Featured Simm outline and rules

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 01, 2021, 10:37:20 PM

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Kyle Briggs

Featured Simm outline:

1.       Players submit missions with the number of players required.
2.       CLOs chose a mission and announce it.
3.       Players that are interested sign up for the mission below the submission.
4.       If enough players are interested, the mission runner then assigns roles and ranks and mission is a go.


1.       Players main SIMMS still come first (If a player is found to be ignoring their main simm, they will be pulled from FS).
2.       A CLO will be assigned to each simm as a co-mod.
3.       No limit to number of players.
4.       Players may only submit one mission at a time. Once your mission has been chosen, you can then submit another one.
5.       FS does not have to be canon. Get as creative as you want. However, if you are doing a canon simm, be sure to mention it so your players will know.
6.      If a simm isn't canon, it still needs to stay within the realm and morals of Star Trek and within the Star Trek Universe. (Ex: No Dr Who, Star Wars etc"¦..). It must also continue to abide by all Shadowfleet rules. If you have questions, please reach out to a CLO.

*The CLOs reserve the right to edit/revise the above as issues arise

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