Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Kina Nural

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 10, 2023, 11:39:44 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Why, I'd be glad for some company," said Jael with a smile. "I'm Jael. Shall we find a table?"

She shook Kina's hand and smiled. Then she led the way to a table and, by happenstance, they realized they were sharing the same table as Mister Graham.

"Why, Mister Graham," said Jael. "Mind if we join you?"

She took a seat and said to Kina, "It's been some day...ish, hasn't it? Saving the Tarkalia Triangle has been quite the doozy, especially in facing my father. Yes, unfortunately, that man we've been facing, the man in charge of that platform, he's my father. I just don't know why of all times he decided to come back. With his toys, he could appear anywhere."

And she shuddered with a chill. "Then again, he could be sheltering anywhere," she added. "For all we know, he could've gone to the Gamma Quadrant to make himself comfortable in Old Dominion space or to the Delta Quadrant for more salvaging. Let's hope we don't see him for a long time. Thank the Prophets that Mother defected and took me along until the Dominion were driven back."

Turning back to Kina, she said, "So, what's your story? Mother wasn't the only one to have defected when Dukat took control, did yours as well?"

[Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine]

Kina smiled and followed Jael to a table. It was nice to meet someone so welcoming. She was always keen to meet new people and get to know about them. She sat down and gave a polite hello to the human seated. This was one of the few times outside of the Academy that she felt comfortable. Granted, she loved being on Challenger, and wouldn't give anything up to be somewhere else, but it was still hard to meet new people because she was Cardassian.

Her mind came back when Jael that her father was Sherem. She looked down a bit before offering a soft smile. "œI'm just happy that the injuries the ships sustained were not too bad. I still have a few patients in recovery, but they will pull through." She listened more about how Jael's after had hiding places, and that her mother defected from Cardassia during Dukat's reign.

When she was asked about her mother, Kina was a bit shocked. She hadn't thought about her mother in some time. She barely remembered her face, and all she really had were holo-images of her. "œN"¦ I was born about two years before the war ended. Both my parents stayed on Cardassia. My father served when Dukat was in power and then with Damar. He joined Damar when he attacked Rodnac III while he was in the Third Order. My mother"¦"¦"

Kina looked down. She didn't really remember anything of her mother. Only what her father told her about her. But the pain was there, she couldn't explain it. "œMy mother was in Lakarian City"¦..when the Dominion retaliated." She shook her head. She tried to keep the tears at bay. "œMy father fought with Damar till the end of the war. He's a Legate within Central Command right now. He told me he was coming here with someone important."

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: myne on May 09, 2023, 09:30:49 PM

"Thank You Big Brother... my kind always fear one of the slavers of the past will come swoop us up. Take us back.. but you won't let that happen so thank you.", she smiled brightly up to him her pigtails bouncing as she did.

A sip of the straw instantly brightened Myne's face. She turned with a smile and then tried a spoonful with a equal glee. "Such heaven Big Brother. Luxuries more befitting the finest of Ladys then the lowlies such as myself. But as you have ordered it.. it would be rude to let it go to waste. She smiled. One of those Only smiles that another Only would know instantly.

Myne stopped talking and turned to see the nice cat from the bridge. "No Sir, we are both very old. I was about to regail Big Brother with my history. I would not mind you joining us.". She was about to begin the history when....

Myne timidly shook the man's hand before deciding to finish her story.. hell start her story. If she didn't a fourth would come...

"I'm two hundred and seventy. I was.. little when Kirk showed up. The virus hadn't synced to me yet, I was the children of two Only who grew old enough to get those grup feelings before the virus killed them. I was then raised by the girls in our cluster. They were all nice and everything but those teachers they left on the planet to help us were bad people.. after Jann and Miri died the Federation put Flint in charge. He understood us better but I got sent to a colony on Tarian IV. The Branchers or 'Crystaline Entities' came and wiped most out. They were so pretty but it was so scarey. Those of us left tried to find things to eat but there was nothing. Luckily the Choraii swooped in. Big jelly-like starship sized aliens. They kept us like pets inside them, we breathed the air like water inside and they sung to us. I was a slave but I learned to play music and to sing! I was in there for ten years. They traded us as there custom to the Federation for minerals they couldn't get that they needed to survive."

She sipped the drink, "So I was sent on a orphan train to Valakis where that man over there caught me and a couple others in a slaver raid. He put the first brand on my hip to show I was a slave to anyone seeing me. He then sold me to the Orions.. brand two.. but I learned to dance and smile as I did, it made me feel free. I miss dancing in silk, bells, and gold.. Twenty years. The Federation rescued us and another orphan train, this time to Mimit. Kzinti doing there Ravager ceremony this time. But I was used as a sheperdhess and learned all about animals. It made me want to be a Zoologist. I also learned during the twenty years there how to groom and work out muscle cramps on feline humanoids. That was my third slave brand. She counted down with her fingers on her right hip. Rescued by the Federation again.

Another sip, "Orphan Trained to Hydra. Go figure no one checked it was the homeworld of the Hydran's. Learned in the twenty years how to hold my breathe great and more feline skills. She counted with her fingers down the fourth brand tapping her thigh. Federation got me again. Starting a trend almost. So sent to Galen IV and the Talarians got me. Fifth and final brand.. I learned to cook, make a good Raktajino, and to be a maid. The Federation got me back after another twenty... So that year I met my first and only true love in a tavern. I adored him and he seemed to love me. Turns out he was only into me for my salt.. he was a salt succubus. Orphan Train to Auren and got assimilated.. only a year. "

She raised the right side of her uniform to show a bit of borg tech around her liver area. "But I learned some killer organizational skills and how to do Borg engineering. It helped during that fight with the meanie Cardassian. Federation got me out. I flittered around and somehow got a Bluegil down my throat, it isn't there no more but I don't remember where or what for. Decided I needed somewhere safe and the Aldean's where still wanting kids. I stayed there twenty eight years but the guy wouldn't let me leave. At all. But I learned to play more musical instruments before the Federation saved me. Again."

Another sip to help her parched throat, "So I enrolled in Starfleet Academy so I wouldn't get enslaved again. Thats why I said I don't want another brand, a Cardassian one.. But while this may have broke some people.. I like to look on the bright side of things!" She then took another sip of her float and began eating the ice cream with gusto.

"My real name is Melly.. but I go by Myne. I refuse to answer to Melly. Myne is my name because all my owners would say 'mine' when talking about me so I made it my own. I'm Myne.", she smiled proudly.

Dersch finshied his drink and looked over to see the other Ensign, and She looked new, So mabye he was not the only one. He stood up and walked over to the Ensign once there he said "Hello, Ensign Dersch Sec/Tec U.S.S Discovery and you are?" and as he said this the thought Hope I no being a A** about this



Dersch finshied his drink and looked over to see the other Ensign, and She looked new, So mabye he was not the only one. He stood up and walked over to the Ensign once there he said "Hello, Ensign Dersch Sec/Tec U.S.S Discovery and you are?" and as he said this the thought Hope I no being a A** about this

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

The small girl offered a hand and smile, "I'm Ensign Myne, Science Department, Xenozoology specialty. I'm on the USS Challenger. it's so nice to meet you. Please join me, Big Brother Kyne, My Fwuffy Tail here, and everyone else. More then welcome for more nice people." She looked eight but seemed not too out of place in her uniform, her twin red pigtails bouncing as she chatted. Behind her was a rootbeer float she was attacking with great ferocity.

Female Only

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: myne on May 11, 2023, 12:35:35 PM

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

The small girl offered a hand and smile, "I'm Ensign Myne, Science Department, Xenozoology specialty. I'm on the USS Challenger. it's so nice to meet you. Please join me, Big Brother Kyne, My Fwuffy Tail here, and everyone else. More then welcome for more nice people." She looked eight but seemed not too out of place in her uniform, her twin red pigtails bouncing as she chatted. Behind her was a rootbeer float she was attacking with great ferocity.

[Ensign Dersch | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Nice to meet you Myne and thank you" He sat and order another round of what he was drinking before and then asked her "Are you new to the Challenger?"

Tekin Nevir

[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room]

Nevir frowned, listening to the update.  He shook his head and some points, but kept silent while they spoke.  Finally though, when Ian spoke, he had to say something.

"Wait.. something isn't right about this. Aside from a minor skirmish we haven't had any issues or treaty violations with either the split Dominion.  Why are they threatening us now? Have we directly heard from either group?  Not that I don't trust our Changling ally, but it doesn't make sense why now?"

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Having been turned down by Quark - the Ferengi obviously didn't know an opportunity when it was knocking at his door -  and since the Nausicaan was adamant that the seat which had been vacant was his and looked like he was willing to tear Lahr's antennae off to prove it, the Andorian decided a tour of the room might be better than arguing over something as trivial as seating.  Lahr vacated the seat.

"See.  I'm done here.  The stool is all yours." he said placatingly towards the older Naussican.

He looked over to Zhuk.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 10, 2023, 01:43:01 AM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

"I apologize if I took too long to reach thee. I will speak more to you shortly-"

Zhukdra'shar felt slightly concerned when he realized that paying attention to the two kids wouldn't allow him to talk to his buddy Lahr, especially as the large, bulky oaf of a Nausicaan threatened him to move away from 'his seat'. His ears flattened as his claws slowly began to extend from his fingers. But then, he stopped, instead adopting a more demure expression as his face became neutral once more.

He did not wish to spend his 48 hours of downtime on the brig. Besides, he was a Junior Lieutenant Commander. It would reflect bad if he accidentally brushed the neck of the thug with his claws. For now, he decided to keep himself at bay, though he made sure to remember to get back to him eventually.

[/color] "I am quite sorry that you had to endure all that. I find that you and I are not so different indeed... but I nonethless wish to state my appreciation for your bravery. You are an incredible individual."

Lahr had heard Zhuk's earlier apology, and noted now that the Caitian had gravitated like many others- at least two Bajorans (a man and woman) and a Human male - towards the pair of children.  While Lahr was also kinda interested in the why and how the one little girl was dressed in an officer's uniform, the Andorian didn't want to waste his precious shore leave time with having to 'watch his language' and pretend to be a good role-model for a pair of children that disturbingly reminded him way too much of his Ruth.   He'd come here to let loose a little before the hell of Engineering loomed again.  Since good music was off the table, that just left alcohol.

"Take your time, Zhuk,  I'm gonna go find us an adults table."

The Andorian then slipped off through the crowd looking for their third musketeer - Litt, as well as the elusive 'open' table.

He spotted Jael at a table with another Cardassian and a vaguely familiar human.  He knew he'd seen the man somewhere before but couldn't place where. Oh well, it would come to him at some point, he'd offer his greetings then.  Nothing was more embarrassing than saying hello to someone whose name you'd forgotten.

Lahr continued on with his search.

Quote from: Buehler on May 08, 2023, 07:34:44 PM

[DS9 -Quark's]

Evan sat in a quiet corner of the bar, slowly sipping at a drink he had forgotten the name of almost as soon as he had ordered it. But it was blue and tasted good, and when he tapped the glass it shimmered before returning to its silky texture.

He was glad to have a moment to himself, and people watching was one of his favorite hobbies. The various sights and sounds trickled passively through his sense, feeling cleansed by it like water passing through a sieve. It'd been awhile since he'd been on a station, not since his wife retired from the admiralty to focus on raising the children.

It was possible to people watch on a ship, he supposed, but not nearly as fun. There you already knew most of the people and the noise they would make. He had to chuckle when his ears picked up the sound of a certain Andorian bemoaning the lack of good music.

While he didn't find an empty, he spotted one in a quiet corner, that had single occupant.   Lahr grinned.  A place like Quark's was not a place one came to be anti-social.

The Andorian sauntered his way over to the table, grabbed up one of its chair, turning it so that the back of the chair faced towards table and the lone occupants, Lahr then sat down straddling the chair.  His arms folded atop the backrest and then leaned his chin apon folded wrists, smiling at the medical officer.   "Hey Doc, fancy seeing you here.   Didn't take you for someone who came to places like this. Let me buy you a refill."

Lahr waved down a waitress and ordered an Andorian ale "And another of whatever he's drinking."

The Andorian then looked over his shoulder, and gave a piercing whistle to gain Zhuk's attention (as well as half the bar).  "Found us a table!" he shouted over the din while motioning the Caitian over, before turning back to Dr. Buehler.

"How are things going, Doc? Is life treatin' you well?" 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Quark's Bar | Deep Space 9 ::

Kyan listened to Myne's story, which served only to confirm his previous notion that the Nausiccan had been among the living for far too long. Not just him, but the others too. As others showed up, Kyan's imagination began churning out how he was going to put his ideas in motion. There were many different ways to go, and a lot of people who he knew would help. He decided that eventually he'd get names from her, and then people would start paying for what they did. But that was for another time.

In the here and now it looked like Myne was having a good time. She was doing a number on her root beer float and chatting up the grups that came over, which was a good sign. It was then that he remembered that the Bajoran doctor from Discovery had come and said hello. Kyan swiveled in his chair to address him.

"œAye Mister Broadshire, merry met again." He smiled. "œTae be answerin yer askin after that business with the Orions, me an that Seles got sucked out of the hole so we did. I grabbed her so she couldn't be getting away. They beamed us off tae their ship, which was hiding somewhere close. I escaped a few times but they caught me on account of I didn't have no ship." Kyan got a drink of his own root beer before continuing. "œBut then, they sold me off tae some Human grup, the creatures! An he DID have a ship. So when his fat arse weren't lookin, I hit him on the head with a spanner and threw him out the airlock! Sure and he's still floatin somewhere between whatever asteroid they was usin for their base, and Rigel Six. Course when I got meself back tae Earth, they was after makin me see the head shrinkers for a while and then the Admiral wanted tae send me tae some ship which is nae where I was after going so. The admiral didnae like what I said and said he was after takin me over his knee! Can ye believe it?! An me bein an officer in Starfleet the now! So I told "˜im that I was after punchin his teeth down his throat! An I might have pulled me knife too. I dinnae remember. I was mad so I was. But so I got put back down tae Lieutenant and put on the Challenger.

The ancient boy took another swig of root beer. "œSure but it wasn't all bad though, since I did find another Onlie on the ship when I got there, and it seems like she won't be a boring ship tae be on so. But what about you? What have you been doing since then?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 10, 2023, 06:48:37 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Rayek's brow rose at the interruption by the Lieutenant Commander - no, wait, her collar held three full pips now.  When had THAT happened?!? -  questioning about the involvement of other senior officers.  He'd read that the Betazoid hybrid had a tendency to talk when she should listen; still he was surprised when the Admiral bothered to answer her.

With her Betazoid ability to 'read people', Rayek made a point to ensure he had his thoughts  shielded and that his emotions were contained for the most part.

On and on the three discussed the situation, not giving a moment for any other to speak up or offer comment.  Rayek had never seen a briefing like this one before.

At Captain Vaughn's question, for the first time since the "˜briefing' began Commander Said paused to let the Captains answer their colleague's question.  Rayek deferred to rank and remained silent.

Several minutes later, while Admiral Gillespie ranted about other Admiral Maizlish, Rayek noted the Commander's attention on him.  He turned to regard her in return.  His expression must have been a bit disapproving or his control on his emotions less effective than he would have hoped because the first thing she did was apologize.

Rayek's expression twitch at her comment - fighting the frown at her words.  "Guesses?  I would hope that someone with an "˜investigative' mind, would instead actually investigate, analyse the information collected, and offer facts rather than "˜guesses'."

Belatedly, the Romulan recognized he was being rather blunt and perhaps a tad bit unfriendly, but in his opinion the Commander had broken protocol by interrupting the Admiral's briefing to the point that it seemed more a gossip session than a tactical relaying of information.

For the moment, he felt it best if he kept his comments to himself or it was likely his acerbic tone might land him in trouble with the Admiral, who seemed less bothered by the interruption than he.  The Romulan didn't want to be considered captious.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 10, 2023, 06:03:19 PM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian paused for a moment to gather his thoughts to all he'd heard so far before shrugging as he replied.

"What we've heard so far implies summat big enough ta cast a shadow over the entire Quadrant. Given we've only heard part of what's brewin', I'll reserve my opinion until we ken the whole story."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 11, 2023, 03:51:34 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room]

Nevir frowned, listening to the update.  He shook his head and some points, but kept silent while they spoke.  Finally though, when Ian spoke, he had to say something.

"Wait.. something isn't right about this. Aside from a minor skirmish we haven't had any issues or treaty violations with either the split Dominion.  Why are they threatening us now? Have we directly heard from either group?  Not that I don't trust our Changling ally, but it doesn't make sense why now?"

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"œI suppose a minor skirmish would count, Captain Tekin," said Nira in agreement. "œGiven that Old Man Sherem seems to regard himself as a member of the Dominion, him and everybody in Melek Nor."

She looked momentarily at Commander tr'Lhoell. Inside, she was stung by his words, though not surprised; she had known friendly Romulans, unfriendly Romulans, and hostile Romulans. Plus, as a leader, she had a level of control.

Admiral Gillespie had also scowled at tr'Lhoell at his words; he had always held Nira in high regard and saw her as a potential go-between "œsubcontracter," somebody who he can call upon while still remaining at her starship post. Not like a wanderer like Captain Worf.

"œI bloody well think those are questions Kira herself ought to answer, and I dinnae care how far away she is, slipstream be damned," he muttered. "œVaughn, are there not any ways of getting Kira here sooner?"

"œWell, I can get Ops to get in contact with the Valiant," said Vaughn. "œVaughn to Ops," he called on his comm badge, "œGet us in touch with the Valiant and direct communications to the Ward Room."

"œUnderstood, Captain," replied Commander Belvedere. "œI'm patching her through."

Some minutes later, the nearby computer screen changed into a viewscreen and showed a woman in an Admiral's uniform and a stark white mane. She had the look of a stern woman, somebody that must not be crossed. Nira couldn't see her well, nor would the Captains and Commander tr'Lhoell, and any first instinct would be to assume she was Admiral Gillespie's sister or wife. But considering who they were expecting, they knew who it really was, and her tone of voice and absence of a Scottish accent confirmed it.

"œVaughn?" she asked.

"œAdmiral," said Vaughn, "œSorry to call back so soon"¦"

"œGillespie and his fleet are here, aren't they?" asked Kira.

"œYes, they are," snapped Gillespie.

"œWell, we can't put a boost in the slipstream without inflicting damage," Kira replied. "œI'll arrange to transport to Deep Space Nine, I have to tell you as soon as possible, and we never know who could be listening in to communications."

Nira raised an eyebrow and looked around at her fellow command officers. Wasn't that sounding a smidgen paranoid?

"œYou're going to do a long range transport during slipstream?" said Vaughn with concern.

"œDon't worry, I'll get the Valiant to drop out of slipstream long enough to commence transport," said Kira reassuringly. "œI'll see you momentarily."

Communications were cut off and the next few minutes were the most edge-of-seat tense Nira had been since the Discovery crashed in 19th Century Arizona. At last, the very woman appeared in the simmering light of beaming.

Up close, Nira definitely recognized Kira Nerys a lot better, and not just because of the ridges on her nose. She was struck by how much years she had picked up and from the eyes of one who has seen much in her time. Then she smiled, her stern demeanor giving way to a friendly elder"¦for want of a better word than "œfriendly."

"œThank the Prophets, made it in one piece," she said. "œSo good to meet you, Captains, Commanders."

Nira nodded in acknowledgement as Kira took her seat at the head of the boardroom table, Vaughn surrendering his seat to the admiral and sitting next to Gillespie.

"œWhat did you find out while you were in the Breen Confederacy?" asked Gillespie at once.

"œCaptain Vaughn told you already?" asked Kira. After the nods were made in reply, Kira proceeded.

"œOdo had bad news for me and Worf: There's a splinter group of Changelings still in the Alpha Quadrant."

"œWhat?" said Nira in shock. "œIs that why you were in Breen space?"

Kira's eyes flashed at Nira momentarily, and it was a look Nira knew perfectly well that spoke volumes: "œShut up and let me talk." Nira remained rooted in her seat, feeling like a toddler being sent to the corner.

"œIt's one of their havens, that's why I've been investigating. Worf had been heading in the opposite direction, getting in touch with other operatives as he goes."

"œWhy is that bunch a splinter group?" asked Gillespie. "œAside from the bloody obvious?"

Kira pursed her lips a moment before she continued. "œThe "˜bloody obvious' referring to the fact that they've been separated from the Great Link for so long? These Changelings have joined together in a clique, not unlike that of a terrorist organization, unaffiliated with the Dominion. Either of them."

Noticing Nira's nonplussed expression, Kira explained, "œWell, they wouldn't be affiliated with the Old Dominion, not since the treaty to stay out of the Alpha Quadrant, nor would they support Odo and his views and the New Dominion. These are Changelings that remained in the Alpha Quadrant since the end of the war. They have pockets of secret bases spread all over the quadrant, hidden from the Federation and the Klingon Empire, though they have attained some enclaves associated with some Romulan factions."

Nira looked at her fellow command officers again; all of them had had dealings with Romulan factions before, some with hostilities toward the Federation, but if some of them were hiding Changelings"¦

"œThe most, of course, are assembled in Breen space. This was my side of things while Worf investigated deeper in Federation space for Changelings in the ranks of Starfleet. This is why I wanted to talk face to face, I'm taking precautions. But my investigations in Breen space have told me a lot, and it's not good."

"œThe Breen are more than just harboring Changelings, are they?" said Gillespie.

"œYou couldn't be more correct," said Kira. "œPer the best that's known about the Breen Confederacy, they're comprised of members of some dozens other humanoid-like species. Not all of those members were in favor of membership to the Dominion, but they're not as vocal as Damar, among others. Needless to say, this group of Changelings has been using the Breen's reclusiveness, secretiveness regarding their borders to keep hidden and rebuild their ships."

"œSo," said Nira with a guess, "œthe Breen are potentially gearing up for war and they'll have Jem'Hadar at their beck and call, but these Changelings could do a lot of damage."

"œWe know that firsthand from before the war," replied Kira. "œBut the Founders are more than just mere saboteurs. Naturally, all the buildups are being kept out of the public eye, and the Breen are being extremely careful. In any case, Odo was extremely concerned that if the news breaks out that the Changelings are still in the Alpha Quadrant, it could provoke a new war against the Dominion, and it won't matter if it's Old or New."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 12, 2023, 04:59:40 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"œI suppose a minor skirmish would count, Captain Tekin," said Nira in agreement. "œGiven that Old Man Sherem seems to regard himself as a member of the Dominion, him and everybody in Melek Nor."

She looked momentarily at Commander tr'Lhoell. Inside, she was stung by his words, though not surprised; she had known friendly Romulans, unfriendly Romulans, and hostile Romulans. Plus, as a leader, she had a level of control.

Admiral Gillespie had also scowled at tr'Lhoell at his words; he had always held Nira in high regard and saw her as a potential go-between "œsubcontracter," somebody who he can call upon while still remaining at her starship post. Not like a wanderer like Captain Worf.

"œI bloody well think those are questions Kira herself ought to answer, and I dinnae care how far away she is, slipstream be damned," he muttered. "œVaughn, are there not any ways of getting Kira here sooner?"

"œWell, I can get Ops to get in contact with the Valiant," said Vaughn. "œVaughn to Ops," he called on his comm badge, "œGet us in touch with the Valiant and direct communications to the Ward Room."

"œUnderstood, Captain," replied Commander Belvedere. "œI'm patching her through."

Some minutes later, the nearby computer screen changed into a viewscreen and showed a woman in an Admiral's uniform and a stark white mane. She had the look of a stern woman, somebody that must not be crossed. Nira couldn't see her well, nor would the Captains and Commander tr'Lhoell, and any first instinct would be to assume she was Admiral Gillespie's sister or wife. But considering who they were expecting, they knew who it really was, and her tone of voice and absence of a Scottish accent confirmed it.

"œVaughn?" she asked.

"œAdmiral," said Vaughn, "œSorry to call back so soon"¦"

"œGillespie and his fleet are here, aren't they?" asked Kira.

"œYes, they are," snapped Gillespie.

"œWell, we can't put a boost in the slipstream without inflicting damage," Kira replied. "œI'll arrange to transport to Deep Space Nine, I have to tell you as soon as possible, and we never know who could be listening in to communications."

Nira raised an eyebrow and looked around at her fellow command officers. Wasn't that sounding a smidgen paranoid?

"œYou're going to do a long range transport during slipstream?" said Vaughn with concern.

"œDon't worry, I'll get the Valiant to drop out of slipstream long enough to commence transport," said Kira reassuringly. "œI'll see you momentarily."

Communications were cut off and the next few minutes were the most edge-of-seat tense Nira had been since the Discovery crashed in 19th Century Arizona. At last, the very woman appeared in the simmering light of beaming.

Up close, Nira definitely recognized Kira Nerys a lot better, and not just because of the ridges on her nose. She was struck by how much years she had picked up and from the eyes of one who has seen much in her time. Then she smiled, her stern demeanor giving way to a friendly elder"¦for want of a better word than "œfriendly."

"œThank the Prophets, made it in one piece," she said. "œSo good to meet you, Captains, Commanders."

Nira nodded in acknowledgement as Kira took her seat at the head of the boardroom table, Vaughn surrendering his seat to the admiral and sitting next to Gillespie.

"œWhat did you find out while you were in the Breen Confederacy?" asked Gillespie at once.

"œCaptain Vaughn told you already?" asked Kira. After the nods were made in reply, Kira proceeded.

"œOdo had bad news for me and Worf: There's a splinter group of Changelings still in the Alpha Quadrant."

"œWhat?" said Nira in shock. "œIs that why you were in Breen space?"

Kira's eyes flashed at Nira momentarily, and it was a look Nira knew perfectly well that spoke volumes: "œShut up and let me talk." Nira remained rooted in her seat, feeling like a toddler being sent to the corner.

"œIt's one of their havens, that's why I've been investigating. Worf had been heading in the opposite direction, getting in touch with other operatives as he goes."

"œWhy is that bunch a splinter group?" asked Gillespie. "œAside from the bloody obvious?"

Kira pursed her lips a moment before she continued. "œThe "˜bloody obvious' referring to the fact that they've been separated from the Great Link for so long? These Changelings have joined together in a clique, not unlike that of a terrorist organization, unaffiliated with the Dominion. Either of them."

Noticing Nira's nonplussed expression, Kira explained, "œWell, they wouldn't be affiliated with the Old Dominion, not since the treaty to stay out of the Alpha Quadrant, nor would they support Odo and his views and the New Dominion. These are Changelings that remained in the Alpha Quadrant since the end of the war. They have pockets of secret bases spread all over the quadrant, hidden from the Federation and the Klingon Empire, though they have attained some enclaves associated with some Romulan factions."

Nira looked at her fellow command officers again; all of them had had dealings with Romulan factions before, some with hostilities toward the Federation, but if some of them were hiding Changelings"¦

"œThe most, of course, are assembled in Breen space. This was my side of things while Worf investigated deeper in Federation space for Changelings in the ranks of Starfleet. This is why I wanted to talk face to face, I'm taking precautions. But my investigations in Breen space have told me a lot, and it's not good."

"œThe Breen are more than just harboring Changelings, are they?" said Gillespie.

"œYou couldn't be more correct," said Kira. "œPer the best that's known about the Breen Confederacy, they're comprised of members of some dozens other humanoid-like species. Not all of those members were in favor of membership to the Dominion, but they're not as vocal as Damar, among others. Needless to say, this group of Changelings has been using the Breen's reclusiveness, secretiveness regarding their borders to keep hidden and rebuild their ships."

"œSo," said Nira with a guess, "œthe Breen are potentially gearing up for war and they'll have Jem'Hadar at their beck and call, but these Changelings could do a lot of damage."

"œWe know that firsthand from before the war," replied Kira. "œBut the Founders are more than just mere saboteurs. Naturally, all the buildups are being kept out of the public eye, and the Breen are being extremely careful. In any case, Odo was extremely concerned that if the news breaks out that the Changelings are still in the Alpha Quadrant, it could provoke a new war against the Dominion, and it won't matter if it's Old or New."

[Ward Room - Starbase Deep Space Nine]

It took everything Ian had to not look like a fool in front of Admiral Kira. He could not describe how he felt other than awestruck. He held his tongue, not trusting himself to speak coherently as he thought.

"I am in the presence of a legend, nae, a legend among legend. This mere wisp of a lass was fightin' Cardassians when I was no more than a wee lad. She stood along side Captain Sisko, she stormed Central Command Headquarters and captured the female changeling. Her exploits are beyond words. I've nae felt so gobsmacked in my life."


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 12, 2023, 05:09:27 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]
"Take your time, Zhuk,  I'm gonna go find us an adults table."

The Andorian then slipped off through the crowd looking for their third musketeer - Litt, as well as the elusive 'open' table.

He spotted Jael at a table with another Cardassian and a vaguely familiar human.  He knew he'd seen the man somewhere before but couldn't place where. Oh well, it would come to him at some point, he'd offer his greetings then.  Nothing was more embarrassing than saying hello to someone whose name you'd forgotten.

Lahr continued on with his search.

While he didn't find an empty, he spotted one in a quiet corner, that had single occupant.   Lahr grinned.  A place like Quark's was not a place one came to be anti-social.

The Andorian sauntered his way over to the table, grabbed up one of its chair, turning it so that the back of the chair faced towards table and the lone occupants, Lahr then sat down straddling the chair.  His arms folded atop the backrest and then leaned his chin apon folded wrists, smiling at the medical officer.   "Hey Doc, fancy seeing you here.   Didn't take you for someone who came to places like this. Let me buy you a refill."

Lahr waved down a waitress and ordered an Andorian ale "And another of whatever he's drinking."

The Andorian then looked over his shoulder, and gave a piercing whistle to gain Zhuk's attention (as well as half the bar).  "Found us a table!" he shouted over the din while motioning the Caitian over, before turning back to Dr. Buehler.

"How are things going, Doc? Is life treatin' you well?"

[DS9 - Quark's]

Evan couldn't help but grin as he saw the Andorian approach. Lahr had the affect of inspiring chaos in him, the fun, mischievous kind that was usually associated with young boys. Never a dull moment around that guy. "œI'm just as surprised as you are," he laughed. "œI'm just following the dopamine." Following the dopamine... it was a phrase that got him through a lot of hard times, and it often led to some interesting endeavors. Evan quickly finished off the rest of his drink. He would have declined Lahr's offer for another but knew the Andorian wouldn't take "˜no' for an answer.

"œI'm definitely doing better than the kids," Evan said. "œWife says all three came down with a bug, but they should be fine in a day or so. How about yourself? Anything exciting?" He arched a brow, a sly grin beginning to form.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 12, 2023, 04:59:40 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

She looked momentarily at Commander tr'Lhoell. Inside, she was stung by his words, though not surprised; she had known friendly Romulans, unfriendly Romulans, and hostile Romulans. Plus, as a leader, she had a level of control.

Admiral Gillespie had also scowled at tr'Lhoell at his words; he had always held Nira in high regard and saw her as a potential go-between "œsubcontracter," somebody who he can call upon while still remaining at her starship post. Not like a wanderer like Captain Worf.

The scowl Rayek received from the Scottish Admiral at Rayek's remark to Commander Said, spoke volumes of the Admiral's bias.  Rayek had stated a fact - that investigators shouldn't be guessing.  But since his words had made the Commander look bad, HE was the bad guy.  Oh well.  Being disliked by others was nothing new to the Romulan, being a former Tal'Shiar.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 10, 2023, 06:03:19 PM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian paused for a moment to gather his thoughts to all he'd heard so far before shrugging as he replied.

"What we've heard so far implies summat big enough ta cast a shadow over the entire Quadrant. Given we've only heard part of what's brewin', I'll reserve my opinion until we ken the whole story."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 11, 2023, 03:51:34 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room]

Nevir frowned, listening to the update.  He shook his head at some points, but kept silent while they spoke.  Finally though, when Ian spoke, he had to say something.

"Wait.. something isn't right about this. Aside from a minor skirmish we haven't had any issues or treaty violations with either the split Dominion.  Why are they threatening us now? Have we directly heard from either group?  Not that I don't trust our Changeling ally, but it doesn't make sense why now?"

Rayek glanced to his left to regard his Captain.  Tekin asked some valid questions and Rayek gave a nod to support this.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 12, 2023, 04:59:40 PM

"œI suppose a minor skirmish would count, Captain Tekin," said Nira in agreement. "œGiven that Old Man Sherem seems to regard himself as a member of the Dominion, him and everybody in Melek Nor."

"œI bloody well think those are questions Kira herself ought to answer, and I dinnae care how far away she is, slipstream be damned," he muttered. "œVaughn, are there not any ways of getting Kira here sooner?"

"œWell, I can get Ops to get in contact with the Valiant," said Vaughn. "œVaughn to Ops," he called on his comm badge, "œGet us in touch with the Valiant and direct communications to the Ward Room."

"œUnderstood, Captain," replied Commander Belvedere. "œI'm patching her through."

While Captain Vaughn made arrangements, Rayek opened his PADD and did a quick read through of the events of the Dominion War as a refresher.  Rayek was a teen at the time of the war, and though Empire did join in the offensive until late, news of the war was everywhere he went.  Though information about it was highly skewed by Romulan dogma.  He remembered his parents being concerned that he and millions of other young Romulan military hopefuls might be conscripted into the Star Navy early when it was announced that the Empire was joining the War.

That the Empire joined on the side of the Federation Alliance had been a surprise to many.  But then Humans had a saying for that - 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.  Not quite true for Romulans but 'temporary ally' could replace friend in that statement.

The DS9 Commander at the time, Benjamin Siska - now the Emissary, and many of the station staff were key personnel in the War - including Admiral Kira.

Despite his time on Katra Station, Rayek had never met Admiral Kira.  The Admiral in charge of the station during his time was Admiral Julia Rellek and Admiral Kirok after her.  Rayek was certain he would have preferred a Bajoran Admiral over that of a Vulcan one.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 12, 2023, 04:59:40 PM

Some minutes later, the nearby computer screen changed into a viewscreen and showed a woman in an Admiral's uniform and a stark white mane. She had the look of a stern woman, somebody that must not be crossed. Nira couldn't see her well, nor would the Captains and Commander tr'Lhoell, and any first instinct would be to assume she was Admiral Gillespie's sister or wife. But considering who they were expecting, they knew who it really was, and her tone of voice and absence of a Scottish accent confirmed it.

"œVaughn?" she asked.

"œAdmiral," said Vaughn, "œSorry to call back so soon"¦"

"œGillespie and his fleet are here, aren't they?" asked Kira.

"œYes, they are," snapped Gillespie.

"œWell, we can't put a boost in the slipstream without inflicting damage," Kira replied. "œI'll arrange to transport to Deep Space Nine, I have to tell you as soon as possible, and we never know who could be listening in to communications."

Nira raised an eyebrow and looked around at her fellow command officers. Wasn't that sounding a smidgen paranoid?

"œYou're going to do a long range transport during slipstream?" said Vaughn with concern.

"œDon't worry, I'll get the Valiant to drop out of slipstream long enough to commence transport," said Kira reassuringly. "œI'll see you momentarily."

Communications were cut off and the next few minutes were the most edge-of-seat tense Nira had been since the Discovery crashed in 19th Century Arizona. At last, the very woman appeared in the simmering light of beaming.

That the Admiral had access to and was willing to risk such a long-range transport through subspace spoke volumes to Rayek over the perceived urgency.  Given the encounter of Melek Nor, the Romulan could understand why though.  It seemed this was but the 'tip of iceberg'.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 12, 2023, 04:59:40 PM

Up close, Nira definitely recognized Kira Nerys a lot better, and not just because of the ridges on her nose. She was struck by how much years she had picked up and from the eyes of one who has seen much in her time. Then she smiled, her stern demeanor giving way to a friendly elder"¦for want of a better word than "œfriendly."

"œThank the Prophets, made it in one piece," she said. "œSo good to meet you, Captains, Commanders."

Nira nodded in acknowledgement as Kira took her seat at the head of the boardroom table, Vaughn surrendering his seat to the admiral and sitting next to Gillespie.

"œWhat did you find out while you were in the Breen Confederacy?" asked Gillespie at once.

"œCaptain Vaughn told you already?" asked Kira. After the nods were made in reply, Kira proceeded.

"œOdo had bad news for me and Worf: There's a splinter group of Changelings still in the Alpha Quadrant."

"œWhat?" said Nira in shock. "œIs that why you were in Breen space?"

Kira's eyes flashed at Nira momentarily, and it was a look Nira knew perfectly well that spoke volumes: "œShut up and let me talk." Nira remained rooted in her seat, feeling like a toddler being sent to the corner.

"œIt's one of their havens, that's why I've been investigating. Worf had been heading in the opposite direction, getting in touch with other operatives as he goes."

"œWhy is that bunch a splinter group?" asked Gillespie. "œAside from the bloody obvious?"

Kira pursed her lips a moment before she continued. "œThe "˜bloody obvious' referring to the fact that they've been separated from the Great Link for so long? These Changelings have joined together in a clique, not unlike that of a terrorist organization, unaffiliated with the Dominion. Either of them."

Noticing Nira's nonplussed expression, Kira explained, "œWell, they wouldn't be affiliated with the Old Dominion, not since the treaty to stay out of the Alpha Quadrant, nor would they support Odo and his views and the New Dominion. These are Changelings that remained in the Alpha Quadrant since the end of the war. They have pockets of secret bases spread all over the quadrant, hidden from the Federation and the Klingon Empire, though they have attained some enclaves associated with some Romulan factions."

Nira looked at her fellow command officers again; all of them had had dealings with Romulan factions before, some with hostilities toward the Federation, but if some of them were hiding Changelings"¦

Recently returned to Federation space after a year on assignment with the Romulan Free State, Rayek couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for the Captains and Commander to become suspicious of him given this new information.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 12, 2023, 04:59:40 PM

"œThe most, of course, are assembled in Breen space. This was my side of things while Worf investigated deeper in Federation space for Changelings in the ranks of Starfleet. This is why I wanted to talk face to face, I'm taking precautions. But my investigations in Breen space have told me a lot, and it's not good."

"œThe Breen are more than just harboring Changelings, are they?" said Gillespie.

"œYou couldn't be more correct," said Kira. "œPer the best that's known about the Breen Confederacy, they're comprised of members of some dozens other humanoid-like species. Not all of those members were in favor of membership to the Dominion, but they're not as vocal as Damar, among others. Needless to say, this group of Changelings has been using the Breen's reclusiveness, secretiveness regarding their borders to keep hidden and rebuild their ships."

"œSo," said Nira with a guess, "œthe Breen are potentially gearing up for war and they'll have Jem'Hadar at their beck and call, but these Changelings could do a lot of damage."

"œWe know that firsthand from before the war," replied Kira. "œBut the Founders are more than just mere saboteurs. Naturally, all the buildups are being kept out of the public eye, and the Breen are being extremely careful. In any case, Odo was extremely concerned that if the news breaks out that the Changelings are still in the Alpha Quadrant, it could provoke a new war against the Dominion, and it won't matter if it's Old or New."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 12, 2023, 06:15:19 PM

[Ward Room - Starbase Deep Space Nine]

It took everything Ian had to not look like a fool in front of Admiral Kira. He could not describe how he felt other than awestruck. He held his tongue, not trusting himself to speak coherently as he thought.

"I am in the presence of a legend, nae, a legend among legend. This mere wisp of a lass was fightin' Cardassians when I was no more than a wee lad. She stood along side Captain Sisko, she stormed Central Command Headquarters and captured the female changeling. Her exploits are beyond words. I've nae felt so gobsmacked in my life."

Though the Admiral's focus was on the Breen involvement aspect, Rayek took note that she mentioned that Captain Worf was investigating Starfleet infiltration.   The paranoid Romulan couldn't help but wonder what results the Klingon had found.

As Admiral Kira summed up her briefing with a very valid concern, Rayek nodded.  For the first time since Admiral Gillespie's glower did Rayek speak up.  "Then our efforts should be done as discreetly as possible to avoid that situation," he pointed out.

Rayek continued on.  "In regards to the possible infiltration of Starfleet, is there not already standard practices in place from the previous generation to detect Changelings?  A simple extraction of blood was it not?  While obviously we can't state that we are requiring a blood test to look for Changelings, having some other medical reason would do the trick.  If nothing else, the process could highlight to us those who avoid the medical test.  As much as I am loath to resort to trickery and lying, there are limited options in this matter.  Perhaps 'recent hacks' into the Starfleet medical system has prompted the Headquarters to question the veracity of the information in the system and thus they have issued a directive for all personnel to submit to a mandatory medical - including bloodtest to confirm details in the database?"

If agreed to that could potentially deal with at least the infiltration part, though his paranoid mind quietly pointed out that medicals were a standard practice in Starfleet and that prior to now no rumor of Changelings being had been circulating.   It had been 20 years since this form of screening had been effective.  Had those Changelings that remained found some technology to trick the standard blood test?  It was possible but with no other means to test with presently, this was their best option.

Rayek then looked to Admiral Kira.

"Starfleet Command has obviously gathered us here for more than just an in-person briefing.  What are our orders?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 14, 2023, 10:56:03 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

The scowl Rayek received from the Scottish Admiral at Rayek's remark to Commander Said, spoke volumes of the Admiral's bias.  Rayek had stated a fact - that investigators shouldn't be guessing.  But since his words had made the Commander look bad, HE was the bad guy.  Oh well.  Being disliked by others was nothing new to the Romulan, being a former Tal'Shiar.

Rayek glanced to his left to regard his Captain.  Tekin asked some valid questions and Rayek gave a nod to support this.

While Captain Vaughn made arrangements, Rayek opened his PADD and did a quick read through of the events of the Dominion War as a refresher.  Rayek was a teen at the time of the war, and though Empire did join in the offensive until late, news of the war was everywhere he went.  Though information about it was highly skewed by Romulan dogma.  He remembered his parents being concerned that he and millions of other young Romulan military hopefuls might be conscripted into the Star Navy early when it was announced that the Empire was joining the War.

That the Empire joined on the side of the Federation Alliance had been a surprise to many.  But then Humans had a saying for that - 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.  Not quite true for Romulans but 'temporary ally' could replace friend in that statement.

The DS9 Commander at the time, Benjamin Siska - now the Emissary, and many of the station staff were key personnel in the War - including Admiral Kira.

Despite his time on Katra Station, Rayek had never met Admiral Kira.  The Admiral in charge of the station during his time was Admiral Julia Rellek and Admiral Kirok after her.  Rayek was certain he would have preferred a Bajoran Admiral over that of a Vulcan one.

That the Admiral had access to and was willing to risk such a long-range transport through subspace spoke volumes to Rayek over the perceived urgency.  Given the encounter of Melek Nor, the Romulan could understand why though.  It seemed this was but the 'tip of iceberg'.

Recently returned to Federation space after a year on assignment with the Romulan Free State, Rayek couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for the Captains and Commander to become suspicious of him given this new information.

Though the Admiral's focus was on the Breen involvement aspect, Rayek took note that she mentioned that Captain Worf was investigating Starfleet infiltration.   The paranoid Romulan couldn't help but wonder what results the Klingon had found.

As Admiral Kira summed up her briefing with a very valid concern, Rayek nodded.  For the first time since Admiral Gillespie's glower did Rayek speak up.  "Then our efforts should be done as discreetly as possible to avoid that situation," he pointed out.

Rayek continued on.  "In regards to the possible infiltration of Starfleet, is there not already standard practices in place from the previous generation to detect Changelings?  A simple extraction of blood was it not?  While obviously we can't state that we are requiring a blood test to look for Changelings, having some other medical reason would do the trick.  If nothing else, the process could highlight to us those who avoid the medical test.  As much as I am loath to resort to trickery and lying, there are limited options in this matter.  Perhaps 'recent hacks' into the Starfleet medical system has prompted the Headquarters to question the veracity of the information in the system and thus they have issued a directive for all personnel to submit to a mandatory medical - including bloodtest to confirm details in the database?"

If agreed to that could potentially deal with at least the infiltration part, though his paranoid mind quietly pointed out that medicals were a standard practice in Starfleet and that prior to now no rumor of Changelings being had been circulating.   It had been 20 years since this form of screening had been effective.  Had those Changelings that remained found some technology to trick the standard blood test?  It was possible but with no other means to test with presently, this was their best option.

Rayek then looked to Admiral Kira.

"Starfleet Command has obviously gathered us here for more than just an in-person briefing.  What are our orders?"

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Nevir had been about to speak in regards to Nira when things continued, and suddenly he was practically face-to-face with one of his people's heroes.  Someone he had met in passing as one of the first group of Bajorans post Occupation to graduate from Starfleet Academy.  There was a spectrum for his people... on one hand there was Ro Laren, the Starfleet Officer whose path lead her to help the ill-fated Maquis.  And on the other... Major, then Colonel, then Commander, and now Admiral Kira Nerys; the Bajoran who never lost her roots and used them to prop up the Federation and specifically the Emissary.  To say that Nevir was a bit awestruck at being in her presence again was an understatement.

Still.. he was a damned Starfleet Captain.  And he needed to act as such.

Instead, he turned to his First Officer.  "It's standard practice when there is a threat of Changeling infiltration, but it hasn't been widely used since the Dominion War.  Prophets, it wasn't until the New Dominion that we even realized there were Changlings still in our half of the galaxy. Until now, there had been no reason to assume the Changelings were going to start going against the Federation."

"Hiding in Breen space is a genius move, and it leaves a problem; unless they are ready to act now we can't do anything without violating both Cardassian and Breen Space.  We may be able to get the Cardassian Government to support us, especially to take down one of their own, but the Breen?  That is going to be a serious issue."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Buehler on May 12, 2023, 11:42:07 PM

[DS9 - Quark's]

Evan couldn't help but grin as he saw the Andorian approach. Lahr had the affect of inspiring chaos in him, the fun, mischievous kind that was usually associated with young boys. Never a dull moment around that guy. "œI'm just as surprised as you are," he laughed. "œI'm just following the dopamine." Following the dopamine... it was a phrase that got him through a lot of hard times, and it often led to some interesting endeavors. Evan quickly finished off the rest of his drink. He would have declined Lahr's offer for another but knew the Andorian wouldn't take "˜no' for an answer.

"œI'm definitely doing better than the kids," Evan said. "œWife says all three came down with a bug, but they should be fine in a day or so. How about yourself? Anything exciting?" He arched a brow, a sly grin beginning to form.

Lahr shook his head sympathetically at the news of the sick children.  "Sorry to hear that, Doc.  But as you say, they are likely to be better soon."

At the question regarding himself, Lahr had to laugh.  "You have to ask that?  This is me we are talking about.   The thrills never stop.  I mean you did hear about how the welding team got sent out to release the cables while we were in the midst of facing down that Nor-station, right?  I was leading that.  Excitement should be my middle name... if Andorians had middle names. But most human can't pronounce the names we do have; so I guess it's better we don't."

Lahr smiled at the waitress who brought their drinks. He paid, then tipped her generously.

"Have you seen Ricky?... I mean, Lieutenant Litt.   He was supposed to meet me and Zhukdra'shar here but he's notably absent."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 12, 2023, 07:04:05 AM

:: Quark's Bar | Deep Space 9 ::

Kyan listened to Myne's story, which served only to confirm his previous notion that the Nausiccan had been among the living for far too long. Not just him, but the others too. As others showed up, Kyan's imagination began churning out how he was going to put his ideas in motion. There were many different ways to go, and a lot of people who he knew would help. He decided that eventually he'd get names from her, and then people would start paying for what they did. But that was for another time.

In the here and now it looked like Myne was having a good time. She was doing a number on her root beer float and chatting up the grups that came over, which was a good sign. It was then that he remembered that the Bajoran doctor from Discovery had come and said hello. Kyan swiveled in his chair to address him.

"œAye Mister Broadshire, merry met again." He smiled. "œTae be answerin yer askin after that business with the Orions, me an that Seles got sucked out of the hole so we did. I grabbed her so she couldn't be getting away. They beamed us off tae their ship, which was hiding somewhere close. I escaped a few times but they caught me on account of I didn't have no ship." Kyan got a drink of his own root beer before continuing. "œBut then, they sold me off tae some Human grup, the creatures! An he DID have a ship. So when his fat arse weren't lookin, I hit him on the head with a spanner and threw him out the airlock! Sure and he's still floatin somewhere between whatever asteroid they was usin for their base, and Rigel Six. Course when I got meself back tae Earth, they was after makin me see the head shrinkers for a while and then the Admiral wanted tae send me tae some ship which is nae where I was after going so. The admiral didnae like what I said and said he was after takin me over his knee! Can ye believe it?! An me bein an officer in Starfleet the now! So I told "˜im that I was after punchin his teeth down his throat! An I might have pulled me knife too. I dinnae remember. I was mad so I was. But so I got put back down tae Lieutenant and put on the Challenger.

The ancient boy took another swig of root beer. "œSure but it wasn't all bad though, since I did find another Onlie on the ship when I got there, and it seems like she won't be a boring ship tae be on so. But what about you? What have you been doing since then?"

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

"œYikes, ok. You've had quite a ride. Its good to see your well now. Admiralty, what can I say, eh?" Dem said with audible surprise from the astounding story.
As Kyan posed his question, Dem considered his response.
"œWell after we went on Romulan exchange, which was generally crap by the way, I was promoted to second officer. I was the bloody captain for the gamma hull in that space station business earlier. I don't know how you don't cower in fear in a battle. I was scared as hell."
Just as Dem pulled his pale blue drink back to his pursed lips, he considered in the manner he just spoke. He usually never speaks with such candour. Especially to his old commander. Dem lowered his gaze to the drink and realised that it must have quite a kick. He took a swig before shouting; "œWaiter! Nother one of this blue, swirly thing drink!".

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 15, 2023, 04:30:11 AM

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

"œYikes, ok. You've had quite a ride. Its good to see your well now. Admiralty, what can I say, eh?" Dem said with audible surprise from the astounding story.
As Kyan posed his question, Dem considered his response.
"œWell after we went on Romulan exchange, which was generally crap by the way, I was promoted to second officer. I was the bloody captain for the gamma hull in that space station business earlier. I don't know how you don't cower in fear in a battle. I was scared as hell."
Just as Dem pulled his pale blue drink back to his pursed lips, he considered in the manner he just spoke. He usually never speaks with such candour. Especially to his old commander. Dem lowered his gaze to the drink and realised that it must have quite a kick. He took a swig before shouting; "œWaiter! Nother one of this blue, swirly thing drink!".

[Quarks | Deep Space Nine| Ensign J.B Dersch]

Dersch looked to Dem and Asked "Mr. Boardshire, how long have you been in Star Fleet?" Dersch liked to know who he was crew members with and just want to get to know some people and not live under a rock the entire time he was stationed on the Discovery.

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