Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: myne on May 22, 2023, 03:02:48 PM

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Carefully with a smile Myne offered her hand up to hold the Andorian's, "Thank You Sir. I shall happily take an escort from you. You are most kind." The Sir would not be something an officer would say to a Crewman. But she did it in a way to show respect to an 'elder' rather then in an officer sense. Softly she whispered to him as the confidant voice once heard turning to one of fear, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..."

The Andorian's antennae perked as the little girl took his hand.   The Petty officer didn't have a clue who the young girl dressed in civilian clothes was.  But he was happy be of help... and to piss of the overbearing Nausicaan while he was at it.  "Not a problem.  My name is ShranLahr, but you can call me Lahr.  I work on Challenger."

The fearful tone that she thanked him in had the Andorian glancing back at the still downed Nausicaan with a scowl.  He was tempted to kick the bully while he was prone but didn't think that was an appropriate action to do in front of a kid.

"Don't worry, I used to be in Security.  I can protect you." he stated as they headed for the door.

"Should we go find your brother first? Or does he know you are headed back to the ship?" Lahr asked. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jess Willard

[Deep Space Nine - Landing Bay]

Jess stepped out of the runabout and her eyes silently scanned the room. So this was the legendary DS9 that she'd heard so much about. The dominion war had ended before she could really form memory. The war was nothing but stories of boogiemen during her childhood. But standing in the landing bay in the here and now, taking in the history of where she stood, it inspired awe in her and she froze for a moment. That moment however was quickly interrupted as a large man approached her from across the room. "Ensign Willard?" His booming voice gave her pause for a moment as it came from behind her.

Quickly she spun on her toes to turn and face the man. Her eyes scanned him briefly, gold accents on his uniform, single pip. A security ensign? "That's me. How may I help you?"

The man glanced down at his PADD and extended it to her. "Final assignment from Admiral Gillespie. You've been assigned to the USS Discovery. They're currently docked here, you'll want to report there when you're given the go-ahead. In the meantime, enjoy your time on Deep Space Nine." Her eyes made their way across the words on the screen for a moment. It was real now. She appreciated her fellowship and her time as a cadet, but now her Starfleet career was real. "Might I recommend checking out the promenade to spend some of your free time?"

Willard's eyes met his for a moment and she nodded, flashing a small smile. "Thank you. I'll head there in a moment. I just need to collect myself slightly."

[Deep Space Nine - Promenade]

The counselor entered the promenade, it was bigger than she expected. She'd been to a few space stations in her time, but those were all built by the federation. She was taken aback for a moment while she took in the area around her. After a brief pause, she made her way over to a table and settled in reading over the assignment again and again.

She/Her - Human

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Jess Willard on May 23, 2023, 08:42:36 PM

The counselor entered the promenade, it was bigger than she expected. She'd been to a few space stations in her time, but those were all built by the federation. She was taken aback for a moment while she took in the area around her. After a brief pause, she made her way over to a table and settled in reading over the assignment again and again.

[Promenade - Quark's bar]

Kinley straightened her lab coat. It had certainly been a while since she had worn a full-on Federation-issued one, and this new one was still a bit stiff coming off the Replicator. She had just finished her five-year tenure studying with the Vulcan Science Commission. It was a successful five years, for certain, but as that was coming to a close, Starfleet called her back, requesting her again for another tour, on the Discovery, no less. She noted Steve, the holoraptor, trailing behind her, and pulled at his harness to keep him from getting stepped on. Not that it would hurt him, given that he was just particles of light, But it was better safe than sorry, as she was continuing to research Steve on behalf of his creator, and didn't want him to get damaged in any way.
"œCome on buddy," she said before making her way to the tables. It was pretty busy here "œOne root beer for me and an orange jello parfait for my raptor if you would." she told the staff as she tried looking for a seat. "œMind if we sit next to you? It's kind of full around here."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 22, 2023, 02:45:07 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Hearing the Doc, the Andorian raised a hand in a parting wave.  He'd speak with him again shortly.  His PTSD counseling sessions were mandatory after all, if he wanted to remain in Starfleet.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 23, 2023, 09:11:49 PM

[Promenade - Quark's bar]
"œCome on buddy," she said before making her way to the tables. It was pretty busy here "œOne root beer for me and an orange jello parfait for my raptor if you would." she told the staff as she tried looking for a seat. "œMind if we sit next to you? It's kind of full around here."


As the Andorian ambled along amiably towards another group of strangers, Evan went back to his people watching. More and more of them continued to stream in, and if it continued, the place would be bursting at the seems (as if it wasn't bad enough already).

Just as he was finishing the last drop of his drink, admiring the sheen of the empty glass, a familiar face caught his eye. With a grin, Evan shot out of his chair to speak to someone he hadn't seen in years. "STEVE!" he exclaimed. Once he reached the little guy, he knelt down to properly say hello. "How are you, little guy? Haven't seen you since T'Ra got promoted to the admiralty."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Kinley Garrison

[Promenade- Quark's bar]

Just then, Kinley heard a familiar shout.

Quote from: Buehler on May 23, 2023, 09:39:50 PM


As the Andorian ambled along amiably towards another group of strangers, Evan went back to his people watching. More and more of them continued to stream in, and if it continued, the place would be bursting at the seems (as if it wasn't bad enough already).

Just as he was finishing the last drop of his drink, admiring the sheen of the empty glass, a familiar face caught his eye. With a grin, Evan shot out of his chair to speak to someone he hadn't seen in years. "STEVE!" he exclaimed. Once he reached the little guy, he knelt down to properly say hello. "How are you, little guy? Haven't seen you since T'Ra got promoted to the admiralty."

Steve perked up immediately on hearing his name and began squeaking happily, rapping his tail against the bar, quite loudly, if she might say herself, but she didn't blame Steve too much. When he saw a friend, he let everyone know. Kinley smiled and spoke over the din. "œHey, Evan! It's been a bit, hasn't it? What've you been up to since the Commission?"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Jess Willard

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 23, 2023, 09:11:49 PM

[Promenade - Quark's bar]

Kinley straightened her lab coat. It had certainly been a while since she had worn a full-on Federation-issued one, and this new one was still a bit stiff coming off the Replicator. She had just finished her five-year tenure studying with the Vulcan Science Commission. It was a successful five years, for certain, but as that was coming to a close, Starfleet called her back, requesting her again for another tour, on the Discovery, no less. She noted Steve, the holoraptor, trailing behind her, and pulled at his harness to keep him from getting stepped on. Not that it would hurt him, given that he was just particles of light, But it was better safe than sorry, as she was continuing to research Steve on behalf of his creator, and didn't want him to get damaged in any way.
"œCome on buddy," she said before making her way to the tables. It was pretty busy here "œOne root beer for me and an orange jello parfait for my raptor if you would." she told the staff as she tried looking for a seat. "œMind if we sit next to you? It's kind of full around here."

[Promenade - Quark's Bar]

Jess found herself lost in reading every piece of information she could find on the Discovery. For a moment the entire world seemed to fade away as she read details on the Discovery and her crew. As Kinley spoke Willard jumped slightly, her attentionally finally coming back to reality. Her blue eyes glinted under the lights as they darted to meet Garrisons'. For a brief moment she froze, trying to replay what had just been asked in her head. After a brief second, she motioned to the chair Kinley was at. "Please be my guest.'' She sat the padd face down on the table in front of her and smiled at the LT. She placed her right hand on her chest before introducing herself. "Ensign J-"

Quote from: Buehler on May 23, 2023, 09:39:50 PM


As the Andorian ambled along amiably towards another group of strangers, Evan went back to his people watching. More and more of them continued to stream in, and if it continued, the place would be bursting at the seems (as if it wasn't bad enough already).

Just as he was finishing the last drop of his drink, admiring the sheen of the empty glass, a familiar face caught his eye. With a grin, Evan shot out of his chair to speak to someone he hadn't seen in years. "STEVE!" he exclaimed. Once he reached the little guy, he knelt down to properly say hello. "How are you, little guy? Haven't seen you since T'Ra got promoted to the admiralty."


Like a shock to her spine as she spoke a man outside of her view shouted over to them. By the time she could grasp what had happened the two had begun a convo. She shook her head to herself slightly as she quietly observed the two people. Both blue uniforms, both had two pips. She wondered for a brief moment if she'd be working with either of them at any point.

She/Her - Human

Kinley Garrison


Kinley turned to the woman in blue. "œSorry about that. My name is Kinley Garrison, Science officer for the Discovery. This here's Doctor Buehler. He's a colleague and one of Steve's favorite people." she said, pointing to the raptor. "œHe always thinks that he has orange jello," she laughed. "œYou're in the"¦ counseling department, correct?"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Jess Willard

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 23, 2023, 11:59:55 PM


Kinley turned to the woman in blue. "œSorry about that. My name is Kinley Garrison, Science officer for the Discovery. This here's Doctor Buehler. He's a colleague and one of Steve's favorite people." she said, pointing to the raptor. "œHe always thinks that he has orange jello," she laughed. "œYou're in the"¦ counseling department, correct?"


Jess nodded to the Doctor and offered a simple "Doctor." as a greeting. "Kinley Garrison, two solid pips makes her a full lieutenant, assigned to the Discovery. Did I already read her file? No. Must be a newer transfer like me." She thought to herself in the split second between greeting the Doctor and addressing Garrison. "Engisn Jessica Willard. People usually just call me Jess though. I am the Discovery's new counselor. I guess word gets around fast. I only found out about it a few hours ago myself."

She/Her - Human

Nira Said

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 23, 2023, 04:43:17 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room >>  Promenade - Quarks]

Rayek didn't see how their work was at all appropriate to discuss in such a public place and was about to point that out to the Betazoid hybrid Commander when he paused.   Being part Betazoid, it was quite likely that she had telepathic abilities.  He wondered if she had some hidden intention of 'checking' him for being a potential Changeling by suggesting they discuss their work telepathically while they worked in the gambling establishment.  He had been blocking the entire time during the meeting.

Slowly, Rayek nodded his agreement.

Rayek listened as the other Commander explained about Cloten's species.  He'd heard of Antican's previously but hadn't yet met one.  He nodded his appreciation for the intel.

The walk along the Promenade beside the Commander was far different than his last time aboard the station, walking with Tess and their one year old son, Fvienn shortly before he left for assignment on the RFS Valdore.  That had been just over a year ago.

Given his wife's current mandatory bedrest, Rayek felt a twinge of guilt over this 'visit' to the station's shopping district.   Perhaps if he got her a gift...

His quiet search for something suitable was however interrupted by Commander Said remarking on the station's similarity to the Middle East of Earth.   Having studied Earth and Earth history quite intensively as a youth and even more so after his defection to the Federation, Rayek knew what she was referring to in general, though he had no first hand experience of the place.

He nodded at her pointing out the etymology of her last name.  Hearing her stress the pronunciation, Rayek frowned to learn he'd been inadvertently pronouncing it incorrectly all this time.  To his ear, he was saying 'Sai-eed' when he spoke her name... but she was clearly pronouncing it as SAY-eed.  "Duly noted, Commander... 'Say-eed'."

Soon they arrived at the famous gambling establishment and Rayek grimaced, almost immediately regretting his agreement of this.  The bar was so congested with people - including more than a few Discovery crewmembers - that the Romulan couldn't help but feel the hair rise on his neck. That feeling of being watched had Rayek glancing about suspiciously.

He noted CPO Graham seated at a table with Jael and another Cardassian...recognizing her as the uncontrollable ensign that ranted at Sherem not long ago... Nural.   He noted a familiar Andorian making to leave the establishment with a little red-headed girl in hand.  The child that had skipped along Challenger's bridge.  The sight of the red-haired little girl once more brought a sudden sadness to the Romulan, remembering another - someone he'd left behind.

He was grateful when Said directed them upstairs.  But even there he couldn't escape familiar faces.  Though this one he'd never met, here in this universe.   While Commander Said was pointing out the Antican, Cloten to him, Rayek was staring at the young red-headed boy, wearing a Starfleet uniform, seated across from the smuggler.

"Ryan?" he questioned to himself under his breath.  Seemed in this universe too the Onlie couldn't stay away from trouble.

Rayek remained back, watching the exchange between Said and Cloten, ready to intervene if the Orion posed a problem, but after a brief talk the Commander returned to locating a table.

The Romulan adjusted the position of his seat so that he had his back to a wall and a clear view of the establishment from above.

"Was it wise to draw attention to ourselves like that?" he asked pointedly.  The feeling of being watched hadn't diminished any with being on the upper level.

Rayek decided to broach a new subject, and spoke in a quieter voice to do so.  "We have work to do, but before I feel we can get started in earnest there is something we need to do in order to prove to one another that we are who we say we are.  Will you allow me to speak with you telepathically?"

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira had noticed Commander tr'Lhoell's looking at some faces. Was it possible he knew some of them. He certainly seemed to recognize Mister Mackenzie as he spoke up.

Once they had their table, Nira took in the Romulan's words and shrugged. "œSome people tend to forget about it if they don't pay too much attention"¦"

But what tr'Lhoell asked quietly for next, that particularly piqued Nira's interest. She never had permission with somebody to speak telepathically before. She was momentarily befuddled; she knew that Vulcans were telepaths, whereas Romulans weren't. However, this Romulan before her must be some kind of exception. Suddenly, she was glad, exhilarated, even, to know that finally, she had somebody other than Savar to talk to telepathically.

She leaned forward to him"¦but not too close, just at a good enough distance to indicate she was interested in a story he had to tell; her body language adopting a gesture to indicate he had something extremely interesting to talk about; and her expression, to drive her body language home, very interested, like she was anticipating eagerly a very interesting story.

"œPlease do," she whispered to him with an interested smile. "œI will admit," she added in a quieter whisper, "œI never met a telepathic Romulan before."

She decided to allow him to initiate the conversation, rather than have her start. She had long learned it was never a good idea to get into a person's mind instantly, she either had to ask permission or get permission. She had her mind open, ready and willing to let him in.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Promenade --> En route back to the Challenger | Deep Space 9]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 22, 2023, 02:45:07 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Hearing the Doc, the Andorian raised a hand in a parting wave.  He'd speak with him again shortly.  His PTSD counseling sessions were mandatory after all, if he wanted to remain in Starfleet.

Still attempting to keep out of Cloten's line of sight Lahr tried to motion to Zhuk to point out the Antican.    But he supposed he needn't have worried as while he was going that the red-headed boy dragged the caninoid off towards the second level.

Lahr made a beeline towards Zhuk.   "Zhuk, you must have horsehoof or two,  in your pants for Cloten not to have recognized you.  We should get out of here."

Zhukdra'shar offered him an amused chuckle as he looked back at Cloten, who seemingly had missed him, his chest swelling with pride as a big grin became plastered on his face, "Ah, ah... Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr, I am not lucky. Merely, I am but an excellent master of acting and disguise~" Another haughty laugh came forth from within, though muffled to make it much less evident for anyone around to overhear. Still, Zhukdra'shar did make sure to make a swift, but inconspicuous getaway out of the Promenade, at least, for now.

Unfortunately, it also meant that he had failed to see Myne being caught in a net of trouble...

Quote from: myne on May 22, 2023, 03:02:48 PM

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Carefully with a smile Myne offered her hand up to hold the Andorian's, "Thank You Sir. I shall happily take an escort from you. You are most kind." The Sir would not be something an officer would say to a Crewman. But she did it in a way to show respect to an 'elder' rather then in an officer sense. Softly she whispered to him as the confidant voice once heard turning to one of fear, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you..."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 23, 2023, 07:13:47 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

The Andorian's antennae perked as the little girl took his hand.   The Petty officer didn't have a clue who the young girl dressed in civilian clothes was.  But he was happy be of help... and to piss of the overbearing Nausicaan while he was at it.  "Not a problem.  My name is ShranLahr, but you can call me Lahr.  I work on Challenger."

The fearful tone that she thanked him in had the Andorian glancing back at the still downed Nausicaan with a scowl.  He was tempted to kick the bully while he was prone but didn't think that was an appropriate action to do in front of a kid.

"Don't worry, I used to be in Security.  I can protect you." he stated as they headed for the door.

"Should we go find your brother first? Or does he know you are headed back to the ship?" Lahr asked.

Fortunately, Lahr had managed to scoop her out of danger and Zhukdra'shar was patiently waiting for them by the corridor that would lead them back to the Challenger.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


[Promenade - Quark's Bar]

M'nia was enjoying a little free time. However it was almost time to report to the Challenger. This was her first posting out of the academy. She was excited. She loved engineering. This was going to be great, she just knew it. She looked around at all the people here. Not just starfleet but a lot of civilians as well. DS9 seem to attract all kinds of people. Even  caitian or two. Alas she had no time to really get acquainted. She had a ship to catch. Ah well, she slung her bag over her shoulder and proceeded to the docking port where the challenger was waiting. As she got closer she saw security escorting what looked like a human child. A little girl and a fellow caitian nearby. She had to wonder what was going on. He appeared be lt jg. Security apparently as he was involved in escorting he girl. She was curious. "Hello lt. Umm pardon me for being curious but why is that little girl in a starfleet uniform?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian



[CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret - Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

The Andorian's antennae perked as the little girl took his hand.   The Petty officer didn't have a clue who the young girl dressed in civilian clothes was.  But he was happy be of help... and to piss of the overbearing Nausicaan while he was at it.  "Not a problem.  My name is ShranLahr, but you can call me Lahr.  I work on Challenger."

The fearful tone that she thanked him in had the Andorian glancing back at the still downed Nausicaan with a scowl.  He was tempted to kick the bully while he was prone but didn't think that was an appropriate action to do in front of a kid.

"Don't worry, I used to be in Security.  I can protect you." he stated as they headed for the door.

"Should we go find your brother first? Or does he know you are headed back to the ship?" Lahr asked.


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Unfortunately, it also meant that he had failed to see Myne being caught in a net of trouble...

Fortunately, Lahr had managed to scoop her out of danger and Zhukdra'shar was patiently waiting for them by the corridor that would lead them back to the Challenger.


[Ensign M'nia - Promenade - Quark's Bar]

M'nia was enjoying a little free time. However it was almost time to report to the Challenger. This was her first posting out of the academy. She was excited. She loved engineering. This was going to be great, she just knew it. She looked around at all the people here. Not just starfleet but a lot of civilians as well. DS9 seem to attract all kinds of people. Even  caitian or two. Alas she had no time to really get acquainted. She had a ship to catch. Ah well, she slung her bag over her shoulder and proceeded to the docking port where the challenger was waiting. As she got closer she saw security escorting what looked like a human child. A little girl and a fellow caitian nearby. She had to wonder what was going on. He appeared be lt jg. Security apparently as he was involved in escorting he girl. She was curious. "Hello lt. Umm pardon me for being curious but why is that little girl in a starfleet uniform?"

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Ensign Myne looked down at the cardigan that was mostly covering her uniform. Maybe it was her size that obscured much of the little bit showing from the Andorian but Caitian eyes are sharp. But she also spotted Zhukdra'shar and waved him over. She would address each individually.

Looking up to the nice Andorian she wiggled so her uniform was more clearer. "I'm a Ensign. Ensign Myne." When she said her name it would sound like 'mine'. "I'm not a little girl. Well I am sorta.. kinda.. My big brother is a cultural thing, its because we consider all brothers and sisters do to most of us aren't breeding age yet. You might know him, Kyan? We're both Onlines." She lowered her head looking to all three.

"That man was one of the many who had enslaved me over my two hundred and seventy years.. he thought when seeing me I would be worth more as I haven't aged in near a hundred years... but I evaded him! Could you get me back to the ship? I don't think it's safe for me here alone!"

She affectionately hugged all three as she kept close as she could her body language showing genuine fear.

Female Only


[ens M'nia Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]
M'nia was not expecting the hug. "Ohh, umm, ok." she said. Onlie. Yes she remembered from the academy. Extremely long lived. They aged extremely slow and looked like children. Physiologically they were children. "Umm very nice to meet you ens. Myne. I'm ens. M'nia, engineering. I'm actually just out of the academy. The challenger is my first posting."

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Emperor J.B Dersch

Once Dersch Finished His Meal and 3rd Non-Alcoholic Drink he thought it would be best to get back to the Discovery and Due some Security Rounds and due a Quick Weapons Locker check. He paid for his meal and started his Journey to the Discovery.  When he finally made it Discovery, he changed into a New Fresh Uniform, And Fixed his Ensign pin to the Collar and made his way to the Weapons Locker all while Also doing His Quick Security Walk through. When he got there he found the PADD with all the lists and Got To Work.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Jess Willard on May 24, 2023, 01:20:51 AM


Jess nodded to the Doctor and offered a simple "Doctor." as a greeting. "Kinley Garrison, two solid pips makes her a full lieutenant, assigned to the Discovery. Did I already read her file? No. Must be a newer transfer like me." She thought to herself in the split second between greeting the Doctor and addressing Garrison. "Engisn Jessica Willard. People usually just call me Jess though. I am the Discovery's new counselor. I guess word gets around fast. I only found out about it a few hours ago myself."

"œNice to meet ya." Kinley smiled. She definitely seemed new. "˜The Discovery's a good ship. She goes back quite a bit, for sure. The waitress came by with her drink and the parfait. Probably took a bit because of the level seven lockdown on jello that was now ingrained into Steve's coding. "œAlright buddy, want some jello?" she asked but saw nothing. "œOh great. Where'd he go?"


Steve noticed someone small passing by. She was awfully small to be here, and she definitely seemed out of place. Maybe lost? It was hard to tell. While his Human was talking with the other Humans, he slipped away to get a better look at this Small one.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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