Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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[Wardroom / Deep Space 9]
M'nia had taken a seat in the back. She really didn't know what was going on other than what Myne had told her. It sounded like some sort of espionage mission. Still she was a green ensign just out of the academy. She would just shut up and listen unless somebody spoke to her. He tail flicked back and forth. She saw Kinley sit down and nodded to her. She recognized her as the woman who was with Steve. She then looked over at Myne. Maybe she could get a clue as to what was really going on.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian



M'nia had taken a seat in the back. She really didn't know what was going on other than what Myne had told her. It sounded like some sort of espionage mission. Still she was a green ensign just out of the academy. She would just shut up and listen unless somebody spoke to her. He tail flicked back and forth. She saw Kinley sit down and nodded to her. She recognized her as the woman who was with Steve. She then looked over at Myne. Maybe she could get a clue as to what was really going on.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Deep Space 9]

Ensign Myne leaded over, "Briefing for a two team outing. Not exactly keen on what I am to do save play a role. Don't worry when the big boss asks any questions.. just stick up your paw and ask where do I go". Myne smiled reassuringly to M'nia. "Don't panic. You will do fine!"

Female Only


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 29, 2023, 04:56:51 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

For the first time at Evan's statement, Lahr noticed that the Doc was present too and evidently seemed to know the woman with the holographic dinosaur.  He gave the man an up-nod.  "Hey Doc.  You know this critter?"

At the mention of where the holoemitter was, the Andorian craned his head to see if he could get a look at it.  "Oh, what ship are you with?"  Being in Engineering now, Lahr didn't have access to the ship's roster anymore...well, not without making use of Ruth's authorization codes anyways...  but he'd heard rumor that a new batch of recent academy graduates were being added to Challenger.

However, as the Doc and her seemed to be old friends he doubted she fit the bill of 'new graduate'.

He gave a shrug.  "I'd tried to liven up Quarks with some better music, but apparently despite having ears that size, it seems HE at least doesn't use them for listening to good music. If I stick around here without the music, I'll likely end up drinking WAY too much and causing a scene.  So, if you got better idea on how to spend time on the station.  I'm all antennae."  He waggled the forementioned appendages jauntily before rising to his full height more.

When Myne declined the idea of checking out more of the station his antennae sank a bit.  Roozh.. To the Lieutenant he gave slight shrug. "Sorry, I promised I'd take her back to Challenger.  But afterwards we can do something? I hear that there's a bowling alley on the station"


"Oh, Steve?" Evan laughed. "He and I go way back, serving on the... uh..." He grimaced apologetically. "I lose track of where all I've served. Plus he was really more fond of my wife than me, especially once the baby was born." Ahhh, those were the days, he mused to himself with a happy sigh.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.


"Thanks Myne! I want to fit in as best I can but this is my first day. I'm very nervous. Having a friendly face helps!" she smiled at her friend. The only crewmember help put her a little more at ease.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Rayek remained close by Jael, a constant reminder to his Cardassian  junior officer that she was to keep silent unless spoken to directly.  His closed stance, with his arms folded across his chest, gave the impression he wasn't pleased nor very forgiving at the moment.

Quote from: Jess Willard on May 28, 2023, 03:03:16 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom - 2 Days Later]

The room was packed, not in the way that no one could even move without bumping into someone, but close enough. Jess still hadn't had the time to adjust to life aboard the Discovery, almost from the moment she'd arrived in DS9 up to now she'd barely had time to even think. Her eyes glanced across everyone in the room. Body language and facial expressions were far from an exact science, but she'd gotten pretty good at reading people over her years of study. Judging solely by body language it was obvious her discomfort with how crampt the space was happened to be shared by a portion of the officers in the room with her. In a strange way the shared discomfort relieved some of the discomfort she herself felt. If experienced officers felt as she did, that meant her feelings weren't entirely invalid at least.

Quote from: Dranik on May 29, 2023, 10:42:14 AM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom] (2 days later)

Dranik was trying to remember the weak points of the typical Breen soldier and the standard Cardassian solider as the briefing continued. He had spent most of yesterday training with the rest of the team in infiltration tactics. He was somewhat confident that he would be soon facing either the Breen or the Cardassian soldiers at some point in the near future.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 29, 2023, 01:13:32 PM

[A couple days later]
The next couple of days before the Discovery's final call, Kinley took advantage of the multiple shops and other facilities on the starbase.
While real homestyle Andorian food was good,  she was getting restless, and it would be good to get back to the swing of things and get sorted, organizing the labs the way she usually did but first, there was a briefing she had to attend"¦ that started 3 minutes ago.  ACK!


[Briefing room- a few minutes later]

Out of breath, and very much frazzled after running across the concourse,  Kinley found a seat in the back. Made it.

His eyes continually roved the room as he listened to the conversation continue.  Whereas most were watching the legends, the Romulan looked over his thankfully silent team.

Other than junior Lieutenant Sherem, there was Discovery's new doctor, Ensign Willard - more of a counselor really, but that might come in handy.  There was the recently promoted Hirogen, Petty Officer Dranik, and the not surprisingly quiet El-Aurian; also Petty Officer Gohun, and the senior Academy graduate, Ensign Lorut, who Rayek remembered as being far more youthful in alternate dimension.  Crowded as it was, it took a moment or two for the Romulan notice that he was missing Discovery's newest science officer. only moments before she entered breathing heavily as if she'd run a grueling marathon.

Rayek made point of making eye contact with the Lieutenant.  A silent reprimand for the returning officer, to shape up and be a better role model to her juniors.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 28, 2023, 09:08:25 AM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Turning to face Garak, and still awestruck to be talking directly to another legend of the Dominion War, he added.

"The infiltration plan seems viable, but what is the exfiltration plan? How are we ta pull our people out?"

There seemed to be a pause from the Admiral at Captain Tekin's query about a back-up plan and the Rayek expected more the same after Galloway tried to get details on their return.

It might be possible, if their mercenary personas were believed, that they could in the chaos of the abduction and database wipe, appropriate a shuttle and meet up with their ships at a predetermined location.  But most likely, each team member would be fitted with a tracker and transport enhancer to make rapid beam up possible. At least, that's what Rayek suspected.   So far the Admiral and DS9's guests hadn't answered.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 29, 2023, 01:13:32 PM

Steve purred, before letting the small hooman go off to her duties. The crowd around Steve was dispersing somewhat. She picked up Steve's leash. Definitely didn't want another scare to happen again. Probably should program him a service vest she thought.

"œI'm with the Discovery, currently. Not my first time back on there." She nodded to the Andorian. "œWhat about yourself?" she asked, somewhat curious.

As he stood up, she nodded. "œBowling is definitely fun. I'm awful at it, but I'd be down to try playing you sometime!"

Quote from: Buehler on May 29, 2023, 08:45:58 PM


"Oh, Steve?" Evan laughed. "He and I go way back, serving on the... uh..." He grimaced apologetically. "I lose track of where all I've served. Plus he was really more fond of my wife than me, especially once the baby was born." Ahhh, those were the days, he mused to himself with a happy sigh.

Still crouched by the holographic dinosaur at this point, the Andorian answered with a wide smile.  "I'm from the Challenger.   Petty Officer First Grade ShranLahr ch'Verret.   Otherwise known as DJ Lahr."

After standing, Lahr offered out his hand towards the Lieutenant to shake per human custom.

He was surprised when the Lieutenant agreed to a possible game.  "Alright... how about after I see Myne here back to the ship?  Zhuk?  Doc?  Anyone else care to join in?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Quote from: Rin Amaya on May 29, 2023, 06:27:18 AM

[Ensign Rin Amaya - Quarks]
Rin would at first think that nod was for someone else. Her head was slightly in the clouds with thoughts of the past and was slightly distracted about thinking about her own family. However, she shook the distraction out of her mind. She had noticed that the person was looking at her when she did. Was that one of her new crewmates? Or was it just someone interested in her. She would take the chance and get up. She didn't mind meeting new people after all. She would walk over, in short and precise strides, to the woman and would start to introduce herself. "Hey there. I just noticed you give me a nod so I just wanted to be sure that was... pointed at me. However, if it was nice to meet you. I'm... Rin." She would be careful about fully introducing herself but she wanted to seem polite. However she seemed a little nervous as she hadn't met anyone officially and properly yet.

Saqa7 felt the heat of embarrassment flesh her cheeks though with her darker colouring it wasn't as noticeable as it could have been.   She nodded slight.   "Yeah, it was meant for you.  Sorry, my partner was Trill and for a moment your reminded me of her.  I apologize if my staring made you uncomfortable."  Saqa7 answered.

An introduction, required one in return.  "My name is Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn."  She pronounced it very much like the famous 80's pop star Chaka Khan.  "This is Lorut Vila.

"We're both officers from the USS Discovery."  Saqa7 wondered if Rin was station staff, ship crew or a visiting tourist.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Still crouched by the holographic dinosaur at this point, the Andorian answered with a wide smile.  "I'm from the Challenger.   Petty Officer First Grade ShranLahr ch'Verret.   Otherwise known as DJ Lahr."

After standing, Lahr offered out his hand towards the Lieutenant to shake per human custom.

He was surprised when the Lieutenant agreed to a possible game.  "Alright... how about after I see Myne here back to the ship?  Zhuk?  Doc?  Anyone else care to join in?"

[Ensign Myne | Outside Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

Myne shook her head to the nice gentleman, "I can make it back on my own, the Nausicaan seems to have stayed in Quarks. I appreciate everything you have done and I will be sure to put in a good word on how brave and kind you were in offering to take me back after the incident. You go have fun. I will go and stay on the ship." Her pigtails dropped a bit showing her mood of wanting to have fun but the shivering she still was exhibiting showed she should be back on the ship, hiding in her pillow fort.

"Thank You.. everyone. Now go have fun!", the Ensign put on a smile for the group.

Female Only

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 29, 2023, 05:47:16 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Saqa7 winced at the Bajoran's bitter statement but then smiled.  "Yeah not one of my proudest moments. But I think Jureena would understand my weakness given she's been declared missing for the past twelve years... nine years at the time.  But I haven't given up on one day finding her. "

Hearing that Rayek was somewhat surprised by the Bajoran's appearance was unexpected.  Rayek was usually more self-contained than that.  Then Saqa7 smiled to hear that the woman approved of his style.  "Am glad to hear that.  He is a good Commander - and an even better friend, if you are so lucky to get to know that side of him."

Saqa7's smile faded at Vila's kind statement about home.   She shook her head. "Unfortunately not.  I'm just hoping I arrive home in time to possibly make peace with my father before he passes."  then because she didn't want to have sadness dominant the conversation Saqa7 continued on.  "I hope have wonderful visit then."

The native woman listened in interest as Vila commented on having a degree in chemistry.  "Well you should visit the science labs on your time off.  A former superior of mine had a habit of bringing baked goods for her juniors on Fridays, so I've tried to do the same... though bannock is not to everyone's taste...  So when I return you should definitely stop by."

At the mention of family's Saqa7 smiled wider.  "Commander tr'Lhoell has his family aboard.. and I've heard that every so often that the Captain's family visits and I know of at least three other junior officers or enlisted personnel with family.  There's even a school room on the ship for the children... so if you have any, I'm certain they'd be welcome."

Vila listened, but was sipping her Kanar a bit faster than she probably SHOULD be. She hardly cared; she was functional, even a bit tipsy, and had long passed the "party girl" phase. She'd simply have a Kanar or two, maybe a snack, then turn in. One of the perks of being older was that you could go to sleep at 8 pm without explaining yourself.

"I definitely plan to get to know the crew a bit better, for sure. It's just difficulty-my path to the Fleet was...unconventional and I don't know how well I'd fit in," she said. The other woman could clarify if she chose to, but Vila wasn't about to reveal it. "At first blush, he seems nice enough, but really, I spent an hour with him in-between my work." It wasn't enough time to get a good read on anyone.

She sipped the drink again before realizing that Saqa7 was unwilling to elaborate on her home situation, which was actually fine with Vila; the Bajoran wasn't one to mind others' business unless and until they asked her for advice, an opinion, or somehow otherwise included her. "Good luck on your travels. I hope that it works out favorably." It was the nicest thing she could come up with, not knowing the full story. "And thank you! I miss my family, but more than that, I miss BAJOR. It's been a good thing, seeing it slowly being rebuilt," she said. "I was the first returning class to the University after the Occupation ended," she said. It was still a sad, hard memory, but also good-a victory of sorts.

"Mmm, Ben-that's my ex-husband-and I were unable to have children. He blamed me, I blamed him-though there was no discernible medical reason. He said I was too high-strung. He worked too much. It was probably for the best, anyway. Our marriage was...difficult and a bit messy." She was, by now, a bit tipsy and very tired, and her inhibitions had lowered as she drained the last of the sticky, burny liquid. "Sometimes, I think there's still time. Other times, I feel too old." She chuckled a little, but noticed Saqa7 had nodded, and followed her gaze. Another woman was sitting alone.
"You should join us," she said, loudly. "We're just chatting before I hit the rack, and my new friend here catches a shuttle. Excuse me, I need another Kanar...or something." She disappeared to the bar, ordering herself another glass of the Cardassian liquor and some water, too. She carried the drink back to the table, carefully.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 30, 2023, 04:53:33 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Saqa7 felt the heat of embarrassment flesh her cheeks though with her darker colouring it wasn't as noticeable as it could have been.   She nodded slight.   "Yeah, it was meant for you.  Sorry, my partner was Trill and for a moment your reminded me of her.  I apologize if my staring made you uncomfortable."  Saqa7 answered.

An introduction, required one in return.  "My name is Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn."  She pronounced it very much like the famous 80's pop star Chaka Khan.  "This is Lorut Vila.

"We're both officers from the USS Discovery."  Saqa7 wondered if Rin was station staff, ship crew or a visiting tourist.

[Quarks- Ensign Rin Amaya - Two days ago]
"O-oh that's absolutely fine, yeah sadly not the person you're looking for on that regard." Rin would sit nearby on a chair at the table with a smile on their face. "I deffinetly haven't met you before and I would remember you." Rin seemed to have quite a jovial and playful sounding voice as she spoke. Deffinetly was a green faced rookie if anyone saw them. Well as much as a greenfaced gone through the academy is. "I'm Rin Amaya.  As you quite correctly assumed I am a Trill. My mother and father worked with the starfleet a few times my father still out there somewhere on a ship. Probably explorign the stars and to busy to call back home." She would give a nervous and sad chuckle. "I'm a member of the flight crew of the USS Challenger. Only recently joined I haven't even started to get a touch of the helm of the ships there... As much as i'm excited to get started..." She realised she was rambling on and stopped herself for a moment. "Pleasure to meet you it's nice to meet another from another ship even if we're not working together all the time."


[Rin Amaya -Deep Space Nine - Wardroom - 2 Days Later]

"Crap crap crap my first mission briefing and i'm already late." She would mutter under her breath with an honest panic. She had slightly overslept due to her nerves and excitement. She would skid and look on the map carefully and would slowly sneak into the wardroom hoping not to have disturbed anyone. Her first mission and she was needing to want to listen what was prepared. She would catch her breath as she was one of the few last members to crowd in the rather tight room.


Quote from: Buehler on May 29, 2023, 08:45:58 PM


"Oh, Steve?" Evan laughed. "He and I go way back, serving on the... uh..." He grimaced apologetically. "I lose track of where all I've served. Plus he was really more fond of my wife than me, especially once the baby was born." Ahhh, those were the days, he mused to himself with a happy sigh.

"Thank you!

"I'd love to, if I'm not on duty or anything.' M'nia said, her tail flicking back and forth. She did like the idea of a game with new friends.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 27, 2023, 09:36:50 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Everything seemed to go okay.. until the worst thing to happen did.  His own officer speaking out.  Not just a quiet quip, but finally actively being adversarial to a diplomat.  Regardless of who it was, it did not matter, and what was worse is that Jael did not seem to let up.  Discovery was being embarrassed by the second.  And the Captain finally had enough.

"Miss Sherem.. that's ENOUGH!" he suddenly shouted back, channeling his inner Emmissary as he tried not to clench his fist.  He didn't need to explain what or why, but the look he was giving his officer was quite enough; she was more than just out of line. He waited for the sound of his own voice to stop reverberating on the walls before he dared speak again.

"I will say this only once.  If you are too close to the mission to remain objective, then I will relieve you of duty now and let you sit this one out.  If you wish to remain on this assignment, you will remain seated and silent unless addressed directly.  Is that clear?"

Once that was done, he turned back to Kira and Garak as well as his group.  "My apologies, it will not happen again. Please continue."

He sat back, listening as they continued, while occasionally looking back at his officer just in case.  Very few people could remain objective in such a situation, but time and experience gave him the ability to restrain himself in such times... something that Jael seemed to lack.  He was not looking forward to the later meeting in his ready room.

"On top of that... do we have a backup plan?  This mission is already looking like its going to rely on acting skills and trust of less-than-savory types."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 30, 2023, 04:19:35 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Rayek remained close by Jael, a constant reminder to his Cardassian  junior officer that she was to keep silent unless spoken to directly.  His closed stance, with his arms folded across his chest, gave the impression he wasn't pleased nor very forgiving at the moment.

His eyes continually roved the room as he listened to the conversation continue.  Whereas most were watching the legends, the Romulan looked over his thankfully silent team.

Other than junior Lieutenant Sherem, there was Discovery's new doctor, Ensign Willard - more of a counselor really, but that might come in handy.  There was the recently promoted Hirogen, Petty Officer Dranik, and the not surprisingly quiet El-Aurian; also Petty Officer Gohun, and the senior Academy graduate, Ensign Lorut, who Rayek remembered as being far more youthful in alternate dimension.  Crowded as it was, it took a moment or two for the Romulan notice that he was missing Discovery's newest science officer. only moments before she entered breathing heavily as if she'd run a grueling marathon.

Rayek made point of making eye contact with the Lieutenant.  A silent reprimand for the returning officer, to shape up and be a better role model to her juniors.

There seemed to be a pause from the Admiral at Captain Tekin's query about a back-up plan and the Rayek expected more the same after Galloway tried to get details on their return.

It might be possible, if their mercenary personas were believed, that they could in the chaos of the abduction and database wipe, appropriate a shuttle and meet up with their ships at a predetermined location.  But most likely, each team member would be fitted with a tracker and transport enhancer to make rapid beam up possible. At least, that's what Rayek suspected.   So far the Admiral and DS9's guests hadn't answered.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael was shocked by Captain Tekin's reaction. She stared, wide-eyed in horror, as he shouted at her. She kept her silence until her mother asked her to join along with the briefing.

She was relieved to get on with it; she had prepared her information and now was able to provide. Other than her contributions to the briefing, she kept her silence.

She was certainly aware of Rayek sitting next to her, and she had a good idea why he was sitting next to her: She speaks out of turn again, she'll be escorted from the briefing.

Looking around at the team she was with, Jael recalled the training exercises she had with them. The new counselor, Willard...well, Jael liked her, and she certainly did a better job than Jael ever had been when she used to be a counselor. Dranik and Gohun she had known, albeit from a distance, never getting to know or see them much. Lorut, the Bajoran...well, she made a note to get to know her better.

Tekin's question about a backup plan prompted Jael to glance at Rahab and then at the other officers.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Nira Said

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 28, 2023, 11:31:52 PM

[Wardroom / Deep Space 9]

It wasnt long when Kina recieved the call to report that she was sitting in the wardroom with officers significantly higher than her. She couldn't help but fidget a bit as she looked around. Was she needed for another mission? If she did, she hoped it would be fore medical reasons. She looked around at her captain and first officer, other members from both ships, seeing that it was clear that this was going to be something major. She was just begining to calm down when the doors opened and she was struck by what she saw.

It was her. Kira Nerys. The former commander of the station, former hero of the Bajoran Resistance, and sewcond in command to the Emmisary of the Prophets. Behind her walked in her father, Elor Nural. It took everything she had not to run to him and give him a hug. The last time she saw him, she was leaving for Starfleet Academy, and she wanted to catch up with him. The last person to come in, the very important person, made her jaw drop.

Elim Garak. THE Elim Garak. The very man who fought next to Damar on Cardassia and retook the Central Command. He was also there when Damar died. Kina was so star stuck that she barely heard anything from the briefing. When the conversation moved to the man on the inside, Elor spoke briefly about the subject. "The individual onboard Melek Nor sacrificed much in order to get aboard that station, and is still currently risking everything to provide us with what information he can and aid Captain Worf. He is under explecit instructions that he is to not interfere or compromise his position, even at the cost of Captain Worf's life."

Kina listened to everything that she could hear. She looked around at everyone gathered. So much was happening. Even as a child, she never understood how her father could keep track of everything that was happening around home and still be so calm. No matter the crisis, he always acted as if nothing bothered him. She took in everything and started making lists in her head. She wanted to make sure that they had everything they needed for anything.

Elor looked around at all those gathered. Every now and then, he payed close attention to the captain of the ship Challenger. His daughter was everything in his life, and he would do anything and everything to protect her. He had some information about Ian Galloway, but now was the time to actually size him up. He knew that Starfleet officers, especially captains, would do anything and everything for their crew. He was sure that this human would take care of his daughter, but he wanted to make sure. When it came to his little stardust, there was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

Quote from: Buck McNair on May 29, 2023, 08:34:35 AM

[DS9 Wardroom - 2 days later]

Two days of shore leave seemed to never go by any slower, blink and he would have otherwise missed it. The first few hours had been spent on Quarks, with the rest of his team who had joined them. It was a good experience being on DS9 and certainly one that was to be kept for a future memory to ask his parents if they ever had been on DS9 or had he been the first McNair to step foot on that station. Buck had been enjoying the time he had gotten off, though now he was rearing to go back to work.

Being in the wardroom was one such moments that he was toeing the line of being regretful for wishful thinking. It was cramped and he had pressed his back into the wall with his arms folded across his chest as he observed various Discovery and Challenger crew members filter in, trying to locate space as and when it became available. Of course, with so many different personalities in the room it was clear to see that there were personality clashes and opinions quick to take flight aimed at each other. They had also been in the presence of apparent legends who had served and fought in the Dominion War. There would be a lot to learn here, even from the silence from those who were yet to speak.

Buck had narrowed an eye as there was an uproar that quickly fizzled out at the direction by the XO of the Disco. To the fact that one of their ensigns, Myne, whom he had met at Quarks and then in the mess hall, was more than capable of acting as a child for their mission to go forth. Whether or not she was truly acting - as she had stated, she hadn't been - was a question for someone with more than one substantive pip. Blue eyes glanced around as he had half a thought to say something but swallowed the need and leaned back against the wall listening to what their joint plan would be.

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira was certainly surprised by Captain Tekin's reaction to Jael's spiteful retorts at Garak. Nira never recalled Tekin screaming in wrath at her. The closest she ever got to a reprimand of wrath was when Captain Carter had reprimanded her when she had shown a fellow officer on the Athena a response to a joke through her telepathy, only to provoke an furious reaction.

Nonetheless, she stared long and hard at Jael, despite shrugging with pity; it was a gesture that was telling Jael "œI'm sorry for that, but you had it coming to you."

She wondered why she reacted thus to Garak, why she was snapping with dislike at him. Was there a history or something? She made a note to talk to Jael later, and to especially remind her about not giving a spat at any official.

Garak, however, only brushed off the spat with just a grin. "œNo apologies necessary, Captain," he said. "œI often get it from other Cardassians and some Bajorans, but seeing as she is a Starfleet officer, I understand what you officers do."

Kira nodded in understanding as well. "œHey, not a day has passed since the end of the Occupation since I've had criticisms about how I do things in my career."

Kira gave some thought to Tekin's question and then answered. "œWe'll have to rely on Legate Nural's infiltrator. Granted, it won't be a good idea for him to interfere. Of course, his information can point us in some good directions, even without the Breen suits. Even then, if we can't access the station computers, our best option would be to get in or get out as fast as we can, get as much as we can in between, and then we destroy the stations. Both Melek Nor and the Breen station."

"œWell, we can try for diplomatic solutions," said Nira with a shrug, "œbut we can assume that the Breen won't be willing to talk.

"œNow, granted, I don't like this plan, either," added Nira, nodding at Captain Tekin. "œWe'll have to see what we can do before we resort to Resistance-style raiding. Then again, we wouldn't need to pose as Breen mercenaries, we could probably sneak aboard via the cargo ships in the smuggling fleet and make our ways in, but then, it could be better to introduce ourselves as Breen mercenaries so that the Breen don't get suspicious. On the subject of the Breen and our disguises"¦"

"As part of exfiltration," said Kira, "We'll have sensors in the insides of the suits that will link to your ships so that your progress can be followed. Plus transport units that will provide emergency transports if you need them for the right moment."

Nira looked over at both teams and said, "œGreat. For the matter of our team personnel...Except for Mackenzie and Myne, and maybe Lahr, due to your antennae, how many of you all will feel comfortable fitting in Breen suits?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 30, 2023, 11:51:57 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"As part of exfiltration," said Kira, "We'll have sensors in the insides of the suits that will link to your ships so that your progress can be followed. Plus transport units that will provide emergency transports if you need them for the right moment."

Nira looked over at both teams and said, "œGreat. For the matter of our team personnel...Except for Mackenzie and Myne, and maybe Lahr, due to your antennae, how many of you all will feel comfortable fitting in Breen suits?"

The 'safety features' in the Breen suits didn't make this mission any more palatable.  He planned to wait for an opportunity to speak to the Commander alone but the mention of his name in specific fumbled that plan.

"Oh! You are aware that I would useless in that suit." he frowned "So why am I a part of this Away mission? Surely, you don't expect me to be another of the Captain's illegitimate children..."

The joker Andorian gave the station's Captain a jaunty antennae waggle.  "I'm a good actor but I doubt I could pull that off."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 30, 2023, 04:19:35 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Rayek remained close by Jael, a constant reminder to his Cardassian  junior officer that she was to keep silent unless spoken to directly.  His closed stance, with his arms folded across his chest, gave the impression he wasn't pleased nor very forgiving at the moment.

His eyes continually roved the room as he listened to the conversation continue.  Whereas most were watching the legends, the Romulan looked over his thankfully silent team.

Other than junior Lieutenant Sherem, there was Discovery's new doctor, Ensign Willard - more of a counselor really, but that might come in handy.  There was the recently promoted Hirogen, Petty Officer Dranik, and the not surprisingly quiet El-Aurian; also Petty Officer Gohun, and the senior Academy graduate, Ensign Lorut, who Rayek remembered as being far more youthful in alternate dimension.  Crowded as it was, it took a moment or two for the Romulan notice that he was missing Discovery's newest science officer. only moments before she entered breathing heavily as if she'd run a grueling marathon.

Rayek made point of making eye contact with the Lieutenant.  A silent reprimand for the returning officer, to shape up and be a better role model to her juniors.

There seemed to be a pause from the Admiral at Captain Tekin's query about a back-up plan and the Rayek expected more the same after Galloway tried to get details on their return.

It might be possible, if their mercenary personas were believed, that they could in the chaos of the abduction and database wipe, appropriate a shuttle and meet up with their ships at a predetermined location.  But most likely, each team member would be fitted with a tracker and transport enhancer to make rapid beam up possible. At least, that's what Rayek suspected.   So far the Admiral and DS9's guests hadn't answered.

Briefing room]

Looking at the Commander, she gulped when she saw his glare.  She knew what that was all about. First day back and she already made a mistake she would have made when she was an ensign. Embarrassing  She straightened up. She noticed another person scooting in late. At least she wasn't the only one.

The plan seemed simple enough, she supposed. Have the away team pretend to be mercenaries and be ready for if it goes south. Simple enough. But there was an issue. She raised her hand."What is the plan for those on the ship side? Do we have any things we should be running or looking out for? "œ

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

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