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Dance-Off (Nira, Tora, Zhuk, et al)

Started by Nira Said, December 19, 2023, 08:44:10 AM

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Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Finally. The first best chance she had in a long time. It had been far too long since Nira last turned on her program, what with her duties as First Officer and all. She was really looking forward to it.

"Computer, activate Program Said Hareem One," she ordered the computer. And just like that, a dance hall simmered to existence, a dance hall straight from Arabia, traditionally decorated, with seats for audience members, if Nira so chose to activate an audience...but most of the time, she preferred doing it alone, with only an occasional real member: Savar. Despite the fact she wished it was Malik instead...

She had a veil wrapped around her, looking like a robe, and now that it was on, she loosened it and it flowed off from her until it dangled from her wrists, ready to flow with the dance. Underneath, she had her usual dance attire, something appropriate for a dance environment, or an outfit befitting an Orion dancer, or something otherwise for the day at the beach. Time to dance.

"Computer, activate program music," Nira ordered, and a melody of oboes and drums sounded, without the need for holographic musicians to be activated. And Nira begun her dance, twirling her veil and moving like a snake all over, from her arms to her hips. It was a pity Savar wasn't here to join her; Nira would've appreciated a small audience or some company. But, as it was, it was her expectation to dance alone.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had hoped for a nice, relaxing swim session at the pristine beaches of Suraya Bay. Sure, she could've chosen to do it in a pool instead, but the waves of the ocean were what made swimming in it a real challenge. Fighting the current and buffeting waves trained water confidence like no other experience (except in the Academy's training pool, with its wave machine, in that one time she and her classmate had done her water confidence training, perhaps) in the universe in her opinion and she was secretly glad for the times her aunt had taken her swimming.

So when she'd showed up at the holodeck in a white sundress with a basket of snacks in her right hand she hadn't expected the holodeck to be occupied - or to see the First Officer dancing alone, the sole occupant of a lavishly decorated performance hall (Arabic, judging by the style of it) and showing much more skin than she had ever imagined her being want to do with her outfit. Not that she didn't look good while doing it, or put on a spectacular performance, mind. The Commander's movements were fluid and practised; clearly she knew what she was doing. Tora barely noticed that she was staring and walking further and further into the holodeck until she tripped over something soft and faceplanted on the floor with a winded grunt.


Nira Said

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 19, 2023, 09:16:27 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had hoped for a nice, relaxing swim session at the pristine beaches of Suraya Bay. Sure, she could've chosen to do it in a pool instead, but the waves of the ocean were what made swimming in it a real challenge. Fighting the current and buffeting waves trained water confidence like no other experience (except in the Academy's training pool, with its wave machine, in that one time she and her classmate had done her water confidence training, perhaps) in the universe in her opinion and she was secretly glad for the times her aunt had taken her swimming.

So when she'd showed up at the holodeck in a white sundress with a basket of snacks in her right hand she hadn't expected the holodeck to be occupied - or to see the First Officer dancing alone, the sole occupant of a lavishly decorated performance hall (Arabic, judging by the style of it) and showing much more skin than she had ever imagined her being want to do with her outfit. Not that she didn't look good while doing it, or put on a spectacular performance, mind. The Commander's movements were fluid and practised; clearly she knew what she was doing. Tora barely noticed that she was staring and walking further and further into the holodeck until she tripped over something soft and faceplanted on the floor with a winded grunt.


[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was roused from her enjoyment of dancing when she heard the grunt. She looked around and saw Tora Zalos on the ground.

"Oh. Hello, Tora," she said. "Computer, pause program."

When the program paused the music, Nira came over and helped her up. She could see that the young Cardassian was dressed for something that clearly meant a lot of sun.

"This is quite the surprise," she said with a grin. She then gestured around and said, "If you were wondering...this is something out of my home in Arabia...I've been raised on Earth there. I really enjoy dancing when I'm able to. I never mind showing skin, as a Betazoid," she said, gesturing to herself with a smile. "Not too much, of course, at least I wear more at off-duty times, but I enjoy dancing when I can. If you'd like some time in the sun, well, I can always adjust the program for a good setting."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Oh, no, no, it's alright! I don't want to interrupt your dance session - it's- it's just that you dance really, really well and I was just watching from the door-" Tora felt heat rise to her cheeks as the words sort of tumbled out of her mouth in embarrassment. She hadn't intended to be that big of an interruption to the Commander at all.

"Speaking of dancing and all. I haven't danced in forever, now that I think about it." Tora quipped as she dusted herself off. "I learned traditional Risian dance in school for fun, actually, so I'd honestly be glad to join you, if you'll give me a few minutes to change."

Nira Said

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 19, 2023, 07:44:23 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Oh, no, no, it's alright! I don't want to interrupt your dance session - it's- it's just that you dance really, really well and I was just watching from the door-" Tora felt heat rise to her cheeks as the words sort of tumbled out of her mouth in embarrassment. She hadn't intended to be that big of an interruption to the Commander at all.

"Speaking of dancing and all. I haven't danced in forever, now that I think about it." Tora quipped as she dusted herself off. "I learned traditional Risian dance in school for fun, actually, so I'd honestly be glad to join you, if you'll give me a few minutes to change."

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Thank you very much," said Nira at Tora's compliment. "And that's okay...I often get that in that past."

When Tora mentioned she had dancing talent, Nira raised eyebrows in interest and grinned. "Why, I'd be glad to see your dance talent. Take all the time you'd like, I'll be here," she said. "Computer, resume program."

She winked in delight and continued dancing, waiting for Tora to arrive. Risian dance...? She was interested in seeing it. What was more, it made her think of Taja and wondered if she knew Risian dancing herself, but she'd be curious to see from Tora.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Nira Said on December 19, 2023, 08:27:33 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Thank you very much," said Nira at Tora's compliment. "And that's okay...I often get that in that past."

When Tora mentioned she had dancing talent, Nira raised eyebrows in interest and grinned. "Why, I'd be glad to see your dance talent. Take all the time you'd like, I'll be here," she said. "Computer, resume program."

She winked in delight and continued dancing, waiting for Tora to arrive. Risian dance...? She was interested in seeing it. What was more, it made her think of Taja and wondered if she knew Risian dancing herself, but she'd be curious to see from Tora.

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It'd really been nearly forever since Tora had put on her old dancing garb - or anything from before her time as a cadet, really. Ever since leaving Deep Space Seven for Earth she'd decided to dress more appropriately to her new station in life and had thus reserved such outfits for special occasions - which this certainly counted as in her opinion. The Cardassian scuttled off behind a pillar in the far corner of the hall to change with nostalgia warming her chest.

When she returned to Nira next, a few minutes later, gone was the white sundress and hat that she'd worn here; those were stowed in a tote bag she'd gotten the holodeck to give her. Now she wore a cream-colored bandeau top that wrapped around her chest, a shimmering gossamer skirt around her hips and anklets fitted with bells that tinkled as she walked. Silver armbands, intricately simple, circled her biceps. Risian dance outfits were designed to draw the eyes and call attention to every part of the dancer's body as they performed. Tora had always rather liked that aspect of the art.

"It's been a while. It feels good to be back, though, even if it's just for tonight." Tora remarked as she stretched her arms. "How do I look?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 19, 2023, 10:36:14 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It'd really been nearly forever since Tora had put on her old dancing garb - or anything from before her time as a cadet, really. Ever since leaving Deep Space Seven for Earth she'd decided to dress more appropriately to her new station in life and had thus reserved such outfits for special occasions - which this certainly counted as in her opinion. The Cardassian scuttled off behind a pillar in the far corner of the hall to change with nostalgia warming her chest.

When she returned to Nira next, a few minutes later, gone was the white sundress and hat that she'd worn here; those were stowed in a tote bag she'd gotten the holodeck to give her. Now she wore a cream-colored bandeau top that wrapped around her chest, a shimmering gossamer skirt around her hips and anklets fitted with bells that tinkled as she walked. Silver armbands, intricately simple, circled her biceps. Risian dance outfits were designed to draw the eyes and call attention to every part of the dancer's body as they performed. Tora had always rather liked that aspect of the art.

"It's been a while. It feels good to be back, though, even if it's just for tonight." Tora remarked as she stretched her arms. "How do I look?"

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira finished her round and waited for Tora to emerge. She was amazed by what she saw. It was certainly something out of Risa, even if Tora was a Cardassian. A beach dancer, in a way. Nira had to admit, her attire compared differently; Nira's own top wasn't a bandeau, but a pair of shells, painted a little to look like it was made of jewelry, and adjustable to conform to size, held up by straps around her neck and back, and lined at the bottom with a small row of coins and rings. She wore not a skirt but a loin cloth, though the straps were lined with coins that made a different tinkle than Tora's skirt; the tinkle particularly was that of coins swishing in a pouch.

Of course, Nira also wore armbands, but they were golden, rather than silver, and they were a little more elaborate. In comparison, Nira had more jewelry, but her outfit definitely had something in common with Tora's: To call attention of eyes to everywhere. It was definitely a Risan look, she could almost imagine Taja in an outfit like that.

"Why, that's amazing!" said Nira. "You about as beautiful as I am. It's very easy to imagine that we would draw crowds if we performed on stages around the quadrant."

She sat at some pillows, interested to see Tora's dance style. "Okay, let's see your style of dance, Tora," she said, allowing the music to continue on.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 19, 2023, 10:36:14 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It'd really been nearly forever since Tora had put on her old dancing garb - or anything from before her time as a cadet, really. Ever since leaving Deep Space Seven for Earth she'd decided to dress more appropriately to her new station in life and had thus reserved such outfits for special occasions - which this certainly counted as in her opinion. The Cardassian scuttled off behind a pillar in the far corner of the hall to change with nostalgia warming her chest.

When she returned to Nira next, a few minutes later, gone was the white sundress and hat that she'd worn here; those were stowed in a tote bag she'd gotten the holodeck to give her. Now she wore a cream-colored bandeau top that wrapped around her chest, a shimmering gossamer skirt around her hips and anklets fitted with bells that tinkled as she walked. Silver armbands, intricately simple, circled her biceps. Risian dance outfits were designed to draw the eyes and call attention to every part of the dancer's body as they performed. Tora had always rather liked that aspect of the art.

"It's been a while. It feels good to be back, though, even if it's just for tonight." Tora remarked as she stretched her arms. "How do I look?"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 19, 2023, 11:25:21 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira finished her round and waited for Tora to emerge. She was amazed by what she saw. It was certainly something out of Risa, even if Tora was a Cardassian. A beach dancer, in a way. Nira had to admit, her attire compared differently; Nira's own top wasn't a bandeau, but a pair of shells, painted a little to look like it was made of jewelry, and adjustable to conform to size, held up by straps around her neck and back, and lined at the bottom with a small row of coins and rings. She wore not a skirt but a loin cloth, though the straps were lined with coins that made a different tinkle than Tora's skirt; the tinkle particularly was that of coins swishing in a pouch.

Of course, Nira also wore armbands, but they were golden, rather than silver, and they were a little more elaborate. In comparison, Nira had more jewelry, but her outfit definitely had something in common with Tora's: To call attention of eyes to everywhere. It was definitely a Risan look, she could almost imagine Taja in an outfit like that.

"Why, that's amazing!" said Nira. "You about as beautiful as I am. It's very easy to imagine that we would draw crowds if we performed on stages around the quadrant."

She sat at some pillows, interested to see Tora's dance style. "Okay, let's see your style of dance, Tora," she said, allowing the music to continue on.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Suddenly, the doors to Holodeck One opened again, and a familiar figure with reddish-orange fur and a feline appearance walked in. He wore a Captain's Outfit belonging to the now extinct, 484-year-old Russian Imperial Navy. However, as peculiarly dressed as he was, his attention quickly was set on the space he found himself in.

He glanced around, his head tilted slightly to the side, his ears pointing forward, and his pupils dilated as he watched the new, unfamiliar setting that had been replicated. He stopped suddenly, once his eyes found Tora and Nira within, with rather appealing outfits he couldn't help but admire for a moment. Realizing that perhaps he should have not intruded upon their Holodeck simulation, however, he decided to glance away as he placed his hands behind his back,

"Ah... mine apologies. Holodeck Two was experiencing certain issues, thus I decided to inspect Holodeck One to see if I could employ it. It seems that to not be the case," He made a pause, wondering something for a moment, "I shalt take my leave if you kindly ask me to, though I must first ask... are you practicing your dances? If so, perhaps I could too show you what my... what was taught to me."

He wondered for a moment if such a proposition had been a good idea. It had been a good while since he had attempted to dance, and he certainly did not want to offend his Commander. Or the Ensign. But perhaps this was the right moment to come to terms with it, plus showing off.

There was no taking back his offer if they accepted, in any case. So, he waited.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had known that Zhuk had been raised to be an entertainer for a while, of his own volition or not. That was likely where the whole Shakespearean talk came from, she reckoned, and she still had yet to convince him to stop using it - now that he didn't need to be someone else's personal performer anymore he didn't need to speak like that! Force of habit, perhaps.

Yet it somehow shocked her that as much as she'd always envisioned him being able to do all manner of things from sing to serve tea to recite poetry verbatim dance had never been one of them. An image of him breaking into a suave waltz with one of them popped into her head, or maybe one of those Charlie Chaplin-esque performances she'd seen once or twice - now that was a pretty darn weird image. That said the possibility of him having been taught to belly dance or something like that was equally real - in the same way some men took up pole dancing.


"You're welcome to join us, Zhuk. I was just about to dance for the Commander here - you're welcome to watch, and then we'll be pleased to sample what you have in store." Tora smiled at the Caitian and turned, walking back to her previous spot with carefully choreographed steps and a deliberate sway to her hips that made the bells on her ankles tinkle. Risian dance started even before the performers made their first moves; the audience's eyes were on you the minute you entered the room, which therefore made the entrance itself a performance of its own.

"Now! Commander, I hope you don't mind - I like this music of yours, but Risian performances are meant to be savored like indulgences. So we'll need something slower and softer. Computer, pause presently playing ambient music and play Risian Moonlight."

It brought a smile to Tora's lips to hear the soft, sybillant notes of the Risan flute drifting through the air, gentle on the ears like a breeze's caress. Tora brought her arms in to her chest and spread them in a slow, deliberate flourish, mimicking the blooming of a flower. This style of dance was meant for the Lohlunat Festival where the moonlight would reflect off the silver of her adornments and lend to the experience, but the lights of the dance hall would have to do for now. The bells on her ankles tinkled as she transitioned to a slow, deliberate spin on the spot, and the shimmerint gossamer of her skirt lifted slightly in the updraft. Every movement was curated to draw eyes but keep attention on the dancer's whole body. So much for not having done this in a while - Cardassian eidetic memory seemed to have served Tora well.

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 20, 2023, 12:06:40 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Suddenly, the doors to Holodeck One opened again, and a familiar figure with reddish-orange fur and a feline appearance walked in. He wore a Captain's Outfit belonging to the now extinct, 484-year-old Russian Imperial Navy. However, as peculiarly dressed as he was, his attention quickly was set on the space he found himself in.

He glanced around, his head tilted slightly to the side, his ears pointing forward, and his pupils dilated as he watched the new, unfamiliar setting that had been replicated. He stopped suddenly, once his eyes found Tora and Nira within, with rather appealing outfits he couldn't help but admire for a moment. Realizing that perhaps he should have not intruded upon their Holodeck simulation, however, he decided to glance away as he placed his hands behind his back,

"Ah... mine apologies. Holodeck Two was experiencing certain issues, thus I decided to inspect Holodeck One to see if I could employ it. It seems that to not be the case," He made a pause, wondering something for a moment, "I shalt take my leave if you kindly ask me to, though I must first ask... are you practicing your dances? If so, perhaps I could too show you what my... what was taught to me."

He wondered for a moment if such a proposition had been a good idea. It had been a good while since he had attempted to dance, and he certainly did not want to offend his Commander. Or the Ensign. But perhaps this was the right moment to come to terms with it, plus showing off.

There was no taking back his offer if they accepted, in any case. So, he waited.

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around and was surprised to see Zhuk entering the holodeck. He certainly looked like he was about to act out something in the holodeck, what with his uniform. His explanation certainly made sense; if Holodeck Two wasn't working, there could be a good chance they could have an audience...

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 20, 2023, 12:51:02 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had known that Zhuk had been raised to be an entertainer for a while, of his own volition or not. That was likely where the whole Shakespearean talk came from, she reckoned, and she still had yet to convince him to stop using it - now that he didn't need to be someone else's personal performer anymore he didn't need to speak like that! Force of habit, perhaps.

Yet it somehow shocked her that as much as she'd always envisioned him being able to do all manner of things from sing to serve tea to recite poetry verbatim dance had never been one of them. An image of him breaking into a suave waltz with one of them popped into her head, or maybe one of those Charlie Chaplin-esque performances she'd seen once or twice - now that was a pretty darn weird image. That said the possibility of him having been taught to belly dance or something like that was equally real - in the same way some men took up pole dancing.


"You're welcome to join us, Zhuk. I was just about to dance for the Commander here - you're welcome to watch, and then we'll be pleased to sample what you have in store." Tora smiled at the Caitian and turned, walking back to her previous spot with carefully choreographed steps and a deliberate sway to her hips that made the bells on her ankles tinkle. Risian dance started even before the performers made their first moves; the audience's eyes were on you the minute you entered the room, which therefore made the entrance itself a performance of its own.

"Now! Commander, I hope you don't mind - I like this music of yours, but Risian performances are meant to be savored like indulgences. So we'll need something slower and softer. Computer, pause presently playing ambient music and play Risian Moonlight."

It brought a smile to Tora's lips to hear the soft, sybillant notes of the Risan flute drifting through the air, gentle on the ears like a breeze's caress. Tora brought her arms in to her chest and spread them in a slow, deliberate flourish, mimicking the blooming of a flower. This style of dance was meant for the Lohlunat Festival where the moonlight would reflect off the silver of her adornments and lend to the experience, but the lights of the dance hall would have to do for now. The bells on her ankles tinkled as she transitioned to a slow, deliberate spin on the spot, and the shimmerint gossamer of her skirt lifted slightly in the updraft. Every movement was curated to draw eyes but keep attention on the dancer's whole body. So much for not having done this in a while - Cardassian eidetic memory seemed to have served Tora well.

The mention of his dancing talents made Nira interested. "Well, let's see what Tora can do. You can go next, Zhuk," she said. At Tora's request of slower music, Nira nodded in acknowledgement. Granted, she always preferred having her dance music slow, but some of her music selections, they can't help but speed up at times.

Then Tora proceeded to dance with the Risan flute music. Nira watched with interest, her dancer's eye taking note of her dance motions. She was impressed by her dance talent.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 20, 2023, 12:51:02 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had known that Zhuk had been raised to be an entertainer for a while, of his own volition or not. That was likely where the whole Shakespearean talk came from, she reckoned, and she still had yet to convince him to stop using it - now that he didn't need to be someone else's personal performer anymore he didn't need to speak like that! Force of habit, perhaps.

Yet it somehow shocked her that as much as she'd always envisioned him being able to do all manner of things from sing to serve tea to recite poetry verbatim dance had never been one of them. An image of him breaking into a suave waltz with one of them popped into her head, or maybe one of those Charlie Chaplin-esque performances she'd seen once or twice - now that was a pretty darn weird image. That said the possibility of him having been taught to belly dance or something like that was equally real - in the same way some men took up pole dancing.


"You're welcome to join us, Zhuk. I was just about to dance for the Commander here - you're welcome to watch, and then we'll be pleased to sample what you have in store." Tora smiled at the Caitian and turned, walking back to her previous spot with carefully choreographed steps and a deliberate sway to her hips that made the bells on her ankles tinkle. Risian dance started even before the performers made their first moves; the audience's eyes were on you the minute you entered the room, which therefore made the entrance itself a performance of its own.

"Now! Commander, I hope you don't mind - I like this music of yours, but Risian performances are meant to be savored like indulgences. So we'll need something slower and softer. Computer, pause presently playing ambient music and play Risian Moonlight."

It brought a smile to Tora's lips to hear the soft, sybillant notes of the Risan flute drifting through the air, gentle on the ears like a breeze's caress. Tora brought her arms in to her chest and spread them in a slow, deliberate flourish, mimicking the blooming of a flower. This style of dance was meant for the Lohlunat Festival where the moonlight would reflect off the silver of her adornments and lend to the experience, but the lights of the dance hall would have to do for now. The bells on her ankles tinkled as she transitioned to a slow, deliberate spin on the spot, and the shimmerint gossamer of her skirt lifted slightly in the updraft. Every movement was curated to draw eyes but keep attention on the dancer's whole body. So much for not having done this in a while - Cardassian eidetic memory seemed to have served Tora well.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 20, 2023, 01:18:35 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around and was surprised to see Zhuk entering the holodeck. He certainly looked like he was about to act out something in the holodeck, what with his uniform. His explanation certainly made sense; if Holodeck Two wasn't working, there could be a good chance they could have an audience...
The mention of his dancing talents made Nira interested. "Well, let's see what Tora can do. You can go next, Zhuk," she said. At Tora's request of slower music, Nira nodded in acknowledgement. Granted, she always preferred having her dance music slow, but some of her music selections, they can't help but speed up at times.

Then Tora proceeded to dance with the Risan flute music. Nira watched with interest, her dancer's eye taking note of her dance motions. She was impressed by her dance talent.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Mrekrerhas felt relief at the invitation to stay, glad the two women welcomed his presence. Even if he had intruded upon what could be considered Nira's private sanctum. He offered a smile to Tora in return,

"Thank thee. I greatly appreciate it."

Zhuk sat on some of the pillows close to where the Commander had settled in, to observe Tora's performance. His dichroic green eyes followed the soft movement of her hips, as she approached the stage, his ears swishing at the change of music. A tranquil, soft melody lifted his heart as he saw Tora mimic the sprouting of a flower with her arms. Her spin made her adornments glow somewhat under the lights of the scenery, causing Zhuk to unwittingly swish his tail behind him at the presentation. Awed, he kept watching on with clear interest, barely blinking to not lose track of the motions.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had long grown accustomed to the feeling of having people's eyes on her - for a variety of reasons, be it admiring her as she performed for them, distracted gazes of tired, lonely patrons as she served them as a dabo girl or, especially in Starfleet, disgust or disdain from those who refused to let the bygones of her species be bygones. She'd met a few of them, including one instructor of hers. In any case, she'd learned to shake them off or savor them depending on the situation; it was all part of the fun after all. In this case, she could feel both Zhuk and the first officer's gazes on her, appreciatively, and she was perfectly fine with that.

Risian dance was about sensuality and, above all, audience engagement. Tora did not have the luxury of other dancers with her as she normally would've (bah, she should've thought of generating a few more dancers then, she thought to herself), so just herself would have to do. Graceful and delicately as a loose flower drifting in the wind she walked towards her captive audience, one slow, sensual step at a time, and twirled around them. Risian dance also called for the dancers to gently touch the shoulders of their guests as they drifted by, but she was not certain of their comfort level, and thus decided to leave that part out. For now.

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 21, 2023, 11:48:43 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Mrekrerhas felt relief at the invitation to stay, glad the two women welcomed his presence. Even if he had intruded upon what could be considered Nira's private sanctum. He offered a smile to Tora in return,

"Thank thee. I greatly appreciate it."

Zhuk sat on some of the pillows close to where the Commander had settled in, to observe Tora's performance. His dichroic green eyes followed the soft movement of her hips, as she approached the stage, his ears swishing at the change of music. A tranquil, soft melody lifted his heart as he saw Tora mimic the sprouting of a flower with her arms. Her spin made her adornments glow somewhat under the lights of the scenery, causing Zhuk to unwittingly swish his tail behind him at the presentation. Awed, he kept watching on with clear interest, barely blinking to not lose track of the motions.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 23, 2023, 08:54:07 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had long grown accustomed to the feeling of having people's eyes on her - for a variety of reasons, be it admiring her as she performed for them, distracted gazes of tired, lonely patrons as she served them as a dabo girl or, especially in Starfleet, disgust or disdain from those who refused to let the bygones of her species be bygones. She'd met a few of them, including one instructor of hers. In any case, she'd learned to shake them off or savor them depending on the situation; it was all part of the fun after all. In this case, she could feel both Zhuk and the first officer's gazes on her, appreciatively, and she was perfectly fine with that.

Risian dance was about sensuality and, above all, audience engagement. Tora did not have the luxury of other dancers with her as she normally would've (bah, she should've thought of generating a few more dancers then, she thought to herself), so just herself would have to do. Graceful and delicately as a loose flower drifting in the wind she walked towards her captive audience, one slow, sensual step at a time, and twirled around them. Risian dance also called for the dancers to gently touch the shoulders of their guests as they drifted by, but she was not certain of their comfort level, and thus decided to leave that part out. For now.

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with interest as Tora made her dancing. She was watching with an analytical sense. Very impressive, and twirling around the audience was a nice touch. Zhuk seemed to be especially captivated.

"Amazing," said Nira. "You're excellent there. I think I see enough to judge you're excellent. Let's see about making it interesting. Shall we all dance together? Zhuk can demonstrate his skills and we can still dance. All together. A bit of a dance contest between the three of us."

She then arose and made a little twirl, giving a competetive expression with a grin. "If need be, we can conjure an audience in the program," she added with a widening grin.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Tora Zalos on December 23, 2023, 08:54:07 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Tora had long grown accustomed to the feeling of having people's eyes on her - for a variety of reasons, be it admiring her as she performed for them, distracted gazes of tired, lonely patrons as she served them as a dabo girl or, especially in Starfleet, disgust or disdain from those who refused to let the bygones of her species be bygones. She'd met a few of them, including one instructor of hers. In any case, she'd learned to shake them off or savor them depending on the situation; it was all part of the fun after all. In this case, she could feel both Zhuk and the first officer's gazes on her, appreciatively, and she was perfectly fine with that.

Risian dance was about sensuality and, above all, audience engagement. Tora did not have the luxury of other dancers with her as she normally would've (bah, she should've thought of generating a few more dancers then, she thought to herself), so just herself would have to do. Graceful and delicately as a loose flower drifting in the wind she walked towards her captive audience, one slow, sensual step at a time, and twirled around them. Risian dance also called for the dancers to gently touch the shoulders of their guests as they drifted by, but she was not certain of their comfort level, and thus decided to leave that part out. For now.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 23, 2023, 09:18:13 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with interest as Tora made her dancing. She was watching with an analytical sense. Very impressive, and twirling around the audience was a nice touch. Zhuk seemed to be especially captivated.

"Amazing," said Nira. "You're excellent there. I think I see enough to judge you're excellent. Let's see about making it interesting. Shall we all dance together? Zhuk can demonstrate his skills and we can still dance. All together. A bit of a dance contest between the three of us."

She then arose and made a little twirl, giving a competetive expression with a grin. "If need be, we can conjure an audience in the program," she added with a widening grin.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk leaned backward into the comfortable pillows to keep admiring the elegant, gorgeous steps of Tora. He couldn't help but become entranced by them, in his first experience with Risan culture. He had never been to Risa, and indeed, he had not yet interacted (as far as he knew) with anyone from the planet. But now, he could understand where its popularity stemmed from. Still, he did his best to nod and stroke at his chin every once in a while as the performance went on, not wanting to be seen as rude.

In the end, he couldn't help but clap earnestly at Tora, a smile coming across his face as Nira proceeded to praise her. He was somewhat surprised by the proposal made by the Commander, however, as she suggested for the three of them to take to the stage. After her enjoyable twirl, Zhuk followed after,

"While certainly unexpected, I do not have any qualms against such a proposal, Commander. I shalt leave the decision of an audience to you, however. Also... do excuse me while I change into something more... appropriate, please."

And he headed off for a moment, leaving the two to mingle as he searched for a changing room in the Holodeck. Unfortunately, he found none, so he proceeded to unknowingly imitate Tora and change behind one of the large pillars of the room. He politely asked the simulation for his choice of attire, which was quick to give exactly to his heart's desire.

It took him a moment to remove his elegant, fancy clothing, but eventually he reappeared.

A significant amount of reddish-orange, fluffy fur was now in view, and though obscured by it, glimpses of his athletic form could be found underneath. A veil-like, slightly translucent purple cloth covered his chest. Similarly to Nira herself, he wore a loincloth with fringes, of the same color as his top. Around his tail, a small circlet could be seen closer to the base, which was more clearly seen as he gave a small spin in front of them,

"How do I look, esteemed dames?"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 24, 2023, 12:06:29 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhuk leaned backward into the comfortable pillows to keep admiring the elegant, gorgeous steps of Tora. He couldn't help but become entranced by them, in his first experience with Risan culture. He had never been to Risa, and indeed, he had not yet interacted (as far as he knew) with anyone from the planet. But now, he could understand where its popularity stemmed from. Still, he did his best to nod and stroke at his chin every once in a while as the performance went on, not wanting to be seen as rude.

In the end, he couldn't help but clap earnestly at Tora, a smile coming across his face as Nira proceeded to praise her. He was somewhat surprised by the proposal made by the Commander, however, as she suggested for the three of them to take to the stage. After her enjoyable twirl, Zhuk followed after,

"While certainly unexpected, I do not have any qualms against such a proposal, Commander. I shalt leave the decision of an audience to you, however. Also... do excuse me while I change into something more... appropriate, please."

And he headed off for a moment, leaving the two to mingle as he searched for a changing room in the Holodeck. Unfortunately, he found none, so he proceeded to unknowingly imitate Tora and change behind one of the large pillars of the room. He politely asked the simulation for his choice of attire, which was quick to give exactly to his heart's desire.

It took him a moment to remove his elegant, fancy clothing, but eventually he reappeared.

A significant amount of reddish-orange, fluffy fur was now in view, and though obscured by it, glimpses of his athletic form could be found underneath. A veil-like, slightly translucent purple cloth covered his chest. Similarly to Nira herself, he wore a loincloth with fringes, of the same color as his top. Around his tail, a small circlet could be seen closer to the base, which was more clearly seen as he gave a small spin in front of them,

"How do I look, esteemed dames?"

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck One | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira grinned at the sight. All the Caitians she had ever gotten to know seemed to have such good looking physiques. Zhuk certainly gave his physique excellently.

"Beautifully magnificent," said Nira, her deep voice suddenly taking a purr. "Now let's see how our litheness compares," she added with a wink. She gave another twirl and looked back and forth between Zhuk and Tora.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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