Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira looked at Myne when she mentioned the times she had been kidnapped. And she looked on with pity when Myne pulled up a long line of brands.

"Don't worry, Ensign, you won't be branded," said Nira. "Though you and Lahr could use that were kidnapped as you were heading out of school. It'll especially help since you know it already."

"If I may?" asked Jael softly. Nira looked at her and said, "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"As an additional warning about my father," Jael said, "he has his own kind of brand, he likes to brand his victims in his own way, and he wouldn't even need to use something heated up."

Nira winced; it implied that Old Man Sherem didn't just burn on a brand, but would cut a brand with some kind of blade.

"That's certainly true," said Garak. "He has that reputation, he's branded many Bajorans that way during the Occupation."

"I agree with Garak," said Kira. "I know about his brands, but fortunately, neither Shakaar nor I nor any of my cell ever met him, let alone get captured by him. Prophets help you if you get captured by Nehor Sherem."

Nira was wondering about the way Kira talked about Old Man Sherem. Was he exceptionally feared by the Bajoran Resistance back in the day?

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

The waves of terror coming from her could easily be felt, the thoughts and memories of the past and seeing older girls having designs cut in them by keepers was a vivid memory she had worked hard to forget.

They were now back, playing threw her mind, and threw the mind of anyone tragic enough to be looking in her.

She remembered the pretty girl who dropped a tray of drinks on a Talarian man. He cut 'bad' into face. This made her swear never to be bad.

She remembered the one Kzinti coming to take a herd animal she was tasked to care for and felt the Cat's blade to her throat when she dared to say goodbye to the herd beast. She could feel each touch a blade from her long life but she said nothing.

She remembered the Borg cutting into her, into her liver, into her face, taking things and making there mark.

She would not let on as she wanted to do this, she wanted to prove herself. She was two hundred and seventy years old. But to Onlies she was eight.

So she pushed it all down, all the terror, she pushed it as deep down as she could, trying to push the pain and fear so far down. Her stomach hurt from the pushing the pain.

Then Ensign Myne wet herself. Guess she pushed it too far down..

She quickly pushed her legs and thighs together hoping the absorbant fabric would prevent a shameful or at worse mocking round of laughter from those present. She would twist and turn a bit when talked to so that no one would notice.


[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Kyan rolled his eyes. He didn't understand sadness, or fear, or the resulting unwillingness to fight that those emotions enabled. And he definitely didn't understand how someone who had live on his home planet before the Federation showed up could be so.... scared. It wasn't that he didn't have sympathy for the girl. After all, they had they were from the same place and had seen a lot of the same things. But there was only so much raw emotion that the Onlie could tolerate.

One thing that he definitely couldn't wrap his head around was how Myne seemed almost protective of the people who had wronged her. And she kept the slave brands? The grups had a word for that. Stockholm Sickness. Something like that. He almost shuddered at the thought, but if she didn't get better from it, he might have to call Doctor Phil from the Miran Institute and see if he could fix her.

Her insinuation that he had a brand too was offensive. Like he would ever let some green skinned grup do him like that. They tried. He scraped it off with a rock. It hurt like hell and he bled all over the floor. But it was better than letting them win. When he finally did escape, the Federation doctors used their dermal regeneration thing and he was good as new. There was nothing there. Not even a scar, and certainly not some brand that told everyone that the Orions had won. They didn't. He did. And someday, when he had some spare time, he'd go back to Seles and sort her and her family out too. But if not, then he'd just go have a piss on her grave whenever she kicked off of her own accord.

"I dinnae have a brand." he whispered, spitting out the last word like poison. "Sure and I never will. And you shouldn't either. Yer not a slave. Yer free, and in Starfleet the now so."

This whole situation was beginning to irritate him. "And it's not blood lust. In case ye haven't noticed, I'm a Tactical officer. Just like yer a blue shirt. You like tae scan rocks and space particles, and do science stuff. I like tae have battles and fight and make sure folks is safe." Now he was turned, facing her, and no longer just whispering. "And you better be after learning how tae defend herself too, because I'll not always be there tae do it, nor anyone else. And until we become groups ourselves, folks will always try tae be having their own way with us. It seems tae me that yer after lettin em. An maybe it's because yer thinking that you can't do nothin about it."

Kyan wasn't yelling, but he was no longer trying to not be heard either. "But that's a load of shite. They told ye that when they captured you, and now you believe it. Well, they lied. An if yer not beleivin me, just wait til this plan goes sideways, which it's like tae do, an I'll show ye."

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Each word felt like a hit, even though he was trying to be helpful each thing she flinched as he said. When he turned to face her she prepared for the actual strike.

It never came.

She stood there still wet, still scared, and still unsure what to say. He was right in every word he said but she was unsure what to say. How does someone respond?

"My name is Melly Pwllgwyngyll. The man in Quarks said it is too hard to spell. So he named me Myne. So i'm Myne. Every one of the bad people liked it. So i'm Myne. Not everyone has fight in them Sir. Some of us had it beaten out with a fist, a whip, a length of wood, or other things. Some of us had the fire in our hearts stomped out with boots.", Melly said shivering before him opening up about her past, her name on her record only being 'Myne of Miri'.

She unclenched her stance and visible accident would be seeable if he looked her over, "It made me tough. It made you tough.. but not in the same way. I will do my job. I will do my role. But I can never be like you...'

Leaning in closer to whisper to him her twinkling eyes still red from tears, "I am sorry. When you said you were enslaved I thought you still carried your brand. I am very very sorry for angering and embarrassing you. When we're done and everyone leaves you can hit me if it will make you less angry with me. I don't mind."

She then returned to her stance shaking in fear, worry, and the cold feeling of being wet.

Female Only


M'nia could smell that Myne had wet herself. However she would not say anything. She didn't want to embarrass her new friend. Still she could tell myne was upset over the other onlie's words. He had hurt her. M'nia didn't like that! However there was so much about Myne she didn't know yet. She would talk to her later and see if she was ok.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: myne on June 01, 2023, 11:50:28 AM

Leaning in closer to whisper to him her twinkling eyes still red from tears, "I am sorry. When you said you were enslaved I thought you still carried your brand. I am very very sorry for angering and embarrassing you. When we're done and everyone leaves you can hit me if it will make you less angry with me. I don't mind."

She then returned to her stance shaking in fear, worry, and the cold feeling of being wet.[/b]

Kyan shook his head. "Ye dinnae get it. Ye DO still have fire in ye, else ye'd have died a long time ago. A hundred times you'd be dead already. They cannae take it away. They made you think it's gone. They hid it from you. Thats one thing grups is good for, hiding things from us and makin us think things that aren't true. But it's still there, right there where it always was. You just hafta find it."

Kyan noticed her dilema, but ignored it. "An yer right. Ye cannae be me. Yer not me. Yer Melly. Thats yer name, and the only one I'm after callin ya from now on so it is. And I ain't after hittin you. I dinnae hit people who didn't have it comin, and I dinnae hit people who cannae defend themselves. Thats what cowards do."

It was clear now that Melly wasn't in any shape to continue the breifing, even without the accident. And the fact was that if she stayed, it would only get worse. He'd been the proverbial turd in the punchbowl at many briefings in his time, although it was usually for mouthing off to the wrong Admiral or whoever. Eventually, the grups would get sick of it and kick her out themselves, which would be a whole nother thing. Best to leave now before that. Kyan turned to Galloway. "Captain, If it's ok with you the now, I'll take Melly back tae Challenger and get her seen to."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 01, 2023, 05:40:40 PM

Kyan shook his head. "Ye dinnae get it. Ye DO still have fire in ye, else ye'd have died a long time ago. A hundred times you'd be dead already. They cannae take it away. They made you think it's gone. They hid it from you. Thats one thing grups is good for, hiding things from us and makin us think things that aren't true. But it's still there, right there where it always was. You just hafta find it."

Kyan noticed her dilema, but ignored it. "An yer right. Ye cannae be me. Yer not me. Yer Melly. Thats yer name, and the only one I'm after callin ya from now on so it is. And I ain't after hittin you. I dinnae hit people who didn't have it comin, and I dinnae hit people who cannae defend themselves. Thats what cowards do."

It was clear now that Melly wasn't in any shape to continue the breifing, even without the accident. And the fact was that if she stayed, it would only get worse. He'd been the proverbial turd in the punchbowl at many briefings in his time, although it was usually for mouthing off to the wrong Admiral or whoever. Eventually, the grups would get sick of it and kick her out themselves, which would be a whole nother thing. Best to leave now before that. Kyan turned to Galloway. "Captain, If it's ok with you the now, I'll take Melly back tae Challenger and get her seen to."

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian missed thr beginning of the confrontation between the two Onlies, but when Kyan raised his voice, there was no possibility of avoiding the rest of the conversation. Ian agreed with Kyan from this point on he would not refer to the Ensign as mine any more. However, her distress was so apparent that he now had to take official action. When Kyan requested to escourt her back to the ship, he spoke kindly.

"Aye Lad. And have her report ta Lieutenant Mills once she's had a chance ta make herself presentable."

Once the two had left, Ian added to the others in the briefing.

"Consider Ensign Pwllgwyngyll unavailable for the mission unless she's cleared for duty by Challenger's counselor."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Quote from: Jess Willard on May 31, 2023, 03:05:56 AM

[DS9 - Wardroom]

Jess listened intently. The plan was risky at best. It relied on a lot of things going perfectly, at least based on the tiny amount of information she'd recieved, but then she heard the words that got her thinking. While certainly the Breen weren't likely to be overly chatty all at once she picked up on something she could be uniquely qualified for. Before she could even think better of it a soft "Um..." made it's way passed her lips. She froze a brief moment. Did she just...speak by accident? She had intended to think to herself first. Her eyes shut for a fraction of a second as she internally screamed at herself for speaking in a room that also had members of Starfleet she assumed she'd only ever hear legends about. However it was too late now. Either she looked like a fool for blurting out something as minor as 'um' or she took the chance to speak and she could say something valuable. Her mind did briefly recognize the third option of course, that she spoke and still looked foolish, but there was no time to dwell on that now.

"I think I can help with the talking part." Willard's voice began timid but as she spoke her confidence seemed to find her. "While you're right, the Breen don't strike me as a talkative bunch there's one thing I've found true for every member of every species. Everyone has tells. As a counselor you have to know how to read tells otherwise you never know when to dig deeper or back off and approach from another direction." Her eyes drifted to the center of the table darting back and forth as if she was reading a book only she could see as she ran through all the information she'd studied for years. "Most people can't read tells well, even when they think they can. Most people rely on facial expression, a near imperceptible smirk or slightly narrowed eyes. But even when you can't see that; a tell can be as simple as the twitch of a finger, relaxing your posture, even just the way someone stands. In the academy I was banned from poker nights because while I might not know the card combinations as well as you, I'll always know when you're bluffing. Or not bluffing for that matter. If it comes to it I think I should be around for that." Her eyes returned up for a moment and a small smile appeared on her face. "Plus...if I'm wearing a suit too they won't even know where I'm looking to try and suppress the tell."

Rayek glanced over towards the medical officer he'd selected as she pointed out a means to 'read' the Breen.  Though Ensign Willard was addressing Commander Said, Rayek inclined his head slightly towards her acknowledging her value to the team.   He had selected her for other reasons. This, if she was as good as she claimed, would be a bonus to the team.
Quote from: Nira Said on May 31, 2023, 09:02:10 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Is that so?" asked Nira with interest. "I know how to read tells as well, it was part of training in interpreting body language. One of my electives at the Academy was for a counselor, and it may have been the only class where I met the most Betazoids, though they were plenty surprised that I was more interested in Security than counseling, and they weren't the only ones. Besides, not every Betazoid is a counselor. Plus, it's especially helpful in determining motive of anybody unreadable by Betazoids."

She liked Counselor Willard on the spot. She momentarily wished that she was back on Discovery so she would get to know her better. May not be the case, but then, she had a mind to invite her and Torra to lunch for a bit of girl time.

"That could certainly prove useful to each of our teams," said Nira. "If the Breen are hiding something, and they definitely might be, we'll know."

Nira looked at Myne when she mentioned the times she had been kidnapped. And she looked on with pity when Myne pulled up a long line of brands.

"Don't worry, Ensign, you won't be branded," said Nira. "Though you and Lahr could use that were kidnapped as you were heading out of school. It'll especially help since you know it already."

"If I may?" asked Jael softly. Nira looked at her and said, "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"As an additional warning about my father," Jael said, "he has his own kind of brand, he likes to brand his victims in his own way, and he wouldn't even need to use something heated up."

Nira winced; it implied that Old Man Sherem didn't just burn on a brand, but would cut a brand with some kind of blade.

"That's certainly true," said Garak. "He has that reputation, he's branded many Bajorans that way during the Occupation."

"I agree with Garak," said Kira. "I know about his brands, but fortunately, neither Shakaar nor I nor any of my cell ever met him, let alone get captured by him. Prophets help you if you get captured by Nehor Sherem."

Nira was wondering about the way Kira talked about Old Man Sherem. Was he exceptionally feared by the Bajoran Resistance back in the day?

Rayek, because of his keen Vulcanoid hearing, was privy to parts of the two Onlies conversation.  Not so much the Mackenzie's words (since the boy was intentionally whispering so that only his fellow Only would hear.  But the girl seemed not to care who listened on their discussion and she openly displayed the scars from her past tragedies.  Rayek understood a little why the girl might have kept the scars.  For him, each scar he carried was a declaration that he had grown stronger than that which had marred his flesh.   It was also a reminder to improve himself so to avoid getting a scar the next time.

Further thoughts on this were put in check as Ian reminded them all that they were on a bit of a time crunch.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 31, 2023, 09:52:56 AM

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian did not feel like this entire plan was well thought out, but it wouldn't be the first time an away team had next to no information and would have to adapt to the actual situation once the mission started. That left only one question in his mind.

"As we have the outline of a plan, when do we go? I'm sure whatever Sherem, the Breen, and the Changlings have planned would better be stopped sooner than later."

Rayek wasn't surprised at the human Captain's impatience.  Galloway, had always struck Rayek as an individual drawn to decisive action.  Command with all its tedious operational planning and background politics likely was giving Galloway grey hair.

While he waited for Admiral Kira to confirm when this plan was supposed to be a go, he noted the doors to the wardroom opening yet again.   Who was arriving this late to the meeting?

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 31, 2023, 09:17:01 PM

Vila had heard rumblings of being called back to duty, so her trip to Bajor had to be put off. Damn it. She'd live, though. Seeing her mother was actually at the bottom of her list of things she wanted to do; she didn't WANT to hear her mother prattle on about how she'd chosen the wrong men (or women), when would she meet someone new? Why had SHE joined Starfleet if not out of spite?! These were the questions she had hoped to avoid, so thank the Prophets that whomever was being malcontent had chosen that day to do so.

She had spent some time wandering the Station-while there was lots to do, she was too upset to do much. Being here opened up a lot of old wounds that she wasn't ready to discuss, and so she had mostly hidden out at Quarks or in her quarters when she wasn't needed to do some work. MOST of the staff had changed since she and Ben had been here last-thankfully. Only a few remained, and of them, even LESS had remembered her. Also thankfully. And the two that had? Were nothing but gracious to her. Most of the people who knew what had happened were supportive of HER. Only a few had sided with Ben, and that was OK-she didn't need that kind of toxicity in her life. She'd spent the early morning drying out, waiting to see if she would be recalled, and shopping. Her nieces and nephews would get her presents, in time, and she finally found the meeting room. She walked in, standing against a wall. She never sat-she was far too kinetic, and frankly, gave too little of a damn to do so.

Rayek could have facepalmed in embarrassment that the tardy individual was none other than the mature Ensign Lorut.  Having met with her 'other universe' self while on the Lionheart, Rayek was surprised at lackadaisical demeanor in arriving THIS late to the briefing.  Why bother showing up at all?!  Now someone would have to repeat the mission parameters just because she couldn't arrive on time.  The Romulan scowled in her direction and since Jael seemed to have caught on to how to properly conduct herself, he moved through the crowd towards the Bajoran.

As he did this, a conversation between the two Onlies seemed to dominate the room and drew the attention of many.  As they weren't his officers, Rayek didn't pause in his path, though he did listen in.   It impressed the Romulan that Mackenzie knew to ask Captain Galloway to escort her out and deal with the situation there and then rather than letting it grow into more of a distraction for the rest of the crew.

When Rayek arrived at Ensign Lorut's side, the Romulan First Officer didn't say a word of reprimand. He simply stood there beside her, arms folded and with a frowning expression on his face that made the V on his forehead stand out more than usual.  He would wait until after the meeting to deal with her.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: myne on June 01, 2023, 11:50:28 AM

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

The waves of terror coming from her could easily be felt, the thoughs and memories of the past and seeing older girls having designs cut in them by keepers was a vivid memory she had worked hard to forget.

They were now back, playing threw her mind, and threw the mind of anyone tragic enough to be looking in her.

She remembered the pretty girl who dropped a tray of drinks on a Talarian man. He cut 'bad' into face. This made her swear never to be bad.

She remembered the one Kzinti coming to take a herd animal she was tasked to care for and felt the Cat's blade to her throat when she dared to say goodbye to the herd beast. She could feel each touch a blade from her long life but she said nothing.

She remembered the Borg cutting into her, into her liver, into her face, taking things and making there mark.

She would not let on as she wanted to do this, she wanted to prove herself. She was two hundred and seventy years old. But to Onlies she was eight.

So she pushed it all down, all the terror, she pushed it as deep down as she could, trying to push the pain and fear so far down. Her stomach hurt from the pushing the pain.

Then Ensign Myne wet herself. Guess she pushed it too far down..

She quickly pushed her legs and thighs together hoping the absorbant fabric would prevent a shameful or at worse mocking round of laughter from those present. She would twist and turn a bit when talked to so that no one would notice.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Each word felt like a hit, even though he was trying to be helpful each thing she flinched as he said. When he turned to face her she prepared for the actual strike.

It never came.

She stood there still wet, still scared, and still unsure what to say. He was right in every word he said but she was unsure what to say. How does someone respond?

"My name is Melly Pwllgwyngyll. The man in Quarks said it is too hard to spell. So he named me Myne. So i'm Myne. Every one of the bad people liked it. So i'm Myne. Not everyone has fight in them Sir. Some of us had it beaten out with a fist, a whip, a length of wood, or other things. Some of us had the fire in our hearts stomped out with boots.", Melly said shivering before him opening up about her past, her name on her record only being 'Myne of Miri'.

She unclenched her stance and visible accident would be seeable if he looked her over, "It made me tough. It made you tough.. but not in the same way. I will do my job. I will do my role. But I can never be like you...'

Leaning in closer to whisper to him her twinkling eyes still red from tears, "I am sorry. When you said you were enslaved I thought you still carried your brand. I am very very sorry for angering and embarrassing you. When we're done and everyone leaves you can hit me if it will make you less angry with me. I don't mind."

She then returned to her stance shaking in fear, worry, and the cold feeling of being wet.

[outside the briefing room - as Steve]

Did his hooman ask him to stay outside the meeting room? No. But he was there anyways, watching the stream of varying officers pass by the briefing room.  It was really taking a while, but he didn't mind. He was a very good boy after all. And he could wait. Most likely he'd get orange jello if he was a good boi

[briefing room]
Kinley had no further questions. Was this plan going by the seats of their pants? Yes. But she wasn't going to be in the direct fray. Not yet, at least. The tensions certainly seemed high with this mission. She worried a bit a bout Myne, but she'd have to bring it up later when she could. "œLet's get going then."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun sat there listening to the debriefing. Why was it called a briefing. It was never brief. There were always so painfully long. Gohun sat there every time he thought the briefing was over they would start talking again. He was supposed to be on vacation. On a beach. In fact he remembered going for some reason. Suddenly he heard undercover mercenary. Now this something that Gohun understood. He could get really cool armor.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom)]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 31, 2023, 09:02:10 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira looked over at Lahr and replied, "Not an illegitimate child, but in terms of being with Mackenzie and Myne, you're close. I've had the idea of you acting as a kind of mercenary who'd be the brains behind kidnapping the 'children' and had recruited help from a band of Breen 'mercenaries' to get them. Cloten will be willing to go along with it; I have talked it over with him, with help from Admirals Kira and Gillespie. He did say he'd like the prospect of working with you again, he likes you, even if you're an officer with certain connections."

She hoped Lahr knew what she meant when she said "certain connections." Plus, it was true about what she had said, though she suspected Cloten wanted to work with Lahr to learn more about his arms merchants line connections.

"Plus, Andorians are good with cold as much as Breen are," added Nira. "Then again, now that I think on it...with Mackenzie and Myne, their cover-story as Vaughn's children: They would've been staying at Andor when they get kidnapped, and they would've lived in one of Andor's cities, and you would need help from Breen to kidnap them, owing to how good with cold they are."

At hearing himself be called the 'brains' of the plan to kidnap the children, Lahr's expression wavered a bit.  The 'brains' - he liked the sound of that.  He'd never been called the brains of anything before.  Yet despite the 'ego-building' backstory,  Lahr still had his doubts that he was the right individual for the mission.

However, before he could bring himself to point out his flaws in front of everybody, attention diverted to Myne... or rather Melly.. and the other Only with her.   Having spent a little bit of time with the Only Ensign, Lahr was both saddened and relieved that she was being pulled from the mission.    This was surely gonna be a blow to her self-esteem, but after hearing a bit of the discussion between the two... it was probably for the best.  The last thing anyone wanted was the Only being subjected to more abuse.

He wondered who the Commander would select to fill in for the Science officer.  Maybe M'Nia? or Zhuk if there were a way to wrap their tail around their waist and pin down their ears to fit into the Breen suit.   It should be possible.  Unlike Andorians, a Caitian's sense of balance wasn't as badly affected by being encased or wrapped.

Then from elsewhere in the room Lahr heard Garrison speak and he couldn't help but shake his head, his antennae drooping somewhat.  Someone was eager to go.   He remembered back to a time when he used to believe he and his were invincible.  He used to look forward to being sent out then too.

Seeing close friends die, blown up by a grenade or killed by phaser and disruptor shots - changed perspective for him.   

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Jess Willard

Quote from: Nira Said on May 31, 2023, 09:02:10 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira looked over at Lahr and replied, "Not an illegitimate child, but in terms of being with Mackenzie and Myne, you're close. I've had the idea of you acting as a kind of mercenary who'd be the brains behind kidnapping the 'children' and had recruited help from a band of Breen 'mercenaries' to get them. Cloten will be willing to go along with it; I have talked it over with him, with help from Admirals Kira and Gillespie. He did say he'd like the prospect of working with you again, he likes you, even if you're an officer with certain connections."

She hoped Lahr knew what she meant when she said "certain connections." Plus, it was true about what she had said, though she suspected Cloten wanted to work with Lahr to learn more about his arms merchants line connections.

"Plus, Andorians are good with cold as much as Breen are," added Nira. "Then again, now that I think on it...with Mackenzie and Myne, their cover-story as Vaughn's children: They would've been staying at Andor when they get kidnapped, and they would've lived in one of Andor's cities, and you would need help from Breen to kidnap them, owing to how good with cold they are."
Nira looked at Counselor Willard with interest. She noticed Jael was looking at Willard with interest as well, though after her spat at Garak, Nira was sure she was going to refrain from speaking about anything that did not have to do with the briefing.

"Is that so?" asked Nira with interest. "I know how to read tells as well, it was part of training in interpreting body language. One of my electives at the Academy was for a counselor, and it may have been the only class where I met the most Betazoids, though they were plenty surprised that I was more interested in Security than counseling, and they weren't the only ones. Besides, not every Betazoid is a counselor. Plus, it's especially helpful in determining motive of anybody unreadable by Betazoids."

She liked Counselor Willard on the spot. She momentarily wished that she was back on Discovery so she would get to know her better. May not be the case, but then, she had a mind to invite her and Torra to lunch for a bit of girl time.

"That could certainly prove useful to each of our teams," said Nira. "If the Breen are hiding something, and they definitely might be, we'll know."

Nira looked at Myne when she mentioned the times she had been kidnapped. And she looked on with pity when Myne pulled up a long line of brands.

"Don't worry, Ensign, you won't be branded," said Nira. "Though you and Lahr could use that were kidnapped as you were heading out of school. It'll especially help since you know it already."

"If I may?" asked Jael softly. Nira looked at her and said, "Yes, Lieutenant?"

"As an additional warning about my father," Jael said, "he has his own kind of brand, he likes to brand his victims in his own way, and he wouldn't even need to use something heated up."

Nira winced; it implied that Old Man Sherem didn't just burn on a brand, but would cut a brand with some kind of blade.

"That's certainly true," said Garak. "He has that reputation, he's branded many Bajorans that way during the Occupation."

"I agree with Garak," said Kira. "I know about his brands, but fortunately, neither Shakaar nor I nor any of my cell ever met him, let alone get captured by him. Prophets help you if you get captured by Nehor Sherem."

Nira was wondering about the way Kira talked about Old Man Sherem. Was he exceptionally feared by the Bajoran Resistance back in the day?

[DS9 - Wardroom]

Jess angled her head slight to the right as her eyes glanced to Said. "Many of my classmates were Betazoid, certainly. Your natural ability to read emotions was certainly an advantage that caused those of us without it to have to work much harder to succeed. Didn't stop me from being second in my class of course." She replied, a slightly cocky grin appearing on her face as she got to the final sentence.

She/Her - Human

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Quote from: Rin Amaya on May 31, 2023, 02:28:13 PM

Rin would go very quiet when they were listening to the two talking before she got a chance to reply again. However she didn't want to intrude about the situation. They seemed close friends and seemed to be probable members on the same ship. She would give them a polite nod though and would seem to have a welcoming smile though. "A pleasure to meet you even if it was a short while. Hope whatever you're doing goes well." Rin would say to the Romulan as she would carefully lean on the table turning to face the ones she was talking to. "And I do hope our friendship will grow much more when we get a chance to see each other considering we're on different ships but i'll still have the honour of working you on our next mission at least I hope." She would then think about her dorm rooms in the academy and gave a quiet chuckle.
"Trust me being just out of the Academy being on a ship was deffinetly a relief but being on a station is even more so. So I know that feeling quite well."

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 31, 2023, 09:00:40 PM

Vila chuckled a little. Someone who talked more than she. Well, once she got comfortable. She smiled. "I am new, too, actually. Yesterday was my first day aboard, today was my first shift." She said. It was WEIRRRRDDDD still. 45 years old and a freshman Ensign. Oh, well. She didn't care much what people thought.
"Nice to meet you," she said. "Ens. Lorut Vila." She said. To Saqa7, she said, "Do you want another soda?"

Saqa7's laughter subsided as Rin spoke her greeting to Rayek.  Then because he had things to do, she watched him offer a parting bow towards them before leaving.  She sighed a bit while watching him leave, knowing in part some of the stress her friend was shouldering.  No matter what he might portray, she knew Rayek well enough to know he was terribly worried about his wife and their unborn second child.

Saqa7 nodded in agreement with Rin's stated hopes.  "Well, sometimes hope needs a nudge and I'm just that sort to do impromptu video calls just to say Hi to a friend.  Just ask Rayek, who I pestered and commed all through his years at the Technical Services Academy.   So you can be assured I will keep in touch."

At Vila's offer of another soda, Saqa7 slurped down the last of her rootbeer.  "Sure!" she agreed loudly banging the empty mug on the bar counter like she'd seen done in many a Western.  "I'll take another round."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


M'nia was surprised that myne was taken back to the challenger. Evidently, the Captain felt she wasn't fit for the mission. Too bad but maybe for the best. From what  she had observed in the past few minutes, it may be she wasn't ready of such a mission. Still she seemed nice and M'nia would check up on her later. She returned her attention to the briefing.  She still didn't understand the whole thing. She was starting to get the gist of it but where she fit in if anywhere, she didn't know. Probably they'll tell her just report to engineering, but still she would listen and see what unfolded.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 02, 2023, 03:42:08 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Saqa7's laughter subsided as Rin spoke her greeting to Rayek.  Then because he had things to do, she watched him offer a parting bow towards them before leaving.  She sighed a bit while watching him leave, knowing in part some of the stress her friend was shouldering.  No matter what he might portray, she knew Rayek well enough to know he was terribly worried about his wife and their unborn second child.

Saqa7 nodded in agreement with Rin's stated hopes.  "Well, sometimes hope needs a nudge and I'm just that sort to do impromptu video calls just to say Hi to a friend.  Just ask Rayek, who I pestered and commed all through his years at the Technical Services Academy.   So you can be assured I will keep in touch."

At Vila's offer of another soda, Saqa7 slurped down the last of her rootbeer.  "Sure!" she agreed loudly banging the empty mug on the bar counter like she'd seen done in many a Western.  "I'll take another round."

Rin would have a bright and excited smile. It was so nice to meet others off the ships. She would listen carefully to every word they said. She was deffinetly quite bright eyed for a recruit. Probably rose tinted glasses and with excitement. "Yeah... I'm going to be doing that with my sister and mother back home a lot. So I am sure I can add one more to the list." She would cover her mouth as she chuckled to herself.

She would then turn to Vila with a nod as they stretched just a little. "Nice to meet you as well Ma'am".



[Kyan Mackenzie - Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Kyan shook his head. "Ye dinnae get it. Ye DO still have fire in ye, else ye'd have died a long time ago. A hundred times you'd be dead already. They cannae take it away. They made you think it's gone. They hid it from you. Thats one thing grups is good for, hiding things from us and makin us think things that aren't true. But it's still there, right there where it always was. You just hafta find it."

Kyan noticed her dilema, but ignored it. "An yer right. Ye cannae be me. Yer not me. Yer Melly. Thats yer name, and the only one I'm after callin ya from now on so it is. And I ain't after hittin you. I dinnae hit people who didn't have it comin, and I dinnae hit people who cannae defend themselves. Thats what cowards do."

It was clear now that Melly wasn't in any shape to continue the breifing, even without the accident. And the fact was that if she stayed, it would only get worse. He'd been the proverbial turd in the punchbowl at many briefings in his time, although it was usually for mouthing off to the wrong Admiral or whoever. Eventually, the grups would get sick of it and kick her out themselves, which would be a whole nother thing. Best to leave now before that. Kyan turned to Galloway. "Captain, If it's ok with you the now, I'll take Melly back tae Challenger and get her seen to."


[Ian Galloway - Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian missed thr beginning of the confrontation between the two Onlies, but when Kyan raised his voice, there was no possibility of avoiding the rest of the conversation. Ian agreed with Kyan from this point on he would not refer to the Ensign as mine any more. However, her distress was so apparent that he now had to take official action. When Kyan requested to escourt her back to the ship, he spoke kindly.

"Aye Lad. And have her report ta Lieutenant Mills once she's had a chance ta make herself presentable."

Once the two had left, Ian added to the others in the briefing.

"Consider Ensign Pwllgwyngyll unavailable for the mission unless she's cleared for duty by Challenger's counselor."

[Ensign Myne/Melly Pwllgwyngyll - Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no.

She failed. She would be stripped of her commission and sent on a one way shuttle to some caregiver facility because she pushed down her fear so hard that she wet herself.

'Stupid stupid dumb worthless', she would think as she was led to the door by Kyan. She had opened up to him about her name and now even the Captain knew. Would she also get punished for giving the wrong name in the academy? Her name was Myne. The slaver said so. She was Myne.

But now she would be Civilian Melly. Washout Starfleet officer Melly. Until someone with strength came along with a slavers collar and a chain. Then she would back being 'Myne'.

The first Orion woman who bought her from the Nausicaan adored the name, 'Mine Mine Mine but with a 'y' oh how exotic.'

She was more suited for the dance pits, for the shepherdess fields, for the kitchens she thought. But no she had to try to be one of the 'real people'. Now she knew she wasn't.

As she walked toward the door she began pawing the side of her head with the flat of her hand, then gently clentching the knuckles to begin tapping the side of her head, then the tapping became firmer and harder.

She hurt. But 'Pain is the result of being bad, good girls don't hurt'. But she was not a good girl so she deserved the hurt she was giving.

Her hands slipped up to take out the pigtails. Pigtails were for good pretty things. She was not. So her hair drapped down.

She failed. She disapointed her Captain. Now her room mate Kyan would have to go all alone. If anything happened to him.

So the hitting became harder. "Bad dumb stupid thing...", she said aloud but not too loud.

Female Only

Lorut Vila


Saqa7's laughter subsided as Rin spoke her greeting to Rayek.  Then because he had things to do, she watched him offer a parting bow towards them before leaving.  She sighed a bit while watching him leave, knowing in part some of the stress her friend was shouldering.  No matter what he might portray, she knew Rayek well enough to know he was terribly worried about his wife and their unborn second child.

Saqa7 nodded in agreement with Rin's stated hopes.  "Well, sometimes hope needs a nudge and I'm just that sort to do impromptu video calls just to say Hi to a friend.  Just ask Rayek, who I pestered and commed all through his years at the Technical Services Academy.   So you can be assured I will keep in touch."

At Vila's offer of another soda, Saqa7 slurped down the last of her rootbeer.  "Sure!" she agreed loudly banging the empty mug on the bar counter like she'd seen done in many a Western.  "I'll take another round."

Vila stood up, a bit unsteadily. She hadn't eaten anything since the night before, and she realized she probably SHOULD. She went back to the bar, getting Saqa7 her soda, herself a glass of water, and a snack. She had chosen the meat and cheese platter, with bread instead of crackers. Her favorite things in the world were bread and cheese. She returned to the table, and handed her new friend her soda, and sat down with her food and water. "The Springwine was starting to get to my head. Feel free to share, if you'd like," she said. To Rin, she turned again.
"Same for you!"



Rayek could have facepalmed in embarrassment that the tardy individual was none other than the mature Ensign Lorut.  Having met with her 'other universe' self while on the Lionheart, Rayek was surprised at lackadaisical demeanor in arriving THIS late to the briefing.  Why bother showing up at all?!  Now someone would have to repeat the mission parameters just because she couldn't arrive on time.  The Romulan scowled in her direction and since Jael seemed to have caught on to how to properly conduct herself, he moved through the crowd towards the Bajoran.

As he did this, a conversation between the two Onlies seemed to dominate the room and drew the attention of many.  As they weren't his officers, Rayek didn't pause in his path, though he did listen in.   It impressed the Romulan that Mackenzie knew to ask Captain Galloway to escort her out and deal with the situation there and then rather than letting it grow into more of a distraction for the rest of the crew.

When Rayek arrived at Ensign Lorut's side, the Romulan First Officer didn't say a word of reprimand. He simply stood there beside her, arms folded and with a frowning expression on his face that made the V on his forehead stand out more than usual.  He would wait until after the meeting to deal with her.

His look hadn't escaped her; she fired one back, hoping that the message would read "Yeah, and?" It wasn't her fault she'd gotten lost between the Promenade and here. Why were there so many habitation decks? She hadn't remembered that many before. "You know, Commander, my mother always said your face will stay like that when we made sour faces," she told him, quietly. "Are those the Captain's children?" She asked, confusedly, about Ens.'s Myne and Kyan. "This is why children shouldn't be allowed outside of the public areas," she clicked her tongue; she hadn't been able to have any children but even if she HAD, she certainly knew the dangers of letting them run loose on a Starbase, and fought the urge to place her hands on her waist.


[DS9 - Challenger]

It did not take long to 'explore' the rest of the station. As a visitor, there was only so much he had access to, and that was fine by him. Evan wasn't overly fond of stations, confined space with limited undertakings, and an utter lack of movement. Sure, it was fun to watch the zoo of people bustle through the promenade, but he would gladly sacrifice that small entertainment to seek out new life and new civilizations, to travel to parts of the universe that he had never seen.

With a bored sigh, Evan made his way back to the ship, trudging his way back to his quarters in search of a good spot to nap. However, the universe had other plans. As a doctor, he had a few different devices that enabled people to get in touch with him, and one of them was beeping. Evan reached into a lower pocket of his trousers to fetch it and read the following:

Lieutenant Buehler,

I do not normally pass off cases to the MDs, but in this instance, I feel the patient would be more comfortable talking to you as you seem to have already developed a rapport, and recent developments have been tenuous.

-Lieutenant Lieutenant Gemma Mills
Ship Counselor

The message continued, identifying the patient in question as the new science ensign.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

🡱 🡳

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