Dominion Rising (DS9 scenes) - Joint USS Challenger & USS Discovery Mission

Started by Rayek trLhoell, May 06, 2023, 10:33:43 AM

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Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 06, 2023, 02:26:53 AM

[Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

A loud, piercing voice opened a new stab of searing pain in Dem's head, and he quickly turned to face the incoming officer. "œOh, just incredibly hung over" Dem energetically replied and then regretting that he offered so much information. According to the variety of resources that Rayek had given him, keeping up a professional impression was essential. "œIncredibly hung over" sounded very professional. Deciding it would be best to move the conversation along, Dem pondered, "œYour Discovery right? I am pretty sure I have seen you in the mess hall at some stage."

Giving him a concerned look, Kinley nodded. "I am. Science department," she said, still looking him over. He certainly smelled of real alcohol, something the captain probably wouldn't approve of when on duty.  Tekin wasn't all that strict of a boss, but he still had rules as a captain when she had worked with him before. "Let's get you to the medbay before the ship departs.  They probably have something that can help the hangover a bit."
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Emperor J.B Dersch

[ Ensign J.B Dersch | Weapons Locker | U.S.S Discovery ]

It Took only a few minutes to pull up the Database for the Locker and once it fully loaded he began his Search and Locate which was easy for him, Since he used to keep track of the LAPD's Weapons when he was in the force, So this was no different, but it was a little since the LAPD Lockers were on Earth and not on a Star ship with the Constant Humming of the Engines. This is too easy, But Hey What could get harder? Weapon Gone Missing? HA would love to have that One. Weapon Malfunction? Boring since I don't like to take things apart unless it's a 21st Century 9mm Pistol. Every once in a while another Crew member would walk in and ask if needed help and the same reply was No if He thought they looked like they have not had leave yet he would tell them to Take the leave and have some Free time. Every Once in a while he would take out a Phaser Rifle and Just Clean it for fun and make sure all the Spare Back up Cartiages were charged and ready to go if needed.

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on June 05, 2023, 12:23:16 PM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Promenade | Deep Space 9

Zhukdra'shar was understanding when Lahr stated that he had been tasked with taking Myne back to the USS Challenger. He got it of course, if he had been his call, he would have sought to take her back immediately, too. As he wondered whether to walk the station or maybe ask Lahr if he could return with them, an invitation was offered. It caused a smile to appear on his face.

"Of course. It would be a pleasure to accompany you in order to escort such a distinguished member of our crew," He then proceeded to wink over at Myne, hoping to cheer her up a tad, "And, play with you a game of this 'bowling' you mentioned. Sounds fun."

The sudden statement of Myne wanting to return to the ship on her own, though, was unexpected. He didn't believe that Lahr had shown any physical reactions to being bothered in any way by his guarding of Myne. And he believed that it was important to carry the mission through.

At least, it seemed as if M'nia would tag along. He tempered his excitement, but his tail began to swish slightly too.

Zhukdra'shar offered a proud nod over to the Andorian. He was doing the right thing, and he was happy to see him do so.

"He shalt be happy to head there. Until we meet up once more, Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr," A smile appeared on his face, as he turned over towards the two other ladies, "Very well, let us go."And, he began to walk where he believed the bowling alley to be. After getting somewhat lost, however, he saw the presence of a directory, which assisted him in reaching his destination. Hopefully, not embarrassing himself in the process.


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Wardroom | Deep Space 9] - [2 days later]

Zhukdra'shar's ears swished back and forth as he listened in to the various ideas and commentaries his fellow officers stated about the mission at hand. However, his interest increased significantly as he was asked by Lieutenant Commander Said how he would feel about using a Breen suit. He mused on the question for a moment. Considering what he remembered that Nira was using on the last mission, he honestly felt that he would get overwhelmed by heat within the disguise soon, and he hated the feeling of his clammy fur. His ears ought to also have some difficulty fitting in.

Yet... if it was for a mission, he was willing to partake in many things to make it succeed.

Lahr's comment made him rethink his stance. He still struggled with the idea of accepting due to how bad it would be, most likely. But he did welcome the chance to once more place his magnificent acting skills to use.

"Lieutenant Commander Said. I would imagine that employing such a suit would be detrimental to me in the long run, due to my fur and other anatomical characteristics, such as my ears and tail," He turned slightly, in order to wiggle his tail and make the point even more significant, "Yet, I would be glad to join you within a disguise as it would allow me to excel in something I believe I am capable of: deception and pretend."

An ear pivoted over to listen to the current speech that Kyan and Myne were having, and he got somewhat worried. He did not want to speak up, of course, but it seemed as if the latter had still some deep-rooted issues related to her confinement. He could relate of course, as he rubbed his neck with his right hand, he could feel still the mark that the neurolytic restraint he had been placed on when he was but a kitten. Yet, he had tried to grow past that trauma and learn to be a better individual and an exemplary officer for the Federation.

He wondered if he would be able to assist Myne in any way. Not now of course, but perhaps... later?

It was then that his sensitive nose picked up something strange. The smell of ammonia. He sniffed around for a moment, finding out the source after a quick glance. He immediately regretted that, fearing he might have given out the who, though at least his expression had remained unreadable.

Perhaps she would require more assistance than he had expected...

He sighed as she was dismissed by Captain Galloway. Perhaps for the best. A shame, though, as he was looking forward to see what Myne had to offer. And he was ready to protect her.

The change in plans was unexpected but welcomed. He had not yet had the opportunity to play an Ambassador before. He grinned for a brief instant at that, nodding towards Nira, "I would welcome such a plan. Seems as if it might be a good option for us. That said, if the Breen suits have been modified to be more... pleasant to wear, then by all means."

Of course, he was hoping for the new plan. He really wanted to play that role~ Even if his serious, characteristic look had returned to his face

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on June 06, 2023, 02:28:49 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom >>>  Replimat]

Lahr gave the Commander a brief smile and up-nod in appreciation for her taking the time to speak to him.

The rest of the briefing was a bit of a blur for the Andorian who just wanted to get to his meeting with Commander Said.  Once dismissed Lahr headed directly towards the Replimat.  He noticed up ahead of him the Cardassian that had been at the front of the meeting - Garak.  Yeah, Lahr had heard stuff of about him.  The man didn't seem all that sneaky, but he supposed that's what had made him so dangerous.

He noted Garak taking a seat outside the Replimat and when Lahr passed him, he gave the other a bit of an up-nod in greeting before heading inside to find a table for himself and the Commander.  He wasn't sure why the Commander had wanted to talk in such a public place,  he'd been hoping maybe at her office on Challenger... but he supposed she wanted to get in one last bit of the station before they had to return to the ship.

Lahr was a tad bit disappointed that Quark hadn't called him at all during the two days.  He'd been sure the demo video of his DJ stylings would have convinced the Ferengi to book him at least for a few hours... but nope.  It was a bit a blow to the Andorian's ego.

While he waited, he considered possibly ordering himself a drink.   Because of all the touring the Challenger Away team had done most of the day yesterday he hadn't had much opportunity to relax proper... not that now was any better of a time.  But it was nice to think about it.

He saw the Commander with a drink in hand and wished he followed his first thought to do so... if it would just delay if he got up to order something now.  Best to just get things out in the open.

"Thanks for seeing to meet with me, Commander. The Andorian greeted and waited for her to take a seat.

"Um... I don't really know how to bring this up... so I'm just gonna get it out there. Am I really needed for this mission?" he asked before trying to explain his hesitation.

"I mean, yeah, I've managed the past few without major incident barely but it just seems like you are taking an awful risk with a lot of people's lives on the belief that I can handle whatever crap goes down while I'm on mission.  You do know I accepted the position as an engineer mainly because it's rare for them to be sent in on dangerous missions like this, right?  I thought it would be the ideal place for me, despite working under a Tellarite."

Lahr sighed.  "Look, if I'm the only one Cloten will work with then yeah, I'll go and do my best and try not to endanger the others when we come under fire; but if you and the Captain are thinking 'this is something Lahr would love to be a part of and he's perfect for the role'... then uh... sorry ma'am, but think again."

[Commander Nira Said | Replimat | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira nodded and told Zhuk, on her way out, "I think you'll do okay on not wearing a Breen suit. Playing somebody with vital 'information' could be a good way to get you and M'Nia in."

She looked up as she sat at the Replimat and saw Lahr joining her at the table. Then he explained and Nira listened raptly to him. His words regarding his place in the mission was not just a question of his place in the mission, but an occurrence of his overuse in away missions. That certainly gave Nira pause. How often had notable engineers been used too frequently, she wondered. Surely not every away mission involved their notable engineers. There had to be times when an engineer besides "Trip" Tucker or Montgomery Scott or Geordi LaForge or B'Lanna Torres was called in...

"I think I see what you mean, Lahr," said Nira solemnly. "Some people think a lot of lives ride on the backs of other notable engineers. Whether or not there was a Trip or a Scotty or a Geordi or a B'Lanna that people figured could carry the burdens of a ship in the line of fire. I understand, Lahr," she said gently. "There won't be a need for you to be on this mission if you don't want to. Zhuk can do just as easily as a 'partner' to Cloten. In any case, it'll be easier for Zhuk to keep an eye on Cloten if he's at his side. After all, it's best to keep somebody untrustworthy under one's wing where he can be kept an eye on."

She smiled a little at the thought. That could definitely work better. She could already see Cloten shifting uncomfortably under Zhuk's shadow.

"If you feel that you'll be safer on the ship then the infiltration team, I understand, Lahr," said Nira gently and with a reassuring smile. "You can stay aboard Challenger and I'll arrange Zhuk to take your place."

In point of fact, she was already getting an inkling of an idea, and she could confer with Lahr and Commander Tharn later to come up with the false information accompanying Kyan "Vaughn."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 05, 2023, 03:25:13 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room]

With his concerns... mostly eased, and the meeting completed, Nevir stood up with the rest, nodding to the elder Sherem as she announced she would be on his ship.  He looked back at Jael one more time, before turning and leaving the ward room, and in fact leaving the station.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

Nevir returned to the ship and just sat in his seat, going over the events and the plans for the future.  He was troubled for a multitude of reasons, many of which he couldn't exactly put his finger on why.  Turning in his chair, he looked at the wall to the side of him, where golden models of previous ships named 'Discovery' were displayed.  It was funny... unlike some of the other legacy ships, Discovery seemed to change registry numbers frequently.  A maritime curse that seemed to thankfully stop with his ship, at least for now.  Then again, this period of time Starfleet vessels had a knack for having a shorter than normal lifespan, for various reasons.  Most of which involved the ship being lost to some other force.  And even with the period of peace following the Dominion War, he was very much reminded of it here at Deep Space Nine.  And if another war broke out, more ships would find their lifespan cut incredibly short.

He sighed.  He waited long enough.  He needed to make sure his entire crew was at their best.  Which meant he needed to handle what occurred.

=/\= "Tekin to Sherem.  Report back to Discovery, and to my Ready Room." =/\=

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Replimat >- Captain's Ready Room | Promenade >- Deck One | Starbase Deep Space Nine >- USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael decided to make her way back to Discovery. She took in enough of Deep Space Nine and felt that she needed to get ready for further drills. She had just gotten to the airlock when she got the call from Captain Tekin.

"On my way," Jael said in reply, already having an idea of why she was being summoned. Remembering what she had told Nira, she was ready to give her story again.

She saw her mother on her way in and indicated to her that she'll be out shortly. Sitting across from Captain Tekin, Jael said, "Hello, Captain. I can guess what this is about. And I wish to apologize on my behavior on that regard.

"If you're wondering what I have against Castellan Garak," Jael explained, "I'll try to keep it short."

And, in her best shortened version, she explained about her neighbor and friend Kel Lokar, how Kel's mother was in a relationship with Garak, how that relationship got him banished, and when Jael passed on Kel's regards, he pretended it didn't happen, that Jael, disappointed after being so in awe of this great hero, was disappointed that he still wouldn't acknowledge the truth.

"I don't mean to tell out a story, Captain," said Jael when she finished. "I just feel the need to explain to you why I have such strong negative feelings against Garak. In a nutshell, he's a disappointment to me."

And so, she stopped talking and braced herself for what the Captain is going to deliver from his mouth, and she was definitely expecting to be shouted at.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 06, 2023, 12:07:56 PM

Giving him a concerned look, Kinley nodded. "I am. Science department," she said, still looking him over. He certainly smelled of real alcohol, something the captain probably wouldn't approve of when on duty.  Tekin wasn't all that strict of a boss, but he still had rules as a captain when she had worked with him before. "Let's get you to the medbay before the ship departs.  They probably have something that can help the hangover a bit."

[Wardroom | Deep Space Nine]

"œYeah, was going to go before but Dr Bashir was on duty. I did not plan to meet my idol by asking for some meds for a hangover. I will get fixed up, don't worry." Dem said in a placid tone, registering Kinley's dissatisfaction with his state. However, Dem smiled at the officer's kind words. For a moment Dem forgot that he was qualified to just treat himself. He made a note to grab some anti-intoxicants from his medkit on his way out. Dem nodded towards Kinley before exiting the Wardroom.

After navigating through the variety of corridors he was back on the promenade. The heart of the station. He placed his hands on the grey railing and looked out. This was the last place his father went before the Caretaker took him, and it was the home world of his family. It had such a deep connection to his life, yet he had only been onboard for two days. It took a few seconds of scanning the room to find Doctor Bashir sitting in the replimat with Garack. He immediately started to walk towards him, trying to formulate what to say. He stepped up on to the mat and Bashir gazed towards him, noticing that Dem wanted to talk.
"œAh, Hello. I'm Dem, Dem Broadshire. I would just like to say I am a massive fan of you work." Dem said in a nervous tone with an outstretched hand.
With a half humbled half complacent look on his face, he replied, "œIt's a pleasure to meet you" and Bashir started to shake his hand.

"œI am due back on Discovery. It is, ah, nice to meet you." Dem said after an awkwardly long pause. He turned around and walked in the other direction, wincing. "œThat could have gone better" he thought, but Dem was happy he did it because he would hate himself if he did not take the opportunity. Dem took one last look at Deep Space Nine, before turning his attention towards the upcoming mission.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 06, 2023, 09:48:17 AM

[Quarks-Ensign Rin]
Rin would have gone quiet listening to the conversation. They were smiling brightly as they hoped the two well as one had headed out to their plans. "Safe travels!" They had looked very appreciative of the food as she would be a little apprehensive of trying a little bit considering they only had just met. However they would try a few of the crackers and cheese her eyes widening at the taste with a smile. "This is a lot nicer than the stuff at the academy. They kind of have a habit of allowing us have the simplistic things to simulate stuff for the ships and that. Though my sisters bar always served some of the nicest food and drink. Even though she had some of the scars to show for the rowdier side of things. This place reminds me of that place honestly. I probably should call them to make sure i'm ok some day. But later I am relaxing and enjoying myself. Anyway which part of the ship do you work on?" Rin would ask Saqa7.

Saqa7 could appreciate putting off calling family.  She did so quite often.  Especially when there were issues back home.  It was easier to play the 'out of contact' card to avoid talking.

"I'm a science officer.  I started off in Medical but...  it didn't work out." Last thing Saqa7 wanted to admit to was that she had her licence revoked and almost did time in prison for trying to help a dying people.  She decided to focus on the family topic.  "Just the one sister?" she asked. "I have two brothers and a sister.  All quite older than me."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine -  Replimat]

Quote from: Nira Said on June 06, 2023, 11:24:53 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Replimat | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]
She looked up as she sat at the Replimat and saw Lahr joining her at the table. Then he explained and Nira listened raptly to him. His words regarding his place in the mission was not just a question of his place in the mission, but an occurrence of his overuse in away missions. That certainly gave Nira pause. How often had notable engineers been used too frequently, she wondered. Surely not every away mission involved their notable engineers. There had to be times when an engineer besides "Trip" Tucker or Montgomery Scott or Geordi LaForge or B'Lanna Torres was called in...

"I think I see what you mean, Lahr," said Nira solemnly. "Some people think a lot of lives ride on the backs of other notable engineers. Whether or not there was a Trip or a Scotty or a Geordi or a B'Lanna that people figured could carry the burdens of a ship in the line of fire. I understand, Lahr," she said gently. "There won't be a need for you to be on this mission if you don't want to. Zhuk can do just as easily as a 'partner' to Cloten. In any case, it'll be easier for Zhuk to keep an eye on Cloten if he's at his side. After all, it's best to keep somebody untrustworthy under one's wing where he can be kept an eye on."

She smiled a little at the thought. That could definitely work better. She could already see Cloten shifting uncomfortably under Zhuk's shadow.

"If you feel that you'll be safer on the ship then the infiltration team, I understand, Lahr," said Nira gently and with a reassuring smile. "You can stay aboard Challenger and I'll arrange Zhuk to take your place."

In point of fact, she was already getting an inkling of an idea, and she could confer with Lahr and Commander Tharn later to come up with the false information accompanying Kyan "Vaughn."

The Andorian's antennae dipped a little as the Commander referenced famous engineering officers rather than actually addressing HIS personal issues.  The comparison made him feel even worse about his request but he supposed at the end of the day the result was the same.   He was off the mission; which was better for all involved.  He just wasn't reliable under fire anymore... and the potential for that in this mission was high.

He nodded, forcing a smile.  "Yeah.  I think it's for the best.  Well, that's all I wanted to ask.  Thanks, Commander. "

Lahr, feeling bad about having to make the request in the first place, didn't stick around to eat or drink.  He'd drink an ale or four later, in his off hours, to drown the knowledge that he'd basically become a liability to his crewmates during anything but standard engineering work.

The Andorian didn't linger in the halls of the station; he headed straight to the ship and purposely annoyed Chief Tharn with an over abundance of exuberance and musical observations  - "Chief, you gotta listen to this new Metaldubstep band" -  so that he would be reassigned by the Tellerite to the most remote section of the ship, where Lahr could just be alone. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 06, 2023, 02:54:24 AM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

A short while after Rayek left, Saqa7 thanked her new acquaintance Vila for the drink and accepted the offer to share her food, and placed slice of ham atop a wedge of cheese and popped it into her mouth with a sigh satisfaction.

"So good." she commented.

She sat and enjoyed a few sips of her rootbeer before broaching a topic she probably shouldn't but couldn't stop herself.  "So... Vila, you said you were assigned to Discovery, right?  I want to ask a favor of you.  I know we just met but I've run out of time."   Saqa7's transport ship to Earth would be arriving soon and from then it could be months before she made it back to Discovery.

"Would you consider keeping a friendly eye on Commander tr'Lhoell for me?  He tends to get overly serious and needs to be reminded to take it easy once in a while."

Vila smiled. "It is good!" She was careful to hide her minor-but-maybe-turning-concerning need for drink with food and smiles. She figured as long as she showed up for work and did her job, it didn't really matter what was going on off the clock. She turned her attention the woman fully. "Of course."

The next words out of her mouth were a bit of a surprise. "But um..isn't he married? Shouldn't you be talking to his wife?" She was a bit confused. "But sure. Keeping track of men is my forte; Prophets know I spent years herding my ex husband around, and before that, my brothers." She smiled tightly.

Rayek trLhoell

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 08, 2023, 11:17:14 PM

Vila smiled. "It is good!" She was careful to hide her minor-but-maybe-turning-concerning need for drink with food and smiles. She figured as long as she showed up for work and did her job, it didn't really matter what was going on off the clock. She turned her attention the woman fully. "Of course."

The next words out of her mouth were a bit of a surprise. "But um..isn't he married? Shouldn't you be talking to his wife?" She was a bit confused. "But sure. Keeping track of men is my forte; Prophets know I spent years herding my ex husband around, and before that, my brothers." She smiled tightly.

Saqa7 felt relief when Vila agreed to help her.  Then nodded at Vila's questions about the Commander's marital status.  "Oh, he is.. and if Tess were well enough, I wouldn't have any concerns about him. I know she would look after him."

The native woman stirred her rootbeer with a straw as she wondered how much to say and eventually continued.  "But while the medical staff are doing a wonderful job of looking after Tess and the baby, I worry that Rayek is falling through the cracks of their care.  He's a pro at lying to himself and others." she stated.

"So I really appreciate your checking in on him from time to time."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Quote from: Nira Said on June 06, 2023, 11:24:53 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Replimat | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira nodded and told Zhuk, on her way out, "I think you'll do okay on not wearing a Breen suit. Playing somebody with vital 'information' could be a good way to get you and M'Nia in."

She looked up as she sat at the Replimat and saw Lahr joining her at the table. Then he explained and Nira listened raptly to him. His words regarding his place in the mission was not just a question of his place in the mission, but an occurrence of his overuse in away missions. That certainly gave Nira pause. How often had notable engineers been used too frequently, she wondered. Surely not every away mission involved their notable engineers. There had to be times when an engineer besides "Trip" Tucker or Montgomery Scott or Geordi LaForge or B'Lanna Torres was called in...

"I think I see what you mean, Lahr," said Nira solemnly. "Some people think a lot of lives ride on the backs of other notable engineers. Whether or not there was a Trip or a Scotty or a Geordi or a B'Lanna that people figured could carry the burdens of a ship in the line of fire. I understand, Lahr," she said gently. "There won't be a need for you to be on this mission if you don't want to. Zhuk can do just as easily as a 'partner' to Cloten. In any case, it'll be easier for Zhuk to keep an eye on Cloten if he's at his side. After all, it's best to keep somebody untrustworthy under one's wing where he can be kept an eye on."

She smiled a little at the thought. That could definitely work better. She could already see Cloten shifting uncomfortably under Zhuk's shadow.

"If you feel that you'll be safer on the ship then the infiltration team, I understand, Lahr," said Nira gently and with a reassuring smile. "You can stay aboard Challenger and I'll arrange Zhuk to take your place."

In point of fact, she was already getting an inkling of an idea, and she could confer with Lahr and Commander Tharn later to come up with the false information accompanying Kyan "Vaughn."

Fortunately, for Zhukdra'shar, the briefing was relatively peaceful afterward, the plan's details being ironed out in a way he found satisfactory. So, with that in mind, he sought to return to the USS Challenger to train for the mission ahead. Both when it came to the fire exercises, and also doing some research on the proper way an ambassador should behave and act, to make his whole disguise even more convincing.

As he walked out, and into the Promenade, he offered Lieutenant Commander Said a small smile, as he nodded, "Thank you, Lieutenant Commander Said. I am glad you see it that way too. Now, if I could be excused... I require to prepare myself."

And, with this, he resumed his trip back to the Challenger, pondering what would be pertinent to tackle first.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 09, 2023, 10:03:00 PM

Saqa7 felt relief when Vila agreed to help her.  Then nodded at Vila's questions about the Commander's marital status.  "Oh, he is.. and if Tess were well enough, I wouldn't have any concerns about him. I know she would look after him."

The native woman stirred her rootbeer with a straw as she wondered how much to say and eventually continued.  "But while the medical staff are doing a wonderful job of looking after Tess and the baby, I worry that Rayek is falling through the cracks of their care.  He's a pro at lying to himself and others." she stated.

"So I really appreciate your checking in on him from time to time."

Vila nodded. "I hadn't realized that his family was still in Medical. I can do that, Saqa7. He'll be ok. And to be honest, that's a problem I have, too. Being honest with myself is the hardest thing. I am an open book to others, but inside? No." She needed more Kanar, but her walls were slowly crumbling. Still, she was measured, even now.

Rayek trLhoell

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 11, 2023, 01:07:12 PM

Vila nodded. "I hadn't realized that his family was still in Medical. I can do that, Saqa7. He'll be ok. And to be honest, that's a problem I have, too. Being honest with myself is the hardest thing. I am an open book to others, but inside? No." She needed more Kanar, but her walls were slowly crumbling. Still, she was measured, even now.

Saqa7 gave an appreciative smile to Ensign Lorut when the Bajoran confirmed that she would look after Rayek.   "I can't thank you enough.  If there's ever any way that I can repay you... just let me know."

She glanced at the time.  She had time enough to finish her rootbeer, then she would have to leave and board the vessel headed for Earth.

"One more toast for the road?  To new friendships!" Saqa7 raised her glass towards the other two in salute.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 12, 2023, 09:46:15 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Saqa7 Mountain-Kahn
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's] (Shore leave - day 1)

Saqa7 gave an appreciative smile to Ensign Lorut when the Bajoran confirmed that she would look after Rayek.   "I can't thank you enough.  If there's ever any way that I can repay you... just let me know."

She glanced at the time.  She had time enough to finish her rootbeer, then she would have to leave and board the vessel headed for Earth.

"One more toast for the road?  To new friendships!" Saqa7 raised her glass towards the other two in salute.

Vila smiled lightly, but nodded. She doubted that would be necessary. Still, she lifted her glass. "To new friends!" She drained the glass, and set it down. She'd wait for the others to leave before getting another. "Have a safe trip home. Return when you can," Vila said, gently.

Nira Said

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78193.3. We're taking the most time we have of our remaining stay on Deep Space Nine before we have to make our return to the Romulan border. A time for shore leave is good for us for recuperation. Unfortunately, it's going to be marring to some. Before I have to join in on celebrating our victory, I have to be there for a fellow officer as she spends her last moments with a dying loved one.

[Commander Nira Said | Infirmary | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira had just walked into the infirmary just as Jael had almost bumped into her in a run, with her adopted Bajoran brother Gid in tow. Both have been summoned as Rahab Sherem spends her last dying moments in life.

"Mother!" she shouted. "I came as soon as I could! I wish I would've come sooner...!"

"It's all right, my little Jael," said Rahab soothingly on her deathbed. "I don't have much time left, in spite of what the good doctor has done. I wanted you to be there...along with the good woman who did so much to ensure I came back in one piece."

Nira grimaced at her words, and looked around with her eyes to ]see Doctor Bashir watching nearby, then back at Rahab.

"I'm sorry, Legate. Not necessarily in one piece..."

"Be it as it may, it's left peace to my family," said Rahab with a sigh.

"Not to us!" said Jael worriedly, gesturing to her and Gid. "Doctor, isn't there...?"

"I'm sorry, but there isn't anything I can do more," Doctor Bashir said. "Her wound was much too severe. The best I could do was give time. It's inevitable her time is up, that's why you were called here."

"Oh, Prophets!" wailed Jael, her tears welling.

"It's all right," said Rahab quietly, smiling reassuredly. "We could be together for the last time. At least I could die knowing that Nehor's death was assured...thanks to you, Nira," she added, looking at Nira.

"Believe me, Legate, I didn't want to take a life," said Nira, looking down. "But that man was evil..."

"I understand," said Rahab. "And for that, I thank you. Many Bajorans will want to thank you, Nira."

"But I hope not in a way to supplant Benjamin Sisko in the eyes of..."

"I know. The Bajorans regard Sisko as the Emissary. You're no Moses or Joan of Arc, Nira," said Rahab. And then she gasped. Jael came to her side, a hand taking her mother's.

"Mother!" said Jael, tears streaming.

"My know where to put me when I die," said Rahab with a reassuring smile.

"Yes, but..."

"Then show how our hearts belong to Bajor," said Rahab. "Be a part of Bajor, my children."

"We will," said Gid.

"Thank you, my children," said Rahab. "And...thank you, Nira."

She laid her head back, her hand still in Jael's, her eyes closing. Then, she let out a smile. " was so good. I was glad to be there...I will always treasure that moment...I bid farewell to I bid farewell to memory..."

She fell silent. Her smile was wide. And then her hand slipped from Jael's hand and draped limply over the bed. Rahab Sherem died with an amused smile on her face, feeling peaceful in spite of the wound. Nira had already figured she was replaying Nehor Sherem being sucked out into space like he was falling from a tower.

Jael buried her face on the side of her mother's body, letting out a wail of grief. Gid hugged Jael from behind and Nira gave a soft reassuring pat on Jael's shoulder, a tear down her own face.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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