Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

:: Quarks | Deep Space 9 ::

~ 2 DAYS AGO ~

After Cloten had come through on his end, Quark had delivered him the second of his purchased items, in full view of the Nausiccan. Kyan was pleased to see that he had watched the transaction go down with a predatory interest. He smiled inwardly. "œGood." He thought, looking over the dagh'tagh. "œNow to give him his opportunity!"

He hopped off the barstool. "œWell, it's off tae bed fer me the now Quark. I'll see ye later."

The Ferengi, busy with some cocktail order, waved without looking up. Kyan made for the door, glancing back as he turned onto the promenade to see if he was followed. Happily, he was.

Several minutes later he was standing in a darkened junction when he heard footfalls behind him. He waited til they were close before turning around. When he did, Dguur loomed over him.

"œUmm"¦ heya mister." He offered in his best "œscared kid" impression. "œI'm lost the now. Can ye help me find"¦.."

"œGive me the knife boy, and you won't get hurt."

Oh he wanted nothing more than to do JUST that. But not the dagh'tagh"¦.and not in the way that the ugly old Nausiccan wanted. But that wasn't the plan. "œI dinnae got no knife mister"¦"

A hand shot out and grabbed his shirt, lifting the Onlie off the ground. Another reached for the pocket on the front of his sweatshirt. Kyan played his part by grabbing the arm holding him with both hands and squirming, putting up a meek protest. "œPlease"¦ dinnae hurt me. I was tryin tae sell it back to make money for me Da.. "œ

Dguur found the Dagh'Tagh, wrapped in leather and pulled it out. He then dropped Kyan to the deck who crabwalked back to the bulkhead in "œfear". Dguur examined the blade, which was a forgery of course. But it was easy to forge Klingon house markings. "œDon't worry. I'll take it to Ty'Gokor and get the latinum." Dguur laughed. "œAnd if you tell anyone I took it"¦ I'll pay you another visit." Dguur put the blade away and feinted as though he were going to hit him. Kyan didn't flinch, which he immediately kicked himself for. He made a show of cowering afterward that apparently sold well enough.

"œYour father should be ashamed of you. Cowardly boy." Dguur shook his head.

Rather than continue belittling the scared human, the Nausiccan turned and walked back the way he'd come. Kyan smiled at his back. Like grups were wont to do, Dguur was too consumed by his greed to realize he was being played. After he was sure the Nausiccan was gone, the ancient boy hopped up off the deck and dusted himself off. Then he set off for the next place he needed to go.

:: Cargo Bay 2 ::

~ 1 day ago ~

"œSo you want me to do what now?" the transporter technician asked incredulously.

After proving to the fresh faced crewman that we was who he said he was"¦twice, Kyan had given him the coordinates. It was on the screen in front of him. All the grupling had to do was complete the transport. Kyan stood on his tiptoes and indicated the screen. "œJust transport that." He indicated the initial set of coordinates. "œ"¦to there." He dragged his finger to the second. "œSo easy even you can do it!"

"œOk so. You're sure he signed off on this?"

Nodding eagerly, Kyan produced the padd again and pulled up the contract. "œSee? All there. There's Quark's thumbprint." Then he swiped to the next screen. "œAnd then there's the print for whatshisname."

The crewman looked again. Everything seemed to be in order, but he still wasn't 100 percent sure he wasn't being tricked. "œOk but this is just weird."

Kyan heaved a sigh. "œLook, I told ye already so I did. Clean out yer ears an pay attention. Quark sold this box of stuff to the Nausiccan, Dguur. Okay? Dguur's busy doin other stuff, probably doin nasty grup stuff with some holo girl"¦ or guy, whatever"¦ probably something gross that I dinnae even wanna think on. SO"¦ I'm here helping, on account of because I was there and they asked me too"¦ since I was coming here anyways. Okay?"

Finally, the crewman shrugged. "œOkay, but this better not be a trick. I'm not supposed to"¦."

"œYeah Yeah"¦ it'll be fine for ye, dinnae worry. C'mon I got places tae be!"

The transporter technician activated the transporter and in an instant, the crate was disassembled and rematerialized in the cargo hold of Dguur's ship. "œOkay." The crewman said when the cycle was complete. "œThere you go."

Kyan smiled. "œGood work boyo. I knew ye could do it!"

:: Security Office | Deep Space 9 ::

Kyan offered a smile as the face of Kopek, Son of D'Jok appeared on the small screen in front of him.

"œKopek!" the Onlie chirped "œMerry Met again."

"œKyan." The Klingon replied with a toothy grin. "œI heard that you were dead."

Kyan shrugged. "œNah, just some Orions after sellin me off. I escaped so I did, an now I'm doing tactical again."

Kopek nodded. "œI see. And to what do I owe this call?"

"œWell, I've got an intelligence tip for ye the now, that you'll be very interested in."

"œGo on."

"œA courier ship just left Deep Space Nine for Ty'Gokor." Kyan replied with a grin. "œAn the old Nausiccan flying it is carrying a whole crate of Tribbles. We suspect he's after droppin em off at Governor K'Leq's house."

Kopek's face darkened, which made Kyan smile inwardly. The best case scenario now would be that the Klingons would intercept Dguur and blow his ship into dust. The worst case, which was still a very GOOD case, was that he'd be tried and sent to Rura Penthe. "œWhen did he leave?" Kopek asked sharply.

Kyan looked at the chronometer. "œAbout twenty minutes ago."

The Klingon shouted some commands to someone off screen before turning his attention back to Kyan. "œYou have our thanks for delivering this information to us in such a timely manner. We'll definitely intercept this petaq before he gets close to the planet. "

"œAlways happy tae be of help so I am." Kyan smiled.

Kopek grunted a reply and his image was replaced by the seal of the Klingon Intelligence Ministry.

Kyan grinned widely as he leaned back in the chair. "œAnd let that be a lesson to ye ulgy ole creature!" He offered to Dguur, wherever he was. "œToo bad ye couldnae learn it sooner!"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 03:07:23 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"If only it was that simple, Captain," answered Garak with a grin.

"Actually, you were close on the shuttle part, Captain Galloway," said Kira. "Cloten's ship is small enough to squeeze into a shuttlebay if so desired. Besides, just imagine that Cloten will have made a side trip to pick up a bunch of Breen mercenaries interested in work. How we can make the chase look genuine is a bit of a tough one."

"Well, we have an idea for it, which is why we have our two Onlie officers with us," said Nira, finally realizing the opportunity presented itself. She looked at Captain Vaughn, who had not said anything so far. "While most of us can fit in Breen suits, some of us won't. Particularly Mister Mackenzie and Ensign Myne here. Don't let their appearances fool you," she added. "But hopefully we can let their appearances fool the Breen and the Dominion and the pirates.

"The idea is that Mackenzie and Myne come along as 'hostages,'" explained Nira. "They're children of a very important Starfleet officer and had been 'kidnapped' by us 'Breen,' along with their friends, which would include those who can't fit in Breen suits. I was thinking, Captain Vaughn, that they can pretend to be your children, which is why, when Discovery and Challenger begin 'chasing' Cloten's fleet, we could also include the Valiant in the chase; the Valiant would be chasing us, and would get Discovery and Challenger along to back them up. That way it could look genuine."

"Well, it could present a problem if the Dominion, the Breen, and especially the old man, know about us," said Captain Vaughn. "I'm technically not married."

"But you have been a big flirt in the past," retorted Kira. "Unlike your father Elias."

"Yeah, sometimes a woman can't resist me," said Vaughn with a grimace. "It's a curse."

"Think it can work for you, you two?" asked Nira to Mackenzie and Myne.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 27, 2023, 09:36:50 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Everything seemed to go okay.. until the worst thing to happen did.  His own officer speaking out.  Not just a quiet quip, but finally actively being adversarial to a diplomat.  Regardless of who it was, it did not matter, and what was worse is that Jael did not seem to let up.  Discovery was being embarrassed by the second.  And the Captain finally had enough.

"Miss Sherem.. that's ENOUGH!" he suddenly shouted back, channeling his inner Emmissary as he tried not to clench his fist.  He didn't need to explain what or why, but the look he was giving his officer was quite enough; she was more than just out of line. He waited for the sound of his own voice to stop reverberating on the walls before he dared speak again.

"I will say this only once.  If you are too close to the mission to remain objective, then I will relieve you of duty now and let you sit this one out.  If you wish to remain on this assignment, you will remain seated and silent unless addressed directly.  Is that clear?"

Once that was done, he turned back to Kira and Garak as well as his group.  "My apologies, it will not happen again. Please continue."

He sat back, listening as they continued, while occasionally looking back at his officer just in case.  Very few people could remain objective in such a situation, but time and experience gave him the ability to restrain himself in such times... something that Jael seemed to lack.  He was not looking forward to the later meeting in his ready room.

"On top of that... do we have a backup plan?  This mission is already looking like its going to rely on acting skills and trust of less-than-savory types."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 28, 2023, 04:20:05 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom] (2 days later)

The wardroom room was uncomfortably full with both the Challenger and Discovery Away Team members in attendance this time.

Rayek had spent 12 hours yesterday with his team going over standard infiltration maneuvers and having the team's Ops and Engineering members code-break into various secure computer systems that the ship's holodeck could generate.  While the Romulan would have preferred to tailor the training for the Breen base itself, Rayek, at the time, had very little information about the base layout so, he had his team practice with as varied situations as he could come up with.   When asked what this training was for... all he could reply was "That information is currently classified."

The moment Jael first spoke up, Rayek tried to silence her with a sharp glare, which the Cardassian either didn't see or didn't acknowledge, continuing with her rude interruption.  So Rayek was forced to stand from his seat and began making his way towards her to remove her from the room.  But before he could reach her and deal with the situation somewhat discreetly, Captain had enough of her.

Rayek arrived at the Junior Lieutenant Sherem's side with a disapproving scowl, and he planted himself beside her with arms folded, listening to the briefing continue, but ready to remove her at the next slip up.

He watched and listened as Admiral Kira and Castellan Garak displayed first a schematic of Melek Nor and then of the Breen base - the latter being of more interest to the Romulan who studied it rather intently while it was being displayed.

Eventually there was opportunity in the briefing to ask questions and Captain Galloway, asked the question most important to the Romulan.  Breen mercenaries brought in by the smuggler Cloten was the answer.  Not that the Romulan was all to fond of the idea, but he had nothing better to offer at the moment.

Nira presented her 'hostage' idea as a means of getting the Onlies on board.  To the Romulan that that seemed even riskier than the Breen mercenary idea.  But Ensign Myne seemed amenable to the idea and took a moment to demonstrate her ability to play a child.  He was impressed with her off the cuff suggestion of adding a tracker to her or the teddy.

Rayek quirked an eyebrow at Mister Mackenzie.  "Lieutenant, you address Captain Ulysses Vaughn not his father. " While not in his prime anymore, it was certainly possible for the officer to have sired children.

Rayek looked towards the Admiral to see if she would have any sort of answer for Captain Tekin.

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian winced internally as Tekin exercised his command authority a put the Cardassian ensign in her place. When Garak explained the plan, and the Onlie ensign hugged Captain Vaughn, he winced again at her antics.

"Funny is funny, but there's ta be a reckonin'."

He thought before saying.

"Ensign Myne, save it for the mission Lass. If'n you wish ta be seen as an adult, act like one."

Turning to face Garak, and still awestruck to be talking directly to another legend of the Dominion War, he added.

"The infiltration plan seems viable, but what is the exfiltration plan? How are we ta pull our people out?"



[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian winced internally as Tekin exercised his command authority a put the Cardassian ensign in her place. When Garak explained the plan, and the Onlie ensign hugged Captain Vaughn, he winced again at her antics.

"Funny is funny, but there's ta be a reckonin'."

He thought before saying.

"Ensign Myne, save it for the mission Lass. If'n you wish ta be seen as an adult, act like one."

Turning to face Garak, and still awestruck to be talking directly to another legend of the Dominion War, he added.

"The infiltration plan seems viable, but what is the exfiltration plan? How are we ta pull our people out?"

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne's shoulders slumped at the light scolding and she nodded, "Yes Sir. My Apologies."

She kept her ears open, not wishing to miss anything including listening to Big Brother. "Big Brother. The reason I skipped and giggled on the bridge was a 'foolies' incase he saw me it would be looking like i'm some officers child playing on the bridge. So it would make sense with the situation at hand."

Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 25, 2023, 01:37:10 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

With the kid in hand and them now outside of Quark's Lahr felt better.  He grinned to Zhuk and gave the Caitian an up-nod signalling all was well.

He replied Lahr's grin with one of his own, content to see that everything seemed to be going well. Even though he wondered how he would react if he ended up going face-to-face with that Cloten crook. Maybe claw him in the face. Or maybe, he would remain oblivious, as he had been.

Heh. It was good to be such an excellent master of disguise.

Quote from: M'Nia on May 24, 2023, 12:38:32 PM

[Promenade - Quark's Bar]

M'nia was enjoying a little free time. However it was almost time to report to the Challenger. This was her first posting out of the academy. She was excited. She loved engineering. This was going to be great, she just knew it. She looked around at all the people here. Not just starfleet but a lot of civilians as well. DS9 seem to attract all kinds of people. Even  caitian or two. Alas she had no time to really get acquainted. She had a ship to catch. Ah well, she slung her bag over her shoulder and proceeded to the docking port where the challenger was waiting. As she got closer she saw security escorting what looked like a human child. A little girl and a fellow caitian nearby. She had to wonder what was going on. He appeared be lt jg. Security apparently as he was involved in escorting he girl. She was curious. "Hello lt. Umm pardon me for being curious but why is that little girl in a starfleet uniform?"

Quote from: myne on May 24, 2023, 01:07:40 PM

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Ensign Myne looked down at the cardigan that was mostly covering her uniform. Maybe it was her size that obscured much of the little bit showing from the Andorian but Caitian eyes are sharp. But she also spotted Zhukdra'shar and waved him over. She would address each individually.

Looking up to the nice Andorian she wiggled so her uniform was more clearer. "I'm a Ensign. Ensign Myne." When she said her name it would sound like 'mine'. "I'm not a little girl. Well I am sorta.. kinda.. My big brother is a cultural thing, its because we consider all brothers and sisters do to most of us aren't breeding age yet. You might know him, Kyan? We're both Onlines." She lowered her head looking to all three.

"That man was one of the many who had enslaved me over my two hundred and seventy years.. he thought when seeing me I would be worth more as I haven't aged in near a hundred years... but I evaded him! Could you get me back to the ship? I don't think it's safe for me here alone!"

She affectionately hugged all three as she kept close as she could her body language showing genuine fear.

Zhukdra'shar's ear flicked over when he noticed a fellow Caitian approaching him, Myne and Lahr. He seemed to be quite interested, considering that there were not many Caitians serving aboard the Challenger, to have the chance to make a new friend was a welcome opportunity. As he was about to explain the predicament of who Myne was, she made sure to go ahead with the introduction.

He shrugged. Better her to explain who she was, he supposed. Still, what truly caught him off-guard was the unexpected hug that she gave them. He looked slightly unsure of what to do, though a small smile did creep on his face. He ended up offering a bit of a pat on the head to Myne, his reddish-orange fur quite fluffy and soft.

Quote from: M'Nia on May 24, 2023, 01:27:45 PM

[ens M'nia Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]
M'nia was not expecting the hug. "Ohh, umm, ok." she said. Onlie. Yes she remembered from the academy. Extremely long lived. They aged extremely slow and looked like children. Physiologically they were children. "Umm very nice to meet you ens. Myne. I'm ens. M'nia, engineering. I'm actually just out of the academy. The challenger is my first posting."

"Greetings, Ensign M'nia, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, currently posted within Security within the Challenger," He offered a small bow of acknowledgment, trying to be polite and welcoming to the new member of Engineering.
Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 25, 2023, 01:37:10 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Lahr remained stunned saying nothing long enough for others to arrive and for Myne to make a new friend. The thumping tail at his leg finally drew Lahr's attention and the sight of Ensign Myne playing with a velociraptor was startling enough to draw a cry of alarm from the Andorian and he quickly bent to scoop to up the Ensign thinking to back away from the dinosaur.

He'd seen the classic 'Jurassic Park' at movie night he knew what a threat the creature was.

"By the by, allow me to inform you that you should work alongside another two Caitians, a mother and a daughter-" He stopped, as he noticed that Myne had wandered slightly away, now seemingly imitating some kind of creature that was displayed in a holographic manner. He was relieved to see Lahr move in and scoop Myne, as the apparent reptile had large, claws at its feet and hands, with sharp teeth and keen eyes.

Of course, he felt a little ashamed as he realized that, as a holographic being, it posed no danger to any of them. He chuckled slightly as its apparent caretaker appeared and, alongside M'nia, explained what it was. A raptor. Certainly fascinating, in his opinion.

He remained quiet, as he listened in to the conversation between her and Lahr about the specifications of the velociraptor. He didn't understand techno-babble too well, but still, he was interested in knowing more about it...


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 28, 2023, 04:20:05 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom] (2 days later)

The wardroom room was uncomfortably full with both the Challenger and Discovery Away Team members in attendance this time.

Rayek had spent 12 hours yesterday with his team going over standard infiltration maneuvers and having the team's Ops and Engineering members code-break into various secure computer systems that the ship's holodeck could generate.  While the Romulan would have preferred to tailor the training for the Breen base itself, Rayek, at the time, had very little information about the base layout so, he had his team practice with as varied situations as he could come up with.   When asked what this training was for... all he could reply was "That information is currently classified."

The moment Jael first spoke up, Rayek tried to silence her with a sharp glare, which the Cardassian either didn't see or didn't acknowledge, continuing with her rude interruption.  So Rayek was forced to stand from his seat and began making his way towards her to remove her from the room.  But before he could reach her and deal with the situation somewhat discreetly, Captain had enough of her.

Rayek arrived at the Junior Lieutenant Sherem's side with a disapproving scowl, and he planted himself beside her with arms folded, listening to the briefing continue, but ready to remove her at the next slip up.

He watched and listened as Admiral Kira and Castellan Garak displayed first a schematic of Melek Nor and then of the Breen base - the latter being of more interest to the Romulan who studied it rather intently while it was being displayed.

Eventually there was opportunity in the briefing to ask questions and Captain Galloway, asked the question most important to the Romulan.  Breen mercenaries brought in by the smuggler Cloten was the answer.  Not that the Romulan was all to fond of the idea, but he had nothing better to offer at the moment.

Nira presented her 'hostage' idea as a means of getting the Onlies on board.  To the Romulan that that seemed even riskier than the Breen mercenary idea.  But Ensign Myne seemed amenable to the idea and took a moment to demonstrate her ability to play a child.  He was impressed with her off the cuff suggestion of adding a tracker to her or the teddy.

Rayek quirked an eyebrow at Mister Mackenzie.  "Lieutenant, you address Captain Ulysses Vaughn not his father. " While not in his prime anymore, it was certainly possible for the officer to have sired children.

Rayek looked towards the Admiral to see if she would have any sort of answer for Captain Tekin.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Wardroom | Deep Space 9](2 days later)

After two days of downtime, Zhukdra'shar was summoned to the DS9's Wardroom in order to be briefed on the next joint maneuver that the Challenger and Discovery crews were to engage in. He seemed eager to join in whatever posting he was assigned to, though first, he listened intently with a serious expression and his hands behind his back.

However, things did not go as expected as Myne put on a rather odd act to show off that she could feign to be a child. His actor's heart was proud, but he indeed felt that it was not the moment. Still, what was more worrisome was the fact that Lieutenant Junior Grade Sherem, his equal in the Challenger, experienced a rather strong, improper response towards no one other than Elim Garak.

At least, she was properly reprimanded. Hmph. He understood what was to have views of one's own at the missions. He had too heard things about Garak, although his opinion towards him was more positive than negative. There were things he agreed with much less, though he knew how to reign in his feelings most of the time. He wouldn't give such a display, that was for sure.

Everything went back to normal soon after, and he began to study the schematics of Merek Nor with clear interest. He was curious to see for himself the interiors of that space station, and mayhaps, learn more of Cardassia as a result. For now, though, he kept quiet, though he was ready to volunteer for infiltrating into the peculiar station at a moment's notice.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Jess Willard

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom - 2 Days Later]

The room was packed, not in the way that no one could even move without bumping into someone, but close enough. Jess still hadn't had the time to adjust to life aboard the Discovery, almost from the moment she'd arrived in DS9 up to now she'd barely had time to even think. Her eyes glanced across everyone in the room. Body language and facial expressions were far from an exact science, but she'd gotten pretty good at reading people over her years of study. Judging solely by body language it was obvious her discomfort with how crampt the space was happened to be shared by a portion of the officers in the room with her. In a strange way the shared discomfort relieved some of the discomfort she herself felt. If experienced officers felt as she did, that meant her feelings weren't entirely invalid at least.

She/Her - Human

Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on May 28, 2023, 10:41:01 AM

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne's shoulders slumped at the light scolding and she nodded, "Yes Sir. My Apologies."

She kept her ears open, not wishing to miss anything including listening to Big Brother. "Big Brother. The reason I skipped and giggled on the bridge was a 'foolies' incase he saw me it would be looking like i'm some officers child playing on the bridge. So it would make sense with the situation at hand."

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian felt bad essentially scolding the girl, but there were standards of decorum all Starfleet officers had to maintain. The ensign from Discovery just had the pointed out to her. Despite feeling like he was being harsh, the Onlies were such a special case, all of them were at least 200 plus years old, but they were still emotionally and developmentally children. Since their discovery back in the 23rd Century, they finally got adult supervision and education, so they were allowed in Starfleet, but Ian remained skeptical that they were up to the task of serving on a Starship.

"Understood Ensign. It was a reasonable deception for the moment. For now, we will accept you can take on the role planned for you."



[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian felt bad essentially scolding the girl, but there were standards of decorum all Starfleet officers had to maintain. The ensign from Discovery just had the pointed out to her. Despite feeling like he was being harsh, the Onlies were such a special case, all of them were at least 200 plus years old, but they were still emotionally and developmentally children. Since their discovery back in the 23rd Century, they finally got adult supervision and education, so they were allowed in Starfleet, but Ian remained skeptical that they were up to the task of serving on a Starship.

"Understood Ensign. It was a reasonable deception for the moment. For now, we will accept you can take on the role planned for you."

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne lifted her shoulders and chin high as she nodded to her Captain. "Thank You for encouraging me Captain. I will do my best to serve and bring pride to the ship Sir!" She smiled as she clasped her hands behind her back and puffed out her chest but kept the same happy smile.

Female Only


[Ensign Rin Amaya | Quarks | Deep Space Nine]
[2 Days Ago]

The trill seemed a little nervous as she neatened up her clothes carefully. Her new uniform. She had been granted shore leave already and she didn't even have a chance to go on a full mission or even meet most of the crew yet. She was fresh out of the academy but she knew her stuff, all the ones that graduated did though, so she had to impress and prove her worth. She would give a nod as she would take her first steps into the bar. Her eyes skated around the room with interest and curiousity. She would walk slowly to the bar not really sure who to start with. She knew that she should speak to someone but she wasn't even sure who to talk to nor their names well other than ones she was told that she'd be meeting on the ship like the captain. "A bar really isn't my best haunt that's for sure..." She would mutter to herself feeling a little out of place away from a console or a book in their hands. However if this was where many others were gathering around to enjoy their Shore leave this was the best place to meet them. "Where do I even begin..." She'd sit against the bar with a quiet sigh as she would order a non alcoholic drink for this time.

"God sister would love this place..." She would chuckle with memories of home in her thoughts as she looked around the bar. "Heh though she'd probably be so jealous considering how popular it is. Though mother kind of doesn't completely agree with her life choices she's still happy for her. Probably because of alcohol... maybe father has been here too..." She would shake her head reminscing about her old life even though she'd should be excited for the future.

Kina Nural

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 09:36:31 AM

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78158.44. The forty-eight hours of shore leave have passed relatively quickly. As we wrap up, we of the respective crews have gotten to know the layout of the station, disguised as relative tours given by Admiral Kira, Captain Vaughn or even Commander Belvedere. In any case, as our shore leave wraps up, we are surprised by the arrival of a Ghemor-class carrier from Cardassia, the Kalnak. We have received that two legates, Legates Nural and Sherem - the latter of whom is Jael's mother and primely commands the Kalnak, and recently a good portion of a Cardassian fleet - have come with somebody exceptionally important from the Cardassian government. With the arrival of the Cardassian officials, it was a perfect opportunity to call in each of our respective teams so they can get a handle of what's going on and what they're going to deal with. Considering the familiar names of the Legates coming, we have especially called for Nurse Nural and Lieutenant Jael Sherem to join us for this, our next briefing.

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira was certainly amazed at the sight of the huge Ghemor-class carrier. From what she understood, Ghemors were roughly as big as Galaxy-classes and more fresher than older carriers like Hutets.

She looked particularly at the two teams assembled at the ward room, each from the two ships, particularly at Jael and Kina. She could understand why Jael needed to be there, whereas Kina knows something about her own father, and he could have something on Old Man Sherem. In general, the teams have been briefed on the situation at hand, and the meeting with the Cardassian officials was to describe what they'll be dealing with at the stations.

She also had been taking careful consideration. Lahr, she was having in mind to act as a "œpartner" with Cloten negotiation about the Borg salvage with the Breen, as well as the prisoners"¦Nira was planning on Mackenzie and Myne to act as the prisoners, children of a high-ranking Federation official held hostage, and that their ransom can easily be called for. Hell, she was even thinking that Captain Vaughn would portray their "œfather," and that to make the salvage fleet look genuinely pursued, Vaughn would take the Valiant and have Challenger and Discovery follow along to "œchase" the fleet. She planned to bring this up particularly to Vaughn and Admiral Kira when the opportunity presented itself. Of course, she also had Lieutenant McNair along, just in case.

A few moments after the Captains, XOs and their respective Cardassian officers assembled, Admiral Kira appeared with the two Legates. Nira recognized Legate Nural from what she saw over Kina's shoulder. Legate Rahab Sherem, of course, was recognizable as Jael's mother, given how much she looked like an older Jael.

"œLadies, gentlemen," Kira said. "œI present Legates Nural and Sherem - well, Mrs. Sherem - of Cardassian Central Command. And joining us is the Castellan"¦"

"œActually, that is not me at the moment, Admiral," a voice said from behind the Legates, and an older Cardassian seemed to materialize between them. In spite of his age and graying hair, he bore a wide, amused smile, like he loved to live a life of, what they called on Earth, a troll. Not a mythological troll, but a troll that likes to make a mockery.

Jael perked up at the sight of the Castellan and frowned. "œSo, it's you," she snipped quietly.

"œThat's right, my dear," Elim Garak replied, nodding at Jael. "œJust plain, simple Garak."

"œPlain and simple, my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]," sneered Jael. "œWe all know what you're really like."

Jael's spat at Garak caught Nira by surprise; she wondered if Jael had met him before. After a brief moment of Jael's retorts at Garak, Nira looked at Captain Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell with a raised eyebrow; it was now Jael's turn to be reprimanded by Discovery's command staff, if only for a brief moment.

"œI believe the Castellan and his associates have something to share with us." said Mrs. Sherem, once the reprimand was finished. She had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes becoming hard, staring at Jael. Nira had seen that look enough times on her guardian, Aunty Parisa, the kind a mother would give to sternly silence a child, when she did something Aunty didn't like. "œI understand you'll have assembled what you know about Melek Nor?"

"œYes, but we'll need to make comparisons," Jael added, and she watched on.

Garak then whipped out a Cardassian data rod and inserted it into a console on the table. A holographic display then activated, showing a Nor-station schematic, very identical to Deep Space Nine, only Nira could see the differences instantly. There was enough green to know"¦

"œMelek Nor?" asked Nira.

"œCorrect, Commander," said Admiral Kira.

"œHow very detailed," said Nira. "œBut it has to be Allah and Prophets know how many years old it is."

"œActually, it's a fresh schematic," Garak said. "œLegate Nural has a man on the inside, infiltrating Nehor Sherem's ranks. This is just one of a few recent things he's transmitted in secret. It wasn't easy to get a hold of, I can tell you that."

"œPresumably in that he can't risk any more leaking to keep from being detected," Kira sad.

"œCorrect," Mrs. Sherem answered. "œHe's helped out a great deal, he even helped Captain Worf get in. We can't expect much more from him, but there's plenty we can provide to help our friends in Starfleet."

"œMother and daughter alike," said Nira, looking between Rahab and Jael.

"œOh, we know Melek Nor very well," said Jael. "œMother knows it better than I would, even if Father was the Obsidian Order go-betweener under Gul Dukat during the Occupation."

"œAnd plenty more since Nural's man gave us these schematics and other things," added Mrs. Sherem.

"œIncluding what Worf got from Melek Nor's computer," asked Kira.

"œWorf had plenty of help on the inside," Garak said. "œAfter all, Nural's man helped him in."

Then Jael, with help from her mother, gave her piece, explaining about the station, and particularly about the transwarp coil.

"œWhat about the Breen station?" asked Nira, when they finished.

Garak made another sweeping gesture, and another schematic appeared, causing the holographic Melek Nor to zoom away. The station looked to be plenty bigger than Melek Nor, roughly the size of a small moon - specifically, bigger than the moon-sized asteroid Ceres but definitely smaller than, say, Saturn's Titan or Uranus' Miranda. Given how the Breen make their vessels organic-based, Nira had to admit, the Breen did a good job of making the station look like a vacuum-breathing cephalopod/whale, its tentacles wrapped in a corkscrew fashion around a blubber body and the lower docks certainly looking like tail fins.

Still, it looked so organic, Nira couldn't resist saying, "œIt's not"¦alive, is it?"

Garak and Kira made aside glances and then shook their heads at each other before turning back to the other officers.

"œNot in the slightest," said Garak.

"œStill, it's easy to think that way," Kira added. "œGiven how the Breen build their ships organic-based.

"œNow, this station is chiefly controlled by one of the Breen factions, a race called the Fenrisal," said Kira, as Rahab stepped to Garak's side and pulled up an image of a Breen Thot. Nira could tell this was no ordinary Breen, owing to the armor and scratches.

"œThis is the Breen commander of the station and forces in the vicinity," added Rahab. "œThot Maalgh. One of many Breen Thots in support of the Dominion. He and Nehor have loads in common. In that they're both dangerous and they're both their peoples' foremost experts on the Borg. Not that the Breen would have concerns for assimilation, given the Borg assimilate life forms by injecting nanoprobes into the bloodstream and corrupting it, and Breen have no blood. But they're virtually friends"¦in fact, old Nehor can certainly be counted as one of the only Cardassians ever to have friendly relations with the Breen."

Nira can easily see how all the Cardassians, even trollish Garak, were scowling and even curling their lips at that. It was understandable, the Breen and the Cardassians have a long history of animosity; the fact that the Breen had joined the Dominion and were nudging the Cardassians aside was probably a chief reason, according to history, why Damar broke with the Dominion and began to resist.

"œExpect the fact that there will be Breen personnel on both those stations," said Kira. "œAnd that's where you'll need disguises on your teams, as much as possible. And Cloten will be providing the suits necessary."

Nira then looked at Commander tr'Lhoell and Captains Galloway and Tekin, and then back and forth between Kina and her father, especially as he gave his views and the potential contact to look out for. But she especially looked around at the two teams, and then asked, "œWhat do you all think?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 28, 2023, 04:32:08 PM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian felt bad essentially scolding the girl, but there were standards of decorum all Starfleet officers had to maintain. The ensign from Discovery just had the pointed out to her. Despite feeling like he was being harsh, the Onlies were such a special case, all of them were at least 200 plus years old, but they were still emotionally and developmentally children. Since their discovery back in the 23rd Century, they finally got adult supervision and education, so they were allowed in Starfleet, but Ian remained skeptical that they were up to the task of serving on a Starship.

"Understood Ensign. It was a reasonable deception for the moment. For now, we will accept you can take on the role planned for you."

[Wardroom / Deep Space 9]

It wasnt long when Kina recieved the call to report that she was sitting in the wardroom with officers significantly higher than her. She couldn't help but fidget a bit as she looked around. Was she needed for another mission? If she did, she hoped it would be fore medical reasons. She looked around at her captain and first officer, other members from both ships, seeing that it was clear that this was going to be something major. She was just begining to calm down when the doors opened and she was struck by what she saw.

It was her. Kira Nerys. The former commander of the station, former hero of the Bajoran Resistance, and sewcond in command to the Emmisary of the Prophets. Behind her walked in her father, Elor Nural. It took everything she had not to run to him and give him a hug. The last time she saw him, she was leaving for Starfleet Academy, and she wanted to catch up with him. The last person to come in, the very important person, made her jaw drop.

Elim Garak. THE Elim Garak. The very man who fought next to Damar on Cardassia and retook the Central Command. He was also there when Damar died. Kina was so star stuck that she barely heard anything from the briefing. When the conversation moved to the man on the inside, Elor spoke briefly about the subject. "The individual onboard Melek Nor sacrificed much in order to get aboard that station, and is still currently risking everything to provide us with what information he can and aid Captain Worf. He is under explecit instructions that he is to not interfere or compromise his position, even at the cost of Captain Worf's life."

Kina listened to everything that she could hear. She looked around at everyone gathered. So much was happening. Even as a child, she never understood how her father could keep track of everything that was happening around home and still be so calm. No matter the crisis, he always acted as if nothing bothered him. She took in everything and started making lists in her head. She wanted to make sure that they had everything they needed for anything.

Elor looked around at all those gathered. Every now and then, he payed close attention to the captain of the ship Challenger. His daughter was everything in his life, and he would do anything and everything to protect her. He had some information about Ian Galloway, but now was the time to actually size him up. He knew that Starfleet officers, especially captains, would do anything and everything for their crew. He was sure that this human would take care of his daughter, but he wanted to make sure. When it came to his little stardust, there was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Quote from: Buehler on May 27, 2023, 04:24:03 PM


Evan took a step back to let the others approach the holographic creature that he already knew quite well. Watching and listening, as opposed to direct interaction. Passive stimulus for a passive person. He chuckled at Steve's reaction to the little ensign and was sure that Myne reciprocated the feeling.

A question from Lahr caught his attention. "If I remember right, he has his own holo-emitter," he said. "But don't quote me on that," Evan added with a chuckle.

For the first time at Evan's statement, Lahr noticed that the Doc was present too and evidently seemed to know the woman with the holographic dinosaur.  He gave the man an up-nod.  "Hey Doc.  You know this critter?"
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 27, 2023, 06:24:45 PM


Kinley nodded"The doctor's not wrong. he does have his own holoemitter. It's on his collar, and he even has gone planetside for little stints. But when we're on the ship, I like him to hop through the Ship's holonetworks. Saves a little bit of battery life." she smiled. While she certainly didn't make him, she was pretty impressed at his capabilities.  "Do you guys have any other plans before your ships head out?"

At the mention of where the holoemitter was, the Andorian craned his head to see if he could get a look at it.  "Oh, what ship are you with?"  Being in Engineering now, Lahr didn't have access to the ship's roster anymore...well, not without making use of Ruth's authorization codes anyways...  but he'd heard rumor that a new batch of recent academy graduates were being added to Challenger.

However, as the Doc and here seemed to be old friends he doubted she fit the bill of 'new graduate'.

He gave a shrug.  "I'd tried to liven up Quarks with some better music, but apparently despite having ears that size, it seems HE at least doesn't use them for listening to good music. If I stick around here without the music, I'll likely end up drinking WAY too much and causing a scene.  So, if you got better idea on how to spend time on the station.  I'm all antennae."  He waggled the forementioned appendages jauntily before rising to his full height more.

Quote from: myne on May 27, 2023, 06:45:50 PM

[Ensign Myne | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Myne gently stayed close to the security crewman and shook her head, "It's likely not safe for me to be wandering around. I am going to head to the ship until needed." She leaned down and petted Steve, "A pleasure to meet you Steve." She then smiled and headed toward the onboarding.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 28, 2023, 11:22:51 AM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

He replied Lahr's grin with one of his own, content to see that everything seemed to be going well. Even though he wondered how he would react if he ended up going face-to-face with that Cloten crook. Maybe claw him in the face. Or maybe, he would remain oblivious, as he had been.

Heh. It was good to be such an excellent master of disguise.

Zhukdra'shar's ear flicked over when he noticed a fellow Caitian approaching him, Myne and Lahr. He seemed to be quite interested, considering that there were not many Caitians serving aboard the Challenger, to have the chance to make a new friend was a welcome opportunity. As he was about to explain the predicament of who Myne was, she made sure to go ahead with the introduction.

He shrugged. Better her to explain who she was, he supposed. Still, what truly caught him off-guard was the unexpected hug that she gave them. He looked slightly unsure of what to do, though a small smile did creep on his face. He ended up offering a bit of a pat on the head to Myne, his reddish-orange fur quite fluffy and soft.

"Greetings, Ensign M'nia, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, currently posted within Security within the Challenger," He offered a small bow of acknowledgment, trying to be polite and welcoming to the new member of Engineering.

"By the by, allow me to inform you that you should work alongside another two Caitians, a mother and a daughter-" He stopped, as he noticed that Myne had wandered slightly away, now seemingly imitating some kind of creature that was displayed in a holographic manner. He was relieved to see Lahr move in and scoop Myne, as the apparent reptile had large, claws at its feet and hands, with sharp teeth and keen eyes.

Of course, he felt a little ashamed as he realized that, as a holographic being, it posed no danger to any of them. He chuckled slightly as its apparent caretaker appeared and, alongside M'nia, explained what it was. A raptor. Certainly fascinating, in his opinion.

He remained quiet, as he listened in to the conversation between her and Lahr about the specifications of the velociraptor. He didn't understand techno-babble too well, but still, he was interested in knowing more about it...

When Myne declined the idea of checking out more of the station his antennae sank a bit.  Roozh.. To the Lieutenant he gave slight shrug. "Sorry, I promised I'd take her back to Challenger.  But afterwards we can do something? I hear that there's a bowling alley on the station"

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom] (2 days later)

Two days of shoreleave.  That's what Lahr had had been told the crew was getting - and Lahr figured he and his welding team had earned it with the risks they took during the recent skirmish with the Nor-Station.  But while they got to enjoy the amenities of DS9 and Bajor, Lahr somehow had been selected to attend some mandatory tours of the station.  Lahr suspected an upcoming away mission .

It seemed with Ruth's absence the Command Team felt they no longer had to keep Ruth's promise that he didn't have to be on away teams.  You'd think that his file would have it highlighted or something.   Or that the current or previous doctor would just save him the trouble and mark him for 'light or alternative duties only' because of his PTSD.

So, it was no surprise to the Andorian when he was called to the Wardroom with the others who'd also been on the tours.  Mission Brief time.  Joy.

Lahr hung back, blending in with the crowd as he listened to the mission brief and all the drama that unfolded around it.  He was a bit in awe of the 'big names' who were in attendance - but it also worried him.   If the mission was being briefed by them - then the importance and scope of it had to be quite huge.  What if he weren't up for it?

The idea of infiltrating the Nor-station that had attacked the whole convoy of traders was rather mind-boggling. And to do it in Breen suits?!   He'd seen Nira get in and out of one on Ferenginar.  There wasn't a whole helluva lot of room in one.  His antennae drooped at the thought of being trapped inside one for the whole of the mission.   Ugh.

While it was possible to 'pin' his antennae down; in doing so, he'd be next to useless, since his antenna were extensions of his sinus cavity and pinning them would be like having a huge sinus headache; complete with nausea and disorientation.   Lahr was tempted to point this out, but figured now was not the time to interrupt... not after the Cardassian's outburst and Myne's 'Daddy display'.  Nope.  Wouldn't be wise to tick off the Captain at this point.

He'd talk to the Commander after the meeting, surely there had to be other engineers that could go on this thing.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 27, 2023, 11:09:51 PM

She made a face. "Oof, yeah. You sound like my ex-husband!! No offense." Whoops, Vila. You haven't even had a full Kanar yet! "Sorry!! I am still a little...bitter about it all." She said. Besides, she was naturally tactless and "spicy"-one of the things that was supposedly attractive about her. "And yes, I met the Commander. Looked at me like he saw a ghost. But he got right to business, and I like that. I appreciate that. I am too old for niceties and bullshit," she said. "I hope everything is OK at home; I am from Bajor. HOPEFULLY tomorrow, I can head there, but we'll see."

She sighed. "Science, huh? I actually have a degree the Bajoran Technical College in chemistry," she had wanted to join Starfleet herself, but had put her dreams on hold for Ben's. STUPID. "Are most of the crew single? I don't think I see a single family." On the other hand, a bar might not be the best place to take a family, but she wouldn't know, would she?!

Saqa7 winced at the Bajoran's bitter statement but then smiled.  "Yeah not one of my proudest moments. But I think Jureena would understand my weakness given she's been declared missing for the past twelve years... nine years at the time.  But I haven't given up on one day finding her. "

Hearing that Rayek was somewhat surprised by the Bajoran's appearance was unexpected.  Rayek was usually more self-contained than that.  Then Saqa7 smiled to hear that the woman approved of his style.  "Am glad to hear that.  He is a good Commander - and an even better friend, if you are so lucky to get to know that side of him."

Saqa7's smile faded at Vila's kind statement about home.   She shook her head. "Unfortunately not.  I'm just hoping I arrive home in time to possibly make peace with my father before he passes."  then because she didn't want to have sadness dominant the conversation Saqa7 continued on.  "I hope have wonderful visit then."

The native woman listened in interest as Vila commented on having a degree in chemistry.  "Well you should visit the science labs on your time off.  A former superior of mine had a habit of bringing baked goods for her juniors on Fridays, so I've tried to do the same... though bannock is not to everyone's taste...  So when I return you should definitely stop by."

At the mention of family's Saqa7 smiled wider.  "Commander tr'Lhoell has his family aboard.. and I've heard that every so often that the Captain's family visits and I know of at least three other junior officers or enlisted personnel with family.  There's even a school room on the ship for the children... so if you have any, I'm certain they'd be welcome."

Saqa7's attention shift however when in her periphery she noted a woman sitting down nearby with the distinctive markings of a Trill.

Quote from: Rin Amaya on May 28, 2023, 08:17:23 PM

[Ensign Rin Amaya | Quarks | Deep Space Nine]
[2 Days Ago]

The trill seemed a little nervous as she neatened up her clothes carefully. Her new uniform. She had been granted shore leave already and she didn't even have a chance to go on a full mission or even meet most of the crew yet. She was fresh out of the academy but she knew her stuff, all the ones that graduated did though, so she had to impress and prove her worth. She would give a nod as she would take her first steps into the bar. Her eyes skated around the room with interest and curiousity. She would walk slowly to the bar not really sure who to start with. She knew that she should speak to someone but she wasn't even sure who to talk to nor their names well other than ones she was told that she'd be meeting on the ship like the captain. "A bar really isn't my best haunt that's for sure..." She would mutter to herself feeling a little out of place away from a console or a book in their hands. However if this was where many others were gathering around to enjoy their Shore leave this was the best place to meet them. "Where do I even begin..." She'd sit against the bar with a quiet sigh as she would order a non alcoholic drink for this time.

"God sister would love this place..." She would chuckle with memories of home in her thoughts as she looked around the bar. "Heh though she'd probably be so jealous considering how popular it is. Though mother kind of doesn't completely agree with her life choices she's still happy for her. Probably because of alcohol... maybe father has been here too..." She would shake her head reminscing about her old life even though she'd should be excited for the future.

Dark hair in the same fashion that Jureena used to wear hers, for a moment Saqa7 stared, but the woman was far too young to be her Jureena.  Besides Jureena had worn the gold of Security/Tactical not the red of Flight or Command.

Expecting her stare to have been noticed, Saqa7 give a slight head nod towards the Trill, before taking a sip of her root beer.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 29, 2023, 05:47:16 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Saqa7's attention shift however when in her periphery she noted a woman sitting down nearby with the distinctive markings of a Trill.

Dark hair in the same fashion that Jureena used to wear hers, for a moment Saqa7 stared, but the woman was far too young to be her Jureena.  Besides Jureena had worn the gold of Security/Tactical not the red of Flight or Command.

Expecting her stare to have been noticed, Saqa7 give a slight head nod towards the Trill, before taking a sip of her root beer.

[Ensign Rin Amaya - Quarks]
Rin would at first think that nod was for someone else. Her head was slightly in the clouds with thoughts of the past and was slightly distracted about thinking about her own family. However, she shook the distraction out of her mind. She had noticed that the person was looking at her when she did. Was that one of her new crewmates? Or was it just someone interested in her. She would take the chance and get up. She didn't mind meeting new people after all. She would walk over, in short and precise strides, to the woman and would start to introduce herself. "Hey there. I just noticed you give me a nod so I just wanted to be sure that was... pointed at me. However, if it was nice to meet you. I'm... Rin." She would be careful about fully introducing herself but she wanted to seem polite. However she seemed a little nervous as she hadn't met anyone officially and properly yet.

Buck McNair

[DS9 Wardroom - 2 days later]

Two days of shore leave seemed to never go by any slower, blink and he would have otherwise missed it. The first few hours had been spent on Quarks, with the rest of his team who had joined them. It was a good experience being on DS9 and certainly one that was to be kept for a future memory to ask his parents if they ever had been on DS9 or had he been the first McNair to step foot on that station. Buck had been enjoying the time he had gotten off, though now he was rearing to go back to work.

Being in the wardroom was one such moments that he was toeing the line of being regretful for wishful thinking. It was cramped and he had pressed his back into the wall with his arms folded across his chest as he observed various Discovery and Challenger crew members filter in, trying to locate space as and when it became available. Of course, with so many different personalities in the room it was clear to see that there were personality clashes and opinions quick to take flight aimed at each other. They had also been in the presence of apparent legends who had served and fought in the Dominion War. There would be a lot to learn here, even from the silence from those who were yet to speak.

Buck had narrowed an eye as there was an uproar that quickly fizzled out at the direction by the XO of the Disco. To the fact that one of their ensigns, Myne, whom he had met at Quarks and then in the mess hall, was more than capable of acting as a child for their mission to go forth. Whether or not she was truly acting - as she had stated, she hadn't been - was a question for someone with more than one substantive pip. Blue eyes glanced around as he had half a thought to say something but swallowed the need and leaned back against the wall listening to what their joint plan would be.


[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom] (2 days later)

Dranik was trying to remember the weak points of the typical Breen soldier and the standard Cardassian solider as the briefing continued. He had spent most of yesterday training with the rest of the team in infiltration tactics. He was somewhat confident that he would be soon facing either the Breen or the Cardassian soldiers at some point in the near future.

Hirogen Male

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2023, 04:56:51 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

For the first time at Evan's statement, Lahr noticed that the Doc was present too and evidently seemed to know the woman with the holographic dinosaur.  He gave the man an up-nod.  "Hey Doc.  You know this critter?"

At the mention of where the holoemitter was, the Andorian craned his head to see if he could get a look at it.  "Oh, what ship are you with?"  Being in Engineering now, Lahr didn't have access to the ship's roster anymore...well, not without making use of Ruth's authorization codes anyways...  but he'd heard rumor that a new batch of recent academy graduates were being added to Challenger.

However, as the Doc and here seemed to be old friends he doubted she fit the bill of 'new graduate'.

He gave a shrug.  "I'd tried to liven up Quarks with some better music, but apparently despite having ears that size, it seems HE at least doesn't use them for listening to good music. If I stick around here without the music, I'll likely end up drinking WAY too much and causing a scene.  So, if you got better idea on how to spend time on the station.  I'm all antennae."  He waggled the forementioned appendages jauntily before rising to his full height more.

When Myne declined the idea of checking out more of the station his antennae sank a bit.  Roozh.. To the Lieutenant he gave slight shrug. "Sorry, I promised I'd take her back to Challenger.  But afterwards we can do something? I hear that there's a bowling alley on the station"

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom] (2 days later)

Two days of shoreleave.  That's what Lahr had had been told the crew was getting - and Lahr figured he and his welding team had earned it with the risks they took during the recent skirmish with the Nor-Station.  But while they got to enjoy the amenities of DS9 and Bajor, Lahr somehow had been selected to attend some mandatory tours of the station.  Lahr suspected an upcoming away mission .

It seemed with Ruth's absence the Command Team felt they no longer had to keep Ruth's promise that he didn't have to be on away teams.  You'd think that his file would have it highlighted or something.   Or that the current or previous doctor would just save him the trouble and mark him for 'light or alternative duties only' because of his PTSD.

So, it was no surprise to the Andorian when he was called to the Wardroom with the others who'd also been on the tours.  Mission Brief time.  Joy.

Lahr hung back, blending in with the crowd as he listened to the mission brief and all the drama that unfolded around it.  He was a bit in awe of the 'big names' who were in attendance - but it also worried him.   If the mission was being briefed by them - then the importance and scope of it had to be quite huge.  What if he weren't up for it?

The idea of infiltrating the Nor-station that had attacked the whole convoy of traders was rather mind-boggling. And to do it in Breen suits?!   He'd seen Nira get in and out of one on Ferenginar.  There wasn't a whole helluva lot of room in one.  His antennae drooped at the thought of being trapped inside one for the whole of the mission.   Ugh.

While it was possible to 'pin' his antennae down; in doing so, he'd be next to useless, since his antenna were extensions of his sinus cavity and pinning them would be like having a huge sinus headache; complete with nausea and disorientation.   Lahr was tempted to point this out, but figured now was not the time to interrupt... not after the Cardassian's outburst and Myne's 'Daddy display'.  Nope.  Wouldn't be wise to tick off the Captain at this point.

He'd talk to the Commander after the meeting, surely there had to be other engineers that could go on this thing.

Steve purred, before letting the small hooman go off to her duties. The crowd around Steve was dispersing somewhat. She picked up Steve's leash. Definitely didn't want another scare to happen again. Probably should program him a service vest she thought.

"œI'm with the Discovery, currently. Not my first time back on there." She nodded to the Andorian. "œWhat about yourself?" she asked, somewhat curious.

As he stood up, she nodded. "œBowling is definitely fun. I'm awful at it, but I'd be down to try playing you sometime!"

[A couple days later]
The next couple of days before the Discovery's final call, Kinley took advantage of the multiple shops and other facilities on the starbase.
While real homestyle Andorian food was good,  she was getting restless, and it would be good to get back to the swing of things and get sorted, organizing the labs the way she usually did but first, there was a briefing she had to attend"¦ that started 3 minutes ago.  ACK!


[Briefing room- a few minutes later]

Out of breath, and very much frazzled after running across the concourse,  Kinley found a seat in the back. Made it.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

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