Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 02, 2023, 07:18:52 PM

His look hadn't escaped her; she fired one back, hoping that the message would read "Yeah, and?" It wasn't her fault she'd gotten lost between the Promenade and here. Why were there so many habitation decks? She hadn't remembered that many before. "You know, Commander, my mother always said your face will stay like that when we made sour faces," she told him, quietly. "Are those the Captain's children?" She asked, confusedly, about Ens.'s Myne and Kyan. "This is why children shouldn't be allowed outside of the public areas," she clicked her tongue; she hadn't been able to have any children but even if she HAD, she certainly knew the dangers of letting them run loose on a Starbase, and fought the urge to place her hands on her waist.

The downward tilt of the Commander's head in reaction to her 'unapologetic' returned look, he expected spoke volumes.   However, her comment, reminded him so much of his own mother's teasing wisdom that his expression broke into a brief smile.  As attention was still on the Only Ensign being escorted out, he leaned towards Ensign Lorut to whisper a reply back.

"Then don't give me cause for such faces, Ensign.  It's your responsibility to know where you need to be, when you need to be there, and make arrangements to arrive on time."

At her question about the Onlies, Rayek shook his head.  "If you had arrived on time, you would have known that they are not Captain's children but are being asked to play that role as part of the infiltration of the Melek Nor station.  They are Onlies.  A couple hundred years old each."

Rayek figured that the Ensign would be surprised if she ever learned that Mackenzie at one time held the rank of Commander - but Rayek understood the value of information and its sensitive, so he wasn't likely to share that knowledge - for the moment, she didn't need to know.

However, the Romulan did give a brief summary of what she'd missed.   "There are two goals.  Ours being to retrieve information from a database located in the Breen base and then destroy the base which has been deemed a threat to the Federation."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom)]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 31, 2023, 09:02:10 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira looked over at Lahr and replied, "Not an illegitimate child, but in terms of being with Mackenzie and Myne, you're close. I've had the idea of you acting as a kind of mercenary who'd be the brains behind kidnapping the 'children' and had recruited help from a band of Breen 'mercenaries' to get them. Cloten will be willing to go along with it; I have talked it over with him, with help from Admirals Kira and Gillespie. He did say he'd like the prospect of working with you again, he likes you, even if you're an officer with certain connections."

She hoped Lahr knew what she meant when she said "certain connections." Plus, it was true about what she had said, though she suspected Cloten wanted to work with Lahr to learn more about his arms merchants line connections.

"Plus, Andorians are good with cold as much as Breen are," added Nira. "Then again, now that I think on it...with Mackenzie and Myne, their cover-story as Vaughn's children: They would've been staying at Andor when they get kidnapped, and they would've lived in one of Andor's cities, and you would need help from Breen to kidnap them, owing to how good with cold they are."

At hearing himself be called the 'brains' of the plan to kidnap the children, Lahr's expression wavered a bit.  The 'brains' - he liked the sound of that.  He'd never been called the brains of anything before.  Yet despite the 'ego-building' backstory,  Lahr still had his doubts that he was the right individual for the mission.

However, before he could bring himself to point out his flaws in front of everybody, attention diverted to Myne... or rather Melly.. and the other Only with her.   Having spent a little bit of time with the Only Ensign, Lahr was both saddened and relieved that she was being pulled from the mission.    This was surely gonna be a blow to her self-esteem, but after hearing a bit of the discussion between the two... it was probably for the best.  The last thing anyone wanted was the Only being subjected to more abuse.

He wondered who the Commander would select to fill in for the Science officer.  Maybe M'Nia - another engineer? or Zhuk for another securit - never had too many of those!    If there were a way to wrap their tail around their waist and pin down their ears to fit into the Breen suit.   It should be possible.  Unlike Andorians, a Caitian's sense of balance wasn't as badly affected by being encased or wrapped.

Regardless of who the Commander chose though, it didn't help him get out of his dilemma about having to go.    He wondered why despite his past traumas, no one took him seriously when he said he'd rather stay on the ship?  Did they think he was making stuff up to get out of an unpleasant mission?

The Andorian's antennae drooped again... 'brains' or not, the fact was... if he froze up out there...  it would be his fault if anyone got hurt,  because he didn't speak out.

"Um, Commander?  After the briefing, can I speak with you privately?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 03, 2023, 04:56:18 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

The downward tilt of the Commander's head in reaction to her 'unapologetic' returned look, he expected spoke volumes.   However, her comment, reminded him so much of his own mother's teasing wisdom that his expression broke into a brief smile.  As attention was still on the Only Ensign being escorted out, he leaned towards Ensign Lorut to whisper a reply back.

"Then don't give me cause for such faces, Ensign.  It's your responsibility to know where you need to be, when you need to be there, and make arrangements to arrive on time."

At her question about the Onlies, Rayek shook his head.  "If you had arrived on time, you would have known that they are not Captain's children but are being asked to play that role as part of the infiltration of the Melek Nor station.  They are Onlies.  A couple hundred years old each."

Rayek figured that the Ensign would be surprised if she ever learned that Mackenzie at one time held the rank of Commander - but Rayek understood the value of information and its sensitive, so he wasn't likely to share that knowledge - for the moment, she didn't need to know.

However, the Romulan did give a brief summary of what she'd missed.   "There are two goals.  Ours being to retrieve information from a database located in the Breen base and then destroy the base which has been deemed a threat to the Federation."

"Thank you." She said, simply. "I will review the map of the Station and the ship so I don't get lost again," she said. "I can handle that." Finally, the Onlies were removed, and she sighed, turning back to the others to listen. She'd explain her tardiness later, and also apologize to the others. It IS rude, and while Vila was many things, she wasn't intentionally rude to people who didn't otherwise deserve it. She was just a fully grown adult who resisted authority due to her past traumas. He didn't know that. She might tell him...someday.

"I'm sorry."

Nira Said

Quote from: myne on June 01, 2023, 11:50:28 AM

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

The waves of terror coming from her could easily be felt, the thoughts and memories of the past and seeing older girls having designs cut in them by keepers was a vivid memory she had worked hard to forget.

They were now back, playing threw her mind, and threw the mind of anyone tragic enough to be looking in her.

She remembered the pretty girl who dropped a tray of drinks on a Talarian man. He cut 'bad' into face. This made her swear never to be bad.

She remembered the one Kzinti coming to take a herd animal she was tasked to care for and felt the Cat's blade to her throat when she dared to say goodbye to the herd beast. She could feel each touch a blade from her long life but she said nothing.

She remembered the Borg cutting into her, into her liver, into her face, taking things and making there mark.

She would not let on as she wanted to do this, she wanted to prove herself. She was two hundred and seventy years old. But to Onlies she was eight.

So she pushed it all down, all the terror, she pushed it as deep down as she could, trying to push the pain and fear so far down. Her stomach hurt from the pushing the pain.

Then Ensign Myne wet herself. Guess she pushed it too far down..

She quickly pushed her legs and thighs together hoping the absorbant fabric would prevent a shameful or at worse mocking round of laughter from those present. She would twist and turn a bit when talked to so that no one would notice.

[Ensign Myne | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Each word felt like a hit, even though he was trying to be helpful each thing she flinched as he said. When he turned to face her she prepared for the actual strike.

It never came.

She stood there still wet, still scared, and still unsure what to say. He was right in every word he said but she was unsure what to say. How does someone respond?

"My name is Melly Pwllgwyngyll. The man in Quarks said it is too hard to spell. So he named me Myne. So i'm Myne. Every one of the bad people liked it. So i'm Myne. Not everyone has fight in them Sir. Some of us had it beaten out with a fist, a whip, a length of wood, or other things. Some of us had the fire in our hearts stomped out with boots.", Melly said shivering before him opening up about her past, her name on her record only being 'Myne of Miri'.

She unclenched her stance and visible accident would be seeable if he looked her over, "It made me tough. It made you tough.. but not in the same way. I will do my job. I will do my role. But I can never be like you...'

Leaning in closer to whisper to him her twinkling eyes still red from tears, "I am sorry. When you said you were enslaved I thought you still carried your brand. I am very very sorry for angering and embarrassing you. When we're done and everyone leaves you can hit me if it will make you less angry with me. I don't mind."

She then returned to her stance shaking in fear, worry, and the cold feeling of being wet.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 01, 2023, 09:03:23 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Rayek glanced over towards the medical officer he'd selected as she pointed out a means to 'read' the Breen.  Though Ensign Willard was addressing Commander Said, Rayek inclined his head slightly towards her acknowledging her value to the team.   He had selected her for other reasons. This, if she was as good as she claimed, would be a bonus to the team.

Rayek, because of his keen Vulcanoid hearing, was privy to parts of the two Onlies conversation.  Not so much the Mackenzie's words (since the boy was intentionally whispering so that only his fellow Only would hear.  But the girl seemed not to care who listened on their discussion and she openly displayed the scars from her past tragedies.  Rayek understood a little why the girl might have kept the scars.  For him, each scar he carried was a declaration that he had grown stronger than that which had marred his flesh.   It was also a reminder to improve himself so to avoid getting a scar the next time.

Further thoughts on this were put in check as Ian reminded them all that they were on a bit of a time crunch.

Rayek wasn't surprised at the human Captain's impatience.  Galloway, had always struck Rayek as an individual drawn to decisive action.  Command with all its tedious operational planning and background politics likely was giving Galloway grey hair.

While he waited for Admiral Kira to confirm when this plan was supposed to be a go, he noted the doors to the wardroom opening yet again.   Who was arriving this late to the meeting?

Rayek could have facepalmed in embarrassment that the tardy individual was none other than the mature Ensign Lorut.  Having met with her 'other universe' self while on the Lionheart, Rayek was surprised at lackadaisical demeanor in arriving THIS late to the briefing.  Why bother showing up at all?!  Now someone would have to repeat the mission parameters just because she couldn't arrive on time.  The Romulan scowled in her direction and since Jael seemed to have caught on to how to properly conduct herself, he moved through the crowd towards the Bajoran.

As he did this, a conversation between the two Onlies seemed to dominate the room and drew the attention of many.  As they weren't his officers, Rayek didn't pause in his path, though he did listen in.   It impressed the Romulan that Mackenzie knew to ask Captain Galloway to escort her out and deal with the situation there and then rather than letting it grow into more of a distraction for the rest of the crew.

When Rayek arrived at Ensign Lorut's side, the Romulan First Officer didn't say a word of reprimand. He simply stood there beside her, arms folded and with a frowning expression on his face that made the V on his forehead stand out more than usual.  He would wait until after the meeting to deal with her.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 02, 2023, 07:18:52 PM

Vila stood up, a bit unsteadily. She hadn't eaten anything since the night before, and she realized she probably SHOULD. She went back to the bar, getting Saqa7 her soda, herself a glass of water, and a snack. She had chosen the meat and cheese platter, with bread instead of crackers. Her favorite things in the world were bread and cheese. She returned to the table, and handed her new friend her soda, and sat down with her food and water. "The Springwine was starting to get to my head. Feel free to share, if you'd like," she said. To Rin, she turned again.
"Same for you!"


His look hadn't escaped her; she fired one back, hoping that the message would read "Yeah, and?" It wasn't her fault she'd gotten lost between the Promenade and here. Why were there so many habitation decks? She hadn't remembered that many before. "You know, Commander, my mother always said your face will stay like that when we made sour faces," she told him, quietly. "Are those the Captain's children?" She asked, confusedly, about Ens.'s Myne and Kyan. "This is why children shouldn't be allowed outside of the public areas," she clicked her tongue; she hadn't been able to have any children but even if she HAD, she certainly knew the dangers of letting them run loose on a Starbase, and fought the urge to place her hands on her waist.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 03, 2023, 04:56:18 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

The downward tilt of the Commander's head in reaction to her 'unapologetic' returned look, he expected spoke volumes.   However, her comment, reminded him so much of his own mother's teasing wisdom that his expression broke into a brief smile.  As attention was still on the Only Ensign being escorted out, he leaned towards Ensign Lorut to whisper a reply back.

"Then don't give me cause for such faces, Ensign.  It's your responsibility to know where you need to be, when you need to be there, and make arrangements to arrive on time."

At her question about the Onlies, Rayek shook his head.  "If you had arrived on time, you would have known that they are not Captain's children but are being asked to play that role as part of the infiltration of the Melek Nor station.  They are Onlies.  A couple hundred years old each."

Rayek figured that the Ensign would be surprised if she ever learned that Mackenzie at one time held the rank of Commander - but Rayek understood the value of information and its sensitive, so he wasn't likely to share that knowledge - for the moment, she didn't need to know.

However, the Romulan did give a brief summary of what she'd missed.   "There are two goals.  Ours being to retrieve information from a database located in the Breen base and then destroy the base which has been deemed a threat to the Federation."

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira and Jael were virtually flinching. The sight of Myne losing control at menton of how Old Man Sherem brands his victims certainly made Nira scowl at Jael and Jael to grimace nervously and apologetically, and right now, Jael was beating herself inside, wishing she had kept silent and not mention"¦

Fortunately, it looked like there was another crewmember on hand. Nira noticed her on the Engineering roster: Ensign M'Nia.

"œWell, I think we can replace Myne for the team," she said. "œPity, of course. I think Ensign M'Nia will be a good choice to replace her for the mission, but it'll mean we'll have two Caitians"¦"

A thought just occurred to her: "œSuppose that not just we "˜Breen' had captured a Captain's son," she said, nodding at Kyan, "œbut two Caitian ambassadors who were captured not just because they were protecting Vaughn's "˜son,' but will also have some bogus information? That way, neither Ensign M'Nia nor Mister Mrekrerhas, here"¦could go without Breen suits."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on June 04, 2023, 03:24:03 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom)]

At hearing himself be called the 'brains' of the plan to kidnap the children, Lahr's expression wavered a bit.  The 'brains' - he liked the sound of that.  He'd never been called the brains of anything before.  Yet despite the 'ego-building' backstory,  Lahr still had his doubts that he was the right individual for the mission.

However, before he could bring himself to point out his flaws in front of everybody, attention diverted to Myne... or rather Melly.. and the other Only with her.   Having spent a little bit of time with the Only Ensign, Lahr was both saddened and relieved that she was being pulled from the mission.    This was surely gonna be a blow to her self-esteem, but after hearing a bit of the discussion between the two... it was probably for the best.  The last thing anyone wanted was the Only being subjected to more abuse.

He wondered who the Commander would select to fill in for the Science officer.  Maybe M'Nia - another engineer? or Zhuk for another securit - never had too many of those!    If there were a way to wrap their tail around their waist and pin down their ears to fit into the Breen suit.   It should be possible.  Unlike Andorians, a Caitian's sense of balance wasn't as badly affected by being encased or wrapped.

Regardless of who the Commander chose though, it didn't help him get out of his dilemma about having to go.    He wondered why despite his past traumas, no one took him seriously when he said he'd rather stay on the ship?  Did they think he was making stuff up to get out of an unpleasant mission?

The Andorian's antennae drooped again... 'brains' or not, the fact was... if he froze up out there...  it would be his fault if anyone got hurt,  because he didn't speak out.

"Um, Commander?  After the briefing, can I speak with you privately?"

Nira noticed Lahr's query in whisper. She was wondering if he wasn't liking the idea of pretending to be Cloten's partner.

"Of course, Chief," Nira whispered. "Let's discuss it at the Replimat after the briefing."

"œOkay, so if we're all good and there are no further problems with our teams," said Kira, "œWe can get moving. is expected to meet his smuggling fleet in orbit of Derna, one of Bajor's moons. Position your ships in Derna's gravitational shadow, that way, the fleet won't detect your ships.

"œAs for your suits," she added, "œCloten has reassured me they will be outfitted so that sensors will be able to give the impression that there are Breen inside, and they'll each be outfitted with transponders so you'll be able to beam away in an emergency.

"œIn addition, we're going to provide you teams each with officers from our own crew on Deep Space Nine," said Kira. "œThey'll provide assistance for the coming mission, especially to those who know the layout of Deep Space Nine enough to infiltrate Melek Nor."

She tapped her comm badge and said, "œCome right in."

Four officers then entered the Wardroom, but they remained at the door, considering how crowded it was.

"œWhat ho, what ho," said bubbly Commander Belvedere with a wave.

Commander Sisko stood at his side, still scowling at him, her lips pursed. Two officers flanked them, one in blue, one in gold, and they certainly looked to be brother and sister.

"œTo those who don't know," said Kira, "œthis is DS9's first officer, Lieutenant Commander Malachi Belvedere, and our Strategic Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko. Yes, she's related, let's leave it at that," she added, forestalling the question of relation. "œThese other two are the O'Briens, our CSO Molly O'Brien and our Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Kirayoshi O'Brien. Molly and Malachi will be coming along with the team to Melek Nor, and Kirayoshi and Rebecca will join the Breen station infiltration."

"œThink nothin' of it," The O'Brien siblings said at the same time.

Nira nodded respectfully; they definitely were O'Briens, given the accents. Even despite the differences in gender, Nira could see who was the older sibling. Molly's smile was only slight but still kept a formal look, almost as steely as Sisko's. Kirayoshi, on the other hand, his smile was as wide and excited and...well, not as bubbly as Belvedere. At least it was upon greeting the teams, then his expression became neutral and formal faster than warp speed.

Belvedere, on the other hand"¦something was off with him. As much as he was expressing his bubbliness in his body language, she was puzzled as to why she can't sense him"¦then again, so many minds in the room, it was surprising. Was he trained to resist telepathy"¦?

As for Rebecca Sisko, she thought it would be a good half of a pair with Commander tr'Lhoell, regardless of how many years he had, considering her stern demeanor.

"œIf nobody has any more questions, you're all dismissed," said Kira.

"œExcellent," said Garak. "œI'm due for lunch."

And just like that, he was gone.

"œWe, on the other hand," said Rahab Sherem, "œWe'll wait on your ships until the smuggling fleet comes. I'll be on Discovery, Legate Nural has Challenger."

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As everybody was dismissed, Nira took her time walking back, and frankly, she wasn't surprised that everybody else was. Naturally, she informed Captain Galloway that she'll be conferring with Lahr about something and will be back on the ship later. Of course, she headed for the Replimat, planning on meeting Lahr there, but stopped upon seeing one of the outer tables. She noticed Garak was already at a table, calling to an elder Starfleet doctor in greeting, "Why, hello, my dear doctor! Glad you could make it to lunch!"

"Wouldn't be like old times if we didn't stop for lunch whenever you visited, Garak," the doctor answered in a smooth accent...and was that a hint of...?

Nira came in closer and was close enough that from a distance, she recognized Doctor Julian Bashir.

Nira was amazed at the sight of him. Of course, she had heard of Doctor Bashir. In fact, he was the most prominent veteran of Starfleet whose name she had paid attention to, aside from some Betazoid officers, at the Academy, chiefly because of the name. Bashir.

She had been about to drop by for a brief salaam when she saw Jael stopping at and leaning against a pillar across from the Replimat, scowling at Garak. Nira sidled alongside her and cleared her throat. Naturally, Jael jumped, and probably a meter at that.

"Hi, Jael," said Nira.

"Commander," said Jael. "Sorry about earlier, and I'm sorry if I'm loitering...I probably need to get going, unless a deputy calls me out..."

"œI'm guessing you have something against Garak, Jael? Hence the outburst?" asked Nira.

With a snort, Jael replied, "œJust that I was in awe of him when I was little"¦until I met him. Plus, I heard plenty about him from one of our neighbors, Kel Lokar. I know for a fact that Kel's mother and Garak were in a relationship, and that relationship was what got Garak exiled. I got to meet Garak a few years after the Dominion War, when my mother was welcomed back to Cardassia. I told him, "˜Kel and Paladine send their regards,' especially with the hope he'd know who they were. He just laughed it off, having no idea who they are"¦damn well pretending to, and believe me, I can tell. I also know how to read Tells, it's a talent I inherited from my father."

Along with his temper, thought Nira, remembering Jael's earlier reaction, but she continued to listen.

"œEven when I keep telling him Paladine was why he was exiled, Garak only continued to brush it off," continued Jael. "œThat is why I'm so disappointed in him, and thus disgruntled with him. Even after all these years, he still denies the reason for his exile. The real reason."

"Well, it's no excuse to flame old grudges on sight," said Nira. "Please remember that. Now, I'm sure both our crews are in no hurry to get back to their ships, and I have to meet with an officer or two to confer with something."

And she left Jael and headed into the Replimat. She picked up a sahlab, certain it was all she'll pick up, and kept her eyes out for Lahr.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2023, 06:30:53 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira and Jael were virtually flinching. The sight of Myne losing control at menton of how Old Man Sherem brands his victims certainly made Nira scowl at Jael and Jael to grimace nervously and apologetically, and right now, Jael was beating herself inside, wishing she had kept silent and not mention"¦

Fortunately, it looked like there was another crewmember on hand. Nira noticed her on the Engineering roster: Ensign M'Nia.

"œWell, I think we can replace Myne for the team," she said. "œPity, of course. I think Ensign M'Nia will be a good choice to replace her for the mission, but it'll mean we'll have two Caitians"¦"

A thought just occurred to her: "œSuppose that not just we "˜Breen' had captured a Captain's son," she said, nodding at Kyan, "œbut two Caitian ambassadors who were captured not just because they were protecting Vaughn's "˜son,' but will also have some bogus information? That way, neither Ensign M'Nia nor Mister Mrekrerhas, here"¦could go without Breen suits."Nira noticed Lahr's query in whisper. She was wondering if he wasn't liking the idea of pretending to be Cloten's partner.

"Of course, Chief," Nira whispered. "Let's discuss it at the Replimat after the briefing."

"œOkay, so if we're all good and there are no further problems with our teams," said Kira, "œWe can get moving. is expected to meet his smuggling fleet in orbit of Derna, one of Bajor's moons. Position your ships in Derna's gravitational shadow, that way, the fleet won't detect your ships.

"œAs for your suits," she added, "œCloten has reassured me they will be outfitted so that sensors will be able to give the impression that there are Breen inside, and they'll each be outfitted with transponders so you'll be able to beam away in an emergency.

"œIn addition, we're going to provide you teams each with officers from our own crew on Deep Space Nine," said Kira. "œThey'll provide assistance for the coming mission, especially to those who know the layout of Deep Space Nine enough to infiltrate Melek Nor."

She tapped her comm badge and said, "œCome right in."

Four officers then entered the Wardroom, but they remained at the door, considering how crowded it was.

"œWhat ho, what ho," said bubbly Commander Belvedere with a wave.

Commander Sisko stood at his side, still scowling at him, her lips pursed. Two officers flanked them, one in blue, one in gold, and they certainly looked to be brother and sister.

"œTo those who don't know," said Kira, "œthis is DS9's first officer, Lieutenant Commander Malachi Belvedere, and our Strategic Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko. Yes, she's related, let's leave it at that," she added, forestalling the question of relation. "œThese other two are the O'Briens, our CSO Molly O'Brien and our Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Kirayoshi O'Brien. Molly and Malachi will be coming along with the team to Melek Nor, and Kirayoshi and Rebecca will join the Breen station infiltration."

"œThink nothin' of it," The O'Brien siblings said at the same time.

Nira nodded respectfully; they definitely were O'Briens, given the accents. Even despite the differences in gender, Nira could see who was the older sibling. Molly's smile was only slight but still kept a formal look, almost as steely as Sisko's. Kirayoshi, on the other hand, his smile was as wide and excited and...well, not as bubbly as Belvedere. At least it was upon greeting the teams, then his expression became neutral and formal faster than warp speed.

Belvedere, on the other hand"¦something was off with him. As much as he was expressing his bubbliness in his body language, she was puzzled as to why she can't sense him"¦then again, so many minds in the room, it was surprising. Was he trained to resist telepathy"¦?

As for Rebecca Sisko, she thought it would be a good half of a pair with Commander tr'Lhoell, regardless of how many years he had, considering her stern demeanor.

"œIf nobody has any more questions, you're all dismissed," said Kira.

"œExcellent," said Garak. "œI'm due for lunch."

And just like that, he was gone.

"œWe, on the other hand," said Rahab Sherem, "œWe'll wait on your ships until the smuggling fleet comes. I'll be on Discovery, Legate Nural has Challenger."

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As everybody was dismissed, Nira took her time walking back, and frankly, she wasn't surprised that everybody else was. Naturally, she informed Captain Galloway that she'll be conferring with Lahr about something and will be back on the ship later. Of course, she headed for the Replimat, planning on meeting Lahr there, but stopped upon seeing one of the outer tables. She noticed Garak was already at a table, calling to an elder Starfleet doctor in greeting, "Why, hello, my dear doctor! Glad you could make it to lunch!"

"Wouldn't be like old times if we didn't stop for lunch whenever you visited, Garak," the doctor answered in a smooth accent...and was that a hint of...?

Nira came in closer and was close enough that from a distance, she recognized Doctor Julian Bashir.

Nira was amazed at the sight of him. Of course, she had heard of Doctor Bashir. In fact, he was the most prominent veteran of Starfleet whose name she had paid attention to, aside from some Betazoid officers, at the Academy, chiefly because of the name. Bashir.

She had been about to drop by for a brief salaam when she saw Jael stopping at and leaning against a pillar across from the Replimat, scowling at Garak. Nira sidled alongside her and cleared her throat. Naturally, Jael jumped, and probably a meter at that.

"Hi, Jael," said Nira.

"Commander," said Jael. "Sorry about earlier, and I'm sorry if I'm loitering...I probably need to get going, unless a deputy calls me out..."

"œI'm guessing you have something against Garak, Jael? Hence the outburst?" asked Nira.

With a snort, Jael replied, "œJust that I was in awe of him when I was little"¦until I met him. Plus, I heard plenty about him from one of our neighbors, Kel Lokar. I know for a fact that Kel's mother and Garak were in a relationship, and that relationship was what got Garak exiled. I got to meet Garak a few years after the Dominion War, when my mother was welcomed back to Cardassia. I told him, "˜Kel and Paladine send their regards,' especially with the hope he'd know who they were. He just laughed it off, having no idea who they are"¦damn well pretending to, and believe me, I can tell. I also know how to read Tells, it's a talent I inherited from my father."

Along with his temper, thought Nira, remembering Jael's earlier reaction, but she continued to listen.

"œEven when I keep telling him Paladine was why he was exiled, Garak only continued to brush it off," continued Jael. "œThat is why I'm so disappointed in him, and thus disgruntled with him. Even after all these years, he still denies the reason for his exile. The real reason."

"Well, it's no excuse to flame old grudges on sight," said Nira. "Please remember that. Now, I'm sure both our crews are in no hurry to get back to their ships, and I have to meet with an officer or two to confer with something."

And she left Jael and headed into the Replimat. She picked up a sahlab, certain it was all she'll pick up, and kept her eyes out for Lahr.

[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian managed to hold in the massive sigh of relief he felt when they were finally dismissed. Seeking out Legate Nural, he caught her attention and shifted his hand towards the door.

"Legate, it would be my great pleasure to escort you to Challenger."

After they exited the wardroom, Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Two ta beam directly ta the bridge." =/\=

Once the transporter completed its miracle of science, Ian did sigh in relief as he was enveloped in the comforting sounds of the Challenger.

"Legate, are you hungry or like something ta drink. I don't have the real kanar, but I'm told our replicators make a decent form of it."

Dem Broadshire

[Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

The past few days had gone in a haze. Well nights more specifically. A lot of drinking, laughing, falling and getting up to no good. Each morning, he would stumble out of his Discovery quarters and try to tour the promenade, looking at the Dominion War "œMuseum" among a variety of quaint establishments. On the second day, he had spent all the Latium that he had collected over his adult life and bought an empty cell of Ketracel White, the sustaining force of the Jem'Hadar, with a neat little display plaque and digital letter of authenticity. And at night he would drink again.

Earlier in the morning, realising that he was asked to observe the Breen teams briefing, he stumbled out of his quarters a little earlier, attempting to shield his stoned mind from the harsh Cardassian lighting. "œWhy do I get drunk?" He asked himself. Although, singing Romulan sonatas with Morn was probably worth it. He slowly walked through the corridors with the sonata stuck in his head. Zonothai t'renall, rihannsu arrainya, (In twilight's glow, the stars begin to dance,). He stepped into the turbolift before continuing to mumble the words of his drunken sonata: Nnekhlam i'sevok heh behtan khohlai, (Their silver light cascading through the night,). After he arrived at the Promenade, he thought it would be prudent to get a nurse to suppress his ear-splitting headache and aversion to light and sound. The moment he stepped into the entry of the bay; he saw a Doctor standing over the Nurse on duty. It took his brain a few seconds to register, but it was indeed Doctor Bashir. The living legend himself. As soon as Dem arrived, he quickly spun around and exited the room, fearful that he would find out he needed something for a hangover. He desperately wanted to meet his hero, but now was not the time to do it. He decided to change course straight to the conference room.

Dem spied the perfect place to sit, just in the corner of the room. Hopefully he would not be called upon for any reason.  As the conference room started to fill up, Dem could not believe his eyes. Originally, his mind interpreted the sight of Kira and Garack, as if they were actors at a theme park, pretending to be the legends. In his youth when he went to his local Starfleet show, he would be disturbed at the sight of these pretenders walking around and greeting naive children. Even with holographic technology, they looked slightly, off. But not these two. They were the real deal.

Throughout the duration of the briefing, he split is time between listening to the plan, looking in awe at the Deep Space Nine legends, and finally not looking at anything to quell his hang over. While in the state of pain and avoiding bright lights, the meeting was dismissed. Dem pretended to confidently stand up, and walked out of the room at a sustained pace, mulling the risky plan that the command team had proposed though his weary head.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Promenade | Deep Space 9


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)]

Still crouched by the holographic dinosaur at this point, the Andorian answered with a wide smile.  "I'm from the Challenger.   Petty Officer First Grade ShranLahr ch'Verret.   Otherwise known as DJ Lahr."

After standing, Lahr offered out his hand towards the Lieutenant to shake per human custom.

He was surprised when the Lieutenant agreed to a possible game. "Alright... how about after I see Myne here back to the ship?  Zhuk?  Doc?  Anyone else care to join in?"


[Ensign Myne | Outside Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

Myne shook her head to the nice gentleman, "I can make it back on my own, the Nausicaan seems to have stayed in Quarks. I appreciate everything you have done and I will be sure to put in a good word on how brave and kind you were in offering to take me back after the incident. You go have fun. I will go and stay on the ship." Her pigtails dropped a bit showing her mood of wanting to have fun but the shivering she still was exhibiting showed she should be back on the ship, hiding in her pillow fort.

"Thank You.. everyone. Now go have fun!", the Ensign put on a smile for the group.


"Thank you!

"I'd love to, if I'm not on duty or anything.' M'nia said, her tail flicking back and forth. She did like the idea of a game with new friends.

Zhukdra'shar was understanding when Lahr stated that he had been tasked with taking Myne back to the USS Challenger. He got it of course, if he had been his call, he would have sought to take her back immediately, too. As he wondered whether to walk the station or maybe ask Lahr if he could return with them, an invitation was offered. It caused a smile to appear on his face.

"Of course. It would be a pleasure to accompany you in order to escort such a distinguished member of our crew," He then proceeded to wink over at Myne, hoping to cheer her up a tad, "And, play with you a game of this 'bowling' you mentioned. Sounds fun."

The sudden statement of Myne wanting to return to the ship on her own, though, was unexpected. He didn't believe that Lahr had shown any physical reactions to being bothered in any way by his guarding of Myne. And he believed that it was important to carry the mission through.

At least, it seemed as if M'nia would tag along. He tempered his excitement, but his tail began to swish slightly too.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 31, 2023, 05:09:43 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade  (outside of Quarks)] (Shore leave - day 1)

Tempting though it was just do as told by the Ensign, Lahr didn't feel right about it.   "No offense, Ma'am. But I'd prefer to honor my promise to see you there."

He looked over to the female Caitian and nodded.  "Great! How about you folks head there now... get the lane booked and all that and I'll be there momentarily.  Zhuk, I got this if you wanna go with the ladies to the bowling alley."

The Andorian then took hold of Ensign Myne's hand once more. "You ready to go?"

Zhukdra'shar offered a proud nod over to the Andorian. He was doing the right thing, and he was happy to see him do so.

"He shalt be happy to head there. Until we meet up once more, Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr," A smile appeared on his face, as he turned over towards the two other ladies, "Very well, let us go."And, he began to walk where he believed the bowling alley to be. After getting somewhat lost, however, he saw the presence of a directory, which assisted him in reaching his destination. Hopefully, not embarrassing himself in the process.



[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira was certainly surprised by Captain Tekin's reaction to Jael's spiteful retorts at Garak. Nira never recalled Tekin screaming in wrath at her. The closest she ever got to a reprimand of wrath was when Captain Carter had reprimanded her when she had shown a fellow officer on the Athena a response to a joke through her telepathy, only to provoke an furious reaction.

Nonetheless, she stared long and hard at Jael, despite shrugging with pity; it was a gesture that was telling Jael "œI'm sorry for that, but you had it coming to you."

She wondered why she reacted thus to Garak, why she was snapping with dislike at him. Was there a history or something? She made a note to talk to Jael later, and to especially remind her about not giving a spat at any official.

Garak, however, only brushed off the spat with just a grin. "œNo apologies necessary, Captain," he said. "œI often get it from other Cardassians and some Bajorans, but seeing as she is a Starfleet officer, I understand what you officers do."

Kira nodded in understanding as well. "œHey, not a day has passed since the end of the Occupation since I've had criticisms about how I do things in my career."

Kira gave some thought to Tekin's question and then answered. "œWe'll have to rely on Legate Nural's infiltrator. Granted, it won't be a good idea for him to interfere. Of course, his information can point us in some good directions, even without the Breen suits. Even then, if we can't access the station computers, our best option would be to get in or get out as fast as we can, get as much as we can in between, and then we destroy the stations. Both Melek Nor and the Breen station."

"œWell, we can try for diplomatic solutions," said Nira with a shrug, "œbut we can assume that the Breen won't be willing to talk.

"œNow, granted, I don't like this plan, either," added Nira, nodding at Captain Tekin. "œWe'll have to see what we can do before we resort to Resistance-style raiding. Then again, we wouldn't need to pose as Breen mercenaries, we could probably sneak aboard via the cargo ships in the smuggling fleet and make our ways in, but then, it could be better to introduce ourselves as Breen mercenaries so that the Breen don't get suspicious. On the subject of the Breen and our disguises"¦"

"As part of exfiltration," said Kira, "We'll have sensors in the insides of the suits that will link to your ships so that your progress can be followed. Plus transport units that will provide emergency transports if you need them for the right moment."

Nira looked over at both teams and said, "œGreat. For the matter of our team personnel...Except for Mackenzie and Myne, and maybe Lahr, due to your antennae, how many of you all will feel comfortable fitting in Breen suits?"

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Wardroom | Deep Space 9] - [2 days later]

Zhukdra'shar's ears swished back and forth as he listened in to the various ideas and commentaries his fellow officers stated about the mission at hand. However, his interest increased significantly as he was asked by Lieutenant Commander Said how he would feel about using a Breen suit. He mused on the question for a moment. Considering what he remembered that Nira was using on the last mission, he honestly felt that he would get overwhelmed by heat within the disguise soon, and he hated the feeling of his clammy fur. His ears ought to also have some difficulty fitting in.

Yet... if it was for a mission, he was willing to partake in many things to make it succeed.


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

The 'safety features' in the Breen suits didn't make this mission any more palatable.  He planned to wait for an opportunity to speak to the Commander alone but the mention of his name in specific fumbled that plan.

"Oh! You are aware that I would useless in that suit." he frowned "So why am I a part of this Away mission? Surely, you don't expect me to be another of the Captain's illegitimate children..."

The joker Andorian gave the station's Captain a jaunty antennae waggle. "I'm a good actor but I doubt I could pull that off."

Lahr's comment made him rethink his stance. He still struggled with the idea of accepting due to how bad it would be, most likely. But he did welcome the chance to once more place his magnificent acting skills to use.

"Lieutenant Commander Said. I would imagine that employing such a suit would be detrimental to me in the long run, due to my fur and other anatomical characteristics, such as my ears and tail," He turned slightly, in order to wiggle his tail and make the point even more significant, "Yet, I would be glad to join you within a disguise as it would allow me to excel in something I believe I am capable of: deception and pretend."

An ear pivoted over to listen to the current speech that Kyan and Myne were having, and he got somewhat worried. He did not want to speak up, of course, but it seemed as if the latter had still some deep-rooted issues related to her confinement. He could relate of course, as he rubbed his neck with his right hand, he could feel still the mark that the neurolytic restraint he had been placed on when he was but a kitten. Yet, he had tried to grow past that trauma and learn to be a better individual and an exemplary officer for the Federation.

He wondered if he would be able to assist Myne in any way. Not now of course, but perhaps... later?

It was then that his sensitive nose picked up something strange. The smell of ammonia. He sniffed around for a moment, finding out the source after a quick glance. He immediately regretted that, fearing he might have given out the who, though at least his expression had remained unreadable.

Perhaps she would require more assistance than he had expected...


[Wardroom - Deep Space Nine]

Ian missed the beginning of the confrontation between the two Onlies, but when Kyan raised his voice, there was no possibility of avoiding the rest of the conversation. Ian agreed with Kyan from this point on he would not refer to the Ensign as mine any more. However, her distress was so apparent that he now had to take official action. When Kyan requested to escourt her back to the ship, he spoke kindly.

"Aye Lad. And have her report ta Lieutenant Mills once she's had a chance ta make herself presentable."

Once the two had left, Ian added to the others in the briefing.

"Consider Ensign Pwllgwyngyll unavailable for the mission unless she's cleared for duty by Challenger's counselor."

He sighed as she was dismissed by Captain Galloway. Perhaps for the best. A shame, though, as he was looking forward to see what Myne had to offer. And he was ready to protect her.

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira and Jael were virtually flinching. The sight of Myne losing control at menton of how Old Man Sherem brands his victims certainly made Nira scowl at Jael and Jael to grimace nervously and apologetically, and right now, Jael was beating herself inside, wishing she had kept silent and not mention"¦

Fortunately, it looked like there was another crewmember on hand. Nira noticed her on the Engineering roster: Ensign M'Nia.

"œWell, I think we can replace Myne for the team," she said. "œPity, of course. I think Ensign M'Nia will be a good choice to replace her for the mission, but it'll mean we'll have two Caitians"¦"

A thought just occurred to her: "œSuppose that not just we "˜Breen' had captured a Captain's son," she said, nodding at Kyan, "œbut two Caitian ambassadors who were captured not just because they were protecting Vaughn's "˜son,' but will also have some bogus information? That way, neither Ensign M'Nia nor Mister Mrekrerhas, here"¦could go without Breen suits."

The change in plans was unexpected but welcomed. He had not yet had the opportunity to play an Ambassador before. He grinned for a brief instant at that, nodding towards Nira, "I would welcome such a plan. Seems as if it might be a good option for us. That said, if the Breen suits have been modified to be more... pleasant to wear, then by all means."

Of course, he was hoping for the new plan. He really wanted to play that role~ Even if his serious, characteristic look had returned to his face

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2023, 06:30:53 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira and Jael were virtually flinching. The sight of Myne losing control at menton of how Old Man Sherem brands his victims certainly made Nira scowl at Jael and Jael to grimace nervously and apologetically, and right now, Jael was beating herself inside, wishing she had kept silent and not mention"¦

Fortunately, it looked like there was another crewmember on hand. Nira noticed her on the Engineering roster: Ensign M'Nia.

"œWell, I think we can replace Myne for the team," she said. "œPity, of course. I think Ensign M'Nia will be a good choice to replace her for the mission, but it'll mean we'll have two Caitians"¦"

A thought just occurred to her: "œSuppose that not just we "˜Breen' had captured a Captain's son," she said, nodding at Kyan, "œbut two Caitian ambassadors who were captured not just because they were protecting Vaughn's "˜son,' but will also have some bogus information? That way, neither Ensign M'Nia nor Mister Mrekrerhas, here"¦could go without Breen suits."Nira noticed Lahr's query in whisper. She was wondering if he wasn't liking the idea of pretending to be Cloten's partner.

"Of course, Chief," Nira whispered. "Let's discuss it at the Replimat after the briefing."

"œOkay, so if we're all good and there are no further problems with our teams," said Kira, "œWe can get moving. is expected to meet his smuggling fleet in orbit of Derna, one of Bajor's moons. Position your ships in Derna's gravitational shadow, that way, the fleet won't detect your ships.

"œAs for your suits," she added, "œCloten has reassured me they will be outfitted so that sensors will be able to give the impression that there are Breen inside, and they'll each be outfitted with transponders so you'll be able to beam away in an emergency.

"œIn addition, we're going to provide you teams each with officers from our own crew on Deep Space Nine," said Kira. "œThey'll provide assistance for the coming mission, especially to those who know the layout of Deep Space Nine enough to infiltrate Melek Nor."

She tapped her comm badge and said, "œCome right in."

Four officers then entered the Wardroom, but they remained at the door, considering how crowded it was.

"œWhat ho, what ho," said bubbly Commander Belvedere with a wave.

Commander Sisko stood at his side, still scowling at him, her lips pursed. Two officers flanked them, one in blue, one in gold, and they certainly looked to be brother and sister.

"œTo those who don't know," said Kira, "œthis is DS9's first officer, Lieutenant Commander Malachi Belvedere, and our Strategic Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko. Yes, she's related, let's leave it at that," she added, forestalling the question of relation. "œThese other two are the O'Briens, our CSO Molly O'Brien and our Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Kirayoshi O'Brien. Molly and Malachi will be coming along with the team to Melek Nor, and Kirayoshi and Rebecca will join the Breen station infiltration."

"œThink nothin' of it," The O'Brien siblings said at the same time.

Nira nodded respectfully; they definitely were O'Briens, given the accents. Even despite the differences in gender, Nira could see who was the older sibling. Molly's smile was only slight but still kept a formal look, almost as steely as Sisko's. Kirayoshi, on the other hand, his smile was as wide and excited and...well, not as bubbly as Belvedere. At least it was upon greeting the teams, then his expression became neutral and formal faster than warp speed.

Belvedere, on the other hand"¦something was off with him. As much as he was expressing his bubbliness in his body language, she was puzzled as to why she can't sense him"¦then again, so many minds in the room, it was surprising. Was he trained to resist telepathy"¦?

As for Rebecca Sisko, she thought it would be a good half of a pair with Commander tr'Lhoell, regardless of how many years he had, considering her stern demeanor.

"œIf nobody has any more questions, you're all dismissed," said Kira.

"œExcellent," said Garak. "œI'm due for lunch."

And just like that, he was gone.

"œWe, on the other hand," said Rahab Sherem, "œWe'll wait on your ships until the smuggling fleet comes. I'll be on Discovery, Legate Nural has Challenger."

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As everybody was dismissed, Nira took her time walking back, and frankly, she wasn't surprised that everybody else was. Naturally, she informed Captain Galloway that she'll be conferring with Lahr about something and will be back on the ship later. Of course, she headed for the Replimat, planning on meeting Lahr there, but stopped upon seeing one of the outer tables. She noticed Garak was already at a table, calling to an elder Starfleet doctor in greeting, "Why, hello, my dear doctor! Glad you could make it to lunch!"

"Wouldn't be like old times if we didn't stop for lunch whenever you visited, Garak," the doctor answered in a smooth accent...and was that a hint of...?

Nira came in closer and was close enough that from a distance, she recognized Doctor Julian Bashir.

Nira was amazed at the sight of him. Of course, she had heard of Doctor Bashir. In fact, he was the most prominent veteran of Starfleet whose name she had paid attention to, aside from some Betazoid officers, at the Academy, chiefly because of the name. Bashir.

She had been about to drop by for a brief salaam when she saw Jael stopping at and leaning against a pillar across from the Replimat, scowling at Garak. Nira sidled alongside her and cleared her throat. Naturally, Jael jumped, and probably a meter at that.

"Hi, Jael," said Nira.

"Commander," said Jael. "Sorry about earlier, and I'm sorry if I'm loitering...I probably need to get going, unless a deputy calls me out..."

"œI'm guessing you have something against Garak, Jael? Hence the outburst?" asked Nira.

With a snort, Jael replied, "œJust that I was in awe of him when I was little"¦until I met him. Plus, I heard plenty about him from one of our neighbors, Kel Lokar. I know for a fact that Kel's mother and Garak were in a relationship, and that relationship was what got Garak exiled. I got to meet Garak a few years after the Dominion War, when my mother was welcomed back to Cardassia. I told him, "˜Kel and Paladine send their regards,' especially with the hope he'd know who they were. He just laughed it off, having no idea who they are"¦damn well pretending to, and believe me, I can tell. I also know how to read Tells, it's a talent I inherited from my father."

Along with his temper, thought Nira, remembering Jael's earlier reaction, but she continued to listen.

"œEven when I keep telling him Paladine was why he was exiled, Garak only continued to brush it off," continued Jael. "œThat is why I'm so disappointed in him, and thus disgruntled with him. Even after all these years, he still denies the reason for his exile. The real reason."

"Well, it's no excuse to flame old grudges on sight," said Nira. "Please remember that. Now, I'm sure both our crews are in no hurry to get back to their ships, and I have to meet with an officer or two to confer with something."

And she left Jael and headed into the Replimat. She picked up a sahlab, certain it was all she'll pick up, and kept her eyes out for Lahr.

[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room]

With his concerns... mostly eased, and the meeting completed, Nevir stood up with the rest, nodding to the elder Sherem as she announced she would be on his ship.  He looked back at Jael one more time, before turning and leaving the ward room, and in fact leaving the station.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

Nevir returned to the ship and just sat in his seat, going over the events and the plans for the future.  He was troubled for a multitude of reasons, many of which he couldn't exactly put his finger on why.  Turning in his chair, he looked at the wall to the side of him, where golden models of previous ships named 'Discovery' were displayed.  It was funny... unlike some of the other legacy ships, Discovery seemed to change registry numbers frequently.  A maritime curse that seemed to thankfully stop with his ship, at least for now.  Then again, this period of time Starfleet vessels had a knack for having a shorter than normal lifespan, for various reasons.  Most of which involved the ship being lost to some other force.  And even with the period of peace following the Dominion War, he was very much reminded of it here at Deep Space Nine.  And if another war broke out, more ships would find their lifespan cut incredibly short.

He sighed.  He waited long enough.  He needed to make sure his entire crew was at their best.  Which meant he needed to handle what occurred.

=/\= "Tekin to Sherem.  Report back to Discovery, and to my Ready Room." =/\=

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 05, 2023, 05:34:31 AM

[Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

The past few days had gone in a haze. Well nights more specifically. A lot of drinking, laughing, falling and getting up to no good. Each morning, he would stumble out of his Discovery quarters and try to tour the promenade, looking at the Dominion War "œMuseum" among a variety of quaint establishments. On the second day, he had spent all the Latium that he had collected over his adult life and bought an empty cell of Ketracel White, the sustaining force of the Jem'Hadar, with a neat little display plaque and digital letter of authenticity. And at night he would drink again.

Earlier in the morning, realising that he was asked to observe the Breen teams briefing, he stumbled out of his quarters a little earlier, attempting to shield his stoned mind from the harsh Cardassian lighting. "œWhy do I get drunk?" He asked himself. Although, singing Romulan sonatas with Morn was probably worth it. He slowly walked through the corridors with the sonata stuck in his head. Zonothai t'renall, rihannsu arrainya, (In twilight's glow, the stars begin to dance,). He stepped into the turbolift before continuing to mumble the words of his drunken sonata: Nnekhlam i'sevok heh behtan khohlai, (Their silver light cascading through the night,). After he arrived at the Promenade, he thought it would be prudent to get a nurse to suppress his ear-splitting headache and aversion to light and sound. The moment he stepped into the entry of the bay; he saw a Doctor standing over the Nurse on duty. It took his brain a few seconds to register, but it was indeed Doctor Bashir. The living legend himself. As soon as Dem arrived, he quickly spun around and exited the room, fearful that he would find out he needed something for a hangover. He desperately wanted to meet his hero, but now was not the time to do it. He decided to change course straight to the conference room.

Dem spied the perfect place to sit, just in the corner of the room. Hopefully he would not be called upon for any reason.  As the conference room started to fill up, Dem could not believe his eyes. Originally, his mind interpreted the sight of Kira and Garack, as if they were actors at a theme park, pretending to be the legends. In his youth when he went to his local Starfleet show, he would be disturbed at the sight of these pretenders walking around and greeting naive children. Even with holographic technology, they looked slightly, off. But not these two. They were the real deal.

Throughout the duration of the briefing, he split is time between listening to the plan, looking in awe at the Deep Space Nine legends, and finally not looking at anything to quell his hang over. While in the state of pain and avoiding bright lights, the meeting was dismissed. Dem pretended to confidently stand up, and walked out of the room at a sustained pace, mulling the risky plan that the command team had proposed though his weary head.

[briefing room]
The meeting was finished. As people dispersed, She noticed a latecomer in the back who was clearly not feeling up to the weather, given by how he was looking just a bit green and had been pressing his eyes shut in order to hide from the light.  On closer inspection, She noticed that he was a Second Officer. "œYou okay there? You're not looking too good"
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 04, 2023, 02:00:04 PM

"Thank you." She said, simply. "I will review the map of the Station and the ship so I don't get lost again," she said. "I can handle that." Finally, the Onlies were removed, and she sighed, turning back to the others to listen. She'd explain her tardiness later, and also apologize to the others. It IS rude, and while Vila was many things, she wasn't intentionally rude to people who didn't otherwise deserve it. She was just a fully grown adult who resisted authority due to her past traumas. He didn't know that. She might tell him...someday.

"I'm sorry."

When Ensign Lorut thanked him for catching her up on what had been missed, Rayek acknowledged her words with a curt nod, his attention remaining with the resumed meeting. However, when he heard her apology, the Romulan took a moment to glance over towards her.  He noted that she didn't elaborate on the reason for her absence or offer assurance that it wouldn't happen again.

He made mental note to review her Academy file at a more appropriate time.  Once more he acknowledged her words with a nod, not wishing to interrupt the meeting more.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2023, 06:30:53 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira and Jael were virtually flinching. The sight of Myne losing control at mention of how Old Man Sherem brands his victims certainly made Nira scowl at Jael and Jael to grimace nervously and apologetically, and right now, Jael was beating herself inside, wishing she had kept silent and not mention"¦

Fortunately, it looked like there was another crewmember on hand. Nira noticed her on the Engineering roster: Ensign M'Nia.

"œWell, I think we can replace Myne for the team," she said. "œPity, of course. I think Ensign M'Nia will be a good choice to replace her for the mission, but it'll mean we'll have two Caitians"¦"

A thought just occurred to her: "œSuppose that not just we "˜Breen' had captured a Captain's son," she said, nodding at Kyan, "œbut two Caitian ambassadors who were captured not just because they were protecting Vaughn's "˜son,' but will also have some bogus information? That way, neither Ensign M'Nia nor Mister Mrekrerhas, here"¦could go without Breen suits."Nira noticed Lahr's query in whisper. She was wondering if he wasn't liking the idea of pretending to be Cloten's partner.

"Of course, Chief," Nira whispered. "Let's discuss it at the Replimat after the briefing."

"œOkay, so if we're all good and there are no further problems with our teams," said Kira, "œWe can get moving. is expected to meet his smuggling fleet in orbit of Derna, one of Bajor's moons. Position your ships in Derna's gravitational shadow, that way, the fleet won't detect your ships.

Rayek was grateful that his team didn't require as much complicated deception and backstory.  Overly complicated missions tended to not follow to plan.
Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2023, 06:30:53 PM

"œAs for your suits," she added, "œCloten has reassured me they will be outfitted so that sensors will be able to give the impression that there are Breen inside, and they'll each be outfitted with transponders so you'll be able to beam away in an emergency.

"œIn addition, we're going to provide you teams each with officers from our own crew on Deep Space Nine," said Kira. "œThey'll provide assistance for the coming mission, especially to those who know the layout of Deep Space Nine enough to infiltrate Melek Nor."

She tapped her comm badge and said, "œCome right in."

Four officers then entered the Wardroom, but they remained at the door, considering how crowded it was.

"œWhat ho, what ho," said bubbly Commander Belvedere with a wave.

Commander Sisko stood at his side, still scowling at him, her lips pursed. Two officers flanked them, one in blue, one in gold, and they certainly looked to be brother and sister.

"œTo those who don't know," said Kira, "œthis is DS9's first officer, Lieutenant Commander Malachi Belvedere, and our Strategic Operations Officer, Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko. Yes, she's related, let's leave it at that," she added, forestalling the question of relation. "œThese other two are the O'Briens, our CSO Molly O'Brien and our Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Kirayoshi O'Brien. Molly and Malachi will be coming along with the team to Melek Nor, and Kirayoshi and Rebecca will join the Breen station infiltration."

"œThink nothin' of it," The O'Brien siblings said at the same time.

Nira nodded respectfully; they definitely were O'Briens, given the accents. Even despite the differences in gender, Nira could see who was the older sibling. Molly's smile was only slight but still kept a formal look, almost as steely as Sisko's. Kirayoshi, on the other hand, his smile was as wide and excited and...well, not as bubbly as Belvedere. At least it was upon greeting the teams, then his expression became neutral and formal faster than warp speed.

Belvedere, on the other hand"¦something was off with him. As much as he was expressing his bubbliness in his body language, she was puzzled as to why she can't sense him"¦then again, so many minds in the room, it was surprising. Was he trained to resist telepathy"¦?

As for Rebecca Sisko, she thought it would be a good half of a pair with Commander tr'Lhoell, regardless of how many years he had, considering her stern demeanor.

"œIf nobody has any more questions, you're all dismissed," said Kira.

"œExcellent," said Garak. "œI'm due for lunch."

And just like that, he was gone.

"œWe, on the other hand," said Rahab Sherem, "œWe'll wait on your ships until the smuggling fleet comes. I'll be on Discovery, Legate Nural has Challenger."

A little later when he was informed of additional members to be added to his team from DS9, the Romulan barely contained his frown.  He'd specifically kept his team to only 6 for a reason now they numbered 8.  This was unwelcome to him because should they need an emergency beam out, there would be several seconds delay as the two transporter rooms coordinated who would pick up which team members.  Though it might seem minor to others, to Rayek those few additional seconds were troubling.   Still orders were orders and it was clear that Admiral Kira didn't trust either crew so were sending her own.

The Romulan gave a slight acknowledging nod toward the Lt Commander and Lieutenant who were assigned to his team.  He did his best to keep his expression neutral.  This wasn't their fault.  They too were only following orders.

Later when he learned that a Cardassian Legate was to accompany each ship, Rayek was glad that he had assigned himself to the Away Team.  Though he doubted Jael would be as rude to her mother as she was to Garak, it was amusing that Legate Sherem would be on Bridge mostly manned by Bajorans.  The Captain,  Lieutenant Banan and Lieutenant Broadshire.

At the dismissal, Rayek turned to Ensign Lorut, as he pulled out his PADD.  "Ensign, one moment." He waited until the crowd around them thinned a bit before continuing.  "Normally I might assigned punitive duties to reprimand for an officer being late to a duty shift, or pull them from a mission entirely when they are late to a briefing.  However, as Lieutenant Addams in not physically capable of fitting in to a Breen suit, and our time until we leave is short so assigning you to scrub the hull would be a waste of precious time.  So instead I'm assigning you to memorize the Breen station layout.  You will be our navigator once we are within the Breen station.  You will study it, determine at least three viable routes to their computer core and present those to me by the time we board Cloten's ship.  Is that understood, Ensign?"

Rayek already had the map memorized himself but he didn't mention this to her.  He wanted her to feel a bit of pressure and weight of responsibility.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 05, 2023, 11:48:47 PM

[briefing room]
The meeting was finished. As people dispersed, She noticed a latecomer in the back who was clearly not feeling up to the weather, given by how he was looking just a bit green and had been pressing his eyes shut in order to hide from the light.  On closer inspection, She noticed that he was a Second Officer. "œYou okay there? You're not looking too good"

[Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

A loud, piercing voice opened a new stab of searing pain in Dem's head, and he quickly turned to face the incoming officer. "œOh, just incredibly hung over" Dem energetically replied and then regretting that he offered so much information. According to the variety of resources that Rayek had given him, keeping up a professional impression was essential. "œIncredibly hung over" sounded very professional. Deciding it would be best to move the conversation along, Dem pondered, "œYour Discovery right? I am pretty sure I have seen you in the mess hall at some stage."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom >>>  Replimat]

Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2023, 06:30:53 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira noticed Lahr's query in whisper. She was wondering if he wasn't liking the idea of pretending to be Cloten's partner.

"Of course, Chief," Nira whispered. "Let's discuss it at the Replimat after the briefing."

Lahr gave the Commander a brief smile and up-nod in appreciation for her taking the time to speak to him.

The rest of the briefing was a bit of a blur for the Andorian who just wanted to get to his meeting with Commander Said.  Once dismissed Lahr headed directly towards the Replimat.  He noticed up ahead of him the Cardassian that had been at the front of the meeting - Garak.  Yeah, Lahr had heard stuff of about him.  The man didn't seem all that sneaky, but he supposed that's what had made him so dangerous.

He noted Garak taking a seat outside the Replimat and when Lahr passed him, he gave the other a bit of an up-nod in greeting before heading inside to find a table for himself and the Commander.  He wasn't sure why the Commander had wanted to talk in such a public place,  he'd been hoping maybe at her office on Challenger... but he supposed she wanted to get in one last bit of the station before they had to return to the ship.

Lahr was a tad bit disappointed that Quark hadn't called him at all during the two days.  He'd been sure the demo video of his DJ stylings would have convinced the Ferengi to book him at least for a few hours... but nope.  It was a bit a blow to the Andorian's ego.

While he waited, he considered possibly ordering himself a drink.   Because of all the touring the Challenger Away team had done most of the day yesterday he hadn't had much opportunity to relax proper... not that now was any better of a time.  But it was nice to think about it.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 04, 2023, 06:30:53 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

As everybody was dismissed, Nira took her time walking back, and frankly, she wasn't surprised that everybody else was. Naturally, she informed Captain Galloway that she'll be conferring with Lahr about something and will be back on the ship later. Of course, she headed for the Replimat, planning on meeting Lahr there, but stopped upon seeing one of the outer tables. She noticed Garak was already at a table, calling to an elder Starfleet doctor in greeting, "Why, hello, my dear doctor! Glad you could make it to lunch!"

"Wouldn't be like old times if we didn't stop for lunch whenever you visited, Garak," the doctor answered in a smooth accent...and was that a hint of...?

Nira came in closer and was close enough that from a distance, she recognized Doctor Julian Bashir.

Nira was amazed at the sight of him. Of course, she had heard of Doctor Bashir. In fact, he was the most prominent veteran of Starfleet whose name she had paid attention to, aside from some Betazoid officers, at the Academy, chiefly because of the name. Bashir.

She had been about to drop by for a brief salaam when she saw Jael stopping at and leaning against a pillar across from the Replimat, scowling at Garak. Nira sidled alongside her and cleared her throat. Naturally, Jael jumped, and probably a meter at that.

"Hi, Jael," said Nira.

And she left Jael and headed into the Replimat. She picked up a sahlab, certain it was all she'll pick up, and kept her eyes out for Lahr.

He saw the Commander with a drink in hand and wished he followed his first thought to do so... if it would just delay if he got up to order something now.  Best to just get things out in the open.

"Thanks for seeing to meet with me, Commander. The Andorian greeted and waited for her to take a seat.

"Um... I don't really know how to bring this up... so I'm just gonna get it out there. Am I really needed for this mission?" he asked before trying to explain his hesitation.

"I mean, yeah, I've managed the past few without major incident barely but it just seems like you are taking an awful risk with a lot of people's lives on the belief that I can handle whatever crap goes down while I'm on mission.  You do know I accepted the position as an engineer mainly because it's rare for them to be sent in on dangerous missions like this, right?  I thought it would be the ideal place for me, despite working under a Tellarite."

Lahr sighed.  "Look if I'm the only one Cloten will work with then yeah, I'll go and do my best and try not to endanger the others when we come under fire; but if you and the Captain are thinking 'this is something Lahr would love to be a part of and he's perfect for the role'... then uh... sorry ma'am, but think again."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Quote from: Rin Amaya on May 31, 2023, 02:28:13 PM

Rin would go very quiet when they were listening to the two talking before she got a chance to reply again. However she didn't want to intrude about the situation. They seemed close friends and seemed to be probable members on the same ship. She would give them a polite nod though and would seem to have a welcoming smile though. "A pleasure to meet you even if it was a short while. Hope whatever you're doing goes well." Rin would say to the Romulan as she would carefully lean on the table turning to face the ones she was talking to. "And I do hope our friendship will grow much more when we get a chance to see each other considering we're on different ships but i'll still have the honour of working you on our next mission at least I hope." She would then think about her dorm rooms in the academy and gave a quiet chuckle.
"Trust me being just out of the Academy being on a ship was deffinetly a relief but being on a station is even more so. So I know that feeling quite well."

Frowning at Saqa7's uproarious laughing, Rayek looked towards the Trlll and offered a nod in response to her well wishes.  "Thank you. So do I." then with a last glance towards Saqa7 he gave them all a last wave goodbye, heading off to make plans. "Jolan'tru"
Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 02, 2023, 07:18:52 PM

Vila stood up, a bit unsteadily. She hadn't eaten anything since the night before, and she realized she probably SHOULD. She went back to the bar, getting Saqa7 her soda, herself a glass of water, and a snack. She had chosen the meat and cheese platter, with bread instead of crackers. Her favorite things in the world were bread and cheese. She returned to the table, and handed her new friend her soda, and sat down with her food and water. "The Springwine was starting to get to my head. Feel free to share, if you'd like," she said. To Rin, she turned again.
"Same for you!"

A short while after Rayek left, Saqa7 thanked her new acquaintance Vila for the drink and accepted the offer to share her food, and placed slice of ham atop a wedge of cheese and popped it into her mouth with a sigh satisfaction.

"So good." she commented.

She sat and enjoyed a few sips of her rootbeer before broaching a topic she probably shouldn't but couldn't stop herself.  "So... Vila, you said you were assigned to Discovery, right?  I want to ask a favor of you.  I know we just met but I've run out of time."   Saqa7's transport ship to Earth would be arriving soon and from then it could be months before she made it back to Discovery.

"Would you consider keeping a friendly eye on Commander tr'Lhoell for me?  He tends to get overly serious and needs to be reminded to take it easy once in a while."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun found that life was rather ironic at times. Just a couple of days ago he thought that he was going to be on a beach enjoying the sun. Maybe find wife number 85 or 86. Unfortunately he would be going undercover into a frozen wasteland that is what a Breen vessel would be. As turn of events would go this one sucks. It could be worse they could be asked to pose as Ferengi. That would be far to much make up. After all the third rule states. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.

Well at least he would not be stuck in an environmental suit. But he is and he is planning a rescue operation and this was his weekend. Gohun sat and though hang in there beaches I'll be drunk on you soon.


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 06, 2023, 02:54:24 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Frowning at Saqa7's uproarious laughing, Rayek looked towards the Trlll and offered a nod in response to her well wishes.  "Thank you. So do I." then with a last glance towards Saqa7 he gave them all a last wave goodbye, heading off to make plans. "Jolan'tru"

A short while after Rayek left, Saqa7 thanked her new acquaintance Vila for the drink and accepted the offer to share her food, and placed slice of ham atop a wedge of cheese and popped it into her mouth with a sigh satisfaction.

"So good." she commented.

She sat and enjoyed a few sips of her rootbeer before broaching a topic she probably shouldn't but couldn't stop herself.  "So... Vila, you said you were assigned to Discovery, right?  I want to ask a favor of you.  I know we just met but I've run out of time."   Saqa7's transport ship to Earth would be arriving soon and from then it could be months before she made it back to Discovery.

"Would you consider keeping a friendly eye on Commander tr'Lhoell for me?  He tends to get overly serious and needs to be reminded to take it easy once in a while."

[Quarks-Ensign Rin]
Rin would have gone quiet listening to the conversation. They were smiling brightly as they hoped the two well as one had headed out to their plans. "Safe travels!" They had looked very appreciative of the food as she would be a little apprehensive of trying a little bit considering they only had just met. However they would try a few of the crackers and cheese her eyes widening at the taste with a smile. "This is a lot nicer than the stuff at the academy. They kind of have a habit of allowing us have the simplistic things to simulate stuff for the ships and that. Though my sisters bar always served some of the nicest food and drink. Even though she had some of the scars to show for the rowdier side of things. This place reminds me of that place honestly. I probably should call them to make sure i'm ok some day. But later I am relaxing and enjoying myself. Anyway which part of the ship do you work on?" Rin would ask Saqa7.

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