Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

The silence from Jael as the meeting progressed, Rayek took as proof that his presence made a difference.

Extraction details provided were even sketchier than those of the infiltration; but it wasn't like this was the first time he'd gone into a situation with no planned way out.  One learned to adapt and act in the moment.  Plans invariably were prone to failure, which wasn't a problem if one could ensure the mission succeeded.

At Nira's question, Rayek looked over his selected team members: Dranik and Jael for Security, the new medical officer Dr. Willard, Gohun got Engineering and Vila for Ops - the crucial member of this mission to retrieve the Changeling database.   Part of their training yesterday had been done in EV suits which were close enough to a Breen suit that the Romulan was confidant that there would be no issues.  He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a familiar Andorian.  ch'Verret.

Rayek smirked recalling his last conversation with the Andorian three years ago, discreetly threatening the then Sec/Tac crewman to keep an eye on Lek.  So what did the Andorian do?  Play matchmaker and set the Ferengi engineer up on a date with a Klingon-hybrid woman that the engineer was still with... the last Rayek had heard.

He was surprised to not see his Ferengi friend here. But then perhaps that shouldn't be surprising since Lek had always preferred being with this engines.

Cutting in, Rayek spoke for his team.   "Discovery's team has no concerns in regards to the suits."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on May 31, 2023, 01:33:44 AM

Briefing room]

Looking at the Commander, she gulped when she saw his glare.  She knew what that was all about. First day back and she already made a mistake she would have made when she was an ensign. Embarrassing  She straightened up. She noticed another person scooting in late. At least she wasn't the only one.

The plan seemed simple enough, she supposed. Have the away team pretend to be mercenaries and be ready for if it goes south. Simple enough. But there was an issue. She raised her hand."What is the plan for those on the ship side? Do we have any things we should be running or looking out for? "œ

At this point in time, Rayek knew just as little about the details of the plan as the crew, but when Lieutenant Garrison, raised her hand and asked her question after being acknowledged, Rayek thought he knew what the Admiral's answer would be.

Staying relatively close (close being a subjective term with Discovery since with the Slipstream Drive the ship could be 5 light-years away and still respond to a call for pickup in only a minute) and hidden from sensors and Breen patrols until the away teams had the data and their target, and called for extraction.

After that taking out the Nor station and the Breen base would be the next item on the Admiral's 'to do' list the Romulan figured.  There would be plenty to do.... but the Romulan made note of the Lieutenant's keenness.

With Garrison being a former XO herself, Rayek anticipated being able to pass off away missions in the future - perhaps she could even assist training Broadshire.   Rayek was more than happy to remain aboard the ship where he could ensure his wife's safety.   Her precarious pregnancy should have meant a return to Ba'ku for her, but she was being stubborn - and Rayek couldn't force her to go, not when he would rather have her with him.  He'd missed her and their son terribly the past year.. but he dreaded that their home was, in essence, a warship.  There were times, like now, that he wished he were still assigned to Katra and living in their home on Meridian.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jess Willard

Quote from: Nira Said on May 30, 2023, 11:51:57 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira was certainly surprised by Captain Tekin's reaction to Jael's spiteful retorts at Garak. Nira never recalled Tekin screaming in wrath at her. The closest she ever got to a reprimand of wrath was when Captain Carter had reprimanded her when she had shown a fellow officer on the Athena a response to a joke through her telepathy, only to provoke an furious reaction.

Nonetheless, she stared long and hard at Jael, despite shrugging with pity; it was a gesture that was telling Jael "œI'm sorry for that, but you had it coming to you."

She wondered why she reacted thus to Garak, why she was snapping with dislike at him. Was there a history or something? She made a note to talk to Jael later, and to especially remind her about not giving a spat at any official.

Garak, however, only brushed off the spat with just a grin. "œNo apologies necessary, Captain," he said. "œI often get it from other Cardassians and some Bajorans, but seeing as she is a Starfleet officer, I understand what you officers do."

Kira nodded in understanding as well. "œHey, not a day has passed since the end of the Occupation since I've had criticisms about how I do things in my career."

Kira gave some thought to Tekin's question and then answered. "œWe'll have to rely on Legate Nural's infiltrator. Granted, it won't be a good idea for him to interfere. Of course, his information can point us in some good directions, even without the Breen suits. Even then, if we can't access the station computers, our best option would be to get in or get out as fast as we can, get as much as we can in between, and then we destroy the stations. Both Melek Nor and the Breen station."

"œWell, we can try for diplomatic solutions," said Nira with a shrug, "œbut we can assume that the Breen won't be willing to talk.

"œNow, granted, I don't like this plan, either," added Nira, nodding at Captain Tekin. "œWe'll have to see what we can do before we resort to Resistance-style raiding. Then again, we wouldn't need to pose as Breen mercenaries, we could probably sneak aboard via the cargo ships in the smuggling fleet and make our ways in, but then, it could be better to introduce ourselves as Breen mercenaries so that the Breen don't get suspicious. On the subject of the Breen and our disguises"¦"

"As part of exfiltration," said Kira, "We'll have sensors in the insides of the suits that will link to your ships so that your progress can be followed. Plus transport units that will provide emergency transports if you need them for the right moment."

Nira looked over at both teams and said, "œGreat. For the matter of our team personnel...Except for Mackenzie and Myne, and maybe Lahr, due to your antennae, how many of you all will feel comfortable fitting in Breen suits?"

[DS9 - Wardroom]

Jess listened intently. The plan was risky at best. It relied on a lot of things going perfectly, at least based on the tiny amount of information she'd recieved, but then she heard the words that got her thinking. While certainly the Breen weren't likely to be overly chatty all at once she picked up on something she could be uniquely qualified for. Before she could even think better of it a soft "Um..." made it's way passed her lips. She froze a brief moment. Did she just...speak by accident? She had intended to think to herself first. Her eyes shut for a fraction of a second as she internally screamed at herself for speaking in a room that also had members of Starfleet she assumed she'd only ever hear legends about. However it was too late now. Either she looked like a fool for blurting out something as minor as 'um' or she took the chance to speak and she could say something valuable. Her mind did briefly recognize the third option of course, that she spoke and still looked foolish, but there was no time to dwell on that now.

"I think I can help with the talking part." Willard's voice began timid but as she spoke her confidence seemed to find her. "While you're right, the Breen don't strike me as a talkative bunch there's one thing I've found true for every member of every species. Everyone has tells. As a counselor you have to know how to read tells otherwise you never know when to dig deeper or back off and approach from another direction." Her eyes drifted to the center of the table darting back and forth as if she was reading a book only she could see as she ran through all the information she'd studied for years. "Most people can't read tells well, even when they think they can. Most people rely on facial expression, a near imperceptible smirk or slightly narrowed eyes. But even when you can't see that; a tell can be as simple as the twitch of a finger, relaxing your posture, even just the way someone stands. In the academy I was banned from poker nights because while I might not know the card combinations as well as you, I'll always know when you're bluffing. Or not bluffing for that matter. If it comes to it I think I should be around for that." Her eyes returned up for a moment and a small smile appeared on her face. "Plus...if I'm wearing a suit too they won't even know where I'm looking to try and supress the tell."

She/Her - Human

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 30, 2023, 01:59:04 PM

Vila listened, but was sipping her Kanar a bit faster than she probably SHOULD be. She hardly cared; she was functional, even a bit tipsy, and had long passed the "party girl" phase. She'd simply have a Kanar or two, maybe a snack, then turn in. One of the perks of being older was that you could go to sleep at 8 pm without explaining yourself.

"I definitely plan to get to know the crew a bit better, for sure. It's just difficulty-my path to the Fleet was...unconventional and I don't know how well I'd fit in," she said. The other woman could clarify if she chose to, but Vila wasn't about to reveal it. "At first blush, he seems nice enough, but really, I spent an hour with him in-between my work." It wasn't enough time to get a good read on anyone.

She sipped the drink again before realizing that Saqa7 was unwilling to elaborate on her home situation, which was actually fine with Vila; the Bajoran wasn't one to mind others' business unless and until they asked her for advice, an opinion, or somehow otherwise included her. "Good luck on your travels. I hope that it works out favorably." It was the nicest thing she could come up with, not knowing the full story. "And thank you! I miss my family, but more than that, I miss BAJOR. It's been a good thing, seeing it slowly being rebuilt," she said. "I was the first returning class to the University after the Occupation ended," she said. It was still a sad, hard memory, but also good-a victory of sorts.

"Mmm, Ben-that's my ex-husband-and I were unable to have children. He blamed me, I blamed him-though there was no discernible medical reason. He said I was too high-strung. He worked too much. It was probably for the best, anyway. Our marriage was...difficult and a bit messy." She was, by now, a bit tipsy and very tired, and her inhibitions had lowered as she drained the last of the sticky, burny liquid. "Sometimes, I think there's still time. Other times, I feel too old." She chuckled a little, but noticed Saqa7 had nodded, and followed her gaze. Another woman was sitting alone.
"You should join us," she said, loudly. "We're just chatting before I hit the rack, and my new friend here catches a shuttle. Excuse me, I need another Kanar...or something." She disappeared to the bar, ordering herself another glass of the Cardassian liquor and some water, too. She carried the drink back to the table, carefully.

Saqa7 listened to the Bajoran comment on how her path to Starfleet was 'unconventional'.  "There's no one way to join.  We come here each with our own path.   I joined against the wishes of my Father, right out of highschool."  She had done a lot of things against the wishes of her Father it seemed.  It made returning home that much harder.

At the generic well wishes, Saqa7 nodded her appreciation and thanks in return, then listened as Vila spoke of how she'd missed home and commented on all the positive changes seen since the Occupation.

Saqa7 wondered if anything had changed at her home in the time she'd been gone.  Her father had been angry and disappointed in her when Saqa7 chose to join Starfleet rather than use her interest in medicine to care for the community that raised her.  "My father too."

His reaction had been the same when she had called home to her mother to tell her that she'd finally found herself - and that she was two-spirited.  Her father had been listening in to the conversation and afterwards refused to talk to her for over ten years.  Saqa7 had never thought her Dad would change his mind and call for her.   But her she was.

Quote from: Rin Amaya on May 30, 2023, 02:39:34 PM

[Quarks- Ensign Rin Amaya - Two days ago]
"O-oh that's absolutely fine, yeah sadly not the person you're looking for on that regard." Rin would sit nearby on a chair at the table with a smile on their face. "I definitely haven't met you before and I would remember you." Rin seemed to have quite a jovial and playful sounding voice as she spoke. Definitely was a green faced rookie if anyone saw them. Well as much as a greenfaced gone through the academy is. "I'm Rin Amaya.  As you quite correctly assumed I am a Trill. My mother and father worked with the starfleet a few times my father still out there somewhere on a ship. Probably exploring the stars and too busy to call back home." She would give a nervous and sad chuckle. "I'm a member of the flight crew of the USS Challenger. Only recently joined I haven't even started to get a touch of the helm of the ships there... As much as I'm excited to get started..." She realised she was rambling on and stopped herself for a moment. "Pleasure to meet you it's nice to meet another from another ship even if we're not working together all the time."

Saqa7 smiled at the Trill's introduction and nodded at the anticipation.  "Give it time and enjoy your shore leave while you have it.  Soon you'll be in the deep of space and time and room to move on a spacestation, or even better yet on a planet like Bajor will seem like a luxury." she commented sagely.

"I'm glad to meet you as well Rin.  Though we just met I feel like we three are going to be good friends!" Saqa7 declared.

It was then that Rayek descended from upper levels.  Saqa7, spotting him, gave a sharp whistle and knelt on the bar stool waving her arms to gain his attention.

The stern-face Romulan looked towards the sound of the familiar whistle.  Sure enough, he spotted Saqa7 waving animatedly towards him.  His expression broke into a warm smile and he immediately altered his path to head towards her, arriving at the same time as Ensign Lorut, returning with a glass of Kanar.   Also, with Saqa7, there was a third that Rayek didn't know.   His demeanor at noticing them became more formal.

"Jolan'tru" he greeted the table as a whole bowing slightly as was his custom.  He then addressed Saqa7 "I was worried that my meeting might have run late and I would miss seeing you off, Lieutenant. I wish you safe travels."

"Oh, don't you 'Lieutenant' me and get all formal while I'm on shore leave, Rayek.  Come here, so I can give you a proper hug goodbye."  The Romulan's complexion flushed slightly at the request but he did indeed step closer and return the close embrace with his dear friend.

"I wish I could stay but..."

"I understand." Saqa7 a cut in releasing him from her hug.  "Don't worry about me, I have Ensigns Lorut and Amaya to keep me company while I await my transport."

Rayek looked towards the two other officers as Saqa7 pointed them out and offered each a slight nod of acknowledgement.  "I hope you ladies have an enjoyable time then." he began to turn away but then paused...looking back towards Saqa7 hesitantly.

"This won't turn into a bachelorette-type celebration, will it?"

Saqa7's peals of laughter was not very reassuring.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)] (Shore leave - day 1)

Quote from: myne on May 30, 2023, 01:54:50 PM

[Ensign Myne | Outside Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

Myne shook her head to the nice gentleman, "I can make it back on my own, the Nausicaan seems to have stayed in Quarks. I appreciate everything you have done and I will be sure to put in a good word on how brave and kind you were in offering to take me back after the incident. You go have fun. I will go and stay on the ship." Her pigtails dropped a bit showing her mood of wanting to have fun but the shivering she still was exhibiting showed she should be back on the ship, hiding in her pillow fort.

"Thank You.. everyone. Now go have fun!", the Ensign put on a smile for the group.

Quote from: M'Nia on May 30, 2023, 03:17:04 PM

"Thank you!

"I'd love to, if I'm not on duty or anything.' M'nia said, her tail flicking back and forth. She did like the idea of a game with new friends.

Tempting though it was just do as told by the Ensign, Lahr didn't feel right about it.   "No offense, Ma'am. But I'd prefer to honor my promise to see you there."

He looked over to the female Caitian and nodded.  "Great! How about you folks head there now... get the lane booked and all that and I'll be there momentarily.  Zhuk, I got this if you wanna go with the ladies to the bowling alley."

The Andorian then took hold of Ensign Myne's hand once more. "You ready to go?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Wardroom | Deep Space 9 ::

As the meeting dragged on because groups took forever to make plans, Kyan began thinking about his own part in the whole scheme. And since that was as simple as "acting his age", his thoughts soon turned to the plan's inevitable collapse into chaos. Obviously, he'd need to wear age-appropriate clothing, but there also had to be pockets for weapons. A handheld phaser and a few blades would work in case the phaser crapped out. He'd need extra power cells of course. Maybe they'd let him bring a backpack. Yeah! Then he could field strip a phaser rifle and put that in there.

Of course, if Myne had a backpack too there would be room for stun grenades too. Of course she would need her own phaser, which reminded him...

He leaned over to speak to her without interrupting the briefing. "Pick clothes that ye can hide a phaser in for the mission, and replicate a backpack." he told her.. "Oh... and shoes ye can run in too."



Tempting though it was just do as told by the Ensign, Lahr didn't feel right about it.   "No offense, Ma'am. But I'd prefer to honor my promise to see you there."

He looked over to the female Caitian and nodded.  "Great! How about you folks head there now... get the lane booked and all that and I'll be there momentarily.  Zhuk, I got this if you wanna go with the ladies to the bowling alley."

The Andorian then took hold of Ensign Myne's hand once more. "You ready to go?"

[Ensign Myne | Outside Quarks | Deep Space Nine] <2 Days Earlier>

Ensign Myne smiled up to the Andorian as he took her hand without prompting and she began to walk. Deep down she was hoping he would walk her to the airlock, but she did not wish to take away his shore leave do to her actions. So she appreciated his kindness and professionalism but decided to walk swiftly to not hold the man longer then need be. Once she reached the airlock she tried and failed to 'not' hug him as her small arms tried to hug the man's legs if he allowed. Her smiling face looked up, her eyes twinkling as she said, "Thank You."

She knew she was safe on this ship.

Female Only

Buck McNair

Quote from: Nira Said on May 30, 2023, 11:51:57 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"œNow, granted, I don't like this plan, either," added Nira, nodding at Captain Tekin. "œWe'll have to see what we can do before we resort to Resistance-style raiding. Then again, we wouldn't need to pose as Breen mercenaries, we could probably sneak aboard via the cargo ships in the smuggling fleet and make our ways in, but then, it could be better to introduce ourselves as Breen mercenaries so that the Breen don't get suspicious. On the subject of the Breen and our disguises"¦"

"As part of exfiltration," said Kira, "We'll have sensors in the insides of the suits that will link to your ships so that your progress can be followed. Plus transport units that will provide emergency transports if you need them for the right moment."

Nira looked over at both teams and said, "œGreat. For the matter of our team personnel...Except for Mackenzie and Myne, and maybe Lahr, due to your antennae, how many of you all will feel comfortable fitting in Breen suits?"

[Wardroom | DS9]

Buck listened and his eyes moved from one command staff to another as they discussed tactics. There was going to be a lot of moving parts in this, with much of it riding on the fact they could pull off the biggest portion with Myne and Mackenzie acting their parts alongside the Captain. Then it was the matter of exfiltration, and figuring how they would tactically withdraw from it should things go wrong or simply they had come to the end of their mission. The idea that they would be posing as Breen mercenaries was tempting and he waited a beat to see who else would raise their hand or speak out if they felt uncomfortable in donning Breen suits. There he raised a two fingered hand wave to signal that he was okay with it.

"Shouldn't be too hard an ask, commander." Granted, he hadn't exactly gotten into a Breen suit for a while, if ever. He had learned a minimal amount about the Breen apart from they were the ones who rivaled the Klingons, that they did not handle intrusions into their territory lightly and that without a universal translator, they wouldn't be able to properly respond to the Breen if they were engaged in conversation, though hopefully they wouldn't stick around long enough to be caught unaware. "However, if need be, I am able to be put on standby to monitor comms from the operation station too."



:: Wardroom | Deep Space 9 ::

As the meeting dragged on because groups took forever to make plans, Kyan began thinking about his own part in the whole scheme. And since that was as simple as "acting his age", his thoughts soon turned to the plan's inevitable collapse into chaos. Obviously, he'd need to wear age-appropriate clothing, but there also had to be pockets for weapons. A handheld phaser and a few blades would work in case the phaser crapped out. He'd need extra power cells of course. Maybe they'd let him bring a backpack. Yeah! Then he could field strip a phaser rifle and put that in there.

Of course, if Myne had a backpack too there would be room for stun grenades too. Of course she would need her own phaser, which reminded him...

He leaned over to speak to her without interrupting the briefing. "Pick clothes that ye can hide a phaser in for the mission, and replicate a backpack." he told her.. "Oh... and shoes ye can run in too."

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Ensign Myne tensed at phaser and stun grenades. She was qualified as was all Star Fleet personnel but even in her record it showed she was not 'happy' carrying one. She had seen too much harm being done at the hands of her enslavers over the decades and it left a mark on her. Well several marks on her leg...

"With respect to speak Sir.", she spoke to Lieutenant Kyan. "When the Talarian enslaved me and my colony I was on the way to school carrying a backpack. The first thing the slaver did after hitting me as hard as he could in the face was to have his son he was training take my bag and examine the contents. Anything that the son could imagine would have a way to be a weapon from my writing impliments on cost me another hit by the father. When the Kzinti captured my colony and enslaved us they searched my bag for anything they would find 'fitting spoils of plunder'."

"So I fear.", Ensign Myne gulped as she began to shake from the unpleasent memories. "I fear big brother that if our team comes, seeking work with two hostages in tow... they will congratulate the mercs... send them to quarters or the communal mess. Me and you will be kept seperate. If I am lucky I will be physically searched by a female Breen. Not that I ever could tell them apart in the suits. You will be searched as well. We will be kept seperate while they decide what they can get for us. If enough tears I may be able to get to keep my teddybear. We won't be able to keep weapons and if they find an 'eight year old' with a bag of grenades?"

She looked down as tears rolled down her cheeks to drip to the floor, "Do not worry Big Brother. I have endure a century of abuse. They will get nothing from me. But please... quell your rage and think of this logically.."

She rolled up her left pants leg to show the long row of brands. "I do not want a Cardassian... or a Breen brand to join the Kzinti, Hydran, Talarian, Nausicaan, Orion brands."

"I am pretty sure you have one too big brother, I don't want you to have a second... please quell your thirst for blood and let us please look at this logically rather then a throne of skulls for you to sit upon."

She returned to her stance, but her shivering continued. The tears, not triggered with a pain reflex did not stop. "I am ready for my part. Do not worry about me. Something in the air irritated my eyes is all."

Female Only

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 31, 2023, 01:25:19 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

The 'safety features' in the Breen suits didn't make this mission any more palatable.  He planned to wait for an opportunity to speak to the Commander alone but the mention of his name in specific fumbled that plan.

"Oh! You are aware that I would useless in that suit." he frowned "So why am I a part of this Away mission? Surely, you don't expect me to be another of the Captain's illegitimate children..."

The joker Andorian gave the station's Captain a jaunty antennae waggle.  "I'm a good actor but I doubt I could pull that off."

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira looked over at Lahr and replied, "Not an illegitimate child, but in terms of being with Mackenzie and Myne, you're close. I've had the idea of you acting as a kind of mercenary who'd be the brains behind kidnapping the 'children' and had recruited help from a band of Breen 'mercenaries' to get them. Cloten will be willing to go along with it; I have talked it over with him, with help from Admirals Kira and Gillespie. He did say he'd like the prospect of working with you again, he likes you, even if you're an officer with certain connections."

She hoped Lahr knew what she meant when she said "certain connections." Plus, it was true about what she had said, though she suspected Cloten wanted to work with Lahr to learn more about his arms merchants line connections.

"Plus, Andorians are good with cold as much as Breen are," added Nira. "Then again, now that I think on it...with Mackenzie and Myne, their cover-story as Vaughn's children: They would've been staying at Andor when they get kidnapped, and they would've lived in one of Andor's cities, and you would need help from Breen to kidnap them, owing to how good with cold they are."

Quote from: Jess Willard on May 31, 2023, 03:05:56 AM

[DS9 - Wardroom]

Jess listened intently. The plan was risky at best. It relied on a lot of things going perfectly, at least based on the tiny amount of information she'd recieved, but then she heard the words that got her thinking. While certainly the Breen weren't likely to be overly chatty all at once she picked up on something she could be uniquely qualified for. Before she could even think better of it a soft "Um..." made it's way passed her lips. She froze a brief moment. Did she just...speak by accident? She had intended to think to herself first. Her eyes shut for a fraction of a second as she internally screamed at herself for speaking in a room that also had members of Starfleet she assumed she'd only ever hear legends about. However it was too late now. Either she looked like a fool for blurting out something as minor as 'um' or she took the chance to speak and she could say something valuable. Her mind did briefly recognize the third option of course, that she spoke and still looked foolish, but there was no time to dwell on that now.

"I think I can help with the talking part." Willard's voice began timid but as she spoke her confidence seemed to find her. "While you're right, the Breen don't strike me as a talkative bunch there's one thing I've found true for every member of every species. Everyone has tells. As a counselor you have to know how to read tells otherwise you never know when to dig deeper or back off and approach from another direction." Her eyes drifted to the center of the table darting back and forth as if she was reading a book only she could see as she ran through all the information she'd studied for years. "Most people can't read tells well, even when they think they can. Most people rely on facial expression, a near imperceptible smirk or slightly narrowed eyes. But even when you can't see that; a tell can be as simple as the twitch of a finger, relaxing your posture, even just the way someone stands. In the academy I was banned from poker nights because while I might not know the card combinations as well as you, I'll always know when you're bluffing. Or not bluffing for that matter. If it comes to it I think I should be around for that." Her eyes returned up for a moment and a small smile appeared on her face. "Plus...if I'm wearing a suit too they won't even know where I'm looking to try and supress the tell."

Nira looked at Counselor Willard with interest. She noticed Jael was looking at Willard with interest as well, though after her spat at Garak, Nira was sure she was going to refrain from speaking about anything that did not have to do with the briefing.

"Is that so?" asked Nira with interest. "I know how to read tells as well, it was part of training in interpreting body language. One of my electives at the Academy was for a counselor, and it may have been the only class where I met the most Betazoids, though they were plenty surprised that I was more interested in Security than counseling, and they weren't the only ones. Besides, not every Betazoid is a counselor. Plus, it's especially helpful in determining motive of anybody unreadable by Betazoids."

She liked Counselor Willard on the spot. She momentarily wished that she was back on Discovery so she would get to know her better. May not be the case, but then, she had a mind to invite her and Torra to lunch for a bit of girl time.

"That could certainly prove useful to each of our teams," said Nira. "If the Breen are hiding something, and they definitely might be, we'll know."

Nira looked at Myne when she mentioned the times she had been kidnapped. And she looked on with pity when Myne pulled up a long line of brands.

"Don't worry, Ensign, you won't be branded," said Nira. "Though you and Lahr could use that were kidnapped as you were heading out of school. It'll especially help since you know it already."

"If I may?" asked Jael softly. Nira looked at her and said, "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"As an additional warning about my father," Jael said, "he has his own kind of brand, he likes to brand his victims in his own way, and he wouldn't even need to use something heated up."

Nira winced; it implied that Old Man Sherem didn't just burn on a brand, but would cut a brand with some kind of blade.

"That's certainly true," said Garak. "He has that reputation, he's branded many Bajorans that way during the Occupation."

"I agree with Garak," said Kira. "I know about his brands, but fortunately, neither Shakaar nor I nor any of my cell ever met him, let alone get captured by him. Prophets help you if you get captured by Nehor Sherem."

Nira was wondering about the way Kira talked about Old Man Sherem. Was he exceptionally feared by the Bajoran Resistance back in the day?

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 30, 2023, 11:51:57 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira was certainly surprised by Captain Tekin's reaction to Jael's spiteful retorts at Garak. Nira never recalled Tekin screaming in wrath at her. The closest she ever got to a reprimand of wrath was when Captain Carter had reprimanded her when she had shown a fellow officer on the Athena a response to a joke through her telepathy, only to provoke an furious reaction.

Nonetheless, she stared long and hard at Jael, despite shrugging with pity; it was a gesture that was telling Jael "œI'm sorry for that, but you had it coming to you."

She wondered why she reacted thus to Garak, why she was snapping with dislike at him. Was there a history or something? She made a note to talk to Jael later, and to especially remind her about not giving a spat at any official.

Garak, however, only brushed off the spat with just a grin. "œNo apologies necessary, Captain," he said. "œI often get it from other Cardassians and some Bajorans, but seeing as she is a Starfleet officer, I understand what you officers do."

Kira nodded in understanding as well. "œHey, not a day has passed since the end of the Occupation since I've had criticisms about how I do things in my career."

Kira gave some thought to Tekin's question and then answered. "œWe'll have to rely on Legate Nural's infiltrator. Granted, it won't be a good idea for him to interfere. Of course, his information can point us in some good directions, even without the Breen suits. Even then, if we can't access the station computers, our best option would be to get in or get out as fast as we can, get as much as we can in between, and then we destroy the stations. Both Melek Nor and the Breen station."

"œWell, we can try for diplomatic solutions," said Nira with a shrug, "œbut we can assume that the Breen won't be willing to talk.

"œNow, granted, I don't like this plan, either," added Nira, nodding at Captain Tekin. "œWe'll have to see what we can do before we resort to Resistance-style raiding. Then again, we wouldn't need to pose as Breen mercenaries, we could probably sneak aboard via the cargo ships in the smuggling fleet and make our ways in, but then, it could be better to introduce ourselves as Breen mercenaries so that the Breen don't get suspicious. On the subject of the Breen and our disguises"¦"

"As part of exfiltration," said Kira, "We'll have sensors in the insides of the suits that will link to your ships so that your progress can be followed. Plus transport units that will provide emergency transports if you need them for the right moment."

Nira looked over at both teams and said, "œGreat. For the matter of our team personnel...Except for Mackenzie and Myne, and maybe Lahr, due to your antennae, how many of you all will feel comfortable fitting in Breen suits?"

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian did not feel like this entire plan was well thought out, but it wouldn't be the first time an away team had next to no information and would have to adapt to the actual situation once the mission started. That left only one question in his mind.

"As we have the outline of a plan, when do we go? I'm sure whatever Sherem, the Breen, and the Changlings have planned would better be stopped sooner than later."


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 31, 2023, 04:55:55 AM

At the generic well wishes, Saqa7 nodded her appreciation and thanks in return, then listened as Vila spoke of how she'd missed home and commented on all the positive changes seen since the Occupation.

Saqa7 wondered if anything had changed at her home in the time she'd been gone.  Her father had been angry and disappointed in her when Saqa7 chose to join Starfleet rather than use her interest in medicine to care for the community that raised her.  "My father too."

His reaction had been the same when she had called home to her mother to tell her that she'd finally found herself - and that she was two-spirited.  Her father had been listening in to the conversation and afterwards refused to talk to her for over ten years.  Saqa7 had never thought her Dad would change his mind and call for her.   But her she was.

Saqa7 smiled at the Trill's introduction and nodded at the anticipation.  "Give it time and enjoy your shore leave while you have it.  Soon you'll be in the deep of space and time and room to move on a spacestation, or even better yet on a planet like Bajor will seem like a luxury." she commented sagely.

"I'm glad to meet you as well Rin.  Though we just met I feel like we three are going to be good friends!" Saqa7 declared.

It was then that Rayek descended from upper levels.  Saqa7, spotting him, gave a sharp whistle and knelt on the bar stool waving her arms to gain his attention.

The stern-face Romulan looked towards the sound of the familiar whistle.  Sure enough, he spotted Saqa7 waving animatedly towards him.  His expression broke into a warm smile and he immediately altered his path to head towards her, arriving at the same time as Ensign Lorut, returning with a glass of Kanar.   Also, with Saqa7, there was a third that Rayek didn't know.   His demeanor at noticing them became more formal.

"Jolan'tru" he greeted the table as a whole bowing slightly as was his custom.  He then addressed Saqa7 "I was worried that my meeting might have run late and I would miss seeing you off, Lieutenant. I wish you safe travels."

"Oh, don't you 'Lieutenant' me and get all formal while I'm on shore leave, Rayek.  Come here, so I can give you a proper hug goodbye."  The Romulan's complexion flushed slightly at the request but he did indeed step closer and return the close embrace with his dear friend.

"I wish I could stay but..."

"I understand." Saqa7 a cut in releasing him from her hug.  "Don't worry about me, I have Ensigns Lorut and Amaya to keep me company while I await my transport."

Rayek looked towards the two other officers as Saqa7 pointed them out and offered each a slight nod of acknowledgement.  "I hope you ladies have an enjoyable time then." he began to turn away but then paused...looking back towards Saqa7 hesitantly.

"This won't turn into a bachelorette-type celebration, will it?"

Saqa7's peals of laughter was not very reassuring.

Rin would go very quiet when they were listening to the two talking before she got a chance to reply again. However she didn't want to intrude about the situation. They seemed close friends and seemed to be probable members on the same ship. She would give them a polite nod though and would seem to have a welcoming smile though. "A pleasure to meet you even if it was a short while. Hope whatever you're doing goes well." Rin would say to the Romulan as she would carefully lean on the table turning to face the ones she was talking to. "And I do hope our friendship will grow much more when we get a chance to see each other considering we're on different ships but i'll still have the honour of working you on our next mission at least I hope." She would then think about her dorm rooms in the academy and gave a quiet chuckle.
"Trust me being just out of the Academy being on a ship was deffinetly a relief but being on a station is even more so. So I know that feeling quite well."


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 30, 2023, 04:34:33 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Still crouched by the holographic dinosaur at this point, the Andorian answered with a wide smile.  "I'm from the Challenger.   Petty Officer First Grade ShranLahr ch'Verret.   Otherwise known as DJ Lahr."

After standing, Lahr offered out his hand towards the Lieutenant to shake per human custom.

He was surprised when the Lieutenant agreed to a possible game.  "Alright... how about after I see Myne here back to the ship?  Zhuk?  Doc?  Anyone else care to join in?"


"I'm always down for a game," Evan replied, reaching down to scratch Steve's head, laughing as a thought came to him. "It'd be hilarious to see if this little guy can roll a ball." But in the meantime, he figured he'd stretch his legs and explore the station while he still could. He'd had his fill of people watching. "Just beep me when you're good to roll."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rin Amaya on May 30, 2023, 02:39:34 PM

[Quarks- Ensign Rin Amaya - Two days ago]
"O-oh that's absolutely fine, yeah sadly not the person you're looking for on that regard." Rin would sit nearby on a chair at the table with a smile on their face. "I deffinetly haven't met you before and I would remember you." Rin seemed to have quite a jovial and playful sounding voice as she spoke. Deffinetly was a green faced rookie if anyone saw them. Well as much as a greenfaced gone through the academy is. "I'm Rin Amaya.  As you quite correctly assumed I am a Trill. My mother and father worked with the starfleet a few times my father still out there somewhere on a ship. Probably explorign the stars and to busy to call back home." She would give a nervous and sad chuckle. "I'm a member of the flight crew of the USS Challenger. Only recently joined I haven't even started to get a touch of the helm of the ships there... As much as i'm excited to get started..." She realised she was rambling on and stopped herself for a moment. "Pleasure to meet you it's nice to meet another from another ship even if we're not working together all the time."

Vila chuckled a little. Someone who talked more than she. Well, once she got comfortable. She smiled. "I am new, too, actually. Yesterday was my first day aboard, today was my first shift." She said. It was WEIRRRRDDDD still. 45 years old and a freshman Ensign. Oh, well. She didn't care much what people thought.
"Nice to meet you," she said. "Ens. Lorut Vila." She said. To Saqa7, she said, "Do you want another soda?"

Lorut Vila

Vila had heard rumblings of being called back to duty, so her trip to Bajor had to be put off. Damn it. She'd live, though. Seeing her mother was actually at the bottom of her list of things she wanted to do; she didn't WANT to hear her mother prattle on about how she'd chosen the wrong men (or women), when would she meet someone new? Why had SHE joined Starfleet if not out of spite?! These were the questions she had hoped to avoid, so thank the Prophets that whomever was being malcontent had chosen that day to do so.

She had spent some time wandering the Station-while there was lots to do, she was too upset to do much. Being here opened up a lot of old wounds that she wasn't ready to discuss, and so she had mostly hidden out at Quarks or in her quarters when she wasn't needed to do some work. MOST of the staff had changed since she and Ben had been here last-thankfully. Only a few remained, and of them, even LESS had remembered her. Also thankfully. And the two that had? Were nothing but gracious to her. Most of the people who knew what had happened were supportive of HER. Only a few had sided with Ben, and that was OK-she didn't need that kind of toxicity in her life. She'd spent the early morning drying out, waiting to see if she would be recalled, and shopping. Her nieces and nephews would get her presents, in time, and she finally found the meeting room. She walked in, standing against a wall. She never sat-she was far too kinetic, and frankly, gave too little of a damn to do so.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: myne on May 31, 2023, 08:35:23 AM

"I am pretty sure you have one too big brother, I don't want you to have a second... please quell your thirst for blood and let us please look at this logically rather then a throne of skulls for you to sit upon."

She returned to her stance, but her shivering continued. The tears, not triggered with a pain reflex did not stop. "I am ready for my part. Do not worry about me. Something in the air irritated my eyes is all."

Kyan rolled his eyes. He didn't understand sadness, or fear, or the resulting unwillingness to fight that those emotions enabled. And he definitely didn't understand how someone who had live on his home planet before the Federation showed up could be so.... scared. It wasn't that he didn't have sympathy for the girl. After all, they had they were from the same place and had seen a lot of the same things. But there was only so much raw emotion that the Onlie could tolerate.

One thing that he definitely couldn't wrap his head around was how Myne seemed almost protective of the people who had wronged her. And she kept the slave brands? The grups had a word for that. Stockholm Sickness. Something like that. He almost shuddered at the thought, but if she didn't get better from it, he might have to call Doctor Phil from the Miran Institute and see if he could fix her.

Her insinuation that he had a brand too was offensive. Like he would ever let some green skinned grup do him like that. They tried. He scraped it off with a rock. It hurt like hell and he bled all over the floor. But it was better than letting them win. When he finally did escape, the Federation doctors used their dermal regeneration thing and he was good as new. There was nothing there. Not even a scar, and certainly not some brand that told everyone that the Orions had won. They didn't. He did. And someday, when he had some spare time, he'd go back to Seles and sort her and her family out too. But if not, then he'd just go have a piss on her grave whenever she kicked off of her own accord.

"I dinnae have a brand." he whispered, spitting out the last word like poison. "Sure and I never will. And you shouldn't either. Yer not a slave. Yer free, and in Starfleet the now so."

This whole situation was beginning to irritate him. "And it's not blood lust. In case ye haven't noticed, I'm a Tactical officer. Just like yer a blue shirt. You like tae scan rocks and space particles, and do science stuff. I like tae have battles and fight and make sure folks is safe." Now he was turned, facing her, and no longer just whispering. "And you better be after learning how tae defend herself too, because I'll not always be there tae do it, nor anyone else. And until we become groups ourselves, folks will always try tae be having their own way with us. It seems tae me that yer after lettin em. An maybe it's because yer thinking that you can't do nothin about it."

Kyan wasn't yelling, but he was no longer trying to not be heard either. "But that's a load of shite. They told ye that when they captured you, and now you believe it. Well, they lied. An if yer not beleivin me, just wait til this plan goes sideways, which it's like tae do, an I'll show ye."

🡱 🡳

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