FS Mission Submission: ''Divided we fall''

Started by Sirol, September 02, 2021, 11:11:51 PM

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Mission Title: Divided We Fall

Requirements: One manned Starship
Useful assets: One member of a 'big player' external faction (Klingon, Romulan, etc.) might be handy for story reasons, yet is in no way necessary. (See synopsis/story points.)
Players: Roughly 4-5 minimum, no maximum.

The Sajin sector is - if at all - best known for bearing nothing of value or interest, and no prominent faction has claimed it in centuries.
It has only sporadically been cartographed by Starfleet. (As for other faction military: Feel free to get creative! See below!) The only exports are occasional, questionable tales of ships gone missing. Only ever when the catches a distress call, this area of space seems to get a tad more interesting.
The signal leads the player crew to a remote star system littered with a massive field of old, derelict ships from various species/factions throughout the last 200 years.
Yet upon closer examination gets trapped among the relics.

Trying to find a way out of the technology-mix-match ship trap though is only the beginning, when suddenly boarding parties make their way aboard, and begin to very deliberately tag and kidnap particular individuals"¦
Upon eventually backtracking the kidnappers to an M-Class planet within the same system, the player crew has to find a way to make it past the planet's protective shield and defense grid, in order to find the kidnapped shipmates.
Yet the difficulties in properly scanning the world, the seemingly pre-war "˜primitive' settlers at war with each other on the surface, as well as their omnipresent mention of "˜The Curse' give the player crew more riddles and obstacles than to be expected out here in the stellar outback...

Starting Point:
Investigating a distress call of a ship stating to be stranded in a (to Starfleet) barely known sector.

End Goal:
Rescuing the kidnapped crewmembers and - hopefully - finding a peaceful common ground with the local Chezuu and helping them fighting 'The Curse'.

Story points that must be passed?:

  • Following the distress call
  • Fending off unknown boarding party
  • Tracking back the kidnappers
  • Finding a way through the planetary defense grid
  • Learning about what all of the abductees have in common; what makes them the perfect candidates...
  • Getting acquainted with the local Chezuu factions and their interests in order to find the least invasive way to get back the abductees.
  • Originally: In absence of valid information on the Chezuu society, upholding the Prime Directive is paramount. (Depending on interaction/outcome this may be bent - See point below.)
  • Learning about the Chezuu's past and how - centuries ago - they were under "˜Alien' occupation, and what became of them once their occupants left the system. (It can basically be any larger known ST faction. At least one former occupying force will be needed here.)
  • Offering medical (and potentially further humanitarian) aid to the Chezuu. Subsequently freeing them of the curse and making future abductions obsolete.
  • Take aboard the abductees, make sure they are safe and healthy and then never come back to this post apocalyptic dumpster fire of a planet!
Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
  • Flight: Maneuvering through the extensive debris field, and potentially evading the core planet's automated attacks. Depending on valuable information to be extracted from neighbouring wreckages, shuttle parties may be dispatched to skim through the vicinity.
  • Engineering: Trying to hold the ship/s together in between boarding parties, automated attacks and potential other ships caught in the same trap/s. Finding ways to circumvent both: The traps as well as the planetary defense grid. Later (together with Science) analysing the technology/technologies originally used to reverse engineer these systems.
  • Operations: Coordinating the investigation of the debris field and later managing contact to away team/landing party. Further observation of the planet's own radio transmissions to help the scientists and engineers to put together a clearer picture of the Chezuu, their factions and motivations.
  • Security and Tactical: Dealing with intruders kidnapping crew members and civilians. Later escorting the away team/s and potentially fending off splinter groups trying to either catch the newcomers or steal their technology.
  • Medical: Originally determining genetic similarities among abductees, later identifying the condition of the natives and coming up with a potential cure. Potential psychological evaluations of the Chezuus' behaviour may further help paint a clearer picture of the events. Further input and assistance for the away teams will be welcome too.
  • Science: Together with Engineering: Finding ways to circumvent both, the ship traps as well as the planetary defense grid. Later [unless any of the players stem from a faction stating to be past occupant of this system-] analysing and backtracking the technology used and associating it with it's original owner. On the planet: Backtracking the source of the omnipresent environmental damage and radiation, and generally assisting their away teams.
Of course there is way more to it, but I did not want to spoil every single detail here.
Let me know if you'll like the mission. I'd certainly like to see it getting used. ^.^

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams


Quote from: Don Damien Addams on September 13, 2021, 01:41:15 AM

Don or Balan would like to do this mission

Glad to read you'd be interested in it. :)

Of course it will be up to the CLOS to decide whether or not to pick this suggestion, but if, I'd be looking forward to have you and more potentially interested people be assigned. ^^

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams

If things don't work out for this simm. It always can shift to a ship instead

Kimiko Sugiyama

Agreed with Don - that is a really neat mission idea. The smaller PC requirement makes me think a smaller scout ship would be good for it.


The ship class is already set and will be a Galaxy class.
(The story unfolding throughout the mission will require a larger group of background people. ^^)
I am glad you like it though :)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Don Damien Addams

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on September 23, 2021, 07:12:31 AM

Agreed with Don - that is a really neat mission idea. The smaller PC requirement makes me think a smaller scout ship would be good for it.

Are you back and playing with us?

I truly like your style.



I LOVE this submission so much. It sounds absolutely exciting and adventurous! I'm certainly interested in this!
(Sorry for not commenting on this earlier, my brain has been all over the place)

Kyan Mackenzie

Count me in on this if it's accepted. I love the story idea! I've got a few other characters that I'd like to play with so I'll wait until people have shown up before settling on one.


Folks, there'll be communications about the Featured Simms in due course. For now, have a think about the role/position you'd want to apply for. Whether it is your current character, your current character with a spin, or a brand new creation.

Biography and Service Record (updated 20th August, 2021)

We are T'Vas. Your face claim and rank/position will be adapted into service. Resisting signatures is futile.


Quote from: Xasik on September 25, 2021, 01:10:01 AM

I LOVE this submission so much. It sounds absolutely exciting and adventurous! I'm certainly interested in this!
(Sorry for not commenting on this earlier, my brain has been all over the place)

Awww, many thanks for your kind words! <3
I am very glad to read that you would be interested to join, and looking forward to what you will bring to the table.
(No worries, it's all good. After all, participating is nothing mandatory. It is flexing the creative muscles and having fun. You do not owe us anything. :))
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 25, 2021, 01:31:26 AM

Count me in on this if it's accepted. I love the story idea! I've got a few other characters that I'd like to play with so I'll wait until people have shown up before settling on one.

Ooooh nice! I am very glad to read that you would be interested and would very much be looking forward to see what you have in store for us.
Your portrayal and writing is borderline insane in all the right ways. ^^
Quote from: T'Vas on September 25, 2021, 01:41:27 AM

Folks, there'll be communications about the Featured Simms in due course. For now, have a think about the role/position you'd want to apply for. Whether it is your current character, your current character with a spin, or a brand new creation.

I will be more than curious to see whether and who will pick new positions.
(Depending n that I will be flexible with my own choice of whom/what to play here.)

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Now that I'm back if this goes ahead you may put me down for Hrafn (et al), Ruth (et al - FYI that's her twin sisters Arya [Science] and Katya [Security] ) and potentially I could bring back Doc McGellen (aka Lawrie... plus his 'posse' of medical personnel).

Let me know, I'm interested.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

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