Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 27, 2023, 10:59:59 AM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian was less star struck by Admiral Kira, but he was again unnerved by the arrival of Garak, the one time tailor, and yet another Legend of the Dominion War. He listened to the briefing and cringed, when yet another ensign spoke out of turn and wondered silently.

"What in the bloody hell are they teachin' at the Academy these days? If'n that ensign were on the Challenger, they'd be scrubbin' the hull with a toothbrush for a bloody month."

When Nira asked her question, Ian had a response.

"I can see chasin' this Cloten's ship easily enough, but what is the actual infiltration plan? We get close ta Melek Nor and beam the team in, drop them in a shuttle, stuff them in a probe casin', or knock and ask Sherem nicely ta let them visit?"

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"If only it was that simple, Captain," answered Garak with a grin.

"Actually, you were close on the shuttle part, Captain Galloway," said Kira. "Cloten's ship is small enough to squeeze into a shuttlebay if so desired. Besides, just imagine that Cloten will have made a side trip to pick up a bunch of Breen mercenaries interested in work. How we can make the chase look genuine is a bit of a tough one."

"Well, we have an idea for it, which is why we have our two Onlie officers with us," said Nira, finally realizing the opportunity presented itself. She looked at Captain Vaughn, who had not said anything so far. "While most of us can fit in Breen suits, some of us won't. Particularly Mister Mackenzie and Ensign Myne here. Don't let their appearances fool you," she added. "But hopefully we can let their appearances fool the Breen and the Dominion and the pirates.

"The idea is that Mackenzie and Myne come along as 'hostages,'" explained Nira. "They're children of a very important Starfleet officer and had been 'kidnapped' by us 'Breen,' along with their friends, which would include those who can't fit in Breen suits. I was thinking, Captain Vaughn, that they can pretend to be your children, which is why, when Discovery and Challenger begin 'chasing' Cloten's fleet, we could also include the Valiant in the chase; the Valiant would be chasing us, and would get Discovery and Challenger along to back them up. That way it could look genuine."

"Well, it could present a problem if the Dominion, the Breen, and especially the old man, know about us," said Captain Vaughn. "I'm technically not married."

"But you have been a big flirt in the past," retorted Kira. "Unlike your father Elias."

"Yeah, sometimes a woman can't resist me," said Vaughn with a grimace. "It's a curse."

"Think it can work for you, you two?" asked Nira to Mackenzie and Myne.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


( Later after the Promenade )


[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"If only it was that simple, Captain," answered Garak with a grin.

"Actually, you were close on the shuttle part, Captain Galloway," said Kira. "Cloten's ship is small enough to squeeze into a shuttlebay if so desired. Besides, just imagine that Cloten will have made a side trip to pick up a bunch of Breen mercenaries interested in work. How we can make the chase look genuine is a bit of a tough one."

"Well, we have an idea for it, which is why we have our two Onlie officers with us," said Nira, finally realizing the opportunity presented itself. She looked at Captain Vaughn, who had not said anything so far. "While most of us can fit in Breen suits, some of us won't. Particularly Mister Mackenzie and Ensign Myne here. Don't let their appearances fool you," she added. "But hopefully we can let their appearances fool the Breen and the Dominion and the pirates.

"The idea is that Mackenzie and Myne come along as 'hostages,'" explained Nira. "They're children of a very important Starfleet officer and had been 'kidnapped' by us 'Breen,' along with their friends, which would include those who can't fit in Breen suits. I was thinking, Captain Vaughn, that they can pretend to be your children, which is why, when Discovery and Challenger begin 'chasing' Cloten's fleet, we could also include the Valiant in the chase; the Valiant would be chasing us, and would get Discovery and Challenger along to back them up. That way it could look genuine."

"Well, it could present a problem if the Dominion, the Breen, and especially the old man, know about us," said Captain Vaughn. "I'm technically not married."

"But you have been a big flirt in the past," retorted Kira. "Unlike your father Elias."

"Yeah, sometimes a woman can't resist me," said Vaughn with a grimace. "It's a curse."

"Think it can work for you, you two?" asked Nira to Mackenzie and Myne.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne stood with her hands clasp behind her back listening intently to the briefing. When given leave to speak the girl reached up to adjust each of her two pigtails before running at full speed to hug to Captain Vaughn's legs smiling up, "Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy!"

After a moment she continued, "I do hope I can have a pretty dress to cover up my Borg implant and all those slaver brands..." She turned to the assembled people, "Daddy said not to tell no one me and Big Brother are his because it would cause a Sca An Dal?" She tilted her head to the side pretending confusion. "But we keep getting stolen.. thats why I have those brands.. But Daddy always saves me and Big Brother!"

She turned looking up to Captain Vaughn with the most sweetest heart melting look possible. "Maybe replicate me a teddybear made with traces of something that could be scanned for incase we get seperated. They wouldn't let me get moved without my teddybear...." With two fingers she shoves hard at a spot on her side and then her eyes instantly water and she genuinely sobs with tears dampending the Captain's pants before she wipes them looking back up. "Right Daddy?"

She then turned to Kyan, "Right Big Brother?"

Female Only


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 27, 2023, 03:04:26 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Lahr was relieved that the child-like officer wasn't offended by his action nor seemed likely to write him up for some harassment charge.  Though her last statement about being a child for another twenty thousand years seemed rather odd to the Andorian.  He wondered what species she was to be so long lived.   He'd have to ask her later when his question wouldn't make him feel so uneducated.

Lahr was fascinated by the holographic program and held his hand out to it.  Then he glanced about looking around the promenade for holographic emitters.  "Does it have its own holo emitter?" he asked,   "Or is its program part of the station?"


Evan took a step back to let the others approach the holographic creature that he already knew quite well. Watching and listening, as opposed to direct interaction. Passive stimulus for a passive person. He chuckled at Steve's reaction to the little ensign and was sure that Myne reciprocated the feeling.

A question from Lahr caught his attention. "If I remember right, he has his own holo-emitter," he said. "But don't quote me on that," Evan added with a chuckle.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Jess Willard

[Promenade - Quark's]

Aa Jess sat reading through crew manifests and data files her comm badge chirped. A mundane experience for most, but Willard had only been on the station for maybe 2 hours and hadn't even had time to take her things to her new quarters, not that she had much admittedly. But now she was already being called off for duty on an away mission. A counselor, on an away mission. She chuckled lightly to herself and shrugged slightly as she threw the PADD into her duffle bag and threw it over her shoulder. "So is the life of a Starfleet officer I suppose."

She stood allowing herself to take in the history of the bar one final time before silently departing for the Discovery so that she could drop off her things in her new quarters.

She/Her - Human

Nira Said

Quote from: myne on May 27, 2023, 04:12:29 PM

( Later after the Promenade )

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne stood with her hands clasp behind her back listening intently to the briefing. When given leave to speak the girl reached up to adjust each of her two pigtails before running at full speed to hug to Captain Vaughn's legs smiling up, "Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy!"

After a moment she continued, "I do hope I can have a pretty dress to cover up my Borg implant and all those slaver brands..." She turned to the assembled people, "Daddy said not to tell no one me and Big Brother are his because it would cause a Sca An Dal?" She tilted her head to the side pretending confusion. "But we keep getting stolen.. thats why I have those brands.. But Daddy always saves me and Big Brother!"

She turned looking up to Captain Vaughn with the most sweetest heart melting look possible. "Maybe replicate me a teddybear made with traces of something that could be scanned for incase we get seperated. They wouldn't let me get moved without my teddybear...." With two fingers she shoves hard at a spot on her side and then her eyes instantly water and she genuinely sobs with tears dampending the Captain's pants before she wipes them looking back up. "Right Daddy?"

She then turned to Kyan, "Right Big Brother?"

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Okay, okay, ensign," said Nira firmly, "you can pull off a good child, well done. You're good to break character now."

She gave an apologetic look at Captain Vaughn, who only reacted with movements from his eyes and his face reddening a little from embarrassment, though the embarrassment was warmer than he let on; if his emotions was actual heat and if Nira was holding a block of ice, the embarrassment would melt the ice in her hand from across the room.

Looking around apologetically, Nira did notice Garak's grin only widening further, and he was clearing shaking with silent laughter.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Okay, okay, ensign," said Nira firmly, "you can pull off a good child, well done. You're good to break character now."

She gave an apologetic look at Captain Vaughn, who only reacted with movements from his eyes and his face reddening a little from embarrassment, though the embarrassment was warmer than he let on; if his emotions was actual heat and if Nira was holding a block of ice, the embarrassment would melt the ice in her hand from across the room.

Looking around apologetically, Nira did notice Garak's grin only widening further, and he was clearing shaking with silent laughter.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne smiled up to the Commander. "It's not a character Ma'am. I am a good girl. I'm good because the nine Mommies who raised me on Miri dipped me in honey each morning for almost a hundred years to make me so sweet!"

She gave 'Daddy' one last hug then skipped happily back to her original spot with a giggle before standing in perfect attention and being a very quiet good girl.

Female Only

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 27, 2023, 03:04:26 AM

Quote from: Buehler on May 27, 2023, 04:24:03 PM


Evan took a step back to let the others approach the holographic creature that he already knew quite well. Watching and listening, as opposed to direct interaction. Passive stimulus for a passive person. He chuckled at Steve's reaction to the little ensign and was sure that Myne reciprocated the feeling.

A question from Lahr caught his attention. "If I remember right, he has his own holo-emitter," he said. "But don't quote me on that," Evan added with a chuckle.

Lahr was fascinated by the holographic program and held his hand out to it.  Then he glanced about looking around the promenade for holographic emitters.  "Does it have its own holo emitter?" he asked,   "Or is its program part of the station?"


Kinley nodded"The doctor's not wrong. he does have his own holoemitter. It's on his collar, and he even has gone planetside for little stints. But when we're on the ship, I like him to hop through the Ship's holonetworks. Saves a little bit of battery life." she smiled. While she certainly didn't make him, she was pretty impressed at his capabilities.  "Do you guys have any other plans before your ships head out?"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


Before the briefing.


Kinley nodded"The doctor's not wrong. he does have his own holoemitter. It's on his collar, and he even has gone planetside for little stints. But when we're on the ship, I like him to hop through the Ship's holonetworks. Saves a little bit of battery life." she smiled. While she certainly didn't make him, she was pretty impressed at his capabilities.  "Do you guys have any other plans before your ships head out?"

[Ensign Myne | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne gently stayed close to the security crewman and shook her head, "It's likely not safe for me to be wandering around. I am going to head to the ship until needed." She leaned down and petted Steve, "A pleasure to meet you Steve." She then smiled and headed toward the onboarding.

Female Only


M'nia was rather confused. Was ensign Myne the captain's daughter? Then Commander Kira said for her to break character. She shook her head. "Excuse me but what is going on? Myne why are you acting like the captain's daughter? Is this a joke I'm not aware of?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian



M'nia was rather confused. Was ensign Myne the captain's daughter? Then Commander Kira said for her to break character. She shook her head. "Excuse me but what is going on? Myne why are you acting like the captain's daughter? Is this a joke I'm not aware of?"

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne leaned over a bit to the nice Ensign M'Nia. "Planning an away mission with some foolies as we call it on Miri. So they need me to pretend which I am good at. Thats all." She gave a thumbs up to the confused Ensign.

Female Only

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 27, 2023, 09:50:01 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

So this was the factor to have some of Discovery's crew's shore leave being shortened. Even Jael's. It was understandable, she had enough time to introduce her Bajoran brother Gid to Kina Nural before she had to go through some training exercises.

Once they got there, and being in the presence of Admiral Kira Nerys, Jael could see where this was leading. Though she was certainly taken aback by what was going on around the Badlands, why her father was so active in raiding, and, even more disturbingly, the presence of Changelings and secret Dominion bases in Breen space.

Still, the news that the Kalnak had come to Deep Space Nine, it meant her mother had something. Admiral Kira left momentarily and then returned with her mother and Legate Nural...and Jael was in for a surprise.

"œLadies, gentlemen," Kira said. "œI present Legates Nural and Sherem - well, Mrs. Sherem - of Cardassian Central Command. And joining us is the Castellan"¦"

"œActually, that is not me at the moment, Admiral," a voice said from behind the Legates, and an older Cardassian seemed to materialize between them. In spite of his age and graying hair, he bore a wide, amused smile, like he loved to live a life of, what they called on Earth, a troll. Not a mythological troll, but a troll that likes to make a mockery.

Jael perked up at the sight of the Castellan and frowned. "œSo, it's you," she snipped quietly.

"œThat's right, my dear," Elim Garak replied, nodding at Jael. "œJust plain, simple Garak."

"œPlain and simple, my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]," sneered Jael. "œWe all know what you're really like."

"œI highly doubt it, my dear," Garak replied with a nod. "œEven when I was owing your mother dresses and fresh baby clothes for you before the general withdrawal."

"œYeah, and I know full well why you were in exile in the first place, Garak," retorted Jael.

"œCome now, must I give that story again?" Garak said with a shrug and a grin he flashed around, as if to say, "œcan you believe it?" "œThat tax evasion forced me into exile?"

"œOh, come off it, Garak," snapped Jael, "œyou know full well it was over a woman."

The exchange was cut short after Rayek and Tekin each made their piece to shut her up, although Rahab's expression certainly helped hold her silence.

"œI believe the Castellan and his associates have something to share with us." said Mrs. Sherem, once the reprimand was finished. She had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes becoming hard, staring at Jael. It was The Look, and Jael knew it all to well. "œI understand you'll have assembled what you know about Melek Nor?"

"œYes, but we'll need to make comparisons," Jael said, ready to give her piece, but she kept her silence as Garak gave his piece, though Jael contributed wherever she could."œMother and daughter alike," said Nira, looking between Rahab and Jael.

"œOh, we know Melek Nor very well," said Jael. "œMother knows it better than I would, even if Father was the Obsidian Order go-betweener under Gul Dukat during the Occupation."

"œAnd plenty more since Nural's man gave us these schematics and other things," added Mrs. Sherem.

"œIncluding what Worf got from Melek Nor's computer," asked Kira.

"œWorf had plenty of help on the inside," Garak said. "œAfter all, Nural's man helped him in."

"œThe primary focus on Melek Nor will be on the transwarp coil," Jael explained. "œIt's situated above the deflector array."

"œAnd it's one of the most heavily guarded parts of the station," Rahab pointed out. "œAnd the chambers built around the transwarp coil are made of neutronium walls, that's how serious protection is. However, since Borg technology is strewn about, however armored and advanced it is, the fact remains that if you know where to look, Borg technology can be hacked."

"œData nodes and all that?" asked Jael.

"œDepends on how old they'll be, and how well it can react to tricorders," said Garak.

And then, Garak listed the Breen station that Melek Nor called its neighbor. Jael furrowed her brow as she watched, and when Nira asked the teams, "What do you think?" Jael only looked around. Since she and Rahab knew plenty about Melek Nor, if they can give information, they can answer whatever questions they can give. Of course, it was understandable to Jael if she wasn't going on Melek Nor, chances of being recognized raised as it is.

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Everything seemed to go okay.. until the worst thing to happen did.  His own officer speaking out.  Not just a quiet quip, but finally actively being adversarial to a diplomat.  Regardless of who it was, it did not matter, and what was worse is that Jael did not seem to let up.  Discovery was being embarrassed by the second.  And the Captain finally had enough.

"Miss Sherem.. that's ENOUGH!" he suddenly shouted back, channeling his inner Emmissary as he tried not to clench his fist.  He didn't need to explain what or why, but the look he was giving his officer was quite enough; she was more than just out of line. He waited for the sound of his own voice to stop reverberating on the walls before he dared speak again.

"I will say this only once.  If you are too close to the mission to remain objective, then I will relieve you of duty now and let you sit this one out.  If you wish to remain on this assignment, you will remain seated and silent unless addressed directly.  Is that clear?"

Once that was done, he turned back to Kira and Garak as well as his group.  "My apologies, it will not happen again. Please continue."

He sat back, listening as they continued, while occasionally looking back at his officer just in case.  Very few people could remain objective in such a situation, but time and experience gave him the ability to restrain himself in such times... something that Jael seemed to lack.  He was not looking forward to the later meeting in his ready room.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 27, 2023, 10:59:59 AM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian was less star struck by Admiral Kira, but he was again unnerved by the arrival of Garak, the one time tailor, and yet another Legend of the Dominion War. He listened to the briefing and cringed, when yet another ensign spoke out of turn and wondered silently.

"What in the bloody hell are they teachin' at the Academy these days? If'n that ensign were on the Challenger, they'd be scrubbin' the hull with a toothbrush for a bloody month."

When Nira asked her question, Ian had a response.

"I can see chasin' this Cloten's ship easily enough, but what is the actual infiltration plan? We get close ta Melek Nor and beam the team in, drop them in a shuttle, stuff them in a probe casin', or knock and ask Sherem nicely ta let them visit?"

"On top of that... do we have a backup plan?  This mission is already looking like its going to rely on acting skills and trust of less-than-savory types."



[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Everything seemed to go okay.. until the worst thing to happen did.  His own officer speaking out.  Not just a quiet quip, but finally actively being adversarial to a diplomat.  Regardless of who it was, it did not matter, and what was worse is that Jael did not seem to let up.  Discovery was being embarrassed by the second.  And the Captain finally had enough.

"Miss Sherem.. that's ENOUGH!" he suddenly shouted back, channeling his inner Emmissary as he tried not to clench his fist.  He didn't need to explain what or why, but the look he was giving his officer was quite enough; she was more than just out of line. He waited for the sound of his own voice to stop reverberating on the walls before he dared speak again.

"I will say this only once.  If you are too close to the mission to remain objective, then I will relieve you of duty now and let you sit this one out.  If you wish to remain on this assignment, you will remain seated and silent unless addressed directly.  Is that clear?"

Once that was done, he turned back to Kira and Garak as well as his group.  "My apologies, it will not happen again. Please continue."

He sat back, listening as they continued, while occasionally looking back at his officer just in case.  Very few people could remain objective in such a situation, but time and experience gave him the ability to restrain himself in such times... something that Jael seemed to lack.  He was not looking forward to the later meeting in his ready room.

The yell of the Captain caused Ensign Myne's perfect attention to falter as she hunkered down with a hand on the back of her head and one on the back of her neck to protect spots if hit. After a moment she reeasumed her attention stance however with a bit of shivering.

She hoped her reaction would not harm her chances of being allowed on the mission, however she tended to react with fear to unexpected yelling. Something that might lend some more credability to her 'role'.

Female Only

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 26, 2023, 04:53:24 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

The moment Vila mentioned the ship Discovery, the native woman's face lit up and she nodded in excitement.   "I'm assigned to Discovery as well.  That makes us shipmates.  I'm in Science." she offered in reply.

When asked what she was doing in Quark's ordering a root beer, Saqa7 gave a somewhat embarrassed shrug.  "I don't drink alcohol much - not since I nearly cheated on my partner with an exotic dancer at a bachelorette."  That had been one wild night.

"And I'm here to say goodbye to the Commander before I head back to Earth for family reasons.  Have you met Commander tr'Lhoell yet?" she asked curious.

She made a face. "Oof, yeah. You sound like my ex-husband!! No offense." Whoops, Vila. You haven't even had a full Kanar yet! "Sorry!! I am still a little...bitter about it all." She said. Besides, she was naturally tactless and "spicy"-one of the things that was supposedly attractive about her. "And yes, I met the Commander. Looked at me like he saw a ghost. But he got right to business, and I like that. I appreciate that. I am too old for niceties and bullshit," she said. "I hope everything is OK at home; I am from Bajor. HOPEFULLY tomorrow, I can head there, but we'll see."

She sighed. "Science, huh? I actually have a degree the Bajoran Technical College in chemistry," she had wanted to join Starfleet herself, but had put her dreams on hold for Ben's. STUPID. "Are most of the crew single? I don't think I see a single family." On the other hand, a bar might not be the best place to take a family, but she wouldn't know, would she?!

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: myne on May 27, 2023, 06:24:08 PM

Myne smiled up to the Commander. "It's not a character Ma'am. I am a good girl. I'm good because the nine Mommies who raised me on Miri dipped me in honey each morning for almost a hundred years to make me so sweet!"

She gave 'Daddy' one last hug then skipped happily back to her original spot with a giggle before standing in perfect attention and being a very quiet good girl.

Prior to Myne's outburst, Kyan had been thinking about the abject absurdity of the situation in which he found himself. Here he was, standing in a briefing with all these people, most of whom had fought in the Dominion War, as he had. And now, they were plotting to sneak aboard a Nor class station which was equipped with a Transwarp by a Cardassian who was in league with the Breen....and some Jem Hadar.

Somehow, the winning plan was that he and Myne were going to pretend to be the children of Elias Vaughn... who was one hundred twenty five years old. And there was a ransom demand, something something.....honestly it was all dreadfully uninteresting. Kyan was waiting for the part where Said... or one of the other grups laid out the part where they started dispatching Jem'Hadar and Breen, ending with the capture of the fat Cardassian and subsequent blowing up of Melok Nor.

After the series of outbursts, reprimands and excessive cuteness, Kyan spoke up. "Sure and it seems tae me, being as he's an Intelligence type, Sherem probably knows that Captain Vaughn here is way past the age where you grups quit makin babies so he is. Also, he seen Myne already on the bridge of the ship when he was flapping his jaws about the old days. So if it's dead set ye are on us bein fake prisoners....the which isn't a crappy might be after makin up a better story than that."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom] (2 days later)

The wardroom room was uncomfortably full with both the Challenger and Discovery Away Team members in attendance this time.

Rayek had spent 12 hours yesterday with his team going over standard infiltration maneuvers and having the team's Ops and Engineering members code-break into various secure computer systems that the ship's holodeck could generate.  While the Romulan would have preferred to tailor the training for the Breen base itself, Rayek, at the time, had very little information about the base layout so, he had his team practice with as varied situations as he could come up with.   When asked what this training was for... all he could reply was "That information is currently classified."

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 09:36:31 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"œLadies, gentlemen," Kira said. "œI present Legates Nural and Sherem - well, Mrs. Sherem - of Cardassian Central Command. And joining us is the Castellan"¦"

"œActually, that is not me at the moment, Admiral," a voice said from behind the Legates, and an older Cardassian seemed to materialize between them. In spite of his age and graying hair, he bore a wide, amused smile, like he loved to live a life of, what they called on Earth, a troll. Not a mythological troll, but a troll that likes to make a mockery.

Jael perked up at the sight of the Castellan and frowned. "œSo, it's you," she snipped quietly.

"œThat's right, my dear," Elim Garak replied, nodding at Jael. "œJust plain, simple Garak."

"œPlain and simple, my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]," sneered Jael. "œWe all know what you're really like."

Jael's spat at Garak caught Nira by surprise; she wondered if Jael had met him before. After a brief moment of Jael's retorts at Garak, Nira looked at Captain Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell with a raised eyebrow; it was now Jael's turn to be reprimanded by Discovery's command staff, if only for a brief moment.

The moment Jael first spoke up, Rayek tried to silence her with a sharp glare, which the Cardassian either didn't see or didn't acknowledge, continuing with her rude interruption.  So Rayek was forced to stand from his seat and began making his way towards her to remove her from the room.  But before he could reach her and deal with the situation somewhat discreetly, Captain had enough of her.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 27, 2023, 09:36:50 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Everything seemed to go okay.. until the worst thing to happen did.  His own officer speaking out.  Not just a quiet quip, but finally actively being adversarial to a diplomat.  Regardless of who it was, it did not matter, and what was worse is that Jael did not seem to let up.  Discovery was being embarrassed by the second.  And the Captain finally had enough.

"Miss Sherem.. that's ENOUGH!" he suddenly shouted back, channeling his inner Emissary as he tried not to clench his fist.  He didn't need to explain what or why, but the look he was giving his officer was quite enough; she was more than just out of line. He waited for the sound of his own voice to stop reverberating on the walls before he dared speak again.

"I will say this only once.  If you are too close to the mission to remain objective, then I will relieve you of duty now and let you sit this one out.  If you wish to remain on this assignment, you will remain seated and silent unless addressed directly.  Is that clear?"

Once that was done, he turned back to Kira and Garak as well as his group.  "My apologies, it will not happen again. Please continue."

Rayek arrived at the Junior Lieutenant Sherem's side with a disapproving scowl, and he planted himself beside her with arms folded, listening to the briefing continue, but ready to remove her at the next slip up.

He watched and listened as Admiral Kira and Castellan Garak displayed first a schematic of Melek Nor and then of the Breen base - the latter being of more interest to the Romulan who studied it rather intently while it was being displayed.

Eventually there was opportunity in the briefing to ask questions and Captain Galloway, asked the question most important to the Romulan.  Breen mercenaries brought in by the smuggler Cloten was the answer.  Not that the Romulan was all to fond of the idea, but he had nothing better to offer at the moment.

Nira presented her 'hostage' idea as a means of getting the Onlies on board.  To the Romulan that that seemed even riskier than the Breen mercenary idea.  But Ensign Myne seemed amenable to the idea and took a moment to demonstrate her ability to play a child.  He was impressed with her off the cuff suggestion of adding a tracker to her or the teddy.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 28, 2023, 01:15:51 AM

After the series of outbursts, reprimands and excessive cuteness, Kyan spoke up. "Sure and it seems tae me, being as he's an Intelligence type, Sherem probably knows that Captain Vaughn here is way past the age where you grups quit makin babies so he is. Also, he seen Myne already on the bridge of the ship when he was flapping his jaws about the old days. So if it's dead set ye are on us bein fake prisoners....the which isn't a crappy might be after makin up a better story than that."

Rayek quirked an eyebrow at Mister Mackenzie.  "Lieutenant, you address Captain Ulysses Vaughn not his father. " While not in his prime anymore, it was certainly possible for the officer to have sired children.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 27, 2023, 09:36:50 PM

"On top of that... do we have a backup plan?  This mission is already looking like its going to rely on acting skills and trust of less-than-savory types."

Rayek looked towards the Admiral to see if she would have any sort of answer for Captain Tekin.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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