Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Kina Nural

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 25, 2023, 09:34:43 PM

Meanwhile, Jael was standing up and stretching. "Well, it was good to know you, Kina," she said. "I think I'm going to go back to Discovery and turn in. I might even introduce you to my adopted brother sometime."

As she was leaving, Galen Mal looked around and pursed his lips. There she was going, and here he was, stuck as bodyguard to this furry little lunatic rekindling a enefrendship with a familiar face. Instead, he just scowled as the deal continued.

[Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine]

Kina stood when Jael stood. It was always important to be respectful to those you wish to stay in good graces with. Granted, Jael was on a different ship than her, but she felt that they bonded just a little bit. She gave her a smile and nodded at the offer. "It was very delightful to meet you as well, Jael. I would be happy to meet your brother. If you would like, I'm positive that my father would like to meet you as well." She gave her new friend a small wave before leaving the Ferengi establishment.

Kina walked out and down the Promenade, looking at the many different shops that were spread along the walkway. As she walked, something caught her eye. It was just a little Bajoran knickknack, but its design was beautiful. She remembered her father telling her how her mother loved Bajor, that she gained so much inspiration from both the planet and the people, roughly 95% of all her art was based from Bajor. She thought the little trinket would be good to have in her quarters, so she bought it before returning to Challenger.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: M'Nia on May 25, 2023, 05:47:50 PM

"Yes, I did some research on Steve. He's specially programed for therapy. He thought you might need a friend.' M'nia said, her tail flicking back and forth. "you're puurfecly safe."

Kinley nodded as she picked up the little raptor. That old movie from 1993 still was relevant, even to this day. "Yup. He's perfectly harmless and from what his creator said, he has a lot of protocols if he ever had to go protect others." she said. "I've been studying him for a while on behalf of his creator. It's remarkable what he's been doing already, but I'm pretty sure you probably don't want to hear that lecture."
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


"Thank you Lt. Nice to know my research was accurate. See myne, nothing to worry about. He's puurfectly safe as i said." M'nia went over to Steve. "Hello Steve. I'm M'nia. Nice to meet you!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Quote from: M'Nia on May 25, 2023, 01:43:22 PM

[Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

When Myne was 'rescued ' from the holographic Velociraptor, M'nia though she should intercede. "Whoa Chief Petty officer. It's just a hologram. It's programmed to be friendly. The ensign is in no danger. Correct Ens. Myne?"

Quote from: myne on May 25, 2023, 02:10:08 PM

[Ensign Myne | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Myne allowed herself to be scooped up if that was the Crewman's intentions and held to him with a happy smile, she would weigh so little and would easily be liftable, with a gentle smile, "My hero.."

Listening to the other Ensign the Only looked down, "I don't know what it is. I'm a Xenozoologist and my assumption is a young Gorn or young Voth maybe? But if you know it's safe then thats a relief." She nestled against the Crewman if she had been lifted and smiled feeling so safe now.

Quote from: M'Nia on May 25, 2023, 05:47:50 PM

"Yes, I did some research on Steve. He's specially programed for therapy. He thought you might need a friend.' M'nia said, her tail flicking back and forth. "you're puurfecly safe."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 26, 2023, 12:22:34 AM

Kinley nodded as she picked up the little raptor. That old movie from 1993 still was relevant, even to this day. "Yup. He's perfectly harmless and from what his creator said, he has a lot of protocols if he ever had to go protect others." she said. "I've been studying him for a while on behalf of his creator. It's remarkable what he's been doing already, but I'm pretty sure you probably don't want to hear that lecture."

Quote from: M'Nia on May 26, 2023, 12:33:51 AM

"Thank you Lt. Nice to know my research was accurate. See myne, nothing to worry about. He's puurfectly safe as i said." M'nia went over to Steve. "Hello Steve. I'm M'nia. Nice to meet you!"

Lahr's attention moved from Ensign to Ensign to Lieutenant as each spoke.  He then eyed the velociraptor skeptically for a moment before cautiously lowering the child-like Ensign down, even as she nestled in closer.  Oh roozh!

"Uh, sorry for that. Not sure what I was thinking there, Ma'am." He addressed his apology to Only officer.  He might not be in uniform but that didn't give him leeway to completely ignore the rules of conduct.  Besides which Ruth would take her axes to him if any of the crew passed onto her that he was bridal-carrying another red-headed officer.  She wouldn't give him any opportunity to explain.

The enlisted engineer then crouched down to study the hologram in closer detail.  The distraction of the dinosaur was rather welcome.  It meant that the Andorian didn't have to recall the discomforting story that he'd heard from the young-looking Ensign.

Lahr reached out a hand to touch the hologram but stopped just shy of it, allowing 'Steve' to sniff it.  The Andorian looked to who he figured was it's owner.  "May I?  I'd love to take peek at it's program.  This is an amazing likeness." 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quarks - 2nd level]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 25, 2023, 09:57:42 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira received Commander tr'Lhoell's thoughts and nodded. Telepathically, she replied, I absolutely agree, Commander. Two teams, one per each ship. Of course, if we ever need members of the different teams consist of crewmembers from both ships, we're each going to need to assess the crew: I assess crew from Discovery while you assess crew from Challenger.

Nira nodded with a grin, like she just heard an amusing joke, but she continued replying. It would make sense. I heard from Jael when we met briefly, having infiltrated a Cardassian pirate ship at the time. If Jael knows Melek Nor, she'll point us the way, although, if there are Cardassian officials on the way here, they're bound to know more than she does.

Still, she continued, the two days we have, Admiral Kira did indicate it's the perfect time frame for each of our crews to get to know the layout of Deep Space Nine, since Melek Nor will have the same thing. However, given that we're going to get Breen suits to disguise ourselves, again, it stands to reason that we have to assess each other's crews. Some of them won't likely fit in Breen suits, and therefore, they'll have to come along disguised as "prisoners." However, with Cloten involved in this...I do especially advise that Shran'Lahr ch'Verret work with him, or be a "prisoner." As an Andorian, he'll be as good with the cold as the Breen.

Rayek considered the Commander's telepathic comments a moment before he nodded.  ~ tel ~"‹ I'll have Lt Sherem available to speak with your team prior if you wish, but it would be too risky to send her along to Melek Nor itself. She could easily become a liability there.  She is much too emotionally involved with the target, especially if that emotion is hatred. ~~

Rayek paused to motion a waitress over and ordered a synthehol Ale.   Though he knew the Ferengi run establishment would have the real stuff - even Romulan ale,  the Discovery's First Officer didn't have the luxury of imbibing actual alcohol.

~ tel ~"‹ Playing the prisoner could just as risky.  I'd suggest working on building ch'Verret's coverstory now so it won't be flimsy when it comes time to do the infiltration then, or leave him behind. ~~

Rayek seemed pensive a moment as he waited for his drink to arrive.  Then he sipped at it.

~ tel ~"‹ The team I am considering won't require such tactics. ~~

In his thoughts, Rayek clearly decided against bringing Lt Addams, despite her experience because it would be too risky for the Grazerite and her entire team if she were discovered.

~ tel ~"‹ The away team size, I will be limiting to 6 members, myself included.  That way if by chance Gul Sherem is captured by my team, we can do an emergency transport with the entire team and it's target if need be.  But that means scrutinizing who I bring closely.   I'll have two security to cover front and back.  Probably Sherem and Dranik.  An Ops and an engineer to secure the database.  I'm thinking Ensign Lorut and... ~~

He paused, the Romulan wanted to bring his friend. Lek was brilliant and he knew that if they encountered any technical issues, Lek could think on his feet faster than anyone else he knew to solve it.  But Rayek was concerned that perhaps his impression of the Ferengi was biased. Besides he doubted Tekin would agree to his assigning the Chief Engineer to an away mission.  Lek's place was literally on the ship.

Then there was Gohun.  In spite of the fiasco aboard the Valdore, Rayek knew Gohun was also a brilliant engineer.  Maybe he just needed the opportunity to prove it to others?  Being an El-aurian the man had decades of experience.  Surely that counted for something?

~ tel ~"‹ .. Gohun.  For medical, Discovery has a new member arriving - Ensign Willard. I'll likely take her since Sluchaynyy is quite frankly difficult for me to understand with his accent. ~~

The elder Russian had too strong an accent and Rayek's self-taught Federation Standard couldn't make out what the man was saying half the time when listening to the Assistant Chief log reports (and the universal translator wasn't any better at it than him).  Rayek suspected the stress of an away mission would only strengthen the man's native tongue and the accent would double.

~ tel ~"‹ Those are who I will be recommending to Captain Tekin. ~~

As he stated this telepathically, Rayek began drafting up his recommendations in a message to Tekin for approval.   The sooner that team was assembled the more time they would have together to learn about typical Breen base construction and layout.

~ tel ~"‹ Who are you considering - other than ch'Verret? ~~

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 25, 2023, 07:35:45 PM

Vila nodded. "Yes, I just started yesterday," she said. "I am on the Discovery; Engineering." She explained. "Nice to meet you, Lt. Saqa7," Vila said. "What brings you to Quark's for root beer?" She asked, having overheard the other's order. She wiggled the glass at Quark. "ANOTHER," she hollered over the din, "please." She'd stop after this one. Get some sleep. Or whatever. She didn't know just yet.

The moment Vila mentioned the ship Discovery, the native woman's face lit up and she nodded in excitement.   "I'm assigned to Discovery as well.  That makes us shipmates.  I'm in Science." she offered in reply.

When asked what she was doing in Quark's ordering a root beer, Saqa7 gave a somewhat embarrassed shrug.  "I don't drink alcohol much - not since I nearly cheated on my partner with an exotic dancer at a bachelorette."  That had been one wild night.

"And I'm here to say goodbye to the Commander before I head back to Earth for family reasons.  Have you met Commander tr'Lhoell yet?" she asked curious.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Nira Said

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 26, 2023, 04:00:08 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quarks - 2nd level]

Rayek considered the Commander's telepathic comments a moment before he nodded.  ~ tel ~"‹ I'll have Lt Sherem available to speak with your team prior if you wish, but it would be too risky to send her along to Melek Nor itself. She could easily become a liability there.  She is much too emotionally involved with the target, especially if that emotion is hatred. ~~

Rayek paused to motion a waitress over and ordered a synthehol Ale.   Though he knew the Ferengi run establishment would have the real stuff - even Romulan ale,  the Discovery's First Officer didn't have the luxury of imbibing actual alcohol.

~ tel ~"‹ Playing the prisoner could just as risky.  I'd suggest working on building ch'Verret's coverstory now so it won't be flimsy when it comes time to do the infiltration then, or leave him behind. ~~

Rayek seemed pensive a moment as he waited for his drink to arrive.  Then he sipped at it.

~ tel ~"‹ The team I am considering won't require such tactics. ~~

In his thoughts, Rayek clearly decided against bringing Lt Addams, despite her experience because it would be too risky for the Grazerite and her entire team if she were discovered.

~ tel ~"‹ The away team size, I will be limiting to 6 members, myself included.  That way if by chance Gul Sherem is captured by my team, we can do an emergency transport with the entire team and it's target if need be.  But that means scrutinizing who I bring closely.   I'll have two security to cover front and back.  Probably Sherem and Dranik.  An Ops and an engineer to secure the database.  I'm thinking Ensign Lorut and... ~~

He paused, the Romulan wanted to bring his friend. Lek was brilliant and he knew that if they encountered any technical issues, Lek could think on his feet faster than anyone else he knew to solve it.  But Rayek was concerned that perhaps his impression of the Ferengi was biased. Besides he doubted Tekin would agree to his assigning the Chief Engineer to an away mission.  Lek's place was literally on the ship.

Then there was Gohun.  In spite of the fiasco aboard the Valdore, Rayek knew Gohun was also a brilliant engineer.  Maybe he just needed the opportunity to prove it to others?  Being an El-aurian the man had decades of experience.  Surely that counted for something?

~ tel ~"‹ .. Gohun.  For medical, Discovery has a new member arriving - Ensign Willard. I'll likely take her since Sluchaynyy is quite frankly difficult for me to understand with his accent. ~~

The elder Russian had too strong an accent and Rayek's self-taught Federation Standard couldn't make out what the man was saying half the time when listening to the Assistant Chief log reports (and the universal translator wasn't any better at it than him).  Rayek suspected the stress of an away mission would only strengthen the man's native tongue and the accent would double.

~ tel ~"‹ Those are who I will be recommending to Captain Tekin. ~~

As he stated this telepathically, Rayek began drafting up his recommendations in a message to Tekin for approval.   The sooner that team was assembled the more time they would have together to learn about typical Breen base construction and layout.

~ tel ~"‹ Who are you considering - other than ch'Verret? ~~

[Commander Nira Said | Second Level | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As the waitress passed by, while tr'Lhoell asked for a synthohol ale, Nira ordered an Arabic sahlab. When it came with the ale, Nira took a sip and was impressed by how excellently done it was.

Yes, it is a good idea of Jael not being on Melek Nor. Too many connections. However, yes, she can tell us as much as she can. Although it could be a good idea if we call her and one of our officers, Ensign Nural, to our next briefing; from what I understand, her father and Jael's mother are coming here. They might coordinate with each other to help us.

Six in a team is a good idea,
added Nira. And you got good choices with Dranik and Gohun. Me...Ensign Nural for Medical and Ensign Myne for science...although I'm not sure with her, she'd be too small for a Breen suit...although, she and Mister Mackenzie, one of our new security officers, they could probably fit in one Breen suit if she sits on his shoulders piggy-back...Mackenzie can be involved as Security, along with one of Challenger's deputies, Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas...though you can call him Mister Mrekrerhas or Zhuk for short. He's one of our best security officers currently. With me and Mister ch'Verret, that makes it an even half-dozen.

Nira was confident in her choices. It'll make sense, she added, to have Mister ch'Verret as a colleague of Cloten's. If the Breen and the old man are making deals with Cloten, then Mister ch'Verret will be able to get a good look around. Otherwise, alternatively, he can be replaced by Mister McNair, our Ops officer.

In any case, though, I'll be sure to have my officers go on a tour of Deep Space Nine to get to know the layout in particular. I'll ask Admiral Kira or one of DS9's command staff if they can spare somebody to give us a tour. Of course, we can ask them for one or two additional officers to assist us if need be.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



Lahr's attention moved from Ensign to Ensign to Lieutenant as each spoke.  He then eyed the velociraptor skeptically for a moment before cautiously lowering the child-like Ensign down, even as she nestled in closer.  Oh roozh!

"Uh, sorry for that. Not sure what I was thinking there, Ma'am." He addressed his apology to Only officer.  He might not be in uniform but that didn't give him leeway to completely ignore the rules of conduct.  Besides which Ruth would take her axes to him if any of the crew passed onto her that he was bridal-carrying another red-headed officer.  She wouldn't give him any opportunity to explain.

The enlisted engineer then crouched down to study the hologram in closer detail.  The distraction of the dinosaur was rather welcome.  It meant that the Andorian didn't have to recall the discomforting story that he'd heard from the young-looking Ensign.

Lahr reached out a hand to touch the hologram but stopped just shy of it, allowing 'Steve' to sniff it.  The Andorian looked to who he figured was it's owner.  "May I?  I'd love to take peek at it's program.  This is an amazing likeness."

Myne carefully returned to her feet before turning and hugging the nice Andorian. "It is completely fine. You did what you felt proper to protect me. You should be commended for your quick thinking and action.", Myne smiled up. "You made me feel safe after the bad situation and you did what was needed to protect who You thought was a child. Which according to my species I will be for least another 20,000 years. So thank You."

Listening to the explanation of Steve she carefully patted his holographic head. Smiling Myne whispered, "You are a sweet and good raptor."

Female Only

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: M'Nia on May 26, 2023, 12:33:51 AM

"Thank you Lt. Nice to know my research was accurate. See myne, nothing to worry about. He's puurfectly safe as i said." M'nia went over to Steve. "Hello Steve. I'm M'nia. Nice to meet you!"

Quote from: myne on May 26, 2023, 04:03:48 PM

Myne carefully returned to her feet before turning and hugging the nice Andorian. "It is completely fine. You did what you felt proper to protect me. You should be commended for your quick thinking and action.", Myne smiled up. "You made me feel safe after the bad situation and you did what was needed to protect who You thought was a child. Which according to my species I will be for least another 20,000 years. So thank You."

Listening to the explanation of Steve she carefully patted his holographic head. Smiling Myne whispered, "You are a sweet and good raptor."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 26, 2023, 02:13:11 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Lahr's attention moved from Ensign to Ensign to Lieutenant as each spoke.  He then eyed the velociraptor skeptically for a moment before cautiously lowering the child-like Ensign down, even as she nestled in closer.  Oh roozh!

"Uh, sorry for that. Not sure what I was thinking there, Ma'am." He addressed his apology to Only officer.  He might not be in uniform but that didn't give him leeway to completely ignore the rules of conduct.  Besides which Ruth would take her axes to him if any of the crew passed onto her that he was bridal-carrying another red-headed officer.  She wouldn't give him any opportunity to explain.

The enlisted engineer then crouched down to study the hologram in closer detail.  The distraction of the dinosaur was rather welcome.  It meant that the Andorian didn't have to recall the discomforting story that he'd heard from the young-looking Ensign.

Lahr reached out a hand to touch the hologram but stopped just shy of it, allowing 'Steve' to sniff it.  The Andorian looked to who he figured was it's owner.  "May I?  I'd love to take peek at it's program.  This is an amazing likeness."

[as Steve]
Steve liked this small Hooman! He was a very good raptor, and they were giving him all the pets! This was great! He hopped on the table, and began purring and squeaking very loudly, thumping his long tail, and getting very close to knocking off the glasses on it.

Kinley nodded to the Andorian. "œ As far as I'm aware, it's really accurate to what they think that dinosaur looked like, barring, like, time travel and all. The coding there is one of the most complicated ones I've seen, especially in terms of Emotional intelligence. I'm pretty sure it's unique so far, even from known holograms. Sometimes, I really wonder how Lieutenant Jaeger made it work"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quarks - 2nd level]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 26, 2023, 08:36:24 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Second Level | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As the waitress passed by, while tr'Lhoell asked for a synthohol ale, Nira ordered an Arabic sahlab. When it came with the ale, Nira took a sip and was impressed by how excellently done it was.

Yes, it is a good idea of Jael not being on Melek Nor. Too many connections. However, yes, she can tell us as much as she can. Although it could be a good idea if we call her and one of our officers, Ensign Nural, to our next briefing; from what I understand, her father and Jael's mother are coming here. They might coordinate with each other to help us.

Six in a team is a good idea,
added Nira. And you got good choices with Dranik and Gohun. Me...Ensign Nural for Medical and Ensign Myne for science...although I'm not sure with her, she'd be too small for a Breen suit...although, she and Mister Mackenzie, one of our new security officers, they could probably fit in one Breen suit if she sits on his shoulders piggy-back...Mackenzie can be involved as Security, along with one of Challenger's deputies, Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas...though you can call him Mister Mrekrerhas or Zhuk for short. He's one of our best security officers currently. With me and Mister ch'Verret, that makes it an even half-dozen.

Nira was confident in her choices. It'll make sense, she added, to have Mister ch'Verret as a colleague of Cloten's. If the Breen and the old man are making deals with Cloten, then Mister ch'Verret will be able to get a good look around. Otherwise, alternatively, he can be replaced by Mister McNair, our Ops officer.

In any case, though, I'll be sure to have my officers go on a tour of Deep Space Nine to get to know the layout in particular. I'll ask Admiral Kira or one of DS9's command staff if they can spare somebody to give us a tour. Of course, we can ask them for one or two additional officers to assist us if need be.

When Nira mentioned inviting Jael and the other Cardassian, Nural, to the briefing, Rayek's thoughts turned skeptical for a moment before he realized that it actually might be good to have the entire team present.  He shared this with Nira over the telepathic connection.

Having them all present would save time in repeating information, and given how well regarded the Admiral was it might give the crew a bit of a moral boost, something more than just a shore leave could give.

Rayek took another casual sip of his synthehol as the Commander listed out her anticipated away team.  Unfortunately other than Mackenzie and ch'Verret, Rayek didn't recognize any of the names.  So, he pulled out his PADD and did a quick check of their personnel files.  Hmm. The science officer that Nira mentioned, like Mackenzie, was an Only.  The other security member was Caitian with a commendation on his record.  The Caitian he could understand, but he was uncertain about the Science officer until he noted a brief notation of a borg implant.

Rayek was so surprised he spoke aloud though in a whisper rather than commenting telepathically.   "Ensign Myne is an ex-Borg?!"

He could understand now why the Commander wanted her on the away despite her size.  Realizing his lapse, Rayek focused on reconnecting to the Commander.

~ tel ~ Apologies.  I've only ever encountered one before.  Seems you've got a good team selected."

Rayek then imperceptibly nodded at her suggestion of having her team familiarize themselves with the station layout.   He too would see about gathering his chosen members and getting them used to Breen technology and standard base layout if he could find such.  With only two days to prepare, Rayek didn't want to waste time.

The Romulan downed the remainder of his drink.  "Thank you Commander, for the company, however I'm feeling restless and need to walk."

Rayek then stood up and offered a slight bow to Commander Said before taking his leave.   He had some research to do and some personnel to contact with news of a shortened shore leave.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Quote from: myne on May 26, 2023, 04:03:48 PM

Myne carefully returned to her feet before turning and hugging the nice Andorian. "It is completely fine. You did what you felt proper to protect me. You should be commended for your quick thinking and action.", Myne smiled up. "You made me feel safe after the bad situation and you did what was needed to protect who You thought was a child. Which according to my species I will be for least another 20,000 years. So thank You."

Listening to the explanation of Steve she carefully patted his holographic head. Smiling Myne whispered, "You are a sweet and good raptor."

Lahr was relieved that the child-like officer wasn't offended by his action nor seemed likely to write him up for some harassment charge.  Though her last statement about being a child for another twenty thousand years seemed rather odd to the Andorian.  He wondered what species she was to be so long lived.   He'd have to ask her later when his question wouldn't make him feel so uneducated.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 26, 2023, 11:34:18 PM

[as Steve]
Steve liked this small Hooman! He was a very good raptor, and they were giving him all the pets! This was great! He hopped on the table, and began purring and squeaking very loudly, thumping his long tail, and getting very close to knocking off the glasses on it.

Kinley nodded to the Andorian. "œ As far as I'm aware, it's really accurate to what they think that dinosaur looked like, barring, like, time travel and all. The coding there is one of the most complicated ones I've seen, especially in terms of Emotional intelligence. I'm pretty sure it's unique so far, even from known holograms. Sometimes, I really wonder how Lieutenant Jaeger made it work"

Lahr was fascinated by the holographic program and held his hand out to it.  Then he glanced about looking around the promenade for holographic emitters.  "Does it have its own holo emitter?" he asked,   "Or is its program part of the station?"
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Nira Said

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 27, 2023, 01:43:05 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quarks - 2nd level]

When Nira mentioned inviting Jael and the other Cardassian, Nural, to the briefing, Rayek's thoughts turned skeptical for a moment before he realized that it actually might be good to have the entire team present.  He shared this with Nira over the telepathic connection.

Having them all present would save time in repeating information, and given how well regarded the Admiral was it might give the crew a bit of a moral boost, something more than just a shore leave could give.

Rayek took another casual sip of his synthehol as the Commander listed out her anticipated away team.  Unfortunately other than Mackenzie and ch'Verret, Rayek didn't recognize any of the names.  So, he pulled out his PADD and did a quick check of their personnel files.  Hmm. The science officer that Nira mentioned, like Mackenzie, was an Only.  The other security member was Caitian with a commendation on his record.  The Caitian he could understand, but he was uncertain about the Science officer until he noted a brief notation of a borg implant.

Rayek was so surprised he spoke aloud though in a whisper rather than commenting telepathically.   "Ensign Myne is an ex-Borg?!"

He could understand now why the Commander wanted her on the away despite her size.  Realizing his lapse, Rayek focused on reconnecting to the Commander.

~ tel ~ Apologies.  I've only ever encountered one before.  Seems you've got a good team selected."

Rayek then imperceptibly nodded at her suggestion of having her team familiarize themselves with the station layout.   He too would see about gathering his chosen members and getting them used to Breen technology and standard base layout if he could find such.  With only two days to prepare, Rayek didn't want to waste time.

The Romulan downed the remainder of his drink.  "Thank you Commander, for the company, however I'm feeling restless and need to walk."

Rayek then stood up and offered a slight bow to Commander Said before taking his leave.   He had some research to do and some personnel to contact with news of a shortened shore leave.

[Commander Nira Said | Second Level | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira heard out tr'Lhoell's concerns and nodded. Actually, that's a good point. In fact, why not both our teams?

Nira nodded in understanding at the Commander's reaction. She had noticed that in Myne's personnel file. It did explain why she had minimal aging, aside from being an Only.

I noticed, said Nira calmly. It's one reason why I thought she'd be fine for the away team. That, and with her being so small, she'd be handy in a few tight spots. Unfortunately, I don't think she and Mackenzie will likely fit in Breen suits...I'll have to think of something. It's understandable, as surprised as I was by her appearance when we first met, I was just as surprised as you were when I found out that she was assimilated for a time.

Of course, alternatively, if Mister ch'Verret won't be available for the team, added Nira, then instead, I can include Mister McNair from Ops.

Finally, the Commander arose and Nira nodded in understanding at his wanting a walk. "Of course, Commander," she said. "I might just drop by Discovery for a visit, myself; it was, after all, my old home. As the Romulans say, Jolan Tru."

She knew the phrasing very well, considering how much she had worked with Romulans for most of her Starfleet career. After tr'Lhoell left, she sipped her sahlab slowly, made one more glance at Cloten, and then walked out of Quark's. She made her way, not to Challenger, but to Discovery, mostly for a visit. Besides, she especially wanted to see Torra. It would be good for her to see her again.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78158.44. The forty-eight hours of shore leave have passed relatively quickly. As we wrap up, we of the respective crews have gotten to know the layout of the station, disguised as relative tours given by Admiral Kira, Captain Vaughn or even Commander Belvedere. In any case, as our shore leave wraps up, we are surprised by the arrival of a Ghemor-class carrier from Cardassia, the Kalnak. We have received that two legates, Legates Nural and Sherem - the latter of whom is Jael's mother and primely commands the Kalnak, and recently a good portion of a Cardassian fleet - have come with somebody exceptionally important from the Cardassian government. With the arrival of the Cardassian officials, it was a perfect opportunity to call in each of our respective teams so they can get a handle of what's going on and what they're going to deal with. Considering the familiar names of the Legates coming, we have especially called for Nurse Nural and Lieutenant Jael Sherem to join us for this, our next briefing.

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira was certainly amazed at the sight of the huge Ghemor-class carrier. From what she understood, Ghemors were roughly as big as Galaxy-classes and more fresher than older carriers like Hutets.

She looked particularly at the two teams assembled at the ward room, each from the two ships, particularly at Jael and Kina. She could understand why Jael needed to be there, whereas Kina knows something about her own father, and he could have something on Old Man Sherem. In general, the teams have been briefed on the situation at hand, and the meeting with the Cardassian officials was to describe what they'll be dealing with at the stations.

She also had been taking careful consideration. Lahr, she was having in mind to act as a "œpartner" with Cloten negotiation about the Borg salvage with the Breen, as well as the prisoners"¦Nira was planning on Mackenzie and Myne to act as the prisoners, children of a high-ranking Federation official held hostage, and that their ransom can easily be called for. Hell, she was even thinking that Captain Vaughn would portray their "œfather," and that to make the salvage fleet look genuinely pursued, Vaughn would take the Valiant and have Challenger and Discovery follow along to "œchase" the fleet. She planned to bring this up particularly to Vaughn and Admiral Kira when the opportunity presented itself. Of course, she also had Lieutenant McNair along, just in case.

A few moments after the Captains, XOs and their respective Cardassian officers assembled, Admiral Kira appeared with the two Legates. Nira recognized Legate Nural from what she saw over Kina's shoulder. Legate Rahab Sherem, of course, was recognizable as Jael's mother, given how much she looked like an older Jael.

"œLadies, gentlemen," Kira said. "œI present Legates Nural and Sherem - well, Mrs. Sherem - of Cardassian Central Command. And joining us is the Castellan"¦"

"œActually, that is not me at the moment, Admiral," a voice said from behind the Legates, and an older Cardassian seemed to materialize between them. In spite of his age and graying hair, he bore a wide, amused smile, like he loved to live a life of, what they called on Earth, a troll. Not a mythological troll, but a troll that likes to make a mockery.

Jael perked up at the sight of the Castellan and frowned. "œSo, it's you," she snipped quietly.

"œThat's right, my dear," Elim Garak replied, nodding at Jael. "œJust plain, simple Garak."

"œPlain and simple, my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]," sneered Jael. "œWe all know what you're really like."

Jael's spat at Garak caught Nira by surprise; she wondered if Jael had met him before. After a brief moment of Jael's retorts at Garak, Nira looked at Captain Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell with a raised eyebrow; it was now Jael's turn to be reprimanded by Discovery's command staff, if only for a brief moment.

"œI believe the Castellan and his associates have something to share with us." said Mrs. Sherem, once the reprimand was finished. She had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes becoming hard, staring at Jael. Nira had seen that look enough times on her guardian, Aunty Parisa, the kind a mother would give to sternly silence a child, when she did something Aunty didn't like. "œI understand you'll have assembled what you know about Melek Nor?"

"œYes, but we'll need to make comparisons," Jael added, and she watched on.

Garak then whipped out a Cardassian data rod and inserted it into a console on the table. A holographic display then activated, showing a Nor-station schematic, very identical to Deep Space Nine, only Nira could see the differences instantly. There was enough green to know"¦

"œMelek Nor?" asked Nira.

"œCorrect, Commander," said Admiral Kira.

"œHow very detailed," said Nira. "œBut it has to be Allah and Prophets know how many years old it is."

"œActually, it's a fresh schematic," Garak said. "œLegate Nural has a man on the inside, infiltrating Nehor Sherem's ranks. This is just one of a few recent things he's transmitted in secret. It wasn't easy to get a hold of, I can tell you that."

"œPresumably in that he can't risk any more leaking to keep from being detected," Kira sad.

"œCorrect," Mrs. Sherem answered. "œHe's helped out a great deal, he even helped Captain Worf get in. We can't expect much more from him, but there's plenty we can provide to help our friends in Starfleet."

"œMother and daughter alike," said Nira, looking between Rahab and Jael.

"œOh, we know Melek Nor very well," said Jael. "œMother knows it better than I would, even if Father was the Obsidian Order go-betweener under Gul Dukat during the Occupation."

"œAnd plenty more since Nural's man gave us these schematics and other things," added Mrs. Sherem.

"œIncluding what Worf got from Melek Nor's computer," asked Kira.

"œWorf had plenty of help on the inside," Garak said. "œAfter all, Nural's man helped him in."

Then Jael, with help from her mother, gave her piece, explaining about the station, and particularly about the transwarp coil.

"œWhat about the Breen station?" asked Nira, when they finished.

Garak made another sweeping gesture, and another schematic appeared, causing the holographic Melek Nor to zoom away. The station looked to be plenty bigger than Melek Nor, roughly the size of a small moon - specifically, bigger than the moon-sized asteroid Ceres but definitely smaller than, say, Saturn's Titan or Uranus' Miranda. Given how the Breen make their vessels organic-based, Nira had to admit, the Breen did a good job of making the station look like a vacuum-breathing cephalopod/whale, its tentacles wrapped in a corkscrew fashion around a blubber body and the lower docks certainly looking like tail fins.

Still, it looked so organic, Nira couldn't resist saying, "œIt's not"¦alive, is it?"

Garak and Kira made aside glances and then shook their heads at each other before turning back to the other officers.

"œNot in the slightest," said Garak.

"œStill, it's easy to think that way," Kira added. "œGiven how the Breen build their ships organic-based.

"œNow, this station is chiefly controlled by one of the Breen factions, a race called the Fenrisal," said Kira, as Rahab stepped to Garak's side and pulled up an image of a Breen Thot. Nira could tell this was no ordinary Breen, owing to the armor and scratches.

"œThis is the Breen commander of the station and forces in the vicinity," added Rahab. "œThot Maalgh. One of many Breen Thots in support of the Dominion. He and Nehor have loads in common. In that they're both dangerous and they're both their peoples' foremost experts on the Borg. Not that the Breen would have concerns for assimilation, given the Borg assimilate life forms by injecting nanoprobes into the bloodstream and corrupting it, and Breen have no blood. But they're virtually friends"¦in fact, old Nehor can certainly be counted as one of the only Cardassians ever to have friendly relations with the Breen."

Nira can easily see how all the Cardassians, even trollish Garak, were scowling and even curling their lips at that. It was understandable, the Breen and the Cardassians have a long history of animosity; the fact that the Breen had joined the Dominion and were nudging the Cardassians aside was probably a chief reason, according to history, why Damar broke with the Dominion and began to resist.

"œExpect the fact that there will be Breen personnel on both those stations," said Kira. "œAnd that's where you'll need disguises on your teams, as much as possible. And Cloten will be providing the suits necessary."

Nira then looked at Commander tr'Lhoell and Captains Galloway and Tekin, and then back and forth between Kina and her father, especially as he gave his views and the potential contact to look out for. But she especially looked around at the two teams, and then asked, "œWhat do you all think?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 09:36:31 AM

Nira looked particularly at the two teams assembled at the ward room, each from the two ships, particularly at Jael and Kina. She could understand why Jael needed to be there, whereas Kina knows something about her own father, and he could have something on Old Man Sherem. In general, the teams have been briefed on the situation at hand, and the meeting with the Cardassian officials was to describe what they'll be dealing with at the stations.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

So this was the factor to have some of Discovery's crew's shore leave being shortened. Even Jael's. It was understandable, she had enough time to introduce her Bajoran brother Gid to Kina Nural before she had to go through some training exercises.

Once they got there, and being in the presence of Admiral Kira Nerys, Jael could see where this was leading. Though she was certainly taken aback by what was going on around the Badlands, why her father was so active in raiding, and, even more disturbingly, the presence of Changelings and secret Dominion bases in Breen space.

Still, the news that the Kalnak had come to Deep Space Nine, it meant her mother had something. Admiral Kira left momentarily and then returned with her mother and Legate Nural...and Jael was in for a surprise.

"œLadies, gentlemen," Kira said. "œI present Legates Nural and Sherem - well, Mrs. Sherem - of Cardassian Central Command. And joining us is the Castellan"¦"

"œActually, that is not me at the moment, Admiral," a voice said from behind the Legates, and an older Cardassian seemed to materialize between them. In spite of his age and graying hair, he bore a wide, amused smile, like he loved to live a life of, what they called on Earth, a troll. Not a mythological troll, but a troll that likes to make a mockery.

Jael perked up at the sight of the Castellan and frowned. "œSo, it's you," she snipped quietly.

"œThat's right, my dear," Elim Garak replied, nodding at Jael. "œJust plain, simple Garak."

"œPlain and simple, my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]," sneered Jael. "œWe all know what you're really like."

"œI highly doubt it, my dear," Garak replied with a nod. "œEven when I was owing your mother dresses and fresh baby clothes for you before the general withdrawal."

"œYeah, and I know full well why you were in exile in the first place, Garak," retorted Jael.

"œCome now, must I give that story again?" Garak said with a shrug and a grin he flashed around, as if to say, "œcan you believe it?" "œThat tax evasion forced me into exile?"

"œOh, come off it, Garak," snapped Jael, "œyou know full well it was over a woman."

The exchange was cut short after Rayek and Tekin each made their piece to shut her up, although Rahab's expression certainly helped hold her silence.

"œI believe the Castellan and his associates have something to share with us." said Mrs. Sherem, once the reprimand was finished. She had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes becoming hard, staring at Jael. It was The Look, and Jael knew it all to well. "œI understand you'll have assembled what you know about Melek Nor?"

"œYes, but we'll need to make comparisons," Jael said, ready to give her piece, but she kept her silence as Garak gave his piece, though Jael contributed wherever she could.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 09:36:31 AM

Garak then whipped out a Cardassian data rod and inserted it into a console on the table. A holographic display then activated, showing a Nor-station schematic, very identical to Deep Space Nine, only Nira could see the differences instantly. There was enough green to know"¦

"œMelek Nor?" asked Nira.

"œCorrect, Commander," said Admiral Kira.

"œHow very detailed," said Nira. "œBut it has to be Allah and Prophets know how many years old it is."

"œActually, it's a fresh schematic," Garak said. "œLegate Nural has a man on the inside, infiltrating Nehor Sherem's ranks. This is just one of a few recent things he's transmitted in secret. It wasn't easy to get a hold of, I can tell you that."

"œPresumably in that he can't risk any more leaking to keep from being detected," Kira sad.

"œCorrect," Mrs. Sherem answered. "œHe's helped out a great deal, he even helped Captain Worf get in. We can't expect much more from him, but there's plenty we can provide to help our friends in Starfleet."

"œMother and daughter alike," said Nira, looking between Rahab and Jael.

"œOh, we know Melek Nor very well," said Jael. "œMother knows it better than I would, even if Father was the Obsidian Order go-betweener under Gul Dukat during the Occupation."

"œAnd plenty more since Nural's man gave us these schematics and other things," added Mrs. Sherem.

"œIncluding what Worf got from Melek Nor's computer," asked Kira.

"œWorf had plenty of help on the inside," Garak said. "œAfter all, Nural's man helped him in."

"œThe primary focus on Melek Nor will be on the transwarp coil," Jael explained. "œIt's situated above the deflector array."

"œAnd it's one of the most heavily guarded parts of the station," Rahab pointed out. "œAnd the chambers built around the transwarp coil are made of neutronium walls, that's how serious protection is. However, since Borg technology is strewn about, however armored and advanced it is, the fact remains that if you know where to look, Borg technology can be hacked."

"œData nodes and all that?" asked Jael.

"œDepends on how old they'll be, and how well it can react to tricorders," said Garak.

And then, Garak listed the Breen station that Melek Nor called its neighbor. Jael furrowed her brow as she watched, and when Nira asked the teams, "What do you think?" Jael only looked around. Since she and Rahab knew plenty about Melek Nor, if they can give information, they can answer whatever questions they can give. Of course, it was understandable to Jael if she wasn't going on Melek Nor, chances of being recognized raised as it is.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 09:36:31 AM

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78158.44. The forty-eight hours of shore leave have passed relatively quickly. As we wrap up, we of the respective crews have gotten to know the layout of the station, disguised as relative tours given by Admiral Kira, Captain Vaughn or even Commander Belvedere. In any case, as our shore leave wraps up, we are surprised by the arrival of a Ghemor-class carrier from Cardassia, the Kalnak. We have received that two legates, Legates Nural and Sherem - the latter of whom is Jael's mother and primely commands the Kalnak, and recently a good portion of a Cardassian fleet - have come with somebody exceptionally important from the Cardassian government. With the arrival of the Cardassian officials, it was a perfect opportunity to call in each of our respective teams so they can get a handle of what's going on and what they're going to deal with. Considering the familiar names of the Legates coming, we have especially called for Nurse Nural and Lieutenant Jael Sherem to join us for this, our next briefing.

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira was certainly amazed at the sight of the huge Ghemor-class carrier. From what she understood, Ghemors were roughly as big as Galaxy-classes and more fresher than older carriers like Hutets.

She looked particularly at the two teams assembled at the ward room, each from the two ships, particularly at Jael and Kina. She could understand why Jael needed to be there, whereas Kina knows something about her own father, and he could have something on Old Man Sherem. In general, the teams have been briefed on the situation at hand, and the meeting with the Cardassian officials was to describe what they'll be dealing with at the stations.

She also had been taking careful consideration. Lahr, she was having in mind to act as a "œpartner" with Cloten negotiation about the Borg salvage with the Breen, as well as the prisoners"¦Nira was planning on Mackenzie and Myne to act as the prisoners, children of a high-ranking Federation official held hostage, and that their ransom can easily be called for. Hell, she was even thinking that Captain Vaughn would portray their "œfather," and that to make the salvage fleet look genuinely pursued, Vaughn would take the Valiant and have Challenger and Discovery follow along to "œchase" the fleet. She planned to bring this up particularly to Vaughn and Admiral Kira when the opportunity presented itself. Of course, she also had Lieutenant McNair along, just in case.

A few moments after the Captains, XOs and their respective Cardassian officers assembled, Admiral Kira appeared with the two Legates. Nira recognized Legate Nural from what she saw over Kina's shoulder. Legate Rahab Sherem, of course, was recognizable as Jael's mother, given how much she looked like an older Jael.

"œLadies, gentlemen," Kira said. "œI present Legates Nural and Sherem - well, Mrs. Sherem - of Cardassian Central Command. And joining us is the Castellan"¦"

"œActually, that is not me at the moment, Admiral," a voice said from behind the Legates, and an older Cardassian seemed to materialize between them. In spite of his age and graying hair, he bore a wide, amused smile, like he loved to live a life of, what they called on Earth, a troll. Not a mythological troll, but a troll that likes to make a mockery.

Jael perked up at the sight of the Castellan and frowned. "œSo, it's you," she snipped quietly.

"œThat's right, my dear," Elim Garak replied, nodding at Jael. "œJust plain, simple Garak."

"œPlain and simple, my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]," sneered Jael. "œWe all know what you're really like."

Jael's spat at Garak caught Nira by surprise; she wondered if Jael had met him before. After a brief moment of Jael's retorts at Garak, Nira looked at Captain Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell with a raised eyebrow; it was now Jael's turn to be reprimanded by Discovery's command staff, if only for a brief moment.

"œI believe the Castellan and his associates have something to share with us." said Mrs. Sherem, once the reprimand was finished. She had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes becoming hard, staring at Jael. Nira had seen that look enough times on her guardian, Aunty Parisa, the kind a mother would give to sternly silence a child, when she did something Aunty didn't like. "œI understand you'll have assembled what you know about Melek Nor?"

"œYes, but we'll need to make comparisons," Jael added, and she watched on.

Garak then whipped out a Cardassian data rod and inserted it into a console on the table. A holographic display then activated, showing a Nor-station schematic, very identical to Deep Space Nine, only Nira could see the differences instantly. There was enough green to know"¦

"œMelek Nor?" asked Nira.

"œCorrect, Commander," said Admiral Kira.

"œHow very detailed," said Nira. "œBut it has to be Allah and Prophets know how many years old it is."

"œActually, it's a fresh schematic," Garak said. "œLegate Nural has a man on the inside, infiltrating Nehor Sherem's ranks. This is just one of a few recent things he's transmitted in secret. It wasn't easy to get a hold of, I can tell you that."

"œPresumably in that he can't risk any more leaking to keep from being detected," Kira sad.

"œCorrect," Mrs. Sherem answered. "œHe's helped out a great deal, he even helped Captain Worf get in. We can't expect much more from him, but there's plenty we can provide to help our friends in Starfleet."

"œMother and daughter alike," said Nira, looking between Rahab and Jael.

"œOh, we know Melek Nor very well," said Jael. "œMother knows it better than I would, even if Father was the Obsidian Order go-betweener under Gul Dukat during the Occupation."

"œAnd plenty more since Nural's man gave us these schematics and other things," added Mrs. Sherem.

"œIncluding what Worf got from Melek Nor's computer," asked Kira.

"œWorf had plenty of help on the inside," Garak said. "œAfter all, Nural's man helped him in."

Then Jael, with help from her mother, gave her piece, explaining about the station, and particularly about the transwarp coil.

"œWhat about the Breen station?" asked Nira, when they finished.

Garak made another sweeping gesture, and another schematic appeared, causing the holographic Melek Nor to zoom away. The station looked to be plenty bigger than Melek Nor, roughly the size of a small moon - specifically, bigger than the moon-sized asteroid Ceres but definitely smaller than, say, Saturn's Titan or Uranus' Miranda. Given how the Breen make their vessels organic-based, Nira had to admit, the Breen did a good job of making the station look like a vacuum-breathing cephalopod/whale, its tentacles wrapped in a corkscrew fashion around a blubber body and the lower docks certainly looking like tail fins.

Still, it looked so organic, Nira couldn't resist saying, "œIt's not"¦alive, is it?"

Garak and Kira made aside glances and then shook their heads at each other before turning back to the other officers.

"œNot in the slightest," said Garak.

"œStill, it's easy to think that way," Kira added. "œGiven how the Breen build their ships organic-based.

"œNow, this station is chiefly controlled by one of the Breen factions, a race called the Fenrisal," said Kira, as Rahab stepped to Garak's side and pulled up an image of a Breen Thot. Nira could tell this was no ordinary Breen, owing to the armor and scratches.

"œThis is the Breen commander of the station and forces in the vicinity," added Rahab. "œThot Maalgh. One of many Breen Thots in support of the Dominion. He and Nehor have loads in common. In that they're both dangerous and they're both their peoples' foremost experts on the Borg. Not that the Breen would have concerns for assimilation, given the Borg assimilate life forms by injecting nanoprobes into the bloodstream and corrupting it, and Breen have no blood. But they're virtually friends"¦in fact, old Nehor can certainly be counted as one of the only Cardassians ever to have friendly relations with the Breen."

Nira can easily see how all the Cardassians, even trollish Garak, were scowling and even curling their lips at that. It was understandable, the Breen and the Cardassians have a long history of animosity; the fact that the Breen had joined the Dominion and were nudging the Cardassians aside was probably a chief reason, according to history, why Damar broke with the Dominion and began to resist.

"œExpect the fact that there will be Breen personnel on both those stations," said Kira. "œAnd that's where you'll need disguises on your teams, as much as possible. And Cloten will be providing the suits necessary."

Nira then looked at Commander tr'Lhoell and Captains Galloway and Tekin, and then back and forth between Kina and her father, especially as he gave his views and the potential contact to look out for. But she especially looked around at the two teams, and then asked, "œWhat do you all think?"

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian was less star struck by Admiral Kira, but he was again unnerved by the arrival of Garak, the one time tailor, and yet another Legend of the Dominion War. He listened to the briefing and cringed, when yet another ensign spoke out of turn and wondered silently.

"What in the bloody hell are they teachin' at the Academy these days? If'n that ensign were on the Challenger, they'd be scrubbin' the hull with a toothbrush for a bloody month."

When Nira asked her question, Ian had a response.

"I can see chasin' this Cloten's ship easily enough, but what is the actual infiltration plan? We get close ta Melek Nor and beam the team in, drop them in a shuttle, stuff them in a probe casin', or knock and ask Sherem nicely ta let them visit?"

🡱 🡳

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