Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Steve noticed someone small passing by. She was awfully small to be here, and she definitely seemed out of place. Maybe lost? It was hard to tell. While his Human was talking with the other Humans, he slipped away to get a better look at this Small one.

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Myne actually enjoyed the safe feeling of all these nice people when her ears perked. A habit you pick up I guess when bad follows you. Looking down she got to one knee as she continued reaching up and holding the Andorian's hand.

"Oh aren't you just the sweetest little baby Gorn? Did you wander from your clutch? Where's your Mommy little Gorn?", Myne said holding out her free hand.

Female Only


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 23, 2023, 11:14:54 PM

[Promenade- Quark's bar]

Just then, Kinley heard a familiar shout.

Steve perked up immediately on hearing his name and began squeaking happily, rapping his tail against the bar, quite loudly, if she might say herself, but she didn't blame Steve too much. When he saw a friend, he let everyone know. Kinley smiled and spoke over the din. "œHey, Evan! It's been a bit, hasn't it? What've you been up to since the Commission?"


Evan continued to pet Steve as he answered Kinley's question. "It's been good," he told her, trying not to feel awkward. Eye contact was not one of his strong suits, even when he knew the person well. "T'Ra finally got tired of the politics and retired to raise the kids on Vulcan. But I just couldn't resist the itch of space travel."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 24, 2023, 06:48:58 PM


Steve noticed someone small passing by. She was awfully small to be here, and she definitely seemed out of place. Maybe lost? It was hard to tell. While his Human was talking with the other Humans, he slipped away to get a better look at this Small one.

Something suddenly caught the little velociraptor's attention, and Evan stood to follow with his eyes where the little guy went. "Ummm... Lieutenant?" he said, trying to grab Kinley's attention. "Steve thinks he found a child." It was all he could do to keep a straight face because he was more than aware how old the little ensign in question was.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: myne on May 24, 2023, 06:56:34 PM

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Myne actually enjoyed the safe feeling of all these nice people when her ears perked. A habit you pick up I guess when bad follows you. Looking down she got to one knee as she continued reaching up and holding the Andorian's hand.

"Oh aren't you just the sweetest little baby Gorn? Did you wander from your clutch? Where's your Mommy little Gorn?", Myne said holding out her free hand.

Quote from: Buehler on May 24, 2023, 07:45:17 PM


Evan continued to pet Steve as he answered Kinley's question. "It's been good," he told her, trying not to feel awkward. Eye contact was not one of his strong suits, even when he knew the person well. "T'Ra finally got tired of the politics and retired to raise the kids on Vulcan. But I just couldn't resist the itch of space travel."
Something suddenly caught the little velociraptor's attention, and Evan stood to follow with his eyes where the little guy went. "Ummm... Lieutenant?" he said, trying to grab Kinley's attention. "Steve thinks he found a child." It was all he could do to keep a straight face because he was more than aware how old the little ensign in question was.


Kinley smiled. "œI'm glad to hear that she's doing alright. Definitely give her mine and Steve's regards." At the mention of where Steve was, she sighed., Why was she not surprised? "œExcuse me. "œ she came out to where Steve was, to find a little girl around some Caitian, among others. It was a veritable crowd around there. "œSorry about that. Steve really likes kids. He's a holographic Velociraptor "œ she said, trying to explain the situation.

Steve on the other hand, was absolutely excited, thumping his tail and rubbing against the little girl in Starfleet uniform"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quarks' 2nd level]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 24, 2023, 09:17:25 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira had noticed Commander tr'Lhoell's looking at some faces. Was it possible he knew some of them. He certainly seemed to recognize Mister Mackenzie as he spoke up.

Once they had their table, Nira took in the Romulan's words and shrugged. "œSome people tend to forget about it if they don't pay too much attention"¦"

But what tr'Lhoell asked quietly for next, that particularly piqued Nira's interest. She never had permission with somebody to speak telepathically before. She was momentarily befuddled; she knew that Vulcans were telepaths, whereas Romulans weren't. However, this Romulan before her must be some kind of exception. Suddenly, she was glad, exhilarated, even, to know that finally, she had somebody other than Savar to talk to telepathically.

She leaned forward to him"¦but not too close, just at a good enough distance to indicate she was interested in a story he had to tell; her body language adopting a gesture to indicate he had something extremely interesting to talk about; and her expression, to drive her body language home, very interested, like she was anticipating eagerly a very interesting story.

"œPlease do," she whispered to him with an interested smile. "œI will admit," she added in a quieter whisper, "œI never met a telepathic Romulan before."

She decided to allow him to initiate the conversation, rather than have her start. She had long learned it was never a good idea to get into a person's mind instantly, she either had to ask permission or get permission. She had her mind open, ready and willing to let him in.

In all his 16 years of being aware of his ability, never had he had someone be so keen to share thoughts.  Well, except for Tess but that was different.

While Commander Said leaned forward in interest, Rayek sat further back in his seat.  Her whispered comment wasn't surprising.  He didn't know of any other either.   With Tess, he would have used the Vulcan mindmeld method he'd been taught to share more deeply with his wife; but with the Commander a surface connection would be more than sufficient, especially since the Commander was a telepath herself.

He reached out with this mind, being cautious to lockdown all but his conscious thoughts from her.  With the connection made, Rayek went straight to business.

~tel~ Though I get the sense from the Admiral that he wanted our two ships to work jointly with crew intermingled, I believe our chances of success would be greater if the two away teams were assigned by ship.  The teams would be far more efficient, already knowing one another's strengths and weaknesses.~~

He continued on.   ~tel~ As you are aware, one of Discovery's Sec/Tac officers is the daughter of Gul Sherem.   While I am tempted to, leave her behind - she is a capable officer and would be of better use on the away.  Given this, I believe Challenger's away team should be assigned to infiltrate Melek Nor, while Discovery's team can deal with the Breen base.  That is the recommendation I will be putting forward to Captain Tekin and Captain Galloway, unless you have a better idea...? ~~

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 24, 2023, 11:11:51 AM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Zhukdra'shar offered him an amused chuckle as he looked back at Cloten, who seemingly had missed him, his chest swelling with pride as a big grin became plastered on his face, "Ah, ah... Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr, I am not lucky. Merely, I am but an excellent master of acting and disguise~" Another haughty laugh came forth from within, though muffled to make it much less evident for anyone around to overhear. Still, Zhukdra'shar did make sure to make a swift, but inconspicuous getaway out of the Promenade, at least, for now.

Unfortunately, it also meant that he had failed to see Myne being caught in a net of trouble...

Fortunately, Lahr had managed to scoop her out of danger and Zhukdra'shar was patiently waiting for them by the corridor that would lead them back to the Challenger.

With the kid in hand and them now outside of Quark's Lahr felt better.  He grinned to Zhuk and gave the Caitian an up-nod signalling all was well.
Quote from: M'Nia on May 24, 2023, 12:38:32 PM

[Promenade - Quark's Bar]

M'nia was enjoying a little free time. However it was almost time to report to the Challenger. This was her first posting out of the academy. She was excited. She loved engineering. This was going to be great, she just knew it. She looked around at all the people here. Not just starfleet but a lot of civilians as well. DS9 seem to attract all kinds of people. Even  caitian or two. Alas she had no time to really get acquainted. She had a ship to catch. Ah well, she slung her bag over her shoulder and proceeded to the docking port where the challenger was waiting. As she got closer she saw security escorting what looked like a human child. A little girl and a fellow caitian nearby. She had to wonder what was going on. He appeared be lt jg. Security apparently as he was involved in escorting he girl. She was curious. "Hello lt. Umm pardon me for being curious but why is that little girl in a starfleet uniform?"

The approach of another Caitian gained Lahr's attention and he smiled charming.   But he blinked at her question.  Uniform?  He glanced to the little girl in puzzlement, only belatedly recognizing the older style uniform.  Lahr's antennae shot up in surprise.
Quote from: myne on May 24, 2023, 01:07:40 PM

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Ensign Myne looked down at the cardigan that was mostly covering her uniform. Maybe it was her size that obscured much of the little bit showing from the Andorian but Caitian eyes are sharp. But she also spotted Zhukdra'shar and waved him over. She would address each individually.

Looking up to the nice Andorian she wiggled so her uniform was more clearer. "I'm a Ensign. Ensign Myne." When she said her name it would sound like 'mine'. "I'm not a little girl. Well I am sorta.. kinda.. My big brother is a cultural thing, its because we consider all brothers and sisters do to most of us aren't breeding age yet. You might know him, Kyan? We're both Onlines." She lowered her head looking to all three.

"That man was one of the many who had enslaved me over my two hundred and seventy years.. he thought when seeing me I would be worth more as I haven't aged in near a hundred years... but I evaded him! Could you get me back to the ship? I don't think it's safe for me here alone!"

She affectionately hugged all three as she kept close as she could her body language showing genuine fear.

Ensign!?  This girl was an officer!?  The explanation of her being an Only... didn't really make much sense to the Andorian.   Having only gone through the 8 month enlisted 'academy' - he didn't NEED to know all the same stuff that officers did.   But still he thought he knew most species.    It was embarrassing to realize he didn't know what an Only was - other than a humanoid that looked like a Human child.

So flabbergasted was he, that it took a moment for the rest of her statement about being enslaved and over two hundred years old ... to filter in.   The Andorian was kind of slow at times.

"Wait...what?!  You've got to be kidding me?" But apparently not.

While he stood there stunned and at a loss for what to say or do in response to the Ensign's terrible statement, things moved on around him as if they were fast paced and him stuck in molasses.

Quote from: M'Nia on May 24, 2023, 01:27:45 PM

[ens M'nia Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]
M'nia was not expecting the hug. "Ohh, umm, ok." she said. Onlie. Yes she remembered from the academy. Extremely long lived. They aged extremely slow and looked like children. Physiologically they were children. "Umm very nice to meet you ens. Myne. I'm ens. M'nia, engineering. I'm actually just out of the academy. The challenger is my first posting."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 24, 2023, 06:48:58 PM


Steve noticed someone small passing by. She was awfully small to be here, and she definitely seemed out of place. Maybe lost? It was hard to tell. While his Human was talking with the other Humans, he slipped away to get a better look at this Small one.

Quote from: myne on May 24, 2023, 06:56:34 PM

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Myne actually enjoyed the safe feeling of all these nice people when her ears perked. A habit you pick up I guess when bad follows you. Looking down she got to one knee as she continued reaching up and holding the Andorian's hand.

"Oh aren't you just the sweetest little baby Gorn? Did you wander from your clutch? Where's your Mommy little Gorn?", Myne said holding out her free hand.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 24, 2023, 11:41:41 PM


Kinley smiled. "œI'm glad to hear that she's doing alright. Definitely give her mine and Steve's regards." At the mention of where Steve was, she sighed., Why was she not surprised? "œExcuse me. "œ she came out to where Steve was, to find a little girl around some Caitian, among others. It was a veritable crowd around there. "œSorry about that. Steve really likes kids. He's a holographic Velociraptor "œ she said, trying to explain the situation.

Steve on the other hand, was absolutely excited, thumping his tail and rubbing against the little girl in Starfleet uniform"

Lahr remained stunned saying nothing long enough for others to arrive and for Myne to make a new friend. The thumping tail at his leg finally drew Lahr's attention and the sight of Ensign Myne playing with a velociraptor was startling enough to draw a cry of alarm from the Andorian and he quickly bent to scoop to up the Ensign thinking to back away from the dinosaur.

He'd seen the classic 'Jurassic Park' at movie night he knew what a threat the creature was.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 21, 2023, 11:38:40 PM

Without waiting for a reply, Vila had plopped her old, tired self down in a chair. She had been around the block a time or five, and she noted the lack of CO's-something was up. She might've only been a Fleet spouse back then, but she knew enough.

"Hello, I am new. Who are you?" She asked the group. "Ens. Lorut Vila." She didn't elaborate further.

Saqa7 was the last of the Science department to leave the ship, and she did so rather reluctantly.  She had her duffelbag packed full.   It was obvious this wasn't just a 48 hr leave for her.  The call to return home for a family emergency had come shortly before they arrived at DS9, Rayek had promptly approved a Leave of Absence for her and made arrangements to have a replacement Science officer brought in to fill her role as Lieutenant Cadbury's 'second'.   He'd also made arrangements to have her booked on ship headed back to Earth.

Saqa7 glanced at the time on her PADD.  Still another 5 hrs before her flight was set to board.

Hoping to say a last goodbye to her dear friend she'd inquired from the computer as to Rayek's whereabouts and had been surprised to get the reply that he was at Quark's.   It certainly wasn't his usual form of relaxation.

However when she did locate him, he seemed to be in deep conversation with Commander Said, so Saqa7 headed to the counter to order a rootbeer and wait until he was done.

The Bajoran woman beside her suddenly introduced herself.

Saqa7 smiled.  "Hi, Vila. I'm Junior Lieutenant Saqa7 Mountain-Khan.  Nice to meet you.  You claim you are new, huh?  What ship are you assigned?" Saqa7 asked.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jess Willard

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 24, 2023, 06:48:58 PM

"œNice to meet ya." Kinley smiled. She definitely seemed new. "˜The Discovery's a good ship. She goes back quite a bit, for sure. The waitress came by with her drink and the parfait. Probably took a bit because of the level seven lockdown on jello that was now ingrained into Steve's coding. "œAlright buddy, want some jello?" she asked but saw nothing. "œOh great. Where'd he go?"


Steve noticed someone small passing by. She was awfully small to be here, and she definitely seemed out of place. Maybe lost? It was hard to tell. While his Human was talking with the other Humans, he slipped away to get a better look at this Small one.

[Promenade - Quark's]

Jess smiled and added a half nod as Kinley finished the last sentence directed to her. "It certainly does. I was studying the ship and its crew before you arrived. It helps to have a baseline understanding of people and their previous careers in my line of work." She beamed lightly. It was at that moment Kinley seemed to get swept away again. Her head shook again as she leaned back into her chair. Observing was an important part of her job, at least she was getting a chance to observe one of the officers she'd be serving with in the future. However, for now, she knew her time was best spent trying to read personnel files until she got the call to move to the ship or other orders. She silently picked the PADD back up and began scrolling through all of the information once again.

She/Her - Human


[Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

When Myne was 'rescued ' from the holographic Velociraptor, M'nia though she should intercede. "Whoa Chief Petty officer. It's just a hologram. It's programmed to be friendly. The ensign is in no danger. Correct Ens. Myne?""

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


[Ensign Myne | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Myne allowed herself to be scooped up if that was the Crewman's intentions and held to him with a happy smile, she would weigh so little and would easily be liftable, with a gentle smile, "My hero.."

Listening to the other Ensign the Only looked down, "I don't know what it is. I'm a Xenozoologist and my assumption is a young Gorn or young Voth maybe? But if you know it's safe then thats a relief." She nestled against the Crewman if she had been lifted and smiled feeling so safe now.

Female Only


"Yes, I did some research on Steve. He's specially programed for therapy. He thought you might need a friend.' M'nia said, her tail flicking back and forth. "you're puurfecly safe."

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 25, 2023, 02:20:12 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Saqa7 was the last of the Science department to leave the ship, and she did so rather reluctantly.  She had her duffelbag packed full.   It was obvious this wasn't just a 48 hr leave for her.  The call to return home for a family emergency had come shortly before they arrived at DS9, Rayek had promptly approved a Leave of Absence for her and made arrangements to have a replacement Science officer brought in to fill her role as Lieutenant Cadbury's 'second'.   He'd also made arrangements to have her booked on ship headed back to Earth.

Saqa7 glanced at the time on her PADD.  Still another 5 hrs before her flight was set to board.

Hoping to say a last goodbye to her dear friend she'd inquired from the computer as to Rayek's whereabouts and had been surprised to get the reply that he was at Quark's.   It certainly wasn't his usual form of relaxation.

However when she did locate him, he seemed to be in deep conversation with Commander Said, so Saqa7 headed to the counter to order a rootbeer and wait until he was done.

The Bajoran woman beside her suddenly introduced herself.

Saqa7 smiled.  "Hi, Vila. I'm Junior Lieutenant Saqa7 Mountain-Khan.  Nice to meet you.  You claim you are new, huh?  What ship are you assigned?" Saqa7 asked.

Vila nodded. "Yes, I just started yesterday," she said. "I am on the Discovery; Engineering." She explained. "Nice to meet you, Lt. Saqa7," Vila said. "What brings you to Quark's for root beer?" She asked, having overheard the other's order. She wiggled the glass at Quark. "ANOTHER," she hollered over the din, "please." She'd stop after this one. Get some sleep. Or whatever. She didn't know just yet.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 23, 2023, 03:34:53 AM

:: Quarks | Upper level ::

Listening to Said's interaction with Cloten, Kyan's interest piqued when she mentioned, and Cloten confirmed that he'd stolen a ship from the fleet museum. To him, it wasn't important. After all, Cloten was a thief. He was supposed to steal stuff. Fitting a museum ship with transwarp tech? Very interesting. There werent many places to get that.

The Nor class station that they'd recently come across came to mind and Kyan filed away that line of questioning for later. One thing that made little sense was Cloten's bringing the ship to a Federation station. It seemed like a poor choice ...which wasn't Cloten's usual MO. He was careful. He was also not reckless enough to make a move like that without a good reason. And that meant that there were other things going on here, which he would normally dig into, except he had his own agenda today.

After Commander Said and the other Commander, a Romulan who Kyan hadn't met, went off to their own table, Kyan leaned in so that he could speak softly but still be heard. "I dinnae care about yer stolen ship the now, or the transparent tech. I might later so I might but right now I need a favor from ye."

Before Cloten could answer, Quark appeared with a drink tray. Fishing for information no doubt. But as it happened, Kyan wanted to see him too.
"Ah..Quark. You've a few things I want tae buy."

The Ferengi's mouth widened in a toothy grin. "Go on." He almost cooed.

Kyan motioned him closer. "I dinnae want anyone knowing what it's a surprise so."

The Ferengi leaned in and Kyan whispered his request in Quark's ear. Confusion was his reply. But before he asked a question, the Onlie made his offer.

"I'll give ye 10 strips for the first one and double that for the second one." Kyan knew Quark wouldn't have asked that much, so he offered it to get things done. He likely had questions, which Kyan had no interest in answering, hence the sweet offer.

Quark produced a Ferengi padd and set to drawing up a quick bill of sale. When it was ready he put the padd on the table. Kyan thumbed it, finalizing the deal. "Thanks Quark!" He grinned then he turned to Cloten.

"Now fer yer own part in it." Kyan began. "There's a Nausiccan down there at the bar. I'd be after you getting me the transporter codes to his ship."

[Deej Cloten | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Cloten could feel the girl's gaze. He always had the impression of whenever he was being watched. It was obvious it was that girl Nira, given the way she spoke to him earlier. He was a little surprised at Baby-Face's proposal. He looked down and saw the Nausicaan in mind.

"Dgirr?" he asked in surprise, pronouncing the name like "Digger." "That old warthog? You...want his transporter codes?"

He was a little surprised that he wanted something sneaking to have to do with that grizzled snoutless warthog. Of course he knew that old fossil, he could hardly forget a face when he needed weapons or information.

Meanwhile, Jael was standing up and stretching. "Well, it was good to know you, Kina," she said. "I think I'm going to go back to Discovery and turn in. I might even introduce you to my adopted brother sometime."

As she was leaving, Galen Mal looked around and pursed his lips. There she was going, and here he was, stuck as bodyguard to this furry little lunatic rekindling a enefrendship with a familiar face. Instead, he just scowled as the deal continued.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Tekin Nevir

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom to Bajoran Temple]

With the orders and the leave given for him and his crew.  Nevir waited a moment before finally standing up and leaving with Ian.  With him not needing to cancel shore leave he decided to do something he hadn't done in years.  He took the lift back down to the Promenade and started walking slowly around, seeing the old and new shops.  He nodded to old faces, until he stopped.  He was in front of Quark's bar.  He debated walking in, but that wasn't his actual destination.  He looked across from Quark's, where nearby there was a familiar entry... the Bajoran Temple.

Walking in, he nodded to the Vedeks and younger monks as he made his way towards the Orb at the front of the temple.  Getting down on his knees, he sat and started praying to the Prophets.  With thanks and for guidance, he knelt, embracing himself and his spirituality.

Nira Said

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 25, 2023, 01:02:29 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quarks' 2nd level]

In all his 16 years of being aware of his ability, never had he had someone be so keen to share thoughts.  Well, except for Tess but that was different.

While Commander Said leaned forward in interest, Rayek sat further back in his seat.  Her whispered comment wasn't surprising.  He didn't know of any other either.   With Tess, he would have used the Vulcan mindmeld method he'd been taught to share more deeply with his wife; but with the Commander a surface connection would be more than sufficient, especially since the Commander was a telepath herself.

He reached out with this mind, being cautious to lockdown all but his conscious thoughts from her.  With the connection made, Rayek went straight to business.

~tel~ Though I get the sense from the Admiral that he wanted our two ships to work jointly with crew intermingled, I believe our chances of success would be greater if the two away teams were assigned by ship.  The teams would be far more efficient, already knowing one another's strengths and weaknesses.~~

He continued on.   ~tel~ As you are aware, one of Discovery's Sec/Tac officers is the daughter of Gul Sherem.   While I am tempted to, leave her behind - she is a capable officer and would be of better use on the away.  Given this, I believe Challenger's away team should be assigned to infiltrate Melek Nor, while Discovery's team can deal with the Breen base.  That is the recommendation I will be putting forward to Captain Tekin and Captain Galloway, unless you have a better idea...? ~~

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira recieved Commander tr'Lhoell's thoughts and nodded. Telepathically, she replied, I absolutely agree, Commander. Two teams, one per each ship. Of course, if we ever need members of the different teams consist of crewmembers from both ships, we're each going to need to assess the crew: I assess crew from Discovery while you assess crew from Challenger.

Nira nodded with a grin, like she just heard an amusing joke, but she continued replying. It would make sense. I heard from Jael when we met briefly, having infiltrated a Cardassian pirate ship at the time. If Jael knows Melek Nor, she'll point us the way, although, if there are Cardassian officials on the way here, they're bound to know more than she does.

Still, she continued, the two days we have, Admiral Kira did indicate it's the perfect time frame for each of our crews to get to know the layout of Deep Space Nine, since Melek Nor will have the same thing. However, given that we're going to get Breen suits to disguise ourselves, again, it stands to reason that we have to assess each other's crews. Some of them won't likely fit in Breen suits, and therefore, they'll have to come along disguised as "prisoners." However, with Cloten involved in this...I do especially advise that Shran'Lahr ch'Verret work with him, or be a "prisoner." As an Andorian, he'll be as good with the cold as the Breen.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 25, 2023, 09:34:43 PM

"Dgirr?" he asked in surprise, pronouncing the name like "Digger." "That old warthog? You...want his transporter codes?"

Kyan nodded. "Aye him." he replied evenly. "And I'd have ye tell him that I got me a Klingon Dagh'Tagh that some High ranked Klingon is willing tae pay a lot to have back. And he can be getting the reward on Ty'Gokor."

Then before Cloten could ask, which Kyan figured he would...."It's not a Starfleet thing either so. It's personal business I got with him."

🡱 🡳

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