Caffeine Lovers Poll!

Started by Jeric Th'Zan, September 22, 2018, 10:09:57 AM

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Jeric Th'Zan

Are you a mocha soy latte type of gal? Non fat cappuccino? Just plain cuppa?


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Plain Jane, black coffee. I'm a regular joe and I like my joe regular!

Jeric Th'Zan

Kinley Garrison

For religious (and other personal reasons as I think both are gross) I don't drink coffee or tea. But i have recently discovered Mtn Dew. (And now I'm not allowed to have any past 9:30 pm)

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

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Judith Eastman

I like a modest amount of cream and just a little sugar. Not too much, but a little is nice.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Rayek trLhoell

I enjoy coffee with my cream and sugar.  I particularly like the favored creams like French Vanilla or Irish Cream

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


I like a like coffee with my sugar - or so I have been told ;-)

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Malik Grippen

With milk (why would you put cream in), no sugar - I'm sweet enough.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


I don't do caffeine for health reasons. I gave it up years ago and now even just a little bit makes me sick.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 22, 2018, 10:40:49 AM

For religious (and other personal reasons as I think both are gross) I don't drink coffee or tea. But i have recently discovered Mtn Dew. (And now I'm not allowed to have any past 9:30 pm)

If you don't mind me asking, I'm simply curious, but isn't Mtn Dew and other caffeinated beverages also forbidden by the same rule that bans coffee and tea? I've fallen out of touch with the Mormon friends I had years ago, but I seem to remember them not drinking any soda at all. Or do you let yourself have it as an exception?

Again, I'm just curious. I'm in no way judging your choices. I, myself, love shellfish and I occasionally eat some bacon.

Jeric Th'Zan

Quote from: Naira on September 23, 2018, 05:15:21 AM

I don't do caffeine for health reasons. I gave it up years ago and now even just a little bit makes me sick.

If you don't mind me asking, I'm simply curious, but isn't Mtn Dew and other caffeinated beverages also forbidden by the same rule that bans coffee and tea? I've fallen out of touch with the Mormon friends I had years ago, but I seem to remember them not drinking any soda at all. Or do you let yourself have it as an exception?

Again, I'm just curious. I'm in no way judging your choices. I, myself, love shellfish and I occasionally eat some bacon.

As the other person with the unusual religion I'll leap to Kinkey's defense against your BLISTERING cavalcade of questions (I'm joking). Hot, stimulating beverages are frowned up in Mormonism, though some sects ban cold ones, as well.

Thanks to our having Andy Reid as the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles I know a few things.

Felicity Ellis

Black for me, no milk or sugar needed. Or if the occasion calls for it, a drop or two of whiskey.  :P

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Naira on September 23, 2018, 05:15:21 AM

I don't do caffeine for health reasons. I gave it up years ago and now even just a little bit makes me sick.

If you don't mind me asking, I'm simply curious, but isn't Mtn Dew and other caffeinated beverages also forbidden by the same rule that bans coffee and tea? I've fallen out of touch with the Mormon friends I had years ago, but I seem to remember them not drinking any soda at all. Or do you let yourself have it as an exception?

Again, I'm just curious. I'm in no way judging your choices. I, myself, love shellfish and I occasionally eat some bacon.

Some people interpret it like that (my parents included.) though some don't. There's no hard and fast rule there except to use your best judgment.  But we are advised to stay away from coffee and tea, as those can be addictive.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Jeric Th'Zan

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on September 23, 2018, 11:20:01 AM

Black for me, no milk or sugar needed. Or if the occasion calls for it, a drop or two of whiskey.  :P

Yes! Irish coffee at brunch on Sundays :D


Quote from: Jeric Th'Zan on September 23, 2018, 06:52:18 AM

As the other person with the unusual religion I'll leap to Kinkey's defense against your BLISTERING cavalcade of questions (I'm joking). Hot, stimulating beverages are frowned up in Mormonism, though some sects ban cold ones, as well.

Thanks to our having Andy Reid as the head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles I know a few things.

What? It has to do with the temperature of the beverage? I had not heard that one before. I thought it had to do with the caffeine in the beverage being considered an addictive drug.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 23, 2018, 11:40:23 AM

Some people interpret it like that (my parents included.) though some don't. There's no hard and fast rule there except to use your best judgment.  But we are advised to stay away from coffee and tea, as those can be addictive.

Oh okay. I was curious and wasn't sure about that, but I know that Mtn Dew has a ton of sugar and caffeine in it, so I was a bit confused why one might be considered okay but the others not be.

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