Breen have been with the Dominion towards the end of the war, and afterwards, when the Dominion have been pushed back to the Gamma Quadrant, the Breen have made no indications of breaking with the Dominion, not like the Cardassians, let alone how the Cardassians did it."

"That dinnae explains why Admiral Kira and Captain Worf called me and asked me to assemble a fleet here," said Gillespie shortly.

"Do you think Odo may have contacts in the Old Dominion that informed him that the Breen could be preparing for war with the Federation?" asked Nira.

"It's possible," said Vaughn. "And contacts like Starfleet subcontracters like Worf and Ro aren't the only kinds of contacts he has. Bear in mind, not all the Founders came along with him when the Dominion split apart."

"Ah. The Great Link," said Nira.

"That's right," Vaughn said. "Anybody who knows about the Founders, aside from how much damage they can inflict as saboteurs, know that they all had some means of connection to each other, even from long distances, hence why, in one instance, why Odo, before being momentarily stripped of his shapeshifting, he found out one of his fellows was impersonating Chancellor Gowron, surprise, it was really then-General Martok, the real one being imprisoned in the Gamma Quadrant at the time, but that's another story."

"When did Kira and Worf head toward Breen space?" asked Gillespie.

"Around 1300 hours a few days ago," answered Vaughn.

"Hmm. Makes sense; they asked me to gather a fleet here just after the time you indicated," said Gillespie, looking almost as ponderous as Nira was.

"So, there's definitely a chance that Kira and Worf are looking something in Breen space," said Nira with a guess. "And it must involve the Dominion. Military build-up? Dominion technology withheld from the eyes of the Alpha Quadrant?"

"Yehr guess is as good as mine, lassie," Gillespie answered. "The Breen have historically kept peoples out of their borders; it would make sense if the Breen would use that reputation to hide anything related to the Dominion. I wouldn't be surprised if some Dominion forces headed into Breen space instead of toward the Gamma Quadrant. Which brings us back to the hullabaloo with Nehor Sherem yesterday-ish."

"Sherem?" said Vaughn with surprise. "What does he have to do with it?"

Together, the two Captains and two First Officers explained about their encounter with Gul Sherem and his trasnwarp-rigged Melek Nor. Once they were done, Vaughn pursed his lips.

"So. He's back. We have heard reports of piracy along the borders, but we had assumed they were Tzenkethi raiders, but Kira had noticed how the pirate attacks were not at all like how the Tzenkethi operate; but then, she used to be a Resistance fighter, and thus she knows the Cardassian style very well."

"So, again, it boils down to that Kira has more information," said Nira with a sigh.

"That's right," answered Vaughn. "The acts of piracy have been happening for two months along the border, with gradual escalation in each attack. Admiral Kira had been taking the Valiant to investigate, but even with the Valiant's slipstream capabilities, Kira had never been able to catch the perpetrators."

"Slipstream?" asked Nira.

"Why, yes," Vaughn said with interest. "Valiant's pretty much the smallest ship in Starfleet right now outfitted with a slipstream drive."

"But they've been investigating less than a week and you said Kira was due back in an hour or so?"

"That's right," said Vaughn. "Kira explained that they've checked out what's happening in Breen space and had dropped off Worf at Rigel."

"Just a bloody minute," Gillespie said, narrowing his eyes. "Isn't Rigel in the opposite direction?"

"That's what I also thought," Vaughn said. "Kira explained that whatever they found in the Breen Confederacy, Worf was anxious to get moving with their own investigation, per what was uncovered."

"I wasn't informed of that!" Gillespie started. "He was supposed to report to me!"

"Well, it was somewhat last minute, not to mention Kira needed to rest the Valiant's slipstream, and Worf had their permission to embark by Admiral Maizlish," Vaughn answered.

Gillespie suddenly narrowed his eyes; despite the calm, albeit menacing, tone of voice in his reply, Nira felt like she was standing next to a furnace.

"Which one? Clarence or Karen?"

"Does it matter if it was Mister or Mrs. Maizlish?" Vaughn said with a shrug.

"Never the bullocks mind," Gillespie retorted with a wave. "That pair of lavvy heids, always lurking before getting the hell in the way. They often make it impossible for anybody to do any real work."

"Well, they were the ones at Starfleet Headquarters who replied when Worf reported and went on their way."

But Nira was already tuning out Gillespie's whinging about his fellow admirals and was looking at Captains Tekin and Galloway and Commander tr'Lhoell. Then she looked especially at tr'Lhoell.

"Apologies, Commander," she said. "As an investigative mind, I can tend to make guesses a lot; Captains Tekin and Galloway know what I mean. But we can venture guesses until we see evidence and we hear Kira's side of things. What do you all think?" she asked, looking between the Romulan XO and the other two Captains.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 08, 2023, 05:27:19 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Hearing the praise the Andorian turned towards the familiar voice.  "Oh heya, Jael! It's been a while.  Gimme a sec to hammer out a deal with Quark here, then we should catch up."

Lahr turned back towards the Ferengi, but bar owner had moved on leaving the Andorian feeling very unappreciated.

At the tap on his shoulder Lahr looked over and up-nodded towards the Caitian.   "It's about time. "  He might have conversed more but the Caitian's attention was turned towards the two red-head children.

Another hand was placed on his shoulder and Lahr turned again expecting to see Litt or McNair, but it was the Nausicaan again.    "Quark is not interested in your deal and you are still in my seat.  Move!!"  The threatening tone was hard to miss.

"Yeah, yeah.  Keep your pants on."  It was unclear to those listening in if the blotched human phrase was a mistranslation by the Andorian or an intentional slight to Nausicaan social habits.   Lahr pulled out a 'calling card' - and placed it on the bar.   "I'll be around for the 48 hours if you change your mind."

"I apologize if I took too long to reach thee. I will speak more to you shortly-"

Zhukdra'shar felt slightly concerned when he realized that paying attention to the two kids wouldn't allow him to talk to his buddy Lahr, especially as the large, bulky oaf of a Nausicaan threatened him to move away from 'his seat'. His ears flattened as his claws slowly began to extend from his fingers. But then, he stopped, instead adopting a more demure expression as his face became neutral once more.

He did not wished to spend his 48 hours of downtime on the brig. Besides, he was a Lieutenant Junior Grade. It would reflect bad if he accidentally brushed the neck of the thug with his claws. For now, he decided to keep himself at bay, though he made sure to remember to get back to him eventually.

Quote from: myne on May 09, 2023, 09:30:49 PM

Myne stopped talking and turned to see the nice cat from the bridge. "No Sir, we are both very old. I was about to regail Big Brother with my history. I would not mind you joining us.". She was about to begin the history when....

The little girl had decided to answer him, though, and so he prepared to listen to her story, curious about what she would tell. Yet...
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 09, 2023, 07:32:08 PM

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

After taking in the station, Dem finally went to the destination most of the officers went. Quarks. The legendary first Quarks, before it became a large enterprise. He stepped in and looked around for a few moments. Nothing looks different to the holo images. The sweeping stain glass window still shimmered in the middle of the establishment, providing a backdrop to the Dabo wheel where weary travelers lose all their money. Ferengi still swept through all the tables tending to the customer's needs while maliciously short-changing them behind their backs. And then the ever unchanging, slightly lumpy figure entered.
"œMorn!" Dem shouted in chorus with a few other patrons. A grin formed on Dem's face. He will talk to him later. As he started to walk through the masses, he couldn't believe who he saw. Someone who from a distance looks like a kid, but up close you find he's wiser than most.

"œMr Mackensie! It's been a while. How'd you escape from that Orion pirate business?" Dem stated with a mix of surprise and confusion. The moment Dem saw him, a wave of relief washed over him. He had thought that he would have been killed, or worse at the hands of the Orion's, and he felt partially responsible for what went down.
He glanced over to find another being of short stature, clinging to Kyan. Deciding to introduce himself, he started with a casual, "Hey, I'm Dem" and outstretched his hand for a handshake.

Just as his attention once more fully focused upon Myne and Kyan, his ear swished over as he detected a newcomer. As he took a glance over at him, he could easily identify that he was Bajoran. It made him squint slightly at him, as he had been told many things about Bajorans by his mother. Not too pleasant things. But, with his broader perspective, and his learning of history within the Federation, he had done his best to eschew those prejudices aside. He struggled, but ultimately, they had never truly harmed him. Not like Orions or Romulans had. Only stories were meaningful of them.


He shook his head, smiling softly over at Dem, though he seemed more interested on greeting Kyan and Myne. He supposed because of some kind of previous relationship they shared. His interest was piqued with some kind of 'Orion pirate business'. Peculiar. It seemed as if someone else had a problem with Orions. That was good.

He had a big one too. A kindred soul, mayhaps?

Quote from: myne on May 09, 2023, 09:30:49 PM

Myne timidly shook the man's hand before deciding to finish her story.. hell start her story. If she didn't a fourth would come...

"I'm two hundred and seventy. I was.. little when Kirk showed up. The virus hadn't synced to me yet, I was the children of two Only who grew old enough to get those grup feelings before the virus killed them. I was then raised by the girls in our cluster. They were all nice and everything but those teachers they left on the planet to help us were bad people.. after Jann and Miri died the Federation put Flint in charge. He understood us better but I got sent to a colony on Tarian IV. The Branchers or 'Crystaline Entities' came and wiped most out. They were so pretty but it was so scarey. Those of us left tried to find things to eat but there was nothing. Luckily the Choraii swooped in. Big jelly-like starship sized aliens. They kept us like pets inside them, we breathed the air like water inside and they sung to us. I was a slave but I learned to play music and to sing! I was in there for ten years. They traded us as there custom to the Federation for minerals they couldn't get that they needed to survive."

She sipped the drink, "So I was sent on a orphan train to Valakis where that man over there caught me and a couple others in a slaver raid. He put the first brand on my hip to show I was a slave to anyone seeing me. He then sold me to the Orions.. brand two.. but I learned to dance and smile as I did, it made me feel free. I miss dancing in silk, bells, and gold.. Twenty years. The Federation rescued us and another orphan train, this time to Mimit. Kzinti doing there Ravager ceremony this time. But I was used as a sheperdhess and learned all about animals. It made me want to be a Zoologist. I also learned during the twenty years there how to groom and work out muscle cramps on feline humanoids. That was my third slave brand. She counted down with her fingers on her right hip. Rescued by the Federation again.

Another sip, "Orphan Trained to Hydra. Go figure no one checked it was the homeworld of the Hydran's. Learned in the twenty years how to hold my breathe great and more feline skills. She counted with her fingers down the fourth brand tapping her thigh. Federation got me again. Starting a trend almost. So sent to Galen IV and the Talarians got me. Fifth and final brand.. I learned to cook, make a good Raktajino, and to be a maid. The Federation got me back after another twenty... So that year I met my first and only true love in a tavern. I adored him and he seemed to love me. Turns out he was only into me for my salt.. he was a salt succubus. Orphan Train to Auren and got assimilated.. only a year. "

She raised the right side of her uniform to show a bit of borg tech around her liver area. "But I learned some killer organizational skills and how to do Borg engineering. It helped during that fight with the meanie Cardassian. Federation got me out. I flittered around and somehow got a Bluegil down my throat, it isn't there no more but I don't remember where or what for. Decided I needed somewhere safe and the Aldean's where still wanting kids. I stayed there twenty eight years but the guy wouldn't let me leave. At all. But I learned to play more musical instruments before the Federation saved me. Again."

Another sip to help her parched throat, "So I enrolled in Starfleet Academy so I wouldn't get enslaved again. Thats why I said I don't want another brand, a Cardassian one.. But while this may have broke some people.. I like to look on the bright side of things!" She then took another sip of her float and began eating the ice cream with gusto.

"My real name is Melly.. but I go by Myne. I refuse to answer to Melly. Myne is my name because all my owners would say 'mine' when talking about me so I made it my own. I'm Myne.", she smiled proudly.

In any case, he soon returned over to Myne, both ears turning to her as his irises just grew slightly bigger. His expression turned to one of vested interest, to a sour one, to finally an intense look of sadness overtook him. All of those brands, were much more than what he had. What she had went through? How was she sane? He was pretty sure that if he had been subjected to something like that, he woudln't be so calm.

Finally, an answer of whom she was. An Only, yet he didn't quite know that species. If they were one, and not a cultural group. Also, that her true name was Melly. Though he found it a much nicer name that 'Myne', he could understand how she wished to retake that name for her own. His name, after all, was not Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas when he served under his masters. But he had investigated his old name, and taken it for himself once more.

He felt an intense sense of admiration towards her, for being so strong. Something that he proceeded to externate by placing a hand on her shoulder, gently. He didn't wish to keep her from experiencing her ice cream float, after all. "I am quite sorry that you had to endure all that. I find that you and I are not so different indeed... but I nonethless wish to state my appreciation for your bravery. You are an incredible individual."

He let go. That was enough, he felt. Now, with such a heavy topic breached, he was unsure if he should peer in more...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
Challenger NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: myne on May 09, 2023, 09:30:49 PM

"Thank You Big Brother... my kind always fear one of the slavers of the past will come swoop us up. Take us back.. but you won't let that happen so thank you.", she smiled brightly up to him her pigtails bouncing as she did.

A sip of the straw instantly brightened Myne's face. She turned with a smile and then tried a spoonful with a equal glee. "Such heaven Big Brother. Luxuries more befitting the finest of Ladys then the lowlies such as myself. But as you have ordered it.. it would be rude to let it go to waste. She smiled. One of those Only smiles that another Only would know instantly.

Myne stopped talking and turned to see the nice cat from the bridge. "No Sir, we are both very old. I was about to regail Big Brother with my history. I would not mind you joining us.". She was about to begin the history when....

Myne timidly shook the man's hand before deciding to finish her story.. hell start her story. If she didn't a fourth would come...

"I'm two hundred and seventy. I was.. little when Kirk showed up. The virus hadn't synced to me yet, I was the children of two Only who grew old enough to get those grup feelings before the virus killed them. I was then raised by the girls in our cluster. They were all nice and everything but those teachers they left on the planet to help us were bad people.. after Jann and Miri died the Federation put Flint in charge. He understood us better but I got sent to a colony on Tarian IV. The Branchers or 'Crystaline Entities' came and wiped most out. They were so pretty but it was so scarey. Those of us left tried to find things to eat but there was nothing. Luckily the Choraii swooped in. Big jelly-like starship sized aliens. They kept us like pets inside them, we breathed the air like water inside and they sung to us. I was a slave but I learned to play music and to sing! I was in there for ten years. They traded us as there custom to the Federation for minerals they couldn't get that they needed to survive."

She sipped the drink, "So I was sent on a orphan train to Valakis where that man over there caught me and a couple others in a slaver raid. He put the first brand on my hip to show I was a slave to anyone seeing me. He then sold me to the Orions.. brand two.. but I learned to dance and smile as I did, it made me feel free. I miss dancing in silk, bells, and gold.. Twenty years. The Federation rescued us and another orphan train, this time to Mimit. Kzinti doing there Ravager ceremony this time. But I was used as a sheperdhess and learned all about animals. It made me want to be a Zoologist. I also learned during the twenty years there how to groom and work out muscle cramps on feline humanoids. That was my third slave brand. She counted down with her fingers on her right hip. Rescued by the Federation again.

Another sip, "Orphan Trained to Hydra. Go figure no one checked it was the homeworld of the Hydran's. Learned in the twenty years how to hold my breathe great and more feline skills. She counted with her fingers down the fourth brand tapping her thigh. Federation got me again. Starting a trend almost. So sent to Galen IV and the Talarians got me. Fifth and final brand.. I learned to cook, make a good Raktajino, and to be a maid. The Federation got me back after another twenty... So that year I met my first and only true love in a tavern. I adored him and he seemed to love me. Turns out he was only into me for my salt.. he was a salt succubus. Orphan Train to Auren and got assimilated.. only a year. "

She raised the right side of her uniform to show a bit of borg tech around her liver area. "But I learned some killer organizational skills and how to do Borg engineering. It helped during that fight with the meanie Cardassian. Federation got me out. I flittered around and somehow got a Bluegil down my throat, it isn't there no more but I don't remember where or what for. Decided I needed somewhere safe and the Aldean's where still wanting kids. I stayed there twenty eight years but the guy wouldn't let me leave. At all. But I learned to play more musical instruments before the Federation saved me. Again."

Another sip to help her parched throat, "So I enrolled in Starfleet Academy so I wouldn't get enslaved again. Thats why I said I don't want another brand, a Cardassian one.. But while this may have broke some people.. I like to look on the bright side of things!" She then took another sip of her float and began eating the ice cream with gusto.

"My real name is Melly.. but I go by Myne. I refuse to answer to Melly. Myne is my name because all my owners would say 'mine' when talking about me so I made it my own. I'm Myne.", she smiled proudly.

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

Realising he was clearly intruding on an already beginning conversation, Dem awkwardly pulled up a neighbouring chair from the group of tables and quietly sat down adjacent from Kyan. Myne told quite the story. He thought he had a mildly troubling past, but it was nothing like hers. After she had finished her piece, he waited for a tactical officer of the Challenger to finish his take on her story. He seemed like a nice sole, and he made a note to get to know him at a later stage. Dem spoke up, trying to draw the thread of this now slightly sombre conversation. "œWell, I hope that now you are in Starfleet you can live your life to the fullest". A bustling Ferengi waiter briskly walked by, and Dem quickly slipped a "complementary" (Ferengi code for pay more later) drink off his full metal tray. It was too late to leave now.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 10, 2023, 12:14:29 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

"S'all right, Commander," said Gillespie gruffly. "It's a walk to the wardroom anyway." At Tekin's question, Gillespie answered, "I got it, but leave it a mo'. Vaughn? Where's Kira? And for that matter, where's Worf?"

"What does Captain Worf have to do with it?" asked Nira in surprise at mention of the most prominent Klingon in the quadrant; she couldn't help it around the other Captains, but she was surprised.

Rayek's brow rose at the interruption by the Lieutenant Commander - no, wait, her collar held three full pips now.  When had THAT happened?!? -  questioning about the involvement of other senior officers.  He'd read that the Betazoid hybrid had a tendency to talk when she should listen; still he was surprised when the Admiral bothered to answer her.

With her Betazoid ability to 'read people', Rayek made a point to ensure he had his thoughts  shielded and that his emotions were contained for the most part.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 10, 2023, 12:14:29 AM

"He's been one of our best operatives as of late, a subcontracter of sorts," Gillespie explained. "Anyway, the reason for his involvement is that more than a week ago, Worf had been summoned by Kira, by way of an ambassador from the New Dominion," continued Gillespie. "Sent from Odo. Kira and Worf are among two individuals that Odo has trusted most. What I want to know, Captain Vaughn," Gillespie added, looking over giving one of his pronounced Paddington-style stares, "is where they had gone off to."

"Oh, they've departed to Odo," Vaughn explained. "Kira took them aboard the Valiant and left when they got here. But then, two days later, they returned from the Gamma Quadrant, but they didn't stop at the station. The Valiant just took off."

"Where?" asked Nira gently, forestalling Gillespie from making an impatient question, considering how much impatience she felt.

"They didn't say," Vaughn said. "Kira's reply to hails was only one word: Classified. The warp trail and coordinates indicated that they were heading toward the Badlands, though the course projection indicated that they were heading toward Breen space."

"I'm guessing this has to do with the ties to the Old Dominion the Breen are constantly denying?" inquired Nira, her investigative mind whirring. "With Kira heading toward Breen space after Odo tips her and Worf off?"

"That's exactly what we thought," Vaughn answered. "But the fact that the leader of the reformation movements leading to the New Dominion, then there's a chance there will be a discovery of proof of those ties. Everybody knows how well-ingrained the Breen have been with the Dominion towards the end of the war, and afterwards, when the Dominion have been pushed back to the Gamma Quadrant, the Breen have made no indications of breaking with the Dominion, not like the Cardassians, let alone how the Cardassians did it."

"That dinnae explains why Admiral Kira and Captain Worf called me and asked me to assemble a fleet here," said Gillespie shortly.

On and on the three discussed the situation, not giving a moment for any other to speak up or offer comment.  Rayek had never seen a briefing like this one before.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 10, 2023, 12:14:29 AM

"Do you think Odo may have contacts in the Old Dominion that informed him that the Breen could be preparing for war with the Federation?" asked Nira.

"It's possible," said Vaughn. "And contacts like Starfleet subcontracters like Worf and Ro aren't the only kinds of contacts he has. Bear in mind, not all the Founders came along with him when the Dominion split apart."

"Ah. The Great Link," said Nira.

"That's right," Vaughn said. "Anybody who knows about the Founders, aside from how much damage they can inflict as saboteurs, know that they all had some means of connection to each other, even from long distances, hence why, in one instance, why Odo, before being momentarily stripped of his shapeshifting, he found out one of his fellows was impersonating Chancellor Gowron, surprise, it was really then-General Martok, the real one being imprisoned in the Gamma Quadrant at the time, but that's another story."

"When did Kira and Worf head toward Breen space?" asked Gillespie.

"Around 1300 hours a few days ago," answered Vaughn.

"Hmm. Makes sense; they asked me to gather a fleet here just after the time you indicated," said Gillespie, looking almost as ponderous as Nira was.

"So, there's definitely a chance that Kira and Worf are looking something in Breen space," said Nira with a guess. "And it must involve the Dominion. Military build-up? Dominion technology withheld from the eyes of the Alpha Quadrant?"

"Yehr guess is as good as mine, lassie," Gillespie answered. "The Breen have historically kept peoples out of their borders; it would make sense if the Breen would use that reputation to hide anything related to the Dominion. I wouldn't be surprised if some Dominion forces headed into Breen space instead of toward the Gamma Quadrant. Which brings us back to the hullabaloo with Nehor Sherem yesterday-ish."

"Sherem?" said Vaughn with surprise. "What does he have to do with it?"

At Captain Vaughn's question, for the first time since the "˜briefing' began Commander Said paused to let the Captains answer their colleague's question.  Rayek deferred to rank and remained silent.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 10, 2023, 12:14:29 AM

Together, the two Captains and Nira explained about their encounter with Gul Sherem and his trasnwarp-rigged Melek Nor. Once they were done, Vaughn pursed his lips.

"So. He's back. We have heard reports of piracy along the borders, but we had assumed they were Tzenkethi raiders, but Kira had noticed how the pirate attacks were not at all like how the Tzenkethi operate; but then, she used to be a Resistance fighter, and thus she knows the Cardassian style very well."

"So, again, it boils down to that Kira has more information," said Nira with a sigh.

"That's right," answered Vaughn. "The acts of piracy have been happening for two months along the border, with gradual escalation in each attack. Admiral Kira had been taking the Valiant to investigate, but even with the Valiant's slipstream capabilities, Kira had never been able to catch the perpetrators."

"Slipstream?" asked Nira.

"Why, yes," Vaughn said with interest. "Valiant's pretty much the smallest ship in Starfleet right now outfitted with a slipstream drive."

"But they've been investigating less than a week and you said Kira was due back in an hour or so?"

"That's right," said Vaughn. "Kira explained that they've checked out what's happening in Breen space and had dropped off Worf at Rigel."

"Just a bloody minute," Gillespie said, narrowing his eyes. "Isn't Rigel in the opposite direction?"

"That's what I also thought," Vaughn said. "Kira explained that whatever they found in the Breen Confederacy, Worf was anxious to get moving with their own investigation, per what was uncovered."

"I wasn't informed of that!" Gillespie started. "He was supposed to report to me!"

"Well, it was somewhat last minute, not to mention Kira needed to rest the Valiant's slipstream, and Worf had their permission to embark by Admiral Maizlish," Vaughn answered.

Gillespie suddenly narrowed his eyes; despite the calm, albeit menacing, tone of voice in his reply, Nira felt like she was standing next to a furnace.

"Which one? Clarence or Karen?"

"Does it matter if it was Mister or Mrs. Maizlish?" Vaughn said with a shrug.

"Never the bullocks mind," Gillespie retorted with a wave. "That pair of lavvy heids, always lurking before getting the hell in the way. They often make it impossible for anybody to do any real work."

"Well, they were the ones at Starfleet Headquarters who replied when Worf reported and went on their way."

"Which one? Clarence or Karen?"

"Does it matter if it was Mister or Mrs. Maizlish?" Vaughn said with a shrug.

"Never the bullocks mind," Gillespie retorted with a wave. "That pair of lavvy heids, always lurking before getting the hell in the way. They often make it impossible for anybody to do any real work."

"Well, they were the ones at Starfleet Headquarters who replied when Worf and Ro reported and went on their way."

But Nira was already tuning out Gillespie's whinging about his fellow admirals and was looking at Captains Tekin and Galloway and Commander tr'Lhoell. Then she looked especially at tr'Lhoell.

Several minutes later, while Admiral Gillespie ranted about other Admiral Maizlish, Rayek noted the Commander's attention on him.  He turned to regard her in return.  His expression must have been a bit disapproving or his control on his emotions less effective than he would have hoped because the first thing she did was apologize.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 10, 2023, 12:14:29 AM

"Apologies, Commander," she said. "As an investigative mind, I can tend to make guesses a lot; Captains Tekin and Galloway know what I mean. But we can venture guesses until we see evidence and we hear Kira's side of things. What do you all think?" she asked, looking between the Romulan XO and the other two Captains.

Rayek's expression twitch at her comment - fighting the frown at her words.  "Guesses?  I would hope that someone with an "˜investigative' mind, would instead actually investigate, analyse the information collected, and offer facts rather than "˜guesses'."

Belatedly, the Romulan recognized he was being rather blunt and perhaps a tad bit unfriendly, but in his opinion the Commander had broken protocol by interrupting the Admiral's briefing to the point that it seemed more a gossip session than a tactical relaying of information.

For the moment, he felt it best if he kept his comments to himself or it was likely his acerbic tone might land him in trouble with the Admiral, who seemed less bothered by the interruption than he.  The Romulan didn't want to be considered captious.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m) 42 yrs

Emperor J.B Dersch

[Ensign J.B Dersch | Quarks | Deep Space 9]

When he walked into Quarks he took a good look around ordered something to drink and found a spot by himself in the corner cause he was still new to the Discovery so he knew few other crew members. Man, Hopefully someday I will know more Crew but its only been a Few Days since my Posting started, So far every one i have met have been nice As he drank his Drink which was a Drink that he had always loved. But he didn't feel like replying to anyone who asked what it was.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 10, 2023, 12:14:29 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

"S'all right, Commander," said Gillespie gruffly. "It's a walk to the wardroom anyway." At Tekin's question, Gillespie answered, "I got it, but leave it a mo'. Vaughn? Where's Kira? And for that matter, where's Worf?"

"What does Captain Worf have to do with it?" asked Nira in surprise at mention of the most prominent Klingon in the quadrant; she couldn't help it around the other Captains, but she was surprised.

"He's been one of our best operatives as of late, a subcontracter of sorts," Gillespie explained. "Anyway, the reason for his involvement is that more than a week ago, Worf had been summoned by Kira, by way of an ambassador from the New Dominion," continued Gillespie. "Sent from Odo. Kira and Worf are among two individuals that Odo has trusted most. What I want to know, Captain Vaughn," Gillespie added, looking over giving one of his pronounced Paddington-style stares, "is where they had gone off to."

"Oh, they've departed to Odo," Vaughn explained. "Kira took them aboard the Valiant and left when they got here. But then, two days later, they returned from the Gamma Quadrant, but they didn't stop at the station. The Valiant just took off."

"Where?" asked Nira gently, forestalling Gillespie from making an impatient question, considering how much impatience she felt.

"They didn't say," Vaughn said. "Kira's reply to hails was only one word: Classified. The warp trail and coordinates indicated that they were heading toward the Badlands, though the course projection indicated that they were heading toward Breen space."

"I'm guessing this has to do with the ties to the Old Dominion the Breen are constantly denying?" inquired Nira, her investigative mind whirring. "With Kira heading toward Breen space after Odo tips her and Worf off?"

"That's exactly what we thought," Vaughn answered. "But the fact that the leader of the reformation movements leading to the New Dominion, then there's a chance there will be a discovery of proof of those ties. Everybody knows how well-ingrained the Breen have been with the Dominion towards the end of the war, and afterwards, when the Dominion have been pushed back to the Gamma Quadrant, the Breen have made no indications of breaking with the Dominion, not like the Cardassians, let alone how the Cardassians did it."

"That dinnae explains why Admiral Kira and Captain Worf called me and asked me to assemble a fleet here," said Gillespie shortly.

"Do you think Odo may have contacts in the Old Dominion that informed him that the Breen could be preparing for war with the Federation?" asked Nira.

"It's possible," said Vaughn. "And contacts like Starfleet subcontracters like Worf and Ro aren't the only kinds of contacts he has. Bear in mind, not all the Founders came along with him when the Dominion split apart."

"Ah. The Great Link," said Nira.

"That's right," Vaughn said. "Anybody who knows about the Founders, aside from how much damage they can inflict as saboteurs, know that they all had some means of connection to each other, even from long distances, hence why, in one instance, why Odo, before being momentarily stripped of his shapeshifting, he found out one of his fellows was impersonating Chancellor Gowron, surprise, it was really then-General Martok, the real one being imprisoned in the Gamma Quadrant at the time, but that's another story."

"When did Kira and Worf head toward Breen space?" asked Gillespie.

"Around 1300 hours a few days ago," answered Vaughn.

"Hmm. Makes sense; they asked me to gather a fleet here just after the time you indicated," said Gillespie, looking almost as ponderous as Nira was.

"So, there's definitely a chance that Kira and Worf are looking something in Breen space," said Nira with a guess. "And it must involve the Dominion. Military build-up? Dominion technology withheld from the eyes of the Alpha Quadrant?"

"Yehr guess is as good as mine, lassie," Gillespie answered. "The Breen have historically kept peoples out of their borders; it would make sense if the Breen would use that reputation to hide anything related to the Dominion. I wouldn't be surprised if some Dominion forces headed into Breen space instead of toward the Gamma Quadrant. Which brings us back to the hullabaloo with Nehor Sherem yesterday-ish."

"Sherem?" said Vaughn with surprise. "What does he have to do with it?"

Together, the two Captains and two First Officers explained about their encounter with Gul Sherem and his trasnwarp-rigged Melek Nor. Once they were done, Vaughn pursed his lips.

"So. He's back. We have heard reports of piracy along the borders, but we had assumed they were Tzenkethi raiders, but Kira had noticed how the pirate attacks were not at all like how the Tzenkethi operate; but then, she used to be a Resistance fighter, and thus she knows the Cardassian style very well."

"So, again, it boils down to that Kira has more information," said Nira with a sigh.

"That's right," answered Vaughn. "The acts of piracy have been happening for two months along the border, with gradual escalation in each attack. Admiral Kira had been taking the Valiant to investigate, but even with the Valiant's slipstream capabilities, Kira had never been able to catch the perpetrators."

"Slipstream?" asked Nira.

"Why, yes," Vaughn said with interest. "Valiant's pretty much the smallest ship in Starfleet right now outfitted with a slipstream drive."

"But they've been investigating less than a week and you said Kira was due back in an hour or so?"

"That's right," said Vaughn. "Kira explained that they've checked out what's happening in Breen space and had dropped off Worf at Rigel."

"Just a bloody minute," Gillespie said, narrowing his eyes. "Isn't Rigel in the opposite direction?"

"That's what I also thought," Vaughn said. "Kira explained that whatever they found in the Breen Confederacy, Worf was anxious to get moving with their own investigation, per what was uncovered."

"I wasn't informed of that!" Gillespie started. "He was supposed to report to me!"

"Well, it was somewhat last minute, not to mention Kira needed to rest the Valiant's slipstream, and Worf had their permission to embark by Admiral Maizlish," Vaughn answered.

Gillespie suddenly narrowed his eyes; despite the calm, albeit menacing, tone of voice in his reply, Nira felt like she was standing next to a furnace.

"Which one? Clarence or Karen?"

"Does it matter if it was Mister or Mrs. Maizlish?" Vaughn said with a shrug.

"Never the bullocks mind," Gillespie retorted with a wave. "That pair of lavvy heids, always lurking before getting the hell in the way. They often make it impossible for anybody to do any real work."

"Well, they were the ones at Starfleet Headquarters who replied when Worf reported and went on their way."

But Nira was already tuning out Gillespie's whinging about his fellow admirals and was looking at Captains Tekin and Galloway and Commander tr'Lhoell. Then she looked especially at tr'Lhoell.

"Apologies, Commander," she said. "As an investigative mind, I can tend to make guesses a lot; Captains Tekin and Galloway know what I mean. But we can venture guesses until we see evidence and we hear Kira's side of things. What do you all think?" she asked, looking between the Romulan XO and the other two Captains.

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian paused for a moment to gather his thoughts to all he'd heard so far before shrugging as he replied.

"What we've heard so far implies summat big enough ta cast a shadow over the entire Quadrant. Given we've only heard part of what's brewin', I'll reserve my opinion until we ken the whole story."

Lorut Vila

The older Bajoran woman had finished her quest-Tom WAS here, but off-world for some kind of maneuver, so she wasn't likely to run into him. Rumor had it his new wife was on the Base but had no idea that Vila was there, so that was good, and her good friend, Supo, said she'd keep the woman distracted if she had to. Vila had changed, chatted a bit with Supo, who was Romulan and the station's Chief Engineer. Supo had known of Vila's plans after she and Tom had divorced, and had encouraged Vila to go to the Academy-Vila had a science degree from the Polytechnic University of Bajor anyway, in engineering, and had always had a mechanical mind.

After that, she made her way to Quarks. It was PACKED-as it usually was at this time of the day. With a deep inhale, she walked in. She looked around, and saw no one she recognized yet. Perfect. She was dressed in a too-tight dress and heels. Overdressed, actually, but she didn't care. She was looking for trouble tonight. Tomorrow, she was hoping for a trip home. She sidled up to the bar and ordered up a drink-whatever the hell a Bajoran Sparkler was, she wanted that. The drink appeared in front of her-pink, sparkly, and with an over the top garnish. She picked it up and sipped it. What the hell was in that? Still, it would do its job-get her tipsy enough that she forgot. Quark bent over the bar, trying to flirt with her, because some things hadn't changed, had they?
"You're barking up the wrong tree, Quark. I am old enough to be your mother." She shook her head. Her tone of voice or the sound or something must've jogged something in the Ferengi's memory, though, because he shook his head to the side, and smiled.
Hey! You're Tom Clarke's wife. Ex-wife, isn't it, now?
Vila let out a sigh. "Yes, that's right. But now I am the Fleety." She tossed some of her hair over her shoulder and smiled. "They told me I was too old. So I did it anyway." She shrugged. Much like most of her life, really. When she was told "no" or "can't", she made it so. She looked around to spot who else was here. She found a group clustered together. Hmm, could be fun. She stood up, carefully-it'd been a bit since she'd worn shoes that high-and walked towards them. "Hey, can I join in? I promise I am a Fleety, not a boring civvie," she joked.
There were two children. Interesting.

Alexander Graham

[Quarks-Deep Space 9]

Alexander walked into Quarks and got himself a drink. As he looked around he noticed that the discovery crew seemed to have gained new members. He was busy with his flight control duties that he hadn't had a chance to get to know the new members. He figured that since they were on shore leave it was the perfect opportunity to at least talk to them. For right now he was going sit by himself at a table. "œI might be missing someone special but eventually I do plan on getting to know the new crew members. Hopefully I don't let the opportunity slip away from me."

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 07, 2023, 08:59:57 AM

Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine

It had been many years since Kina last set foot on this space station. In fact, she was only a small child when her father brought her here after the war to educate her on the occupation. Her father always preferred a more practical approach when teaching her of some of Cardassia's history. Rather than just bombard her with military propaganda and denial, he told her everything that happened. When the Cardassians began the occupation, to the building of Terok Nor, to the Bajoran people finally making them leave their home. After that, it was up to Kina on what she thought.

As she walked the station, she looked around at the many civilians and travelers that walked these decks. Everything still seemed so big to her, but she knew her father would be here soon, and that alone made Kina very happy. However, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, that eyes were glaring at her. Sure, she saw a few other Cardassians walking the station, but somehow, she felt singled out.

She overheard that some of the crew were going to Quark's for some relaxation and she figured that maybe this would be a good time for her to get to know many of the other officers from the ship. As she stepped into the bar, she was hit with a feeling of nostalgia of being here with her father. She walked over and found an open seat. She took a moment to look around at everyone there.

She suddenly found something she was very surprised to see, it was another Cardassian. But what really surprised her, was that this Cardassian was in a Starfleet uniform like her. Mustering up what courage she had, she walked over to the young woman and offered her a smile. "œExcuse me, would it be alright if I join you? My name is Kina."

Quote from: Alexander Graham on May 10, 2023, 11:25:37 PM

[Quarks-Deep Space 9]

Alexander walked into Quarks and got himself a drink. As he looked around he noticed that the discovery crew seemed to have gained new members. He was busy with his flight control duties that he hadn't had a chance to get to know the new members. He figured that since they were on shore leave it was the perfect opportunity to at least talk to them. For right now he was going sit by himself at a table. "œI might be missing someone special but eventually I do plan on getting to know the new crew members. Hopefully I don't let the opportunity slip away from me."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Why, I'd be glad for some company," said Jael with a smile. "I'm Jael. Shall we find a table?"

She shook Kina's hand and smiled. Then she led the way to a table and, by happenstance, they realized they were sharing the same table as Mister Graham.

"Why, Mister Graham," said Jael. "Mind if we join you?"

She took a seat and said to Kina, "It's been some day...ish, hasn't it? Saving the Tarkalia Triangle has been quite the doozy, especially in facing my father. Yes, unfortunately, that man we've been facing, the man in charge of that platform, he's my father. I just don't know why of all times he decided to come back. With his toys, he could appear anywhere."

And she shuddered with a chill. "Then again, he could be sheltering anywhere," she added. "For all we know, he could've gone to the Gamma Quadrant to make himself comfortable in Old Dominion space or to the Delta Quadrant for more salvaging. Let's hope we don't see him for a long time. Thank the Prophets that Mother defected and took me along until the Dominion were driven back."

Turning back to Kina, she said, "So, what's your story? Mother wasn't the only one to have defected when Dukat took control, did yours as well?"

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

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