Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Nira Said on May 17, 2023, 08:45:35 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira watched as the Discovery's command officers each gave their, as was said on Earth, "œtwo cents' worth." It did also occur to Nira"¦

"œWell, blood screenings and phaser sweeps aren't the only means of detecting Changelings aren't there?" she asked.

"œWell, those were the most popular means back in the day, Commander," Kira answered. "œUnfortunately, blood screenings can be especially fooled. I do remember meeting a Changeling that impersonated then-General Martok, and we each confirmed our identities by drawing blood with his knife. He actually managed to simulate blood, which probably took a great deal of concentration for a Changeling"¦it still baffles me to this day."

"œOf course, telepaths can't read Changelings, can they?" asked Nira.

"œNo, they can't," said Kira, shaking her head.

"œWell, there should be more than one way to detect Changelings," said Gillespie. "œBut there are more pressing matters. There's the matter of the Breen and that Cardassian pirate with Dominion sympathies."

"œYou're talking about Sherem, aren't you?" asked Kira.

"œHow do you"¦?" Nira started to ask, but she shook her head. "œActually, you probably know him from the Occupation, don't you?"

"œNot just from the Occupation," said Kira with a wave. "œGul Sherem and his pirates have been attacking around the border for the past year, mostly around the Cardassian, Breen and Tzenkethi borders, but he's been all over."

"œLike when Cardassian pirates attacked Klingon space," said Nira. "œI remember from my Officer Exchange among Klingons"¦would it be possible that the old man would've brought ships with him?"

"œIt would be possible if those ships were docked at some pylons," said Kira with another shrug. "œAnyway, his first raids were near Tzenkethi space; however much he tried to make them look like Tzenkethi raids, they weren't. An officer who used to be in the Bajoran Resistance recognized Sherem's calling card instantly. How he had been getting around, that was answered by members of Damar's own resistance while they were rummaging through his files. From them, we discovered his studies on the Borg and his salvage operations of Borg technology. So, with help from friends in Starfleet Intelligence, we've deployed or modified arrays around the borders to detect Borg signatures. Not to mention Intelligence subcontractors have been keeping an eye on smuggling operations specializing in Borg technology, one of which leading us to one Deej Cloten."

"œThat backstabbing fleabag?" snapped Nira, but Gillespie held up a hand in a calming gesture.

"œCloten's useful," Gillespie said. "œHe knows all the crooks."

"œHe is one," retorted Nira.

"œWell, true, but he's handy for the right price," said Gillespie. "œWe are careful with him, of course, he does have a tendency to stab you in the back if he thinks he can go beyond his original price."

"œYou don't say," said Nira with grit teeth, recalling trying to get Cloten's help, only for him to turn on him.

"œLuckily, if one remembers to remind him of his debts and the wrath he'll have to face from his debtors," said Gillespie, a gleam in his eye similar to when a jackal has come across a dead horse. "œAnyway, we've watched the furball's operations for a while, and we noticed Cloten's biggest profits come from smuggling operations; he can smuggle just about anything, from weapons to drugs, but his best draw is from salvage. Specifically Borg salvage."

"œThere've been plenty of eyes on him since Quark pointed him out," added Kira. "œNot as good as Odo, mind, but it's been especially easy to keep an eye on him since he attempted a Quark's duplication on Katra Station, one of the reasons he tried to set up shop in the Gamma Quadrant. An investigation of his sales history has indicated that his biggest customers have been snapping up Borg materials as fast as they could, and they're mostly in or near Cardassian and Breen space."

"œGul Sherem," said Nira.

"œCorrect. He purchases Borg salvage whenever he can, though he tries to salvage the technology himself, but he only purchases Borg salvage if he cannot find derelicts to salvage."

"œSo you've been using Cloten to track Gul Sherem?" asked Gillespie.

"œAs best as we could," said Kira. "œOur arrays have been configured specifically to detect Borg signatures, but we've always found it disappeared when we get there. Which was why I had been figuring that Sherem had been using Melek Nor to jump around. There were at least a couple of instances when I get to one of his attack sites, but only in time to see him disappearing in a transwarp conduit. But that was how I could tell he was using Melek Nor, rather than Cardassian ships with transwarp coils."

"œWere you able to pinpoint where he goes to ground?" asked Gillespie.

"œOh, very much so," said Kira. "œFrom the results of the arrays, we were able to determine that the most instances of Borg signatures have been discovered around the Badlands, around the old DMZ"¦one of these planets the Maquis fought the Cardassians over, roughly between Veloz Prime and the Portas system, a Breen planet near the old DMZ, and since we couldn't find any Borg ships..."

She left the sentence hanging, but it was enough to indicate Sherem was there. As she did so, Kira pulled up a star chart and pointed to the Badlands, in the former DMZ.

"œThat's where you got off to when Captain Worf showed up," guessed Gillespie.

"œThat's right," answered Kira. "œAnd the most Borg signatures have been detected around here, not to mention the most raids Gul Sherem had engaged in. You see, the Cardassians in the last year had been negotiating the return of some Maquis worlds the Federation gave them back to the Federation, and Veloz Prime is one of them, even if the Maquis had long been expelled by the Dominion. There had already been colonists coming, and there had been so many deaths thanks to Sherem's raids."

"œThat's why the fleet is here?" asked Gillespie.

"œPartly. But the Breen have been making noises lately and the raids are growing more dangerous. And now that Odo has mentioned Changelings are still in the Alpha Quadrant, it's a matter of time before they strike," said Kira.

"œAnd to think, there have still been Changelings after all this time, since the end of the war," said Nira. "œWhy are they now making their move, with the Breen and their sycophantic Cardassian zealots like Sherem as their muscle?"

"œWell, you have to bear in mind, Commander," said Kira, "œwe won chiefly because the Federation and the Klingons had an alliance with the Romulans. Chances are, since the Star Empire dissolved into factions, thanks to the Hobus star, those Changelings are hoping to take advantage of the weakening alliance. Even if we had help from the Romulan Free State, even with a small portion than what they had at the height of the war, the Dominion could still deal quite a blow to the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira looked at Commander tr'Lhoell, given that he said the exact words she was about to say. She nodded in agreement with him and looked at Kira expectantly.

"Well, we're going to confront Sherem," said Kira, finished with her explaining. "We capture him and bring him back to Deep Space Nine. Some Cardassian officials are already on the way over here and will join us for the ride. Given Sherem's level of firepower, not to mention all the Breen and Dominion forces backing him up, that's why we have the fleet with us. But it won't be the only reason.

"Worf had infiltrated Melek Nor," continued Kira, "given the similarities to Deep Space Nine, typical of Nor-class stations, chiefly to get into the Changelings' database for information. He managed to get away with a good amount, but that's not enough. We learned that the Changelings keep their data activities in computer banks each in separate computers around computer cores on critical bases and flagships, and Worf could only get his hands on the data on one such computer.

"As such," Kira stated, reaching the crux of the matter, "the fleet's engagement will act as a diversion of sorts while we send one infiltration team back onto Melek Nor to get the rest of the Changelings' database, even if it means having to pry them from their connections. And that team is required to, while they're at it, to disable Melek Nor's transwarp coil and capture Sherem while he's occupied with the battle.

"Another team will infiltrate the Breen base down below to find the Changeling database there as well, just in case that team on Melek Nor can't get to the station's computer core. Both teams may likely have to star there, just in case Melek Nor is out raiding. We'll have plenty of Breen suits to disguise your appearances, but those who can't fit in Breen suits will have to come as prisoners."

"So how will we get onto either of those stations?" asked Nira.

"Simple," said Kira. "Cloten. A couple of ships, say, your own, Captains," she added, gesturing at Galloway and Tekin, "could chase Cloten's ship to that base, where he'll be transporting Breen customers that will be delivering Borg salvage to Melek Nor. Even if Sherem isn't there, chances are, since Cloten is known among Sherem and the Breen, they'll let him in handily enough. Then the two ships high-tail back to DS9 and return in force, though you'll have to see if Melek Nor will be there. If not, we'll wait at Veloz Prime until we get word of Sherem's return."

Nira pursed her lips. There could be so many things that could go wrong with that plan, and Cloten could be the worst problem of the plan. She looked at the Captains and Commander tr'Lhoell at what they thought.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 18, 2023, 12:25:27 PM

[Wardroom - Space Space Nine]

Ian listened to the discussion and finally found his footing to be able to contribute to the conversation in a coherent fashion.

"If the plan is ta be the hunters ta this Cloten's fox, then the only real question left is when are we ta depart? The battle with Melek Nor was very short and neither Challenger nor Discovery were damaged in the skirmish, so I know my ship is ready ta go on your orders. All I need ta ken is when ta call back the crew from shore leave."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2023, 03:42:19 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine "" Wardroom]

Nira's question about other means of detection had the Romulan hoping for an affirmative response.  Unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case.  When Admiral Kira stated there was potential for the blood screenings to be tricked, Rayek pull a frown.  However all was not completely hopeless.

With his telepathy, Rayek at least had the potential to check those around him.   The dilemma being:  was that morally sound?   Before he could ask the Admiral for her thoughts on the issue the topic changed back to the immediate issue.

Rayek listened attentively to the information provided by Admiral Kira.  That these raids had been happening for over a year was eye-opening for the Romulan.   It said much about how weakened Romulan Intelligence still remained with the splintering of the Tal'Shiar, that none of this had been picked up and passed on to the Free State Fleet Commanders and Subcommanders.

Hearing that there were already measures deployed along the Cardassian border to detect for Borg signature, Rayek nodded.   However, with transwarp technology, Gul Sherem and his station would still have the advantage of near surprise on almost any target he chose.   The 5, 10 or 15-minute warning that the station had crossed the border would mean little in mounting a successful defense.

No, the best way to deal with Sherem would be a discreet offensive.

The mention of an unfamiliar name drew the Romulan's attention once more.

"Who is Deej Cloten?" Rayek inquired but his query must have been lost in the vehemence in which Nira reacted to the name.

Rayek listened with interest to how the other characterized the smuggler.  His attention peaked however at the mention of Cloten's time spent on Katra Station  -obviously during the year and half that Rayek was either assigned to the Amalthea or the Valdore.

The mention of the station brought a slight smile to the Romulan's face.   Katra was where he and Tess had met, so the station was very dear to him, as was the planet it orbited.  He and Tess still had a home they had built on Meridian which they held in trust for their son.   Through the kind manoeuvrings of Keshara (Meridian's former leader "" a member of the council of three), Fvienn was born on Meridian "˜soil' and thus automatically granted Meridian citizenship.  This Meridian citizenship, Rayek at the time had hoped, would help hide Fvienn, and lessen any Romulan claim to his son.   Now with Rayek's service to the Free State paid off "" thanks to Starfleet loaning him out for a year "" Rayek did not need to worry "" as much "" about being hunted down for defecting.

Focusing back on Admiral Kira, Rayek listened as the explanation continued.

The Romulan could see how the truth behind Sherem's activities had been revealed.   But none of this answered his initial question.   What did the Admiral have planned to deal with the transwarp capable Nor station?
Nira's question about 'why now?' was also on Rayek's mind but he supposed the why didn't really matter.  What mattered now was what were they going to do about it?  When he asked directly for orders, Admiral Kira pointed out they were going to confront Sherem - capture him.  This seemed highly unrealistic until she pointed out that Worf had already infiltrated Melek Nor.  The Admiral detailed to the group about the role of the fleet, and the two infiltration teams.

Admiral Kira's plan was risky but that was rather to be expected given the situation.

Rayek nodded his acknowledgement of the plan.  "I will coordinate with Commander Said to prepare the needed away teams." The Romulan considered a moment.  He too was curious about the ships' timeline.  The ship's crew had JUST been given 48 hour leave. He'd hate to have to recall them so soon.

"Discovery has just returned to service today after extensive repairs, and while I respect the workmanship of the engineers at Starbase 153, I'm certain our Chief Engineer would appreciate 24 hrs to go over the work done."  Knowing Lek's habits, Rayek wasn't above using the Ferengi engineer to secure at least 24 hrs for the crew.

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Tekin remained silent during the conversation, wincing only when Nira gave an outburst.  She was a good officer, just young. But instead of saying anything, he watched the two Admirals speak on the situation.  But the conversation did go right back to their concern, at least in his opinion.  Gul Sherem and a possible second front in the Dominion War.

"To be frank, they don't even need to reopen a war with the Dominion.  Just the Breen and their Nor station alone is enough of a threat to this sector.  A mobile station that can slipstream and uses Borg tech is something that needs to be eliminated first and foremost."

He raised his eyebrow at Kira's suggestion of using his own ship as a decoy to get this criminal's ships to dock at the station.  "The main question is how we are going to sell this scenario.  The Discovery is a tactical vessel designed for the Dominion War.. How do we prevent them from guessing its a set up?"

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Dem Broadshire

"œYikes, ok. You've had quite a ride. Its good to see your well now. Admiralty, what can I say, eh?" Dem said with audible surprise from the astounding story.
As Kyan posed his question, Dem considered his response.
"œWell after we went on Romulan exchange, which was generally crap by the way, I was promoted to second officer. I was the bloody captain for the gamma hull in that space station business earlier. I don't know how you don't cower in fear in a battle. I was scared as hell."

"œAye." Kyan nodded. "œThe Admirals be getting useless after they get promoted so they do." Then he remembered Gillespie, who was alright"¦ and Picard, who he'd never met, but also never heard bad things about"¦ and Ross. Of course Kira was an Admiral now too"¦ and she was anything but useless. So there were a FEW exceptions to the rule. "œMost of em anyways." He amended.

At Dem's story, he shrugged. "œI like it." He offered casually, as though his was a typical view on combat. It was, for Klingons and a few others, but most races didn't care for fighting in general, let alone the life or death struggle of armed conflict. Kyan wasn't eager to see the Summerlands by any means, but he also didn't dread the prospect. And besides, the Powers had seem fit to let him live this long. He figured they weren't eager to see him yet either.

After Broadshire finished, he nodded. "œSure and yer still alive, and yer ship ain't blown to bits, so ye must've done god fer yerself so. Even if ye were afraid, which speaks good tae yer ability so it does.

Quote from: Myne

So she smiled and said. "I hope Big Brother can come to peace with his time in chains as I have. To constantly have hate just eats away at your soul. One day I will dance for you big brother, and try to make you smile as you have done to me today!"

She then gave him a peck on the cheek before sitting back and continueing working on the drink.

Hearing Myne mention him, Kyan turned just in time to get kissed on the cheek"¦ which was very nearly a worse fate than getting blown up in a space battle. Even though he'd been kissed before, by grown up grups"¦ and relatives"¦ he was definitely not a fan of such displays of affection. And did she say come to peace? With being a slave?

"œI'll never be a slave." He said quickly. "œAn anyone after making me one will be takin a short trip tae the Summerlands. We dinnae survive all them years without grups lookin after us tae be slaves for em now, or tae be put in chains or sold off. I'd rather be dead than that!"

When Myne went back to her float, the boy surreptitiously wiped his cheek on the sleeve of his hoodie. After all, doctors weren't always right about things.

Quote from: Jael Sherem

"Well, well, we meet again, baby-face!" he called at Kyan.

The Vulpinian smuggler's raspy voice and his pet name cause the Onlie's head to snap around. What was HE doing on Deep Space Nine? Kyan wondered if he'd finally gotten himself kicked off Katra. The thought of his old posting brought an instant of "œhome sickness" but it passed quickly as another thought occurred to him. Cloten might have some information on a certain Nausiccan that he could use. Kyan jumped off the barstool and walked over to the bedazzled canine alien.

"œAye and it's Merry Met again to you too the now.. since we got things tae talk about!" he chirped. "œCome on over here and lets catch up!"

Then he turned back toward the bar. "œI'll be back in a minute." He told Myne. "œIf yer after another drink just tell Quark I'll pay for it.'

He grabbed Cloten's arm and started to steer him toward the stairs to the upper levels.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 18, 2023, 12:25:27 PM

[Wardroom - Space Space Nine]

Ian listened to the discussion and finally found his footing to be able to contribute to the conversation in a coherent fashion.

"If the plan is ta be the hunters ta this Cloten's fox, then the only real question left is when are we ta depart? The battle with Melek Nor was very short and neither Challenger nor Discovery were damaged in the skirmish, so I know my ship is ready ta go on your orders. All I need ta ken is when ta call back the crew from shore leave."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 18, 2023, 03:42:19 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine "" Wardroom]

Nira's question about other means of detection had the Romulan hoping for an affirmative response.  Unfortunately that didn't seem to be the case.  When Admiral Kira stated there was potential for the blood screenings to be tricked, Rayek pull a frown.  However all was not completely hopeless.

With his telepathy, Rayek at least had the potential to check those around him.   The dilemma being:  was that morally sound?   Before he could ask the Admiral for her thoughts on the issue the topic changed back to the immediate issue.

Rayek listened attentively to the information provided by Admiral Kira.  That these raids had been happening for over a year was eye-opening for the Romulan.   It said much about how weakened Romulan Intelligence still remained with the splintering of the Tal'Shiar, that none of this had been picked up and passed on to the Free State Fleet Commanders and Subcommanders.

Hearing that there were already measures deployed along the Cardassian border to detect for Borg signature, Rayek nodded.   However, with transwarp technology, Gul Sherem and his station would still have the advantage of near surprise on almost any target he chose.   The 5, 10 or 15-minute warning that the station had crossed the border would mean little in mounting a successful defense.

No, the best way to deal with Sherem would be a discreet offensive.

The mention of an unfamiliar name drew the Romulan's attention once more.

"Who is Deej Cloten?" Rayek inquired but his query must have been lost in the vehemence in which Nira reacted to the name.

Rayek listened with interest to how the other characterized the smuggler.  His attention peaked however at the mention of Cloten's time spent on Katra Station  -obviously during the year and half that Rayek was either assigned to the Amalthea or the Valdore.

The mention of the station brought a slight smile to the Romulan's face.   Katra was where he and Tess had met, so the station was very dear to him, as was the planet it orbited.  He and Tess still had a home they had built on Meridian which they held in trust for their son.   Through the kind manoeuvrings of Keshara (Meridian's former leader "" a member of the council of three), Fvienn was born on Meridian "˜soil' and thus automatically granted Meridian citizenship.  This Meridian citizenship, Rayek at the time had hoped, would help hide Fvienn, and lessen any Romulan claim to his son.   Now with Rayek's service to the Free State paid off "" thanks to Starfleet loaning him out for a year "" Rayek did not need to worry "" as much "" about being hunted down for defecting.

Focusing back on Admiral Kira, Rayek listened as the explanation continued.

The Romulan could see how the truth behind Sherem's activities had been revealed.   But none of this answered his initial question.   What did the Admiral have planned to deal with the transwarp capable Nor station?
Nira's question about 'why now?' was also on Rayek's mind but he supposed the why didn't really matter.  What mattered now was what were they going to do about it?  When he asked directly for orders, Admiral Kira pointed out they were going to confront Sherem - capture him.  This seemed highly unrealistic until she pointed out that Worf had already infiltrated Melek Nor.  The Admiral detailed to the group about the role of the fleet, and the two infiltration teams.

Admiral Kira's plan was risky but that was rather to be expected given the situation.

Rayek nodded his acknowledgement of the plan.  "I will coordinate with Commander Said to prepare the needed away teams." The Romulan considered a moment.  He too was curious about the ships' timeline.  The ship's crew had JUST been given 48 hour leave. He'd hate to have to recall them so soon.

"Discovery has just returned to service today after extensive repairs, and while I respect the workmanship of the engineers at Starbase 153, I'm certain our Chief Engineer would appreciate 24 hrs to go over the work done."  Knowing Lek's habits, Rayek wasn't above using the Ferengi engineer to secure at least 24 hrs for the crew.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 19, 2023, 02:19:45 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Tekin remained silent during the conversation, wincing only when Nira gave an outburst.  She was a good officer, just young. But instead of saying anything, he watched the two Admirals speak on the situation.  But the conversation did go right back to their concern, at least in his opinion.  Gul Sherem and a possible second front in the Dominion War.

"To be frank, they don't even need to reopen a war with the Dominion.  Just the Breen and their Nor station alone is enough of a threat to this sector.  A mobile station that can slipstream and uses Borg tech is something that needs to be eliminated first and foremost."

He raised his eyebrow at Kira's suggestion of using his own ship as a decoy to get this criminal's ships to dock at the station.  "The main question is how we are going to sell this scenario.  The Discovery is a tactical vessel designed for the Dominion War.. How do we prevent them from guessing its a set up?"

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Admiral Kira smiled with understanding at Captain Galloway's words and looked between him and Captain Tekin. "œIf you have a period of time for shore leave for your crews, you can keep at it. Depending on the amount of time, it'll give your crews plenty of time to get to know the layout of Deep Space Nine, because every Nor-class station is identical and Melek Nor is no different."

Nira looked over at Commander tr'Lhoell and nodded in agreement. "œOf course," she said. "œWe can check out our different crews and make assessments on who will be suitable for the job, especially in fitting in Breen suits and who could act as "˜Breen' prisoners. And, as the admiral indicated, we can also get to know the layout of the station so we'll know our way around on Melek Nor."

Nira then looked at Captain Tekin, though, recalling her outraged outburst earlier, she gave him an apologetic look before listening thoroughly. Yes, she did recall how Discovery was more of a tactical vessel, in spite of being commanded by a scientist of a man and used chiefly for exploration. An aggressive ship like that could be a giveaway to the secret Dominion forces.

"œNot slipstream, though, Captain Tekin," said Admiral Gillespie. "œThere's a difference between slipstream and transwarp, in spite of the fact of traveling faster than typical warp speed. But you do have a point; there are still plenty of ships in Starfleet that, despite being exploratory vessels, they still have teeth. Granted, the teeth still comes in handy in the event one needs to defend oneself."

"œWell, one has to bear in mind Cloten's smuggling fleet," said Kira. "œOr rather, his part in smuggling salvage. There are plenty of trading ships that go through the Wormhole to and from the Gamma Quadrant, often dealing with the economic side of the Dominion or others. One of those trading fleets are Orion traders, though in actuality, they're from the Orion Syndicate. Cloten often meets with them from time to time, even escorts them personally; it's easy to assume Cloten's ship is a Texas class starship. In actuality, Cloten's ship is a Strider-class from the early days of the Federation that he stole from the Fleet Museum. He takes great pride in the ship, incidentally; you want a weakness about him to exploit? Just hint that Commodore LaForge wants his exhibit back and he'll grovel like a puppy."

There was such a satisfied tone to Kira's voice that Nira paid attention in interest. "œI'll bear that in mind the next time I see him and I want to ensure he doesn't stab me in the back when I deal with him."

"œIt's a good tip in dealing with him overall," said Kira with a smirk.

"So, perhaps there's a could chance the smuggling fleet Cloten is assigned to," said Nira, "could bring us in and if that fleet was tracked by Discovery or Challenger, and maybe threatened enough to run for the station at the right time...well, we'll have to think of something to make it stick," she finished with a shrug.

"Dinnae worry," said Gillespie.

"œWell, if there won't be anything else at the present time, Admiral," said Nira, "œCommander tr'Lhoell and I can star assessing our crews if you still need our Captains."

"œThat's all right, youngster," Kira said with a couldn't-resist smile. "œWe've got two or three days to make our preparations and I don't think I'll want to detain you further from the rest of the station. Dismissed."

Inwardly, Nira was glad to be released and take part in the two-day shore leave, despite the homework of memorizing the layout of the station. If the crew of the Discovery was on leave, she hoped her friends on Discovery, and in particular Torra, will be somewhere on the station. Granted, she and the Romulan First Officer had their crews to assess as they mingled in the crowds. It could also be a good way of getting to know tr'Lhoell better.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



[Ensign Dersch | TAC/SEC OFFICER-DISCOVERY | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Dersch Nodded as Myne said this and decided on what he wanted to say.

"Well Myne, We all Have our rough times when we are first Assigned, But he can't be too mad, So don't beat yourself up over this" Dersch then ordered another Drink and some food and then sat listened to all the others around him.

Smiling Myne hugged the man, "Thank You. That is most reassuring. Thank You so much."

[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Hearing Myne mention him, Kyan turned just in time to get kissed on the cheek"¦ which was very nearly a worse fate than getting blown up in a space battle. Even though he'd been kissed before, by grown up grups"¦ and relatives"¦ he was definitely not a fan of such displays of affection. And did she say come to peace? With being a slave?

"œI'll never be a slave." He said quickly. "œAn anyone after making me one will be takin a short trip tae the Summerlands. We dinnae survive all them years without grups lookin after us tae be slaves for em now, or tae be put in chains or sold off. I'd rather be dead than that!"

When Myne went back to her float, the boy surreptitiously wiped his cheek on the sleeve of his hoodie. After all, doctors weren't always right about things.

Then he turned back toward the bar. "œI'll be back in a minute." He told Myne. "œIf yer after another drink just tell Quark I'll pay for it.'

"No worries Big Brother, I think the sugar of this will be hitting me soon and there will be much mischief.", she said finally finishing the float and rubbing her tummy. After a bit she decided a quick walk was in order but seeing the Nausicaan eyeing her she froze in her spot. She was content in the enslavement, but she did not seek it. After a moment she gave hugs to the nice Caitian and then to Ensign Dersch.

Knowing if the man got his hands on her she may be back with a drugged collar on her neck so she made sure that she would not let him lay a finger on her. Rising the small girl began with toes forward before tilting on the ball of her foot as he reached for her and bent like a reed in the wind letting his hands pass above her. She then rolled forward and sprung into the air as he reached down for her. Twirling once on her booted toes she remembered the rythm of the drums and began a hop, a skip, a twirl wishing her bells were on her right foot to make them sing. As he reached again for her she twirled so that she could spin along his back and stop on the other side.

To any watching it seemed a simple Orion dance demonstration.

It was at this time a station security approached, "Is this man bothering you?"

"An admirer. Could you please walk me to the transporter to get back to my ship Sir?", Myne smiled with bouncing pigtails.

Female Only

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 20, 2023, 08:11:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Admiral Kira smiled with understanding at Captain Galloway's words and looked between him and Captain Tekin. "œIf you have a period of time for shore leave for your crews, you can keep at it. Depending on the amount of time, it'll give your crews plenty of time to get to know the layout of Deep Space Nine, because every Nor-class station is identical and Melek Nor is no different."

Nira looked over at Commander tr'Lhoell and nodded in agreement. "œOf course," she said. "œWe can check out our different crews and make assessments on who will be suitable for the job, especially in fitting in Breen suits and who could act as "˜Breen' prisoners. And, as the admiral indicated, we can also get to know the layout of the station so we'll know our way around on Melek Nor."

Nira then looked at Captain Tekin, though, recalling her outraged outburst earlier, she gave him an apologetic look before listening thoroughly. Yes, she did recall how Discovery was more of a tactical vessel, in spite of being commanded by a scientist of a man and used chiefly for exploration. An aggressive ship like that could be a giveaway to the secret Dominion forces.

"œNot slipstream, though, Captain Tekin," said Admiral Gillespie. "œThere's a difference between slipstream and transwarp, in spite of the fact of traveling faster than typical warp speed. But you do have a point; there are still plenty of ships in Starfleet that, despite being exploratory vessels, they still have teeth. Granted, the teeth still comes in handy in the event one needs to defend oneself."

"œWell, one has to bear in mind Cloten's smuggling fleet," said Kira. "œOr rather, his part in smuggling salvage. There are plenty of trading ships that go through the Wormhole to and from the Gamma Quadrant, often dealing with the economic side of the Dominion or others. One of those trading fleets are Orion traders, though in actuality, they're from the Orion Syndicate. Cloten often meets with them from time to time, even escorts them personally; it's easy to assume Cloten's ship is a Texas class starship. In actuality, Cloten's ship is a Strider-class from the early days of the Federation that he stole from the Fleet Museum. He takes great pride in the ship, incidentally; you want a weakness about him to exploit? Just hint that Commodore LaForge wants his exhibit back and he'll grovel like a puppy."

There was such a satisfied tone to Kira's voice that Nira paid attention in interest. "œI'll bear that in mind the next time I see him and I want to ensure he doesn't stab me in the back when I deal with him."

"œIt's a good tip in dealing with him overall," said Kira with a smirk.

"So, perhaps there's a could chance the smuggling fleet Cloten is assigned to," said Nira, "could bring us in and if that fleet was tracked by Discovery or Challenger, and maybe threatened enough to run for the station at the right time...well, we'll have to think of something to make it stick," she finished with a shrug.

"Dinnae worry," said Gillespie.

"œWell, if there won't be anything else at the present time, Admiral," said Nira, "œCommander tr'Lhoell and I can star assessing our crews if you still need our Captains."

"œThat's all right, youngster," Kira said with a couldn't-resist smile. "œWe've got two or three days to make our preparations and I don't think I'll want to detain you further from the rest of the station. Dismissed."

Inwardly, Nira was glad to be released and take part in the two-day shore leave, despite the homework of memorizing the layout of the station. If the crew of the Discovery was on leave, she hoped her friends on Discovery, and in particular Torra, will be somewhere on the station. Granted, she and the Romulan First Officer had their crews to assess as they mingled in the crowds. It could also be a good way of getting to know tr'Lhoell better.

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian was pleased that he wouldn't have to cancel the shore leave for the crew. They worked hard, performed brilliantly, and deserved some time off. Because he wanted to see the famous station, rather than beam directly back to the Challenger, he walked. He had a chance to see the promenade and smirked when he passed Quark's, one of the most infamous bars in the Alpha quadrant. However, despite it's shady owner, Quark's and Quark himself had been instrumental during the Dominion War and Ian was certain the Ferengi had earned enough good will to be able to get away with things no other bar owner could dream of.

Ian reached the airlock of the Challenger and as soon as he was aboard, he felt enveloped by the sounds that told him he was home. Deep inside, he knew she was getting to the end of her time in active service, despite the Trailblazer upgrade. She was a old hull and sooner or later, some hundred kilo head in Starfleet Command would figure that out.

"But until that day, she's mine and I'll nae leave until security drags me off."

He mused as he headed for his quarters and reached for his Flying Tiger uniform. It had been months and it was time to get in some 'stick time' on his beloved Tomahawk. He quickly changed and headed for holodeck one, normally a tough booking, but with the bulk of the crew enjoying the station or Bajor, he had the holodeck to himself.

"Computer. Initiate program Galloway zero zero one."


He stepped through the arch and onto the airfield at Kunming China, making a beeline for the P-40 with "Highland Gal" emblazoned on the nose.

Lorut Vila

Without waiting for a reply, Vila had plopped her old, tired self down in a chair. She had been around the block a time or five, and she noted the lack of CO's-something was up. She might've only been a Fleet spouse back then, but she knew enough.

"Hello, I am new. Who are you?" She asked the group. "Ens. Lorut Vila." She didn't elaborate further.

Rayek trLhoell

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 20, 2023, 08:11:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Admiral Kira smiled with understanding at Captain Galloway's words and looked between him and Captain Tekin. "œIf you have a period of time for shore leave for your crews, you can keep at it. Depending on the amount of time, it'll give your crews plenty of time to get to know the layout of Deep Space Nine, because every Nor-class station is identical and Melek Nor is no different."

Nira looked over at Commander tr'Lhoell and nodded in agreement. "œOf course," she said. "œWe can check out our different crews and make assessments on who will be suitable for the job, especially in fitting in Breen suits and who could act as "˜Breen' prisoners. And, as the admiral indicated, we can also get to know the layout of the station so we'll know our way around on Melek Nor."

Nira then looked at Captain Tekin, though, recalling her outraged outburst earlier, she gave him an apologetic look before listening thoroughly. Yes, she did recall how Discovery was more of a tactical vessel, in spite of being commanded by a scientist of a man and used chiefly for exploration. An aggressive ship like that could be a giveaway to the secret Dominion forces.

"œNot slipstream, though, Captain Tekin," said Admiral Gillespie. "œThere's a difference between slipstream and transwarp, in spite of the fact of traveling faster than typical warp speed. But you do have a point; there are still plenty of ships in Starfleet that, despite being exploratory vessels, they still have teeth. Granted, the teeth still comes in handy in the event one needs to defend oneself."

"œWell, one has to bear in mind Cloten's smuggling fleet," said Kira. "œOr rather, his part in smuggling salvage. There are plenty of trading ships that go through the Wormhole to and from the Gamma Quadrant, often dealing with the economic side of the Dominion or others. One of those trading fleets are Orion traders, though in actuality, they're from the Orion Syndicate. Cloten often meets with them from time to time, even escorts them personally; it's easy to assume Cloten's ship is a Texas class starship. In actuality, Cloten's ship is a Strider-class from the early days of the Federation that he stole from the Fleet Museum. He takes great pride in the ship, incidentally; you want a weakness about him to exploit? Just hint that Commodore LaForge wants his exhibit back and he'll grovel like a puppy."

There was such a satisfied tone to Kira's voice that Nira paid attention in interest. "œI'll bear that in mind the next time I see him and I want to ensure he doesn't stab me in the back when I deal with him."

"œIt's a good tip in dealing with him overall," said Kira with a smirk.

"So, perhaps there's a could chance the smuggling fleet Cloten is assigned to," said Nira, "could bring us in and if that fleet was tracked by Discovery or Challenger, and maybe threatened enough to run for the station at the right time...well, we'll have to think of something to make it stick," she finished with a shrug.

"Dinnae worry," said Gillespie.

"œWell, if there won't be anything else at the present time, Admiral," said Nira, "œCommander tr'Lhoell and I can start assessing our crews if you still need our Captains."

"œThat's all right, youngster," Kira said with a couldn't-resist smile. "œWe've got two or three days to make our preparations and I don't think I'll want to detain you further from the rest of the station. Dismissed."

Inwardly, Nira was glad to be released and take part in the two-day shore leave, despite the homework of memorizing the layout of the station. If the crew of the Discovery was on leave, she hoped her friends on Discovery, and in particular Torra, will be somewhere on the station. Granted, she and the Romulan First Officer had their crews to assess as they mingled in the crowds. It could also be a good way of getting to know tr'Lhoell better.

Hearing that the crew would be given their full 48 hrs was welcome news and Rayek bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement.

He looked to Nira at her agreement to work together to come up with the away teams.

The more Rayek heard about this Cloten the less the Romulan felt comfortable having to work with the Ferengi.  It was clear from the man's profession that he was unlike Lek.

At the dismissal, Rayek rose and offered a slight bow to the Admiral.

"œWhere would you like to work on the teams, Commander? Your office or mine?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: myne on May 20, 2023, 10:43:24 PM

Smiling Myne hugged the man, "Thank You. That is most reassuring. Thank You so much."

"No worries Big Brother, I think the sugar of this will be hitting me soon and there will be much mischief.", she said finally finishing the float and rubbing her tummy. After a bit she decided a quick walk was in order but seeing the Nausicaan eyeing her she froze in her spot. She was content in the enslavement, but she did not seek it. After a moment she gave hugs to the nice Caitian and then to Ensign Dersch.

Knowing if the man got his hands on her she may be back with a drugged collar on her neck so she made sure that she would not let him lay a finger on her. Rising the small girl began with toes forward before tilting on the ball of her foot as he reached for her and bent like a reed in the wind letting his hands pass above her. She then rolled forward and sprung into the air as he reached down for her. Twirling once on her booted toes she remembered the rythm of the drums and began a hop, a skip, a twirl wishing her bells were on her right foot to make them sing. As he reached again for her she twirled so that she could spin along his back and stop on the other side.

To any watching it seemed a simple Orion dance demonstration.

It was at this time a station security approached, "Is this man bothering you?"

"An admirer. Could you please walk me to the transporter to get back to my ship Sir?", Myne smiled with bouncing pigtails.

The security officer escorted Myne and she returned to the Challenger.

{Ensign J.B Dersch- Qaurks-DS9}

Surprised by the hug he returned the hug, and thought Hey At least I can make friends here He then got his food and once finished he made his way back to Discovery.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Buehler on May 17, 2023, 05:23:20 PM

[DS9 - Quark's]

Evan could almost imagine the wheels spinning in the Andorian's head, trying to puzzle out how the label "chaos" could apply to such a quiet man. He had so many trains of thought running through his head that it took considerable effort to pin any one of them down long enough to speak. So Evan just shrugged and smiled as Lahr rose. "No worries. And thanks for the drink."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 20, 2023, 02:50:29 AM

The Antican smuggler's raspy voice and his pet name cause the Onlie's head to snap around. What was HE doing on Deep Space Nine? Kyan wondered if he'd finally gotten himself kicked off Katra. The thought of his old posting brought an instant of "œhome sickness" but it passed quickly as another thought occurred to him. Cloten might have some information on a certain Nausiccan that he could use. Kyan jumped off the barstool and walked over to the bedazzled canine alien.

"œAye and it's Merry Met again to you too the now.. since we got things tae talk about!" he chirped. "œCome on over here and lets catch up!"

Then he turned back toward the bar. "œI'll be back in a minute." He told Myne. "œIf yer after another drink just tell Quark I'll pay for it.'

He grabbed Cloten's arm and started to steer him toward the stairs to the upper levels.

Hearing the Doc, the Andorian raised a hand in a parting wave.  He'd speak with him again shortly.  His PTSD counseling sessions were mandatory after all, if he wanted to remain in Starfleet.

Still attempting to keep out of Cloten's line of sight Lahr tried to motion to Zhuk to point out the Antican.    But he supposed he needn't have worried as while he was going that the red-headed boy dragged the caninoid off towards the second level.

Lahr made a beeline towards Zhuk.   "Zhuk, you must have horsehoof or two,  in your pants for Cloten not to have recognized you.  We should get out of here."

Yet as he turned around to do so  he spotted something else -

Quote from: myne on May 20, 2023, 10:43:24 PM

Knowing if the man got his hands on her she may be back with a drugged collar on her neck so she made sure that she would not let him lay a finger on her. Rising the small girl began with toes forward before tilting on the ball of her foot as he reached for her and bent like a reed in the wind letting his hands pass above her. She then rolled forward and sprung into the air as he reached down for her. Twirling once on her booted toes she remembered the rythm of the drums and began a hop, a skip, a twirl wishing her bells were on her right foot to make them sing. As he reached again for her she twirled so that she could spin along his back and stop on the other side.

To any watching it seemed a simple Orion dance demonstration.

It was at this time a station security approached, "Is this man bothering you?"

"An admirer. Could you please walk me to the transporter to get back to my ship Sir?", Myne smiled with bouncing pigtails.

The security officer escorted Myne and she returned to the Challenger.

the little girl seeming to dance out of the reach of the Naussican.  At least it looked like a dance but having heard the Naussican earlier the former sec/tac crewman recognized it for what it was.  A dodging tactic.  He then winced in sympathy at her self-defensive attack.

When the little girl requested security to see her to Challenger, Lahr stepped forward.  "I can escort her there" the Andorian offered.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)



the little girl seeming to dance out of the reach of the Naussican.  At least it looked like a dance but having heard the Naussican earlier the former sec/tac crewman recognized it for what it was.  A dodging tactic.  He then winced in sympathy at her self-defensive attack.

When the little girl requested security to see her to Challenger, Lahr stepped forward.  "I can escort her there" the Andorian offered.

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Carefully with a smile Myne offered her hand up to hold the Andorian's, "Thank You Sir. I shall happily take an escort from you. You are most kind." The Sir would not be something an officer would say to a Crewman. But she did it in a way to show respect to an 'elder' rather then in an officer sense. Softly she whispered to him as the confidant voice once heard turning to one of fear, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..."

Female Only

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 18, 2023, 10:32:05 AM

Kina offered a soft smile and nod. "œI do miss her, but my father did everything he could to raise me, and make sure I was well taken care of. My grandparents helped raise me, but he has always been there for me." A few flashes of memory came to her. It only lasted a moment, but she focused back into the now.

Something suddenly struck her as she thought about it. "œI'm not really sure. It's possible, it it must be extremely important to Central Command. My father rarely ever leaves Cardassia. The few times he did, it was because Central Command wanted direct control of the situation. Do you think all this with your father would be connected?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"It's possible," said Jael with a shrug. "A Nor-class station transwarpping around, it's bound to get the attention of the Cardassian government sooner or later."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 20, 2023, 02:50:29 AM

"œAye." Kyan nodded. "œThe Admirals be getting useless after they get promoted so they do." Then he remembered Gillespie, who was alright"¦ and Picard, who he'd never met, but also never heard bad things about"¦ and Ross. Of course Kira was an Admiral now too"¦ and she was anything but useless. So there were a FEW exceptions to the rule. "œMost of em anyways." He amended.

At Dem's story, he shrugged. "œI like it." He offered casually, as though his was a typical view on combat. It was, for Klingons and a few others, but most races didn't care for fighting in general, let alone the life or death struggle of armed conflict. Kyan wasn't eager to see the Summerlands by any means, but he also didn't dread the prospect. And besides, the Powers had seem fit to let him live this long. He figured they weren't eager to see him yet either.

After Broadshire finished, he nodded. "œSure and yer still alive, and yer ship ain't blown to bits, so ye must've done god fer yerself so. Even if ye were afraid, which speaks good tae yer ability so it does.

Hearing Myne mention him, Kyan turned just in time to get kissed on the cheek"¦ which was very nearly a worse fate than getting blown up in a space battle. Even though he'd been kissed before, by grown up grups"¦ and relatives"¦ he was definitely not a fan of such displays of affection. And did she say come to peace? With being a slave?

"œI'll never be a slave." He said quickly. "œAn anyone after making me one will be takin a short trip tae the Summerlands. We dinnae survive all them years without grups lookin after us tae be slaves for em now, or tae be put in chains or sold off. I'd rather be dead than that!"

When Myne went back to her float, the boy surreptitiously wiped his cheek on the sleeve of his hoodie. After all, doctors weren't always right about things.

The Antican smuggler's raspy voice and his pet name cause the Onlie's head to snap around. What was HE doing on Deep Space Nine? Kyan wondered if he'd finally gotten himself kicked off Katra. The thought of his old posting brought an instant of "œhome sickness" but it passed quickly as another thought occurred to him. Cloten might have some information on a certain Nausiccan that he could use. Kyan jumped off the barstool and walked over to the bedazzled canine alien.

"œAye and it's Merry Met again to you too the now.. since we got things tae talk about!" he chirped. "œCome on over here and lets catch up!"

Then he turned back toward the bar. "œI'll be back in a minute." He told Myne. "œIf yer after another drink just tell Quark I'll pay for it.'

He grabbed Cloten's arm and started to steer him toward the stairs to the upper levels.

[Deej Cloten | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Naturally, Cloten had no choice but to follow along with Mackenzie. It wasn't hard for him, childlike as he looked, he was only a third of a meter taller or so. He took a brief look at Quark, whose smirk seemed to have widened until it mirrored Cloten's own. Cloten could tell: He was remembering Odo dragging him off for an arrest, and Mackenzie used to be Katra Station's chief of security...Cloten's Odo as it were.

The only comfort was that Galen Mal followed him along, though Cloten inwardly wished he had two pairs of Orion bodyguards with him to make him more secure. At the upper levels, Cloten grinned nervously at Mackenzie. Few people actually made Cloten nervous. He was pushing his luck as it is at the station, just in case Admiral Kira showed up, and he still often had nightmares of Commodore LaForge with his eyes...[spoiler]shit[/spoiler], those eyes gave Cloten the creeps. For all he knew, LaForge could've worked on them so he'd shoot phasers from those eyes. And then there was Mackenzie, who seemed to have the experience of an old man crammed in a baby-faced child's body. If he was a Trill, he'd understand, but the lack of spots...

"Ah, heh, look, baby-face, it was just a passing hello!" Cloten chuckled nervously. "Unless baby-face is feeling lonely," he added with a toothy leer.

Cloten had always referred Mackenzie as "baby-face" so that he would feel a little less intimidated; just by taking note of his features, Cloten could feel better and thus not take him seriously. Inside, however, he was nervous.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 21, 2023, 05:21:35 PM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian was pleased that he wouldn't have to cancel the shore leave for the crew. They worked hard, performed brilliantly, and deserved some time off. Because he wanted to see the famous station, rather than beam directly back to the Challenger, he walked. He had a chance to see the promenade and smirked when he passed Quark's, one of the most infamous bars in the Alpha quadrant. However, despite it's shady owner, Quark's and Quark himself had been instrumental during the Dominion War and Ian was certain the Ferengi had earned enough good will to be able to get away with things no other bar owner could dream of.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 22, 2023, 01:04:01 AM

Cmdr Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Hearing that the crew would be given their full 48 hrs was welcome news and Rayek bowed his head slightly in acknowledgement.

He looked to Nira at her agreement to work together to come up with the away teams.

The more Rayek heard about this Cloten the less the Romulan felt comfortable having to work with the Ferengi.  It was clear from the man's profession that he was unlike Lek.

At the dismissal, Rayek rose and offered a slight bow to the Admiral.

"œWhere would you like to work on the teams, Commander? Your office or mine?"

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room >- Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As they left, and as Captain Galloway gave a head-start - no doubt heading on a route to get a look at the station - Nira looked over to Commander tr'Lhoell when he posed his question. The option of which office to go to discuss who can go on what team proved tempting to her; she considered a moment to go to his office on Discovery, which meant it was a chance to see her old home. But the idea of spending time on one of the most famous starbases in the Federation was even more appealing.

"œActually, Commander," said Nira, "œhow about we discuss it in one of the establishments at the Promenade? Maybe the famous Quark's? "

As they walked, Nira explained, recalling the Commander's interrupted question, "œIf you were wondering who Deej Cloten is, he's a short Antican, very doglike in looks. I've dealt with him recently on Ferenginar. Since he's an Antican, he harbors a dislike - to put it lightly - of the rivals of the Anticans, the Selay, even though both races have put aside their differences and joined the Federation."

At the Promenade, Nira was impressed by what she was seeing. At Katra station, or virtually any Federation starbase she went in, it looked more like a typical Federation city crammed into a small space. Here on Deep Space Nine, given it was Cardassain in origin, Nira couldn't help but think she was at a bazaar from her adopted home city on Earth. All that would've been needed were people in turbans, robes, and/or burqas and she would've definitely felt right at home. She made a note to bring Savar here when she was finished with business.

"œIncredible," said Nira. "œThe Cardassians really know how to make one who has lived in Earth's Middle East feel like"¦well, if they stepped into the pages of a Scheherazade story."

Looking over at Commander tr'Lhoell a moment, she explained, "œI was raised in Earth's Middle East, hence the name. Said," she added, pronouncing her name as "œsay-eed."

She saw some crew in passing, but when the two First Officers got to Quark's, she could see a great deal of the crew were there. She could see plenty of crew she knew both from Challenger and Discovery. She waved in passing at Lahr and Zhuk, at the new childlike science officer Myne, and at Jael and Kina, seated with Alex Graham. Then she went to Commander tr'Lhoell and said, "œShall we get ourselves a table, Commander?"

She nodded to the second level. With the tables, there was a better chance of privacy. But upon getting to the second level, she saw somebody small with Mister Mackenzie"¦somebody a lot shorter than he was"¦and her expression soured, chiefly because she recognized that shorter somebody.

Speak of the devil, she thought to herself.

She whispered to Commander tr'Lhoell, "œThat's him. It's that little furball."

She beelined to Deej Cloten and placed a hand on his shoulder. She was surprised to see him flinch as he whirled around in his chair. Was it possible Mister Mackenzie was somehow making the backstabbing furball nervous?

"œWell, Cloten," she said with a cold voice and a hard expression, "œWe meet again. By the way, I'm impressed how you got here so fast. Or I suppose you've also stolen a quantum slipstream drive."

Cloten stared at Nira momentarily but recovered with a sneer.

"œI may have a reputation as psychotic, but I'm not stupid," Cloten snapped. "œSlipstream is unsuitable for my ship. Transwarp, however, it works a lot better, and if you know where to look for the right parts, something obsolete can become something dangerous," he added with a toothy and insane grin.

"œOh, I'm sure Commodore LaForge will be pleased to know that," said Nira sarcastically. She was satisfied to see that Cloten's grin was wiped off his face at warp speed.

"œThat's right, the fleet museum will want your ship back," said Nira coldly. "œSo I suggest you stick around, and don't go anywhere with it."

"Like I have a choice," snapped Cloten, looking back at Mackenzie...did these two have some kind of history? "Now I'd like to be left in piece with baby-face, here."

Nira looked at Mackenzie momentarily, at first feeling sorry at him for the insult, but if Mackenzie was making him nervous somehow, then it made her feel better.

Cloten shivering under the threat certainly made Nira's day in regard to the moment. She looked up at Cloten's bodyguard - Galen Mal, she remembered - and glared at him as he glared back. Then she made her way to a table on the other side of Cloten as he and Mackenzie talked. It was in a good view of the establishment, and at the same time, provided Nira a good view of the second level to keep an eye on Cloten. Oh, she can face the Discovery's XO okay, but she made a point to look at Cloten's direction with her eyes.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quark's Bar

Dranik looked down at his drink and sighed heavily. In the background, he could hear Ciavil arguing with one of the waiters over a drink mix-up. The argument was quickly becoming the center of attention. She had been acting somewhat oddly lately, she had seemed indifferent to the news of the promotion and had seemed highly anxious.

"petaQ!" Ciavil snarled at the waiter. "I said, No Alcohol! What part of that did you miss?"

The waiter bared his teeth at her. "And I told you, it was a simple mistake! I fail to see what causing a commotion will do to help this situation! I will replace the drink once you tell me what the issue is with it."

Ciavil stared daggers at the waiter. "taHqeq." She muttered angrily as she sat down at the table and admitted defeat. The waiter smiled smugly and walked away to fill other orders.

"What was that about?" Dranik asked curiously. Ciavil stared at him for a moment before sighing and pressed her hands together in front of her as she tried to get the words out correctly.

"I'm pregnant." She said quietly. "Again."

Dranik stared at her for a moment before looking at her stomach and then a smile appeared on his face as he locked eyes on her face and he chuckled. "Your not."

"I am."

Dranik's smile faded slightly. " can't be."

Ciavil locked eyes on him. "Apparently I can be."

Dranik sighed and his head thudded softly against the table.

"How...But we...That's..."

Ciavil softly patted the top of his head and smiled slightly.

"It's going to be alright." She said softly.

Hirogen Male

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Quarks | Upper level ::

Listening to Said's interaction with Cloten, Kyan's interest piqued when she mentioned, and Cloten confirmed that he'd stolen a ship from the fleet museum. To him, it wasn't important. After all, Cloten was a thief. He was supposed to steal stuff. Fitting a museum ship with transwarp tech? Very interesting. There werent many places to get that.

The Nor class station that they'd recently come across came to mind and Kyan filed away that line of questioning for later. One thing that made little sense was Cloten's bringing the ship to a Federation station. It seemed like a poor choice ...which wasn't Cloten's usual MO. He was careful. He was also not reckless enough to make a move like that without a good reason. And that meant that there were other things going on here, which he would normally dig into, except he had his own agenda today.

After Commander Said and the other Commander, a Romulan who Kyan hadn't met, went off to their own table, Kyan leaned in so that he could speak softly but still be heard. "I dinnae care about yer stolen ship the now, or the transparent tech. I might later so I might but right now I need a favor from ye."

Before Cloten could answer, Quark appeared with a drink tray. Fishing for information no doubt. But as it happened, Kyan wanted to see him too.
"Ah..Quark. You've a few things I want tae buy."

The Ferengi's mouth widened in a toothy grin. "Go on." He almost cooed.

Kyan motioned him closer. "I dinnae want anyone knowing what it's a surprise so."

The Ferengi leaned in and Kyan whispered his request in Quark's ear. Confusion was his reply. But before he asked a question, the Onlie made his offer.

"I'll give ye 10 strips for the first one and double that for the second one." Kyan knew Quark wouldn't have asked that much, so he offered it to get things done. He likely had questions, which Kyan had no interest in answering, hence the sweet offer.

Quark produced a Ferengi padd and set to drawing up a quick bill of sale. When it was ready he put the padd on the table. Kyan thumbed it, finalizing the deal. "Thanks Quark!" He grinned then he turned to Cloten.

"Now fer yer own part in it." Kyan began. "There's a Nausiccan down there at the bar. I'd be after you getting me the transporter codes to his ship."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room >>  Promenade - Quarks]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 22, 2023, 07:17:24 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Ward Room >- Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As they left, and as Captain Galloway gave a head-start - no doubt heading on a route to get a look at the station - Nira looked over to Commander tr'Lhoell when he posed his question. The option of which office to go to discuss who can go on what team proved tempting to her; she considered a moment to go to his office on Discovery, which meant it was a chance to see her old home. But the idea of spending time on one of the most famous starbases in the Federation was even more appealing.

"œActually, Commander," said Nira, "œhow about we discuss it in one of the establishments at the Promenade? Maybe the famous Quark's?"

Rayek didn't see how their work was at all appropriate to discuss in such a public place and was about to point that out to the Betazoid hybrid Commander when he paused.   Being part Betazoid, it was quite likely that she had telepathic abilities.  He wondered if she had some hidden intention of 'checking' him for being a potential Changeling by suggesting they discuss their work telepathically while they worked in the gambling establishment.  He had been blocking the entire time during the meeting.

Slowly, Rayek nodded his agreement.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 22, 2023, 07:17:24 PM

As they walked, Nira explained, recalling the Commander's interrupted question, "œIf you were wondering who Deej Cloten is, he's a short Antican, very doglike in looks. I've dealt with him recently on Ferenginar. Since he's an Antican, he harbors a dislike - to put it lightly - of the rivals of the Anticans, the Selay, even though both races have put aside their differences and joined the Federation."

Rayek listened as the other Commander explained about Cloten's species.  He'd heard of Antican's previously but hadn't yet met one.  He nodded his appreciation for the intel.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 22, 2023, 07:17:24 PM

At the Promenade, Nira was impressed by what she was seeing. At Katra station, or virtually any Federation starbase she went in, it looked more like a typical Federation city crammed into a small space. Here on Deep Space Nine, given it was Cardassain in origin, Nira couldn't help but think she was at a bazaar from her adopted home city on Earth. All that would've been needed were people in turbans, robes, and/or burqas and she would've definitely felt right at home. She made a note to bring Savar here when she was finished with business.

"œIncredible," said Nira. "œThe Cardassians really know how to make one who has lived in Earth's Middle East feel like"¦well, if they stepped into the pages of a Scheherazade story."

Looking over at Commander tr'Lhoell a moment, she explained, "œI was raised in Earth's Middle East, hence the name. Said," she added, pronouncing her name as "œsay-eed."

The walk along the Promenade beside the Commander was far different than his last time aboard the station, walking with Tess and their one year old son, Fvienn shortly before he left for assignment on the RFS Valdore.  That had been just over a year ago.

Given his wife's current mandatory bedrest, Rayek felt a twinge of guilt over this 'visit' to the station's shopping district.   Perhaps if he got her a gift...

His quiet search for something suitable was however interrupted by Commander Said remarking on the station's similarity to the Middle East of Earth.   Having studied Earth and Earth history quite intensively as a youth and even more so after his defection to the Federation, Rayek knew what she was referring to in general, though he had no first hand experience of the place.

He nodded at her pointing out the etymology of her last name.  Hearing her stress the pronunciation, Rayek frowned to learn he'd been inadvertently pronouncing it incorrectly all this time.  To his ear, he was saying 'Sai-eed' when he spoke her name... but she was clearly pronouncing it as SAY-eed.  "Duly noted, Commander... 'Say-eed'."

Quote from: Nira Said on May 22, 2023, 07:17:24 PM

She saw some crew in passing, but when the two First Officers got to Quark's, she could see a great deal of the crew were there. She could see plenty of crew she knew both from Challenger and Discovery. She waved in passing at Lahr and Zhuk, at the new childlike science officer Myne, and at Jael and Kina, seated with Alex Graham. Then she went to Commander tr'Lhoell and said, "œShall we get ourselves a table, Commander?"

She nodded to the second level. With the tables, there was a better chance of privacy. But upon getting to the second level, she saw somebody small with Mister Mackenzie"¦somebody a lot shorter than he was"¦and her expression soured, chiefly because she recognized that shorter somebody.

Speak of the devil, she thought to herself.

She whispered to Commander tr'Lhoell, "œThat's him. It's that little furball."

Soon they arrived at the famous gambling establishment and Rayek grimaced, almost immediately regretting his agreement of this.  The bar was so congested with people - including more than a few Discovery crewmembers - that the Romulan couldn't help but feel the hair rise on his neck. That feeling of being watched had Rayek glancing about suspiciously.

He noted CPO Graham seated at a table with Jael and another Cardassian...recognizing her as the uncontrollable ensign that ranted at Sherem not long ago... Nural.   He noted a familiar Andorian making to leave the establishment with a little red-headed girl in hand.  The child that had skipped along Challenger's bridge.  The sight of the red-haired little girl once more brought a sudden sadness to the Romulan, remembering another - someone he'd left behind.

He was grateful when Said directed them upstairs.  But even there he couldn't escape familiar faces.  Though this one he'd never met, here in this universe.   While Commander Said was pointing out the Antican, Cloten to him, Rayek was staring at the young red-headed boy, wearing a Starfleet uniform, seated across from the smuggler.

"Ryan?" he questioned to himself under his breath.  Seemed in this universe too the Onlie couldn't stay away from trouble.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 22, 2023, 07:17:24 PM

She beelined to Deej Cloten and placed a hand on his shoulder. She was surprised to see him flinch as he whirled around in his chair. Was it possible Mister Mackenzie was somehow making the backstabbing furball nervous?

"œWell, Cloten," she said with a cold voice and a hard expression, "œWe meet again. By the way, I'm impressed how you got here so fast. Or I suppose you've also stolen a quantum slipstream drive."

Cloten stared at Nira momentarily but recovered with a sneer.

"œI may have a reputation as psychotic, but I'm not stupid," Cloten snapped. "œSlipstream is unsuitable for my ship. Transwarp, however, it works a lot better, and if you know where to look for the right parts, something obsolete can become something dangerous," he added with a toothy and insane grin.

"œOh, I'm sure Commodore LaForge will be pleased to know that," said Nira sarcastically. She was satisfied to see that Cloten's grin was wiped off his face at warp speed.

"œThat's right, the fleet museum will want your ship back," said Nira coldly. "œSo I suggest you stick around, and don't go anywhere with it."

"Like I have a choice," snapped Cloten, looking back at Mackenzie...did these two have some kind of history? "Now I'd like to be left in piece with baby-face, here."

Nira looked at Mackenzie momentarily, at first feeling sorry at him for the insult, but if Mackenzie was making him nervous somehow, then it made her feel better.

Cloten shivering under the threat certainly made Nira's day in regard to the moment. She looked up at Cloten's bodyguard - Galen Mal, she remembered - and glared at him as he glared back. Then she made her way to a table on the other side of Cloten as he and Mackenzie talked. It was in a good view of the establishment, and at the same time, provided Nira a good view of the second level to keep an eye on Cloten. Oh, she can face the Discovery's XO okay, but she made a point to look at Cloten's direction with her eyes.

Rayek remained back, watching the exchange between Said and Cloten, ready to intervene if the Orion posed a problem, but after a brief talk the Commander returned to locating a table.

The Romulan adjusted the position of his seat so that he had his back to a wall and a clear view of the establishment from above.

"Was it wise to draw attention to ourselves like that?" he asked pointedly.  The feeling of being watched hadn't diminished any with being on the upper level.

Rayek decided to broach a new subject, and spoke in a quieter voice to do so.  "We have work to do, but before I feel we can get started in earnest there is something we need to do in order to prove to one another that we are who we say we are.  Will you allow me to speak with you telepathically?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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