"Here's to the Moosers"~ Mission Synopsis and plot discussion

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, March 01, 2024, 05:16:51 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

"Here's to the Moosers" - Feature mission

Setting: It is 2350, a full decade before the Spandex revolution of the 2360s. Picard is still tooling around on the Stargazer, and all of the heroes you know are either still in grade school, the Academy, or just starting their careers. It's a time of relative peace and prosperity. Our story follows a very unique group of Starfleet Cadets on their Summer Cruise.

You've likely heard of Nova Squadron, Red Squad, or one of the other elite groups of Starfleet cadets. But there is another exclusive group of cadets walking the hallowed halls in San Fransisco that you might not know about. That's probably because while their group is exclusive, they're anything but "elite." Known derisively as "Moo Squad" by other cadets, these cadets are the misfits, the malcontents, the dregs of the Academy. Most of them are close to washing out. This summer cruise is their last chance to show the faculty as the Academy that they belong.

The "Moo Squad" nickname comes from the location of the Camp where they spend their summer cruise each year, Camp Aranyo. It is a facility run by a Grazerite Upsol that specializes in team building and personal growth. The camp is based on the third planet in the Kohlan system, which borders the Ferengi Alliance. For the past one hundred years, the Aranyo Upsol has operated their namesake camp and helped scores of would be washouts save their Starfleet careers.

Mission Synopsis: A Ferengi businessman tricks the aging patriarch of the Aranyo Upsol to sell him exclusive rights to the rare mineral deposits on the planet. Unfortunately this means the end of Camp Aranyo"¦ unless the rag tag band of misfit cadets and their instructors can band together and save the day.

Possible Player Character Options: The cadets are intended to be the heroes of the story, but they're not the only ones at the camp. If you have another idea for a character, feel free to explore other options too.

If you choose to play a cadet, remember that these are not the cream of the crop. While they might be good in one or some areas, all of them are potential washout for one reason or another. Over the course of the mission they'll grow some, but starting off these characters have some pretty noticeable flaws to work on.

Mission Type: This is a light-hearted, comedy type mission with a chance to dive into some character development.

Rayek trLhoell

Those who might be interested in this feature simm mission (and are not already a part of Malik's), please reply below.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

J.B Dersch

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

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